Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 12, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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V., m few dsy a almost giving
r U ' ... i U lia
During our bk.nn-wr ks w aro giving pargsme in
(hoa that will aloan up our stock In a hurry.
See Our Bargain Shoe Window
uipc nslon Bridge Cor.
I III ry II - Tiy uiu you rviuee uurv
Lli-i' oftVrT '
I'ulii-rinvo and street car eou-
Lr mil mo "lad" au much I'm
to the tMlo.
Ll ChrUtner. of Cania, waa In
I rlty on business Friday.
..urn McCarthy, a wall known
,.r (if t'srus, woo In tbla city Fri-
twanl llurnahuh. of Sbubel, waa
urtliiK business In tbla city on
and Mrs. Peter lloblender, of
Lr CrtM-k, were In Oregon City
fcrlilay on . buslneaa.
II. Jackson and , daughter. Mla
or Claimant, wora In tbla city
kTMuy visiting relathroa.
j. Mill lull, of Mullno, on of the
known residents of that place,
In 1Mb city on Friday.
iwnrd Harris, of Corvallla, waa
hi. city on Friday, and waa reg-
I.hI at the Electric Hotel
Ihh Imogens Rule, of Portland,
arrived In tbla cltT for a few
vUlt wth Mra. Walter Walla.
Illholt stage will laava tb Electric
kl each day at I o'clock, p. nt.
A. Ooldsmllh and daughter,
.iIh. will leave this evening for
rne. whore tbey will vUlt with
liven-for aeveral daya.
Lk Nrlllo Vallen. of Klwood. baa
vlHltlnc Miss Elnora Guenther
Ittio innt week, at the borne of
(iui'iithor a uncle at Shubel.
W. Robert, of Lawton. Ohio, waa
till, city on Thursday and Friday.
II. M alone and wife, of Cor-
in, rt aiHierea at the Kiecinc no-
Ion Friday. . ' '
I kjiI ci i fre and tea la our bobby.
I our 25r coffee and BOc tea. Can't
Leal, llarrla', grocery.
Ira. A. I,, Reatle and two children
Mn J. J. Cook will leave to
for Newport, here tbey will
kid several weeka. having taken
Koine for the time tbey will be
Elizabeth Bchalx. of tbla city, In
iipmiy with ber cousin, Elma
kit., t.f Portland, left Friday for
trwuod,', where tbey will visit
lit Mr. and Mrs. William Schats
Mr. and Mra. Holt worth.
'rink Unrtlett Water. Bold by all
'i, gror-erles and druggleta.
$1r. Henry Miller left for Falls
IV, or, on Friday, where she waa
i momM to the bedside of her
liier ln law, who waa stricken with
lalyxlH (in Thursday, Mr. Miller
for FhIIs City on Thursday ve
Mr. and Mra. J. R. Whltton, of Cree-
M, M. I)., bave been vlaltlng for
PMt nine daya at tba borne of
('. Wagner at Gladstone. Mr.
Iillton w make his Kbme In Eu-
in the near future, hla Darenta
I1 a Irother and sinter realdlng
Mrt. LcrMrNewton baa gone to Mo-
pm, where ahe will, visit relatives.
I" woh accomDnnled bv her two
I'le on 8, During her absence,
It's. Kewton'a ronfaj-tlnnarv .inr. nn
rvnih street will be In chsrxa of
fr alHlrr, Mis. Bertha Miller.
Or. E. a. Bommer, formerly of Ore
d City, hns moved hla of flea to 1017
"tt building, Portland.
Ivan Goldsmith and Miss Meta
'Kixmlth, who have been .pending
PHNt month In thta city with their
randmother. Mra. A. Goldsmith, and
I'm. Mrs. M. Bollack. returned to
pmr hdme at Eugene on Friday eve-
Minn Ktholvn Alhrlvltt r UnnA
lvf. and Mlsa Bess AlbrlgM, of
a ii Walla, Wash., wera In this city
"li"K frlenda on Friday. Th
"Me Albright wera former real.
r i this city and have many
F'entls here.
