MORNING ENTEkPRISK. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1911. . ' !.. Thanatophobia, fear of death. -Theaa. Jeers argy-eejd to,, be nuioh MffllM than ljrcedtrilrlrBub. t1&tolOitor. "VliR" of diseese til feare musHe g?Me4- T H I. : T v. " ...... XI . IJ. I lU, sYt th CHMit OlftM M Ortni," "W waw. a a.,. rJOKniriG.BiTERPfilSEi more . ear a, at the poet City, Oracna. a0 tt a. iris the Act af Man raws if suBctimoN. , Months, by nail rjur Mnntha. by mall.. . I M T earrUe... J w-r r-afarrU poalio a-jr paa. rr baoa proceed from a morbid state of the brain and not from properly exciting external causes... These fears must be peculiar to the Individual under pe culiar circumstances of cerebral dis turbance and not fear common to oth ers, and due to causes that naturally Jiroduce E.vYIREtETSr.ll a 1 Mai wtaa4 that fckTety-rifr bladeenre Ue' tan Masors W ripping seams, the disappearance of. all thoae Na-rrein VJ:f7T"w f understood. The "lust one more" baa beeu tha downfall of many. Mt.yr ylate k-i uU. "Just one more season foi me." Hla untimely death brouRht the list of thoae hilled thta year by simi- l.r .iwrmliliUUa . U1JL UHSJ Ql 111 H f thaj Ctlal Mwa.1s- teak 1 rim- taeart M . . . . .V. A A M. IrA . A, . . 1 Be Rue papt nther .haa firat pas, par Bk lU4 aiartHina.r- ...... .....Sa PORTUt'RttBCfcT .TANd ' u .owa'rd'Tlock of the ,u.. I 'or the "weary nuiM afhral 1 Ar agar lira ta foaMilmy Aatvaw ar4Ve. JAQk'.AV 3 )A,n aJuci Waata.rar Bala.,! l.-r jKa.. m ami a wtlra Ylra tnaaMiea: vaa-aatf Ml Rata for advertlalM Katetprta will ba th aama Salty, for advertiaemanta Waakly i ka Um Royalists. The atrength public lies In the unity of patriotism and -'pMtjio if hp' 'feefeadtff . r The eaknM orthaitoyallMi tttu ts'thoir division lata caeipe, tachT brMled by a rival claimant for the throne. One of the Royalist factions, of atck (or apaeial pueltioa.- Caah ahould aceomaaav paMe: unknewnvta bwaw efflee " mfrpnaa L.vaJt.frti;-,aMtiTaarttaa "ta ,jjw annujjrt Vtrrua advrrtlalnc and apaeial tiaaatani oartlataa at Ike ae aaa aa Ineh. aaear- nt( to apaclal coadltloas toveralnsi tk una, ' Flra Sale and Bankrupt Bala' Uw--teMmanta (. aaca-lrat- tH)c;. a4J onJ Uwtertlona aane matter Sae tnofc. - Swa Hem and weft ' etlltw itfulae it aMiril. - vILa iotrnaat ta Inaai, raaca, will ba ffladly accepted. Rajvatad aiaaii- Hnrar Tatumae wan aompaav fcp K mae 'a pfrpta wa. -...-.v. king. The second' element Is in (he Ingres, oftporo, AUgwO, ,preiKJ,r the throqe. (nder ufh conditions the overthrow of the Repubife would mean civil1 fit betw-eVd "theRoyalUt camps and , fhr 'expend fflire of much bloodshed and treasure. Happily, Indications point to the ability ; 6f Oe" Repuhl 'lo wltTisrand successtully ". the .pnlauichta vf the Royalists and to. tcontlawv Its mission among the gwernments' of the earth. M:iTV OPtfCIAfe NEWSPAPER. M John . Rockefeller -,1a fori .the i)"- n'iM ! t: i .no. hi i . h jm n -'Beautiful Isle f fiomewberev' "f i John -may hav an oil tank: there some aU. iui.' ll.tlfl I ..el-Li . 