MOUNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1911. V Foot Ball, Watch, or an Air Gun with every boy suit. School starting in a few days, you will find here a Urge assortment of Fine Boy's Fall Suits and Overcoats In all the new shades in brown and dark grays. Also a complete line of Boy's Hats, Shoes and Famishing. - J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner. S. - 1 I10 REWARD r Kit the arrest an-t conviction of snv person or persons, who unlawfully remove ooplaa of The MoiiiImr Enterprise from the preiuiiM of subscribers after paper haa been placed tbara fcjr carrier. 4 Ns lmpoMaie Telerated 'Do you guarantee lo niaka ma Isugb If I attend your lectureT 1 "fprinluly."' "And do I get my money bark If 1 dout7" "If yon don't laugh f Vm." - "You kI thrown out" LOCAL BRICrS Ii. n Howard, of Mullno, wii In Ore gon City Tuesday. R. Knodgraas, of Mullno, waa In Oregon City Tuesday. . Jolm (iard and two daughters war Id Oreg.u City Tuesdsy. Elmer lily and ", Leo. of Cams, wrr In Oregon City Tuesdsy. Mllllum Vlrk f Liberal, visited Oregon City Tueaday on a bualneaa trip M ailer Ilrenner and Lyman Derrick, of Cliitrmont, were In Oregon City Turnluy. Among the bualneaa visitors to Ore gon City Tueaday waa D. Fredericks, of .Volutin. Mm I Aapllm and daughter, Grace, of Augusts, Wla., are visiting Mra. H. Krucger. Oliver llnl.Mna and Dr. J. W. Tbom- aa. of Molulla, were in Oregon City TueRdiiy on bualneaa. Pruii nllhrlrh and slater, of New Era. vlKlted their brother. Ameal, at Mllriwood hospital Tueaaay. Ur. ii m iiiivkII. of M outer. Ore.. panned through Oregon City on her way to Eldorado, where ana wiu visu the family of Dave Duvall. Get thoae achool books today at Huntley a. Better service and no tire some wait. We know the booka for every grade at Huntley'a. Ilnrold I'arker, of Parker, Neb., la vtsltlng hla alater, MS- Don K. Mel drum, of Oregon City. Mra. Meldrum had not aeen her brother before In nine yeurs. MIbk Edith Kayler of the Salem poitofTlre. vlalted the local office Tues day to examine the working of the Pontal Savlnga System preparatory td taking charge of the work. In the Sa lem office whefe It la to be Inatltuted September 20. William Frit, of Decatur, 111., U Milting hla niece, Mra. A. Mauta. of Oregon Cuy. Thla la the ftrat time Mr. Fritz haa aeen hla niece Jn thirty fiur yeara. MIhi May and Elisabeth Kelly re turned from Seavlew Saturday night, fter cloning Mlm Kelly'i cottage at that plRcn for the season. MUs Kmlly O'Malley entertained Tha rlvnaloa at h hnm. ft hviT hrOth- f, Henry O'Malley, Saturday night. The evttnlnn waa apent playing card and light refreahmenta were aerved. Ervlu Murphy left Tueaday for St. Marrlea, Idaho, to vlalt hl father and mother. v The rortlnnd Law School, of Port lond, Oregon, opena Ita fall term Sep- tamher 18. It haa a rery nice cata logue for thla year, ahowlng eleven members In the faculty. The preai ant of the Law School etatea that thar will be two to three more lec Jurera added during the year. , Thle iplendld law achool for the atudy lw aa a preparation for the bar. CORRESPONDENCE MOLALLA. ' r record taker reporta 8 8 4 Inch of ralnrall for the flrat one-third P hla month of September' In the ""it of Molalla Valley, the greateat ln-a -84, The deferred threahlng In the foot ... lroimoiy vi 'nls wtck, wet or dry. in Will rwr hlthla 1. a Hla nna1 all I c W. Herman and B. E. Judd re- turned win LllffJ IHIMIUV nfl Lt9t "odious rain with their autoe In good npe. AH had a splendid time In "is salt-water spray. Preparations are being made to be " railroad work here thla week. Bvfl of Molalla cltlsene went to FREE See Our Windows. Oregon City Tueaday In the tntereat of the Clackamaa Southern. OAK GROVE. Mra. Hrown, of