The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 07, 1903, Image 4

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A Town io Minnesota Almost Com
plotfly Wiped OutWreckage
Fills the Streets Other. :
Paris of the State Al
so SufiFsr.
St. Paul, Oct. 3. The little town
of St. Char! s, in Winona county,
was almost completely wiped out
i hy a tprnadO this afternoon. Seven
people were killed and 28 were in
jured. Buildings on the main
Btreet of the town were ail destroy
ed, and it Is feared there are bodies
in the ruins. Forty -two residence
aleo ere d?stroyfrd, and the total
property damaged is estimated, at
$100,000. ! .
Among the buildings destroyed
were the central school building,
the Caica go Great Western depot
building, the Catholic church and
Parroti'et Wagon Woiks.
This being Saturday, pple fiom
the surrounding farms had gathered
in larga numbers in the main street
to do their customary shopp ng.
At 2:30 the storm cloud was been
approaching from the southwest,
and there was,an immediate scram
ble Tot places of safety.
Tne tornado struck the town
from the southwest quarter and
mad a clean sweep through it, fol
lowing almost entiiely the line of
the Main s reet and devastating all
the buildings on either side. Then
the residences further back werd
struck and many of. them blown
completely away.
It t eems almost miraculous that
there was not a greater loss of life.
Four of those killed were in "John
Etwu'e Saloon when it collapsed,
and tney were buried ; beneath the
v wreckage. The others were in a
dry-goods store, which was blown
away and they wer killed by the
failing waifs. Ed Peters, of Dover,
was killed in the wreck of the hotel.
The tilephona exchange was de
molished and two of the girls were
EerinusK injured. -." - '
- Mr. B.ankenborg, who was in
jured', was the proprietor of a large
grain t-levator, and was caught in
the wre.-k when this -was : destroy-"
. e J. --:7; ' v
Communication was established
between this city and St. Cbarles
. by telephone by a crew of linemen
of the American Electric Company,
which happened to be in that vi
cinity, and the foreman of the crew
gave the first information ; of four
.. dead persons. Utter confusion
reigns in the town. The streets are
filled with wreckage of buildings,
tries and farm implements which
. were blown through the air. The
i i . i re .? i
alj z-d ectioh for the time being on
the part of the citizens who stood
about if we stricken at the awful
t devastation by the elements. - It
was some time before crews began
to clear away the debris, which it is
feared may cover many a sickening
eight. "; -
St. Cbarles U & village of 1500
inhabitants on the wettern bound
ary of Winona county, and is one
of the oldest settlements in the
state . :- ; ''.,;..
. Lacrosse, Wis., Oct. 3. Two per
sons were killed, three frtally in-
- . jured and a score of others badly
hurt in a tornado which swept In
dependence, Wis, and the sur
rounding coun'ry this aftsrnoon.
Many farm buildings in the storm's
path were torn down. At Eagle
Valley, north of here, the Reform
ed church was destroyed anckhous
efron the prairie eurrounding were
demolished. . - -
S s veral small buildings were ov-
erturned at La Crosse but Dbiital-
. ities were reported.
And Resolved for Proper Regulation
of Athletic Sports in Colleges.
, These resolutions were passed at
a meeting held in the parlors of
th9 Imperial .Hotel, roruaa.uctooer
' 3- 1903, the following representa
tives of higher institutions of learn
ing being present: President Camp
bell, President Qutnlan, Columbia
TTniwersitv. Professor Horner. Ore-
' gem Agricultural Colleg?. President
ierrin racinc university, nev.
Doctor Domnic, Mt. Angel College,
Professor Drew, Willamette Uni
versity. President Lewis, Pacific
ooiiego, iriosiucuv jjiuiuuain.u,
. lin and.; Caotain Ingles. Bishop
Scott Academy, Principal ; Davis
Portland Hign school rrotessor
Boyd Hills Military Academy, ,
, ' Kesolved that the football season
close with December 1st.
Rosolved that we discourage all
match games except with school
teams." Not to effect games already
arranged for this season.
1 Resolved, that a committee of five
be appointed by the chair to report
at the next session of the Depart
ment of Cillege and Secondary
Education as to the ber-t mt-thod
of organizing our uoiversities. col
leges aud sa;ondiiry f cbools itifo a
junior lasgue. The following com
mittee was appointed by the chair:
President Campbell, University of
Oregon, President Ferrin, Pacific
University, Piecident Quinlan,
Columbia University, Principal
Davis, Portland High School, Prin
cipal Newlin Bishop Scott Academv.