'M.i.Al w- ' ' viiA .' !: il ., I That contortlonlut certainly tumbled In sjo6d-Uloit hi be niarritrt that EarrncnmMoB llfrthjriresa a a Well. thank!Heavt Hie awful sus pense is over and the victorious Heav ers have about closed a most success ful asmaor,n rUaokJy id. i J oOJilf ,'.UrtJiit P THE MORNINO 'ENTERPRISE '! .- -.. n,. i i H Vm sa1 at he followinsr stores I , :..-r-r rrrr ' r,.u, tdl j Italy,, 1 . .en-'dttt ;are ;;very'; -ell r"10 : J:"vV? McAhuRr Olrara L'l7o.I ii w-Tenlh' and! Vain, ' : e B. B. AudereoB. " .-if.-e !; Majn near Sixth.? ''"" - M. E. Dunn Confectionery''' ' " 'Next"doop to P: O. 'i ,U0111' , CTty' Dnig 8tor fiics-K.,f EletrIc Hotel?-,!,f -cj., "Schoenhotti COnf ecttoaery ' 7 "Y- ' Seventh and .T. Q. Adama ' 1 4lllt M ' .t lit !. e w V eVd(edVw'sd4 ('II H in Oct. 22 In, American History, 1492-r rirat. meeting , t bettreeo Enr j.u peaaa and, AmeiVaa aborigines oa -aboard Coiuwhua-'j v,cssels. . r. i Htmte'WlnsowUrortan4 U 'iburlB ' of "Harvard 'anlverslty. u'lcyboin I831 r t. u 10Hlkeate treaty between Chile soil "BoUvla."" ' v"-' . ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. There are about a dozen phobias tO'Wbtch )taortaW are'hpt toMll arey. h. 'ttbnipt' cQarie, 'befh hydropho- Mfr l no c ! ' M The Medical Record, daaaiflea them ftf'th'J Ortet:' i'1' 1 -rt: ... CbniscrAphObla, fear of 'narrow' et cloaedliplao8,,1,il ,, ,.,., , . J.iAgnraphobla-far vi open places. r '"Moftohdblsi,' ' fear of aeltig alone, athpfblijleapf dhwase '' ,i dyaophohia4'ifea)h6t lamination1. f.8tderodrowMiphwWa toai; f jraiUoad ' ,tfmet-fe - .:!iof lk 'Acrophobia;" - fear'of "bef ' ; height or looking over a'preclpfce.' ' ' ' ".' "J. J .'..'.'! 'I.- .1.11 - seasoned.-. -ee- Uow prone we are to axaggerate the . wealth.) y j paon) " '..Here'a . P. Morgaa, who we have eeea holding up as one who pot ld Croesus la the shadje, hsessed n "jyew' York' City for merejy 'JSOO.OO,,' worUi ,'((( property,','' -l:,.v, ; e-- '' ' ' Th,iS0r Vth hary' and Turkey signed The jagu cAyej31pnil''fo( the pacific settlement of .International .disoiUesi" Rot what Is arbitration a-hea yo have a war on hand? f! I.N) 1 0pen . season for the political pro phet' who gets oa your nerves. ... .. ; , ,:,, , -..u ':! . It ii' r: j . i. i... Not . pure beer., but, more beer is th enly way IDT.1 WHey can satisfy some rolkav ' " ' ' ''' ''' !; After he1 die a few more times the original Sherlock Holmes will bring his recp'rtj'iip lo Iheglrlwho danced with Lafajpetta-.,-o- ,(,' . -e- a . jiuiy ' and,,, Turkey , agree that Gen eral gbermaa was rights -wea- Mr. Rockefeller is no pessimist bougfil He hook. IPS ! Molly-And howirhwiit the cirl? rChvUy 0.b..sh4f o;iiy yiya i)r nyd -LoPdpn ytKJerqjJo-eti.;,('i'i ' ( t') (tn..'t rVyf. .. .,. -- -f l ..-: i ; .1.1 l;1!. . ', . ' Read the Morning RiKrrprls ' 'Mil luia I:ujfi y 1 i-.i-iintfrf ; 1 1" ,' . hv .1 t'i, ail'f . f a t ; .--iCSiv.. , zXzzz. 