- - -.At . MOKNINO ENTEKPHI8K. FMDAY, J?EBKUAIY-3,-1911. "-'V - a. ; CPS anby, was In tbl Jt that hot lunch VllO Mm street. "jOllnicr, VVhhIi., who j ou business for turned home. "Jtoes 25o at Heeley's ..iJlndy, wii transnct irUWm City Wednes that hot lunch JfJL i flO Main street. jpnur, was among Sualneaa vlNltora M (or those beau I b on sale Friday -Oldrlun, Michigan, CWon City vlMltora frVt-r and dnokrri' Jsrfflce. . J( Roseliurg, was )jr and Thursday, Kiwrte Hotel. ix0 25c. Seoloy's. will moot thin He or Mra. O. W. JSUd John Adam Dentist, Can- c City. i, firomlnent farmer JHlfry, waa In the . J. Friday calling on is rf&Bg business here. y.j?7tXr 80c roll. See- ta will hold their Wetlng at Wlllam 1g, at which time Jplends are to at- 3J1 put a lot of on sale Friday. f 617 Main. SlUpell, Mont., la , ,Jt and aon, Mini XSit, at Jennings J Impreaaed with : Jar line, and may i tract of land at jf future. Dread that can X It at Schrader's JH. near Postof- ee of the protnl ilnna IxkUo. and Mtlc boosters of ,Was traimactlng Ay Wednesday. JOk t 8eeley'. fSfiJrotherhood will l-Jnll thla evening. Will be Inltluted. , Will be followed Confecllona at . near I'ostofflce. Sail will be given Urday night, Feb lualo will bo fur Jle orcbeatra. of 'm Pr0lnl8el that hot lunch 10 Main atreU . f; who waa ao ae- Wek by the accl I a dynamite rap, nicely In the hoa- little fellow la 90very and hopoe ttila condition may ja,a t flnt feared. W Denttat, Cau fJdty. B-y and manager piirtment of the !al Club la bually Vg the pamphleta 'Oregon City and nently publlahed. take 60 of theae, y addreaa these Jag In the Eaat or .ITT have one at our I want you to try pari aon to any you guarantee It to.be ry reapect. I claim makea more bread It absorbs more It's whiter because ns but the best ee- rhroV It la cheeper standard brands by the Protected Jy price Is $1.40 per Nyoura to serve, EELEY St l, Oragon City. psapit We A. HARDING DRUGGIST JQt, PIRFUMEB, TOILET ARTICLES AND 2Y. 1 PRESCRIPTION AND FAMILY RE. IIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHONES MAIN 2961. HOME, B 34. i nix i .ic.i lioor iu x-usiuiucc any where they are located, and thcao will be ant by the merchant, the lat ter to pay the poNtage. Arm and Hammer Hodn 5c at Bee ley'a. . , H. P. flmlth and Margarnt Ayrea, tMh of Orpgnn City, wore mnrrled Wedneadny even lug at the office of Juatlce Bamaon In thla city. Oo to Secreat'a for that hot luuch aucreiiior to Ienta. 810 Main afreet. The caae of Hockmelor va. Percival, In JiiHtlce HaiiiKona court, la to be aettled out of court. When plaintiff ami Klit to gut action on hla claim It waa deorned wine to avoid court coata and plaintiff and defendant got to gether and called the contention off. Seeley'a beat flour, f 1 60 aack. C'lurence Hlmmona and Q. W. Church, of (lladatone, are planning to build new homes the coming summer. The CladHtone Odd Follows had a lively aesalon Wedneaduy evening. The three degrees were given to sev er ill candidates and there waa much fun passed along by the members. The lerture thla evening at the Con gregational church by Mra. Francla King Headlue, on Hawaii, promiuea to be a very entertaining event, and la worthy the patronage of the people of Oregon City. Joseph Frank Scbmldtz, of Duluth, Minn , has arrived with hla family and Is going Into living quarters un an g acre tract be haa Just purchased at Clermont. 11 will begin Monday to build a cottage on hla acreage, and la going to erect a neat little home. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mr. Jihn Drescher, of Woodhurn. was visiting friends In this city Wed nesday, a guest of Mr. M. Justin. . Sheriff K. T. Mans Is alck at hla home In Willamette, Buffering from a aevcre attack of grip. Mrs. Andrew Robertson and daugh ter IJlllan, of Sellwood, are guesta at the home of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Green- man. A. Newell, one of the prominent and well known farmers of Damascus, waa transacting business pertaining to road matters on Thursday, Mrs. It I. Martin, of Portland, was visiting In the city Wednesday, guest at the home of her father, Deputy Bherlft F. C. Mlloa. iHirothy Gray, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gray, of the West 8lde, Is very 111 at the family home with a se vere attack of qulnay. MIhs Florence Williams and MIhs