If you eat bread why not get Royal
read? The ha ! mnntf Main
ty. t llarrla' grocery. '
L j p- Klllott and daughter, Mlaa
Kaaa Elliott, mhn n a..ti.
ash.. to attend th Hornahuh-Elllott
fpaiiing, which waa solemnised on
rH!nsday, returned to Oregon City
"-'my evening. Mra. Elliott ao-
fnianled tbam n a..t,l. m A tm
w uuaiviv ojiibu 1
MUi Edith Smith and Miss Maud
'(Mnts. whn V . - i i r.. 1 1 i .
lirr? .."y wn to attend the Na-
tn wuctlonal Association tbat
QV-er.d. " .8" hav. r-
i -- to uregon city, and b.d
RlOSt rilitlahtf..! ..II .... ,
hllrnlr.- . ""' Diuri I W
bia .ln5'le 8Rnt' Berbara, Paaade
L' lRht. the principal aummer
aom. V. f Callfo"', and alao spent
m. time at Tla JuVna, Mexico. ,
,Z" no. It'e aura to
a?iS frl BrU' of Portland, who
wIJ ,t'f115Kr on Thuraday on her
0 aeveral weeka, returned to Porb
AoeuiUmad to It
Shoes Shoes
Ladies Children
our oxford and ehoea away.
A m i i . i . l .
- Oregon City
land on Friday In company with ber
father and brother, M. Uard and
Harold Hard, who have been en
Joying an outing at that resort, and
who were called to Portland on-account
of Mr. llarde'a place of busi
ness, having been destroyed by fir
Friday morning. Mra. Hard and son,
who bave been vlaltlng In thl. city
aa tbe guests of Mr. and Mra. J.
Leyltt, also returned on Friday to
their home In Portland.
Dellcateasen: L. A. Noiile. 714 Main
atreet, has Juat received from Wiscon
sin 1,000 pounds new cheese, cream,
Swiss and llnmurger. Fin tor luncb.
Istr Baldwin, of Hubbard, waa
In tbls city on, Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mra. William Beard, Mra.
Btresow, of IHiluth. Minn., Mra. Frank
Heard, of tbla city, formed a party
that left on Friday morning for New
port, where two weeks will be spent
Mra. Mllo Mack. Mlaa Alma and
Lyman Mack, of Portland, formerly
of tbla city, formed an automobile
party tbat cam to Oregon City on
Wednesday and visited with Mra. W.
(. Hall. Lyman Mack la-a atudent
of tb Holmes' Business College, and
Is having a two weeka-vacation.
Mr. and Mra. H. A. Haxeltlne. of
(Jreaham. wer In this city on Fri
day, and war accompanied by Mlsa
Anna Hatelllne, of M or fort. Wis,
who la visiting them, and who will
return to ber bom neit Tuesday,
accompanied by her mother. Mra. E.
C. Haseltlne. Mr. Haxeltlne will
mov to hla farm at Bprlngwater, th
first of September. He recently pur
chased a l&-acr ranch. He and his
wife rim. from Morforl. Wis., about
alx months' ago.
Deputy Sheriff Mllea went to
Markam Friday to aery papera.
Editor Enterpriser At the solicita
tion of some of my frlenda I will try
to glv to tb public tbe facts aa I
so them In regard to the Improve
ment of Sixth Btreot adjacent blocks
138 and 139. My understanding la
that the bid waa $11.04)0 from Jlljth
to Jackson, eight blocka. I am told
tbat the coat waa $13,500. Now, If
w count out block between High and
Center, which coat $3,600, or nrore.
would leave seven blocks at a cost
of $10,000, being a total of 56 Iota,
at an average coat of about $175 per
lot. Aa tb atreet adjacent to blocka
138 and 139 la about tha least work
(no rock) would not be "more than
an average. But what do w find?
The coat I $1,700 for the block or
$212 per lot. Must be a mistake
somewhere. We hav tba Intersec
tion on Biith and Monro on lota 7
and I to cost $124.90: Mind yon this
Is 3030 feet Tb circumstances are
thua: Nature never put any rock
on tbla Intersection, but some years
ago without my consent- tb council
of thl. city placed rock In th man
holes. Now, without my consent, the
present council , come, along and
saya, "Mr Myera, we will charge oyu
$150 yer yard for moving aald rock."
