MOItNINO ENTKkPKIBK. SATURDAY, DROEMUKH 0. 1911. 1 ! ' KOQNIKG EfiTEUFSISE ' OstSGOsf CTTY, OREGON . m. amootE. pwanenec. wtAtSf slojaa "T a, tSIL at t r sle at Ora- ) raw r suuctirmi Am Year, ir aaa .MM . IN . I . J ei imim toy few Mitha. er Sr ccstract advxrtisihg rate$ lea a asset ahrr athrr itaa fa-aS paum. ! twirtll.. Is Baa rr eWf .haa Aral aa, per tea eaJtv far rfce auMr uamniil rrsea Um eaJty as k V. wit anul nun, Uu rata tU W a Wk far raw at raw IM". aa4 la as teats waki LS aaSarttata u aoaaTaj WishI ii was latHUau) at. nin TVe eJe- eJ Basaru Bale seVar- w ax dm nrM waaJ . 5w ftnaa a4 wag eT mil It. wiia SsHtaat ts win aa ateSt? smavto. ecrwjaa CITY OFFICIAL NtWIfA'KL s . a) THE MORNING ENTERPRISE bM eale at the foUowlag siorse every y: s ' Haatley Bro Drag Mala 8tret J. W. McAnelty . dears 4 ' Saras.! u4 Mala. ' E B- Aa4raoa. . Mala bmt StztA. . M. K. Dua CoafacUor7 Nart door tm P. O. aty Drmg Etor Elactri HoUL 8ckoobor OoBXactVwar ' V 8vaUk aad X. Q. AA&aa. Dec. 9 In American History. WW- AawtVu porta tiom4 tm Ertt- tefc sklpa: trad aapodcd. . 187 Exra CororH. foaodvr f CdtmH ' anlTaralty. 4Ir4 la lihara: bora MOT. I90T-Lolaa E3drM( lAast LodMt. wtO artrraa. din): bora ASTRONOMICAL EVENT. ' (Trom noom todaj to aooaj tocsorrowj aa acta 42 rtaaa 7:10: axioa tbM 157 p. aa; planet Marrary aaa aftar Parcsta Past Mlaconceptiona. A low rata of poataga oa mercbaav disa la aot a saw thiag la taa World. It baa fee beea aatabUabad la many caaatrlea, ' aad Its reaalu are tbor ooghly wQ kaowa. Baalaeaa In aD lu braacbaa ' baa beea promoted throughout Earope. aad la nearly all Ow Vase. re nrM snirSi ....I I was pet W liot Hnnlni .iO fT!!"4 swattvaa . pas M I (Ml eamis .............. . ........ .IK I War, a Mk se sa I - U4H hwrHiM I aila 1e mr mam: as eaeraesT Sn. Waste. rr Bate. Te laK .. aa ess ward rVa aimi; baa? sea esc - I ajas far sii mwmi k Aa Wsaalv araiWs arm aa tka aan as h IM far aS'i mil inaea n assess sew a lilia smss as aim Haas at taaaj UranjMu mar at has, wrttta arCkses a laca Mn sVejacsaS aatr DIRECT PRIMARIES Will Destroy ;! HaveStrucka Political Hard Blow Boss System jj At Corruption Br CHARLES S. DENEEN. Governor of Illinois CUE direct prima rie reform has doce much to placo the control of rtata politic back into tba handa of the people, whera it belongs. The IHinoU direct primary law provide for the Domination of candidate for all elective offices , excerpt trustees of universities. !! peopM Dominate tnroturb a secret ballot There can bo bo doubt that this liw ku i STRONG TEND ENCY to abata political corrup tion, and I am beartilj to favor of having it coupled with g COR RUPT PRACTICES AOT. ' One of the very best features of tba lav is that it removes much of the power formerly beld over the votmjby political bosses. In Cj opinion with direct primaries ii wl b) only a matter of time V , rOLTTTCAL BOSSES tb has in erj dTtHaad cowatrtaa, a caaap poatajta oa parr Mi traaamina4 taroaa taa aialla. la Oaraiaav, aaoaa caaaraJ proaMrtiy aa raM froata U1 aol aa dlipt4. a parcal walghtaf 11 Iba. raa ba atallea to aa part of I ha at prra oa pajraiaat of IS raata poataca. la th Ualtad SUtaa (ha mm tas ty of marrfekadlaa anould kara to ba dlrWad Into tara parcrla, aad tha poataj voM ba $1 T If. ajtala. tea mdi atarcbaadtaa la atatlad from taa I'altad Siataa lb alaraa pouaaa la rarrW la oa rvkut aad taa poat la taalra caata a