'i HOIRNQN'Cd ENTEKPKISfi IS VlATHM INDICATION.. l'U.rallf fair Tu.s- . A A A I . nly daily wiwwmi t ,s Portia ae) MMit ovory saotlsaj of ChaefcaV County, wHk a poawlaUM f Ara yea) M MKWIOT V' WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED IS60 j VOU II N. 1. OREGON CITY, OKEGON. TUESDAY, DECEMUEIt 19, 1911. Pn Win, 10 Cwm IB "PERFECTLY SIMPLE!" ; s, 3 LAUD LAW CHANGE FAVORS LcMTAAV DlCLAHt THAT TIM AAt PLAIN. BORS' CRITICISM INDORSED aaaaaawB v Cr,t)o M Obtaining attar Inflation Advoalad Cablnat Officer Or?srt flan. ft Al'U Minn.. IW H Afier toriai the lornori of tho N'Mrth. tZt .! 04 their acrdit-d r-p-sUiivMi outllno bat. In tbrir mmi. U r HI tho pr-ui ad Ztitrailtt ' '""d u "n4 rt,! t eroded U further the d- arsirpl of h WMl, HiM-rrury of , lelrflnr nhf today Oit'lalliOj to H, i'f Woatern tjoroore v 4mii.itriln policy warding mint land . ri'r Hahor M'l " n""1 v i turakara thai there are many la nnrll" M 'bo land tfcl huld bo eurrecioa. urn no 4 I a"! Hr to corrct them; M H matter lb ahmld t -i la Cwif. and n b LuutiAc of the V-ur Uoternor Mrurtng h-k14 translation. tarrvtsry 1her Mid Ibat lha (it4"-il nl a authority k tli' ib publlo lat4a wmtd M to lhlr rl alu and than pru n f'T ffM'lual dlapoalllon ( avi claa. I mlnaral. jrulftl anil lha HWa. Ha Mid II hl pofP" 1 (W aiuppruprlalaJ publlf lauda Into 0 kind 4 of ina 81 an lor aa "xo m analbla. and yat roalnlalo Iba pur ax of Iba laa. H aald Ibo prant roatHrllfO aUlloa alma to dlariimlnato prtvoro U actual wtilrr and tbo aiploltpf. Ha dradfd tho Iraalni ayatara a tW only y In tlrh lha public d aaia en ba prK ad for all Iba pro pt. al(biub of'ao U ani I" r5 I tarUblp on th Individual. Trt Coupiaa Oat Lleanaaa. Marrlaca ltrno oro laauad Mtl Uf to Clara H Plouch and U I Ut, Vinnla C. Hlfnr anj Harry Y. 1W and Mabl lpd-r and Mar. Great Holiday Reduc tion on U Whiskies, iirandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All Roods guaranteed in duit isf action given D. M. Klemsen 421 Main Street Don't let this Cliristmas Ko by witliout getting a Victor or a Victrola. There ian't a home anywhere that wouldn't be the better for having a Victor. . Good muaic brighten, every home, and with a Victor r Victor-Victrola you can readily atufy your every muaical Uste-hear whatever mus.c you wiah, whenever you wish. Let th. Victor Play whU. you Pay. Wa m.ka tha EMie.t Kind of ttrrai-M ow a $1 a week. Victors $10 to $68. Vktrola. $15 to $200 EdUon Phonograph. $12.50 to $75. Huntly brothers Co. 12KILLED;20HURT IN TRAIN COLLISION f AIT COAST FLYtR ANO SILK SPCCIAL ARC WRECKED On' MILWAUKEE LINE. ENGINE PLOWS THROUGH COACHES Staal Slop1"! Caro Ara Ground Ta Piacaa and Occupant Ara Killad In Bartha. ii.mdl Vttnni l)mc. 1. TlvO ar drd and a acor or moro aarloua- f lnJiirJ aa tha rraull or a comaiim Iwlaavn allk train on tho Chicago, MllaukP ft t- l'"' ""nl" aa ailon No. S of iba -Columbian flr. irwra lha l-aclnc Coaal. and lha rar alM-rr of tha flyar at tha atatlon hrro oarly today. Tha angina of tha allk apccll plowed fWo artf Into alwr. lha i.t car of tha fly.r. but tha grvate.l ,.i of Ufa waa In tha front rnd of tha alrr.r hlrh tiUacoid by lha dining car Juat ahead. U.DK anar It " bMJ tn' .lead bad ban takon from lha de brl. wrck.ra lata lh' aflem.K.n Contlnuad on paga two. MAN HURT TWICE . SAME DAY SUES AFTER FALLING FROM TRESTLE N. J. SUNOERCARO IS IN COLLISION. . ' v $25,000 ASKED Of OREGON ELECTRIC Righf Foot And Lag Injurad In Flrat Acoldant Ara Crwahad Again In Second On a. N. J. Bundergard, through bla attor- nrya, Dlmlrk ft Dlmlrk. Monday filed an action for damagea agatnat tha Ore gun Kloctrlc Railway Company for $25,000 for alleged Injurlea received bile be waa In the employ of tho company Nover 11. 1910. The complaint aot forth that tho plalmlfT engaged with other em In nrKrtln a bonding car In tha bonding of ratla on the company line, which bonding car waa used at niM ami at K'.IO o'clock a. m.. No vember 11. 