Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 06, 1903, Image 7

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Don t think you can cure your dyspepsia
In any other way than by strengthening
and toning your stomach.
That is weak and incapable of perform
ing its functions, probably because you
have imposed upon it in one way or an
other over and over again.
You should take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It strengthens and tones the stomach,
and permanently cures dyspepsia and all
stomach troubles. Accept no substitutes.
Two of Kind.
The Russian Joker who caused a
panic In the zoological gardens at St
Petersburg by shouting that the tig
ers had escaped should exchange
cards with the American humorist
who yells "Fire!" in places of amuse
ment They should then report to the
fool killer together.
Durphy & Dlckerman Are as Interesting
f as a Popular Novel. ,
A good illustration of the way the
northwest is being waked np is afforded
by the doings of Durphy & Dickerman,
the energetic firm who control the
Smith-Premier typewriter on the Pa
cific Coast. Tuesday, June 9, W. H.
Durphy, senior member, and F. B.
Porter, Portland manager, arrived in
Portland ; Wednesday they leased the
store, 247 Stark street, and let con
tracts' for fitting up the most com
plete and attractive typewriter estab
lishment in the city; Thursday they
sold 25 Smith-Premier typewriters to
the Behnke-Walker Business college
the largest typewriter order ever placed
in Portland. Mr. Durphy, hale and
hearty, crackling with energy, and
Manager Porter, courteous and compet
ent, master of his business, are calling
upon some dozens of the people a day,
getting acquainted and advertising
their splendid machine and. the fact
that they are sole selling agents for
this coast. This concern is famous
and successful on account of its great
activity and punctilious integrity in
pushing the best typewriter made.
The incoming of fresh blood of this
kind into local commercial circles is
one of the hopeful signs of the hour.
As a sample of up-to-date methods in
"getting busy" Durphy & Dickerman's
25-roa nine order within 24 hours after
an iving in town (better than one ma
s chine an hour) takes the palm.
Looking for a Chance.
Mrs. Gobang This paper says that
a Kansas man has sold his wife for
Gobang I wonder if it will ever be
Iff V lliok to run apmoa a fallow wVi 1j
thowing money away? NeW York
Not So Surprising.
"Does yo' lalk huckleberry pie,
Claud 'Deed I could eat huckle
berry pie till I'm black in de face.
The Limit.
Bridge And you go right on eat
ing soggy bread and half-cooked
meats. For heaven's sakeT why- don't
you discharge your cook and get an
other one?
Pike well, you see, old fellow, so
far as I can ind out the courts won't
grant you a divorce for bad cooking,
Boston Evening Transcript
The mirror never flatters; It tells
truth, no matter how much it may hurt
pride or how humiliating and disagreeable
the reflections. A red, rough skin
beauty, and blackheads, blotches and
are ruinous to the complexion, and no
desperate efforts are made to hide these blemishes, and
cover over the defects, and some never stop to consider
the danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves
and powders, but apply them vigorously and often with
out regard to consequences, and many complexions
are ruined by the chemicals and poisons contained in these cosmetics.
Skin diseases are due to internal causes, to humors. and poisons in the
blood, ana to attempt a cure by exter
nal treatment is an endless, hopeless
task. Some simple wash or ointment
is often beneficial when the skin is
much inflamed or itches, but you can't
depend upon local remedies for perma
nent relief, for the blood is continually
throwing off impurities which irritate
and clog the glands and pores of
the skin, and as long as the blood re
mains unhealthy, just so long will the
eruptions last. To effectually and per
manently cure skin troubles the blood
must be purified and the system
thoroughly cleansed and built up, and
S. S. S., the well known blood purifier
and tonic, is acknowledged superior to
all other remedies for this purpose. It
is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta
ble blood remedy. .It never deranges
the system or impairs the digestion
like Potash and Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion
and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier
If you have any skin trouble send for our free book, " The Skin and It
Diseases. " No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case.
Natural Deduction
Chief Mlllikln That InrW In red v
ing down the street U evidently a
grass widow.
Inspector Casey Why do you
thlak so?
Chief Mlllikln Every time she roes
near a horse It tries to bite her.
Worat Ever.
"Hear about the terrible affliction
that befell our friend Blank last
right?" asked Enpeck as he boarded
a downtown car.
"No," said Meeker. "What was it?"
"My. wife eloped with him," replied
Hnpeck, wiUi a surppressed chuckle.
