MORNING-KNTERPIUJiESUXDAVIA!!CH 20, 1911. i 1 flOBHIKG ENTERPRISE . OUTGO OTT.OUGOa IV C. 8RODIC. Cdltor eno Pwbflalter. l-ctaaa Mllr Ju- A ItIL at Ibe oet eee at OntM Cltr. OregoeVi n4w tbe Act or Marc S IfT.- ...! ... 1 M ... 1 M right m doing u4 eaytac what he bo- Htvw to be HgbL There to bo bii la awhile life today who caa thrive oo or oppoaiUoa than k caa, aad th more k Is assailed the stronger he seems to become. Htlii good aaaa to Wetee to, aad K to wise to at least top aad coaaider th critic I ssaa that bo hands oat 1 I Woe who look to htm aa doing wrong, aad ta maay case doiac wrong that they may profit per- eoaalry. -o At the Portland Theaters "'' - ''- T "' " " " ""' ' 1 ' ' " " " ' r r " LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT - TEtm or OKaarmn. Oat Year, bf a .. .. ...... Bib Hoaiat. by aMJB .. .... .. Tmrnr Most ha. ar mil Amtrens um Flret Pearl mmr me nrat tnrttoa . Wat Paaw. awe bw (Ud taaarUneie " Freferred eeaMaae) eaty - peee. - par - eaA nrat atacrttoa 1M pirfwad nlw anr pace. aT avo added, tajaaineae la Baa papr otber I baa flret pas, par flrrt ' baa, nine, ! Rmi paper eiber lhaa Orat paa-e, par sac llM Saamlana c Loral! tea par Baa; la ragelar edrar- tlaara be llaa. Waata. Far BaJe. Ta Rant ale. aa ml a ward flret rieartlam. owe-bait eaal ark additional Rate far adverUBiae In tbe Weekly Knterprtee will p tha aajna aa ta the dally. ar advert'aeiweaie art socially for the weekly. Wtx-ra iba advei lia awl la trmnaferrad frosa tha dally to IN wea aa me for taa W lha papar. aad lee mm embraces a large field of thoarhL. The asST. 'ZlXILmT' toZTrnttZTZ ' tawyerB defease of aia aad e Iba Ealarprlaa. Legal aitrerttatna at Wal adrarUatiic SERIES OF SKIS r0.tSOAYK'GS REV. S. A. HAYWORTH PLANS TO USE SEVERAL PERTINENT TOWC. Ror. g. A. Hajrvortk. of tbo BapUai church, ia announcing a special aerica I. arttbMit rbaac. Iba rata will aa j of atrmooi for Suaday areolnc which ralea. Clrrwa dTrHrtn and aporlal traaatrwl amhjln Ita mortta. Tbla aortnoa will ba deiiTerod tbia Tenia. On April arcoad b will diaroaa the rcUtloa of Cbrihtlanitr to tb atodcra bast Eit!rii , tk .bo- gaa, - . I PVW IVV niUUVia wwroaw saaavaa w va-v. Ttiw ab,d Ban,TCpt I pfOIBOtaWlljBtgraat, rtbgjraC; iter ui o r 1 9 l pnwiWK wm Apm ptb Rt. Hayworth wtll detivr aa ad- 'rvaa on "Woodman Spar (bat Troa. and a aocia lnrltatioa la being i traded to the two Woodman order of tbe city to be prwaeat The Musical program, condncied each Sunday evening preceding tbe aermon. by Mrs. Olmstead. Is proving to be a rery great Attraction, and bnadreda of people are attending tbeae popular Sunday orening aerncea. ta Uc Inch ftrat lnartio: addi tional hMrrtkiaa man matter 3a bsch. Nrwa Itraa aad wall wilan arUelre mt aaarH. wtth Intaraat lo local raadarsv will ba sladlr accvpud. R)rctd ajaau aarlpta aarar rrturnrd unlrra acooaapaii- lad by ataaiae lo prepay poataata. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. March 26 In American History. ISISGeneral Tbomaa -t Sbermaa. Bite4 Federal auldVr. burn; 4l,H 18T9. , 1892 Walt Wliitnuiii. port. du-J: b-ra isia . laM-Geoeral Alfred Holt CoiiuItt. . Cnited fdatea aroatur from Uer gto and a prominent ex-Coofrdw ate. died; bora 1 i. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Frooi aoon today to nooo teniorrow.) Fon seta 6:14. riaea nxxu rie 4:48 a. m.; mooa at grrateat lfbratloo east; S a. au planet Tenu4hat ascend log node, rroaaing sun's atb upward. WILL YOU SEE R0O8EVELTT Tbo time is close at hand when ' Theodore Roosevelt will visit Portland for a look Into the, faces of tie people .of the Bom. City.' He ia th. object arooad ' which many pleasant social fnnctioBS are rallying In California, and hls talks are Interesting thou aads of her citlxens. Many wealthy people do not like Mr. Roosevelt. He talks too much to salt .tbam. and tbe character of his talk Jars oa their nerves. Mr. Roose velt is a man who believes la a man gettfog bis wealth honestly or not get ting It at alL Many people