MORKIKO ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMKKK 0 CX1T,0UC03I s I 1 1 ! - ; COJCTTUCT ADVUTISXBQ RATES fValjr. P Bcs eM irr nn r-r aaaaV BaaaTaV Mf eaTs-ataa 1 aa ama wrMtaa arfl 1aa aT aaarfc. vtiaj flaarraat aa taaal vaaaaia ana aa staaVy CITY OFFtClAi. NEWfAfCR. ' THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la os aala at taa foUovteg stores o ary ayt - - Haatler Broa. - Drata - Mala StraeC J. W. McAaaity Ocars Sarreath aa4 . Mala aear Sixth. . L K. Daaa CoaXattioaary , Nt door to P. (X ' Oty Drag Stora Electric HoteL ' Schoeabora Coaiactioaar Saaeatli aad X Q. Aaajaa, lo-wmu. C Bond. strooo-er. acted for hla ooaervatloaa ,oa Barara aad tba Axed atara. bora: OeA 1S. 1560-rrtaldtat nttaaore aaracd the act admit tlsg CaDforala as a atata 1909-CeaeraI Edward M. McCook. drll war Vetera a. ooe of tbe "ogbt tng McCooks" of Ohio, died la Chicago: bora 1S3X I'-dward Heary Barriaua. taaacter aad raQaaad bailder. died ' at Arden. Oraaga ewaaty. 2L T-: bora IMS. Thirty Hrea lost whea ferryboat aaak la Lata MtrhUeaa. TSTO Lloyd W.- Bowers, aeflrttur geav eral of tbe Catted State, died la Maaa.: bora tSSO. - ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Ftosb boob today to boob tomorrewj Saa acta S IX rtoes 531; tfC a as. BLOTTING OUT OLD LINE. The greatest accom plishnsen t of V mlAlmm h. Ik. !. waa tho obliteratloB of the last faint traces of the Mason and Dixon Hoe." exclaiaied eotae speaker at the recent Teaaioa of the United Spanish War Veterans at Oklahoma City, says the St. LovJs Glabe-DemocraL This was becaaae volanteera from both aides of the Une were in that short con flict. Th aame thing was often said It seems to he true. Bat If the overtures of the Repnb . lican party had been met in a like spirit by tbe other aide the Mason aao uun une vuuiu oae va erased long before the Spanish war of 1S8. President Grant, the man who, at Appomattox, gare the beat - K. MOWCIMw as pajkBiaoc.j w."mu"iMSJLJ 'w 'otT i City, Onr. ! ah Act at Iknti , lit." I "-' 'mm at imitftm ' Cm Year, Ml . Sta HmiW ay vil 1 aW4aBJtaBaV W ASALsna aMafl IWirtMM .IK m yr Usm ftr pa .tec Hfjas tnaVaaCtaaTA a) - Xaw? Baa i)n W Jm rrst saw, saw Mh JotW Bm. ' ' V" Wun Fsr Sate. T Kmc at, saw m a fwat am Tlia; mmm ksB mmmt est ltl 1 1 1 Rates far sOiuttsBaa a A Wwtlr Cansrtaa wa aw tha ! aa ha tae Ml!;, ear liIHiaali mm eaaaaevB aar 6 !. BJlMas ta aa m Hsieaas la tia itum trmmm tha Bally a taw esak r saasai aim, tba raa are ba a aa tar raa ajjaaai. as las aa aJrqT to'aakatn' kl 'taLatfainat'ill Ua laKtaitaa lml atmttalaa at laaal at HitaMn - - 7 rfcrraa UnrfMkf ai rial a laitial i flm iaa at lac la He aa laaa, nwi I- mmUr - r Tk adr aa4 Baafera taW aataar. ' Jaata aVc tacfc fa-at ainaa;aAii- 'terms to Lee that were ever offered by any victor to a vanquished foe. ap pointed many exXonfederatea to gov ernment posts, aa did all hla Republi can successors. In several Republi can cabinets ex-Confederates sat. Re- them to all aorta of stations, political, diplomatic and Judicial. They have represented the country at the courts of many Old World nations. A short time ago a Republican president ap pointed a former Confederate soldier to the post of chief Justice of the So- Opportunity Forever Knocking. Economy Key to Success Br HENRY CLEWS. Prominent New York Banker .'. fd HE ides that opportnnitj knocks once at every man's door is 71 . a FALLACY.' Opportnnitj U a CONTINUAL KNOCK--ehse Eli, snL paradoxicallj, ber every knock ia s boost if tba) man lsnAbejoJjo. g?iiL Tbe fellow tbst makes up bis mind to s thing snd does not waver and bits bis opportunities as tbey are thrown at him niually scores in tbe end. '..'