Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1922, Page Page six, Image 6

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tss-e six
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Mr. Cora Bullock
MRS." J. M. C MILLER Correspondent
Oswego State Bank
Opens on Thursday
OSWEGO, Dec. 27 The .Oswego
State .bank opened its doors and was
ready for business Thursday. The
stock holders of the 'bank held a meet
ing Monday night and elected John
Bickner, William Cook and Charles
J. Sadilek as directors, who in turn
elected the following officers: presi
dent, John Bickner; vice president.
Emil Folda of Clarkson, Neb.; cash
ier, Charles J. Sadilek.
Tha bank officials hav firm faith
in the community tof Oswfego and
will strive to give the best possible
service. The new bank building was
designed by Carl L- Linde, of Port
land, who also prepared the plans and
specifications, and tha structure is
declared to be one of the neatest and
most commodious banking houses of
similar size to Ibe seen anywhere.
The building has been equipped
' with all modern methods of safety de
vices making it as burglar proof and
fire proof as is possible.
30 to raise funds for equipment for
1923. The outlook for a good taem the
coming season is very bright and
plans are going ahead favorably. Wal
ter S. Wessling was recently elected
business manager and Harry Head-
rick playing manager.
Howard Kirby and Dwight Rexroad
are here from Southern Oregon visit
ing P. E. and Earl Turnell.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Weightman
and daughter, Miss Marjorie, left
Wednesday afternoon on the Shasta
limited for San Francisco, where they
will make their home. Mrs. Weight-
man and daughter will be greatly
missed by a circle of friends here.
Miss Mary Wilson, has returned
home from the College of the Pacific,
San Jose, Cal., for the Christmas hol
idays. She will be with her mother,
Mrs. Dora Wilson until the first of
the year.
Mrs. Lutie Witherspoon, who had
been confined to the Orgon City hos
pital for several weeks is home again
and expects to attend her work at
the telephone office the first of the
year. ' I
Installation Held
Christmas Program
By Sandy Lodges j Held by Lutherans
SANDY, Dec 26 "The Christmas
spirit" reigned at the Lutheran church
i on Christmas eve where a program of
SANDY, Dec. 26 On Saturday night!
the installation of the recently elect-:
ed officers of the Sandy chapter of
thfl TCnotprn Q.tav frT loin . r
T ,n u Jn nZTJ . , s0nS3 an recitations was given,
J: ,71"" . terspersed with catechism and scrip
crowd of lodge folk present from 7 J: . . . .
2: MrelTSenlTorthy Tt gtZft
matron; George Townsend, worthy pa i decorated the al-
USt llJr'' ha following children took part in
sTn trsAnn? C- U ?T the Program: Donald Dahrens, Irvine'
n Jt?' CnUcr and Rheinhold Dobberful, Albert Du-
2- r! o,,? ,w Ct'; BariM- Walte- Hoffman, Wm. Holz;
tress; Rose Quicksall. marshall; Anna tt Tr..i. ,is. T ,
Lennartz, chaplain; Donna Eason, or- "7' " T ? ' , TT,"
ganist; Augusta Bruns, Adah: rs. SSSf' .!IniB
GMnTntwM r 4.-U -WT' j " , wuucuui, iLtiiLLa. unseal tL, Luura xioel
. Mclntyre. Ruth: Victoria Np nn. i .
Town- n, o,
Martha; Mrs. H. Eri, Esther; Anna
Maulding, "Electa"; Myrtle
sen, warden; Ned Nelson, sentinel.
The following officers ware instal
led in Sandy Masonic Lodg No. 158:
E. E. Townsend, w. M.: George Town-
sen, S. W.; L. E. Craswell, J. W e.
ils of Oswego
Give Fine Program
OSWEGO, Dec. 27--The pupils of
the Oswego grammar school gave an
interesting "program at the Congrega
tional church on Friday evening. All
of the kiddies taking part deserve
much praise as do Miss Hamilton and
Mrs. Purcell and their aible assistants
who worked hard to. make the affair
a success.
