Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 22, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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tbe Lodge for f.VV"
her broth., Mr.
port. - J,cis ;
Stories from Out of Town
Mr, u,ek tUi
v ilia ai ar
of popularity for a news-
the publication
others of real and
authentic news.
The above combination accounts for the
grouth in popularity of the only paper in
Clackamas County publishing all the hews
of the county and publishing it first.
Are you reading it? If not send your subscription at
once to the
vVlll Smith loTV 0n horse
ik. II was IM to a tree and aome
v choked lilf to death.
Mr. Walter Strunk returned n
Tuesday with her I wuif.l by I t'.
v . . - ;S ,- -stars k
from Vauoouvor
o..k.u.i iu i.rl nii MoiltUr with
Mlaa Uttl mul MU Hervey lumb
er. "Aa the teacher I o the
school," so everyone expects a khI
' schotd this year
All the farmer ere busy picking
prunes fr the packing house. Mr.
Klleson Iim contracts "early all the
Mr. and Mrs. Cone 1wellen were
awakened from their slumbers last
Thuraday when almt thirty friends
called to charivari them. .
Mr. and Mrt. Jim Park and Utile
on returned to their home at Clear
Creek Inst Monday
The T. U U P. Co. wl run a
special car to Mllwaukle -every bal(
hi-r during the Grange Talr.
The !")' t'lub held a bnalnea meet
Ingiug Monday evening. Prof. Gene
ll tie the instructor again am yewr,
(ioeis aa Manager,
prill Master. The
n mm
Mlaa UiU Albee win leave me urai
of October to leach school In lb N
baleiu Valley.
Mr. Harmon, the baker, donated
baby tl of a gold locket and chain
aUii ear ring and two beauty plus, to
he awarded to (he prettiest baby at
the Uraiiiie Fair baby show,
m,(,tiiy t'lty Engineer Kay Conrad
and wife are receiving the rongratula
Hon of their frlendi ou the birth of
. ten round aott. Horn Saturday,
Menu-tuber PUh
F. Jeniiluia ku ioUl. '
- iwo gcr,
m. of Connecticut J
boeeeiulon ! t,L..
Arthur II, Howling epent Suuday at Jennings will build oa kuTJ
Wlln laniuy, inumiui w.a me
' The lliana k... . '
Tba Uian .... .
have return .. Bt
liar ai. ... . . ri
Tba Wllllam RoJ. K
aem.n.ioUc, ,
damea Moora j 41 N i
Monday fru.n MhJ
Mra.Anna-njL,. . '
Meadatuea Emn,,,,,. '
Mrlane, Aleo.t Jt
wera ahoppra 0 Py. H
day. . t rgruan
(leorge Mora iM
nd f..r their t.m VoS
(alow and
r am tun
to lak
m7. W jTeweilen aald gd by' .he aurvey, party .
"her many frfenVa'Tae; Monday and I Mr. Jen He Davl. I. ab.a to b.
A (Contlnned from page 2.)
Mrs. Sarah Dickson $ 20.00
Win. 8m 10.00
County Court Noa, September
Term, H11.
In tba matter of the purchase of
material to be used In the repair and
construction of the addition of the
Clackamas County Court House.
It Is ordered that Superintendent
Clarence Simmons recelred bids for
all material and supplies, and that
he shall consult County Judge rela
tire to said bids that (the County
Judge and Clarence Slmmona) are
to let the contracts for the material
Both or either the County Judge or
Clarence Simmons are to consult the
We Give Seryjce
We Give Service
Even Children Can
Operate It With Safety
The Electric Radiant Toaster Is such a
simple device that even children can operate it
with perfect safety. This toaster is as
It makes SCIENTIFIC Toast because its rad
iant heat forces the absolutely necessary chem
ical change in the bread. This means Perfect
Toast in any degree that pleases YOUR in
dividual taste Toast as digestible as it is de
licious, n
Time required; less than two minutes. Cost
per slice: the merest fraction of a cent.
In addition to Its utility and economy the Electric Radiant Toaster la
distinctly unique end ornamental. You can operate It anywhere In the
house where there Is sn ordinary lighting socket; Just attach he plug,
turn the switch, and almost Instantly the col la become radiant with a
cheerful glow on the shining porcelain baae.