-'.;' t "' U- THE REASON Or THE FAILURES Of. THE MAJORITY OF TMt YOUNG MEN TODAY, MANY OF WHOM MIGHT HAVE MADE A rCTTUNE. LIES IN THE FACT OF THEIR SPENDING ALL THEY CARN, THUS LETTING SLIP BY ANY POSSIBLE CHANCE OF THEIR CIING ON -EASY STREET iFTER "rHE WILD OAB HAVE BEEN i,' ' r" ' ; "'"-" a, a ysare a'aawnas-'-- BB Barty folates betoaged to ft ! (MM that at tae kwUmL oe Tarongn the oEorta of Director. I Ceases! OUU u4 ta I Cossaacrtial Coagreea to f roeaots mtWt westward travel via the rcata, th whole mu BJ greatly tatereeted la Sua plana. A big cMfwtiN of eoetaera ... ..I. ... . . . . iCOBuMraii bobsu wui ue Base mourn la Mesapais. to tale aa thia matur mi adopt eosapreaeasiTw plane Air eUrectlng travel to Saa Diego Umik j the m South, which la teeatlag wtt opportaaltlaa taat vuU to aaov ' to straarrra aa4 aa Taa raflavy atrfka ta Graat Briuia la aaid to kara aa4 oa taa aaaar aac at taa goTaraaMait that It iU aatborla U Ua to lacraaaa traffic rata la oroer to offaet tao Iacrasc4 vase. So It term Ut. I ft-! traoa Uada, t la tao boot -aJtimata ; to at sat aa.taallr foot t taa biU. t4 oa a r carriara la aaU aow to aotra taa prob Vrm of flrlac at aaropiaaos. How sock a waapoa oaM a cSactlrely alsaioo raaoaiaa to a aaowa. Tae oar Uoai irova' taat efforts to arcpara for ta aerial aattleabJa alMMOd a aloaf tae liaa of perfccUac tba aixt. larsiBC ta caliber aa laactacnlas ta raasa of aharpakbotar rtflea, aad traiaiac aea tor tbeir apeadlax aa4 moat aecaxata aao. CARLEY LECTURE POSTPONE a Ovlag to tke taelelncacT. of .tka weather oaly m few peraoaa Vent to Skireljr's Opera Hooae 4at night to aear Mrs. Georca Carter tectum oa 'Redaciac tae Cost of Urtas." Te t 25. Oa taa oTeaJag of Soaday. Sep-1 tember 24. Mrs. Carter wiU givo her lectaro oa -ImiaortaUty, Brotberbood ' aad UaiTorsaJ Pwace." Tba tectara on brotherhood tart Ike foaadattoa for the aecoad lortore aad la of lataraat ta all. especially to th taboriac aaeo. Mrs. Carter was moch disappotated at tbe light atten dance last Bight, bat is aad to havo taa way prepared to praaeat tho two tertarea together. A Braaii Fee the Lawndry. A great deal of wear oa rkXJbea can b saved by tbe as of a snail haad .. ! - " ' r acrao Tim far wava. v i o the hands as well as oa the ' dotKea. Clothes rinsed ta hsn water In which 1 Ualng has been dissolved are liktty ( to be streaked, bat all daasee of this , may be avoided by aiding a capful of ) skimmilk to tbe trinity water. Ilar- 1 ' " I The Camellia. , The camellia waa nanwd from a tnK aknary la the Orient. Kernel On his rerara to France be brought with him j anave sorsevaa specinens of a Bower : which. he calk-d tbe raw of Japaa His friends, however, gave II hla nauw ! and called It camellia. I'.h U. were j brought from Pent bv e Andre S F-chs were ?aQed for ,be,r I Aimrmrmr iMunl rii. u no- a - ' ; Uas receiTed the nacj of Profenai Magnet de Mot.rp,-!'r. a !io oral , Iryug1rt tbe beautiful tree f Aia j and America to France. I -a render I : ao called lcae tbe n,.tnan- ..t . ! spray of it In tbe vster In which tbey washed their hands. Tbe Ijitin word to wash la la r ire. Bsizae-e n.pKua.1,. Of Balzac It ia Mated that when . 4 !l r"..h"e1 - .1 TT'J, : roost -hke the fowU." as be himself put it. at 7 In the erenlu. Ue waa j called at 1 in the morning and wrote j till 8. then took another boor and a j half of sleep, then after a tight meal j went to work sgain until 4 In tbe aft- j ernoon. Then he took a bath, aaw a ! few friends, took perhaps a snort j walk and Immediately after dinner j went off to bed. I T shall be compelled." he wrote, to : lead this niggers Ufa for . few, months without stopping In order not i to be awamped by those terrible billa that are due." And yet be waa ways hard up for money. 