Chicago News.
Effect of Absence.
Weally. now! Reerv Tin vnu weal-
ly believe that absence makes the
heart grow fonder? Miss Brady Oh.
yes, Indeed! I think twice as much of
you when you are somewhere else.
Colorado Comic.
The Cost of It.
City Man What makes rflnta an
high here. 1
Villager This is an incorporated
"Things don't look very metronoll-
"N-O. but the taxes are." New York
Weekly. .
riTB Permanently Cared. No fits or nervousness
lltl) after Brat day's nseofBr.Kline'sUreat Nerve
WeMorer. Send for Free t trial bottle and treatise,
Br. it. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch bU, Philadelphia, Fa.
Successful Experiment,
"Mabel married that awfully dis
sipated young Flutterly to reform
"And is she satisfied with her
"I should say she is. His uncle died
la.t week and left him half a million."
Triple Dose.
She (at the reception) Excuse me,
but are you an artist, a musician or
a poet?
He I happen to be all three, mad
am. "Poor fellow! You have sym
pathy." "Your sympathy?
"Yes. Your poverty must be same
thing terrific." Chicago Daily News.
Otherwise a Work of Art.
The Actor Do you reallv think that
picture looks like me?
The Soubrette Yes; but I have no
other fault to find with it Stray
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Passing Belief.
Miss Gidday What did he say when
you told him I was married?
Miss Speltz Well, he seemed sur
prised. Miss Speitz No, but he asked 'how
it happened. Philadelphia Press.
Our Air Consumption.
It is computed that when at rest
we consume 600 cubic Inches of air a
minute. If we walk at the rate of
one mile an hour we use 800; two
miles, 1,000; three miles, 1,600; four
nines, IX we start out and run
six miles ah hour we consume 3,000
cubic inches of air during every
minute or the time.
is fatal to
wonder such
Oartaravilla, Ga., B. H. Ho. 3.
I sufforod for a number of years
With a severe Nettle-rash.
About twnlve years ago I started
tieing B. S S., and after taking- three
bottles I felt myself cured and have
ainco taken a bottle occasionally,
and had little or no trouble alone
that line. Ky general health haa
been batter since. I recommend
8. S. S. aa a trood blood medicine and
all round tonic, Yours truly,
Mrs. 31. I. PIXXAttP.
Soma two years ag-o I suffered a
great deal, caused on acoount of bad
blood. Small rash or pimples broke
out over nr body and kept fatting
worse day by day for over a year.
Boeing- 8. B. B. advertised la the pa
pers and having heard also it had
cured several people in this city,
concluded to give it a fair trial.
After using- the medioine for o a a
time, taking- In all six bottles, I waa
entirely cured.
1090 Clay Street, Padneah, Xy.
and tonic combined,' the humors and poi
sons are counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, and at the same time the
general health and 6ystem is rapidly built
up and good health is established, and
this, after all, is the secret of a smooth,
soft skin and beautiful complexion. '
Thought Us Dead?
We're Very Much Alive.
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do
Ing Its Great Work. S. B. Cough Syrup.
Everybody Takes It. Everybody Likes It.
Basn'e Bora Boande Warning; Not
to tho Unredeemed.
HE offense of
the Cross is the
best defense of
the Christ
To laugh at a
vile jest Is to In
dorse the devil's
A false profes
sion will wear no
better than a wise
look on a fool.
You cannot
cover the sores of
sin with the paint of pious pretense.
Admiration is not emulation.
Holy work is heaven's wage.
Life always depends on death.
Weeds always grow faster than
If one day a week of worship is a
nuisance now what will heaven be?
The modern prophet needs to be sure
of his wires before he speaks his word.
It is easy to find a reason for the
saloon if you are getting a rent from
it .
A spasmodic religion is always like
ly to have fully as much chill as fe
ver. When you have killed your enemy
with kindness you have created a
Few things are more dangerous than
a train of ' thought that carries no
We shall never save our cities until
we learn to love our neighbors more
and fear them less.
When a sincere seeker reaches the
station of doubt it is always safe t
tell him to drive right on.
It often happens that the man who
sperds all his energy In groans in
prayer has none left for growth In
A man who Is altogether taken up
with his riches now should remember
that they will not be taken up with
him then.
Pineapplea Are Kspeclally Good for
People A filleted with Dyapepaia.