Mae Ziegler. of Portland, were In this city Thursday the guests of Mr. and hsirs C. I Ziegler. Miss Ziegler la a alster of Mr. Ziegler. Mrs. Iiebecca M. Jolly, head nurse at the Good Samaritan Hoapltal, Port land, and her sinter, Mra. Ijoomta, Phllllpsburg, Pa.,, apeut Wednesday In Oregon City the guests of Mlsa Jose- Mrs. K. P. Rands, who la upwards of 80 years of age. Is very Blck at ihe home of her daughter, Mra. W. A. White. The trouble la a general breakdown of the system and Mra. Rands haa not a very good chance for speedy recovery. Mra. Fred Mllee went to Medford Wednesday to Join her husband, who la the new agent there of the Wells Fargo Ki press Co. Thla la a very Im portant station of the express com pany and the promotion' of Mr. Miles IV that position la a considerable com pliment to him. Mrs. Joecph Praendle, who haa been vlaltlng Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sperry, of Spokane, Wash., for the past week, haa returned to her home on Four teenth and Center Btreeta. Mra. Braen die was accompanied home by her little nephew, Mlllon Sperry, son of Mr., and Mra. Sperry, who will visit here for a few weeks. Mrs. Henry Hennlngsen visited friends In Portland, yeaterday, and waa aoeompanled homo by Miss De lorea Washburn, of that city, who will visit here for a few days. Miss Washburn, although only 19 years of age, Is an artist with the brush with future. . . . . MIrs Georgia Cross, a daughter of Attorney 11. E. Cross, Is In thovclty from The Dalles, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Maggie Cross.,: Mlsa Cross will go to Eugene next week to enter the University of Oregon. Mr. Cross' family, who have been In The Dalles for more than a year, expect to re turn to Oregon City within A ahort tlnV'k'-i-"a ''.Tii. : :- - , Mr. and Mra. C. A. Mulr, of Tort land, formerly of thla city, entertained at' dinner at their home, the first of the week Mr." and Mra. W. C. Green and aon, Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Front and two children, of thla city, and Mr. and Mra. Detghton Sebold, of Portland. The dining room and the living room were prettily decorated for thla occasion. Mlas Cella Ooldsmlth and Mlsa Ber tha Goldsmith will leave today for California Where they will spend some lime at Ban Francisco, where they will visit the wholesale houses and eoleci their goods for the coming season, nd will alHO vlalt their aister, Miss Lena Goldsmith. On their way they will vlBlt their brother, Charles, at Sacramento, Mr, and Mra. William Doeti, of Mln- Betpollst Minn., ariired tn thla city on Tuesday of thla t week, and are the guesta of their niece, Mrs. Henry W. Htreblg. They are accompanied by the former' . father, Fred Doetx, of Minneapolis, and all are very much in terested In Oregon (They are now on their way to California, and expect to spend some time at Is Angeles with friends. Mr. Doeti Is so Impressed with Oregon that he la thinking ser iously of disposing of hla property In terests at Mlneapolls, and return to Oregon to make this their future homo.' MISSIONARY MEETING WITH PRESBYTERIANS TWO VERY ENTERTAINING SPEAK ERS AND TWO INTERESTING SESSIONS ON WEDNESDAY. Wednesday afternoon and evening was given over to an enjoyable, mis sionary meeting at the Presbyterian church. There were tw.o speakers from abroad Dr. Hall, who hss charge of the mission work for the Presbyterian Hoard In the Northwest country, with headquarters at Han Francisco, and Rev. Mllllgan, of Port land. At the afternoon meeting both gen tlemen spoke. The general topjo was missions, and there were two very In teresting addresses. The speakers told of remarkable growth In mission ary work In this Northweet conntry, Dr. Hall speaking of general mission work and Rev. Milllgan of home work, and the Information Imparted had much of Interest In It for all those present. At the evening meeting Dr. Hall spoke at length and his topic was mlsHlon work In Cores, where the Doc tor had been stationed for about aeven years prior to 1907, since which time he has been at home. ' The Doctor con fined himself at the evening meeting to foreign missions entirely. The speakers both proved very Interesting in their remarks, and the meetings were of more than the usual enthus iasm. THE POULTRY YARD. 