1 innn'mciVrr By?W. J. W ll "J 1 i .1 1 Uhited States 'Atobassidor1, to China I Mi) 4f e !. '; .' -rr.i 'i J si; I ShouId:,Be GbiectiVfe :PonirR)f All American 'Merchants Have you read about the largo amount. opiottey lha Chinese In, Am erica are sending over to the Flowery Kingdom1 td alJ the'Crenduttoalsts? We are toU. thaUtk .ppla of this country do not reside the extent of this new movenjetit" against the old form of government. i Ppeaklu uf au urehestra (n. Orcunn City,, the JUUe . buuch that gathers evry week in the Andresen biUlding certainly puta that "Caaned stuff" way up on thfrback sbeL .4-. ..) , , , Qregun City needs a scolding ou au- muibi aF h.. iwirtr tnrnmil at the first entertainment ot the- Lyceum Course. The character of these entertain uieutA la of,, the highest- order the value" of such a course ,1a admitted by all. but when It comes to diKKlng.. Uowu into our Jeans for four bits every month or bo we are, aupareuily not, there. v . Those aanuai artlcUs , on , "brutal (gutbaH,',Vquutlng a, few cases where accident have happenedt, ara a, little lalAhis jreae... ,-n? .ii. . ' it.i . i . i : ' , i . M r Keeping pace wlt the modern trend of pnovstkns crowding out oldjUme honored a slams, la the . Industrial world.,! slecirlclty i la fast, taking the plce of . steam ', logging engines J In a number of . the larger .logging,, com panies.. . ,.,( ' ..... , 'jii'l , ... ... , It, seems that Governor Wt hardly haa Ume ,U rest, from his. rushing to the dfure. ol on o( hla subordinates, than .another one, "get his."., This Uu the spot-light is centered on, the state purchasing agent. - ...... ,, . The wlvea of. missionaries In the toreiga fields are receiving a lot of praise for their ability, , to manage their households on the small sum al lowed annually to their missionary J husbands. There are countless wo men, not far frqra bore who also have the, ability to stretch a dollar .and whose sacrifices and, , unending lalior of lave In their attempt to make their home a home li every sense of the ward, are deaervlng of tbe highest praise and commendation. ' -" ' '....,...! The discovery of a girl whose name is Zastonovegnovltch has atlracteu considerable attention, and to think that I u a few years ail Ihls will be given in exchange; for a plain Mrs. l:rown. Mrs, Smith or Mrs. Jones,. ., a a : The big headlines of the papers in form uh that bop have gone up to 40 cent, and way down In the column In smail type we. are told that egga. butter. and canned "goods havralsb gone up In price, , Speaking from a lersonal . standpoint. , thai location, ot tbia,.jpforniatlon should be,, reverse as , our main) interest .ia not centered In ibe price of hops, but ra'hcf In, pic price of the other articles. If that THassathnafJisimanriwbisfi accused of 'comfiltUatU-fhut crime wete not axmiiiM- wUuMjt notice? be Just )ecauHe our county has a fev. rallk'Koatat'thHt'ave attraotlivg atteu tlo throiigbont tiie state don t .thisv Claekamas oonty. is tha "goiit'i boufj l) A 1 t. jfl r - p " ' w.. a a . nam-- FP t I . . ax V Pa. AutomoUUcI X'MllPUrt ITR fi ft ' . . a ll iei.tL I.' 11 si S fT"7.I.. art m