M.0 Rfa ING ' iubHptlcn for the Morning ".-j ha received for ! ill 7 limited time at a epsclal i ..tl your 0,'d, lod, ! Ill aal b.nafll of lew prloa. The only dally newspaper he- tweeit Portland and Salem; alrett- 4) lataa In every Motion of Claeka mas County, with a population of 30,000. Ara you an advartlaarf WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISH,ED 1566 vor, t-No: no. 0UE00N CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911. STANDARD OIL IS HIT DEATH BLOW ,L,pEMe COURT ORDERS DISSO LUTION OF COMBINE IN SIX MONTH. I CALLED MENACE TO TRADE aSi.mmtnrWtni Lonj Fight Against gocf"",r Corporstlone Har Ian Dissents On Minor Point WASHINGTON, May 15.Tb Bn ,rrtue O'urt today. In a far-reaching i.plnln held Standard Otl ftjniiany or Now jeraey ana n us (i:hiMliiry companies 'are a combina tion unl a conspiracy in restraint of trtdr Th' ll c oil trust was declared br (lie hlclfHt court lo be operating ikronfh 1'iti-rNialn commerce In vlola-1 Inn 1 1 iIk Sherman anti-trust law Th, run r i ordered itia dissolution ajthr iriit In all months. This U lire culuit.nnoti of a fight ly lha govern- ami put down a com bin I Ion said lo h IiiIiiiIchI to lha Industrial wol- fir of the country. Tha court Inter p?.n i h.' rtlirrnmn antl trust law ao- it to limit It application to acta of 'undue" rroiralnt of trad and not 'tvrry" rpairalnl of trade.. Jmilro Itui lanj dlaaeuted lo thla rul ni cn tlie ground that caae already '.trUW by tha court had determined thai I ho word "undue" or "unreason tbhTer Niiniliir worda were not In the iilutr. He ss'ld that tha reasoning' of the wort In arriving at tta finding waa. In Jrt, li'KlxIntiun which belonged to Oonirf. Tht decision of tha court waa unanU aui n tha main laauc. . Peb Week, 10 Cents THE MET PERPETRATED BY WALTACD0UGA1 I : WHITE LIES. 1 t ty i 'Aa fYts.ircoJrlK )i EDITORIAL GUFF DONT BE A MON K f JMCwiscHOSEiiaMfty IUWLI YUUK GOAT. TRFFFRSTTI THE 5IMIAM.N0TTHE CENOBITICWnM It I T. THE REASON WF NOWnAIITroi miTQ A.wsnmmw simian a BICALGc HALF Tnt TIME. THE MTU- KtYISUPATREEAfiDLOSlNT.UM irr- BlVl! SPEND LEARNING I UOfA It, LIKE A MAN J IFAMMKcY Orfl.YRAL IZFn THP mmU POWER iriHERFMT IN HIS TAIL Mt WOULD E VOLUTE IffTO A PINOCHLE PLAYFR TOMORROW WE WILL TEILYDU WHY YOU OUGHT Tn RC A MONK! NB ALLTHFfiF EDITORIALS CAN BE HAD NBOOKf ORM KR cnurc. A .KATSrlANF SPRINR WFR5;f SPRING ISHEKE AND MOTHFWi .jwno?J rw Ltr i ntKiwm A CO O N FIT M WE HEAR FROM KINDLY NFiGHRflRS h-a . a . T fw I nAi onto FALLEN OFF A BIT. CVLN POP HAS NOTICED. SORTER. THATHER BREATH IN3 CITIIN'WHELZY AND HE RECKONS THAT WED ORTFR TBYTO MAKE HER.WQRK MORE EASY. ilb bb nJTntRb bur CONSUMPTION POP SAYSQUIT YER FUNNY CRATKS ri i intrint AUUtU wn n COMPUNCTION ; I'LLBUYTUIRMA A LIGHTER AXE: WILLIt INOW, dJT HIGHEST CASH RATES PAID FOR twtUtf.ADt HUtlHTANO OTHER JUNK . GOLLUFNOTfcS. I A I i j jirc BY OOPESTICK 5V NOW IS THE TIME TO OUT OF PICKLE AND pANUArtn THEM Tnt NtWHIGHBALL Ul5C0VtRDATH0T PRInG5 LAST FEB BY5ECY. NORTON 15 THEOrtEBESTBET IN WHITE HOUSE CIRCLES. THE ACTORS ARE GOING IN FOR GOLF THIS SUMMER CO. NUOMta.T( fMA.CHAMaiON. FIR5TAID TODESERTEO HUSBANDS. BYCHATCOOOWINO HOWTOCARVEADUCKATHOMF CAWIWAIJUCKISNOSmESTUNTUKF CHASING THE OUCK. NAILYOUR DUCK(COOKH cuj lUAnLnLUXrlAnArYITH 12-PtNNY SP1KES.IN5ERTMA0JETE Iff.TrtE SOJJAM0U3I nfiW3.hfEPINGTHE OSMAXIMOFORYOORSaf rSEPERATETHE DUCAL VERTT BRA. CUTTffa T0Tnt50UTn ANDFjulACTTHEM00U3 VIVLNW5WTTHrWPRlATE REMARKS. hUWE LrluLKMowurl H0R5CCLIPPERS. If IToA WILD DUCK SEND FOR EXPERT . rWBU!WlER.iTTAME.USEACOLD , CHISEL ON THE POWER TRANSMISSION PARTS AND PROVIDE GIANT POWDER, MHI TAFT MUCH IMPROVED. WASHINGTON. May 