Oregon 7l ENTERPRISE. VOL. 25). NO. 22. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, "1895. ESTABLISHED 1866 City COtWTH. Circuit rmtirt miivmina drat Mmnlsy In Nn. Umlmt mill thlril Mmitlay In April. PmUm court In txnilon flrat Mnmlay In each Bioillll. ('ominUi.li.ni.ri ninrt moon flmt Wei1imf)y trior Drat Mi.n.U, of uuili month, I KO. O. ItlNKAHHON, v ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Will .ri'tlro In ill court, nl III aut. ftlre In J.rr IlulMiim n.ll Court Hum 1 OKIMIN K. II VKH, lawyeh. All i'l matlora itli'inlril in nroiniitlr. II. liullVNN, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, OANIiy. OltKHON. Will irai'tlri li..fi.r all rnnrti. Iiiauraure wrlllrn In all IpwIIiii roninlr. Wo lmve fin handsome a variety of buoy carriage hh over provoked maternal admiration. There ought t In! jut nH much reason fur taking a little jrilo in your baby'tj turnout as. there in for takinjr pride in the baby itn;l f. Vou are certain to bo just an well pleased with' the prices as with the earriagoH. It will cot you nothing to wo them and it will cost you but .',?"; to purchaHe one, or if you should ilenire a more cxjietiHive one we have them an fine an can bo had in Portland at ortland prices. MILOMY & IJUSCH. OrcKon City. (1 KO I HTOIlY, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. I'.Ulri (i.mhiIi Court llntiae. Title" oianiliinl ami t..rrt. mailn. Miinajr I.oaiiril, Miirlnaia ftirn'!itu(aml a loimrnl law liu.lur.a. ' M OKall.l.. j. I iiaiHiM. a. w. Tinno-ium r T. UMirritii O'NKU.I, II I'IMiKR. TiioMrHoNoKirmii. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ofhrca In tark)ty llullilliii, dregim City, and A 0 II, W. 1mrle, I'orllaml. iHi (mral U llmli.r.i, Ixian Monrr, t'rj Lnllwlli.lil. J J T. HI.AI'KN, NOTAKY I'l lll.lC ami CONVR VANCKR. Ural rl!e Itau.llr.l. Iti.iiranrc wrlllrn In (ha Hanli.nl, nl llarllunl. I'ala'lna. Norlb llrlllita A Mercantile, Ilainlit ul llretoau Offlo with II, K. eroM. orrioii ( liv, Oreiou "1UCKAM. AUiracta nfO AH AHHTKACT A TIU'bT CO. 'lackamaa rounlr urniwrlr a .- laiiy. iMMxi wora, reaatiiiaiiie enamel. Work iuarant.-1-il Gitalin atrial ll C Uloiirrii.. If, K iKinalilaoti, J, V. ( lark, IMrfi lioa. oamoM city, .... uaanoN. H M JOIINH.H I) w XIMUIKIl. JI.V.MAIKD k JOHNSON, CIVIL KNOISKKKhTaMj Ht'RVKYOKH. Hallway laeallun and iviualrurllim, brlilgee. plana ami eailmaira (or waier aupply. Iralnia and elreol linnnitoniciil ol town. flpwlal alleutlon (Iron lo i-.rauhllti( and blue printing PureDrutfs In a prencription are of an much value in nick nous an Mkilled medical attendance. 7th. St. Drug Store. MakeB a specialty of carrying a ntock of pure drugH and all prencriplions are carefully comjioutided. Dr. L. M. Andrews- TKOUBLE TO (ME. Manaloha Must Have Catholic Hchoolg Anyway. WILL RESIST TO TUB HITTER EM). An Open Conflict Will Come Ilelwern the Provincial mid Dominion (or e rnmciilK Over the flatter. Wiknii'km, March 24 Prpmierfirecn' way and all Iiih minidter dcflRntly de ploring the attempt to aiHaDHinate Li IIuriK Clianif. The emperor and imperial tninixterR have publicly deplored the act of the would be aKxaHtin of Chant, and Ray he miiKt be punihlied. The bullet haa not yet been extracted from LI Ilunx Cliurin's face, but hia con dition Is favorable. He liar) no fever and is euiruring bul little pain. Hia aHsail ant, who ia described as a political bravo, rushed from the crowd when the viceroy's palanquin was passing and fired at the Chinese statesman. The 'orces at Munsanillo, reports that yester day troops, under Colonel Araoz, attack ed and dixpersed rebel bands at Cnragti ana and Cayo Camanche. The bandit were 500 strong, and were commanded by Guerra Guardia Keitor. Fifteen rebels were killed and many other wounded. The government forces lost one officer killed and two privates! wounded. The rebels left behind a largo quantity of ammunition and small arms. The same government troope also dis persed party of rebels at San Kamon March 23, being one officer killed and clared they will renist to the bitter end I I'M caused the greatest indignation here. bullet enterd his left cheek. The affair three priva'es wounded. A report from the restoration of Catholic schools. The excitement Is becoming Intense. In the churches