Seattle, Wanh , for merly of Courtney atatlon, la vlalt Ing Mra. Draba at Courtney. Mra. .Alfred fleorge, of Hammond, Ore.', apf.ut Friday with Mra. Mcleaa and fuiulty. Mra. George owua prop erty at Courtney aUtlon. John Well while playing with aome boy a on Dr. McArthur'a place, fell thirty feet out of a tree, brulalng hlrn aelf and laying blm up for a week In bed. A doctor waa called and found no lKinee broken. ; K. C. Warren and I E. Armatrong went to italem and the State rair on bualneaa Monday. Kvert Sberk and bride eperit Sun day with hl parenta. The couple are on their way home to Eugone. Anna Short, of Portland, apent the week end jrtth Lexy Graham. )nnt nnn4 In Portland Mnndar and aeveral pupil went from here and from the mirrounding counu-y. Mr Kitwarda. at Iikewood. ,-waa here Monday morning on bualneaa. The prealdoot ox the ua urove Puah Club haa called a meeting for Tlmra aveuluxSeiitemtLliULill (ireena Iian. Mr and Mra. liarnr Ellliet returned home from the hopflelde Saturday ev ening on account or tne rain. Mr. n m snidell and two bablea apent Monday with her daughter, Mra. Clarence Huahong at Mliwaume llelghta. CLARKES. Quite a number from here went hop picking. W experienced ouHe a thunder ahower Sunday. Sidney Smith apent Saturday and Sunday at the W. H. Wallace home. Mr. McMurren and family expect to move to the ranch he baa rented the first of November. Mr. Stark la still working on his mine. M Mr. and Mra. Irish spent Sunday week at the Stark home.' Louie Bagar has gone away on a business trip. XV. H. Wallace has hla new wood shed nearly shingled. Mr. Dodge passed through thla burg Sunday. . The rain we re having haa greatly delayed hop picking. A number of farmers have begun plowing. MACKSBURO. Hopplcklng Is all the go about here thla week. Several of the yards have finished. Mra. Dephfer an old lady 73 years of sue. was taken 111 at Henke a hop- yard where he had gone to work. She went home but died before medi cal assistance could reach her, A paralytic stroke Is supposed to n been the cause. Several of the young folks attend ed the dance t Aurora Saturday n' Some of our people will spend a few days at the State Fair this week. Quite a pleasant wedding occurred at the bride's home last Wednesday when D. Harms, and Anna Ftnske wore nn'ted as a happy couple. The boys of the vicinity gave them a live ly charivari. CLARKE8. Sam Elmer Is In Timber Ortove threshing for Mr. Wettlaufer. Ben Sullivan went to town Monday. Mr. 8wlft and company held a meet Ing Saturday night In the Highland Orange Hall. The subject was rail- r0Ml'ss EUsa Elmer left for Portland last week to attend school. ' Tom Grace's sister from Portland, Is visiting Mrs. Grace Mr. Botteminer is piow... ra ting ready to sow !,-llAW.r W'e had a neavy iou Sunday afternoon. . ... , o... want in Portland Miaa amuw m - . ... i. .h.r. ahe will attend ".rr .n f.mllv went hop- . t . JWT. 1.HIUTTI ".a - . picking 1pt week. 1 nrni isin. The threshers are having a bad time of threshing as the grsln la in bsd condition. . The Evergreen school will open the 18th with Miss nales as tencher Mrs. Shaw, the county school sup ervisor, has been visiting the schools around Redland. A number of people have gone to Mr" PH.d8erm. Is getting material ready for his new house. He bad the misfortune to have h some time ago. It would be a wise plan If the neighbors would get their hammer and, saws ready and give Mplo,w!,nagn and potato digging are the order of the day. ' , Mr. Paine has Just completed large barn for the family that bought P"MtrfMhu.,' an addition and remodeling hi" house. Read the Morning mnterprtre. Are vou aubsrlter to the Morn n nnt ou should can ing innieriii i - ... v and let us p row " on th ,u, scrlptlott Hit Immediately- Htr Sjrrc. One nt the liMt friend nf Trill"- Isthllde unit Count IteiivKlfttt. tlir r'sstua smoiiaasdr whom ttit king of Prusals wm said (o bar lusullsd Ml Emit Ilr words on liuur'ng of bio death, after he bad been her Intimate counselor for more than forty year, are worth recalling. "Alas,- aba said. "dow there la no on left wbo will dart to contradict uia." Spanish Physioiens. The majority pf Hpsnlsn physicians emphatically dlaapprove of alcohol In sny form. Miss 1 Cherry Blossom . She Devoted Herself to Curing Domestic Irritation By F, A. MITCH FX Copyright by Amarlran Fraaa Amo olallon, mil. "Dear," aold Mra. Tucker when rum maging la ber buabond'a detik, "wbat'a Hilar "Whut'e whutr Why, thla card-Mla Cherry Woe aorn, doineilo buulerT" The biiMliund awlltnl. Then he went to his wife and encircled her walt with an arm. The wife looked up at blm, and he k taxed her. "Thereby hank's a tule," be aaid, re ferring to the card. . Tell It." "You remember the summer when you went to It., leaving tuu to keep liouae by myself through July aud August. We qnnrrelt'il at the houne before Icmv lug It, and at the station aa the train moved off our last words were snarls. "Wasn't It awfuir "I knew perfwtly well thut you were merely going away to be- where you could le at eace, and I, tired with our qtuirrelH, was sntlMtled to luive you go, though a di-Holnte sunimer was liefore me. If I could have kept the children I would not have bevu so lonely. "That evening when l came home to a loni'lv dinner I found soma msll on the table In the hull, mostly advertlso- srb hahtjkd ata a rann-BO blank. men Is. Otx-nlug oue of the envelopes. I found thst csrd. With It was a cir cular airing- some Information about Miss Blossom's field of labor. I can t remember the language In which It waa oitireiuied. but the gist of It was thst she devoted herself to healing family breaches between parents and children husbands and wives, broth- era, nutters, relatives and frleuds. -t wondered If she could help us. I waa so mlnerable tbat. though I ex pected she was a cbarlatan'and would take my money without doing me any good. I pondered over the matter till bedtime, then came to a resolution: 'I will try this last expedient, and, lr it r.Ma when Florence returna sue win not find me here. I will have gone elsewhere and have Instituted divorce croceedlncs.' Then I wrote Miss Bios aom ssklnff her to call upon me the next evening, since her circular stated that ahe had no consulting rooms. Then I went ottf, posted my note and sank to sleep, feeling tbat I had a mor sel of hope. "The next evening after I had finish ed my dinner and had had a smoke the doorbell rang, and Mlsa Blossom ap- neared. At first I took ber to te anout sixteen yeors old. but Boon Judged by her intellectual visor thst sne was at lonar ten veara older. I have never aeen a more genial countenance on any human being. I waa ready to give her my confidence at once, and I did so. f fniii her that you and I did imt get on, but refrained from telling her, why. Indeed. Bhe didn't ask me wny. ne ia.nd to all I said, but did not Reem much Interested In it and appeared to h waiting for me to finish. nen i bnd done so she handed me a printed hinnk. ssvlna- that she never too a ease for any one who would not sign It I and found that It bound tha client to be guided solely and whol ly by Miss Blossom In everything per- talntng to her treatment so long aa he or she remained under It. I signed tha turner snd wild her a retaining lee Thnn ahe asked me where yon were, , vm. rnnld he rone. etc. I uu y . I' 11 is j" r- " told ber that you bad gone to m., ann .ha aaid that vour being away from me 'would give her an opportunity to study you alone, after which sne wouia tn atndv ns together. She needed . ..ontion. would go to B., ninke your oounlntnnce and determine what eory 01 woninu u "I drew a check for her expenses and sent 'her away. My curiosity at in.t aa excited, and the young wo- ,an was so methodical In what she 41.1 that t reallv fancied she mfltni gei at the cause of our disagree enable ns to correct them aom spent two weeks at freauontly and" "t never saw any such p "She didn't even mn qnalntnnce, She told necesssry. Indeed, she red to study L.