The program opened with songs by
the children of the lower grades,
which was followed by a clever
sketch, "The party in the shoe." The
well known fairy tale of the old wo
man and her children in the shoe, who
are giving a Christmas party, was the
uasis upon wnicn the playlet was
founded and it was well rendered.
The church was crowded with par
ants and friendg to enjoy the program.
Mr. and Mrs- Albert Rosentreter Wendland, treasurer Ed F. Bruns,
Birthday Surprise
Given Miss Wanker
OSWEGO, Dec. 27 A pleasant
birthday surprise wag, given Miss Au
drey Wanker at the home of Miss
E'lith Bickner Saturday night. The
affair was a complete surprise to the
guest of honor. They were entertain
ed with a motion picture from the
Original Art Film company, after
which a dainty lunch was served.
Those enjoying Miss Bickner's hos
pitality were Mrs. Harry Gorshine,
Misses Alice Normand, Marjory
Hawke, Leona Foote, Edith Wanker,
Mable Robertson, and the guest of
honor, Miss Bickner.
OSWEGO, Dec. 27 Edward E. Pi
per of Oregon City has opened a
watchmaking establishment in Oswe
go, and has quartars with W. H Mey
ers, local plumber. Mr. Piper is a
- watchmaker of several years exper;
ience and prior to coming here was in
business with E. J. Hepburn, "at Los
Angeles, Calif. Mr. Piper is a native
of Oregon City and comes here well
recommended. Later he plans to en
large his business here by handling
ware birthday dinner guests of Mrs,
Donald Richards Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Davis of Port
land .were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Wharton Thursday eve
Mrs. Fred Steffens entertained the
N. E. Club recently. A delicious one
o'clock luncheon was served. Those
winning prizes were Mrs. Confer, Mrs.
Bethke and Mrs. Richards. Next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Worth in gton en
tertained a number of relatives for
dinner on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emrich had as
their guests for Christmas dinner, Mr.
and Mrs. Riley of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner had
a number of friends and relatives in
Saturday evening to enjoy their
Christmas tree and music and cards.
LA delicious lunch was served by the
Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson-, Sr., had j
a family reunion on Christmas day I
with, a most elegant dinner. Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson are old time residents
of Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf of
Mulino were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Waldorf Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Olliver Worthington
of Lake Grove entertained at dinner
Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott
and daughters, Marlon and Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimick and chil
dren spent Christmas with Mrs. iNim-
ick's sister, Mrs. Henderson and moth
er, Mrs- Schinely of Portland.
Mr. and Mr9. Geo. Bullock had as
their guests on Christmas day, Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Campbell and children,
Leola and Lyel of Kerry, Oregon, also
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baxter and son,
Milvell of Oregon City and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard H. Eccles, of Canby.
Otto Larson was home from Al
toona to spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Delashment
spent Christmas with friends in Port
land. Mr, and Mrs- D. H. Bussard of Port
land, was the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Bethke on Sunday.
C. H. Rosentreter went duck hunt
ting Thursday and reports the shoot
ing good.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith enter
tained at dinner on Christmas day
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington of
Mrs. Frank childs was taken to St. j
Vincent hospital Tuesday to be operat-1
ed on, having been very ill the past
six weeks.
The Community club of Rosewood
had a program and Christmas tree on
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethke had as
their guests Christmas Mrs. J. C.
secretary; D. W. Creighton, S. D.;
G. O. Mclntyre, J. D.; C O. Duke,
S. S.; Henri Eri, J. S.; H. S. Eddy,
chaplain; Lloyd Corey, Marshall; C.