today the preachers con fined their remarks to the impending struggle, the protentant preachers urging prok'Mints to stand firm against the remedial order issued by the governor general of Canada last week, the Catli- olic clergy appealing to their flocks to I never give up the fight. The Orangemen J of course are taking a hand, j Major Stewart Mulvey, grand mafcter of the Orangemen, said in an interview: "It cost Canada 18,000,000 to subdue the half breeds on the banks of the Saskat chewan in 18-vT) How many millions ' will it take to make slaves of the people ' Londoh, March 25. The Times has this dispatch from Kobe: Li Hung Chang is making' good progress toward recovery from the effect of the bullet wound in his face inflicted yesterday by Mayama Kokunosuki. The wound has developed no dangerous symptoma. The would be assassin is reported to be a lunatic. He has a criminal record and has served a term of imprisonment. Yokohama March 25. Surgeons Sato and Ishmuro are attending Li tlHng Chang by imperial command. Li Hung Chang objects to the extraction of the bullet, which lies a centimeter under his left eye. The wound is three centimeters deep. The express of Japan has sent ofMsnatoba by subjecting them to the j two nur(M!i to a(t(!n(1 hirD Letters and OREGON CITY IRON WORKS. Catholic hierarchy?" A few who fore see the consequence are urging modera tion, hut the spirit of faction is so fierce that their counsels are unheeded. The Manatoba legislature is awaiting the receipt of that order, w bich is ex- New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. "y CAKKY JOHN HON, I.AYYYKR. Corner Right aud Main ilrnli, OrrKou. ()rron Cllr, KKAL KSTATE T08KI.I, AM) . MONEY TO LOAN. J L. POKTEII, ATTOUNKY AT LAW ARaiaACTa of rsorssTY rrasiaiiKD. Office licit lo Orojon City liank nn tlb ttreel. 0. T.' WILLIAMS, KKAL KHTATK ANI LOAN AOKNT. A ood llneot buaineaa, riwldt'uctaudaiiburlian frupnrljr. Farm rroiertr lu Iracta to ault or. caajr tonni. Corrfapnndcnre t.roiniitly anawrmt. Ofllcc, oeil (liKr lo t un n rin a iitiimoy a druii atnrc All work executed in tho lent manner pofsihle. teed on all orders. Promptness guaran- telegrams expressing regret and sym pathy are pouring in from all directions. London, March 25. A Tokio dispatch j says the sergeon attending Chang has telegraphed the emperor that the wound i is in good conditton, and there is no Q D A II. C. LATOI KKTTK, ATTORN KYS AND COUNSKI.ORS AT LAW MAIN MTHKKT, OHKOON CITY, OHKUON. fumlah Abalracta ol Title, Loan Monry. Fore- Cluaa MnniaK, ami trautaot uvueral Law Kualnraa. J J K. CHOHS, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Wll.l. I'RAI'TK'S IN A I.I, C0lKT Of Tll STATS Ural Kutate anil Inaurenre. Office on Main Sir et lift. Sixth aud Seventh, OHKOON CITY, OS. II. DYB, ATTOUNKY AND- COUNSKI.0R AT LAW Ofllceover Orcgou City Hank. orsmiin city, OKKOON Oku. c. n ROW N ItOWNKLL A MtKHHKK A. bKKflHKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Orkoom City, ..... orkoon. Will irnntlro In all the courla of tin- atato. 01 flof, next door to Canrluld A llnntlvy'a drns aloro. rpilK COMM KltCIAL HANK, Of OltKUON CITY. 'apltnl, ..... 1100,000 TNaA(TA OKNKRAI, BANKINO B1HININS. Loan mado. Hllla dltroiinlod. Makes col loctlmii. Iluya and aolla oxchanKO on all polnta In the Vnlled Htaten, Kurope and llnnn Kong. Dopnilti rccvl"(d aiihject to check Intercut at uanal raloa allowed on time, deposits. Bank opeu from V a. m. to i r. M. Saturday orciilng! from 6 to 7 P. M. 0. C. LATOURKTTB, Preaident. K K IIONALDSON, Cnhlor EEPA1BI1TG - A. - SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to lie had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. L ROAKE & CO.. Proprietors. - ow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or etoniach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-rive cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for nn emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pect ral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale nt the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby.Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. peeled to arrive from Ottawa tomorrow. caUsa for al)xiety regirding the result. v iti.out doubt Die legislature will ref.ife , Chang's assailant is believed to be in to obey It by an overwhelming majority. ! 