'Warm wheat for breakfast makes Ihe biddies shell out the eggs. Plenty of bone all the time. If you haven't a cutter use an old ax or a hatchet, but break the bone In small pieces. Infertile eggs taken from the Incu bator need not be an entire loss. They may be boiled and used aa chick food. Plgeon grasB Is becoming widely dis tributed In the East. The seed has much nutritive value and Is fine for turkeys and chickens. Takes more to fat a hen now than It did two months ago, but don't win ter the hena that are so old they may die before apriisg. Feed them well, keep them warm and let them go the first chance you have. Green food must not be forgotten. Some feed green rye when It can be had, others give sprouted oats, others beets and turnips and cabbage, and others add cut clover hay to the mash. All of the greens mentioned are good. Salt Is as essential for poultry as for human beings or animals. Rut It Is not wise to feed It by Itself. The better way la to season the food when ever that can be done. The warm mash In the winter gives an excellent opportunity to supply It. AVTttle more corn may be aaaoa io the evening grain ration, as the hens will need more heating food. On the farm of the writer the winter grain ration conslsta of two parts whole corn, one part oats, and one part wheat. During the aummer only one part corn Is given to two parts oats and one part wheat. If porcelain eggs are used for nest eggs In cold weather, cover them with llitht flannel, or Borne other material to avoid torture to the hens. An artl fldal eg- is always of the same tern' perature aa the atmosphere, while the temperature or a hen s oony is aooui 102 degreea. It may readily be seen that In freezing weather theBe Ice-cold epga.wlll cause the hens to get chilled. TWO FARCES ON PROGRAM. Program at Clermont Wednesday Ev enlng Was An Interesting One. At the weekly meeting of the Cler mont literary society Wednesday ev enlng Dr. Beard, who has made a re cent visit to the Yellowstone Park gave a short address on the park and what he taw there. The address of the Doctor waa followed with a gener al program. Messrs. B. Kuppenbender, John Gaffney and Geo. Kordanant were ap pointed a committee to see what can be done towards improving the con dltlon of Molalla avenue, which rum out Into the Clermont country. Messrs. Fred Wourms, B. Happen bender and Mr. Pugh were appointed a committee to Investigate the matter of building a cross-country road from the Molalla road to the Highland, run nlng through the Hood farm. A considerable discussion was given to the possibilities and benefits to come from the fruit and produce un Ion. The Clermont society will give a home-talent entertainment on Satur day evening, February 11, at 8 p. m. There will be two farces given, "The Snlcklea Family," S characters; and "Id an Parle Francas," 7 characters: "The Book Agent,'' 4 characters, and a minstrel show. , Everybody la Invit ed. BURN8 ASSOCIATION MEETS. New Msmbsrs Admitted and Import ant Matters Discussed. The Robbie Burns Association of Oregon City met on January SI and completed their organization by adopt ing a constitution and a code of by laws. " Two new members were br vote admitted to membership: H. O. Big ger and Mra. O. K. Freytag. Heveral matters of vital Importance to the association were discussed at this meeting, the most Important one being membership, it being finally settled to the entire satisfaction of all present, that any peraon, male, or female, being of good moral charac ter, and lovers Of Robert Burns, could by vote of the members present at any regular meeting become members of the association, the fees for mem bership being 2Sc; monthly dues 10c. The Chief, Chas. 8. Noble, appointed snreral committees, which, together with the constitution, will be given to the press as soon as transcripts can be made. The next meeting will be held In the baawment of the Congregational Church, corner Main and 11th, on Monday, the. Cth day of February, at 7:45 p.-m. 'At this meeting th ques tion of permanent quarters will be brought up and a fun attendance will be appreciated. " The meetings here tofore have bewn held to the tailoring apartments .of William McLsrty. ; v m .. i . Local rothe"ih6od ? ( , . : . ' ''I t Holds Its Basins Meeting Wednes- oay Eventnjj witn Mf. AVison The" Congregational BrWiefhood mot at the home of B.