L. Henson, Tyler.
Mrs. J. C. Schultz of Gresham Chap
ter was the installing officer for the
Eastern Star, and C. M. Quicksall in
stalled the officers of the Masonic
order. A fine banquet was served by
the ladies at the conclusion of tha
ceremonies, the tables being beauti
fully decorated
An octette composed of young peo
ple of the church gave the cl6sing
musical selection. The sopranos were
Frieda DobberfuL Marie Krabs, altos,
Edna DuBarko and Martha Hoffman,
tenors, Louis DuBarko and Julius
Ruther, basses, Albert Schwartz and
Otto Krebs. Bags of candy were dis-
j. tributed at the close of the program.
Grade Pupils Have
Fine Xmas Program
SANDY, Dec. 26 Sandy's grade
school put on a fine program that re
flected great credit upon the teachers,
Mrs. Malar and Mrs. Connors, Friday
afternoon, all the children of the
school taking part in songs, recita
tions and dialogues. The singing and
marching added greatly to the occas
ion. The program was held in Mrs.
Malars room which was cheerful
with a mammoth Christmas tree,
plants, etc. iA number of visitors
were presenL A generous supply of
candy and nuts were distributed by
the teachers after the program was
concluded. .
The Sandy schools are going along
splendidly this year, in fact better
than for several years. v
The Union High had no special
Christmas program at the school
hause but had a Christmas tree and
a big "treat" for all the pupils which
was distributed by Mr. and Mrs.
Santa Claus Caroline Chown and Ber
nice Dunca). Miss Miller, Miss Lin
dell and Miss Walling all left for
Portland Friday evening to spend
their holidays.
Big Dairy Barn Is
Destroyed By Fire
' SANDY, Dec. 26 Shortly after
twelve o'clock last night fire broke
out in the H. G. Mullenhof f dairy
barn between Sandy and Pleasant
Home and the barn which was a large
modern building was destroyed. It
is not known how the fire originated.
' The family had been enjoying their
Christmas celbration until about mid
night and just as they were retiring
the fire was discovered. It is thought
that the fire may have been caused
from the lighting system, although
that is merely "guess work." The
cows were all saved but three. The
bull, a vary fine animal, was badly
burned. Stanhope Bell Johanna, an
"almost" world celebrity of the Hol
stein breed was saved. The barn was
insured but the loss has not been es
timated as yet.
When the farmer needs assistance in seeding
and producing his crop, the bank gladly comes to
' his assistance.
When the factory is overburdened with raw
material or farm products the bank again comes
to thhe assistance of both, rendering it possible
for the farmer to realize on his produce and the
factory to store a supply for future use.
When it becomes necessary for the farmer to
find a, distantmarket we can be of great assist
ance in marketing his goods.
Call on us if we can be of service in any way.
Community Tree Is
Enjoyed at Sandy
OSWEGO, Dec. 27 The Oswego
Camp Fire Girls met at the home of
Mrs. Leslie Savage Wednesday. Helen
"Wessling and Christie McDonald
were initiated into the group.
The Camp Fire Girls have received
a new member every meeting and J Haines, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White
they wish to continue to do so at all j and Clarence Haines of Cahby and
the following meetings. The carried ! Mrs- Pearl Coon, Mrs. Mabel Copley,
baskets to tha poor and needy on of Portland.
Christmas day, which made lots of J " Coming as a pleasant surprise to
little children happy. j the employes of the Oregon Portland
Their next meeting will be at the! Cement company was the recent an
home of Marie Johnson. ! nouncment from the officials of the
company that Christmas presents in
the form of bonuses, which were giv
en out this week. A sum of $10,000
Mrs. W. S. Wessling entertained the ! wa distributed among the employes,
members of the H. E. Club and their j each receiving a proportionate amount
husbands Tuesday evening. In addi- j according to length of service.
tion to "500" a Christmas tree loaded i
with good things was the main part of
the evening. The hostess served a
most delicious lunch. .