think Ic to boaeat to get wealth according to the roles of tbe game, aad never argno beyood that point. Mr. Roosevelt doaaai think that la necessarily hon est tf yon are instrumental ia making the roles, aad then make them to fl( --- -r w X aaaaar t. i K 1 MISS GERTRUDE ELLIOTT, wo cornea to The Helllg for nlghU In "The Dawn of a Tomorrow. ' Basket Social at Clairmont. There waa a baaket social at Clair mont Satardav nlcht. with a cood at tendance. B. Koppeabeader was tb chief character In a fanny skit, "The First Justice of tbe Peace at Clair mont. "Woman's Righfa" waa a sec ond playlet oa tbe program. THE DAWN OF TOMORROW." Gertrude Elliott Opens Enaagemeot at Hsllig Tomorrow. One of the genuine treats of the theatrical season Is set down for the Helllg Theatre C nlgbta beginning Monday. March J7. with a popular price matineo Wednesday and a ape- Then Abernethy Grange Hears Whitehead A k.m.1 ft v rnnn at Plrknlar i. .J. s.mni Kn cial price matinee Saturday ft.r a ahnrt aeaainn at aitlaurned to wonderfully clever and Splendid enable ita members I to attend the " wnruae khioit. meeting in Willamette hall, aftemooa V1 tPr Mr. France Hodgson and evening. Deputy State Maater Bu,t pji ollun,,!'!L "D,rtt n1 TMrklnann. of Oaweco. cava a talk on '"""" vi i umormw blgneaa of outllao and a vigor of stroke that eotabiae to produce the effect of greatness. ' Tha Daw a of a Tomorrow la beautifully staged and It comes here Immediately from ita eiceptlonally brillaat Chicago Grand Opera Houea engagement. : ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY tbe general work of the order, before, tbe adjournment. kind, and her hair la aa black as the raven a wing. She has abundant tem perament: and the effects she pro duces are sweet, natural and full of feeling. She possesses the precfou faculty of Imparting a sense of reality. ana ner matnrxi la nnani mil Doyea, inby; ceorge N w ens. scotts oni. Miss Elliott has the support of a Mills; M. Lavine. Seattle: Mike Dar- rvolrallv .rrr.a tjahiae ...t .hit. aai: -S- . J A At . r A I. . . ' "" " miiuru, w. a. i inciadei Fuuf M)U8o, A Scott Getttr "" "" j. r-. .-naiiuy. i Hotanne Perry, Angela Osdti, and . L rrrrnuo, rKm i h .ari Anderson George Best. Portland; Mr Jones and wife. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following are those registered at the Electric Hotel: AT W." Arnold. George Baldwin, E. D. Mowery. Rose- burg; 01V.D. S. Kohl. Portland: A. H. Florence Robert. Theodor Robert. Tburlow Barge n Supported by Baker Company. . Rr thla lima fhera la nrohahlv not Mia Elliott give a bonny Impel-i a theatre roer in Oreron Cltv who sotiaflon or "mad. Her voice Is rich has not beard a great deal abourthe and thrilling, her eyes are bright and i forthcoming ensmgemt-nt at Baker Theatre atartlnjf next Mondsr even- twenty other. - Whatever Mr. Melllsh Dlava there Is a grandeur In tbe treatment, a .Ing of the thre noted stars, Florence Roberts. Theodore Roberta and Thur low Bergen, who will appear for a limited seaacn.-supported by Baker Com i winy In a aerie of famoua plays and productions. Nothing of 'their kind has ever played an engagement of over a week In thla city before, and when they did appear It waa only at the' highestprices. Bul bypay ment of a largo guarantee. Manager Baker has succeeded In securing tbem and feel positive that aa soon as his patron W"r appreciate tbo Imporv nee of their easagement hero lb ..H. Bainlv rvnav hint for th , rtk be baa Incurred la ao doing. The first Offering will b th fsmous drama, -Jim tbo Pesmaa." which was recently revived ia New York by Wil liam A. Brady with aa all Star Cast iMclwdtng the three, who will ap pear la Ihetr same role which wbi the acting sensatloa of tbo New' York tnanrn The storv.of Jim th Ponmaa deala with be clever work of James Ralstoa. a forter. and the big seen take place In the Rsratoa home, when Mr. Ralatoa iMIsa Roberts) discovers w i.rkr nf her husband. Mr ..k.M niaa itamn llartfeld a t ...j.k.ii ai-tln nart. while