1 y - The Wing ef a Bird. The typical vertebrate limb, various- ly modified In the arm of a man or j tbe fore limb of a cat or frog or bird. ' has one boue In the upper ana. which . . , , ' , , .uriu.v '" which slmiUrly yield to fonr at tb wrist, and from these fire digits can Just comfortably be extended The bird, however, derided tn By rather than grasp with Its hand, ao that three and a half bugera are all It ha retained of tbe fire whl b Its reptilian ancestors beqneatued lo It. (Am mm of Whit One Darin Youhtf Aviitor Accomplished In Four Months aw atsertfaa Praaa A AKRT KELSO Jl ATWOOD of H aaoetatloa crowded ting of all arUtors beraaj of tO.TTni .wmmun-w ta tbe art of artarJoa. tile saw t the ae ntuarkitt: frvm ibe fae that tt eras onhr 00 last Memorial da that be made 1 InlrUI SIfBt. Hla record af fowr moo lbs not only d.-e cre.1lt to the yoa ,,"t apena a ma slag posatbintle to the Imarttwftoo Oa Jane 1 he made a fllfht from Boatoa to New London. Oaa.. rsrrrliis his mecba'alcUa as s rnjrer. The east d be new to New Torfc, Oa Jarr, S he flew to Atlantic City oa bis war to Washington, arriving at the latter dry oa July 13 On ask M ha tartad froes St Lools aad arrived at New Tor oa Aa S3 With theae hinreia Atwood a&ay conclode t retire fronT The Hying game He realUea. that tbe art baa not yet been perfeo tb PBt af aafety to srUtors sod admits that be la aerloaaly coasidcrtng qulttln before a -gets his" In tbe ITro-rratlP" Atwood Is shown grina down the Hodaoa Hver aad ayaln )uat as 1e larded at lioTernors UJana OREGON HOP YIELD IS DISAPP01NTIN Not more than 80,000 to 85,000 bales of hops are now expected by any eooserratlve ne-raon In Orecoa this season. - The crop Is coming down much lighter than expected, even a few weeks ago, and In the poorer sections T v two picking finishes the 'tt1 wllo fc . 2h !dVf .' T hest VtJo 7 .. . a w. uai siuvj auvium aa j, v ea- ra aamaa . everything picked within a day and a half. The yard of 15 acrea had but two kilns of bona for the season's work. . , , Pc"ng Is now general In the TakL i ma district of Washington and while ! the yields are not heavy, the quality I Is said to be the beat In years. I Onlv a nlhbllne business Is a bo wins the hop market at this time. 8ome lhe ,J111r POrt"" A eroDS on a shoestrlnjr' are now olertTg them lnroer to get the Ban4 thU ,a tn. c,aM or prent weakness in the trade. HIDES (Baying Green hides, 5c to 6c; ealtera, ic to te; dry hides, 12c to 14c 8.ep pelts. 25c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local price are firm at from 8c to 10c on applea and prune, peaches are l"c ALT Selling 50c to tOe for fine 50 lb, sack, half ground 40c; 75 for 10 " cka Portland Vefletable Markets, PACK "VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.25e$L5a per sack; parsnlpa, $1.25 er $1.50; turnip. $1.25611-5: beet. $L50.- VEGETABLES Aiparaxui. 0cC $1.75 per crate; cabbage, aew. $2 per hun.l.rd weight; cauliflower, $LeO0 lr do5n: CKerj- Cfrn.J' S 90c per doxen; encumbers, $Ls09 tl ?s ner doun- eernlsnt. ISe ner lb ' rarllc. I0cai2 per pound; tettur0efnl toT dances and the Ilka. 50c per d J7Pn : bothooaa lettuce. $1 Q $2 per box; peas, Sc-Gllc ev pr rnd; peppers. 30cQ35e ar pu.;ud; radlabea, lc per dozen; rhubarb, 2 Vic 03c per pound; a (roots. Sc; tomatoea, l?e25. 00X3 Jalltrg r -: Orcjon ii.7a per loi; AuaUaiiaU, $3.0 pur 104; Texas, $2.25 per crate: Califor nia. $2 per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotation. HOGS Hogs are quoted '4e lower From 125 lbs. to.150 lbs. tVic, from 150 Iba. to 200 lbs. 8V4C BACON. LAKD and HAM. are firm VEAL CALVES Veal ear?ee orlng from In to lwe according to -rade. BEEV 8TEERS Bee I teer for the local markets era fetching V4c to 6 He Uv weight. 