The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 14, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI. No. 3G.
Editor and Proprietor.
. No
Has ever found our Store, in all its
Departments, so well equipped.
The Stodk Includes ail the
L&tesl Novelties.
Spf'eciai a'tte'iiiion -is -called to our
-Like of Dress' ' Goods, Jack
ets, JWate'fproof Wraps,
Skirts, Snoes and Children's
- Clothing. Call ahd see. .
lUc Do not due
to as high a standard as our
O) us. hut f?- that von
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
place to
7. i ' BUY
L Fresh Fruits,
fresh everything to be had
el run our delivery wagon and our , aim is )
(0 to keen whab vou
please. Call
6. Boriiittg
?77 7'' 777.7
good bargains in stock,
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
r see me. 71 shall take" pleasure in' giving' you' all
. the reliable information you" wish, also showing
, you over the country. . -
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
s. ,. . . . ,
Physician :& Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets.. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. -Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon. , .
ti. ii. VV1JLSON,
Olpce In Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
desire would promote,
makft no mistalr in
Frcsb Uegefables,
in the market. We
want and'to OJ
and "see
grain, fruit and poultry
Philomath, Oregon. S
. f;
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done. '
Office in Burnett brick? Corvallis, Oreg
.Physician and Surgeon
Office, Koom 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
o to ia a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.
For Sale. 1 (
. Grub oak wood. For particulars in
quire of E. B. Horning. -
. WRECK. .
The Runaway Train Jumps the
Track Near Stella, Wash,
: . Two men Probably Fatal
ly Hurt Cars and
Engine Piled in a
, Heap. .
Portland, Nov. 10. The Ttle
gram eays: A wild ride down a
steep grade on a runaway railroad
train, from which both engineer
and firemen had sought safety by
jumping, ended in a severe masbup
Dear Stella, Waeh., as a result of
which George Weiss is minus a leg
and Max Welderman is suffering
from severe internal injuries. Butb
men are at the Good Samaritan hos
pital id this city. A logging train
on which the two men were, got be
yond control when on a heavy
grade, . Welderman's home in
Stark street. Weiss is part owner
in the logging camp from whiob
material was being bauiaa wnetvtne
accident occurred. , Bth are tkell
known They may recover.-
Six trien, the traia 4 crew7 were
aboard the train- when it got beyond
the contr jLof 4 be engineer yester;
day ai.d rao, away.. ,After running
two miles it jumped the - track arid
toppled over..'; , . j
The t ain consisted of an engine
and fi ve cais, ' which were - beavil
loaded. The " track "was slippery
from the steady rain 'and had a very
perceptible do wn'grade. Soon ' af
ter starting with its burden it bef
came evident that the'engine cjoold
not hold back the cars, which kept
pushing1 it forward at'a' Wrrlbla fitior
mentum. In a7 sftbtfjtfifld the' ru'n
away was making a mile a minutet
The track: waa 1 crooked, a winding
around' tbO curves of the' creek 'bed,
'tfnd evfy 'miotics' the 1 ere w 'expeetf
ed the train would jump ' from the
rails and, hurl' them to destruction1.
VTrees' and rocks that' were" passed in
the mad flight looked like nittirg
shadows. .- 3 7 ' . . : i
i The engine - and roars flew the
track' and' landed wrong eide ; tlpt
Thb9e who eaw the wreck ' are sur
prised' that any one' escaped wfth his
life. , Some 6f the members of thi
crew were' tbrb'wn'a'dist&ta'ce'of VtikTL
ty" feef, and pit a1 tirne "the'y weire so
stunned by the fall that some time
elapsed before they -could realize
what had "happened. It' was a lone
ly epbt'arid'no 'boe'hkd ' wTtjia'gSed
the accidehi. Aa'sopn as they had
pulled themfselves : together those
wbo iwete eMg'htly ixijured beganr to
lopt arbund 1 for as'gistance.' ,,!Two
of their nu'mbtr we're ' suppbiedj to
be j dying v; and ' every v tffort was
made by their less injured' compan
ions to relieve their' sufferings. ' v )
'S'ime' rarjehmerf were finallv : lo
cated who gave tbem their services!
