Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, February 09, 1903, Image 7

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    i'Jkll Humors
. .
Are Impure matten which the skin,
liver, kidneys and other organs caa
not take care of without help, there la
such an accumulation of them.
J They litter the whole system.
-- Pimples, boils, eczema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired
feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges
tion, dull headaches and many other
' troubles are due to them. '
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Eemove all humors, overcome all
their effects, strengthen, tone and
invigorate the whole system.
"I had salt rbeum on my hands so that I
onld not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla
and it drove ont the humor. I continued
Us use till the sores disappeared." lias,
la 0. Bbown, Rumford Falls, Me.
Hood'e Sarsaparilla promises to
our and keeps the promise.
: , Modest Worth. r
"I dont' see," said the sensible girl,
"how you coold bring yourself to ran
around after that actor; such a conceit
ed stick as be is." . ,
I "You're mistaken," replied the mat
inee girl. "He's ust as modest as be
can be. Why, when I asked him
whom be considered the greatest actor
in the world he actually blushed, and
replied that it wasn't for him to say."
Philadelphia Press.
Rocking Chairs Cause Insanity.
The rocking chair causes insanity, so
it is said. In fact, physicianu are
claiming that rocking chairs are the
i cause of most of the nervous troubles
from which women suffer, and are ad'
vising their relegation to any place
where they will not be used.
All in Vain.
Clara I suppose I shall have to give
Mr. Fiddleback the next dance.
Maud Why don't you sit it out with
"Well, I'e tried that." New
Yorker. , . . , ' .
All Right Anyway.
Mies Thin Don't you think my new
drees is just exquisite?
Fannie Oh, lovely! I think that
dressmaker of yours could make a
clothes prop look graceful.
Who Knows?
Did Adam smoke? Djd Eve wear
corsets? Did Solomon chew tobacco?
Did Ruth chew cum? Did the children
of Israel make for a her pardnn after T Bk Nw Soi,
croBsinif th Tid Km? Tlirl Rhpr-a oat . Always shake In Aliens Foot-Ease, a powder,
crossing me ilea sear iia tteDecca eat , It cure. chilblains, damp, sweating, aching,
gum drops? Lexineton. Mich.. Week. I swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At
ly News.
Circumstances Alter Faces.
"But she used to be considered quite
a beauty." -"That
was before her father failed."
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth.
teething period.
tag Syrup the best remedy to use for their
Bhildren duriug the teethu
. A Dying Race.
' 'Jennie Herbie, it says here another
octogenarian is dead., Vt hat's an octo
genarian? ' . . , )
Heibie Well, I don't know what
they are, but they . must be awfully
sickly creatures. You never hear of
'em but they're . dying. Brooklyn
Of Course.
Ella What is your idea of a good
hearted fellow? - '-'
Stella One who spends his money
on me and lets his : creditors wait for
their pay. New York Times.
all druggists and shoe stores, 2.x;. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREL. Address
Alien b. uinisteaa, Luoy, n. .. -
. The Professor Knew.
"Professor," the seeker after knowl
edge inquired of the great toxicologist
"if a tarantula were to bite you, what
ould be the first thing you'd do?"
"Yell," replied the scientist prompt
ly. Philadelphia Press.
so fits
1 nervonsiMflt
flTB Permanflnnv Ourea
II I O after flrstilay'saaaaf Ir. Klins'aGreat Nervt
Sestorar. Send for FREE 92.00 trial bottle and treat.
is. Da. a. a. &lixb.1iUL-W31 arenst i"Uilauoipuia.t-a
' Developed a Negative.
Rita Why is Mr. Kodak so glum
looking? '
Nita He and Eleanor have just
come out of the darkroom, i where he
had evidently developed a negative.
Btatb or Ohio, City or Toledo, I ,
Locas County. t
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
! and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be oured
oy tne use oi hali8 catarrh ui'ri.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv
presence, thisStb day of December, A. D.
