Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 06, 1903, Image 8

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Boys' Waists, 1 5c, worth 2oc.
I Boys' Waists, 25c, worth 35c.
I Boys' Shirts and Waists, 50c, worth 75c.
4 Boys' Suits, $3.50, other stores sell at $4.00.
Nobby Line Men's Suits,
Great Line Men's Suits,
Come to Welch
for a good Shoe
at $3.50.
Every Pair
It will pay you
22 f -223 Morrison,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Notioe for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 3, 11)03.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision of the act
,f Congretm of Jane 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the Bale of timbor lands
in the states of California. Oregon,
tfeyadaand Washington Territory,
extended to all the public laud
stateB by act of August 4, 18U2,
Albert Pasold,
,vf Molalla, county of Clackamas, State
4 Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his swoni statement No. 611.3,
for the pnrcliaso of the se of soction
?o. 83, in township No. 5 s, range 4
-i, and will offor proof to show that
'lie land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
laim to said land before the Register
tnd Receiver of this office at Oregon
flity, Orogon, on Monday, the 20th
iayof July, 1903.
He names as witnesses: Albert
Bngle, of Molalla. Oregon, o. a. u.
elongate, of Molhila, Oregon, Henry
trlu! Mnlallu rirnirrill. Frank
I main, ui "i" .... .., 1 n i
Pasold, of Molala Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
oflloe on or bofore the said 20th day
of July, 1003.
W. 8. U'Ren C. Bchuebel
Attorneys at Law.
Dcutacher Advokat.
Will practice 111 all courts, make collections and
wttlentrnta ol Katntes. .
Furnish alutracta ol title, lend you money and
I rod your money on firat mortgage,
office lu Knterprise Building, Oregon City, Or.
Attorney at Law.
Justice ol the Peace.
Jaggcr BuUdiug, Oregon City
Notary Public
Real Estate, Inaurance, Titles Examined, Ab
stract! Made, Deed, Mortgage, Ktc., drawn.
Garde Building, Oregon City
CAPITA!. $100,000.
Transacts a general banking bualneaa.
Makea loam and collections, dltcouuts bills,
uuys and sells domestic aud lorelgn exchange,
and receives deposits subject to check.
Open (rom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Will practice In all Courts in the State. Circuit
ud District Courts ol the United States. In
solvent debtors taken through bankruptcy.
Office In Garde building, Orcgou City, Or.
I .and Title! Examined, Abstracts Msde, Deeds,
Mortgage!, Ktc., Prawn. Money Loaued.
ef Bank ol Oregon City.
Ore on City, Or.
dr. o. d. love
Graduate ol the American School olfOsteopathy
Kirksville, Mo.
Successfully treats both acute and chronic dls
eases. Call for literature.
Consultation and Examination Free.
,, I S to 12 A. M.
office Houra: 1 1 10 P. M.
i Or by appointment at any time
itoomi r-'o. 4 and ft. Stevens Building. Main St
Oregon City, Oregon.
$15, others get $18 Suit.
to trade with
The American
Corner First St.,
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May IS, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance witli the provisions of the act
of CongreRB of June 8, 1878, entitled
"Ali act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
Status by act of August 4, 181)2,
Annie Busch,
of Oregon City, coruty of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, has thiB day filed in
this office her sworn statement No.
0!i8, for the purchase of the 8 of
NWJ, and Lots 8 and 4 of Section No.
2, in Township No. 5 S, Range No. 4 E,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 25th day of
Julv, 1003.
She names as witnesses: Frank
Habelt, of Springwater, Ore., Setli
Austin, of Viola, Ore. , Gustave Fried-
ricli, ofParkplace, Ore., Frank Busch,
of Oregon City, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 25th day of
July, luira.
July 20.
Timber Laud Act June 8, 18T8.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 19th. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Uongross of June 3, 1878. entitled.
'' ' An act for tho sale of timber lands
in the States of California. Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory, "
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of AugiiHt 4, 1892,
Phillip Roos,
of Oregon City, county of Clackamas.
State of Oregon, has this day filod in
this office his sworn statement No.
145, for the purchase of tho SEJ of
Section No. 12, in Township No. 4,
S Range No. B E, and will offer proof
to snow that tho land Bought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lisli his claim to said land before the
Register aud Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
Min any oi July, luuu.