The partaking of a slice of pineapple
after a meal Is quite in accordance
with physiological indications, since,
though It may not be generally known,
fresh pineapple Juice contains a re
markably active digestive principle
similar to pepsin. This principle has
been termed "bromelln," and so pow.
erful is Its action upon protelds that
it will digest as much as 1,000 times
its weight within a few hours. Its dl
gestlve activity varies In accordance
with the kind of proteld to which It is
subjected. Fibrin disappears entirely
after a time.
With the coagulated albumin of eggs
the digestive process Is slow, while
the albumin of meat its action seems
first to produce a pulpy gelatinous
mass which, however, completely dis
solves after a short time. When a
slice of fresh pineapple Is placed upon
a raw beefsteak the surface of the
steak becomes gradually gelatinous
owing to the digestive action of the
enzyme of the Juice. Of course, It is
well known that digestive agents exist
also in other fruits, but It Is considered
thnt an average-sized pineapple will
yield nearly two pints of Juice It will
be seen that the digestive action of
the whole fruit must be enormous.
The activity of this peculiar digest
ive agent Is destroyed In the cooked
pineapple, but unless the pineapple is
preserved by heat there is no reason
why the tinned fruit should not retain
the digestive power.
The active digestive principle moy
be obtained from the Juice by dlssolv
Ing a large quantity of common .salt
In It, when a precipitate is obtained
possessing the remarkable digestive
powers Just described. Unlike pepsin,
the digestive principle o the pineap
ple will operate In an add, neutral,
or even alkaline medium, according to
the kind of proteld to which It is pre
sented. It may, therefore, be assum
ed that the pineapple enzyme would
not only aid the work of digestion In
the stomach, but would continue that
action In the Intestinal tract. Pine
apple, It may be added, contains much
Indigestible matter of the nature of
woody fiber, but it is quite possible
that the decidedly digestive properties
of the Juice compensate for this fuct
Don Quixote's Troubles Come Back.
The old-fashioned windmill stood
Germany, as well as other European
countries, in good stead for a long
succession of centuries, and though
abandoned for a short time In favor
of other applications of power Is com
ing back again to furnish force to
drive dynamos. For this there Is de
mand enough to keep all the wind?
of the fatherland busy for many a year
and generation to come, thus rescuing
the ancient and picturesque windmill
from the obliteration and forgetfulnesH
which have of late 6eeined to uwail
It. New York Tribune.
What he Cake Walk Really Is.
By the time of the Louisiana Pur
chase, the negroes, especially thost' of
the Interior, bad lost all recollection of
Africa, and with the failure of the
mothers to teach their children even a
few words of their own speech that tic
disappeared. Being an Imitative race,
they soon learned to adopt the songs,
dances, and customs of their masters
applicable to their conditions. For
example, the "cake walk" Is but a
grotesque variation of the stately min
uet of long ago. Leslie's Monthly.
Coat of Uerinan avy.
Germany's navy costs $12,000,000 annually.
Kant irsmpn -and dnntnn An
not recognize the real symptoms
of derangement of the female
organs until too late.
" I had terrible nnina ilnn
spinal cord for two years and suffered
ureaaiuny. i was given different
medicines, wnr. nl a -q
J ' - . . .. . . u , V U V
these things helped me. Reading1 of
ww cures mat iyaiA C 1 inKIiam 8
Vegetable Compound has brought
about. I somehow fplr. that, it waa
what I needed and bought a bottle to
A 1 TT ITT . . w ...
wute. now giao. i am tnat i aid so ;
two bottles brought me immense re
lief, and after UKinc thrAA Wttt.lAn mr.
I felt new life and blood surging
uuuugn my veins, it seemed aa
though there had been a regular house
olaaninir throno-H mv V, n di
B V J J V....N Ml
the sickness and poison had been taken
A. . i M t . .
out anu new me given me instead. I
hare advised dozens of my friends to use
Lvdia K. 'Pinlrlmni'a Vcirxtohln
Compound. Good health is indis-
E-nsauie uj complete nappiness, and
ydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound has secured this to me."
Una. Lauxa L. Brimkh, Crown
Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief
Corps. ISOOO forfeit If orfinal of ttot Itttot
proving gonunonus cannot bt product!.
Every sick woman who does not
understand her ailment should
write Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn.
Mali. "Iter Advlra ia tVaa arA
Uways helpful.
Her View of It.