Resolved that this association be
empowered to pass all applications
for the restoration of amateur stand
iug as far as Oregon coilege games
are concerned, and that in the in
terim b t een thte meeting and the
next mettingfthe coll ge section
of said association the chair be
empowered to appoint a committee
of one with pow-r to act.
The chairman ,- stated that he
would announce the appointment
The students of nearly all the
bigh-r insiitutions of learning in
Oregon are 7 required to con
tribute to athletic funds. Consensus
of opinion is that it is wise to en
courage atnletics with funds and
other -'proper means and at the
same tiie the faculty of each school
should exercise supervisory rela
tions io ail tnatt-r appertaining to
intercollegiate a hletics. Several
representatives favored the idea of
enlisting the alumni of the college
in athletic sports, feeling that
much financial and other encour
agement would accrue. Remark
able unanimity of feeling prevailed,
Prof. J. B. Horner presided. -
Dr. Darrin, special-
Submits a List of " Some Special
Diseases He Treats With Elec- r
... , tricity apd Medicine.
Errors of youth, Stricture, Blood
Taints, Weakness of Organs quickly
cared without pain or detention
from business. -''
LADIES who suffer from indif
ference, n no is debility of disease
peculiar to women, can consult tne
doctor witb perfect confidence.
BLADDER, Inflammation, Cys
titis, Catarrh 'of - the Bladder.
These diseases invariably yield
quickly to the treatment.
VARICOCELE, Hydrocele, Piles
Fistula. Swelling and Tenderness
of Glands, treated with unfailing
KIDNEYS, Inflammation of the
Kidneys, Diabetes, Congestion of
the Kidneys, Uuremia, Gravel,
Stone, all scientifically and success
fully treated.
Sores, Tumors, Spots, Pimples,
Scrofula, Syphilitic Taints, Rheum
atism, Eruptions, etc., promptly
cured leaving ihe system in a pure,
st rone and healthful state. j
YOUNG MEN, if yoc are trouh-.
led with tired feelings, gloomy lore
bodings, palpitation of the heart,
ct flashes, blood rushing ' to the
head, ringing In the ears wander
ing mind, weak memory, "dark cir
cles under the eyes, dizziness, poor
appetite; stupidnees, despondency,
loss of enerffv. ambition and selt-
confidence, which absolutely unfit
you for - study or business, you
should take treatment before it is
too late. . ' j
there are' thousands of you troubled
with weak, achinff backs and kid
neys, lost manhood, ruptures and
unmistakable signs ot nervous oe
bility and premature decay. Ma
ny die of this difficulty, ignorant of
the cause, which is the second stage
of seminal weaknes. The most ob
stinate cases of this character treat
ed with unfailing euccees.
Difficult breathing, and suffocating
feeling, fullness of the head, a tired
irritable.discontnted feeling andlear
of being alone, or the . reverse de
sire to be alone. It your memory
is failing, and. you are gloomy and
despondent, or if you. dream much
or often or have an aversion to so
ciety, you are suffering from a seri
ous disease of the nerves, brain and
heart. - You have no time to lose.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; even
ing 7 to 8; Sunday 10 to 3, at
Revere Hotel. Albany.
The doctor makes a specialty of
all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh, deaf nees,. bronchi
tis, la grippe, heart, liver, ; bladder
and kidney diseases or those who
suffer from apathy and indifference;
ahd eenito-unnary and skin dis
eases in either sex, such as blood
taints, seminal weakness and lo.t
vigor, varicocele and stricture.
All curable chronic diseases treat
ed at $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time as thecase may require,
except in special cases. The poor
treated free except ' medic nts,
fiom 10 to 11 daily.- No cape,
published - except by : permis-dou
of the patient. All business re
lations with Dr. Darrin strictly con
fidential. Electrical appliance fur
niehed. One visit is desirable,
though many cases can be treated
by -home treatment by writing
symptoms. Eyes tested and glasses
fitted. . ', ,' ,
The d ctor will remain until De
cember 1st, and those wishing treat
mer t will do well to call Boon
as many rt quire second treatment.
Solan I n, It la Called, am&. It Csuc
IllBeu sad Sometime Brlng-a
. , On Dewth,
Potatoes contain a poisonous alka
loid known as solanine. Little of thit ,
poison is found in the new potatoes, '
but even fresh potatoes which have 1
grown above the surface of the soil
and have a green skin are generally '
known to be poisonous, says a scien-
tific authority. When potatoes are
kept a long time they contain a large
amount of this poison, and many cases
of serious poisoning- have occurred in
late summer from eating old potatoes.