A 1 few minutes later a gasoline
lauheh'was ' a ghted coming; dp the
slough of .Cole - CreKk. This "was
signaled and she 10 k the injured
to Stella, about four miles distant,
with all possible haTte. ' Fortunately-
the steamer Sarah Dixon . bad
just landed at Stella on ber "way
man' were pu t aboard , and Captain
Del Shaver decided to make a re
cord run to this city with his in
jured passengers..' ' ". - .
He'gave orders tp cut out all way
landings and the engineer was told
to open the throttle wide, and run
the steamer to ber full capacity? '
It was-11:48 lastinight when the
Dixon' steamed Trbm Stella.T 'At
Rainier it was considered advisable
to stop and get a physician aboard;
which was done. The run was then
resumed and continued until St.
Helens was reached. .There anoth
er stop. was made to get another
physician, Dr. McLarren boarding
the steamer this time. Again ; the
Dixon proceeded up the river, mak
ing better time than 'she ever did
before. ; When she pulled up along
side the Washington street dock it
was just exactly 6:15 o'clock this
morning, which' is considered a
swift passage for a' freight boat that
rhakes no pretensions of being fleet.
Captain Shaver ia being ; praised
all along the waiter front for i his hu
mane action. 5 By taking the course'
he did he lost business all along the
river, between here and Stella in
the way of freight and 7 passenger
traffic. While passing one point
down the river some one hailed the
boat, wanting to take; passage, but
no attention was paid him. (
Members of the boat crew stated
that it was the general belief down
at Stella that the log cars had been
loaded too heaviry,"which"'waa the
direct cause of the accident. , Had
the wreck occurred a few hundred
feet down the track, it is said that
the men would have been precipi
tated into the slough - and they
Would ' undoubtedly have - been
drowned. Joseph Black is the en
gineer who escaped with slight in
juries. Francis Weist, a cousin of George
Weist, the man seriously injured,
and a part owner -of the ... logging
camp of Weiet & Mowrey. said: -
"Tiieaccident was 'unavoidable.
The logging road is six miles - long,
with a 4 per cent" grade." ; - .
The engineer, Charles Black, bad
only bet n employed two daysl We
ist and Weideman, the two men se
riously injured, were putting in
their, first day as brakemen on the
road. ' Previous to the accident the
brdidary" ldad of logs was three
cars, but on this occasion they start
ed with five cars.
Spokarie. Wash , Nov. '10.
Northern Pacific train No. 2, from
tfee 1 'East, which reached Spokane
early, this moroing, was held up at
Joco, Mont., by three armed high
waymen,, who fifed stx shots at tbe
members of the train crew. ;
The high wavmem -were discovered
orf tbef train by ihe-head brakeman,
J 'E, Rddenhaver; of Spokane. His
attempt to put the men Off the tram
precipitated ihe ihc otibg itid foiled
the plans of the robbers. 7 .
..The train pulled westward imme
diate! v following the shooting, leav
ing the highwaymen behind. , 'The
man who had followed RodenhaVer
seized hfm' by the throat- arid shov
ed a big" revolver into' his face,' siy-
ing: :.7 ';, -:X. '-, !
, "Y6u eo back aha tell your Dart-
ner and the' conductor hot to come
ahead.; -..We Will look after this end
of the train.!1 . ; v- s . .
Apparently the'- three bighay-
meri "decided that everybody 6rf the
train had ben' filarmed and ' that
robbery would be impossible, for
they disappeared and the train
moved forward at once.
Salt Lake, Nov. 10. A warrant
wasaworn out today charging 'He
ber J Grant, one ' of ; the leading
apostles of the Mormon church,
with unlawful . cohabitation ' with
Augusta Wioters Grant and Emily
Wells Grant, - at tbe same time
The apQslle was convicted : in 1888
of the same onenFe and hned $5UU.