He names as witnesses : H. L. Pat'
terson, of Oregon Oity, Oregon ; Henry
Meldrnni, of Oregon Oity, Oregon;
Henry Roos, of Oreaon Citv. Oreson :
TaIih Vl II. - M 1 ,
Any and all persons clnimins ad
versely the above-deseribi d hinds are
requested to file their clainw in this
office on or before said 24tli tlav of
July, 11H)3.
July 23.
Timbor Laud Act June J, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
April 29, 1908.
Notice is hereby eiven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Consress of June 8. 1878. en
titled "An act lor the sale of timber
lauds in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Publio
Land States by the act of August 4,
George W. Cook.
of Portland, county of Multnomah.
State of Oregon, has this day filod in
this office his sworn statement No.
6107, for the purchase of the nj
sei ana iw se or section a
A, in township No. 8 south, range No.
7 east, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
lor its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before tho Reg
ister aud Receiver of this ofttoe at Ore-
gon City, Oregon, on Monday the 20th
o.ay or July, lutw.
Ho names as witnesses: John F.
Blaker, of Portland, Oregon, Former
J. Walkey, of Sandy, Oregon, Joseph
Untornahrer, of Salmon, Oregon, John
ii. uook, or Portland, Oregon.
Any and nil n,romia nluiniiiio art
Tersely tho above-desoribod lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of
ouiy, linn.
CUAS. B. MOORES, Register,
Reduced Excursion Rates
To The Seaside and Mountain
Resorts For The Summer.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rates
round-trip tickets to the various re
sorts along its lines, and also, in
connection with the Corvallis and
Eastern Railroad, to Detroit and the
seaside at Taqnina Bay, latter tickets
good for return ontil October 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay.
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, areon sale at greatly reduced
rates from all points from Eugene
and north - on both east ' and west
side lines, enabling people to spend
Sunday at the Seaside. Very low
round trip rates are also made be
tween Portland and same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going Sat
urdays, returning Sunday or Monday,
allowing Portland people to spend
Sunday in the , country and the out
of town people to have the day in
Portland. ,
Tickets from Portland to Taauina
Bay good for return via Albany and
East Side, or Corvallis and West
Side, at option of passenger. Bag
gage checked through to Newport. A
new feature at Newport this year
will be an up-to-date Kindergarten
in charge of an experienced Chicago
A beautifully illustrated booklet
describing the seaside resorts on
Taquina Bay has been published by
the Southern Paoifio and Corvallis
& Eastern Railroads, and caa 1. se
cured from any of their Agent?, or Ly
addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A..
S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone,
Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany,
Oregon. Yours truly,
Gen. Pass. Agent.
Guardian Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
Guardian of the person and property
of Ferdinand and Ivor Long, mintrs.
Any person having claims against the
said miuois or either of them are
hereby notified to present the same for
pavment to Gordon E. Hayes at his
omco in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from this date.
Dated this 2Jth day of June, 1903.
Guardian of Ferdiand and Ivor Long,
First publication July 2.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of tho
OBtato of Anton Klar, deceased, has
filed his final account of said estate
in the county court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
that the judge of said court has ap
pointed Monday, the frd day ot Aug
ust, at 10 o'clock A. M., as the time
on which objections may bo heard to
said account.
Administrator of the estate of Anton
Klar, deceased.
First publication July 2.
Last publication July 30.
To the Hon. County Court, of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
We. the nnriflrfliorrtftri lnfrnl vntora nf
Cascade Precinct, Clackamas Comity,
State of Orogon would respectfully
ratitimt vnnr Hnn. Pnnrf t.n 01011 n
J " vwhw vu ,.t.U
icense for a period of one year to
tjaspar jounicer, 01 said precinct, to
sell spirituous, malt, vinous liquors
in Sandy. Clackamas County. Sr,nrn nf
We, the undersigned being actual resi
dents of said Cascade Precinct and have
beensneh for u nurinrl nf rliirrw Aaxra
prior to tho signing of our signatures
Panl Dunn. H.
John Bosholm. P. Ti. ATninio
O. Rumbow, S. O. Mitchell.
R. Kaiser. Fred Waespe,
H. Weilmere, J. H. Horfmeister,
O. S. Chase.. .T. H T, MnvW.
Theo. Koennecko, J. H. Weiver.
ira rv. uocige, wm. Waespe,
S. D. Coalman, John Maronay,
Henri Koch. J. H. Rnvnnnn.