The Methodist church had their
annual Christmas tree. A good pro-
1-2 cupful very strong coffee ; 2 cup
ful8 light brown sugar, 1-8 teaspoon
ful cream of tartar; a choice of
gram was arranged by some of the I vanilla, cinnamon and clove, or maple
ladies of the Aid and Sunday school j flavoring.
teachers. There was also a treat for1 Combine all the ingredients, except
all the little folks. the flavoring in a medium-sized sauce-
SANDY, Dec. 26 Sandy community
Christmas trees and programs have
-evidently made their advent to stay,
as this, the second event of the kind
held at tha I. O. O. F. hall, also had
the "spirit",' the tree, the Santa Claus
and all that goes with a community
Miss Hazel Beers presented the fol
lowing program: song by the Sandy
quartet; "The Gumps", Leonard Han-
naberg, Roland Erickson and Edith
Hein; baritone" solos, F. D. Eason;
recitation, Annabel Malar; song, Mary
Eason; recitation, Dorothy Bruns;
solo, Dorothy Esson, with quartet
chorus; song, Bernice Duncan; recita
tion, Margaret Bell; song, Ronnie Es
son; reading, Kenneth Scales, with
girls' chorus accompaniament; Sandy
quartet; "violin solo, Geo. Beers; play
let, "The Revolt of the Holidays" by
Vetma Henson, Dorothy Esson, Edith
Hein, Lewis Murray, Walter Oodson,
Raymond and Leonard Hanneberg, all
of whom are high school pupils, di
rected by Miss Margaret Miller.
Chas. Scharnke made a fine "Santa
Claus", as he distributed bags of
candy through the audience. Miss
Beers had a very short time in which
to arrange the affair, and deserves
much credit for the success of the
Ernest Bonett Dies
Suddenly In South
SANDY, Dec. 26 Tha sad news of
the passing of Ernest Bonett at Los
Angeles, Cal., on Dec- 20, was a shock
to thia entire section. Full pareicu
lars htave not been received, but, Mr.
Bonett was ill but an hour and a
An acute attack of heart trouble
caused from a sudden change from
a high to a low altitude was the im
mediate cause of his death, although
tha physicians after an autopsy, said
he bad hardening of the arteries so
badly that he could not have live4
more than six months at best.
The Bonnets, who had been visiting
with Sandy relatives until recently,
had bean in California several months
for the benefit of Mrs. Bonnet's
health, -and she was almost collapsed
when she arrived at the home of rel
atives at Gresham Monday night.
connection can be established before
another winter.
SANDY, Dec. 26 The first hoop
game of the season was played Friday
night, the- town boys winning 26 to
18 over the Union high team. The lat
ter will have to "speed up" a little
in practice.
Union High School
Equipment Is Moved
SANDY, Dec. 27 The Union high
school board began moving into the
new school building today. This is
quite a task, especially moving the
laboratory equipmenL The new fur
niture is being set up and Clerk Hall
says they will have to work night
and" day to get things! in readiness
for school to open Jan. 2.
The date of the dedication and big
celebration is set for Jan. 19, and
plans for the day's program are under
Program and Tree
Held at Cottrell
L. C. Newlands of the Oswego Port
land Cement company spent several
days last week in Eastern Oregon on
business. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Clinefelter en
tertained at Christmas dinner, Mr.
' and Mrs. Lester Cljnefelter of South
Mr. and Mrs. R. Confer entertained
a number of friends at a Christmas
party Saturday evening at their home
in Glenmorie.
The Evening Club met at the home
pan; stir over a slow heat until dis
solved, then do not stir any further,
but cook until a soft ball is formed
when a little of the mixture is tried in
cold water that is, 238 degrees F. by
the candy thermometer. Cool until
lukewarm, flavor, beat until creamy,
transfer to a small pitcher and drop
on to oiled paper, in amounts large
enough. to form candies of the shape
of an ordinary cream peppermint.