Mr. Bar .i... ii lha Panman. which uiu Kut ik. most accomplished red i.. would dar attempt. Witt it.a t bra and lha antlr llaker Com pany la th other part, b performance rmm K aiDM-iao I nit Will DO m rv.v- i.iim in thaalra ariera cf thla cl Seat will be oa sale for the opening week. Thursday. Marc a si at iu a. ih.r. la hut sllsht advance ti eats oa tbe lower floor, th balcony remaining the asms,, making this tbe ibaatrtral1 bartala la Port- MMi. vimm " u na Talks an Hawaii. .. rm rwa told the story r k run in the Hawaiian Islands, aad what ah saw tnere. io me rrw byterlaa ladles of gellwood last wee n. Mut.. taa ronilar srathor IBI WTTII.p - - - - - k. i.isa or tha church. aaJ waa bold la tbe Commercial Club ronma rtiday afteraoon. Tb ladle in attendaaco maaUeeted nyirh Interest i. k mAArmm and In tha neonto and their manners and customs, of which Mrs. Tjy Ulksd. . Lm BMlatw ta Meet Meoday. Th Bobbl Barns Society Of Oregon on. .in mhMi ree-ular sessloa at th usual hour next Monday evening la th basement or th First longrega tlonal church. A Urg attendant Is avnected. SB tber Will D buainas to diacasa. . . GO ON TRIP TO PORTLAND. Oregon City Hustler Hsv a "Big Day in "B Tbe Oregon City Hustler mad a iii ia Mrtiln nointa of Interest la rnr4iti.l ainrlr and la Institutions with considerable Interest to the young men. spending the greater part or me dar In the Rose City. Rev. E. E. Zlnv nanled tha boy and showed them about the' city. They vlalted th T. M. C. A. and war shown over th building. While there the boys took a dip In tb big swimming pool and had an immense time or it. i.r ikh vlaltad the Court House. v. rltv Hall and lha cltv Museum. all having considerable local Interest to tbe young lad. Tknu wbn mada tbe trio were ina 7imm.rniiB. Ehrl Zimmerman. ! Neal Zimmerman, Everett Croa. Earl Mat I on. Clyde Hesmy, Ralph Rainey. Robert Yoder. Loo Armstrong, Howard Armstrong. Earl Morton. Frank Von derahe. Kenneth Thompson, Clare Mil ler, Wallace Masa and Thorn peon. BIO FORTUNE MID. Local Merchant Asksd to PutUp . Monsy t Participate In It. J. C. f. Westengard, th Main street harness man, ta In receipt of a letter Entertains st Cards.' Miss Genevieve Sehstr entertained Friday evening at cards and tnualc Refreshments were served during the erening. and a most enjoyable time was spent by tbe following Miss Helen Smith, Miss Ella White. Miss Rqth Hedges. Miss Elizabeth Scbatx, Miss Mary Ellen Long; Messrs. Gil bert Long. Edward Smith. Louis Smith Itarver White Mvird Vnnder. your ease and so that you can beat the aht Emn gchatx. other fejlow having loaded the dice ta yoar favor and playing with the dice so loaded. Ia many cases the dice are loaded aad the game Is being played with tbe dke that have been fixed. Mr. Roose . velt says that Is not honest to do so and be win do an In his power to secure a new deal. The men who are profiting by this crookedness, and knowing they might be defeated if the game was fair, don't like the prorpect and naturally bate Roosevelt becausi be has called attention to that which to bad in tbe game as being played. When you bear a man denouncing Mr. Roosevelt just stop and look about a little and see If there is not evi dence about that shows a reason why he bates him, and his methods, and figure If it wouldn't be better not to talk at all but just keep stilt and saw wood. But it matters not to Mr. Roosevelt how many criticise him rlnfact he grow fat on criticism be still keeps TROOPS ARE DRENCHEO. SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. March it Tbe frequently drenched maneuver camp at Fort Sam. Houston snd the brigade field camp at Leon Springs were again soaked by heavy rains last night. Tbe downpour continued today. At Leon Springs General Smith baa only shelter" tents, whose protection Is not of the best. To keep dry In tbem one must lie at full length. JACK JOHNSON TO JAIL. SAN FRANCISCO. March 25. Jack Johnson, the world's champion pugi list, was today sentenced to serv 25 days In jail by Police Judge A. B. Tread well. Johnson was convicted for speeding his automobile In the streets of San Francisco. As soon as sen tence wss pronounced, s bailiff seized the dusky champion and placed him In the dock with the other prisoners. Cambridge Beats Oxford. , LONDON, March 25. Cambridge won In the annual Intervarslty sports with Oxford at Queen's Club today, with six points to four. Every Church Should Have an Expert Ad vertising Man. tbe Bar. CHARLES sTBLTLB. Superintendent of the Pretbylerlaa Depart ment of Church snd Labor. 