-r BnbJ i acq I" t"116' fiualus ITA a is wVon Ma lh rr 'siuoa- &Ha ar,B JMvent I ant A lmn I thla t inuaed terest H lots Seats Store '?- their guard before stranger than otse wbo knew tbeiu. Wbvu she cirn beck"- : "Wbst did she ssy shout mar "Not a word, ribs uxlther told Ote that 1 bad drswn a prize nor a blank In the matrimonial . lottery. She In formed ine tbst she could do nothing more till your returu. when she would make arrsngemeui to olserve us when we were together." "Wsa sbe a little wbumed op thing with ber mouth full of gold teeth V 'No." "Then tbere wss a one eyed creature at U. that summer wbo" "I'm sure you could not guess wbo wss Mils Blossom. Sbe told me that sbe was never aljout you, always main taining a dlstuiH'a. "llut, to go ou with my story, that lonely summer at last csme to sn end. and you returned. We kissed coldly, asked each other perfunctorily what kind of a summer each bad seut; tbcu you Inisled yourseir unpncsiug, woue I Iinuirpd the children and consoled myself for my failure to elicit a loving word from. you wltb their Innocent prattle. "You had not been long at borne be fore Miss Blossom wrote me thut she did not need to study us together since she bad studied you separately and one of her deputies Mid ueen studying m during ( your sbsence. She wss therefore ready to commence ber treat ment or, rsthex, to continue It, for it had really begun when I bad called ber hi professionally. The flrat pre- acrliitlon ahe woiiwl give me was tills: Whenever you have a dlssgreement wltb your wife, mstead of pursuing It ask yourseir ir you could not nsve pre vented it bv silence, a soft word, a Joke or some other genial expedient. In other words, for the fault look witn ln yourself.' ' 'By Jove! I exclaimed on reading this. 'Jf she can only get Florence to act on tbat wltb me I won't need the prescription.' "Then the sbmirdlty of attributing all .the fault lo you occurred to roe, and I laughed." Why, do you know, dear," the wife Interrupted, "thut seamstress I had for two weeks after my summer at B. said the very same thing to me thst your domestic beuler said to TouT' "I wonder," remarked the busband reflectively. "If she could have been a deputy." "An.l I told her that I wished some one would make tbat remark to my husband." Did you?" 'Was that ' nil the treatment your clever Miss Bloiwom gave us?" "I don't know. 1 wouder ir it was. "Did vou ever leuru the Identity of the deputy who olerved you during the summer I was at 11.? No. and I don't believe I was ob served.1 i Are you sure Miss Blossom went to B. and studied mer No: I'm not." 'What waa the rest of the treat ment r ...... 'Whv. Miss Blossom wrote me once every week to ask me If we had bad anv nuarrels Bnd If so whether I could not have prevented them by act ing In accordunce with per rescnp- tlon. This kept tne prescription in ray mind, and I acted upon It constantly. After three or four weeks I replied to her query that we badn t hud any ais agreements." Now-1 think of It." the wife broke In again, "that Miss Harding, the seamstress, wbo bad sewed for me. was about that time continually com ing t bco me to ask If 1 couldn't get her aome work or on aome trivial mat ter. I do believe