) ,, A.W.GLBA80N,
iZZli ' Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tasen internally and acts
before rjarticularlv if I O'rectiy on tne Diooa ana mncous suriaoes oi
1 - " Lnaavatem. Henri lor tettttmnnials. tree.
.- , ' I Olives. '
" Ho you like olives? You" have to
learn to like them, of course, but you
will be sorry you did not cultivate a
taste for them -
you let your grocer send you a Dottie
of the Monopole variety. - Monopole
olives-' are ' the largest which come to
this country. , They are also the most
lusciousi and -tenderest , which the far
famed olive growers of Spain produce,
fie sure you secure ; this brand from
your dealer. Wadhams & Kerr Bros.,
Monopole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roast
ers, Portland, Oregon.
The Stosnach Oftem BnfFera Became ot
' the Month's Kecllgencc
The stomacb is a patient and long
suffering organ, which may go on do
ing Its duty meal after meal, day after
lay, and year after year, with never a
protest against the mass of unprepared
and unsuitable material that Is crowd
ed Into it. But there Is a limit even
to the endurance of tbe stomach, and
when at last It does protest, It makes
Its complaint known in an unmistak
able way.
he cause of most Indigestion Is less
in the stomach Itself than In the mouth.
The stomach is but one of the digestive
organs, and can and will do only the
task that properly belongs to it. It
cannot take raw material and work it
Into such shape that it Is ready to be
taken up by the absorbent vessels and
carried to tbe tissues for the nourish
ment of the body; consequently raw
material, that Is, material not properly
chewed, must not be put Into it.
There are two kinds of abuse of the
stomacb." The first Is the occasional
overeating, such as even the most ab.
stemlous are likely to indulge In on
Thanksgiving Day. This may be a very
serious matter if the heart Is diseased,
but It Is not generally of much moment
in the young and healthy.' The food is
taken In too grent quantity and too rap.
idly, without being properly chewed.
There Is more or less distress; the little
glutton (or perhaps the big one) feels
heavy, maybe a little sick at the stom
ach, and wonders if he will ever care
for mince pie again. In the meanwhlie
the stomacb Is struggling with Its load,
and, despairing of ever digesting it,
tries to get rid of It by pushing It on
Into the intestine. If It succeeds the
burden Is shifted to the intestine. If It
falls It may expel the contents by vom
iting. But even then some irritating ma
terial usually remains and sets up
fermentation which is called a bilious
attack. . .
The best way of cutting short such an
attack is to drink lukewarm water and
Induce vomiting, and to' follow this by
some rhubarb and magnesia or a dose
of castor oil. Then, with a starvation
diet for a day or two and the drinking
of plenty of water, the stomach gradu
ally recovers its tone and consents to go
back to work again. The other form of
indigestion is chronic and Is also due
to abuse, although perhaps not to gdut
tonous overloading. Youth's Compan
ion. - . ,.
Tbe Pe-ru-na Almanac.
The druggistts have already been
supplied with Pe-ru-na almanacs..
There is snie to be a great demand for
these almanacs on account Of the arti
cles on astrology which they contain.
The subject of astrology is a very attrac
tive one to most people. The ai tides
on astrology in the Peruna almanac
have been furnished by a very compe
tent astrologist, and the mental char
acteristics of each sign is given, consti
tuting almost a complete horoscope.
' A list of questions and answers on
astrology sent free upon request. There
will be a great rush for these books.
, Ask your druggist for one early before
they are all gone.
Bold bv drueeists. 75c.
Hall's Family Puis are the best. ;
' Color in the Arctic.
The' leading color pictures in the
February Century1 the most novel and
curious in subject, of any that magazine
has yet published are from interest'
ing and beautiful studies of tbe. aurora
borealis made by Frank Wilbert Stokes
while in the Aretid in the fall of 1892
and are richly worthy the subject.