11 Praaldant Ti.'l, who rturaod to Waahtrtgtvn oar- ted ny froia New York, racalvad word tonUht (hat lha condition of Mra. Taft nitirh Improved. She will rriura tn Waahlngton Thursday. MG GOES INTO -CAMP W8T7 tOLOIER BOYS OELIOHTCO OVER PROSPECT OF SEEING CENTENNIAL. William It, Lnicua, Flrat Lieutenant XUmpnny O, Oragon National Guard, mnound'd at tha drill Monday night 'kt the company would leaa hcra to Into camp on Augtiat 7. He aald 'lut It had not been daflnjtely decided Mhcr the men would go to Aatorla Fort Sievena, but tha aoldlar boya bopliiR u will be the former place H Ircnunt of tha rantannlal aTnnal ". They will be glyen an opportune 'r to .' the expoaltlon eren If the rip la located at Fort 8teven. The company will be In camp ten daye. turning to Oregon-City on Auguat 7. he Uniilenant nraad that lha at, ''"'lance at the drtila from now until " company leavea be aa large aa PMll)le m order that a good ahowlng oo made. The menibere are de rmd over the proa pert of going to "toria diving the centennial, and kn Intoreat la taken In the encamp- "it. ijGOTOTTofijOaflBOBB I laa l.lf JZtC jF.Ju IRUMHLIPI CAR lv 1 VIEW OF Tl BUI Ink bAMt HAS HAD Iviaw cprTinwciNOPDnvinc rcuv. HARDER BLOWS THAN f-lM ni pVvn r' " iniaimnt wai. rroMORRov: mow to shampoo a woole DRIN K ESKIMO RYE iTSi r r vo uiir "PPP.UIIJUU I I 1 1 II 1 1 II III I SfflflOOOOOOOO nnnnmnnnlnnnnuuuuuuuuu MIUIIIIPIINIII nnnnnnnnnn uitAnnLiito roi. HE. SKYUlNETOF taf f J?!? ay4fEf J-Ti ur; I ROBBERS TOILED BYD.C. ROBBINS HIGHWAYMEN TRY TO HOLD' UP COMMISSION MERCHANT ON HILL STAIRWAY. COMMAND TO STOP IS NOT NEEDED Big Wallet Shown In Store Attract Man Who Upon Being Out witted, Make Their a caae of "cold feet." The game for next Sunday will probably be one of the bHt gamea of the aeaaon. The Oregon CUy team will go to Aurora, where It will play the Aurora team. There la no doubt but there will be a large attendance. Many persona from thla city aa wail aa from Canby, New Era and Barlow will attend. REHEARSAL IS HELD. "Hlck'a College" Te Be Given Flramen'a Fund. For Eecape. NEW YORK Wtiru. .Aaiar a Oregon City and Vicinity , enowere weaterly wlnda. Oregon Sbowera. aouth to W wlnda. ey4 r2 yd W ?romlae te love honor obey. kv( to do bualneea. We 'honor patronage. We obey your wlahaa- 'w live happily 'In our clothing " '"a of every ault la long baoauae VM L. SYSTEM. Try ua You have to apply to the courta for dvrerom ue. . ' rice Brothers XCLUSlVt CLOTHIERS Hal Uke Other . ' Hi md Main ' ... v mm m vjll jy wad m clackamas line offers fine opportunity; visitor declares. The dliccloia of the Ctackamaa tiouiberii Hallway ara meeting with more encouragement each day aa the wdik progreaaea, and a large number of imraona who have been backward aixuit aaaiHting in tne wora are now ahowlng their faith In the enterprise a id are airanglng to lake stock in the company. There la no .valid reason why Clackamas County people ahould not help with thla work for the Invest ment la Inviting, and tboae wbo are bending their energy In thla work are entitled to I he support of all. A man from Portland called on the officers of lha company Monday and carefully examined every detail of the company'a plana and after Inspecting the work on the line aald: "I shall take aonie stock In thla company and alao see that my friend get aotue aa consider It first claaa Investment." The dlrectora are very much" en couraged at receiving such favorable comment from out aide persons aa It ada etrength to the work In tta In fancy. Every man In Clackamas County should come In and take at least one share of stock at $50 per share and pay for It at $12.00 per