8HKEP r nrm at' to 5e live weight Ouotanens rr ejregen City. POTATOES Beat, Buying 1 cent pound. FIXITJR AND FEED Flour la steady, selling from $5 to $C 50; very Uttla of cheaper grades.' OATS-Buyng) Gray. $23 to $21. white, from $25 to $26. BLTTSR (Bujmgy Ordinary ccqntry , brings-from - Ite-te SOe, fancy dairy from 20c to 22c. eraanv ery 22e to 26c EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from lSe to 18c, wllh good demand. ' WOOL (Buying) rVoo! prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Bhorts $29 to $30; rolled barley. $31.60 to $32.50: process bar- toy. $33.00; whole corn. $3.00: cracked corn, $40.00; wheat $33.00 Ik Buatoa. wen -aereii reara-wjl baa twea to 233: oil meal. $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. ! HAT (Buying.) Timothy f 1( to j $17; clover $ to $10; oat hay, best, 112; mixed. $10 to til; alfalfa, $12 to $14, ' SNAPSHOTS OF THE MODE. 1 Vietertaa Frills Again a Faverit In j ' Faahianooen. j Quaint frtlla are with as. Scallin t frills, edged with black velvet, are very 1 smart. Frills diaaembled as ruche. (oade of silk cot oa tbe crtwa. frayed ! oat ,hr"nch tbe middle 1 re ietty for yonug glris-dreses. ! J ' 'T', "? I with knotted fringe around tbe tunic acaaiia BLorsa stir, and a crossover bodice ts a sort of dress a young girl will find extremely One can hardly weur too much real and valuable Ia e. It figures for even ing gowns on satin snd rich white and gold Venetian bmradea which bave a flavor of tbe middle age. A delightful combination of colon la a delicate manrc. vped wltb i!d lice and embroidered with gold, pink and mauve, all veryslight and dainty. The Russian blouse suit never lose Its favor for the small boy. This ona Is made with a new collar which car ries out tbe prevailing rogue for cross over effects. The suit consists of blouse and trousers. JUDIO CHOLLET. This May Maaton pattern la cut In at aae for boys of two. four and at a years of ase. Sand 10 cents ta this office. (Iritis number. 711X and It will ba promptly for. warded to you by malL If In baata send an additional two rent stsmp for latter postaav, which InsUrae mora prompt da- E. W. Mellten Kow open for business with a full Una of new and second-hand furni ture. PRICES TO SUIT THE CUSTOMER. Highest Pries Paid for Second Hand Furniture. ' In the new Brick Building, Sixth and Main Street. II Pofnte for Mothers fM W tar Cbt'drto aodar l n kiiU ao at at tba aaa Ua tbeadulta. U awtbers saew tbe eornKHs ad- raataf l to fnMU ' procadora tbej would weKviue-tbe WJea. Cbtldrea would tbo to- aatcUllr -ailed to cblklrea Thing we)d be cooked, sod tbey wuid hat befor tbeas Just wbat tbej sluwM rat A U la tbey aae tbe fwd lt then that U Mire by tbe gnuP aad tbry detnaad IU cry for lu for It or cajole by aey nbr aietlwd thai tbe mile ooe a belr to. sid tbe food parD nra P"10 lo M: )h. let him bate It b ooc-e ." Aad there yea are.. Vcnj koow.lha ret the BtUe feerrd brow, tbe rolie Pln etc. k Bat If wllh a bit of eitra wort tbe mtia ea were Dennltted to he oo that wbkh ts reooeulMd as ttj them tbeJr eye would oot oe Dime" than their atioiarbs. to tbe reauiimf good of all coocemed. rtIm ara erT plentiful aod ar very good food, only tbey oucbt not ! h served to childrvn uuieM tl arel ...r..f That ta. they may be .... i n A 1 .. I ,,nl irlr cwted ana " ru'i' "UV4 ' ' " en to the children breds are lndiget I bie. aod there Is a rweal"" toa' tbey may lodge la tbe piu.Ui. The truth of tbe matter ta that all foods at this time of tba year are nour