I had nothing to do with putting the
rock there, neither did nature: un
der natural conditions tb excava
tion would hav cost me 25 cents per
yard. Am I morally or legally bound
for th Increase cost of $$1.25 per
v.... . . 1... I. klMb IRQ
wniCh I onerea lO several panics
for th Improvement of Sixth street
for $400. Tb assessments on these
lota la $417. On lot He In th can
yon, hence tha appraisers had to take
the matter In hand. Fifty per cent
of $400 I. $200, which I am willing to
pay, but our wis committee aaya the
Increase by virtu of Improvement Is
$150 plu. $400 equal. $550; 60 per cent
of $550 equals $276. Do you see tbe
Joker? But let ua take another view.
If tha lota are now worth $550 and I
pay $275 my lota originally were
worth only $275. Another analysis
please, where John Qulncy Adam
streets la Improved, th coat being
equal to cost of Sixth street $417. In
crease In value thereby $150 plus
$550 equala $700; 60 per cent assess
ment $350 plus assessment on 81xth
atreet $276 equal $626. Where, oh
where, la th original value
. You anewr: "Now If thla la not
confiscation or robbery, what la It "
Have I a right to kick? Dear It to
Now In conclusion will say that I
never In my life voted against a
school or road tax, but th roade must
ba for th purpoae of tran.portlng
tha producta of honest toll, not for
automobllea to--transport human vul
turea. School tax for common or
public, not aectarlan. I atand for
collectivism vi. Indlvlduallam. co
operation va. competition. A demo
cratic form of government va. demo
cratic aham, Initiative referendum
and recall from auprema Judge to
city councilman.
Now, Mr. Mayor, and City Council,
let m whisper In your ear. You ar
not th city, but th people ar. You
can't keep up appearancea by taxing
tha laboring people to death. Neither
can you keep back a panic by atreet
Improvements W ar liable to have
aome rainy daya aoon and that people
will be demanding work and when
that time arrirea w should try and
provide It for them.
. In time of prosperity prepare for
adveralty. Remember big bualnesa
takea 6 cper cent bonds; boosting land
value, means dear bomea for poor
people. Th dearer tha home the
more labor It takea to pay for It Th
greater th prlc th fewer bomea
will ba owned by laborera. Th few.
ar homea owned by laborers, greater
la th alavery. Mor slavea meane
the alavery, Mor alava mean,
chaoa. Chaos leada to anarchy. Re
member labor paya all bllla fjret, last
and all tb time.
But aay, fha last act of th City
Council of double atreet aesessment
baa Just about well, yea baa mada
a alngla taxer of me.
. . . Youra. for humanity,
- W. W. MYERS.
' PORTLAND, Aug. ll.(H)e'rta.j-'
Portland Buffered Ignominious defeat
today at tba bands of the Oaks. The
visitors hammered out alx runs In
tha first and sewed up the gam. Tb
cor waa II to 2. Koestner waa
driven from th box and Darkness
fared little better. To make things
wors four error wer mad by tb
Buavr. Tbla la Ibe story of tb
first Inning slaughter;
Hoffman walka. Warea bunta tbe
ball. Kubn throw, to McKuna at
second, In an effort, to catch Hoff
man, but tb throw waa loo late, both
runners being safer Cutsbaw safa
on Bheeban'e error,-fllllug tbe bases.
Maggart puts tha ball through the
double fence In right field for a
home, run, cleaning tb bases. Zach
er singles to left and ateala second.
Wolverton beats out a bunt Hark
ness singles to left and ateala sec
ond. Wolverton beats out a bunt
Darkness now pitching for Portland.
Tledetnan doubles to center field,'
scoring Zacber, Wolverton going to
third. Mitte files out to Cbadbouroe. 1
Wolverton scoring on th catch. Greg
ory alngles to left, sending Tleile
nian to third. Tledeman out, at th
plate, Sheehan to Kubn, trying to
acor un Hoffman's grounder. Wsres
atrlkea out
The results Friday follow:
Pacific Coast League Oakland 11,
Portland 2; Sacramento 13, Vernon
6; I xi Asgeles 5, Bsn Francisco 1.
Northwestern Luswie--Portland 2,
Brattle 1; Vancouver 6, Spokane 8;
Tacoma 8, Victoria 3.
National League New York 3;
Philadelphia 0; Boston 6, Brooklyn
2; Pittsburg 6, Cincinnati 1- Chicago
St. Louis gam postponed, rain.
American League Boston 5-4:
Philadelphia 11-3; New York 1-2,
Washington 3 1.
Paclf c Coast.