Prosecution of Mr.' Grant is : due
in part to" bis public ad miesipn ' be
fore the students 01 the Utah uni
yer8ity on November 4 that he has
two' wives' and thaVhe ' donated tp
the alumni. scholarship fund $50 for
himself and $50 each for his two
wives. -: ' . -: :. i
Tbe apostle was to have been aC
coinpanied tp Europe, where he has
been assigned to do missionary
work for the .Mormon , cburcb, ' by
bia polygamus wife, Emily Wells
Grant. ,
Paris, Noy 10. The French'gov;
eroment lias recognized the de fac
to government of the republic of
Panama. ,
The : instructions forwarded by
Foreign' Minister Dslcasse to ' the
French donsul'at Panama , autbofr
izea-'him-'to have relations with the
new government. The instructions
are substantially the same as those
sent from Washington to ' the unit
ed States consul "at Panamas and
will have the, effect, of giving the
same recognition of the new regime
as the United States has : already
given. . -ii.''.s :!'"7-:
. According to the" strict require
ments of the protocol governing' the
recognition of a new ; sovereignty, a
formal letter must be addressed by
the new government to France and
the other powers - notifying 1 them
that it-is completely established.
The cfficial response to this letter
will constitute' a formal recognition
of the" latter. The formalities Tnay
be carried on by mail later, but the
instructions to the consul are con
sidered as establishing - the position
of the French government as being
similar to that of the United States.
For a' Bad Cold.
v If you have a bad cold" you need
a good reliable medicine like Cham
ber Iain's Cough remedy to loosen
and relieve it, and to aBay the irri
tation an inflammation of the throat
and lungs- For. Bale by Graham
& Wortham. ' ,
Antonio Bruno, in a Fit of Anger,
Threatened to Kill His Family
1 Placerville, Cal., Nov. 10. An
tonio BrOrio, 59 years old,' a mer
chant of Pleasant Valley,.' a small
town east of this city, was killed by
Louis Bruno, his son, after a busi
ness quarrel, about noon today. The
tragedy occurred in front of a gen
eral merchandise etore, "of which
Antonio Bruno was proprietor.
The Eio who is but 17 years old,
was a clerk in tbe Btore.
; Word was sent to this city, arid
Deputy Sheriff Dillas Bosquit,: Dis
trict Attorney C.. E, Peters, arid
Coroner C. P. Winchell drove at
once to the scene of the deed. A
jury was empaneled and a,n' inquest
wa held this evening. The testi
mony at the inquest ' showed 'tbat
the elayiog wag done in tbe road in
front of tbe Bruno store. The fath
er ahd son had an altercation, a.dd
it' is said that.the father bad threat
ened to kill the entire family some
days preViohsty. . The father drove
his eldest son from the store with a
kbife. Hib threats' to kill ' the en
lire family alarmed the young man
to, whom they were made. 'He got
a pistol, and, returning, opened fire
on his father.; The fifst shot pierced
the heart," And the old man fell.
The eon continued ' firing,: but none
of the" succeeding four shots took
effect." ' : -. j
There were but tlifee' eyewitt esses
to the affair. A brother of the ac
cused man was one,' arid Nick Fer-
retta,' and a man' named Sla'vin were
the other two. The jury, after 'dei
liberating. Tendered a verdict 6f
deaih by gunshot wonnds" Inflicted
by Louis Bruno with homicidal' in
tent. The latter was' place'd under
arrest and was brought to this city
by Deputy Sheriff Bosquit and
lodged in' jail. - The dead merchant
was an old resident of this1 county
and was possessed of large timber
and merchandise interests.
Salem, Or. Nov., 10. Sunday
night last; a burglnr 7 entered ; the
home of Jobri Stout, in thiB 1 city,
frightened Mrs. Stout into a swoon,
ransacked the house, and made his
escape before Mr. Stout returned.
Mrs. Stout was .a home .alone
with the children, all of whom were
in bed, when, about 9 o'clock, she
beard some one open the frontdoor
and walk into the ( parlor. jThink
iog it was her ' oldest daughter re
turning from a1 visit -to' 'the-5 heigb
bors, she, pai'd ho1 particular atten
tion to the incident. The light in
the' parlor "was i extinguished, .and
footsteps were beard coming toward
the sitting room door, which ij was
ooeh: when Mrs. Stout looked Up,
instead of beings greeted ,;by her
daughter, she was confronted by a
burglar whbiP face was bidden be?
hind I a 'mask.' -r " 'r ' - - ;
"Not a loud word or I will choke
you.'":was the, command given.,by
tbe robber, which eo trightened
Mrs. Stout that she' fainted and fell
from her chair to the floor. When
she regained consciousness tbe mis
creant wa8 Stiir in ' the house, ; and
the helpless woman again iell into
a faint, in which condition her hus
band found her several minutes la
ter. ,; ; -":. - - -. '
The house had been ransacked,
but the h burglar' secured ho articles
of much value.