Ishlng If prepared prvpertv- The great mistake made Is tbat we do not take time to prepare them. El-elally l tbia bad for tbe child. Nine out of trn cMiqorT'twraocvfw w chew tbe lr food properly. Tbey awai low as soon as possible, aod ebonka of fresh food are glvn to tbe dlsesUva organs, which are unable to cope with them. EapecUlly la this tbe case with ancooked fruits. I would put a baa on nearly all uu rooked fruits for children Tbey prob ably cause more trouble than any thing else, aod all on account of im proper masik-stlon. But If fruits sre cooked It Is another matter.. It la. too. aa easy - matter, fur nature bat Intended tbe summer season to be one af vegetables and fmlta. and It should be taken advantage of In regard to lufauti I bave ooe thing to av Brat, laat snd always. and that tf strict diet of pure milk. preferably motbWs: if not tb then auken aallKa animal a . BVUrB- afw-an W aaaaasaasaa Milk fur tbe babe la the one great food principle Intended " by .nature, and nothing van Uke Its place. Hut aspeclsUy la tbe hot weather gri-at care must be taken to guard tbe clean ly condition uuder wbk-b tbla milk la j finally made-ready for consumption. I Very often there la a great mUiaks j In quitting the milk diet for cblldreu. I would auggest thai under the age of three year milk aboald be tbe rblld't chief form of food. Children! Dretsee. Every mother dealrvs to are ber III tl girt dreaaed attractively Xlie ran accomplish tbla by making their frork herself or with tbe help of a tmiu atxesa. Materials ran be bought for j such small price now tbat every young i mUa should be provided mllh one or I two new dresses to bvclu tbe srbout year end to carry ber over to the win j ter aesaon. when cloth frocks are ueed- ! ed. One pretty little model Is made of pink dotted Iswn trimmed wltb bind of awtss eyelet Inxertiou It l s one r!r--e model, ckxlng st tbe left side and having a auare neck. Tbe neck Is flnlsbed wltb a band of the Inser tion, which coDtlnnes down the aide of tbe front, where the drexs open and is used for a belt and cufTn An embroidered gulnie wltb loud sleeves la worn with It If desired. An other frock of blue and green plaid ha-, a plain blue tfnchiira yoke cut square and trimmed - with rows of while cotton soutache braid. CutTa and a belt are the sauie Tbe ntafeiini ta laid In three bi plaita tn front and aUo In the back, which full atmigtit to toe Dem. The sleeves sre short snd slightly full, (riving plenty of plat lor tbo little arms A frock of blue and white olku dot ted percale hus s xhned bib yoke of plain bine, which ellend over the shoulder and Is edped about with two rows of white linen braid leep ah sp ed cuffs trim the long full sleeves The hem of the skirt la formed with a live Inch lnnd of plain blue with the top edped wllh brnld. Tbo bodice I iill plnlnly cut nnd Joins the hot plnltr'd klrt with a narrow belt of brnld trJbv med bliii. A shallow piirupe having a blph collnr la worn wltb thl dnlntt and sensible frock. From tf!j ere of thee three model choose a new divas for your little rlrL Amusing th Kiddies. A mother who likes to see her Indt And Innate In the hoase Ititerested In some occuntlon told them the other daT bt.Bl)e would giro quaner to esch child who discovered for him or herself the iwitlm In which tho follow Ing birds were mentioned: Tho dove Prrow. swallow, stork, pelican, rav en, bswk and engle. Of course It was not allowed to use tho concordance. After th birds were "discovered" th mother told ail th .t,ie he knew about them, and the children hud sto rlea to tell also, aod the day. which waa a rainy one. wn un, ,t Ul0 pleat of tbo vacaUon. Patronise our