W. L. P.C.
Portland 9 66 .662
Vernon 72 CO .545
Oakland 70 60 .615
Ran Francisco 66 67 .496
Karramento .'. 63 67 .485
Los Angeles . 65 79 .482
W. L. P.C.
70 47 .598
... 67 . 49 .678
.. C7 49 .678
62 66 .530
67 67 .500
..... 30 85 .261
Tacoma .
Seattle ..
Spokane ,
Portland ,
Victoria .
(Continued from page 1.)
The other children ar Mra. Mag
gie Murray, of Cherryvllle; Mra.
Mabel Mclntyre, of Brlgbtwood; Mra.
Benjamin Hart, of Sandy; Mra. Phoe
be Allen, of Cherryvllle; Mra. Viola
Klrby, of No. 774 Missouri avenue,
Portland and Phoebe Frlel. of Cher
ryvllle. Ray Murray, Glenn Mclntyre
William Allen and Thomas Klrby,
husband, of hla daughters probably
will be made defendants In the pro
posed suit for .lander. ,
Mra. Frlel Highly Regarded.- -
MIhs-Wilson and Mr. Friel were
married In Portland, taking up their
residence Immediately 1 after at th
ranch of th bridegroom. Mr. Frlel,
ba made maay frlenda in the county,
and la a woman of ' refinement and
culture. That ah had anything to do
with her patlent'e death la regarded
aa absurd. Sb denies tbat ah want
ed Mr. Frlel for a hasband In order
to get hla money, and declares tbat
she agreed to become hla wife for no
other reason than that aha loved him.
She la anxloua foe th body to b
exhumed, but wants It don by th
county authorities In order to pro
tect herself.
Tb aged bridegroom chargea that
hla children have plotted to hav him
examined aa to hla aanlty. However,
there la nothing to Indicate that he la
not In th full possession of all hla
faculties. He ha. alwaya led an ac
tive outdoor life and la well pre
served for a man of hla age. "I am
Bure." Mr. Frlel Bald Friday,
"that th threata mad by my chil
dren ar due entirely to their Imag
ining that I am going to will my prop
erty, to my wife. All. of them were
exceedingly friendly up to the day of
our marriage. ' We ahall Insist upon
being protected In case the body la
examined, and It muat be done by tbe
proper authorltlea."
Mr. and Mra. Frlel left Oregon City
early In tb afternoon for their home
ao he could resume th watch over
hla former wlfe'a grave.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. (Spec
ial). President Taft will Include
Coast cities in the Itinerary of hla
propoaed Western trip and will b
present at th ground breaking cere
monies of th Panama Pacific exposi
tion at Ban Francisco, unless some
thing . unforaeen arlaea. Th Presi
dent' decision followed th receipt
of hundreds of telegram, from var
ious commercial organlsatlona of the
Pacific Coaat
In Boston.
Beacon Street had called opon the
fair ninldpn of his dreiinm. and ahe
bad received him esgerly.
"Oh, Becky, deiir." she murmured, as
he eutered the room, "hav yon seen
papa 7"
"1 bar endeavored to arrange aa In
terview, Penelope. be replied wearily,
"but I bar found bird In aut-h an ex
traordinarily oo,uoiiouM Mtnie of Intel
lectual absorption In bis own lumedl
at nterprlxea tbat I -have lieen un
abl to Insert monosyllable edge
wise." ' ; ' ,
"Why don't yoti try him with a few
ahorter words than nsuat. beloved T
whispered the fair on. - Harper'a
Weekly, , - .,.
I l ' IfSM-iSI i
i . y'. X
.( ' 'v, I
AN extraordinarily active man la Brander Matthews, professor of
dramatic literature In Columbia university'. Professor Matthews
to baa tried hla band with conalderable success In varloua Unea of
writing, but perhaps hi. literary crltlclsma are tb moat notable
of bla productions. He has written many Interesting atorlea and been
a collaborator In the authorship of several comedies. II waa on of
tb organlxer of tb American Copyright league and tb drat chairman
of the simplified spelling board. Professor Matthew la an enthusiast In
hla advocacy of spelling English words more nearly aa they sound. lie
Is native of New Orleana.
Everybody Is busy trying to get
grain Harvested before th rain be
gins. . "
Mrs. H. Morris and son Charley of
Macksburg apent Sunday with her
daughter, Mra. Ed Howard and fam
ily B. G. Helvey made a bualness trip
to Mullno Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, cousins of
Mrs. Ernest Jones, ar vlaltlng th
Jones family thla week.- ' .