yfr, ,yB I 11 l ; i 1 V. : Y .1 r -v a f Akt m Mto-H -4 r-v ' I wtlTI T r-i i Mil ti PPJ! I- iiLa. n -taawasjai BasaawHsw r vaA :,' i- MA H I A . , -a, f C A - , M-av. W t .OsVW t Pbetoe by Asnarloan Praas Association . la n WOETrotulf rf XTmirTlaxTnTpt Am tUltlea betweetMtaljr ami, Turkey. Kvery KuriKnn nstlou hss U-j' J experimenting wiih aulos as a means of quirk ly uiovlug amsH bodlrs I vi troupe amvsMSO Jor (wenKraeiing or iignt ariiiinry. am. nine H'wa awrvated ar-wwtasTtaa be .anTWte4:tmyferr.r"Pkl3 aa-twr eutJd drag- tham a th(ni ' or c JiMirt wthnf llsta. . lite., nlrtnreo aliove stjbW t(uorta'tAoimblea beloatn tothe'war deparimetiia of 'tbe two eonnlea to th lowaYTntotaarnph tb ltaMaD"i)lnlter ef war and hla etao are strewn, wbl tb-ppaUi:trre shows herket I'ashs, (be Turkish minister uf-wsr.-faated la an armor enttJVh pyrtrait U that of Cbevket Taaha. , - ' PHYSICIANS.-? ftli ljfNA RrVlOlSiKS. Osteopsth. M lortl.ia4 will be in Oregon City KoMay, Wednesdays and Prldays v of t'Vt week, at corner of Sixth and f V tV'asytiloaA aueeu-.uuaa Slain v.itytr (A V , vk ; , CyEAW'Na AND PRESSINa '. w inn. v. n am m i... la Ja aSwaa anaunh Ml.r . slsri. TV". .TV.' A savings account's! this' hanii wif not only provide sapltal, but will giv( a training In finance which will Prot a valuable business hslp, .aula f The Bank of Oregon Qtv at nrcr m Mir fit rnv VS'Sl r" siw fif. X.UAUTTsl Prwaldeat . III I I r A f efm.M. . THE FIRST V . vwwavu I'y jTT-r -a of OREGON CITY , OREGON 1 - ' i .-i ' ; CAITiL. wt;6oeA" iATn,srt u., anais s oaaeeal Sanainn Ssslwsea ; ' SUNOALOW iMATIRIAU OP ALU KIN0. Tiimhs. lath, shingles, fence poeta a4 ideera. meMkUiiaa. I II ktnda of Inside finish.' rrloea right. Im Bufan(ea4 asTn ellverv. ' "" tuj a delivery Phone Main 3981. 1 lAruCf (YARDS AT. PARK PLACI). lur, accnrdlng lasradsv.. . MtlTTON-Sheep. , lo an t; lambs, 4 ad 6c l!OOS-i:& to 140 pound hogs, 19c aud lit'; i0 to t00 pounds, lue and IH." " " "r BEAVERS TAKE ONE ?:0F Wants, Ff Sale, Etc ntwrn unaat. ciaan aw " III ba tnav fa at so aant a worn, hail men a44Hlunal rirsk WW V-Vr T a .aarsv V lSe si par Bfconan. -- f Csak m aaCaea'tiaiy ef Sar aid4SS UUim a . iCata maaVaeiytAar efSar aiJss sh raa an t'jr arte t irifh- the ear. U naaa.'Iairraantv -It rararrMS. nrtntett fooaamn, afmnnwai ehas tie' i i..VlTtO. Jiaiereceiiea quite so mncn i -i . t-m i WANTEDTowrnu, ana weal poopia 'Jo see . my OJilUetiOii trf nrrow-heatl Leo'txli'ii"!" : JtrwIs eVJ. Utdi and curios of t. sorts Will bu barghn r&jjlHlpi and r&t. r5joV.VVoJtrfr.rMaVii.H mm house- work. Telephone Main 1571. i, l.i: i .hii tiiin .1 ll vol:w . WATTEO Immediately,' girl or , .,. woman ito do geaernl house- ,, ,work,,Ir family of. two (old ,',, lady and yvung. man.), . Good , , ,,, home ' tor any one.',, Inquire Ml ., for. Jir, MUler, pnterprtse of ., ., flpje ,py V'lls Fargo. , (1 ;, . MI'l ill ! ' .' I '! I. ll.l.V..,( , ., v HvlJTk IkMtars and sWaia broke Uap. in S double header today. The flrsi gama was taken by the visitors, I t I ?. k)etnrr and