Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 20, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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foot Ball, Watch, or an
Air Gun FREE
Lotf will Hod here a Urge assortment of Fine Boy's
I if C.lra and Overcoats In all the new shades la
LoWfl and dark grays. Also a complete line of Boy's
W, Shof 1 od Fo'n,hin,
Price $3.50 to $10
u$PtNioN bridge corner, See Our Windows,
Tor lh "' n'' conv,c,lon
fciDUwfully remove cvi. -
Momlnf Enierpnae uw.m -
ubMrlb.r. af.erj
Uer bM been placed tber. by
-srrier. .
privacy inved.e.
vlali frlanda at McMlnnvllle and rela
tives at Newberg, and expect to be
gone fur about four dajre.
r.n Muiln of Willie. Idaho.
who baa barn visiting Harry Kellogg,
want to Portland Tueaaay. Mr. niui
Inn la anmloyed at tha earns place In
Wallace aa Mr. Kellogg'a aon, Guy.
Mrs. Kellogg la visiting her aon
n. r. llarlaaaTor'Molalla. aa lu
tha city Tuesday.
J. Levitt la r'erelvlntevery day by
exnreea lha laleat creatltma In ladlea
miiia -ami mat a ('uma In and try
them on and aee tba aaaaon'a lateat.
Mra. Harry M. 8haw and baby,
m.roihv. of Kuaeue. who have bean
vlallln at tha noma of Mra. George
ICly and Mra. U II. MoFarland. and
riih other friends, will .leave for b Iiulav Mra. Hhaw wbb form
If a resident of thla city, and vlalied
la Portland for aavarai days.
Mi iiinhm will have a bis mlllln-
ry opening at bar store oo Seventh
atrial WadnaadaV. All Dew nets will
ba ahown dally
Present wara Mra. William Jnhna.
ton, Mlaa Adah llulbart, MUa Nattla
KruM, Mlaa Nellie Bwaffurd, Mlaa
I'lah c'anlrall Mlaa Irtva ni.i..lril
Mlaa Anna Myara, Mlaa Mabls Myers!
Mlaa Annla Myara, Mlaa Harsh Hen-
ancsaon, miss namieen llarrlaon,
Mlaa Kvadue Harrlaon, Mlaa Allca
llalley, Mlaa Mable Volkmar, Mlaa
Mabla Morse, Mlaa Rose, Mra. Urece
Cot and Mra. Ilaxel Humpbryt.
Ilrnrjr Wllaon .... Ronald Bradbury
Job Wllaon .Loula K. Woodford
Judxe Drown... Irving M. Livingston
HI lllgglna Steve Burton
Kbenesr Oraham .... Win. Wolbert
Home Hilton Jeaila Edwardaa
Mra. Warner Bertha Nash
Marguerite Warner. Florence Henry
Craty Hal Llndaay Drlacoll
ACT I Wllaon'a Farm.
If'T II T, Oama
ACT III Jtoaa'a Cabin In the 1 1 1 1 1 m.
act IV wnsone Farm.
Tha Franklin Stock Company nlav-
d to another large audience Tues
day night at Shlvely'e opera houae,
the offering being "The Girl of the
Hllla." William Wolbert waa de
cided aucceaa aa Ebenezer Graham
and Jennie Edwardea made a fine lm
creation 1n the role of Roae Hilton.
Itonald Ilradbury gave a magnificent
Imiierionatlon or Henry Wllaon, ana,
In fact, the entire company played
moat acceptably.
The offering: tonight, when tne en
gagement cloaea. will be "Don't Tell
Mr Wife" and tha opera houae la
expected to ba crowded to Ka capac
iii ' .vs-- .t a. i i ,. . I ii ii tviit ii ii ii (i ii tfi r mi ii i ii ri ii
Wbj. wlml'a lue matter, neignnorr
A brlly aqulrrel came aloug and
it ui nut r roi""
t ur Vn.n of Kade Creek, waa
L tbli clly on bualneaa Tueaday.