-T.' Avhion on Wednesday evening . for its ' regtlar business meeting of the month. Prln clpal among the business Jtttms up for ronslderstlon waa that of preparing for the. next banquet of the Itrother- hood to be held on Tuesday evening February 7. ' At the coming banquet the speaker will be from abroad, and It Is ex pected that Judge McGinn, of Port land, will make the principal, address, The subject chosen will be a patriotic one, with much of the time devoted to IJneoln. The musical program Is In preparation, and the ladles of the rhurch will provide a bountiful repast The Congregational Brotherhood Is a very active organization and has In creased Jn numbers very fast the past few months. The attendance at the Wednesday evening meeting was very lirge and enthusiastic. Executors Notice. Notice la hereby given that Alden n. Graham, Arthur W. Graham, R. "t. Morrill and W'm. Andresen have been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, executors of the estate of John M. Graham, De ceased. All persons having claims against aald estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to Wm. Andresen, Exe-utor, at C19 Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of rirst publication, January 27th, 1911. Date of last publication, February 24, 1911. ALDEN B. GRAHAM, ARTHUR W. GRAHAM, R. D. MORRILL Wm. ANDRESEN, Executors. WESTBROOK & WESTBROO K, Port land, Oregon, Attorneya. CORRESPONDENCE BARLOW. . Mrs. Kydd and her children leave for Glasgow, Scotland, 'tomorrow. The postofflce has been moved from Its old place to B. J. Berg's store. W. S. Tull, who has been quite Blck, is slowly recovering. Mrs. Ausve, who has been very sick with pneumonia, has taken a turn for the better. Woodle Andrews has gone to Mc Mlnnvllle to help lu the revival meet ings held at that place. Mra. Crescraft, our school principal. has been quite sick at her home In Portland. We have had no school for a week. Joe Wlllett has gone to Cottage Grove to see hla little girl, who Is not expected to live. Mr. Irwln'a have Just bad electric lights put In their house. Mrs. Osborne, of Oregon City, has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Burdette since Saturday. MEADOWBROOK. Wednesday was quite a rainy day at this place. M. J. Iee, the secretary of the Can by Canal Company, was In town Mon day. Roy Donegon Is In town again shak ing handa and talking politics, as us ual. 9 Warren Baty's family moved out to the camp Monday. J. G. Wanhope, State Organizer of the Socialist party of Oregon, will speak at Meadowbrtnik school house Monday evening, February 6 at 7:30 p. m. Everybody Invited to come out and hear Socialism explained. WEST SIDE. Miss Dorothy Gray, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Is very 111 at her home on the West Side. Arthur Pressey, of Portland, visited his mother, Mrs. Robinson, and little daughter Ruth, on the West 8ide Mon day, x Miss Sadie Robinson, who has been In Portland for over a year, will visit at the country home of her brother, W. M. Robinson, of the West Side. Mrs. Bester, of Portland, visited at the home of MYs. Gray to be with her daughter, Dorothy. I think the ground hog will surely see his shadow today,' which means six weeks more of bad weather. WILSONV1LLE. Prof.x Bethume went to Portland on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seely, of Mo lalla, visited their son Sherman, last week Norman Say and aon Harold went to Portland on Monday. Mrs. Chalupsky has been very 111, but Is now somewhat Improved RobL Zumwalt visited relative1 In this vicinity last week, John Butson was In Portland Mon day on business Mrs. Ed Baker spent a couple of days In Portland the first of the week. Real estate deals have been rather numerous lately near our village. Mrs. Elmer Jones returned from the Rose City on Monday, where she vis ited friends. A baby boy arrived at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. White, of Union district on Tuesday, the 24th of January The bridge In front of Chap, Epler's old place, known as the Epler bridge, Is still out of repair. The late winds and rains played havoc with the telephone wires last week, and talking over the wires was like a medly of tin-can serenades, for a time, but the repairs were made as quickly as possible by those having charge of the different lines. Mr. Chalupsky sold the small bonne