After you have used the Electric Radiant Toaster ONE time you will
follow thousanda of others In saying, "Why havant I had thla Toaster be
fore 7" .
1 MAIN OPriCE 7th and Alder Streets
We Give Service
We Give Service
. -k ..V .
architects, Messrs. White Bros,
whenever In their Judgment it Is nee
essary, relative to materials and sup-
piles contracted for.
In the matter of the petition of J.
T. Grace et al for a county road.
Ordered that the County Board of
Road Viewers meet on the . day
of September to view, locate and sur
vey said road.
In the matter of .5e petition of
Alf Drill et al for a County road.
Ordered that the County Board of
Road Viewers meet on the day
of September to view, locate and sur
vey said road.
In the matter of the petition of
Matblas Olson et al for vacation of a
certain road.
Ordered laid over" until Octofil-r
In the matter of the petition or
Ed. Rlngstead et al for a county road.
Ordered that said petition be and
the aame Is hereby dismissed.
In the matter of the application of
Wm, S. Flynn for license to sell
spirituous, malt, fermented and vin
ous liquors 'J Wilsonrllle, Clackamas
County, Oregon; Also the application
of Oeo. A. Wolf to sell splrltoua, malt
and vinous liquors In Cascade Pre
cinct for the period of one year.
It appearing in the Court that said
petitions contained the majority of
the legal voters In said precincts,
and that due notice and publication
thereof as by law required has been
made, and sufficient bond been filed
herein, and approved by this Court,
and the Court being fully advised In
the prmlaes,
It Is therefore Ordered that license
Issue to said Wm. S. Flynn and Oeo.
A. Wolf to sell spliitous, malt, vinous
and fermented liquors In the respect
ive precincts for the period of one
In the matter of the clalma against
Clackamas County.
Ordered examined, corrected and
paid; aa corrected. .'
In the matter of the County war
rants remaining uncalled for in the
Clerk's office for the period of aeven
Ordered that the County Clerk be,
and la Instructed to cancel said war
rants. ,
In the matter of the bond of J. B.
Pomeroy as Justice of the Peace fftr
District Thirteen. I
Ordered that aald bond be ana
hereby is approved.
In them atter of the incorporation
of the city 6f Sandy, Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
The Canvass of the votes, and the
Officers to fill the municipal offices.
territory set out In the notice of said
election of which the. following In a
description, towlt: 'Beginning at an
left for California to see her daughter
win maka hrr home there. Mr.
Iwellen will leave In about three
weeka and Meaara. Smith and lr
lln will take care of the store and
Mrs. Smith and eon. Howard, re
turned home from the Eaat laat Fri
Elmer llaaaelbrlnk la attending the
Jefforaon High School In Portland,
going back and forth eurh day by
the Oregon Electric.
Mr. and Mrs. nrobat and dauun
ters enjoyed a short visit to the coaet
1at week.
Elmer Reely baa resumed nla itud
lei at hlith school In Portland.
Henry Aden went to Portland laat
Thursday on bualneaa.
Mrs. Clyde Baker and her mother
.. Kn vUltlna- Mra. Allaon Baker.
' Frank Btansel had a runaway laaf
week, near Jake Petera' atore.
Hrnry Aden attended the opening
of the new church at Tualatin.
Reed Graham. Henry Aden. Mr. and
Mra. Turner. Mr. and Mra. Brobat.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say and eons,
and Mrs. Annie E. Say, Mrs. Flynn.
Mr. Young and other realdenta of V1I
aonvllle attended the fair at Salem
I nut week.
Elmer Jonee' team broke looae from
the hitching poet In front of Aden's
atore laat week and ran away but for
tunately no one was hurt
Mrs. Geo. Todd went to Portland
on Friday.
Mary Rrotmt la attending hlnh
achool In Portland after having spent
her vacation at home.
y. Rev. Exon preached hla farewell
sermon In Wllaonvllle laat Sunday
Exon's many friend hope that tha
conference will return him to the
church here, but aa his ability for
building churches has been noised
abroad, he may be sent elaewhere to
carry on the good work he haa done
in building the church In our village.