montn and be fore the autumn rains act tn the road would be on a paying basis and the slock would be worth twice the origi nal coat. " The officer of thla company are devoting their time without aalary and give written guarantees that every dollar paid In to the treasurer will be Judiciously expended upon the con st ruction work. What more could b asked? chafing under the atrlngent regula WORK OF TEARING OUT BAR FRONTS BEGINS ordinance olXss ' PROVIDING FOR GOES INTO EFFECT JUNE 4 In compliance with the provisions of an ordinance recently paesed by the Oregon City Council, the a loon kecpera Monday began tearing out the front a of their piacea, to replace mein wliji glaaa. The alteratlona must be completed by June 4. The entire fronta niuat be of glaaa witb the ex ception of four feet from the floor. The ordinance . alao-,' abollshea : free lunchna, eard playing In reur.rooina and dice throwing Joy drinks.'. I.. RiicnnlchAofoDrletor,.Of ."The Planet" at 61$ Math atreet, the-treU to begin making the alteration,, aald that It would take only a few dafca to complete the work. The glaaa fronta muat be placed four and one-half feet from the aldewalka. It la thought that the new lawwlll keep many per aona out of the saloons. - A petition to the Council and Mayor for the adoption of an antt-treatlng ordinance ia being circulated, and the a oon men, while not making any niblln fomj!lnlut, ara known to be IMPORTANT DEALS ARE MADE. Professor Buchanan, of Canby School, Buya T. N. Lewis Place. Elliott A Bon. real estate dealer, of thla city, made several deals last week, among them being the follow ing: The C. N. Lewis place of eight acres near Division atreet waa sold to I'rofeHnor Ituchanan,--if Canby, and he and hla wife will take poaacssion aa noon aa the Canby achool closes. Mr. Buchanan I principal of that Intuitu Hon. Thla land ta well adapted for farming purposes, and much of thla ground la aetout In berry buahea. The Sheer place at Mount Pleasant was also aold. the buyer being Mra. Uaice. of Hood River, who la contem plating making that her future home. There are 10 acres and moat of It la under cultivation. During the past month there hav? been many lnqultlea coming from FJistern atatea by persona who wish to locate here. DEMAND FOR SCHOOL ISGR0V1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIRTUALLY DECIDES TO 8END IT TO FAIR. CHIEF'S CLUE FINDS BENJAMIN GREENWOOD BROUGHT HERE AS ROBBER OF V. L. "heathman. Benjamin Greenwood. 21 yeara of age, who waa arrested In Portland Sunday waa brought here Monday by Deputy Sheriff Frost to be tried a charge of holding up Vernon L. Heath man, who conducts a store at Jennlnga LrMlge. Mr. Heathman waa held op and robbed of $17 on Main atrce:, near the auapenslon bridge,' Oregon City, on the evening of March 31. He furnished Chief of Police Shaw a good description of the robber, and the chief at once auapected Green wood. , The Portland and Tacoma police were notified to look out for Green wood. The young man went from here to Tacoma, and the latter tart of last week went to Portland. We will he give a hearing Tuenday. AUTO STRIKES BOY ON WHEEL, Lad Not Hurt and Man Pay For Dam. a gas to Bicycle. , . Rennle Younger, 14 yeart of age, had a narrow escape from belug run over by an automobile Monday after noon while riding on hla bicycle on Main atreet near thecorner of Sixth. An antnmohlle containing two men from Portland waa passing along that atreet on Ita way to Portland. The car waa going at a alow ..rate when It ran Into the bicycle throwing the lad oven, the handle bara; He waa uninjured, and the wheel waa only allghtly damgd.