They reproduce in print for the first
time in a popular magazine the wonder
ful effects of the aurora. Mr. Stokes
probably the first real colorist to visit
the Arctic regions, was with the Peary
and relief expeditions on tbe Kite when
he was privileged to see some color dis
plays worth all tbe dangers and priva
tions of the trip. His word painting is
as vivid and interesting as his color
Bad Coughs
"I bad a bad cough for sis
weeks and could find no relief
until I tried Ayer'a Cherry Pecto
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured me."
L. Hawn, Newington, Ont
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
Tin slits: Be.. Mc, St. An
Foot f Morrtsesi Street.
Can jr!v you the beat barf alns In Bo fieri
and Engines, Windmills, Fu nips and Gene
ral Machinery. Wood Sawing Machine a
specially. See us before buying.
Coninlt yonr doctor. If he says take It,
then do as be says. If he tells yoo not
to taka it. then don't take It. He knows.
Leave It with him. Wear willing.
. , J. C. ATEK CO., Lowell, Kate.
ti'mipu rtnnnaf
As good candy to a
Queen Bee
Cough Drops
Are made of pure hon
ey and menthol. They
are pleasant and ef
fective as a remedy
for coughs and colds.
Try a package. Hold
by all druggists and
confectioners. - Two
packages by mail on
receipt of luc., stamps.
C8 Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
Portland, Ore.
I fin TO B51 FBI MI
Chicken, Puck and Geese feath
ers. Address : - s -O.
lOtb m4DmwlatPmHlmmd,Or
Lei-seat iritmfSw4 PHitmta Ama.rtra.
Tkr"K.ral N. V.Fkr" I.Ml.lMr'iK.r.
It Wlmuli a yield f T4 . aer a. Hrl.r.
dlrtearaa. MaaaMthae4aeka4aaBa.eT
twlitt, ftpelta, Smrtil keat, S a. per
a.. (JUat t'Wvel. ato.,apoa mcipi T 19. aoataf.
' .'. A Dangerous Toy.
"My boy Sammy," said the neigh
bor, "worries me almost to death with
hiB somnambulism." '
"You ought to take it away from
him," said Mrs. Lapel inc. "He'll kill
himself with it some day." '
half a century
If Sirys j
U Seeds
haTelwenRTowlngfamoaslnerery 1
fcTA kind ot soil, evsrywhera. Sold by
FM .fx. oil dealfri. 1IUS seed Annual f J
t;ikajV pottiAld I'rae to all applicants. Aaa I
13 V'.M.PEIlETAai.-.). : I 1
Compensations of Pastors. . .
From an open If(er in the February Century.
In the ministry, service and salary
are not equal terms. The high office
waS not created for' the advnatage of
the holder, and the calling is degraded
into a mere profession when it is made
the subject of money equivalents. Tbe
work of the ministiy is more especially
in the realm of the moral and spiritual,
and therefore can never be "financial
ly compensated in any exhaustive com
mercial- sense." Nevertheless, the
minister adapted by conduct and learn
ing to hiB high calling ordinarily does
havei And should have,' a slaary propor
tionate to the demands of the field he
Is tilling, aud compensations far more
satisfying and worthy of consideration
than salaries.
urns vo
This wonderful Chi
nese doctor Is called
great because he cures
people without opera
tion that are fflven up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Cht-
herbs, roots, buds.
barks and vegetable
that are entirely un
known to medical sci
ence tn this country. Through the use of those
h armies, remedies this famous doctor knows
the action of over WO different remedies, which
he successfully uses tn different diseases. U
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthmas lung,
throat, rheumatisms nervousness, stomach,
liver, kidneys, etc.: has hundreds of testimon
ials. Charges moderate. Call and see htm.
Fattents out of the city write for blanks and
circulars. Bend 4 centn In stamps. COlStiUii
132 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
tff Mention paper.
a -
slack em ri nm
Ft I1 V
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
Write (or catalogue.
' Oen'l Aets.
813 Commer
cial Block
F. X. V.
m. 7-iaos.
II EN wrltlns; to advertisers pleas
mention Ibis paper.
Purely for Love.
"He Bays be ia in business for love.