About ten years ago many soldiers in
the German army were ill from-an un
known cause. They suffered with head
ache, colic, diarrhea, vomiting, weak
ness, and slight stupor, and in some
cases dilatation of the pupils. The
matter was investigated and it was dis
covered that the men had been eating
potatoes , which had been kept for a
long time in a damp place until thej
had begun to sprout. Chemical ex- ;
amination revealed the fact that these j
potatoes contained 24 times as much
solanine as is found in new tatoes. ;
More People Killed by Lightning in
tne Ooen Thinn in the Wire-
"jpfj Bound Honsea.
' It is in the country that most of the
fatal accidents from lightning occur,
and they are about evenly divided be
tween people who are struck in houses
and those who are killed in the open
or while seseking refuge under a tree,
says an article on lightning, in Frank
Leslie's Popular Monthly. To stand
under a tree in a thunder storm is per
haps; next to clinging to a lightning
rod, the most dangerous position that
can be chosen. The comparative saf c
ty of the modern city from lightning
is due to the network of wires which
covers it, and the number of "tall
buildings with iron points, tin roofs,
metallic gutters and steel frames con
nected with the water, sewer and gas
pipes, which form an excellent system
of conductors. Still the city is noil by
any means absolutely protected, ' for
when a cloud with a tremendous store
of energy approaches quickly, all the
wires and pipes in ten cities cannot
prevent it from discharging recklessly
right and left.
The Taioaroru Are OMug Up Thel
CaatooM avnd Looking; Forward
to CltUenahlp.
It is manv Tears Kinff.TnTn -r-r,,.,,
Inuians have held a "condolence," a
ce.emony which to the. red men is
similar to the inauguration, of a presi
dent by the whdtesy says a Niagara
Failg correspondent of the Chicago
Inter Ocean. In explanation of this
an eld chief saysthat the Indians no
longer look upon. the. ceremony of a
"condolence" with the reverence of
old. The Tuscaroras are the adopted
children of the Six Nations, and they
say that the Onondaga, the firekee'p
ers of the nation, practically have dis
qualified themselves for this, honor
able position, and that the Tuscaroras
no longer look up to them- as children
are wont to do to a- parent for advice
and help. -
From these feelings between the
adopted: children and the leading tribe
of the Six Nations, it is eviden.t that
the Indians are clinging closer to civ
ilization and the white man's customs,
and that a chasm is opening-hetween
the Indian" tribes of the state.. As a re
sult of this severance of tribal rela
tions the Indians of western New York
are looking forward to citizenship.
Practice of Completing Their Edu
cation Abroad Prove Almoat
Alwaya ProntbIe. -
."The best thing a physician or sur
geon, can do . is to go off about six
months every two or three? years and
give patients a chance to miss him.
They will flock back to him, in swarms
providing, of course, he has estab
lished a reputation and gained their
complete confidence." So says a lead
ing and eminently successful surgeon.
.- Here is a physician living in a city
of 56,000 inhabitants, with a practice
of $20,000 a year, of which he collects
$12,000. ' "The most successful practi
tioners in my town," he says, "are
two young men who spent a year each
in Vienna and Paris, apparently study
ing the latest methods and cores. -All
that they knew they learned right- in
New York, but the mere fact of their
having taken a, ' course or two in
Europey-or,. having pretended to, has
g,sv-en them avcgue which no one who
has never been- abroad can appreciate.
i A foreign reputation is worth $10,000
.a year a S3 000 doctor.' - . . ;.f. :'
And Reaented Remark o-f FVah law-
yer, by RefwUg to Corn to
tv , an Agreement.
It behooves a lawj-er to be careful
of what he says while arguing before
a jury.- John C. Kinnear, a practition
er in Xew York, realizes thisfactthor
oughly, says' the Albany Argus, and all
because of a remark he made not long
ago in the Yorkville municipal court..
He appeared on behalf of another law
yer who was suing a corporation for
$500 for services alleged to have been
performed. The evidence adduced
made out quite a strong case for the
plaintiff, whose counsel made a telling
speech. He reviewed the facts in clev
er fashion, and toward the close of his
remarks- said that . the corporation
would have paid but for the fact that a
"redheaded lobster of a junior partner
had objected, and thus precipitated,
legal proceedings. The court rebuked
Mr. Kinnear for using such language
and the lawyer apologized. But he had
done the mischief. All the jurymen
but one tittered, and he had red hair.