E. Miller, Peter P. Heia,
Ole Mikkelson, James Bell,
John McDonald, L. Hauglum,
Andrew Bankus, J. S. Albel,
Joseph Albel, Bernard Kligol,
Anton Kligol, Max Kligel,
Havr Decker. TVnnia .Tmiwr
Folm Stroeas, George Harris, '
R. W. Akins O. Jonsrud.
Valonine Adams. TTmirv RittarVinunii
John A. Strowbridgo, John Muller. '
ju. jvoiwienor, r ren Keisectter,
George Keisecker, Aaron Updergrave,
S. E. New, Gottfried Stucki,
Julius Weudland, Anton Malar,
J. S. Wilooxon. H Wniuiiunri
Noah Kuhn, Hermann Bruner.
Notice is horoby given that in com
pliance with the above petition, I
shall on Wndnenrlnv. Anonuf K luno
- - - f. " " v w,
apply to tho County Court, of Clack-
iunnef,vuumy, uregon, ror a license to
sell spiritous. malt and vl nnm
liquors in less quantities than one
Ballon, in Cascade Prnni tint mill
county and state.
Notice ol Final Settlement.
Notioe is horeby given that the nn.
dorsigned administrator of tho estate
of Eleanor Samson, deceased, has
filed his final report, in tho County
Court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
and the said court has sot Monday,
July , 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, at the Court House
in Oregou City, Oregon, as tho time
and piano for hearing any and all
objections to said final reimrt, and to
his final discharge as administrator
of said estate.
Dated May 1, 1903.
. , , , J. D. RITTER,
Administrator of tho estate of Eleanor
Samson, deceased.
G. B. Dimiek,
Attorney for Administrator.
Juno 29
It Is a curious fact, unxnown per-
baps to a majority of readers, that
Moses of Scriptural fame was called
bj eight different names In various
places In the Bible. Buthia, the daugh
ter of Pharaoh, called him Moses be
cause she drew him out of the water.
Jochebed, bis mother, called him Jeku-
thicl, saying, "I Dad hoped for him."
Miriam, bis sister, called him Jared
because she had descended after him
Into the water to see what his end
would be. Aaron called his brother
AM Zanuch because his father had de
serted their mother. Amram, the fa
ther of Moses, called the boy Chabar
because he was again reunited to the
mother of the lad.
Keliath, the grandfather of Moses,
called him Abigdor because God had
repaired the breach in the house of
Jacob. The nurse of the grandfather
of Moses called him Abi Socho because
be was once hidden three months In
the Tabernacle. All Israel called him
Shcraulub because "in his days God
heard their cries and rescued them
from their oppressors."
A refnl Cofiln.
A writer in an English church maga
zine once found .in a collier's cottage
in Staffordshire a coffin used as - a
bread and cheese cupboard. Notwith
standing his wife's remonstrance, be
told the story of the coffin as follows:
"Eighteen years ago I ordered that
coffin. The wife and me used to have
A good many words. One day she said,
I'll nlver be content till I see thee in
thy coilin. 'Well, lass,' I said, 'if that
11 content thee it '11 soon be done.'
"Next duy I gave directions to have
t!.e thing made. In a few days it
cume home, to the wife's horror. I got
into it nnd suld. 'Now, lass, are thee
content';' Sh" began to cry and want
ed the 'horrid thing talrcn away. But
that I wouldn't allow. In the end she
got accustomed 10 sec!u' it, and, as we
wanted to turn it to tome use, we had
f nme shelves put in and made it into
bread and cheese cupbourd. We have
niver quarreled since It cuuie."
' Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executor has filed his final
report, in the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, and the said
Court has set Monday, August 3, 1903,
at the honr of 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, at the Court House in Ore
gon Oity, Oregon, as ther time and
place for hearing any and all objec
tions to said final report, and to his
final discharge as executor.
Dated June 18, 1903.
Executor of the Inst will and testa
ment of James L. Bailey, deceased.
Attorney for executor.
July 22.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the
undorsigned has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of George
Williams, deceased, by order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of f Clackamas. All
persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, properly verified, to the un
dersigned administrator at the office
of Hedges" Griffith in Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date ofthe first publication of this
Administrator of the estate of
George Williams, deceased.
Attorneys for administrator.
First Publication June 11, 1903
Last publication July 80, 1903.