Ntw modela In millinery arriving
Mr MlM c- UoldamltlJ.
un J n Newton, of Canby. waa
L this city on bualneaa Tueaday.
Mra Anna Penman, of New Era,
u In tbla clly on bualneaa Tuea-
a nraaaxr. of Porl-
lud. aa In thla. city on legal bual-
iMt Tuenlay.
iio.rf nirhaa tra valine elrctilatlon
of the Portland Journal, waa
in tba city Tueaday.
MIm Uea Warner will laava on
knurrfa tn rummenoa her term oi
kebool at the Union school houae.
D P f.irr. an attnrnaV of Port1
flMd, but formerly of thla cltja. waa In
Oregon City on legal buameaa luea-
Burllih hata at moderate prtcea.
Mlu C. Goldsmith.
Mist Louise Zimmerman, who baa
been spending several weeks at
Aurora, returned to Oregon City
Mrs. Uaaale Harrington left on
Tuesday morning for McMlnnvllle,
hers she will visit relatlvea tor a
ttm nays.
T. a ralrclougb baa returned to
the Ogle Mountain mlnee, after
iiwndlnc a week at Salem attending
tba Bute Fair.
Call on Mlsa C. Goldsmith for your
fall haL
Edwsrd Roberta, who ' baa been
psndlng the put week at Ogle
Mountain mlnaa returned to Oregon
City on Monday! . , .
Mlsa Effle Once, teacher of the
Katie Creek school, and Mlaa Julia
Waddell, of Portland, wara In thla
city on Sunday, guests of Mra. O. W.
Ur anil M irii.n n Paddnck.
of Canby, were In thla city Sunday,
pending tha day with tha former s
psrsnta. Mr. and Mra. J.- C. Paddock,
of QladHtone. They returned boma
o Monday morning In their mac
Fresh fish dally at Macdontfid'a
Seventh Street Market
C. H. Dickey baa accepted a poal
tloo In tha grocery of Dlgfter a Bona,
of tventh atreeU Albert Bigger will
ooo leave fof Alaaka. where ba
PeU to remain for some time, Mr.
BlKger waa formerly In bualneaa at
Best Olympla oyatera, alad East
ern teal-shlpt aelecta. MacdonaW'i
Flh Market.
Mrs. C. o. T. Wllllama, Mr. and
Mr. C. 0. Miller and aon, Gordon,
nd MIhs Veda Wllllama, will leave
tbls mornlna tnr a trln In Yamhill
nty In their machinal Tbey will
nln tn (ha nnmarnua romnlalnts
Mra. Ullle Wink, of New Era. who that have been received by Chief of
.'in i r' a. nnaw irum eilimui. iuhi irv
xine art eraslna their COWS on some
of iha atreeta and not alwaya In front
of i hlr own nroDertr. tba cmet
ndtiriait tha offenders that the use of
the atreeta for pasturea would have
to aton . It la In violation of a city
nritlmnpa anit tha chief aald that
hereafter all cows found tied in tne
atraat would ha taken to the pound.
Cbler Shaw also aaia tnai ue uae
nf tha-eidewalk on Fifth eireetby
hnva for coastlna- In wacona would
also have to atop, owing to tba dan
ger to themaelvea and paeetnana.
la weU known In thla city, where ahe
baa many friends, underwent a ear
loua aurglcal oeratlon at the St.
Vincent Hospital In Portland last
weak. Mra. Wink la Improving irom
.v.. rf tha fitteratlon. but Will
nut be able to return to ner noma
for three weeka.
Hear Mra. George T. Carley lecture
at Bhlvely'e. S p. m , Monday, Beptem
. . c nitnolna tha Post of IJV
in. 'irimlaalnn th centa. Free lec
ture. Sunday night, on 'Immortality,
rtrotherhood and univaraai reaca.
n,a. niln. dauo-hter of Mr. and
V . V w . v - ...