advertisers. Wants, For Sale, Etc ivsvieas aasar it Bfm.mM will be laud mWsSI, Money repraaaata humta power h la of vital ImporUoca to you whether It Mro la exerted for or agaloat yoa. Money aaved U your friend, ready to help you whan you aeed help mqit. argently. ' The Bank of Oregon Gty OLDEST BARK IH TBK COURTT a 1 tTUl'MTTal rrasadeat THE FIRST NATIONAL Bj of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, Tranaatrt aersl taaklnf yalaaaa. for imp cllK-lor: eolna for numlmmlt. srrnw.fceada for arch eolog:t. fc. I buy and U all sorts of rurlos; also all kinds of eo.n.lhnJ furnllure and tools. tiire Voung. Main, near riftn (reel. WANTL -tMwaii adarteiueata for ibis IMcm ery reasoa stle fe rsiee st haad of roltakB. I! id the ItornTng Knterplsa, LwANTEI - You lo anew mat tba Ka ler(rt(e Job printing aepertineni ia lb moat complete In tna tttata, unTde I'oriland. Try It for your ntit printing V NTKI "areiilrr at Mount Maiiinl h.l luiinedljOely; al io"wuod cutiera It U lint. WAXTKIV-Woman for plain cooking and sfiieral huaeork. Immediate ly, "rhmie Main H04I, or writ Ilo 1 4u tiUdaUjue. Or. Fon SAtC t KOU jiaI.K rtpa In tola col a ma Hell ibat old plow or harrow; yo don't use It tlnre you pu rob a aad your new ona KOIl quirk intei lid your farm lands and acrrase lth the R. R. Realty Co.. iil and 332 Lumber Karhaaga HldK . I'ortland, t)r. KOK 8I.K ICotwe. tao lots ou cor. 1ier; hoime recently built. Hill, brick flue, fruit trees; other Inv provemenla. fine view, near WlliMr !tv. UVkI f!7S. Harvey llmk. WueT Price j"" i " . raey cow for aale or traae.. A. A. Moore, agent Sin ger Sewing machine. CIS Main street, Oreaun City. Or. LOST A new rubber raincoat Tuee day. Finder will be rewarded on returning same to U P. Horloa at the Oregon City ice plant. ARM LOANS. FARM LOANS-Dtmlrk a lawyers. Oregon Cliy, Or. Dlmlck. ATTORNEYS. O n KBT. Atiorney-at-lw. Mnaey tnened, aNetrtrts furntahed. Iad ttfle eismlned. estates settled, gwa rra.1 law huntnesa Ovr Raakl fregoo City. trrtKN RCHirETltX, Attorneye-at I Deutsehar Advokat, will prar ttce In all courts, make colleeUea and aettleuien's. Office la Enter prlae llldg.. Orecoa City. Oraaoa. BUILDCR AND COTBSCTOR. tlARKT J0Nr-8-rt.itldr and Geaeral Contractor. Estlmat cheerfally given on all claaaaa of building work, concrete walks ana rotaforoed concrete. Res. phone Mala IIL INSURANCE. ' - j It. H COOPER. Fn' Fire Insuraaof j and Real F.stt. U( t handl your properties ael! aad aichange. Off1 a la Fa'erprtae "'dg., Oregon city. Oregon fT" t I. MISCEtLANEOUS. Notlc of Application For Liquet . Llcns. NOTK'K Is hereby Riven tbat ) will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business. The Idle Hour, corner Fourth and Main streets for a period of three months. a. J. 81TRHEK, CITY NOTICES. Notlc of Hearing of Sixth Strt Aa ssrnant NOTICE Is hereby given that the ap. portlonment of the cost of the Im provement of Sixth street. Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of High street to the east line of Jack son street, hn been ascertained and tho proposed assessment hits been apportioned and Is now on file In the office of tho Recorder of Oregon all !! "ubjert to examination. Any objection that may be made In wrltlne. to the City Council of Ore gon City and filed with tho Record er thereof within ten daya after th first publication of this notice will be heard and determined by the Council before the passa. of any Ordinance assessing the cost of said Improvement. Tho property assessed for' aald mprovement lies on both tildes of IdTl1 .f ,al(l 8l,,h ,,rM WW Sixth street farthr. 