they were all pretexts, for every time she celled she asked me how I was getting on as to the matter of which we bad spoken and always ended by snjltig 'people can't quarrel if tney win keep lueir eyei fixed on their own faults.' " "Flo," said the husband Impressively. at the same time pulling his mus tache with vigor, "I've got an Idea." "What Is Itr "That you and I made two big Jack- aminos of ourselves. I paid tbat con- sarned woman $25 as a retaining fee. $150 for an outing, which ahe donbt- Imi took at 'sorrre other place than B., and a bill of $200 more for 'profes sional services.' - And what did sue do Crammed Into our empty pates what any ordinary fool ahould know." "Why. It's In the Bible. Isn't Itr "That about picking the leam out of your own eye Instead of picking a mote out of your brothers eye r "Surely." "Well. I'll be Jiggered!" Thev hung their heads for a few moments: then the wife said: Bob, you've had an Idea; now I hsve one." "Wbst is itr - "Thst that Miss Blossom is nobody's fool If she did swindle us." 'Swindle us? I don't think she did Doctors who cram drugs down peo ple's throats, not knowing what Is the matter with them, and charge them Mir fees for doing so may be liable to thst charge, but this womsn actu ally cured us." "Indeed she did." . And if she hadn't charged me a big fee I wouldn't have actel on her advice. I psld her bo much money thst wss bound to get the worth or it And I got the worth of it That was the cheapest cure I ever, bought. I wouldn't give back whst I got for ten times the amount I paid. Miss Blos som Is a brick.' Let's Invite her to din- ner." "It'a.' Miss Blossom was Invited to dinner. She accepted and sat between the pa tlenta' wreathed In smiles. Then she mve.' them' another surprise. Though poof, she gave all her fees, reserving only enough for her maintenance, to the poor. Street Car Disturber Sentenced. Thomas Owen, arrested by Chief of Police Shaw, on a charge of drunk enness and causing a disturbance on a street car, was fined $15 and given a sentence of ten days in Jail by Re corder Stlpp. ' " AQCD OSWEGO MAN DIES. imnra J. Russalt Succumbs After Long Illness. raimnre J. Russell of Oswego, died .. at the family residence Mor i Russell was seventy-six yea and a prominent cltlsen of He had been HI for aome tin the family resilience Monnay. mr. ussell was seventy-six years w age prominent cltlsen of Oswego. me. New "Millinery for Early Poll Wear Hats that are comely and right in price. Handsome selection' shown now in our Millinery Department. . Mm it. VCA II . 1sW ', Ladies' Waists. terials, ranging in price from Dress Goods for the School Girl Worsted Suitings in plaids, checks and plain colors, suitable for school wear; shown on table at -peryard 35 cts ILo OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE WOODMEN CABIN AT iSFAIR IS DEDICATED CilK-Xt Snt IS fSnnrial.) Fog anrl rlnni1a failed in keon SWSV thous ands today who attended the second day of tfie atate fair. Tne Woodmen of the World gathered about their ar- I atlo inJ matlv tiAndnuarters cabin on the fair grounds for dedicatory services. ' K tha duv had been cloudy and threatening, the assembling of . . . . . .i throngs ot Oregon wooamen aner uie arrival rtf Vlnlfnnmah rimn on a B De dal train was the signal for the first appearance or sunsnine. lnrougn a rift in the clouds the sun shone for a short time Just as State Treasurer Kay lntroducea Governor wesu Governor West linked the name 01 urwlm.n" with tha. work of Dioneera in hewing the path of civilization through the wildernesses ana aeciareo; that the perils of westward lmmlgra finn aervnri as a hard hut sure war of selecting the bravest and best for the building or a greater civilization on the Pad