- th repalre being nald for by the two men In the ma chine. . . - ware aeveral wagons paaslng, and the, driver of the machine gave the alarm, but the boy did not hear or see the car, and waa Juat turning the corner. Aa soon aa the antolsta aaw what had happened they brought their machine to a atop, and went down Into their pockets to pay for the damaged wheel. No ttlsme was attached to anyone, aa It waa purely accidental. , Patronise our advertlaera. .4 I The Board of Dlrectora of the Ore- go.n City schools met Monday to con aider applications to place on exhlbl lion at the Stale Fair and Clackamas County Fair the work ofvthe achoo children anown at the VVelnhard build ing Friday and Saturday. While no decision was reached. It la almost cer tain that the Clackamas County Fair will get (he exhibit and It la probable that 1t will be one of the features of the State !lr. There ia silll a demand that the ex hibit be opened to the public for at least one day more before It la moved from the Weinhard building, but this will hardly be granted. The public waa amaxed at the excellence of the work, and It la the general opinion that Oreaon Cltv stands with the lead Ing cltlea of the country In educational facilities. Superintendent Tooxe waa authorized by the dlrectora to have the exhibit carefully put away forjh ture atspiay. Two men made a daring attempt to hold up and rob D. C. Robbtna, mana ger of the Oregon Commission Com pany, aa he wt ascending the Fifth street stairway to th, hill eeetlon of the city Sunday night. Mr. Robblna eluded the men. He had $150 In hla pocket. The commission merchant attended a moving picture theatre In tlie-e'-en Ing, and afterward went into a drug More to make a purchaae. He took from bis pocket a Urge waiie which waa evidently aeen by the men who later attempted to bold him up. Mr. Robblna waa attracted br the actions of the men aa he left the drugstore, and decided to watch tVm. They passed him, and when he arrived at the stairway they parted .i he would have to walk between thum. As be did so on-t ran under the stnlrway and the other followed him. At about the tenth atep Mr. Robblna stopped and prepared to defnd himself In case he waa attacked. The man. however. pased by him, and turning, aald "atop!" t Realizing that he waa nt o disad vantage, Mr. Robblna rushed . down the atalrway, and told of hU experi ence to aeveral friends, it ia eupposed that the fan who followed Mr. Rob blna Intended to throw hU booty to his companion, who- lurkod under the stairway. In case pursuit, waa riven. One of the men bad a l.lacK mus tache and wore a black mIducIi hit drawn over bis face. They are thought to have been atranptera In the city, and to have left Immediately after the at tempted hold-up. 10,000 POST CARDS MAILED. School Children Help To Advertise City and Vicinity. It la estimated that rfcore than 10,000 Kst cards were mailed Monday Post Card Day" by the achool chil dren and other residents of Oregon City. The "Live Wires" of the Com mercial Club furnished the acnools with cards Illustrating varloua points of Interest In Oregon City and Clack- amaa County, and a part of the after noon seaalon waa devoted to addres sing the cards. Card a were sent to all parta of the United 8tates. . It Is expected that they will attract many persons to Ciackamaa County. SAHSfislC0RD FOR SELLING BASKETS The flrat rehearsal of "Hlck'a Col: lege" to be given by the New Dra matic Club for the benefit of the fire men's monument fund, waa held Mon day night. The entertainment will be held In about two weeks at the Shlvely Opera House. The proceeds will go toward erecting a 'bronze statue