Charley Spangler worked for Ed
Howard Monday, helping him to stack
bis grain. v t .
Sidney Smith waa. ll) last week.
Mr. qfavea worked (or Fred Spang
ler laat week. '
Dick Johnson and Miss Bertha
Rigga of Cape Horn wer at th
dance at ' Clyde Smlth a Saturday
Frank Kimmey made a business
trip to Oregon City Monday.
B. M. Duvall sustained a aerloua
Injury while mowing hay on day last
week. The horses attacbod to the
mower ran away, throwing Duvall In
front of the knife of the machine.
Hla left foot and leg wer cut and
mangled. Mr. Duvall waa taken to
the Wlldwood Hospital. It la thought
that hla leg can be saved.
The dance which waa given by Er
nest Jones In Clyde Smith', qew
houes Saturday night waa a big suc
cess. Everybody seemed to have a
good time until a late hour when all
departed for home wishing Mr. and
Mra. Smith many thanka for their
enjoyable evening. A lunch, consist
ing of coffee .sandwiches, plcklea and
cak waa aerved at midnight. Elmer
Erlckaon helped to furnish the mualc
There were about forty-five guests.
Three wedding, hav occurred alnce
our last letter and tb tumora ar
another In the near future. Who
Cliff Miller and family, of Iowa, who
are making a tour of the West, spent
laat week with their frlenda, E. D.
Barto and family. ,
Mra. Haun apent a week visiting
relative, and friend. In and around
8oda Springs.
Mra. W. D. Hamm and daughter of
Kansas City, apent on day laat week
visiting friend. In thl. vicinity.
W. Q. Hall, of Rockwood. apent a
few daya of last week her.
Mra. D. W. Griffin attended the
campmeetlng at New Era laat Wed
nesday and In the afternoon gave a
lecture on Socialism. v
E. C. Dye gave a lecture at tb
Mountain View church 8unday even
ing on "Idealism" which waa original
and Instructive.
Frank Bullard, of Redland, waa
transacting buslneaa here laat week.
Mr. McDowell and family hav
moved from 7th and Taylor atreeta to
their new horn at Mount Pleasant.
George Williams, of Meadowbrook,
waa tb guest of Frank Wlnalow laat
Friday. ..
Mra. Robert McCllntock haa a alight
attack of typhoid tew.
Mr. J. D Lowry 1. ataylng at her
mother'a Mra. Edgecom thta month.
William Beard and son, Henry,
spent laat week In th mountalna fish
ing. - , ; r ; -.Albert
Montgomery, of Indiana, la
visiting his uncle J. Oorbett
Th Mlases Larktn, of Oakland, Or.,
visited their aunt, Mrs, J. Qorbett a
few daya laat week.
Rev. Gross and wife hav gon to
Cooa Bay for th winter.
J. W. 8. Owens la building a cot
tag on hla property which he bought
from Mr. McGeehan.
Mrs. H. Qulnn. our Sunday school
superintendent, la on th sick list
Bom new officers for th school had
to be elected aa the other could not
attend for varlouiftreaeona. Th offi
cer, now ar: Superintendent, Mr.
3. H. Qulnn; assistant superintendent,
Mra. 8. A. Martin ; secretary, Mlaa
Alta Clark; treasurer, Mra. 8. A. Gll
lett; librarian, Mra. . Nellie Schoth;
organist. Mis. Kholl; assistant organ
ist, Mlaa Be sale Qulnn.
A. B. Humphreya haa not been able
to attend Sunday school lately.
SanA Francis apent last Saturday
visiting frlenda at Sprlngwater.
Mlasea Emma Vanboy and Hazel
Francis transacted bualness In Port
land Monday.
Grandma Adkln, who visited her
daughter, Mrs. Oil Fisher and Mlsa
Geo. Waldron, last week returned to
her borne at Mullno Monday..
Mr, and Mra. F. Busber are visiting
relatives south of Salem thla week.
- Mra. Mann waa called to Orchards
Tuesday to attend tbe funeral of her
sister, who died, very suddenly. Her
mother I. critically 111 and haa been
a long time.
Mra. G. F. Glbbs I. visiting her son,
Aom Glbbs, tX Dallas.