poaad, or 15 par cant laa taaa tba cbarca btaa aay two dom ratio ofTlcaa. Aa Onroataa can aaad a parcal abroad for 11 cU a poaad poauca. but nuat pay all I era carta a paound If b mail tha aam packax to aay poatofflca. no Btattrr bow aaar la tba UalUa SUtra. Hera - la tba raductio ad abaardun. aad It la high tiaia for Coaarau to aaa tba point. Caap parcala poat rataa aara aot rvlaed baalaaa or aay farm of bah aa la aay coactry. Oa tba coatrary It expands, baalaeaa la f"raj aad la detail. Taa axpertaaca vttb It ont. Ida the l"ft I ted State feu beaa ao arldaapraad. aearcalng and kmx aoa Ulnad that It cannot be tiewed aa a aoral ex perl meat any where. I't raard ed extenstoa la tba Catted Statea haa beea reccommended la praaldaatta) maaaacea aad re port i of poatmaatar eaerala, bat Consreaa atlll permit tba exorbitant li cent a poaad rata to atand aad ao far baa withheld ta eoaaeat area to a trial of a cheaper rata oa a mall acale In a ' local way. i A boslnaaa la city or country that canaot aarrlra. If a freight rata of II centa a pobad la reduced la aot kep- taa; atep wttb tba timea. aad la aot eautled to nor worta apeclai rarora. Postal sartaca banks ara opposed la a similar maaaar. bat ara working well la aplte of the pmllctloaa of b aaar-sUkted clua who Voog opposed them. Aa aagar goaa down In price It mrar- lably aaeaia coffee com In V a p. There rai to ba ao point oa taa acala vbera taa two commodities caa reach a satisfactory level. Mr. Rockefeller's attaatloa la called to tba fact that ala score Is S 171. 000 00. compared with Mr. Carnegie's $211,000,000. Bat Mr. Rockefeller baa leave to extend ala remarks. Now that women ara beginning to serve oa larya perhaps Jarrmea win aa longer ba aab)ecta4 - to physical aardshlpa that Boggest a atony legal tndelgeece la tortsre chamber meth ods Tba Standard Oil trust Is no more. What will Ida Tar bell do? la a n at shell. Ross la seems to have decided that Teheran ought to ba a Cossack town. . Mr. Shnser defies taa Russian boar bat the the question Is what ba will do when his choice la reduced to bug or hlka Confession, for on thing, sweeps By FRANCIS C M G0VERN Governor of Wisconsin 0ERIIAPS the Wisconirin primary law is as well V. known and widely approv ed by its friend and as empbst ically disapproved bv its opponents as any in the country. I have always advocated the di rect primary system because it gives the people the power to make their own selection of candi dates irrespective of partv bosses. It is also my opinion that too much power cannot be placed in the people. It is a MATTER OF REC ORD that since the adoption 0 direct primary system there been ' LESS CORRUPTION politics tbsn ever before in the 0 history of the state of Wisconsin. I hope the day is near when ev state in the Union will adopt direct primaries lor all elective once, ss it means tb perpetue- af iwrtMaantatiea) entuniniMt Lord Mayor of London With Attendants In Procession (j - V - a.T.ji i Paotoa by Amarlcaa Praaa AaaocUUc OX DON baaVeea wooderfully traaaTeraied aluce the tsra of lht' Wbtt Ungtoa. bat ala sacceasora aa wbH-b word la aadaratood aot trtct emtrsrlag taa laaaclai abaw aa lord mayor's day (No. Pi moat af the medieval trappings that aur raaaaad the aarsary hero who waa thrice chief nufietrata. The great wooden go res called Gog aad Magag. formerly carried at the bead af the proreaaloa. are sow left