Seedsman You know, ma'am, you
flon't have to plant your potatoes
whole; you can cut them up in small
Mrs. Newmarket Yes, I know;
that might do very well If we always
wanted to raise potatoes for Lyon
naise or for mashing; hut we should
probably desire to have potatoes
served whole, now and then. Boston
Tbe readeri of this paper will be pleased to
learn that tbere ia at leant one dreaded disease
line science baa been able to cure in all its
stages, aud tbat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is ibe only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional die
sase, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
itrength by building up the constitution and
insisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to oure. Bend for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by droefflf t. 76c.
Hull's Family Pills are the best.
Made a Difference.
Miss Malnchance I suppose you've
heard of my engagement to Mr.
Her Friend Yes, and I confess I
was surprised. You told me once that
you wouldn't marry him' for ten thou
sand pounds. -
Miss Malnchance I know, . dear,
but discovered later that he had fifty
thousand. Cassell's Journal. .
Evening Things Up.
Boggs They say that, after a time,
the engineer of a limited flyer loses
his nerve.
Joggs. The engineer does, but not
the Pullman porter.
In After Years.
S-b. Whoopem There was a time
whui I was actually proud of the
powerful voice you put into your col
lege yell; but now I wish it had been
only a whisper.
Whoopem Why do you say that,
my dear?
Mrs. Whoopem Because the baby
hat Inherited the aforesaid yell; that's
DRS . A?n
- wcer -ia xyi uim
- i F?OM DEAL??.
f.uws wHtne all nat ftus.
Beet Conch Byrup. Tastes Good. Ota I
m lima ejoia or anicsists.
The Cromlech Waa in Very General Cm
in the Karly Ag:i of the Hace.
Ever since the advent of man upon
the earth, the question of dlsnosul of
bis remains after death has boon one
of vital Importance. It Is to man's
ever-present desire for a safe and suit
able repository for bis dead that
archaeologists owe much of their
knowledge of prehistoric times; for the
weapons, cooking utensils and other
articles exbuimd from these
places of the ancients unfold many
facts regarding their methods of liv
ing. Of the various places used by the
ancients in which to deposit their dead
the rude stone chamber known as a
cromlech was probably the most often
adopted for any burial other than the
very common ones. Cromlechs are
found In Great Britain, the Channel
Isles, France, Spain, Germany, Den
mark and other European countries;
In Hindustan and other points In Asia;
and In America. The most Interesting
are those found In barrows, or earthen
mounds, for these almost invariably
contain human skeletons as well as
burial urns and other articles.
The picture shown is an accurate one
of a cromlech which was discovered In
a barrow near Paradls, on the Island of
Guernsey. On digging Into the mound
the large flat top, or cap-stone, of the
tomb was discovered, and when this
was removed the upper part of two
human skulls were exposed to view,
The chamber was filled up with earth,
and as this was gradually removed,
exposing the bones of the entire fig
ures, the latter were found to be in a
good state of preservation. The teeth
and Jaws denoted that they were the
skeletons of adults, but not of old men.
A singular feature in connection, and
one unexplained, Is the fact that the
bodies had been so placed at burial
I that one faced the north and the other
the south. Possibly they were prison
ers or slaves, who were slain perhaps
burled alive at the funeral of some
tribal chieftain or great person whose
body was placed in the larger chamber
near by. This view of the case U
strengthened by the fact that no weap
ons, vases or other articles were burled
with these remains, a sure Indication
of their inferiority.
In his delightful reminiscences, some
chapters of which have been published"
in tne Atlantic Monthly, J. T. Trow
bridge gives an account of Emerson a
an orator. The account is esDeciall
interesting Just now, for the twenty
fifth of May was the centenary of
liuierson's birth.
Emerson was no orator. He had not
the brilliancy and finish of Everett. He
was not witty and familiar like Beech
er, he did not sneak with iiumlrpri nan
slon like Kossuth, and he lacked tim
splendid variety of Wendell Phillips.
but. ne naa a nne baritone voice, broad
and cultivated' just right for his grave
ana epigrammatic wisdom. .
Prof. Lewis Moore, the teacher of
elocution, said to Mr. Trowhrldire at
they walked away together from on
of Emerson's lectures:
"Those tones cannot be taught; they
are possible only to him who can fill
them with the same energy of spirit;
it Is the soul that creates the voice."