repre senting a fireman, In the courthouse yard. Several hundred dollara have been raised for the fund. M. J. La- xell will take the part of Htcka. Party Attends Theatre.. A theatre party composed of the Mlssee Jennie Schatz, Evelyn Holshu, Beryl Long, Ada Frost,' Pete Long, Harry White,. Rbea Cole, Nine Long, Alfred Bolton,- Loula Smith, Oscar Smith. Herman Rake!, Clyde Stokes and George 8mlth went to Portland on Sunday evening. The party waa chaperoned by Mr. and Mra. P. IL Smith. ... . ROADSTERS HUMBLE LEADERS 111 RACE WHILE McCREDIE'S MEN . ARE RESTING WILLIAMS' BOYS BEAT SPOKANE. PORTLAND, Or.. May 15. (Special) While McCredle's champions were resting trr Sacramento for the aeriea which begina tomorrow Nick Wllllama" fast coming roadsters took a hotly contested game from Spokane, the acore being aeven to five. The Port land boya started out with two scores and In the third copped two more, but In the next inning the Spokane aggregation got within one of Wll- llama' team and In the fifth made two scores, which put It one to the good. The lead, however, did not last long, for In the seventh the Roadsters, by good stick work added three more runa to their acore and sewed p the game. Bloom field allowed eleven bit, but he waa ateady at critical tlmee. The baseball reaults Monday were aa follows: . Pacific Coaat League Traveling day, no games scheduled. , Northwestern League Portland 7, Spokane 8; Tacoma 4, Victoria" 0; Vancouver 1, Seattle 0. American League Detroit 5, Boston 4: St. Louie 8, Waahlngton 0; Chicago C Philadelphia 2; New York . Cleve land s. f . National League Pittsburg 12, Bos ton 10; Philadelphia 21. Cincinnati t; New York 10, St. Loula 6; Chicago 6, Brooklyn 2. . ' ' , . JUSTICE OF PEACE HAS DISPOSED . OF MORE THAN ' 10,000. BIG KILLS TO AID PUBLICITY PUM EXHIBITS FOR THE COMMERCIAL CLUB'S PROMOTION BUILD ING ARE PROMISED. OTON STRDCTUKESTASTSTnY. ' i ' t asasaaasBBSBBaeO) William Beard Te Visit Middle North west In Interest of Oregon , '" City and Ciackamaa -County. , Work will beT atarted today on the promotion building of the Commercial . Club, which will be located on Main v etreeti opposite the courthouse. It is the Intention to rush "the work aa . much as possible, and it la expected that the building will be ready for use in about thirty daya. Sample of the products of Clackamas County and the varloua articlea manufactured In the city will be abown In the building- ' ' i ' The Willamette Paper Mill and the Oregon City Manufacturing Company have agreed to have exhibits tn the building. The huter'a exhibit will -show every process througn which wool goes from the time It la brought to the factory until the finished article . la ready for he market The display of the paper milla also will show the various atagea of manufacture. William Beard, a Urge property ' owner of Oregon City, will leave the latter part of the week on a trip in the intereat of Oregon City and Ciack amaa County. Mr. Bearj will go to Wisconsin, and probably other states In the middle northwest. He will take with him a large qnantlty of liter ature published by the Commercial Club and will do all he can to attract homeseekers to Ciackamaa County. While the trjp primarily la to be for pleasure, persons who know Mr. Beard realize that he will do a great -. deal of work in the Interest of the city . and county. In fact friends of Mr Beard aay that he derives more -pleasure from booming hla own city and county than probably anything : i else. TOOZEPROTESTTODE DECIDED SATURDAY STANDINGS. Pacific Coast W. Portland 25 Sao Francisco 26 Oakland 24 Sacramento .......21 Vernon ......21 BASEBALL FANS TRY