3 TRAINS to the East DAILY
Through Pullman atandard and Tourist sleeping
cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane: tourist
sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; through Pull
man aleeplug-cars (personally conducted) weekly
to Chicago, Kansas City, St. louis and Memphis:
racllning chair-cars, seats (reel to the Kaat daily
UNION DHPOT. Leave Arrive.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 A. M. 4:30 p. M.
8PKCIAL. Daily. Daily.
For the Kaat via Hunt
ington. Spokane Flyer. 6:00 P. M. 7;85 a. k.
For Kaatern Waahtng- Daily. Daily
ton, Walla Walla, Lew
laton, Coeur d'Alen and
Great Northern points.
Atlantic Kxpaess. A;lft p. u. lfl;0 a. u.
For the Kaat via Hunt- Daily. Daily.
' For San Francisco. H;00 r. at. &.-00 r. M.
Steamer Geo. W. Klder,
andColumbia leave every
Sdaya; Ainaworth Dock,
For Aatoria and way 8;00 p. m. Ifi.-OO p. m.
points, connecting with Dailyezcept Daily
steamer lor Ilwaco and Sunday. except
North Beach. Steamer Saturday Sunday
Haaaalo, Aah St. Dock. 10 p. m,
ForSalem Corvallis and f:4& a. m. About
way points. Steamer Monday ;0O p. m.
Kuth, Ash Street dock Wednesday Tuesday
water permitting. Friday Thursday
For Dayton Oregon City ',00 a. m. S;00 p. m.
and Yamhill River point Tuesday Mondays
steamer Klmore, Ash SI. Thursday Wednesday
dock. Water permiting Saturday Friday
For Lewiston, Idaho. t;lift s. m. About
and way points, (rom Daijy Syo p. m.
Kliwria, Wash., steamer except Daily ex.
Siokane or Lewiston. Saturday Friday
nee, I niru mm n.Biiiiipiu
phone Main 7U, Portland.
Portland & Asiatic Steamship
For Yokohama and Hong Kong calling at Kobe
Nagasaki and Shanghi, taking Iraight vis con
nrctlng ateamera tor Manilla, Port Arthur and
Valdlvoalnck. For rates and lull inlnrmation
call on or address officials or ageuls ol O. K. &
N. Company.
Eeeeatria Habit., . m Hulk, An
Linked with ThI. Phe of Gei,u
Hardn'a Dreaa Salt aad Snupblrs
Rlus aad BeettjoTea'a Wild Walks.
All the great musical compos, rs bad
their own peculiar ideas and mannei
of working. They had their peeullai
Traits, meir niooUs, their eccentric hab
its, such as are generally said to murk
the genius. In "Musical Education" M.
Lavlgnac tells of their peculiar, ties.
"Haydn was a very early rlsi r." he
writes, "and yet he never worked ex
cept in full dress, In which he was
like Button. He began by slaving
himself carefully, powdered himself
aud put on his finger a certain r .ig, a
sapphire, I believe, surrounded with
brilliants, which had been given him
by the great Frederick, unless It was
Prince Esterhazy. That done, he shut
himself up in a quiet room and wrote
for several consecutive hours, five or
six, without stopping.
"Mozart, the gentle and pious Mo
zart, was sometimes less particular
and composed a little everywhere and
under all conditions. Happily the
ideas came often enough and pursued
him even Into the restaurants of Vien
na, Prague and Munich, where he was
very fond of playing billiards and
smoking a pipe and composing In bis
"Rossini composed almost constantly
and in all ways, rarely at the piano,
most often in the evening or at night,
and, like Mozart, often found inspira
tion In a carriage or post chaise. In
the Irregular joltings of these vehicles
he perceived rhythm, and of these
rhythms melodies were born. There is
no doubt that he would have found
them in the trepidation of the railroad
if he had dared to try, but he had such
a dread of this mode of locomotion that
no one was ever able to Induce him to
set foot in a car.
"Gluck composed violently gesticu
lating, walking up and down and act
ing all his characters, often In the open
air, on the lawn, in a garden.