on the ground adjacent to his spacious dwelling a few days ago to some pat ties from Oswego, who will come here to reside. Ed Bawer's young folks had a dan clng party In their hop-house, on Fri day evening. The trustees of the Wilsonvllle school' had a meeting, lately. and de cided to put a new floor in the school building. John Butson sold some property at Tlgardsvllle. on Monday to Lewis Hill- man, consideration being I2R0O- The "ladles' Rest Room" In Oregon City, which Is kept up by the Women's Clubs at the county seat, was much snpreclated by one of our village resi dents lately. Why not get that free ferry at W II- soavllleT Aren't we on the best road between Oregon City and tho Capitol: The Methodist church Is holding services as usual at the A. O. U. W. hall, to which all are cordially Invited. ' The prospecting for oil in the stone region has been eagerly watched by many residents Of our coimty, and the news of the tools on the way from the oily regions of California nnems to bring along an oil contagion, In which people who are most con servative find themselves deeply in terested. Nor Is Stone the only reg ion of Clackamas which Is being stir red up by the nil-man, but we are liable to have some of the excitement fright here at Wllsonvl'ie. br- year ago while Nell Heater and his gang of road workers were grading the road in Corral Creek district. about two mllas from our village, di rectly In front of Aubrey Woods' resi dence, the odor of gss became so strong that R was noticeable to these men who were not used to Its nrev lent breath. Persons Interested had the shale examined, and although ex perts differed In opinion a to ! value, the oil-man has pounced upon It and an offer for a lease of Mr. Wood's property has been the result. It Is not certain at this time whether Mr. Woods will accept the proposi tion, but If he should do so, we all hope he may strike , a ..Lakevlew gusher. . JENNINGS LODGE. There was a large attendance at the special meeting of the Jennings Ixnlge Community Club on January 25. The new club had the pleasure of the p-esence of four prominent men of the Oregon City Commercial Club, who gave them encouragement In their new organization. The com mittee of the Oregon City Club was composed of Messrs. U gtlpp, G. L. Hedges; T. P. Randall and Harry Dra per." The following committees were ap pointed: for better telephone service, J. A. Johnson, H. C. Palnton and A. F. Russell; electric lights. P. D. New ell, Chas. Redmond. A. G. McFarlane; for Improvement of sidewalks, Messrs. Cook, Ross and Armstead; for better drainage, Messrs. George Shaver, Thompson and Will Ross. Much in terest 1b being manifested by all the members, and a number" more signed the application blanks for - member ship. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1, at 7:30. Mrs. BevItiB, of Willamette, was a visitor at the H. C. Palnton home on Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Carrie Scripture spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Silas Scrip ture In Oregon City. A. wedding of some interest to Lodge folks was that of Robert J. Stelnhsus and Miss Inez L. Cravatte, which took place on Saturday even ing, January 21, at the L S. Spooner home in Portland. The bride is well and favorably known here, having spent the last two summers with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 8pooner, of thla place. We are glad to see Mr. Clyde New ell able to be about again without the aid of his crutches. Mr. Ed Johnson has been confined to his home, "Rock Lodge," with rheu matism for several days- Mr. and Mrs. C L. Smith spent: Sunday at their cottage on the river. Prayer meeting will be held as i usual at the Chapel on Thursday even ing at 7:30. Mr. G. D. Board man is leader. All are welcome. Miss Leah McGovern left on Friday for a few days' visit with an uncle at Gresham, Oregon. Miss Ellis, a minister of the Advent Christian church of Hlllsboro, Oregon. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Erlckson, near Meldrum. Miss Ellis has spent some time In California and this is the first visit to her sister In five years. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons and family re moved to Vancouver, Washington, on Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hogan, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Gibbons. While we shall miss this family very much, we wish them well in their fu ture home and hope they yet will-decide to build on their aerobe at this place. Mr. Waldron, of Iowa, purchased an acre on County Road and Jennings avenue, of Mr. Chas. Sloeura. This Is a very fine location and has nearly fifty hearing fruit trees and small vines. The consideration was $1500. Mrs. H. H. Emmons and Mrs. Albert Barnes attended the Women's Club meeting In Oregon City on Thursday. Mrs. Barnes, who was a resident of Honolulu for fourteen years, gave a short talk on the Hawaiian Island, which was very Interesting. Mrs. William Ross, of Orchard, Washington, came over to care for her son who was ill for a few days. She was accompanied by her daugh ter Edna, who has recently returned from a school in Vancouver, B. C. Mr. J. A. Soesbe, of Newport, is spending a few days at the Lodge looking after his business Interests here. He reports that his son Arthur has accepted a very fine position with one of the business houses of that place. Mrs. Gladys Watson and two chll dren; of Seaside, are having a de lightful visit with her parents, P. D- Newell, and also, with her grand mother. Mrs. Lucy Newell. Mrs. L. Wilcox was a Portland shopper on Wednesday. The many friends here of Master Harold Pratt were pained to hear of the accident which befell him, when he was thrown from his pony on his way to Canby on Saturday and re ceived a broken wrist. At present he Is jvlsltlng his grandparents in Ore gon City, while nursing the broken arm. ' A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Lehman at their home In East Jennings Lodge on Saturday evening, the occasion being Mr. Lehman's birthday anniver sary. About twenty couples were present and the evening was pleasant ly past In dancing. Delicious refresh ments were served. . Miss Lillian Westerfleld has been the guest of the Misses Ethel and Fern Hart for a few days and called on other schoolmates before her re turn home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hodges are re joicing over a baby girl, which ar rived at their home on Saturday even ing, January 28. Master Newton Strain entertained a number of his. little friends at his home on Tuesday evening, from four till six, when It was his tenth birth day anniversary. Checkers and other games were enjoyed and Mrs. Strain served delicious refreshments to Her- schel Meredith, Donald McFsrlane, Harry 8laden, Charles Ryan, Arthur Roberts, Glenn Russell, Wlllard Slo- cum, Clyde and Frank Jones and Har old Pratt, from Canby. - i Mr. P. D. Newell accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Watson, to Portland on Tuesday, where she will visit a short time with Mr. Edwin Newell, and family, before returning to her home at Seaside. Messrs. O. D. Roardman, Chas. Red mond, Hugh McGovern and Mrs. T. C. Rice were business callers, at the county neat on k wedneaday. r , Mr. Crnmpton, of Portland , was looking after his business Interests at this place on Wednesday. O v CARU8. The Cams literary society held a VAPV Interest I nr meeting January 27. The suhjeot for debate was, "Resolved That War Produces More Misery Than Intemperance." The Judges decided n favor of the negstlve. The suo- Ject for debate February 3 Is "Re solved, That There Is More Pleasure n Piirault Than Possession." Ihe de bater are: , Affirmative, A. Thomas and Chas. Casto; negative, J. L. Ash ton and Al Moahberger. f he society Real Estate C T. Toote, Lawyer and Notary Abstracts. Loans and Insurance CHARLES T. TOOZE A CO. Real Estate Bought and Bold. Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City will give a pie social after the debate Everybody Invited. TWILIGHT. C. E. Swlck visited the school one day last week and was very favorably Impressed with the school under the able management of Miss McDonald. LAzelle B. Melndl, of Portland, Is making his grandparents a week's vis It during his mid-winter term vaca tion, at Mountain Ash farm. ..........'