2 lanneraat f ..t j p.rtoff:.n,id0f:,,,ih ,ire"1 w Vx., d Blx,h reel. This notice Is published In th. 4-ZrinTf KntcrprU' th m publl- '?! CUT Co,,nc "on CI ir f."ncl' Cumber of pre- ih- T! ,he ,lm " Place of ho passing on , 0,lJw!tPo JBTIPP. nftcorder. Nolle, of H..r.g of Cont.r StrMt notice -b-"j;y's:Sti,.',h.. Portlonment of tho ost r .1 n"rU..r?y7,7,,X:nth ? th tna nnHk it- I E"vntli atreot to KtoCf reVj l"Zr" win feet haa T olotanee of 142 '-t, has boon .Mrulne)1 J Mjat.oa ""Uk,,,, ropoad r..mant U lT" portioned a lid la oa itu? lc- or lb. City and sub)i u, ."J Any oblectlons that a,..?.4" Hng to the laid Olt rJZ! 1 City M4 flffaK day. afier .h. n TLJS - this notice b CsTS termlned by tba count" Li Maaaa. nt ...u Hi the cost of said unprovte The property Mww aald Improvt-uiont Ilea i aides of tbe part of tr street propoM u 7 Improved and the Ilo of k iw ting ou said part of tali r2 Btnret fart hat rat from taM taT! aald Center (reet ana iall ! aald Center, ureal. w" This notice i publlakei h tW Morning Knterprlae the flra; pZ ! cation being Hepiamber Hk wi i aald City Couuril bit set Council Chamber In Orrpa rjt, Oregon, aa the time ana pUca afa. paaslng on ld olijecUoaj. tt ' I. 8TIPP, Reeoras, Notice af Accptanc af Urut preveinent NOTICE la hereby glvea IhattktCto Engineer of Oreaon City. Out, has filed hla rertlflrats of tk aa pletlon and approval of ta tvt don by Meanr. Moffatt k Pvte. contractors, ou tb lnpruvaM( Center street, from tb aorthu erly side of Eleventh itrvet north line of alley parallel i) Eleventh street, a dlitaoc of 10 fast, and the (Mir Ciwatllnf mm " Oty will consider tbo arerpuMi thereof, and all ohjectlou to tW . ceptanoe of aald IroproveateM, I the Council Chamber of said Qt;, on September li. 11I. at I o'ekw n. m. Any ow ner of any property wttAhi tho asaeaament district of mA b proveroent or any antnt at axl ' owner, may st such tin r aw time prior thereto, appear an flk j ebjerttona to tbe acceptanc of mA 1 Improvement, and lurk objetti shall be considered and all tat ; mertta determined by tbo Cowri' ; at the above named time as Un ; This notice la publishes U th) Morning Enterprise and tb dm and place were fixed by order at th) City Council of Oregon Oty, 0r gon. 2t U 8TIPP. Recortw. Notice of Acceptance of 4tnjet i provmnt 1 NOTICE la hereby given that the dry ; . - rn OraM. 1 ha- nmA hla rerllflcata of tb ( pletlon and approval of th wrt done by II. Jones, contractor of tat Improvement of JcftVrsoa W Oregon City. Oregon, from tb ami line of Beeond street to th tt f r-,-lfih atrarL and thi CRT Council of Oregon City. 0ruM consider the acceptance than and all objections to tbo !'";, of aald Improvement, at th Cow Chamber of aald city, o 8pBl 25. nil. at $ o'clock p. m. Any owner of any proporty lb assessment district of sail provement or any agent of owner, may at such tlmo , objecUona to tho acceptance ofw Improvement, and obJertW shall be conaldered and U s merit determined by th Cetuftn "at th above named tl Thla notlc la pa?. Morning Enterprise and tbo and place were fixed by order fW Oty Council of Oregon City, jL0n U 8TIPP. ReMKS- CARRIER SERVlCt AT J Beginning the morn ?! WILLAMtl . urday, August zu. t era for th Morning living In and about WllUm"; will rclv their hapero ' rjf Her Instead of hy mall. J. Wilson will he the ftJ!?a will act aa agent at Wl"; REMEMBER, ATURDAT. A 20 th. new Carrier Sroiur AtlsUSl ZU. Sll ... . nEwcriBSfinuuiTSEvviwiwc:2 K AIGHT RUNNING. If yen want either a Vlhrallns !",111M t.I7...i.. .mi. i-Thread " Brwlui alachlns Oranoi M m,iM MaavanHaasiacMaei ae. mit i ""'TZ u-lil. kut lh-BSW lIStMS W aw-j i a vtMT rue! a Bald by asitkeHBed ?? It' W. L. MARSHALL. . (., portU" $50 Morrison St. b sn iii-nAAVB sirMr. aaTa-i ..a r