Mra. W. IL Sllcox. of thla city, naa
.na in Mount Anael. wDere ane win
ummi imiil College. Before
ber departure from tbla city aha waa
tendered a Tarewen pany j -
parents, and the dining room of the
i..ib n.itai waa a scene of much
merriment, when about twenty-five
.i k frUnda were oreaent. be ta
W.I.. .r. llaMintMl with cut flo
era. and tha evening waa devoted to
e-ames. followed by a luncneon.
T-V. Dnrtlanil TW RcbOOL Of Port
land. Oregon, opena Ita fall term Sep
tember 1. ! very mcai
logue for tbla year, showing eleven
.- t. iha faulfv. Tha presi-
ik. taw Rchool atates that
BVUI VI "W " - .
there will be two to threa more Jeo-
. - mAAmA Purina- the year. TDia
ta a aplendld law acbool for tba atudy
of law aa a preparation iur
Loula Bager, who left for canaaa
aeveral weeka ago, on business, re
turned to Oregon City on lueauaj,
and from here proceeded to hie home
at Rhubel. r. ager w i --
ii in " -...y - ii
mm 1 i w
1 . A
the New Pall
' '),- ...'
WE cannot recall the time when our announcement or the
first showing of the new season's garments has given us'
such genuine pleasure. ! " ; .
In such points as correct style, high auality of workmanship,
desirable models, snappy creations, perfect fit and full, com-
- 1 - I -i .i i i . i n a.:: -s.JL.
)ieie values, we are auunuaiiuy auic iu picasc yuu. i unuiiaitiy
id for you, these garments all carry this label: u ,
tor us, an
many years the reputation enjoyed by this line has not been equaled
:ured through merit-only,-is guarded jealously. The garments are i
this reputa-
the best
lgh merit-only,-is guarded jealousiy. LgaeQarJLmreiIn tne X)?st,
Not only do the garments excel in style and fit, but they render the service:
The Installation of the offlcera of
iha Vntrhta and I d lea or Security
waa held Monday night at tba Wood
man hall and there waa a large at
tendance of members to wltneaa tha
imnraanlva ceremony. Tba Installing
offlcera were Mra. Augusta Johnson.
of Portland; Mra. W. A. White, Mra.
Sophie Phllllpa. Mra. Wyman. Irving
Raw R civ Wood wara. ana saisa
ivw-i Mead, actlnc as conductreaa,
Among those attending from out or
ha it waa Mr. Cummtnga. of Port
land, who la deputy organuer or ma
order. After bualneaa waa tranaact-
ed the remainder of the evening waa
devoted to a social time ana rerrean-
possible manner.
so much desired.
We most cordially inrite you to attead this opening exhibition of the new fall styles. And we want you to understand that the P1?
motive of this event is to show the goods to have you come, inspect critically and pass your judgment You are sure to be delighted with
the beautiful showing that is ready for you.
Oregon City'a Big Department Ctoro
l. il. aitartlaad at It acre.
He aald upon bla return to thla city
. . k... iha land aa a aift.
and that Oregon waa good enough
for him. Mra. Sagar met her bus-
i .Li. i anil arrmmnanled
nana m m , .
bin home. Tbey were accompanied
by Cbarlea Sager, who baa been very
111 tn a hospital in ueaiue.
ri,. Tiuhiaha of the Methodist
church held their flrat meeting of the
....nn afnnda avanina ai mi
home of tha, teacher, Mra. William
Johnston, of Gladstone.. There waa
a large attendance, anu u..
bera epent a moat enjoyable evening,
plana for the coming year of a aoclai
and financial nature, wera dlacuaaed,
Tha fnllowlnr are the offlcera In
stalled: Mra. W. C. Green,
Mra. Pross. vice-president: H
it Wnndward. aecond vlce-prealdent ;
Mra. McGabuey. prelau: U. P. Chap
man aw-rtaxv Mra. Jennie E.
nn.u. nnanrlar: Mlaa Maude Wood-
''" ' . re
ward, musician; W. J. ureen, luaiua
guard; Joe Alldredge, onUlde guard.