. Miss Anna Wilehart was visiting her aister, Mrs. James Hylton, last Tues day. Through the efforts of the literary society many needed wants have been added to Twilight hall. Miss Liessle McDonald was a guest last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Iodds, to a dinner given In honor of W. A. Dodd's 66th birth day anniversary. The day was very pleasantly spent and will be long re membered by those present. , His many friends wish him many more such happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds and Geo. Lazelle attended Warner grange last Satur day at New Era. William Wyatt was calling on old friends last Sunday. He at one time lived la this neighborhood but now re sides In Monrovia, ,CaL After so much rain, snow, and sun shine we are all glad It isn't as bad as they have In the Eastern states, as It never gets very cold here or stays stormy very long. We all think Ore gon Is good enough for us. Mr. Caldwell Is still Improving his place with new buildings. The school Is progressing nicely with Miss McDonald as teacher. C. E. Swlck Is improving his farm by pulling out the stumps. Mr. Nash is helping him. George Schrlner Is making several improvements on his place. It looks like the people of Twilight have be gun to make things look prosperous. I hope we all will be proud to say, "Why, yes, we live at Twilight," and all will know that It Is In Clackamas County. The literary society will meet again Saturday night at the hall. AH look forward to the coming meeting as the evening is most enjoyably spent by all that attend. -Mr. and Mrs- Lazelle attended the whist party at Mr. Harvey's Wednes day night and spent a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Hoopes was calling on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Sunday. Mr. Myers Is quite feeble. He Is in his 82nd year. Mr. Harvey is cutting wood. - He must be looking for some more snow. We hope he will not have to be bothered with it for a quite a long while, now. - Grandpa- Hylton Is - trimming his fruit trees and expects to have some choice apples this fall. STAFFORD. .The snow, followed by such an un usual down-pour of rain, succeeded by mild weather, has given almost every one bad colds, la grippe and kindred diseases. Hardly a house but has sick ones to care for, and doctors are reaping their harvest. Of those who have been under a physician's care for some time are Mrs. Ben Athey, Mrs. William 8chatx Henry Ellgsen, who are about the same, with slight improvement. . Otto Peters Is Improving slowly. Melnt Peters is no better. Helen Rablc Is quite ill In bed from having taken a severe cold the day Mrs. Turner was burled., Miss Effle Grace has been threat ened with lung fever. She could not teach Monday and Grace TIedeman took her place for that day In the school room, but Miss Effle returned to her duties the next day. Two prospective scholars appeared In our neighborhood last week, a girl at 8am Moser's. Tuesday, and on Fri day, a much desired boy, at Adolph Delkar's, making the 10th at Mr. Moeers, and the second at Adolph Del k ay's. . Prospective . home-seekers , better "Watch Stafford grow." We hear that when the county doc tor came at a msh call to see an old man stopping at Fred Baker's, he found him splitting wood. He bad been In the habit of drinking a number of cups of strong coffee. The doctor ad vised him to take lees and he would not get so nervous. ... i Mr. Gage hauled three loads of ma nure from his cow barn last week, and In coming out of the basement caught his foot and fell out headlong. His -nose "and about the eyes have turned blue, although he did not know 4. 4'tj4e - PLEA8E NOTICE. To introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major ity . of the homes in Oregon i. City and Clackamas county the - management . has, decided to . make a special price for the risllv Issue, for a short time . only, where the subscriber pays a year in advance. By carrier, paid a year in advance, 13.00. By mall, paid a year in ad- vance, $2.00. - People who gave our canvas- ' snr a trial subscription for on a or more months, at ten centa a week, can, have the dally dellv- ered for a year for J.1.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvaa- ', ser a trial subscription," by mall, for four months at a dol- lar, may have the paper for a year for 12.00, If paid a year in . . ad vans; -v. , . V. 8nbsoribere. to tan .Weekly Enterprise mar change their subscriptions to the dally, r celvlng credit for half on , A th rfmllv that the weekly la paid In advance.. , When they choose to add cash to the sd- vance payment equal to a full year's sdvanoe payment tney may take advantage of the sj V We make this special pnetw so that people who have pata s In advance on some other dally t snd wish to take the Morning Enterprise, may do so without too great expense. Opportunities If you want to , BUY A FARM, , BUY A HOME, -! BUY A LOT, ''" . ;. 