The judge delivered his charge strong
ly in favor of the plaintiff and the
jury retired. Everj-body expect ed a ver
Hict in a few minutes, but in a couple
of hours words reached the court
that there was no prospect of an agree
ment. -" -With one exception the jury
was agreed on a verdict for plaintiff.
The exception was : the red-headed
man. who said: "Perhaps the"lawyer
thinks it's smart to call people red
headed loDsters. I don't." The court
finally discharged the jury and Lawyer
Kinnear is still digesting the lesson.
Uncle- Siaai'n New Seal.
The state department is to indulge
itself with a new great seal of the
United States, as the old one is so worn
that it will not make a clean-cut im
pression on the documents'it is used
on. Congressappropriated $1,200 to
have a new seal cut; but the.old de
sign, of course, will be followed faith
fully. Only three seals have been
formed since the formation of the gov
ernment, they having been made in
1782, 1841 and 1SS5, respectively.
. Wanted.
The Benton County I,umber Company
has disposed of its Corvallis yard, and
the accounts are in my hands for ' col
lection. An immediate settlement of all
is desired, in order that our books may
be closed up.' The undersigned will be
found at the lumber yard office, where
all bills may be paid.
v J..D. Irvine,
Secretary and Manager. "
"IflndThedford'B Black-Draught
rood medicine for liver disease.
It cured mv son after he bad snent
C100 with doctors. It is all the med
icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE ;
MABTIN, Parkers burg, W. Va.
If your liver, does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Drausrht and take a dose
tonight. This great family ;
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes .a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
- will cleanse the bowels of im
. purities and strengthen the kid
' neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
'. fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid- -neys
result inBright's disease
which claims as many victims .
- as consumption. A 25-cent ;
Sackage of Thedford's Black
iraught should always be kept .
in the house.
"I used Thedford's Black
- Draught for liver and kidney com- j
1- plaints and found nothing- to excel
blehead, XO.
Willamette Yallej
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Backing Business.
Er.cb.ange Issued payable At all finan
cial centers in Uoited States, Canada
ad Europe. '
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND Ijomlon St San FrancixooBank
Umited; Cnnadian Bank of Commerce.
SAN FRANCISCO tondon & San Francis
co Bank Limited. -
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank. , .
tONDOS, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank Limited. . .
Francisco Bank Limited.
For Sale. .
Good resident lot ; close in ' at
gain. Inquire at Times omce..
1 bar-
n w
Swell Swagger Varsity Suits
Hart Schaffncr
& Marx
Hand Tailored
CopTrihl(abjHrtScliflnMn .
gents for Rallston Haalth Shoes, and Gordon Hats.
. . . .
1: "The.
Richest, Dal otlest Effects
The style that, carried- off the laurels at the y
These carbon parchments are not mounted on
cards but delivered in neat Folders or at
tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com
bination that is pleasing ; and artistic. Sam-
pies of these Carbons are now on exhibition at
If You are Havins Trouble with your Eyes
Or if you are having tronble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
andby one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
OfHce cor 3rd a nd Monroe eta. Resl
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ete.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone residence 315.
Physician & Surgeon,
' OrBce up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, i4.
All calls attended promptly. -.
E. R. Bryson,
Office in Zierolf- Building, Corvallis. Or,
For Young Men.
Sizes 32 to 38,
These suits are made for the
young men who like to be
.well dressed. They are the
finest handsomest clothes you
will see this season.
Elegant line of suit for the
stout man, the slim man, or
any kind of man,
$5.00 to $25.00
Priestly Gravenette
wain uoais,
The most useful coat made,
$15, 16.50, 18.00.
. v-
S; 'Klin&
0.4rA. ' boutl. Main bt. .
9 Corvallis, Ore.
. f'nwH Numhoi V 'J
2 For Yaquina: .
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 p. m
" Corvallis...... 1:50 p. m.
. ' arrives Yaquina 5 35 P- m
I Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:30 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
Knr Detroit:
Leaves Albanv. ...... ......... 7:00 a. tn
Arrives Detroit. 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit.... ,..i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany 555 P-111
A1hnv in time
AlflUA1 ii j .
1 nith S P south bound train.
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
1 .1 1 : : . .
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis ana o.iu9uj
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbueh and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. tn. , reaching Detroit at noon, giv-ino-
amole time to reach the Springs the
same day. .
' For further information apply to !
1 Edwin Stonb,
. . . '!.- Manager.,.
FT. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ,
Thoe. Cockrell. Agent Albany.