7 Porfand, Nov. ai. The Orego
nian says: The severe storm that
have held sway over this section of
the Coast since Sunday is now mov
ing toward the Rocky Mountains,
bat from all indications" another' ee
vere one is close in its wake and Or
egon ;' may ' ha ve " a " con tinu ation oi
the weather of the past few days.
The wind that ' accompanied the
first storm was the" most severe that
has' been experienced in some' time.
At the mouth of the Columbia it
reached a maximum velocity of 9a
miles per hour from the southeast.
At Seattle it was 36 miles per hour,
and at Tacoma 3o miles per - hour.
Yesterday afternoon ; the barometer
at the" local weather ' office began
to fall rapidly and reports from out
lying districts v indicated that a
storm of considerable proportions is
moving in this direction. From the
indications it is thought quite likely-
tbat there will be cmsiderable 'wind.
in connection with tbe storm. '
Euzene Or-.Nov 11. A . B. T,vnn
and William Lively ' were ; arrestad
at trie jsiacs utts mines near Cot
tace Grove., hv TTnifcari Sutw Darw
uty. Marshal Roberts - yesterday
cnargea witn perjury in swearing
falsely t) the bomastead lnd entry
of Johannes J Brauti. -The men
were brought to Ed gene this morn
ing and will be examined before
United States Commissioner Wes
ton tomorrow.
The accusation states' that on or
about September 19, this year, Lyon
and Lively violate 1 section 5392 of
the revised -et-uu.t u king an
oath as follow. ; . .
"That they er v 1 acquainted
with the homesied.-l ef.ny, ex. 67,
made by Brauti and Krew, and tbe
present-condition of the same; that
said Brauti has never, established
his residence on the said tract nor
cultivated or improved the same;
that he has baen absent -therefrom
for a . period of more than six
months, past without obtaining a
leave of absence.
T. L. Dagger, the well-known Ex
Editor of the Scio Press, Writes
. of His Wife's Experience
. With Dr. Darrin's t
' (Albany Democrat.) '
This gentleman of high standing
in literary and social circles attests
the merits of Dr. Darrin's new dis
coveries in tbe treatment of the
ear, by electricity and medicine.
His open letter to Dr. Datrin, lo
cated at the Revere House,' follows,
and should decide -all procrastioat-r
ing .people - to visit .the doctor,
while; the opportunity, is offered.
The doctor remains in .Albany un
til Nov.' 15i and will be rh Corval-
rlis November 16th toDjcember l3t
DrV Dafrin: Dear Sirr-My wife
has been troubled with discharge
and gradual deafness in her leit ear
for tbe past 17 years. . Since com
mencing treatment with you two
months' ago,: I am ' happy : to state
the - discharge has"venUrely ceased
and her hearing is 1 gradually re
turning. I feel confident that she
soon entirely relieved from
alt trouble' arising from lb M source.
I make this statement' freely, trust
ing that others who may be; affect
ed similarly may be , encouraged to
take treatment from you. .
T. L. Duggeb.
Get your riba fixed at
Hospital. .; . . " . , . 4 .
the Bicycle
CrouSe & Braodegee on the label of a
coat' stands for all that is good in clothes
making. Nolan & Callahan. See them
At Phildmath. ; '
Eggs arid butter 30 cents at J.' E.
Henkle's. .
; New dress goods just received at - No
lan & Callahan's.
. O. J. Blackledge having sold his inter-
est in the firm of J. . Mann & Co to j,
D. Mann and D ; M. Smith, all persons
knowing themselves to he" indebted to
the firm are requestfl to i-tll nnl settle.
Corvallis, Nov 6. 1908
Absolutely Pure
, .1 7Cw ,