1 I , CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. And If you want to sell farm, home lot do likewise. ) he hit his face at ail, but It Jarred blm up generally, and makes him feel, be says, like 77. .,' . Wants, For Sale, Etc No'lcra under the ciaMlfM headlue will b Inserted at ona cent a word, first Inncrtlon. halt a crnt additional Inser tions. On Im ti card. II per month; bait Inch rard, (4 llnril II r month. t'ssfi must accompany order unless one " haa an oprn account with th paper. No financial rrapnnalblllty for errors; whara rrvora occur frea corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum chars lio. LOST. LOST Gentleman's gold watch; open face; Hamilton movement; on Mad ison street between 7th and 8th or on Seventh street between Madison and J. Q. Adams. - Finder return to Uurmetater A Andresen's and re ceive reward. m.. FOR SALE 7 - Room House and t acre. Nice acre Lots close to car line... Also 6 sere tracts at 1600 per acre. BOARDMAN Sc NEWELL Jennings Lodge, Ore. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE One very good 3'4 Inch wagon with a gravel bed. I have no use for ao heavy a wagon; will sell or trade for a light er one, or a good hack. I also have a strong road breaking plow and some aecond hand doors and win - dows for sale. C T. TOOZE, Room 2 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City. ' FOR SALE Space in thla column. Sell that old plow or harrow; yoa don't use it since you purchased your new one. FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for sale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. , FOR SALE By owner, modern sla room house nearly new on improved street, close In. Terms. Call at 214 Washington street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner space in, this col umn. A few lines may rent that house, store or farm; they will cost you but a few cents. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and Geoerat Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on - all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Main 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law business. Over Baa of Oregon City. it , , . j LTREN 8CHUEBEL, Attoneys-t-Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. ' Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. I G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Beaver building. Main SU, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-l8 and pacific States 1211. " .: MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY . TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. . MONEY LOANED We are acquaint-' ed with the value of all farm lands In Clackamas County and can loan your money on good safe security. Farm loans made one, two and three years at 7 per cent. Abstracts of title examined. DJMlCK v D1MICK, Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. - i i . -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olftee Land titles Investigated, conveyan-. clng, notary public. , , CTOCOMPUMEHT ; OMPETITtm COPY , Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Title Investment Co., Steven Bldg. REAL ESTATE. D- K. BILL, CO., REAL ESTATE- 1 Farm, Timber, O rasing. Agricultural Lands, City Property,. Small Fruit . and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg , Oregon City, Oregon., .... B. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let handle' your properties w buy, sell and exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. r--: FREYTAO A SW AFFORD, Real Bw tate Dealer-, have ekoles) barnwlna in farm lands, city and submrban homes, good fruit lands and pernor ' ranches. See us for good buye. Near. S. P- Pt-"'M, " "' '"' VeCON HAND "rOENIT&E T" LgECOttD HAjrD Furniture, Curios and Relies bougirr, soia ana excaangea. Anything from a darning needle to a ship's anchor. . TOUNO, The Second Hand Man, .Main St Or M Cttf. j ..t . w ?,.. TElectrtt Hotel 411 Mala, setwtea 4t mi ha tn OrtlOON CITY, ORE. . J. J. TOttM, Prenrtn'. :t'3 I ' m "X il i 4 m I 11 i. "V 1 5A1' h . t 'A Of f