Sandvrido;e School
Has Xmas Program
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmot Saturday
evening. i Cut up roast beef, or beefsteak left
Mrs. Walter Todd of Cloverdale i from a Previous meal, into thin slices,
was a visitor at the home of her j lay some of the slices into a deep
mother, Mrs. David Nelson on Thurs-! dish vhidh you have lined on the
day of last week. Mrs. Todd was a j sldes witt ricl1 biscuit dough, rolled
former resident of Oswego and is well very thin (ay a Quarter of an inch
known here. j thick) ; now sprinkle over this layer a
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph" Underwood and! litt,e pepper and salt; pub in a small
Dit or butter, a lew slices of cold po-
baby of Portland visited relatives in
Oswearo Wednesday
Mrs. John Cor of Willamette was yu nave any left from the roast.
in Oswego Wednesday to attend the Make another layer of beef, another
meeting of the Neighbors of Wood-1 la?er of seasoning, and so on, until
craft. j the dish is filled; cover the whole
. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Calavan of Ore- wita iaste leaving a slit in the cen
gon City -were recent visitors in Os-i tre' and bake half an hour.
wego. Mr. Calavan is ex-superintend-;
ent of public schools of Clackamas Before marrying, every young lady
county. j should test her suitor's disposition by
SANDY, . Dec- 26 Sandyridge folk
gathered at the school house last Fri
day afternoon to bear the Christmas
program prepared by the teacher.
Miss Genevieve McGarrity. There
were twenty numbers on the programt
all the children taking part. Tom
Macho made a "real" Santa Claus. A
package of candy and nuts was giv
en to all present, and a children's
grab bag for the children. proveM a
delight. Miss McGarrity was present
ed vith a handsome hand painted
cake set toy the pupils.
SANDY, Dec. 27 The Cottrell Com
munity church had a big tree, a fine
program, an honest-to-goodness Santa
Claus and a big crowd at their Christ
mas celebration Sunday evening. The
program consisted of recitations,
songs, pantomines, and Mr. Greisinger
of Portland sang two solos. Rev. S. F.
Pitts did the honors of "Santa" in fine
Communion service was held at the
church in connection with the Sun
day morning service. -
SANDYj Dec. 26 Sandy P. T. A.
will hold the next regular meeting
on Wednesday evening Jan. 10, at the
Sandy community church. The ladies
of the Cottrell community church will
give their play "Sewing for the
Heathen", and there will be a few
other numbers given. There will be
tatoes, a little of the cold gravy, if j no admission charged. Refreshments
wui r served, rjvery ooay come ana
have a good laugh and a fine time
SANDY, Dec. 25 Midnight mass
was held here for the first time at St
Michael's church last night, Rev.
Father Boniventura having charge of
this Christmas celebration. Mrs.
Kate Schmitz had charga of the mu
sic. Tony Perret and Carl Kligel
were the altar boys. There was a
large attendance. Two masses were
held in the morning and two morning .
masses were held again
Revival services are being conduct
ed this week at tha Pleasant Home
.Methodist church by Reverend G. S.
Berreman and the Boring minister.
There will be an old fashioned
watch meeting at the Community
church at Cottrell New Year's eve.
This meeting is under the direction of
the Community Council, of which Rev.
Berreman is president. Everyone is
The regular meeting of the Cottrell
P. T. A., will be held on Friday eve
ning, Jan. 5. Mrs. Jack Brophy will
have charge of the program. The
church ladies have been asked to re
peat the play given . at their recent
bazaar, and there will be a "grab bag"
and other interesting features.
Mrs. Connors room at school looks
very cheery for her little folk as she
hag it adorned with colored pictures,
flowers, ate Mrs. Connors is teaoh
her children the value of milk as a
food and has succeeded in getting
most of the little ones to bring milk
to drink with their lunch.
Fred Junker of the Oregon U"- is
spending his 'two weeks' vacation at
home, and he and Heinie are giving
their spare time to help move the
high school laboratory.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Scott entertain
ed their relatives, Mr. and Mrs- Green
man and son of Fairview, on Christ
mag day.
' Paul Meinig is donating the use of
his truk for hauling hjgh. school
equipment from the grade into the
new high school building.