The Baautifut Isle ef Zanta.
Zante. the earthquake ahuken. the
'nemoroaa Zm-ynthua of irgii. nr.a
been at all time- famous a one of
the loveHeHl of talandn, - It divides
with Corfu the distinction of being the
.haa anil i.iiMi beantlfut of the
Ionian foup.and. while the evergreen
forest on Ita eaatern snore is tne aa-
mlrstlon of every traveler, the fertlll
ty of lt vine growing plnlnn nn made
the 'little Inlaud fuoioua among the
market of the world. The vine la
that dwarf variety which rrowa the
enrrunt of commerce. 1 ne growing
i.u vina la the chief Industry of
nd financial nature, wera tf'wu" i. taan ,)Ut ,ir. BllH, urealu
hlch included the re-t "ting of the Bumhwii.-J-iion Time-.
church, and.Jor the aupplylng of ferna
. njt .i.nii tnr church decora.
ana puuou i" .
nn durinir tha year. The young la
dlea have commenced work with a
vigor, and hope to hava a very suc
cessful year. One of the featurea of
thla meeting waa tba receipt of V V
...v mamhar. which bad been
U III wewvi saj aaa v
saved In nlcklea during tha summer.
t, tha hnalnaaa session refresh
ments were served by the boate-a.
and selectlona were rendered on the
piano by Mlsa Mabel Volkmar, which
wera higniy appreciiu.
Cams Dairy
milk and Cream in bottles delivered
at all hours.
Dairy Buttor
Frooh Eggo
On and aifter Oct. 1st will be at the
old drahd Union Tea Co. store
S on 7th St. ,
' Farnidro Wttontbh
WMtV yom milk mnd Dmh-y proaWoa
t?LCPH0tnAIN 1262 V 1
great numlera,-4-oiidoii Tluiea.
Qlua In Eal Pie
All la not eels that goea to the mak
Inir of eel Ploa. Sd MImh Olive Mill
rerr dlacovered when a few rear ago
in the course of ber invest lirnnona
Into the lower life of tendon -from
inaida' she eened for awhile aa aa-
slHtnnl lu an eel pie ahop. ' When the
eels were being belled the propnetreiia
nf the shoo came to Mine Mnivery in a
flurry, anylng aba bad run ont of glue
and bidding her run to tne uearesi on
ahop and . purchase sixpenny worth at
nnce. On her" return Mlaa uaivery
asked what part glue played In the
tawlnir of eela. "Why. to thicken
i.a mn." waa the reply. They al
wave Ilka It thick." Lonaon unron
Columous and the Uulf Streem.
It la curious to note In the bltory of
the gulf atream how great Ita Influence
has been on tba fortune- of the new
world. Before the dlacoverr of Amer
lea strange woodn and frulu'were fre
quently found on the shores of Europe
and off ylng Island-. Home or in
ware seen and examined by Columbus.
and to his thoughtful mind tbey were
Knnnrruluir evidence or tne ract mai
I mi ran if A la nd wera not far to the wet
..i anuta ware carriea or
ih. ulf stream and by the prevailing
winds from tbe American continent, ao
that In part the gulf atream la reapon
.it,i. fnr tbe dlscoverr or tne new
world. London Telegraph
Aa a nonconductor or beat aoot u
one bf the most effective aabatnncee
PORTLAND, Sept 19. (Special)
Portland today In a ret battle
cam from behind and beat tha Oaka
1 to 1. It took twelve Innlnga to ao
It and neither team scored until tbe
alavantv Oakland ararnered one
and It looked as If tha gam was
won. But Portland came ngm oaca
with tbe tying score and In the next
grabbed another. Koeatner and Per
noil both pitched Uke machlnea. Ten
btta were made off tha former and
nine off the latter. Caklanda made two
errora which lost the team the game.