" What ia hia buainess?"
"He runs a matrimonial agency. "
Philadelphia North American.
Ulli,U S auu,.,u.i...,..l.yiV j
' AVegetable Preparalionfor As
similating ttieFoodandBcgula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion heerFur
ricss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphine norfineraL
'.-'- v
Aperfecl Remedy- ForConsHpa
Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss or Sleep.
Fac Simile Signature of
it M-:Tis j pnY(j
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
of AM
rri 1.
For Over
Thirty Years
tmi einrau aoaipaMT. Htm Toaa omr.
Borne ot the. Moat Bewitching Water
ialle of the World Exist There.
There is an almost countless number
of waterfalls In . the domain of the
Mikado. Nature was lavUh In bestow
ing them on the country and wnorever
there chanced to' be a, deficiency the
natives . supplied It promptly by arti
ficial means., Indeed, no State, large
or small. Ujcomplete without its water,
fall. Every little garden baa a fall
or two, and It would not he consid
ered a garden at all without It. There
are many very beautiful ones in vari
ous parts of the country and they are
all of them shrines visited by thou
sands of pilgrims every year. They do
not . pray to them as to a statue of
Buddha, but they first paste up a little
paper prayer on a convenient rock and
then sit down tn rapt attention and
gaze at the falling water for hours,
taking an occasional cup of tea at a
little tea house which always stands
close at hand. The Japs are great at
making pilgrimngcs anyway.
When a man has reached the age of
45 he is supposed to have raised a
family which will In the future take
care of him. About the first thing he
dd"s on retiring Is to start on a series
of pilgrimages. Sometimes he joins a
band of fellow pilgrims, or if com
paratively wealthy he sometimes takes
his wife and a minor child aud makes
the pilgrimages by himself. These pil
grim bands can always be seen moving
about the country. They carry little
bauners with the name of their city
and district marked on them, and
when they have received good enter
tainment at a tea house or hotel they
hang one of their banners up in a con
splcuous place as a testimonial. Often
a band of pilgrims will travel from one
end of the country to the ether, visit.
ing every temple and waterfall In the
land. -
Doors to Happiness.
"I made the mistake of my life when
old Castle Garden was abandoned that
didn't corral the old oaken doors
leading into the rotunda," said Bernard
Biglln as he paced along the battery
sea wall past the aquarium. '
'I know one man who'd give their
weight In gold for them lust as an
heirloom to hand down to his grand.
children , and their successors.' His
name? Mo, I don't think I'll tell you
that, but he Is, to-day, a man high up
in public life, and one of the financial
powers of the country. -;
"In hia youth he came to this coun
try and entered through the old oak
doors of Castle Garden. Hundreds of
those who passed through those doors
to' the land of thetr adoption, where
they have since found prosperity and
happiness, would give much to possess
them as mementoes, l could name
hundreds who have attained high po
sitions In public life who first stepped
foot on American soli through this
portal. One man whom I saw land
and whose baggage I hauled, after
ward served in the State Legislature
with me.
"Merely as an exhibit the old doors
would be a money winner," he contln
ued, according to the New York
Times. "Thousands of people would
bring their children and grandchildren
to see tbe old doors. ' And yet these
historic relics were consigned to the
rubbish heap when the old garden was
Quick Inference.
Judge He has often declared
the lot oi the poor is to be envied
that poverty is often a blessing. ,
Fudge What! Is he as rich ai
i all
A Natural Tendency. '
"I guess Binz has just had a raise in
salary," said the confirmed cynic.
"Has anybody told you so?" ''
, "No. but he goes about saying he
thinks the world ia getting better, and
that the danger from trusts is greatly
magnified, and that human nature isn't
so bad aftei all. That's the way a
man nearly always talks jnst after he
has had a raise in salary." Washing
ton Star.
Frank Fretton Smart in February Century.
When four walls bar me out from her
Who makes the world for me,
lis I who am the prisoner
And she the one that s free.