do coast. "It Is a fine thing that the women hsve been given a part in this order," declared the governor, "for most of the good in the world cornea from woman. I have had hard work at times keeping myself out of Jail, but I owe what success i nave naa ia uj world to the Influence of my wife and mother. rnninnrntn W. C Hawlev deliv ered" the dedicatory address, being a POPULAR OREGON CITY SCHOOL, mm , it 1 TSV J r Early ' Call Cifr inn raits? i nuir i mi 11111 nun t .irni IVk . si s bTVesvBf e w wwwaw . were never better Our large variety shown now makes the selection of your Suit or Coat an easy matter. Suits fitted and alter ations free. .. .. Voile Dress Skirls Anew lot of handsome three dozen, worth $7.50 to they last at each $5.98. We have selecfed from our stock of Waists a lot of left overs in different styles, colors and ma $1.25 to $3.00. We will close Ail-Wool Panomo Thirty-eight inch all wool Panama in red, brown, blue and gray. Excellent value. Special - for this-week,- per-y ard 65 cts Affi)AKI Woodman himself who has held many offices in the order, lie spoke of the work being accomplished by mankind in bettering animals, plants and ev ery phase of life, and declared It fit ting and proper that the headquarters of the Woodman order should be in the state fair grounds. ' SERIES TO DETERMINE WINNER OE PENNANT PORTLAND, Sept. 12 (Special) Today's game with Vernon waa called off on account of rain. All eyes of Pacific Coast fandom -r turned on Portland this week, aa Vernon and -Portland book up In a seven-game series which will decide the winner of the Pacific Coast League pennant race. With Oakland an almost Impossible factor It remains for Portland and Vernon to battle It out at Vaughn street . park for the lead ership ot the league. At the present time Vernon haa a lead of 17 points, which must be overcome before the Beavers leave for the south, as they will do well to hold their own aa Vernon will be battling on her own grounds. Following this week's engagement with Vernon, Portland follows with Oakland and San Francisco. The fourth week the Beavers open with Vernon on their home grounds and follow with a two weeks' final play at Los Angeles and San Francisco. In McLoughlin Institute ;1 WHICH OPENED MONDAY WITH ANCE8 IN IT8 HISTORY. Sales of ' Voile Dress Skirts,, about $10. Will be sold while out this lot at, each 08c Outing Flan-" nels 10c 5000 .yards California Outings in plaids, checks, stripes and mottled. Special peryarc 10 cts Sacramento and Los Angelea at Ver non, following this week, the Hogana should have easy sledding. Then fol lows a week- with Oakland on the Oaks grounds and the tasi week will be played at Los Angeles - with the Angels. Comparing the two sceeV ules, Vernon haa all the better of the argument and Portland will have to play the better ball to capture the bunting. t The results Tuesday follow: STANDING. Paclflo Coast. Won. Lout. P.O. Vernon ...... Portland Oakland San Francisco Sacramento ,. Los Angeles ....96 69 '.SSI ....87 67 .564 ....91 78 .53S ..,.77 81 .45f ....IX 80 .444 ....70 98 .41 - Northwestern. Won. Lost P.C. Vancouver 90 58 .60S Spokane 8 65 .664 Seattle 79 67 .641 Tacoma 78 71 .62 Portland 1...T...75 69 .621 Victoria ...26 112 .233 " Paclflo Coast League No game be tween Portland and Vernon, rain; Sacramento S, Loa Angelea 8; Oak land 2, SanFranclsco 1. Northwester League Ail games postponed on account of rain. American League Philadelphia 10, New York 1; Chicago 6. St. Louis 0; Detroit 9, Cleveland ; Boston 6, Washington 5. National League Chlcaxo 8. Cin cinnati 2; Brooklyn 11, Philadelphia 6; New York 9-11, Boston 6-2; Pitta- burg and St Louis not scheduled. . 1 iaf X ! ONE Or THE LARQttT ATTCr ; , . h It- ...1 ft- i- - id