la the Guildhall, where the lord mayor'a beaoaet la held, bat the bug lumbering coach, with Its rich gliding and tmbtasooed pa nets, still car rtea the aewly elected dignitary ever his triumphal route, A leas aacleat but hardly a mudera touch la furaiabed by the marcher waa lmperaoaate the eoidlere of Wellington and the sailor of Nelaoa. Thle year lord mayor la Fir Thomas Boor Crosby, wboee face la seea at tba window of the coach. Sir Thomas, who was a acreesful surgeon before be became Justice of the pear, aldermaa. sheriff and lord mayor. Im believed ta be, the oaly aaember af hi proreaaloa who ba ever bold this (cbleflyi honorary office. Be m atlll vlgor aoa despite bla etrhtv odd years away a vast amount or argument la tended to make the worse appear the better causa. London paper declare that It ta Bftelras to expect to free Northern Persia from Rasalaa control By the same token Southern Persia la to be lust aa hope lees ly British. James Whltcomb Riley's Idea thai the beet poetry cannot be evolved by dictation la equally applicable to prose. There will always be differ ence between a mind and a machine. Uncle Sam haa la Alaska sn area of 699.000 square mile, and win not fall to keep a watchful eye on such a promising pelc of real estate still retalng lu primitive richness. THE UTEST MODE. Plain Skirt Oet of Faatiiere Running. Revere Styles. If yoa are cbooaing a street suit don't get an entirely plain skirt able yoa are a marked Individual and weai aoch a garment at all seaona Arrange a bit of drapery, no matter what the fabric. To bring a tight skirt op to the mln at make three single bos plalta, bind them with satin and attacn them to the high waist of the skirt. Catcb them with a long silk thread to the hem and weight them down. If you don't tbey fly behind yoa like a kite. A feature in fashions that you will not be able to escape Is tb Immense tbm raaaa riaca aaiar. rever. It I a glorification of tbe ailot collar of the spring. Tbe three pier skirt le a fanlonnblf and pretty one and la well adapted fot small women and young girls. This one Is Just full enough to rosform tt tbe latest decree of fashion and la made of French aerge flnlsbed with stitching and button. JTJDIC CBOLLET. Thl Mar Msnte sattara la rat for girl ef Iwrtwii, sixteen snd e)htaen years ef a. Send U cent to tht orSna, alvHt nunber. 71 at. and It will ba promptly (or. wardrd to you by mall If la baste sand sn additional two rent stamp for U Hi sata, whlefe Issuras aer prompt e Sar - If yoq are pot reading the Morning Enterprta. why aotT Tear-end Bar gain period la bow on. ad oa III I ff''''K':; J it V' ill I H?&'? lit ' Ysj T ; n tr IT. XtJtSi. i Wa. Ivrda mayor of taa ae-i4( city bi the whole metropoas. but oaly the dls center haa preaerved la the anneal Coarse of Year Tears, Ilave yoa ever eoUcea two tiny boles at the "noae" end of each eye! I'roO ably not. for they are very tiny, like pinholes. Bat If yoa look at your eye carefully la a mirror yea will Bad them. They are tear rfecta or I a bra, Tour tears start behind your eyebrows, at tb narrow end of ta eye They paaa eat below the eyeltda. aad ibe blinking of the eyelids rarriea them i ward tee other end of the eye, where the docta or overflow pipe collect and carry them do we tot your ooar That la wby you are apt to blow your aoe when yoa cry A Sow of tears la go ing oa aU I be Urn to lubrtcete