Mr. and Mrs. M- A. Deaton and son
of Newberg and Miss Bertha Hoff
man were all here to spend Christmas
with the home folks.
Johnny and Mrs. Sinclair went to
Roseburg about a month ago to re
main until after the holidays, and are
expected te return to Wapinitia this
Mr. and Mrs. John Bickford of To
ledo, Wash., were here to spend
Christmts with their home folks,- the
J. M. Thomas family.
The old Coalman place, which is
historically connected with the early
pioneer history of the Sandy section,
is to be sold at auction this week at
Oregon City.
Carl Power is turning out 40 gall
ons of cream a week now, and will
soon have a larger amount.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H- Watkins enter
tained their "in-laws" on both sides
of the familv on Christmas day, there
being thirteen at the well laden table.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caldo are enter
taining Mrs. Louie Radford and chil
dren for a few days. Mrs. Caldo gave
a birthday party for little Harriet
Radford one day this week.
Mr. Ballou of Eagle Creek was over
at Sandy a few days ago on business
Mrs. Marie Krebs enjoyed Christ-
guests of the Scharnke family Sun
day afternoon until time for midnight
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell opened their
home on" Christmas day to their neigh
bors, Will and Henry Widmer, the
F. J. - Suckow family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Littlepage and small son, James
Bell, and their mother, Mrs. Viola
Douglass of Estacada, their house
guest was also present. With a big
turkey for all, lemonade for the la
dies and cigars for the gentlemen
and many other "delicacies" the day
was happily spent.
Father Boniventura was entertain
ed by the C. Scharnke family on Sun
day and also at the big Christmas
dinner Monday. .
Arletha Proctor has just recovered
from a severe attack of glanular trou
ble that kept her in bed for some
time. " j
A. C. Baumback went to Gresham to j
attend the opening of the new high
school gymnasium.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Loundree bnd
sons entertained Mr. and Mrs. Oster
veer and son, Allen, of Portland, and
Mrl and Mrs. Walter Kizer, two sons
and little Betty Jean, of Albany, at
Christmas time, serving a big dinner,
and the guests remaining over night.
The Kizers are spending the week
Mr. and Mrs. A. W- Bell entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dixon and son,
Hrbert Dixon, of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Dunn, Thomas Dunn and
son, Fenton, with a splendid Christ
mas feast on Christmas day. Howard
Dixon is remaining for the week as a
guest of Sandy relatives. !
Mr .ani Mrs. E. Beers also had a j
big Christmas "feed" which was en-
joyed by their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Williams of Cottrell, Herbert Ed-1
wards. Mr- and Mrs. Ernest Harris
and Mr. and Mrs. Lex Schmitz. I
- The Lehnfield home was tha scene
of a merry Christmas party on Mon
day. A big goose and chicken dinner
was served, the menu including many
tempting dishes. The heavily laden
table was surrounded by tha follow
ing: Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and
Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams
and children, Herbert Armstrong and
hi3 mother, Mrs. J. B. Sledden and
daughter, Martha, of Portland, Ernest
Hart, Lloyd Caron, Ed Hein, Mrs. J.
M. C Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Lehn
field, all but Mrs. Miller remaining
for the evening. Cards and music
were enjoyed.
Postmaster Esson says he has con
verted and turned in some 3,000 war
savings stamps and they are just be
ginning to come in. .
The Sandy posit office has been
the busiest place of the season the
past week, for it seems that every
body, old or young has an idea that
old man Santa ought to bring some
token of remembrance.
Mrs. R. C. Murray went to Port
land Friday to meet her husband,
also her son, Raymond Murray, and
they all returned to cherryville to
gether to celebrate the holidays. Miss
Radditz, the Cherryville teacher, ac
companied Mrs. Murray.
Tlie following Sandy ladies visited
school Friday to hear the Christmas
program: Mrs. A. w. Bell, Mrs- F. D.
Eason, Mrs. Scales, Mrs. Esson, Mrs.