Mutor each al kwud aits aud both teams made two errors. Panning outplubad Rest ter ta he second and the fleals wen : qilCAOO-TAILORS suits made to order tram iio ana up. e aiso uo 'cleaning. pressing and repairing. Three doors south of poetoftce. "i )' ;.f lv7 :i I '' ! hnd' Ailrtr Wf.f cifm' tfom MRS. A swltchel Fourth ami Monne streets. (J City. Oregon HOUSE CLEANING SE CLl "T,..l. f VANTJ7tr-Dressmaklntt'"'out ' by the ''day, first 'class Work guftrnnteed. Mrs. W. C. Rnover, Roosevelt strett. u. Y I ty of thUntate. . (,;.. . . n -' ' - ' .11 ' .-.i: . ! -i- Braas h- gone dewn, but eciraa peo I plo bave a lot regnrdK. pf I price). i .., .. -. ( ., -.-j . i ..: . r li.. .. Even tbe price of Ixaaks . hss aii vanced. We used to get tbe new ones for $1.08, but no . We have to hand fluti'$Ji"n each and more for the "six best seHera" ...i.n, ...T ti f,.,n ;n, . ,-,...(, I I. While, soma Publiditv Deoartments .tr l . il IM n. . of diworent Ommercial Clubs through out the state have; heeni censured for rinl r w twt era ibj n o n fa ra I ha Hjinrf. .rfr' i.u.,.ti ,....h- .n,.n... .v.v OR SALE Registered JerscxJiuJl. nr. Wwutln na Munnlilnl has ever 'i Al t.oole lit ImmascllS." , , . a a. . . - S ' r ' aW A, . v Inir In every particular true an repre H ntnA in all oar pnblicity literature. ! Kvery are is taken by our local club ! i ! k : ' it i ' ; . .1 !; .nil.. i , . 'I c.t-i.' jt r-t ..ikiMn'i r.i ... wanted-a smicitor. ' The man wno makes- good on this '. shotlld earn $20 Xti 130 weekly.1 This is no Btiup,' hut a red-" ' '' brooded' man can make Rood. Call before 11 a'.'jrri:; mday or Saturday, Circulation' Manag--' er, Oregon City Enterprise: I'lt i: - , .i T .. ' J..'i i-.lni hi ,it i ":l - . it V ,-! : '. ... ; i, i i. .i.ii.:.. ..l. ' ': 1 "-il Ti'i'i -i. "'II ! I'.i'- .- l1 m i' J!.-! in.! !',,. i' : WANTWA re!-blood4' ' mull ' " ' r ut oman: one 'nor afraid M ' work. A' hustler ihVmld Clear , .$20 fo $30 weeklyr - Call or write' Clrriiltttlon" "Managt-r," ' Oregon City Enterprise.. : 1 : KO VALE. j regarding statements sent out aBd-W uiiurinit promises mac cannot pe; sus tained have ever- been made. 2 condition: A bargain. Adores -k. j care of The Knterprlse. r-c'ajr4! not mcii mcrolf UlV,5a9 pfl the great flcpts .yf .the W- s tin,; ADDED .TEXiKITOI.Y. of, tU,. nation ky bvrt thft rabliFhrnpnt r.f NEW ' in fi.rcitrn landn. In thin ttiw croimtry is LACKING, CHpoclallj . yw w tvi a. . . . . ON BOARD THE GREAT VESSELS OPENING UP BUSINESS If CHfNESE PORTS THE AMERICAN FLAG 18 .NEVER. SEEN.'T I WARPI and YOU i TO BUILD UP COMMERCIAL INTEREST IN-iO4INA.v . flvMiMilEA:' T,er, UAllSa of ,1,1 bo culled 1 hLLUW I'hlUL. lint 4'Uma m like grcafc pant awalci led inviatgrent -cirolo M) tlis -ntmutry,,,, It Jia oitdeJ to wljerc if started gftcr centuries. WfVFf fJftlng"to Itp th'-r-ultt''c,,-ir-,' i biWo,are.nt06INO TIMI-; inaioi KiTiV.ATlNauCIIINESli COIBIEKCE. 