the eye ball. It Is only when yew are under powerful emotioa that they overflow A Snake Stacy Fran ladle. A queer story ef the cure ef a snake bite come from India. A young man bitten by a veoomou anake waa evi dently dying. The mob railed la re solved to try tbe nuat powerful rem edy be knew, lie tied a cowrie ahell on to a piece of string and muttered Incantations , till It began to whirl round and round and Anally disap peared In a few minutes tbe euake that bad done tbe damage appvared with tbe string sad heH round Its seek and wis commanded by the mob to put lu mouth re the wound for about ten mlnutee. after wbtcb It went away. The dying mso speedily rvcov ered After tha Sinks. lie tried tbe door wltb bla key. bat tbe thing was locked n the In aide locked and bolted. And Just aa lie was about to apply tbe knocker a voice, stem and admonitory, reached him from above: -Hello: Who are yout What do you wsntf "My dear." be called. "Isn't that a trine gratuitous! i want t com la. u ye seer "Where bare you been till this bourT" ' '"Club, my darling. Beendowu die ensuing the strike " "Very well. then. Now yoo can go back and dlsr-uaa the lockout Does tt still ralnr rearson'a Weekly. Trfpelitan Preveraa. "Ton cannot." says s Trlpollua prov erb, "escape your fate, eves on a borse." "vfnoerer." aaya another. "b maize will soon And one wbo will lend blm floor." "If a dtc to be beaten." aaya a third, "there In no lack nf sticks" A fourth proverb points out that "whoever ta eeeklng pearl nmsl gu le the depths nf tbe la-ean " Others are. "Kt-ee a wxitliasyer rannot foretell bl own fate." "Whoever truta a w man bna been smitten by God. and (nI punlxbe everybody an-urdliig 10 bla deeerta" " HOW TO LIVE, i lie lengthened Id" il"JuIlcol m short enough, snd the man who Irve it out on straight tines, givmg lift (or lift and kck for tck. not over, joyous in periods of personal sue. cesj and achievement nor yd too dcepondenl when tb game goes Seams? him, kcepwig in mmd always the ruprrme value of the average in aS things, will leave the world stJl so much io love wilh il that be would kite to anger yet lor awhile to work and dream ks pliaat and btatfui pastures. AMONG TnECnUBCHE5 Plrat Saptlat CKarah Mala aad Ninth streets S. A. Ilayworta. paator. Preaching by the paator at 1 a- m. and T:M p. as. The paator le tbe evening will preach tbe etitk of a aeries of aermoaa oa "The Men aad Reltitoa forward Movement" German Lutheran Churea (Ohio srad. Her, II. Maa. paator. Rer vices will be held at 10: JO a m. Sunday school at 9. JO a ta. Cataali Ooraer Water aad Tenth treeu. Rev., A. Itlllohraad patoe. realdeace til Water; Uw Mm I a. m with eermoo; High Xls - 10:10 a at.; afternova aervle at 4; hi every morning at a. Congregational Church Itev. tleorge N. Kdwarda, pair. reaular mom log service 10 IM. Run Jay arbool ll:t Kvenlog servlc T:Jv. first Churan of Chrtat Scientist. Ninth and Center street. Service at II a. m Sunday acbool Immediately after morning service. Oarman tvngiicl Oorasr Eighth and Madlaoa streets. Rev. r. Wlevealca paator, realdeace Til Madlaoa Sunday school 10 a. m Herman Schrader, Monro ret. aupertateadent; morning service It; Young People at I p. as. aad preaching at S p. nvj prayer meet' lag Wednesday at T:J0 p. m. Oladatone CMistian Uev. A. It Mut key. pastor: lUble school at 10 a. m ; preaching at 11 and S- Mountalrt View Unl (Congreea