Henry Perret, Mrs. Blanche Shelley,
Mrs Miller, Mrs. R. S. Smith, Mrs.
ried out, two physicians were called
and it was thought for a time Mr.
Mattingly would not survive.
Mr- and Mrs. -Thomas Clifford en-
tertained their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Portland,
on Christmas day with a delicious
dinner. . -
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Duke served a
turkey dinner with all the "fixins"
Christmas afternoon. Beside Mr. and
Mrs. Duke there were present at the
table Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wheeler,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wheelar and
daughters, R. E. Esson and C O.
Heinie Haselwander and Rudolph
Krebs "re home from Tillamook to
spend the holidays.
The Dwyer Logging camp is expect- ,
ed to start up again right after the"
holidays. Their railroad work seems
I to be stopped for an indefinite time.
Mrs. Henry and baby lefit a few
days ago for Portland to join Mr. Her
George Scharnke came home from
Hood River to spend the holidays
with the home folks.
Mrs. Duke, Mrs. George Beers and
Mildred Bosholm all worked hard and-.
late filling candy bags for the com
munity Christmas tree.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jocelyn enter
tained several relatives from Port
land Sunday, serving Christmas din
ner that day. These Portland folk had
to leave their car this side of Kelso
and be towed in with a farm rig the
last mile.
Mrs. Cyril Gray went to the home
of her parents in Washington to cele
brate Christmas.
Mrs. Conrad Strosser of Madras
se'.it the Junker family a large box of
delicious home made confections for
Christmas. '
Miss Radditz gave her school chil
dren a treat at Christmas time. Miss
Radditz is well liked at Cherryville.
She will open school Jan. 3.
The Dave - Douglass family had a
big time at Gresham on 1 Christmas
?.ay at the home of relatives.
John Jonsrud, the Cherryville ehin-'
gle mill proprietor, is sledding timber
in while the snow lasts up there, and
when the weather gets wet will saw
shingle again. Jonsrud was a Sandy
visitor recently.
Joel Jarl went to Medford last week
to spend the holidays with Mrs. Jarl
and Vernie. Web - Roberts plays the
good uncle's part and stays with the
Jarl girls while "father" is away.
Mrs. Thomas Kufbitza has almost recovered-
from her recent illness but is
scill a little weak-
The Harry Dodson family have mov-
d from the Scales house into the
Jack Barnett house.
Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Clinefelter mov
ed their last load of furniture to Os
wego Saturday. This popular young
couple will be missed in Sandy...
Georee Thomas had a narrow esv.
cape at the Powell Valley crossing
Saturday when a freight train ran into
his truck. Thomas and a man who
was riding with him escaped injury,
but the truck was badly damaged.
This is the crossing where Mr. Bur
lingame and two other teachers were
killed. Thomas had a load of freight
ho was hauling out to take up the
Mrs. Rosie Rathke was in, town
from Kelso doing Christmas shopping.
Mrs. Rathke says her daughter,
Rosie, had a narrow scape in an auto"
accident at San Diego recently, and
her hand and scalp were injured.
Mrs- Max Woenche has been doing
some excellent taxidermic work re
cently. She stuffed a coon for Mrs.
Jo Haley that looks so natural 'it can
almost "scratch", and a Chinese
pheasant for Will Fischer that can
almost 'lay eggs", so the neighbors
say. . '
Mrs. Casper Junker iiad a .Miter -from
-a brother at Munich in which he
enclosed a picture of a handsome 46
roojn "villa" which he had purchased
for only $600. (American money). It
is a four story building with six bal
conies, and it would cost at least
$50,000 to duplicate this fine piece of
property. It was stated in the letter
that it takes 1,000 marks per day for
three persons to exist.
. Jim Allison's two sons and their
families drove out Sunday to have a
Christmas feast with their father, as
they could not all be together on
Monday. Mrs. Hennessey put up the
dinner with "the trimmings" and the
day sped pleasantly.