7T. E supreme duty of tbo modern clmrcli is to get new buaP nea. SLOWLY BUT SURELY IT IS LOSING GROUND, for from all parts of the world come stories of losses in membership. There is but one wav to counteract tbis wining power. Tbe church must realize that it is in exactly the (ame position as any other solicitor of custom, and it MUST AD VERTISE ITS GOODS. ' ; EVERY CHURCH SHOULD HAVE AN EXPERT ADVERTISING. MANAGER.. FEW PREACHERS KNOW HOW TO PREPARE MATTER -FOR THE PRESS OR FOR THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE ' NEWSPAPERS., r EVERY CrlURCH SHOULD SET ASIDE AN APPRO. FRIATION FOfJ AN .ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN, ANO THIS FUND . SHOULD BE USED FOR. NO. OTHER PURPOSE. , V . - The church baa no monopoly of Christianity. It is in sharp com petition with other forces, which insist that ther have a right to speak with as much authority. Therefore the compulsion is on the church to present its proposition so attractively and so convincingly tfiat it wilf APPEAL TO THOSE WHO HAVE, A PKRFKCr ' RIGHT TO BUY -OR tfOT TO BUY. . .Did you know that IN TTTE WTIOI.E RIBLK THERE IS TTOT O.VE COMMAND DIRECTING PEOPLE IX GENERAL; TO GO TO CITLTRCnf "There sre pi? ntv of rtiintnnnde having to oV church attendance, but they all rr-fer to cliurclimcn. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS TIIE THING h Oregon City ENTERPRISE rr Are Ypt A Money Saver? u I 'J Meet every n aspects a sney aawaa Soma apt l save wBn thslr Ineem a I T.T - save when fjlr ps ere Us. ' ,"",r ! people who wlt bbiii May saa as wlthevt flrt eaMi .. thsy wrak up Mm day ft I led WHb rart trSMyMeV' tunltl thJ asvS aniseed. - - H ,h epe Th mrl 11 9n rSyla saving at (hi bank Nntu. . th Income, snak th autge a II HI Us and say tha die ' whatvr It ' a impl matter t start a saving account hr The Bank of Ottgon City THE FIRST NATIONAL BAr ol OREGON CITY, OREGON -V capitau IwOjoaaotL Tmm a &Maral ttaklaa Buainaaa. r " LET US DRILL'YOUR WELL Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave areJara at OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP , :. B. Schoenhslnx : McGREOORY A RIVERS Ca "RrW.3tR. Safari MACHINISTS ' V d general repairing, Brke machinery mads t a a veark a aw. Expert wttb gasoline nglaM,' Phonest Main m Heme IIS. ; .'.;'..".- ' 10S FOURTH STRUT OREGON CITY. Informing bfta of' a big fortune that baa bea hid for years, la which a may jula la eaa he will put up sore money to aid oae who la la prison, etc. It ta tb old dodge of separating; oae from bis good coin with the of a club. There are many mysterious oae from hla good coin without use of man who become interested la tha matter, but tbe bait will need to be more attractive In order to separate Mr. Westengard from bis monsy. NEW TENNIS CLUB. With th. Euphonious Nam of "Goose Plat Lawn Tennla Clow.' - A lawn tennis club has been orgs- nixed In thla cltv. and those residing In Ooos Flat district are the only eligible for membership. A meeting wss held on Friday evening at the bom of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Latourvtte when officers were elected - The crest dent A. Dlralrk and M. I. Li- tourette was elected secretary, treas urer and reporter. The business meet ing wss followed by refreshments and cards, M. IX Laioureti winning, tbe It la planned to have good times the coming summer, and the flrat game win b played wltbln a few week wtiea tb grown ls will be ready. Tbe