t too all Sunday echoed J p. m., Mr. 3. II. Qulan. aupeiinteudeat; Bible Study very ThursUaf after, soon. plrat Methodist Iplscepal CKoreN Seventh and Main street. T U. rord. minister. Services, Suadayt 9.4 a m, Sunday arbool. C A. William, upeiinlendent 10; 4S.' public er vice and preaching by the paator. Class meet ln fallow. Brother To der leader. l lJ. the Junior church aervtc. Ml Cass, leader. : 10. Kpworth League devotroaal meet, lag. lis I K afford, president T:10. sermon by Ibe pastor, "Accommo. dating I'ahrra," A cordial wekom to alt First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. R. Indsborough. minister , Sunday ereool at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. C Green. superintendent Morning worship at ll. T. M.CK. at :. Subject. -Paul- It. Ttnt 11:14. Ev. aing worship at T:J0. There will b aa hoar of aacrwd song by the choir. AH are welcome. Psrkalacs Congregational Rv. J. L. Jones paator. reaidenc Clackamas; Chiistlaa Endeavor Thurmdsy eve nlng 7: JO. Sauday acbool Is. Emery French superintendent) ' preach tag service each Sunday, alternating hetweaw 11 a. ra. and T: 10 a. m.: St Paul' Protestant Eolacooal Churchj c. W. .Robinson, rector: Holy euchartet, S a. m.: morning prayer. 10:10; holy euehartat aad sermon, ll;-eveatng prayer and aer moa. 7:10; Sunday acbool. 11 Unltd Sr'hrn Corner Eighth aad layior. Rev. u K.Clarke paator. residence. Portland; Sunday school 10 a, m.. Fraak Parker. Maple Laaa. auperlntendent; morning service ll ; T. P. 8. C. Bv 0 p. m. evening aervle 7. Willamette M. S. No regular preach ing services: Sunday acbool I p. a, Mr. Ream, auperlntendent Zlon Lutheran Corner Jeffereoa and Eight etreet. Rev. W. R. Krai herger paator. residence 7W Jeffer eon; Sunday school 9:14 a. m., Rv. Kraaberger, supetietendeot : morn ing service 10:10; evening 7:45; Lather League 7 pm. Electric Christmas Gifts Are Popular :Thzy still possess that element " of norelty dear to the American heart and thus solve the problem of giving Christmas gifts that Are 'dif ferent." Imagine how pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cap or electrc cigar lighter, instead of neckties, socks, and hand- kerchiefs, "as usual." A tea kettle for grandmother, a samovar for Madame s five o'clock teas, a chafioff dish for the college girl or bacfiejor maid, a disk stove for the bachelor, aflat Iron or sewing machine motor for the practical housewife-all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them.- It should not be forgotUn that the elctHs Chrlstmss gifts are ell ' USEFUL gifts. Each ef th. dsvlees Is dsslgnsd to do om. on. thing , better than It can b don. sny ether wsy, wh.ther It Is ts , percolate ' coff.,, bread or furnish ths powsr for running s sewing wschlns. The (In. ef eleetHs Chrlstmss gifts Is so oomplsts thst In It will bs fsund a sultsbls gift for svsry msmbsr of th fsmlly, . PORTLAND RAIIA7AY, LIGHT & P0V7ER CO. MAIN OPPICC 7th and Alder Streets API INVITATIOW ' With ample sspltaL seeursto sseevntlna. saeellent equipment snd s aenuine desire ts reader halprul namU , we are In poaitlan te give bualneee men snd Individual 1 there la In Banking. Year lnterts wtll grew If ya hve s finsnelsl Maeeaaew and we serdislly Invite yee ts feet si hems bsra, wina muTu te the fulleet peeeibls eatent , The Bstnk of Oregoa City oLrgyr batik m thi couwtt 0 O. l-ATOURarrTB Prsiiim THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK o OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, OAeOOAOU Vrawaaata s arsl Una(ng Buln Owen frees t A. J t Wants, For Sale, Etc istlaas waaae sans aasaaarta m wui a tsawssd 4 ee eastl a was Utas owe htaa aara, IS se aswaas. has asaa aara. t BUtee SI Caa mast WANTID. VANTICl-Tourlsts sad local people to see my collrtottoa of arrow beads coins, Indian tr.akat. ,4 atam4 and turtoa of aorta WIU tu or sell la this iiu llae ni good bargaiea la aevwalajaad fumltu' and tools, tatt oua. Mailt u near lirth WANT CIV A good secondhand farm wagon. Writ North Coast Contract Company. 91 J Lw Itldg, Por'laad WANTEI Four men to hoard aad 'mom by private family, good table and rooms. It 10 a week. Inquire . at Enterprta. t 'nirwi air l n i giam a- FOft BALE. FOR SALE by (X 11. Uveeay. carload of Trojaa powder, just received. FARM LOANS. rARJd "i JO AH i ri mTch Uawflk. Lawyer. Orsgoa Oty. Or. ATTORN BY. O. D EST. Attorney-! law. Mey maa. saasjaste fwalahsa. laae tttte esaestaee. aetatse sWlss pea ral law be si a as. Ove Baaa mt Or eg CMy. IT P. EN A BCBTUaaTaBLa A Law, DsatacBer a See at. wvM ara Ikw la an eewrta. aaaat prise PKg, Orsesa dtp. BUHDtR AND CO' ACTOR. HA RUT JOVBB Plunder aad tsawaral Catrator. awtlraalea. baartJly ' rive aa all staaaaa vwf aaUessg warn, i oa at st waima aa eaaeret. Raa. PVa Msea lit INSURANCE. . H COOPsTR, rvie Fir taearaaa aad Rwa PMata , Ls wa Saasaieaar uajaa aa aaa aa eee asawt weak ta nest. IN Waaantal raaaaesismts Par arraro. wSasa arrwra mat rrae eievela eeMea wet ha srtatae far aatraa bttaiaiuai an arse ISs -.s-in '--- ian ii jr vowr nsupssnaas e by. saOj asm I 1 J.lSi r I MSTBtL Ca, OfrV ta -. Oewa city, Orsewa af? S Jl.'-eiipjaj-'ve. . jj - Jaareliw CIBANINQ AND PMOaan CHICAQO TAIlXinS utu nud order from He and up. w u Z cleaning, pressing aa tvWu. Three doors south bf pustofe. MUSICIANS. i. A 141 A lAORit tear ar of t4 isl atrlng inatramant. alrertnf of Wat and orchestra WU rural., for aay occasloa. Oil at Kbctm Hotel NOTICIS. NetU ef Final eettlet Notlc I hereby given that Um as deralgned, the duly tpit quallfled and acting ailmlauirsim of In estate of John Etlua. Atasi ed. has Bled her Final lUarwt m each adralntelretrti la the Caasq Court of Claefcaaus County, OtrV and the Onurt has set Tseaasy, ji uary 1. IBIS, at J o rkk p ax, at the date for Ibe hearing ef as Final Report and esttlemeat af Us aforesaid eetat. Aay sad all pa. aona. having objection to J4 Isal rvport. are hereby not I Bad u tpaaw oa or befiwe said date la Ue Coearj Court of said county, and Ssj ue ald. Dec, 1 1111. ORA FOWlXt. AdmlnlstraUn. U BTlPr. Alloraey for Estate Notice ef Final Settlement Nolle I hereby given that the e deralgned. the duly appoiatet qualiAed and actli etarutrli of tht estate of John J. Immwt, dwsm ed. haa filed her Final Report at each eiecutrti I the County Ceart of t'tackamaa County. Oregue. sal the Court haa aet Taeaday, ta ary S. 1911 at I o'clock p at, m th dau for the bearing ef aut Final Report and settlement of a aforesaid estate. Aay sad aU per son, having objection te said teal report, ar herebv aotlhad la as pear oa or before said data Is tt County Court of said coesiy. sat file th earn.. -, lasted. Dec. I. 1111. ANNA FOB MASK. Eieeutni. U iTTPP. Attorney for Estate, DO TOU KNOW that the Enterpria aw "4 ea hack pee foe nartlcj-'ra. rr'- i row