TO MOB C. E. SPDICE MASTER OF OREGON GRANGE AS UMPIP.E MAKES UNPOPU- LAR DECISION. " Charlea E. Siwnce.. ma8ter of the Oregon State . Grange, narrowly ea caped being mobbed at a baaeball game held Sunday afternoon at 8hu bel. between the Logan and Shubel teams. Mr. Spence, who had only Just returned from a atrenuotia week at the State Orange meeting In Corvallls, waa aaked to umpire the game and aid so. but made decision that Was tin DOtmlar to the Logan players and the members Of the home team were com pelled to rally around the granger limp" to aave him frdm harm. The game ended peaceably, after the wrath of the visitors had subs ded. Shubel won. with a score of JoJ. 8t. Dolbow pltcnen, euu caught,or the winning team. QUILTING PARTY IS GIVEN. Mr. A, G. Kinder Surprised By Her . Friends. A' pleasant aurprlse waa given ( Mr. A O Kinder at her home on Clacka mas Height- on Friday br the 1-d.e. residing at that place. The day waa Spent in quilting, the quilt being pre IZtU to Mrs. Kinder. A aumptuous Jena't was served, and a moat enjoy "bh, time wa. had. Those present were Mrs. Jamea McAnulty, Mrs N. Lighter. Mr. W. Rlttenhouse. Mr. Rlttenhouaa. Mrs J. . A. 8. Brown, Mr. J. Aldrlch. Mr. U Aidrch, Mra. Oeorge Mann, Mr. Jame Mnor Mra Carry, Mr. J. Varley, atra. O. Kinder. Mis. Mary vJS jeanette-AldrtchrMIss Haxel Walling- Justice of the Peace Saraaon, of Oregon City, declared Monday that he held the record for selling baskets for the benefit of churches and achoola In Oregon. The Justice hss sold more than 10.000 baskets, and he challenges any other auctioneer In the atate to show that he has sold tnat numoer. Mr flamson realized $147.15 for baa keta at a sale for the Barton School Saturday night. The sale loiiowea an entertainment. One basket brought $21.50. The proceed will be used to provide a desk for Miss Miner, me teacher, and to buy booka for the li brary. , I. O. O. F. HOME IS PRAISED. Oregon City Raaidenta Say Institution I Model One. Mr. and Mra. Duane Ely, of thla city, and niece, Mtaa Gladya Byron, went to Portland on Sunday, where they visiV ed the I. O. O. F. home. They apoke In the highest of terms of the manage ment. Miss Llbker. formerly of this city, la matron of thla Institution. There are at present 45 Inmates, 25 of theae being children, who are orphans. The .rooms are neatly nepi. and among them la a Horary, wnere good reading matter can be found. Each order of the atate has furnished a room. One of the comforta of the noma la a larae fireplace, while anoth er comfort la the large veranda, which J commande a moat excellent view ui the aurroundlng country. The atruc ture la of brick, and the gTounda ur rounding are beautiful. There are two block of ground, and the children are given the privilege or making gardens of vegetablea and flowers. The child ren are allowed to attend the achoola which are nearby. Many repalre have recently been made to the building. A hospital has been added, and the anrgery will com pare with any In the city of Portland. Thla will be completed bjf Wednesday. LOCAL TEAM TO PLAY AURORA- ' A.I Llnntona Dont Show Up to Play Price Brother. The game of baaeball between the Price Brothera" team of thla city, and the IJnnton team acheduled for the latter grounds at IJnnton Sunday afternoon waa not played, owing to a misunderstanding over the telephone. The local team wa ready to ahow the Llnnton team what It could do, but the IJnnton team d'.d not appear. Some of the players of this city think it waa Lo Angeles .1$ Northweatern. Spokane ... Vancouver . Seattle ..... Tacoma .... Portland . . . Victoria Philadelphia New York . Pittsburg . . Chicago .... Cincinnati .. St. Loula ... Boston , Brooklyn - Detroit Boston Philadelphia . Chicago ..... New York ... Waahlngton . Cleveland t . . St, Loula .... National. American. 