It has been observed that imigrants
coming from rural districts have
splendid teeth', while those coming
from cities have coated tongues and
poor teeth. An examination into the
cause of this, has led to the conclus
ion that in the country they ate
coarse, dark breaks ana plenty ol
fruits and vegetables. In the cities
they eat more starch and sugar. It
has been found that tp eat fruit at
the close of a meal will tone up the
gums and clean the teeth; while to
end the meal with gooey, soft,
starchy or sweet foods will leave the
teeth all stuck up with particles of
To eat sweet-meats, and to gratify
the sweet-tooth, is not as good for the
teeth, nor the system, as to eat sim
ple hard foods and plenty of fruits.
ma9 greatly, and for her guests enter- Dohbermi. Mrs. Cyru i,ray, Mrs. Aima
tained her son, Charley Krebs and ; Marcnay, Mrs. Ed Wolfe, Mrs. Bruns
family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs j also the high school teacher and their
SANDY, Dec. 26 Four surveyors
were out from the county office last
Saturday and began looking over lines
for the best route to Sandyridge, so it
will soon be decided which road to
improve. It is hoped that Sandyridge
The Ladies Aid met at the home of
Mrs. Orin Davidson in South Oswe
go last Thursday.
The Oswego baseball team will
hold a dance and basket social at the
Grange hall on the night of December
making him carry a mattress upstairs.
And we have noticed that the man
whose religion won't let him fight
can make more insulting ' remarks
than any fighting man.
Choice Meats Fair Prices
As a good judge of Meats, you'll enjoy
bu"ing here where there are so many
luscious Steaks, Chops and Roasts.
Gresham Meat Market
A. j; W. BROWN
and children and George Krebs, Mrs.
Christmas i Krebs, Geraldine and Vera. Herman
Krebs was .also a member or tne
Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Scales, Tommy
and Kenneth went to St, John to
spend Christmas with the "Sandy"
Scales family. An elaborate turkey
dinner was served. Later in the day
the Scales' family dined again at the
Fred Bay home. They remained in
town over night.
A Christmas feast was served at
the Shelley home Monday evening, a
"lucky thirteen" being seated at the
table which was laden with all sorts
of good things. Among the guests
were the Esson family, the Scales
family, Mrs. Miller and Mr. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. w. Oren Ganger were
guests of the hpme folks, the J. W.
Dixon family, on Sunday, the Dixon
holiday dinner being served on that
day. The Gangers remained until
Christmas morning.
Dunils. and Mrs. Murray and Miss
Radditz of Cherryville.
Mr. 'and Mrs. F. D. Eason served an
elaborate turkey dinner to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred LeC.uyre of Portland, who
come out from the city on Sunday to
celebrate Christmas with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Straus (Martha Fin
ger) came out to spend Christmas at
the home of the Finger family on
George Gunderson returned from
California in time to celebrate the
holidays at home. George did not
fall in love with Southern California,
saying their biggest crop is "tourists"
down there. Gunderson will go
ahead with his violin study.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shipley and Mrs.
Lena McGugin enjoyed a big Christ
mas "feed" at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mack Thomas.
Mrs. A. L. Mattingly, who was so
very ill last week, is now recovering
as rapidly as can be expected. Her
Have ready about a pim'owl of
fine cracker crumbs. Butter.; a deSp
earthen dish; put a layer of the crack
er crumbs on the bottom; wet this
with some of the oyster liquor; next
have a layer of oysters; sprinkle with
salt and pepper, and lay small bits
of butter upon them; then another
layer of cracker crumbs and oyster
juice; then oysters, pepper, salt and
butter, and so on, until the dish is
full; the top layer to be cracker
crumbs. Beat up an egg in a cup of
milk and turn over ail. Cover the
dish and set in the oven for thirty or
forty-five minutes. When baked
through, uncover the top, set on the
upper grate and brown.
The Thomas Kubitza family were sister, Mrs. O'Connor of Portland hur-
Philip Hammond, Lawyer
Beaver Building