Lyman and -Alma Mack and .Mfa.
Mllo Mack, of Portland, were in tbla
burg Wednesday. They cam up in
their automobile.
The farmer who haa a clearing
la aure to have no more.
If you listen to the statement
That ar understood by the acor.
From June until October
No Area ahall be aet.
If yon do you'll lose 600
Or behind tb bars you'll fret
Those who possess a fern patch
With stumps and logs all through
Will get th old prairie fever, or
Wish they'd come when grandpa grew.
For some how be burned In summer,
Though' many mllea from town, -And
fought and aaved hla cabin.
And hla children young and sound.
Mr. and Mra. T. W. Henderson went
to Estacada Tuesday.
Mra. M. Surfua and Mra. Zella Oa
trend apent an enjoyable day with
Alice Henderson.
Jno. Scott and Mr. Anderson bought
several loada of grain hay of J. John
son. Dan 8tahlnecker helped C. E. Sur
fus In bla mill laat week.
Mra. Repk la buying lumber at C.
8urfua' mill to rebuild her house and
barn recently destroyed by fire.
Mrs. Dan StahlneckerVpent an en
joyable time with Mra. Zella Cadi
nau, Ruth Maplethorpe and Mra. Jno.
Park. Their granjiaphone afforded me
lodious music.
Mr.' Cane had a runaway demolish
ing parte of hla buggy and hla horae
was bruised aome. '
Mr, and Mra. Lewi. Vallen visited
Mra. Flckenaea of Sprlngwater, Sun
day laat,
Feaater Cadlnau purchaaed a horae
whose reputation waa a bad one but
with tbe guidance of Feaster'a lines
the animal seems subdued.
Ed. Dibble captured a porcupine
which waa an Interesting eight to a
great many. No doubt th hound waa
th most surprised for aa he mada an
attack bis mouth waa filled with
quills. Pliera were used to extract
tb quills. . Tha porcupine weighed 11
pounds. .
Ml v Ethel Closner passed over El
wood obtaining vote, for a new piano
given by th Enterprise. W wish
her success as she I. truly working.
Mr. and Mra. Earnest Boylan and
family. visited Mra. M. Surfua Sunday.
Marvin Parka bought lumber of C.
near Estacada.
E. Surfua mill to build a new bouse
El wood school can boast of new
blackboards and winter wood but as
yet have not hired a teacher.
A number have gathered a few wild
blackberries, but report them scarce.
Mr. and Mra. Dan Btahlnecker
spent a pleaaant evening with Mr. and
Mra. Lew Vallen Saturday evening.
Mr. Stablnecker furnished muslo on a
vloUn of hla ow make. - -
Spend Yot
The Pacific Ocean.
First class hotels, cottagea and aampa at Seaside and Oearhart.
THE North Bank Road
Runs fast trains through to tb Beach parlor observation eara and
modern coaches. .
$4.00 dally, season limit $3.00 Saturday and Sunday, limit Monday.
Special folder will be sent on request.
W. E. Coman, G. F. & P. A, S. P. & S. Ry.
SALEM, September 11-W, 1011
.t '
German Picnic
DorTt fail to attend the German Picnic at
Good mostc. Good time.
No admission to groonds.
A. 8. Henderson sold his thrashing
outfit to Charles Freeman and Mr.
Dlx. . .
Farmer, are very buay harvesting
a few wear a scowl over the recent
C. Blttner feels confident of success
on hi. new invention on a 4-wheel
auto truck. We are anxloua to see
him master, aa he la a. genlua and la
working faithful at th new exploit.
Ralph Coleman visited friends and
relative, in Sellwood last week.
Mlsa Flora Armstrong la vlaltlng at
Marsbfield for a few daya.
J. A. Cobb, formerly a merchant of
Can by, waa In Portland on business
the first of the week.
: Mrs. J. Schmltt and daughter Mabel
were visiting relatives and friends in
Portland tbe first of the week. Mrs.
Schmltt'a other daughter, Mlsa Aggie,
1. coming home with her. The latter
haa bn vlaltlng tbem for aeveral
weeka. .
Ralph May, Ray Vlnyard. Ruby
Smith and Ed. Krueger left for Port
land on Sunday.
Lindsley Grlbble haa been on the
sick list for a few day.
Oren Jesse, of Needy, waa In Can
by Wednesday on bualness. '
J. A. Cobb and son of Portland,
were In Canby on Wednesday trans
acting business.