Beethoven also undoubtedly found
a powerful auxiliary to inspiration In
motion and walking. Whatever the
season, every day after dinner, which
was at 1 o'clock, according to the Vien
nese custom, he set out for a walk,
and with big strides twice made the
circuit of the city of Vienna. . Neither
cold nor beat nor rain nor hail was able
to stop him. Then it was that his heat
of fancy attained Its full ardor. lie
would enter a restaurant, sit down for
an instant and ask the stupefied waiter
for the bill, without having ordered
anything. His clumsiness was pro
digious. He usually broke everything
he touched. Not a single piece of fur
niture In his house, and any article of
value less than anything else, was safe
from his attacks, and many times hfs
ink pot fell into the piano by which be
was working, which, religiously pre
served In the museum at Bonn, still
retains its indelible traces. Although
he had always lived in the midst of the
high Viennese aristocracy, in which
drawing room dances were held In
high honor, he never succeeded In danc
ing in time.
"Herold composed while walking,
humming or singing, often In the
Champs Elysees, and often passed his
best friends by without recognizing
"Gounod composed especially at the
table, or at least in his head. When be
wrote, everything was absolutely clear
In bis 'brain. His manuscripts prove
"Wagner liked to write standing up
before a large table desk like the cash
desks in the shops. His scores were
written without erasures, in a superb
calligraphic hand, admirable for its
clearness and firmness and worthy of
a professional copyist.
"Berlioz, who played no instruments
but the guitar, flute and flageolet, nec
essarily worked at the table.
"Franck, who was the head of a
school, scarcely composed at all till
after 9 o'clock in the evening.
"Meyerbeer wrote In a regular man
ner In the evening, and bis servant bad
orders to drag him avpfcy from the
piano at the stroke of midnight Schu
mann would not admit that any one
could write otherwise than at a table.
Mendelssohn made much use of the
piano and preferred to work in the
morning. Auber generally worked at
night and very late, till 2 or 3 o'clock
In the morning, in order to avoid out
side noises.
"Halevy bad a table piano that bad
been made for him by Fleyel. From
time to time be would draw out his key
board, strike a few chords on it, and
then push It back like a simple drawer
and continue to write.
"Boleldleu also wrote at the piano.
Fellcien David, not being much of a
pianist, sometimes sought the aid of
bis violin. Adolpbe Adam almost al
ways worked at bis grand piano, the
tight band side of whose keyboard
was stained with Innumerable splashes
of ink. He played eight, ten or twelve
bars, and then wrote them down. Bizet
worked especially In the evening and
till more at night; be often made use
of a piano bureau by Pleyel, like Gou
nod and Halevy."
"Where were they married?"
"I ain't jest sure," answered the
mall boy, " 'cause they left me home,
but I guess It was In the steeple."
"In the steeple?"
"Well, I heard" 'em say It was a high
church wedding." Chicago Post
There are two kinds of unhappy peo
ple m the world those who are sad
because they are not known and 'hose
who are miserable because they are
(nown too well.
1. 1. OliiO JEWELER
Jewelry, Silverware, a Specialty
CauneldBldg. Oregon City. Or.
Geo. A. Harding
Willamntta TJ:u:..
-Willamette Building
Of Orptrnn HifTr
macist. """ltHenr.
Elk Horn Livery Feed
and Sale Stables.
Horses bought and sold.
Fine Rigs to Let at Reason-
we jrrxces.
' W. II. VOUNdr
C. N. Gteenmaii
Established 1805.
Office in a W. P. & Co. 's Warehouse,
Main Street, Oregon City.
ADFTinM rrrv
V ) VJWll V. 1
- ORE.
For Cabinets, Stamps, Enlargements,
frames, r,to.
16x20 Crayon Frame Complete, 4-00
and up. Call at Galery for Prices.
Main St.opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City.
Funeral Directors
Main Street, opp. Huntley's
'Phone 804 and 411.
Plumbing and TinSho
Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty
Opp. Caufield Block, Oregon Cltj
Oregon City
Machine Shop
All kinds of Machinery made
and repaired, also keep in
Shafting. Pulleys, etc.
Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed.
Chsa. Kliy
Lawrence Ruconlch.
High Grade Whiskies Fine Cigar
Garde Building, Oregon City
Daily River Excursions
Oregon City Boats.
Daily and Sunday.
Lsava Psrtlana
Lsars Oregon Qtr
8:30 A. M.
11:30 a. m.
3:00 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
7:00 a. m.
10:00 a. m.
1:30 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Steamer 'Leona" makes no way land
ings except Sundays.
Tickets good on electric cars.
CXflcs and Dock loot ol TaytorSt.
'Phone Main 40 PORTLAND
SaSc to dungs without notice