,:. . . ...THAT, ACHE . , -
' ":" ". TRIAL &6TTfILX lO CENTS. '
K makes Hens tsy snd Keeps them tsylng. It tures Roup, Cholera and M
Diseases. It strengthens young chicks, and riskM them grow. Price 25c and 50c.
My Toons shlokMM eommenoad dylnavand after ioslna four doaon I pui.
... ' " A. ' ' . uumtui an viiiti .thv vnnn. whlfh ilumted them
from dylnn and 1 bars oomtantly kept It on aaod STer sinew. I eaa reoommenct
It as Just what la needed la raining poultry. O. B. BIUOIN, Lata, WaaU.
PORTLAND SKKU CO., Portland, Orijou, Coast
When, having become rich beyond
the dreams of avarice, he came back to
claim his bride, he found Elise await
ing him.
'Then you remember me," he cried,
folding her in his strong embrace.
"Remember you, Harold? Why, I
remember your middle initial, event"
Devotion, this! Detroit Journal.
London's Mixture.
It is said that there are more Irish
men in London than there are in Dub
lin, more Scotch than there are in Ed
inburgh, and that half of Soho is
French and the whole of Saffron . hill
Italian. '
McCAULEY & BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Mill and Marine work. General repairs. Printing Machinery repaired and rebuilt
Poole Bldg., Foot of Morrison St. PORTLAND, OREGON
' Statesman's Work Remembered.
The friends of tbe ' late Col. ' Charles
A. Russell, long a representative from
the Third congressional district of Con
necticut, are quietly raising a fund for
the education of his children. The
plan is to raise $25,000 for his family
and the fund is already making good
There by Right.
One oi them went over and whispered
to the stranger who had come in and
taken a seat; .
"I beg your pardon, but this is a
gathering of working women, met to
protest against "
"I am a traveling preachers wife,"
said the stranger.
And they made her president of the
meeting. '
- . Deadheads.
Fenn Sylvan Yann Have yon
great audience for your poetry?
Kedden Bine Yes indeed; our ex
change list is over 600 now. Pennsyl'
tania Punch Bowl.
' ' The Inventor's Triumph. .
"Ton say that Arbeiter'a inventions
have made several men millionaires,
but did he ever make anything out of
them?" " "
"Oh, yes he was singularly success
ful with his devices in that lespect.
fie made enough to perfect all of
them." '
Unwelcome Friendship.
"I want to say to yon," roared the
red-faced passenger, "that I am a
friend to the Boers, all the time."
Well," said the slim passenger,
who was in a corner of the car, where
he couldn't escape, '
much about it, but
them I am sorry for
Indianapolis Frees.
'I hadn't thought
if you are with
them myself."
Delivered at any
or Boat Landing
Railroad Station
in Oregon
' Here Is a picture of one of the most perfectly finished organs now manufactured.
It Is the Pacific Queen, made especially tor Eilers Piano House. Choice of fancy wal
nut or selected oak cases. Fine very large beveled French plate mirror, perfectly
finished; an ornament to any mansion. ,
Numerous new and valuable Improvements are embodied In this organ, mating it
at once one of the best and most durable organs manufactured la the United Status.
Built with special regard to Pacific Coast climate.
- Besides the regular rued tone, this Instrument also has several octaves ot the regu
lar pipe effects, to be fouud In no other make. .
Special Introductory Offer -.j&nisSZ
will deliver a perfect and fully guaranteed Organ, freight paid, to any railroad station
uregoll lor ski, on payment oi an quwii anu ai a inuutii.
wuie us today, as mis oner is uiniiea
only to the first 100 Instruments.
or boat landing In the State o
The fancier styles rj2, r6, etc., on same terms.
Portland, Oregon.
Largest, Leading and Most Responsible Western Dealers.
351 Washington St.,
Portland, Or.
60S Sprague Ave.,
Spokana, Wash., i
Ninth and J Sts., Sacramento.
6S3 Market St., .
. , , San Francisco
J i