Hop picking has been going Head
Hy on, under trying clrcumatanees.
doe to the rainy weather, but the
yard near Wllaonvllle are all turn
ing out big crnpa, and the bops are
unusually good.
The telephones have been out of
order since the storm of last week,
but are now In talking condition
again, for which we are all thankful.
The Wllaonvllle village school will
open on next Monday, the 25th of
September, with Mlaa Helen Murray
aa teacher.
Everyone from Wllaonvllle who at
tended the State Fair at Salem, was
proud of the Clackamas County ex
hibit, and the men who have been at
the head of affairs surely deserve the
prslae and appreciation of every
Clackamas County realdent
Mi-muni .nalli.
johnaoii was out on his usual
route taking orders Monday.
Dun Maul haa accepted a position
with the Mllwaukle t'aah Grocery.
Cha. Maple la working for the Mll
waukle Mercantile Company.
Mr. and Mra. S. M Kelaer, of Port
latid.'apetit Sunday with Mr. and Mra.
Mra. Uutihard. of Portland, was vis
ions. Mra. Klla Maple Wednesday.
Mra ttiildcr will exhibit aome of ber
hand painted rhlna at the Grange
(' larotice Maple baa opened a Job
printing office at ltsth and Alberta
Strerta. Portland.
Another Inch of rain fall came down
laat rUtnrday during ' the thunder
storm from the north.
We are having nice weather after
our big thunder shower Saturday.
Em Grossmlller came home Sunday
aa Mrs. Sagar has other company
F. Camerath. road Snpervlaor, was
nut repairing bridges Saturday. It is
about time aa the t'nunty Just had to
pay Mr. McMurren $75 00 for the loss
of a horae. It got frightened at
something at the aide of the road
and In the aklrmlsh fell with one leg
through a hole In the bridge, which
Inatead of twlng fixed right had a
loone plank thrown nver the hnle.-
It la reMirted that many birds are
being killed In thla section, and we
think the game warden should look
Into the matter. As that Is wbut they
are paid for.
J. F. Dix. E. O. Dlx. wife and aon
spent Sunday at the home of the
formers mother, Mrs. Ulx, of Colton
i nrestiing is at lust concluded In
our small burg.
Almost everybody Is returning from
uib nop news, ah report good pick
ing as long as It lasted, but the hops
were very scattering this year and
there were too manv nlckera
Miss Eleanor Ouenther left Satur-
nay. we wish her all kinds of suc
cess on her new undertaking
Lulu and Benlah Hornschuh of this
place, picked hops at Uaar's hop
yard down the other side of Beaver
Schmidt Bros, were as usual quite
successful at the slate fair.
There are Iota of people In 8hubel
planning to go to Canby during the
Count Fair.
for good aud early pasture. Already
the stotk Is laying bold of the good
pro4ct before It.
The di-ferred threshing will be
taken up agnln thla Monday after
noon tv both the Shaver a,nd Christ
ner outfit. -
Herman and Kaylu had the nil
fortune to upart their separator by
skidding Into a ditch, with damage
more or lea to repair before auotoer
threnhlng aesaon.
Pr. Powell I having Improvements
made 'on hi residence property.
II. N. Everhart's new house has a
splendid appearance with Its new
coat of paint.
John Harlesa was taken to the
Eaat Side Sanitarium laat week. He
has been afflicted with heart trouble
for some time.
Our Itoadmaater started to do some
gTivettiintmg taar-WregTTiuriiad to
quit on acount of the rain.
The Molalla Fair will come off next
Saturday rain or ahlne Saturday be
ing the regular Grange day for Sept
ember. The Grange haa made pre
vious announcement to hold the
monthly meeting on Thursday of thla
week, l-et all members take notice.