24 ..15 ..13 ..13 ..12 ,.10 ..11 19 21 23 22 23 27 11 11 11 14 18 6 9 9 11 10 15 20 20 7 20 ..20 ..13 ..12 ..12 ..11 ..6 ..21 ..16 ..16 ..15 Jl .. 7 .. 8 .. 6 P.C. .568 .553 .511 rt&8 .477 '' .400 .769 .642 .522 .462 .'440 .250 .773 .640 .640 .677 .524 .318 .286 .231 .828 .556 .542 .520 .480 .417 .379 .259 WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY. Lydia M. Baker 8uea Bert H. Baker r For oivorce. Lvdla M. Baker has filed a ault for divorce from Bert H. Baker, to whom she was married In Portland on March 10, 1908. MYs. Baker alleges that her husband got into the habit of drinking and coming home in an intoxicated condition, abused her and treated her cruelly. Thla occurred 12 month a af ter their marriage. 8be aaya he has failed to aupport her. Her attorney la B. L. Snow, of Portland. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SEEKS PRECEDENT IN DEBATE s ' CONTROVERSY. The executive Committee of the Ciackamaa County School League wiU , meet next Saturday night to decide the protest of Superintendent Toose, of the Oregon City schools, against ; awarding the debating championship to th Parkplace team. County Super intendent Gary, of the Executive Com- " mlttee, aald Monday that an effort would be made to find a precedent by which the committee would probably -be guided. Superintendent Tooxe haa charged that H- M. Jamea, principal of the Estacada High School, ueed his in fluence as head of the debating de partment of the Ciackamaa County School League to deprive the Oregon City High School team or an oppor tunlty to take part In the conteat. ; This Mr. Jamea denlee, and declarea that Superintendent Tooze la at fault. J. W. MAYES DIES OF. PARALYSIS. Funeral to Be Held Thla Afternoon at Holman Establishment. . J. W. Mayea, known by many aa Frank Mayea.- died Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of Mra. Anna Kruse on Main street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth atreeta, after ap lllneaa or aeven weeka of paralysis. Mr. Mayes wa about fifty-three ; yeara old. He ta survived by one Drotner, wno uvea at nouwu, uuw. Mr. Mayea had been a resident of thla city for the paat 18 years, making hla home at the residence or Mra. Kruse during that time. He was well and favorably known by many persons In thla rllv and riurtnr hla residence here waa connected with the Crown Columbia Pulp ft Paper Company. He was acid maker for the past five year. Mr. Mayes waa a member or the Wacheno Tribe No. 13. I. O. R. M., and this order wilt meet at the Knapp hall -on Tuesday afternoon and march In a body to the Holman undertaking parlors, where service will be eon- ducted at 1:30 o'clock, thl order hav ing charge of the aervicee. The Filer- . ...in in k a UAMKltln Vleal HI f II l mil lTJ iu mo vavwui.w.M - . - cemetery. - , ? , Arch Roe Reaign. , Arch Rose, who haa been connected with the Portland- Railway Light ft Power Company In thla city, holding the position of awltch board tender at Button B, electric light station, haa reelgned hla position. It Is prob able that Mr. and Mra. Rosa will move .i-j tha near future. W fUlllBMU IH w , V ANTED! 040004voeoa0w04o04oao4o o404o .o0ow0o404or'4o O . . . . ' ' I o - , I 5 to 20 Acre Furmt Wear Oregon City We have severl buyers waiting and many - coining. If your place is for sale; and the price right come and se us at once. - o O O o o o4o4Hoo4Vosooexot?rootoi V. F. SCHOOLEY , CO. Phone; Paclflo M-SO.- Home A-156. S12 Main tK Crr: C V-