1 could point out d-HUNDKKt) VATS 'rnliiclj the American merchant has NEGLECTED HIS OPPORTUXlJ TIES and ia often RUINIXO FUTIJnEbOIIANOE. Of courg wo are kept buBj gupplyinjr tL American demand, and we are pro! tected by the tariyall j WE HAVE 8Prt4IOfef0ftEArJAMA CANAL. WH SHOULD ' WE HAVE THE PANAMA CANAL WITH NOTHING BU FOREIGN VE98ELdO(VU TrmicKprlOlrjTJ'X o.l' t radltlosf HUilUD nuiref:' two hMndfed "fefel -of eabl. I'iy'in:h(,"cain'6r naf,6rTApPtTeachT Kamuel O. Bailey, Oregon City, Kf,tin,..Uoj,171, ,9no Rni;;, FWONB fori' OnOTKe , Ilosonm, . .Mats ., ilitl, when yuu aro xoatly v cleau house ,pr;, want ymir U n cuL .. ,. Tr-frTrfrT' f-T frfY if- n" T" HOP GROWERS HOLD OUT FOR ADVANCE In-. it' -tar. It, ( i . i, . . ..' : I'.i.tI Vli 'in ! .. i ..i-i -.hi - ' ' j '('The activity rejiortei !ln Ihe bop tn'a'rket ,'Krldn'y 'was 'Weared on 's ;pullsi: noslo Saturday but, thus far prices :bave not advanced beyond 41 t 41 l-Ze tol- svlnl TtitM. while ilie general market remains at 4nc. JThTflibryufdhasi'S f1dy iiptinitH at 4Tic ar" reHirli.i hut growers, frightened l,v the sharp adviim In 1 rk-e, sYo htMilIng fluht. ' Thw aelrvlty tere-1slmllar trr ttrt shown in iKrth California and "Wash lnion," althrwigh jiwaliy ll wan' more pronounced thart at other coast points. Ffirrtgn''' markets are" lu tter all around. ' even (lertnany HhoMti a steady tdne. 'Kngllah- marknt h , nrm thut prices lare Srtvinrliig I more rapidly than' ever-before. ' " American brewerg have iutniM liii', Llha.jnacket...uut so.Ias.aa kuuwarr not nnering more timn 40c fur iin thing and therefore the greater pn Hon of the cniiHt rropH ciiilliiiie to go Tm''! i YntvmMO 'Oregon City prices art aa follows: i i Metf, ilnS STANDING. P.C. .6SS 71 .41.0 4M .3l 1 Pacific Ceast. - . U Vortlaud ..-r... ....1U.77 Vuruon ...j -...,...,117 17 Oakland .... 119 I M iiaxramento 141 tg sit Franclwu 3 lit Utf AiircIu , 11 lla - f Tiwee Ceuplts Granted 'Licenses. Mafrlage llrenara ware Issued Sat urday to Maude Matthews and Kiall Caronf Klna Mabel Rogers -ahd KrshHIin J IWsmer and Ktliel Hard and Frank Magel. in??'Vi:i f;7-Wl knew HitV.aav- rrortea rurr6.r -'M( rewanj if 1 i.niix htm hti k - l.iirtim hketrh Till) rhrt hi 1-. ARE NTERTAINED ' ' 1 ' ' ' ...: (.'ill " ' . U The I.iicIii Inr glrln were Charming ly riilertalneil hT MIhm IMii. mr.A fUtn faiift. Kf at home fn High Fllilsv evening The avanlnv Has 't devntml ' to Imttl,' WhUf, VIR ,en ('iin.'M hSvlil the hluhaal rore. me ttxims Mm iiImmi..u antutnn leaV, fWrehmenU were .-rved ' nH.e pre.ent werr jenn and Uti lrat,; Tsnd trllngv.'Wf,ehtTi I AMI VcttK Mr,t-SK. M-yn,,,. nlflr Itif.i- (l.amian -":iV,ibe!h Rixm. rh .V loti mu. "rni.1 t!,nrtv, t-MIra- VM I fTf J . ' T" f ' f ' " UeWW,MB t l.s'rluck; ts4l , , mien aer ati.rnoo' .JJ . dayifrutn a lo 4 Va , hJ! subpe t, 'I'roksUiia Aai2 Qerman' Evannellcat-CimHffa " ettd.'.'MndtaoB '' Mrttti,' ir, lAViekaslci, paaior,,, li. Madlsun; Sunday Schsoi Herman Sehrsder, Motrai g .' siuiarintenaent ;- mnnAnt prtChlii 1 p. fe;,VV US Wednesday at 7:1s a Gladstone Chriatln-R,t Vo 1 , hay. pastor; mble stnoujua . m.i praacilng at U 4 fL , ' MaunUIn, View . Unlea-tCuir UonaJj 1 -Sunday school, i? . ..Mrs. J. y. Quinn. luutruuiki .. 