Oregon eltUens up and down the
Valley, where rolls the Willamette,
were pleased to hear Oregon City
take the atand for the IjK-ka on the
East Side aa arranged for. Nev
er let a Junk talk ecare the
project away from the people's op
portunity. We can have the mllla and
we can have ,wks and the West Side
ran have this unmolested water can
al and no one'a Invested rights and
properties are going to ruined, aa
the new cks will redound to the
benefit of the greatest numler even
will beautify and enhance the value
of the surrounding and abutting prop
erty, giving everything a more aub-'
stantlal appearance and wonderfully
aaslst In controlling the floods in the
great gorge of the Willamette We
don't want to keep tha people of the
upier Willamette bottled up forever
and make them pay tribute of 60
rents per ton every time the "cork"
Is drawn (West Side Ditch). Good
common Judgement Is going to ad-
Just thla Kaat Side Lock proposition
Just as toe wise people of old Oregon
Clt are telling you and you remember
Mra. Olln Ford, of )
Tuesday with b.r motwt
on Lodge frlenda a umj ifw
"Tbe circle" Dltl it
Mrs. Harry J. Itobltuw,!! ft
day afternoon. i'tni
for further mewting to kTS?
It., the wlut.r. Mm.
waa elcted president nag m -Mao
Farlane a.rury aa
Those attending mrt k1
Ulng. 0. Morse, And.rsoa.Yu
Thompson, Webb. effli.V
Cal Morse. Newell, Trwo?!
Warner, Man Farlane, iwTi
Inaon and Ml Scrlpmr.
dron will be the hostess aTcnJ
Frank Oavy, from Nortfc Mm.'
railing on old friends at ttT.
on Wednesday. - s
The social commutes of -ft
cl" reports a h IJ U tt e
the club room at the etboel U
Saturday eevulng. in ur"
I. V IT 111 IHlRrr sw-s lfI1Tm I nMll . ivi i u, ! ..... ... t . , . . 'm
been .leltlntMrA1liionJtakeM Ug
A short merarTTirograia tin h.
en. -
Monday when Kd. Ruetbsts).
lug the household guodietM
McKelvey a large bundle of sat
waa lost. It contained (
woven In 1R39 by ClarUat K
whoae name appears oa tateeek
an auto robe waa also uattt
number of things lost. Attain
tlon will be gladly receive! b a
C. W. McKelvey at SM least fti
North. In Portland. - .
School opened Monday via
A. Malar as teacher. Muy layei
mania have been madesausaav
bouse and ground tb aa ar
Buildings have been freskli bus
ground leveled; a new (nc
many necessary snide Un k
placed In tbe school hoata TV
children should appreciate lata a
do better work than sver Ma
W. r, Fischer and Uorl 0(
drove to Egle Creek Moadty
K. D. Hart waa traasacdnt Vatc
In Portland Monday aae Testes
Geo. Kelslcker and J. Vol n
down from Brtghtwood 8aUr V
are working cm the Ml Hoot raj
road. I
Chaa. Berthold, who aa Wet
ping with the Ktuckl had? ft
summer, baa returned tekaisaal
Mrs.- Emily 8h
one of tbe county
George Hlclnhothan, Jr. la to be
married to a young lady of Corvallla
September 20. All Join In wlahlng
them Joy and success all through
tneir lire.
(To be ooitlnued.)
rllL C1,;ckamH C'unty Pomona
Grange is loohlng for a place to hold
Wedneaday In October, no Invitation
having been extended at the last reg
ular meeting. "
The Mllwaukle bund gave a social
evening.'0 n,ember' Tud'ay
S-Ma' aV,hp Pr' nn ,Ch
10.30 A. M. Preach ng at 11-30 A v
M.; mid week servle.. t.. ...
Tln rrff venln": Teachers'
Training Friday evenings.
GrlSgeFTan!; .'I,1 '"anwd tor th
.n, 1 flT Mi 4,1 w nd now la
h.h1thr nd tooi ttndace
e ? h0W wln on the
cJ?&S UDder the 4'" -
Mrs. Maggie Johnson waa t r
on City on basins. ."".fay?'''
The stork made a call at W. II.
Bonney's and left a 10 lb. boy. All
are doing well.
It Is reported that Mr. Stone haa
rented his farm and Is to move away
soon. Mr. and Mrs. Stone will be
sadly missed, aa they are old settlers
and are well liked br evervbodv.
The partlea that bought the west
half of the Thompson place are mov
ing to It.
Mlaa Ada Brock, Hnxel Kerr, and
Florence Paine are going to high
euiiuoi in uregnn Llty.