Howard Ecclea who haa been pulte
111, haa recovered.
We understand we are to have, a
new dressmaker In Canby aa aoon aa
school starts. N
Aron Rosing haa accepted a position
In a Portland drug store, and will
commence hi. dutlea the first of Sep
tember. W. F. Schuller waa In Gerval. on
Born on Wednesday to Mr. and Mra.
F. Allen, fine big boy. All are do
ing well. .
Mlsa Augusta Brandt left Wednes
day morning for Tacoma for aeveral
weeka' visit with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Herron and two
sons left Tuesday evening for Th
Dalles, where they will take their aato
and make a two weeka' trip through
Eastern Washington and the Sound
Mra. Bert Williams with her aona,
Wallace and Raymond, went to
Washougal to visit Mra. Rowley and
Mr. and Mra. William Well, apent
th afternoon on the river with frlenda
Tuesday and had a plcnlo lunch In the
evening. . . '
The Oak Grove Girla band will play
for the Carmen picnic , at the Oaka
Thuraday afternoon and evening.
Mra. Dave Campbell waa a visitor
at the Schufler home last week.
Mlsa Loxy Graham returned home
from the beach Monday after a two
weeka' outing with her aunt, Mra.
Frank Mason, at Long Beach, Wash.
Isaao Hill was a Portland visitor
Tuesday morning. --
The Railroad company took the
platform out In front of Henry Helt
kemper'a place laat week and leveled
the ground and made a big Improve
ment In that place.
Mra. Harvey G. Starkweather and
three children left Wednesday morn
ing for Seaside, . Oregon, tor a few
daya outing. ' '
Charles Rlsley waa In Portland on
buaineaa Wednesday.
U Voshurg and a friend were Port
land visitors Wednesday.
M. W. A. lodg held it 'regular
meeting Tuesday evening. . .
Oregon'a Popular Beach Rsort
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times or all kinds. Hunting. Fishing.
Boating, Surf Bathing; Riding, Auto
Ing, Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agates, moonstones, carnelana
can be foand on the beach. -Pure,
mountaiu water and the best of food'
at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs
and oysters, with abundance of vege
tables of all klnda dally.
Camping Grounds Convenient and At
tractive. wth strict sanitary regulations -
from all points-In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale dally. .
from Southern Pacific points Port
land to Cottage Grove; alao front all
C. & E. atationa Albany and west
Gcfed going Saturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C A E. Agent
for full particulars aa to farea, trains,
schedules, etc; alao for copy of out
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore
gon," or write to
Wm. McMurray
Portland Oregon.
Charlea Rlsley, E. C. Warren and
Henry Schufler were appointed a com
mittee of three to cooperate with the
Oregon City Commercial Club com
mittee on the public high roads.
Mrs. George Horgan, sister of Mrs.
Jim Shupe. la seriously 111 at her
home at Tualatin. - - ; -
The editor waa busy when he was
aaked: "How are the markets,?"
The man was referred to the office
devil, who looked wlae and aald:
"Young man ateady; girla lively
and In .demand; papas firm, but de
clining; mamas unsettled, waiting for
higher blda; coffee considerably
mlind fresh ft ah active and allDDerv:
eggs, quiet, but expected to open soon
whiskey still going down; onions,
strong; yeast, rising; : breadstuffs,
heavy; boot and ahoes, those on the
market are sold, and constantly go
ing up and down ; jiata and caps, not -ao
tilth aa last vear. axceDtlna fools
cap, which ,1a stationery; tobacco,
very low and ha. a downward tend
ency? sliver, close, but not close
enougn to get noia or. - ,
, . i 1 t . . .
Hotel Arrival. '
The following are registered at the
Electric Hotel: C. H. Oram, Port
land; J. W. ROber, Lawtoa, Oblo;
R. L. Jonee, Steve Stephenson, Lester
Baldwin, R. E. rjbden, Hubbard; J.
B. Jackson, Clalrmont; J. D. Doo
llttle, W. H. Malone and wife. Cor
vallls; Mr. Hay den, Corvallla; Jeaale
hCathcort, Corvallis; Fred Hoffman;
Fred H. Rice. Howard Harrla, Cor
vallla; G. M. Turifey and wife, Ore
gon City. t ..
.( i .1 ii
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