1st hie Stady every Thwstei d. aKKini ' The liimii,ve tJaptaws 'wnkt1' aervlres si 1! eolnk. 1 Kev. J W. MoBTatt sill eraaA. . Flrat' Presbyterian Church-4. 7 IL tjindsborough. paator.1 Met "worship st 11; Sunday wam 1 10 oVIock, Mrs, W. C-' f ' iperthtaiident; . V. B, 1. 1. " O'clock ' Morning suhjart; 1W ' c.f rhrtt.' Kventn. MkM rx ' niJFtprisT.iiiry " " :. Methodist' episcopal Cherchlri l " r. Zimmerman. pistarvW cbool, at ' VresrfcMu; t rstor at 70 41 '- Jantor iMfk p'.-nV.'1 Mortilnt simjert, hut " the fird Jesws " ' Rvealaf sr.; ' "fiodtiness and IJfs.- s Parkptace Congrsgstisnal hv I " Jonee pastor, realdeaes thfcc "fhrlsltsn Kadsavdr' Tlnrtew ''fittt 7:W. ' ' - !'"! M Handaf" echrtrd 10 'rTetCh! suerlnindetitr NsC ' Services each Sunday, 'slisnt Tbetweeo' ll a.'' nt sno'tlO'i SL Paul's nr. C Vf: Roblasoa, 1 i,tor. , Dally srmi:' r ,r.r i .t Itoly lrtfh.riit,tA ., m.;( arenlog nfaysf. M .t aeftlcei:. Holy . Korharitt It 1 morning ' praysr, I0;1; I '.Kuchartst .and sermon 1 ti evening prayer and sermon itt:. Sunday school IS m.; Tkuv, UnltaJ, rethrenorpar titf. ,Jayr,.Uer.,l,r,fClwks Ki resjdence,, 'ortlsi4; 8uwl7 d , i ,u. a. m., nh. rf 11 V' , auirlatendnt; . mornim hti 11: Y. P. 8. qB.,0,, service 7. rt Ing services; Sunday sciooi 1 Mailn. taam.-sspt I F lion Futharan-'rhr-r le Ll riamhASraail Aev." berger pastor, residence ia . 1 .A a Ml rirsioeraer, aiimiii..r -. - . an-30: erersni 11 .tear - . A a.i.a a ISm mAai I1BSW-1 r V'VWvn aw- - . rt csft. .will tirAATh At I 0W1 b Kraiberger, V Ins aerwlpe !5 Luther as Sunday .8rhnil.f WW.,"rpm mon. .1 I-, in m t 1 )',;-:i ij .-,( -PHILADKLpHU l Oct; St.r-8pe5i lal, -Torrents of rain Vhlch tell atead lly jliroughout the night' transforming gbtbe Park into is veritable lake, caus od aaother post(oaement of the fourth yuaie or the world's. championship ser Im4 between the New Torki Giants nd the Philadelphia AthleAlcs todsr. ;.kU i' The neni game , probably will be played eTe: Moiwiay weather peonlt- tlilA. 1. '"i'i "i! Hi l:i. lo fcroilii't'M' An unpleasantly mercenary ilng.ta being added. t the iwerld's champion sarp situation toflayh by i squabble ambng-' the nlayern .ia reward Ao ma- iioti picture recelts.) The payers are ahklngTwny tbeyi ahduld pone for the nation- plctmre 1 men 'withmt .abarUg tit 'their, irarielpte: .. I'Whoi retl.. ttv hinfiet?" they arsf demauillngi .! The ?IAhtaiiihav:i rMhAd an ' un derstandlng among themselves, that they will not nose for any -more pic- tares . otitll 1 an' 'lagrejanroat HSimade wkeretoy they get a share of th pro ceeds,' M'nii fi.ot .iiciiio'i'irt 1 vi .'iv1 1"I 1 -itllLi 1 i .aliin 11. 1 , it ( -i'1'l Patrontre our atfrmilsarw,,.!. inif, LODOJajIQUSB to rent,, Furniture for sale. Ihqulre 213 Fourth "streel, Oregai-Clty.-,-c ' r,T) ftia! rtrt iiiw ('tin ARM- LOANS.' ' ( Lawyers, Oregon City, Ot. aetxLq .BTr w vc. ydJ ATTOPNEYS. . O, KBT, Attorney-et-Law. Mone josnedjiiataeta .. DipUhad land tlllns exsmlnrd, eitaus settled, gen- Vr, law bus.nesa Uver Bank ot 'Oregon cityi' i"i,itqrto n- 1 Ufta In'dyuabHfUWrbeyt Law, Deutscher AdaQkaVwwIlL.praei tlce In all courts, make collections priest Uldg.Oreaon'Clcri' Oregoo-U.