Mrs. Alice Cowler who haa h.n
visiting Mra. punk for three months,
has returned to her home at Hatton.
Mr. Oaaklll, who has been Visiting
iu wmmnngion, nat returned.
congraiuiationa are belne showered
or, Mr. and Mrs. Stelnhaua upon the
UI a nine daughter, who ar
rived on Saturday, Sept. 10th.
miss Kiieen Dill, of Yamhill, waa
an overnight visitor with her sister,
Mrs. talvln Morse, and Saturday lett
for Eugene where she will attend the
UMKCiaM jr. ..... , fj (i
Miss M. McKelvey made one of a
larty of six who left on Thursday
for Eugene to resume her studies at
the university. Miss McKelvey with
ber putents, Mr. and Mra. McKelvey,
pent the summer on the banks of
mo winameite, occupying the Dent
cottage. The McKelvey family r'
turned to their Portland home Mon-
vlamn. i.k- vMllllon. 8"U1e, Is
lltlng with her mother, Mra. W B.
i' Tr SSJ11 brother and
'nd M"' ' W- lco". who
recently came to thla place from Pitta-
!. SSSSl SMMa wh,1 h"
atf-lT? rrJl0M hni Mab' Mora
sttended the Bethlas' social at the
M"- j0h08on ' OladstoSe
on Monday evening.
wa2'l0e? M"th. of Portland.
u tnA """"W " t the home o
Mr and Mr.. William Rose on Mon-
Mra. 8haw visited the Jennings
J ,Cp' 00 Friday of 1..!"
mnA 8o-'b- retired capitalist,
nd now realdent of, Newport, la at
of Vitro
upsTrim (
schools visited the school of use
irlct last Monday and also u a.
nemab arbnols. ' 1
Mra. Annie Blngletoa, of rwuat
and Mra. Anna Wllehart, of Orsa
City, were Sunday snesU of Mt. H
Mrs. James Haielton. 1
M. J. Ijnelle mad a owl
to Canby Wednesday. 1
A sister of Mrs. Bchmtdti mw
from the Eat lt 8undT
peels to make her home kera i
William McCord. of PortUBi,ll
Itlng with Mr. and Mr. U
Mra. Oeo. Bchrelner was eaini
frlends In New Era last Weft-
Mra. II. O. Joehnk "'"f""
frlenda at her home Thursday
noon. The time was gives "
quilts and a very pleasaat n"
waa spent The guests war ""
a delicious luncheon.
-The weather cleared of bautjB
after looking aullen for a f
aa It often doe. in this weMoolj
UThe grass In the
look, aa green a spring " .
ture aeeme to rejoice In waJ
School commenced on MW
a good attendance.
On Tuesday afternoon W F-j
pal of the achool received I
eontalnlng the sad new.
had been drowned in Texu
not heard the VicaWJt
svmnathUe with the beTS
and hla family. -
Utile Oeorge Elllga"
along nicely with the nPVM
The new church U belf J
faat aa workmen can V,.
Willing workers have e0Vto
Portland. Including Mr. RM. V
long been pa.tor at th lt
railing atreet,
the neighborhood nd they "JJ
to get the building rd,B
pancy before tbe lntr i'Eaik
Mr. and Mrs. Iater BTi'g
a nalt at Mr.
place. They attended tb t
at Pendleton and arrived MJ-,
len s Monday and left for vm
in East Portland pn Wedn'W
' The Church of Ood l JJ ,
ohool and chtirch by th I b
Mrs. Brink and ber hst
dining room on Sunday j
Neal preached on the
vatlon" In the evening m
place to an attentive idw y.
Mr. and Mrs. ToomW
Gage', for tha week "?Jf W M;
may stay a few wek
benefit of bis health wblch V
quite poor for aome m'',.M 1 1
Sam Mow had qui M "gS 1
week whan hi. threshing ?' aMn :
down with the bridge w'
a narrow gulch at
where he was golmr to -engine
fell about 11 f J ni
waa hurt and th n,"V,
but alight damage which
paid for. t hn V
Nearly all the grain
been threshed before the ,
Mr. Bchati had iome o
M..e m.ehtna threhd . '
The oats are said to
ty wet.
Patnmif our advertlMT