1910, the bonding car waa run on a awltch at Wliaonvuie, wnicn waa loraiea on irriic mui' twenty le-t alwve the ground, and that the Ui ""d on aau irejue were i.m .hurt and were liregxilnrly placed. It la alleued that tho bonding car had no running boarda around tho aldea fur the employea to work upon, ana Bi.ndi.rirar.i waa comix-nea to aiep fmm ih aiiia or tne car aown upon ik. tin. hfflnw and after removing a algnal flag from the top of tho car ha ateppd upon the tie and aa tney were too ahort and did not project .. tmm tha rr a aufflclent distance. nnd on account of me uea D-mg ir- regvilarly paired on the ireana no n..,.j .n.i full to the ground below I and Injured bla right foot and !. Sundorgnrd then waa pincea on -enger car to be taken to Portland for treatment, and It la charged when tho paenger car arrived wnn.ii HmlU of Portland It came into hea.l- ,.n colllalon with anotner car iwn-a In the oppoalto direction, .i. . i iha rnmriln nt deacrin- i .k. oiiuinn In which Sundergard claims to have received tho moat aer- nua injury la aa roiiowa .....I.... .in. an travel ng on aald defendnnfa pawenger car and on Ita ill iaaaan. lino of railway, ana anr -. " k..i arrlva.l on anld line of railway and within the rporate llm- Ita of the city or rorunuu, ii. ...nta and aervanta r,relely negligently opera od and propelled ita ama cr :R,d plain,., waa then .nd thero rid- negligently operkled and propd . .rneABIlin linil (.: Cionni t a-.. m,e of ita oinir direction In. over ana u.n hlgh .nddang.rou. rate of P'f a .w rareloaflly and negll- inen ... .-- : c,r. t0 """y cai-e.. - -.,.. wlth con o ... fnr, .nd vlo- mr throwing tnr-.n p- ; WM from tne cum ..'" "i ., .UegXind thereby hrulalKR nd rninninK p... ;-- le and causing " lr -Ztf broken Immediately a th SJT Joint and thrown out at right in ,7 become broken .d rtal tpred. and c.o? ng P Wntf ajf neaa and bonny u -.-; ..,d causing aald icg w - - EARNERS LEAD IN PAYING TAXES 275,34983 OUT OF 493,6140 IN 1910 COLLECTED FROM " THEM. 1 TOWNS ALSO LARGE CONTRIBUTORS J. O. Staata Furnlahea Information That May Ba Uaad In Campaign To Chang Syatam. J. O. Staata. Chief Deputy Sheriff im rreDared the following, for the hencat of perono Intereatea in the i.. ir.iirnverar started bv th. can palgn for the adoption of ainglo Ui: While the aubject oi laxauun . nid. and much la being aald on both aldea of tho queation aa to the l.et method of assessment oo that a Just and equitable distribution .i .h. kiinlvn nf keeDtng UD our public Institutions may bo had; it might be well for ua to take aquaro look at tho tax-roll to see who actually doea pay taxei under tho present aystem, nd the proportion of taxes paid by the farmers, tbo Incorporated towns and tha public service and business corporatlona. "A careful examination of tho tax rolls of Clackamaa county ahowa that there had been collected up to De cember 1, on assessment of 1910, $493.614 20. "Of this sum tho public oervlce cor imratlons doing business In the county have paid $77,918.35. Tho big land companies as follows: Southern Paci fic railway, $25,217.27; Weyerhouae Company. n.!2S.82; Collins Land rvunoanv. 1S.C51.18; tho three paper mllla. $21,138 65; tno nve iuoti i"" r-n rtnlir. Eataca- da. Mllwaukle and Oswego. $82.115 00. and the Thrmers of tho county mo on.- ance or $273.9 93 . ni.iilln service corporatlonh doing buslnesB In the county tho Ore gon & California (S. P.) pay is,-". .i- -j.iiii,-.ii to amount DAld on .Din in .nii." - , , land; tho P. U A P. Company paid $50 197.09; the Oregon meet."-. tl...rlnn tr W HDUrg IV. $2,735.18. The varloua telephone com panies. $2.HV". ana . companlea $278 03: Tho Pullman Com pany. Tho Wells Fargo Express Com pany and two or mree ... lines make up the balance of the amount from pimnc orv.c -w. t tlon. ' ... "Tbo farmer does not pay taxes, but ho pays his share aa shown by tho above figures." PHILHARMONIC SOCIEHf OF ORECON CITY meets tonight In Masonic Temple building. Sight reading claas at 7:30. So ciety at 8 p. n- IntenJIng members aro ' urged to secure member ship tlckeli not later than tonight ' HAROLD A. SWAFFORIX Secretary. rW V we'll gladly time. Misuse & V OREGON CITY JEWELERS OREGON CITY SCORES AT WILL ON WABASH Vntmlihatandlnir their superior weight and the fact that they bad itrengthened their line-up ny imporv ln. aaveral atarfl. the WabOSIl AtnieUC Club, of Portland, went down to over- J whelming defeat at tho handa of the local team on Canemah Park