That was It. The spirit made the
great speaker, even though he lacked
the histrionic skill of the orator. In
the expression of ethical thought, In
downright moral vehemence, Mr. Trow
bridge says that Emerson was un
equaled. ;
Mr. Trowbridge recalls a night when
Emerson thrilled an Immense audi
ence in Tremont Temple In Boston. It
was in the days of the Kansas Free
State War. Rufus Cboate, with his
brilliant and cynical analysis, had
brushed away the principles of the
Declaration of Independence, which
he speaks of contemptuously as "glit
tering generalities."
Emerson quoted the phrase. Then,
after a moment's pause, he hurled to
the remotest benches thesi words, like
ringing Javelins;
"They do glitter! They have a right
to glitter!"
The concentrated power of that no
orator could have surpassed.
No Kxcase for the Man.
She (who arrived an hour late at a
rendezvous) Excuse me for coming so
lute.' You must have had a long wait?
He Oh, no! I have Just come my
self. She What, you would have had the
Impudence to make me wait if I had
been punctual? Fliegende Blaetter. ,
Times Havs Changed.
When Mrs, Noah, on the ark, asked
her spouse at 11:30 p. m. where he'd
been, and he replied, "Oh, seeing the
elephant," bis explanation doubtless
"went" But It won't nowadays.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
"Two years ago my hair was
falling out badly. I purchased a
bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111.
I Perhaos vour mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and heavy.
tl.N a kettle. All trarrMa. 1
If your druggist cannot supply yon,
end ua one dollar and we will expreea
you a bottle, lie sure and give the name
of your nearest express odice. Address.
J. C. AYKK CO., Lowell, Mass.
Works Hint Regularly.
DlnguBs Where do you invest your
ghadbolt Well, I generally have 5 .
or $10 invested somewhere about you.
Putting Him Wise.
"Say," queried the man who was .
looking for free Information, "can you
put- me next to a sound Investment?"
"Sure,"v replied the successful spe
culator. "Buy tickets for a symphony
concert." Cincinnati Enquirer.
For forty year's Hiso's Cure for Con-
sumption has cured coughs and colds. At
druggists. Price 25 cents.
Hard to Meet Them, Though.
Miss Romantirme (ecstatically) I
guess In Bohemia every one is Tom,
Dick and Harry.
Painter Lbtt (a poor artist) Oh,
yes, and there are a good many bills
there too. Indianapolis Journal.
(Successors to John I'oole)
Toot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon
The Kit (iHMillne Kiih'tne A child can run It.
Valves and all working parts covered up. 2 h,
p., llitt; 4 h. p., $J10; 8 h. p., latin. "Put In a lit
tle Gasoline and then go to sleep."
Write for illustrated catalogue and for price
on anything you need in the machinery line.
Strawberry Crates
Folding liallocks
We have a complete line of fruit
Sackagos In stock at Hottlnnd.
utck delivery on small or do is.
rite for quotations on carload
Bee Hives and Sections.
Foundation & Hive Furniture
188 Front St., PORTLAND, OREQON.
Write for
irw&MoNreoMCY fn.
Ulephone Main SS
u For six years I was m victim of sly a
pepala In its worm form. I could eat nothing
but milk toast, and at times my stomach would
not retain and divest even thnt Last March I
begau tuknig CASUAUUTS and since then I
have ateadily Improved, until 1 am aa well as I
ever was in my life."
David B. Mckpht. Newark, O.
Pleasant. Palatable, potent. Taste ' Good, Da
flood, .Neer Hlnkeu. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. aio, too,
Il.rll.f iMtSr f.MT. CfclUK, MMlrtftl. . y.
Un.Tn.Rlr 8ol4 and (unraiitnnd br alldrui
KU'lU'BAk gists u AlBK Tobacco Habit.
1 The Champion Dravy Cut Mower I
The Mower with the "DRAW CUT"
"drawing" the cutting bar (mm a point
ahead, caiiRlng the wheels to press hard
er on the ground, and glriiig increased
power for hard cutting;
It is no "push cut,""pushing" the bar
from beeind, when the more cutting
the more tendency (or the wheels to Hit
from the ground.
Bee the point? Tho "Draw Out" Cham
pion keeps the wheels on the ground
and Is the most yowerful cutter in the
Hold. Has many convenient features.
Hend for handsome catalogue aud cal
endar. Mailed free. ,
Fint sail Tsvloc Sis., Portland, Ortroa.
P. N. U.
No 28-1903.
WHKN writing to ad vert Isera please I
mention tills paper. I