The reaulta Tueaday follow:
Pacific Coast" League.
Portland 2, Oakland 1.
San Francisco 4. Le Angeiea i.
No game at Jjoe Angeiea, ver-
non club en route. ,
' Northwestern Lesous.
Portland 4, Tacoraa 0.
Spokane 5, Victoria .
Vancouver 5. Seattle i.
American Laaaua.
Philadelphia S. St. Loula 1.
Waahlngton 7. Chicago 5.
tlrtmtnn 9 raatmlt 1.
Cleveand S, New York S, called
because oi darkness, ,
National League.
New York J. Plttaburg 1.
Philadelphia 2. Chicago 0.
St. Loula 13, Boston 12.
Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 5.
Herbert and Henrietta Gordon to
Albert La and Charles M. Fraley, lota
4 and 6, Cable acres; $10. .
Norva Howard and W. R. and Mary
T. Allen to Gladys Brown, lota 1.
2 and 3, block 43, In flrat sub-dlvt-alon
of portion of Oak Grove; $6,600.
John F. and Wllmote S. Jennings,
Iota 30 and 31, first addition to Jen
Dings Lodge; $4,500.
United States to Frank R. Rhodea,
southeast quart sr section 32, town
ship 2 south range, 6 east. 160 acres;
patent. . -
3on H. Marshall. Susan E. Rhodea,
George A. DeShlelda, Alice Marshall
Kerr, Harvey Mars nail ana inariee
B. Ogleaby to Sidney A. Pexton. east
half northeast quarter aectlon 15,
township t aouth, range 4 east; $,-
000. , ' .
-William L. Blwta . and Elener A.
Biggs to Elmer B. and Lucy M. Cos
horn, one-half acre township 4 sooth.
range 2 east; $2,500.
Marie K. and H. Brown to Fred
Bullard, land commencing at a point
200 feet east of southwest corner bf
tract aold by George 'cBSy to Henry
Guenther; $600. ' '
Clyde and Zella Bngle to Otis
Engle, undivided one-half Interest ra
$5 1-2 acres la William Bad D. la
aectloo 16 and .17, townaaip 5
Bonth range 2 east; $1,710.
E. B. 11.
Stenographers aitd
Bookkeepers Great Demand
DarlfU Ceaat.
Won. Loau P.C
Portland ....
Oakland ....
San Francisco
Racramento ...
Loa Angeles .
a e a
76 , 72
v .634
- .462
103 411
Spokane .
Portland ,
Won. tst. P.C.
94 68 .619
... .i.... 87 69
82 71
.. 78 72
... ....... 79 74
Victoria 40-
Business firms arc recognizing the superior
training of our Business university over the "
work of the bus! less colleges. Our standard
is higher; our work is much more thorough;
our work Is more complete; and our students
ore more proflcfent In everyway.
The Sailor and the Rseerd.
The. man was telling the congress
man about a remarkable shipwreck In
the south sea. In which a sailor waa
cast on a dcaert Inland with a bound
codv bf the Congreaalonal Record. .
"And that copy of the Record aaved
blm from going mad." aald tbe man.
The congressman smiled.
"Ah, I Bee," be aald. "the contents of
tbe volume sustained blm and held bla
attention and kept hie hopes alive." ,
Tbe man shook bis bead.
"No," be aald, "It waan't the con
tents. It waa tbe cover. ' He at tbe
cover and It kept blm alive until tbe
rescuers came. Cleveland Plain
Dealer. - . .
just tie school for the earnest young man or
lady who desires to learn and have the high , l, :
est and best trolning. at reasonable tuition
rates. You ore sure ot individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give it. You should Investigate our
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session oil the
year in day and night school.
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 275 1 j Home A5446.
efrmiea, , our " venlsers.. w