Field Sunday by tbo score of 2J to U. Tha vUltnra .Tcelled the home team In but ono department of tho game. punting. Long am hia Deal ior jtv gon City, but went into the game with a lame foot and ankle. Thla waa somewhat of a handicap. The game was entirely free from wrangling be tween players on either team and the Wabaah boys are certainly to be com he hard, clean, sports man like game they put up In tho face of certain defeat. Wabash waa neyer really dangerous during the whole game, while Oregon City scored almost at will. A much larger score would have been made had the field been In better shape. Oregon City played a Deiier game against Wabash by 100 per cent than the team has against any team here tofore. A great Improvement was no ted in tho local's running and Inter ference. Had Holladay. who piayea uregou City to a no-score tie In tno eariy part of tho season piayea mo urrnuu Ut.- Cnnrtiv HnlladaV WOUld have undoubtedly received, a royal beating. Every tnsn on the home team piayeu a splendM game. If star- were to be , counted all the name wouia nave iu be put down. Lawrence a wora oi in i.rklA w esneclallv notsble. Roos j handled the team nicely. For the visi tors. Spady. Patterson and uowung were most effective. , Ross. Ixrg and Slier each pulled off a sensational run through broken rds Touchdowns lliu " " ' J - , . -. . V. nni. Waa- I were scorea oy man. one each, and Rooa. two. Roos kicked goal twice. Today How Betty Captured the Outlaw (A Wastm Comedy.) Logan's Babies (Comedy.) A Message From Beyond (Drama.) The I, Grand "You could travel around and yet you couldn't get a better present than you czn buy right in this town. I've seen every kind of present, but never one to compare with the Victor Wc have the different styles of these great J musical instruments, and play them for you at any W Victor and Edison Dealers A feature of the game waa the Billy Goat exhibition pulled off during the play by the two red heads, "Buck" Pat terson, of Wabash, and "Buck" Caroth ers, of Oregon City. The squared oft and batted each other three straight bucks, tbe Oregon City buy getting lha dalHlnn Counting tbe game forfeited to Ore gon City by tho Rose City Club, tho locals record stands aa seven winds, ono tie, out of eight games, with no scorea agalnat them. Tho line-up: Wabaah. - Oregon City. Scott i . . White (Capty Shay Lawrence J L T. Forbes (Capt.) C. Freeman , la O. Wheeler Montgomery C. Dowllng ........... Carothers (Capt.) L. H. Ask for the Red Trading best Premiums. HOLIDAY SALE Of Holiday Goods at Holiday Prices a Our efforts in merchandising, is no mean industry, neither is it a selfish proposition. II I a 1 111 We aim to please all by ; furnishing reliable goods at the right merchantible prices, . we employ skilled salespeople, who are compe tent to aid the purchaser in the selection of desirable goods at right prices. Only Five More Shopping Days In which to do your Xmas shopping:. Come early and look Over our Xmas supplies. Our Toyland Basement for Toys and Fancy Articles. Our Daylight Dry for Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-made 5uits and Laaies Furnishings, and Novelties. Our Clothing Department for Men's and Boy's Suits and Furnishings. Our Shoe Department for best makes o Shoes for Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls and Children. Our Fine Furniture Department for new and up to date ' Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, House Furnishings and Wall Paper. YOURS FOR A MERRY XMAS L ADAMS j-,. , T". T k .ll Cfta the world with me or Victor-Victrola." A Sospensioa Bridge Corner Watta-Pudelra . . . .V. F. Freeman R. H. Pudeaux Long F. Schledman i Smith, R- O. Patterson C. Freeman , R. T. " Spady Silor Bull v....... Rooa Referee Cole. I'mptre Bateman. - " ' Field Judge Jackson. V Head linesman Red Jock. Timekeeper5 Shepbard. , . Wife Socks Divorce. Bessie Hollowell Bled sVitt Mon day for divorce against William C. Hollowell, alleging abandonment. They were married In Pocatella, Ida., March 10, 1909. , Stampr and secure the Goods Department - flat If-" mi If I v ') 'a : s ...it 1 , 'S "a vr '4. ;ia t' V '1 - v Uregon v-ny s Dig ivpitii : Road to Mnmins -an'orprf A