name of the club U Goo Flat Lawn Tennla Club. . HIT THEM HARD. Barclay Put Oo Over en the Oak Grov Ball Team. Th rtarrlay and Oak Grov baas- ball ten ma played a game of baaooatl ftaturday afternoon on the Eaatham grounds, that resulted la a score of 41 to 7 In favor of Barclay. Tbe fol lowing Is the lineup: - Oak Grove fla relay Hety e Jeremiah Hansom p.... Nelson Unn ss....... Kobollnk aget , .lb Dob Green Shark Beetle Bpldell 3b Croa Back If Hammond Peaae ef Biory Croasgrlfr If Allen LATEST MARKETS Oregon City Markets. ... The general tandane nt tha mar. kets Is upwards, and this Is especially ao In the produce line, la seasonable ermda. nH aa haw wtft. m m. coming on ahd tbe uae almost finished for the present winter season, the de mand la downward. Dut the market as a whole Is a trifle more stiff bul with but few commodities showing actual advances. . APPLES Good apptes are la de mand yet and th price ta towards better prices for good stock : there Is enough good stock, however, so that there i Utile or a Aeatu fa, alAL eat .v an j price, frloej rui. about Tie to U th bw. choice commanding at tlx ut Block la hands cf grower, tmAJl has beea sold; It la th cheu'iZ left "sad taey -TmaMaa-aanii a. Hood River apples ar stllu, , FOTATOR8 Ther , , 'gl' atronger feeling in the aurkjL m more inquiry; eapaolaJly for teal a poaea. Fancy stock ef Bsrtseti. bringing 1J5 Bead putltoai L Tan la considerable (oral stock Ml) moving some so that th rile tmm gain' much headway. t . -TcrrAiiij-ijiiu rkinsM laat report; onions ar a little aits la' aric but other vereublei rnsb about th same. Onkms , ttrsp and carrots fie lo ll tut, HmtMl to II strk, rabbate c aowi -. FLOUR ANDEKI-rio ft lower sad demand set down to fl with best krtasni at I1.S0; some selling as lov m Ka Feed prirea are stitlourv rldim selling tit to :t tea, skerti C lie, shelled cora . I1.U cracked 1.75. rolled barley fa. HAT Lots of bay la cosatrral being offered freely sow; a" weak. With winter past famert r to sell and the mart at ass an. con sequence. All trades arc I from f to 11.60 tlover t U II, til to II, timothy lt 10 lt t 111 to K. ' OATS Dealer bujtai for ikl to meet tbe demand Is tb ernes, ru ing gray 126. a bit t M to PL it that the market Is weak tal teata faetory. WHEAT Paying Ite. K009 Are very pkwtlfsl tai s price range about l. DUTTEn Very weal sat eui only commsndlng from 19$ creamery alwsys stiff a4 ws Ing 30. to, S8c oow..Ta market 1 1 only paying fwa Uil lc. Choice dslry will brt t lOo to 16c POULTRY Prices higher and the demand lot JJ bring lie. roosters lie. yowl aad ml ted chickens 1 Jo to Ik. W Ing doing In larser fowls MBAT9 Veal, dressed, to m lOo to lie, bogs so sad 1H, big demand for mutton thM iwjj fluctuate according to wnai HIDES Green 6c po4. dry hides lie to 14c, b r to TBo each. ' , WOOlr-Mrrn lo to 1H F1 mohair lie to lOo, , - DRIED FUUITB Kvtporetel W 6o and To, sua dried to, praoei 6e x ,!,-' ALT-Selllng 0o to W JJ BO lb, aack. half ground 40e W - 100 lb. aaoka. K In' the front rant of the ART PRESERVATTVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSLEA SYSTEMS ,t,i . T ' "1 It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor Article Nor a proposition ef doubtful merit er hensty-or ,i,r nowsdaya, are DISCRIMINATING. Thy knew wah-ea thy W . GENUINE things, gsnulo eppertunltla,r , ? - ' ' - " r : , ' ' ' Allv article laihlah aaa ha mIA L... . la. hv that tev 1 , . .vi. W VTfni.'nv - i GOOD article. ' Vnri ip. I- ....... .wi .jki.h hsf 'w" " ;" owying ininB me rir r puBiicity," . , .( ... i . Th maker of a widely advrtld article, or commodity, r ae.aa e.f.l at. . ' ... - .k.alrMlll fcV' jm n in. i Tar nis ousinss life. He cannot shim, nor en.-r-, product-end this Is th. heel possible protection for th eonw' ; v" SAP! in buying advsrtlead thing-!!' th W 4 , nowadays business condition. ' -! DO YOU Y ANT . ANYTHING . . . C . ' ,.; - ... .a ' Try the Classifed Columns of tt: IWOlRNING ENTERPRI- - - ... 3000 na4ee rfaftv :