-) SUlLOf g "and "co"rA4T6A. HAftHT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Rsflmnfen cheeifnll' riven on all elslMes' f7 ItillsflTsT' work, concrete waiKAsoe ' iareWApffPjrroistrfia.i u . enncret. Res Phona Msla IM f VrATOBSMlent buy! INSURANC . h. foopsnt. ro mi SaaI Vrntrntm. 1 At nm vriange. Office ta Raterprtse HIOSS fntiylng)'-nrr b -a ' ipnJL"TC. .?!"'! 75c to Hay,. Grain, Teed. ncHiXrr tlJiiyiivg-TTUnotJiy, J12 to $15; clover, H to $9; oat hav, best frti HOtomlTed,, $Mo U;. alfalfa,, lit to I1U.I50 j tiATtf-(intying) --Oray. ' 2( ) t, iV wha,- 10 i 0,l 'n""i. Ir.:: ahad Brook dairy ferd.' t.2S p ,mnan.. W rr, ,,.-,.,., , !".EE-T.8.h""1'' 29, t0 WO: rolled unnrj, aai.uu; process barley, j wnq.corn, ij7;, cracked com, :ix io; white, 2fl to$27. ' " 1 f Butter, Poultry, Eoat. ,.. ' FLOUR 14.50 o I5.2S. conhtrV' butferv 2ISc to 30c; fBncy dairy, 30n; creamery, 30c to nr. 1 in ii iiruners, ,10, '''BOOA-Oregon raticlMeRita ffUm VnCiiURalfX rirst Piptist Churoli- Nl'iiii,' iiaio 'r..M. Khv. h. A. Ilaywortb, pas I t. l:l,,. Hchool at 10 a. m, classes ill t JT- "",0- ( r,m"' uirlntan. mh. KVm lltf (, 'j w'ltjia.r, 'Pin ianel ,,,uf.l "illft C.rmtrtuthern HVrch 'mVvvll. eathliT- rf :M Rrv' M'MMtor. Catholic f'orner WaiT ' and Tenth n;cet. nv.'A.'llHh,br.ndlhlMhr .rrr "2 ' Water; . Ww Mnsa' ' 7nA?r "t""; MlKb Mass i -!r.a lrnnfm service at 4, Mass every morning at g ' ' First Conoregstlonsl Church.-i-'Morn-nlng .ervh-e at 10;Srt tt'clm iT'" ' First Church nr ri..i.i ..r:...ji' r' ' :.-.-r.--'.-if -1 1 - COAL! ti i-n COAU Weh.vethetotstlow; . winter )s4pply now. Orepn. 11TH AND MAIN ITS. , Ors(jon CIyrH 2Bc. 1 1. J0o t WO Sift ir;, 1 Fru'lW..T..;'hLi' '"' BRrED'l-rittJITg iuu Hrtliying) X -k".. 1' I. 'I .1 m 1 r 45 an uua, inni:iia, 1UC. SACK VROETABI.KH 11.25 to 1150 ner sarW JZZLLr' nil 70e fa site ner nnnureo. i NCE. JT.NfpN8 Oregon. St.25 to 11 Rn ml -r -TXlt(.dpd; Australian, 12 ner hnJ.1 . nre Inauranc f . iw...... ' p r bundrel nntaii, BEEF (Live Welghtl-Stears ana oc; cows, 4U0: bulls ... . ' e vriz-imves hrlna fro- fit 1 2-1 a ti m.,1 11; I'M HI . ajvw. a 1 -ji Wk ja w 1 Treatment m' liot '!UaiL"liU(Mi.' marfieai attention, tosra ' )"tlV . no more, than yoq wouldtpay to live at any flr' n-mmn ran be had from eenta to I2.E0 per.w- ... , - - - 1 ii m irt tram 20 raritiiup and in tUf LlT from ft Mt. to floor . . .j..,i j 1 I W I .-Ui.aaniev srtt jt, .?"- mmt.-.wt .Jclvwi w S . . .inn ... naw r . lintel, III tin 11 11 'fcltprUkaw ff lal gfUl nrlea.'t lw.T, tir'trJ i!0 TiaJf-M I 1 ll'l'l I V itf.i.i.i-a. x,atl-.N 1.1 . . ' ' J ."hi .ij 1 i,n. '( , 'I'li'Mti-.i I 'I" V'lt UflT.'f " l l'fr waia TAftl I I i tlflc .ainectjuii 'v llfl.e'v . rno 1 ilU'sU ,8AJWv(or( R. Sri" T&5S'?; e,i ' .leisqq AT. ly 011 O..W. R. llns ot W-T- railway. e " ' "f" "' fr' -.1 l.ri'i 1 .siarttO e-"J '