8ane Then will come an open conflict between the provincial and dominion imvcm- ments. It swnia now that if nn at'emnt ; 0K0HAMA, March is made to enforce the iroirernor general's i di"P':h says that Chang will rvfuse to order a revolution will be inevitable. i cede 'erritory to Japan, but will offer j greatly increased sum ot money as an indemnity instead. It is believed, the CHANCES FOB PEACE ARK POOB. 25. A Simonoski J. JONES & SON, DKALER IN ' , Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. v Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. liti i:N Tut: i.otvi:T. Jflrsiiop corner Fourth and Water streets, hack of Pope A Co's, Oregon City YJANK OP OKKOCN CITY, Oldest Banking flense In the CUT. 1 Paid up Capital, r,000. rsKniniNT, VICE rKKSlDKNT. OAainsa. MAMAQta. THOfl, CRARMAM eiO. A, HARDINO. - a. o CAvriii.D. CHASLia H. CAUriILD, A enral banking biialnosa tranaactod. Depoalti reculvcd subjoet to check. Approved bills and nntna dlacniintcd. Count; and city warrants bought. Loan mvle on available aeeurlty, Exchauxt bnight and told. Colleetloni made promptly. DrafU iold avallaulo lu any part at the world TuluP..,liln ..nl..ii, !.! An Pnr.l.iM Han Fraselaoo. nlileaia and New York. Tntereit nau on time deposits. b ApsutaolTHE LONDON CHEQUE BANE. The Chinese Suffered.... ....Another Defeat! The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper, Work Than cau bo hud of tho Chiiieso or any other place in the city. Special Kates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered. Do You Need a Legal Blank? Tho ENTERPRISE lias the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus' tice, Lawyer, Mechanic. Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or One or a Quantity Sent POTSAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. WILL BKFI BK TO RE-KSTAHLIHII THE CATH OLIC SCHOOLS, AS OHDEKBD. M'issipeo, March 5. The remedial order of the Kovernor-general in council, calling upon the governments Manitoba to restore to the Roman Catholics their parochial or separate schools, reached this city this morning. It was addressed I to the lieutenant-governor, and by him transmitU'd t the legislature, which was sitting in readiness to receive it. The legislative chamber was crowded when the important document was do livered. It was voluminous, and re viewed all the evidence taken before the privy council of England, which body de clared that the Catholics of Manitoba had a grievance and that the governor-general in council had power and authority to grant redress by a remedial order. The tenor of the language of the order would leave no opening for a compromise. It is a command to Manitoba to submit plainly, and if the legislature dees not obey, the governor-general, or more ac rnratelv speaking, the Dominion govern ment, will enforce its authority. 'o definite action was taken tonight. After the order hud been read it was laid on the (able for future consideration. That the order will be rejected may be ! taken for certain. Of the 40 members of the legislature only four or five will vote against its rejection, these four or five be ing Catholics, representing purely Catho lic constituencies. It was announced today that the Do minion cabinet which passed the remedial i order had appointed one of its own mem hers, J. C. Patterson, minister of militia, to take the place of John Scliultz, gov ernor of Munitolm The object of this change is believed bv the Manitoba gov eminent to be that the dominion author ities want a man as governor more pliable to their wishes and who will unhesitat ingly carry out their mandate. Manitoba always contended that its governor should be a Manitoba citizen. This unlocked for action only added fuel to the flames. VICEROY dispatch says, that peace negotiations will not prove successful, there evidently being some secret force behind China. Washington, March 25. Diplomats here are enclined to believe that the en tire peace negotiations may be broken off by the assault on viceroy Li, by af fording a pretext for European interven tion. Li himself will prevent such a failure, however, if it be possible. Of ficials here regard it as settled that Russia and Japan have reached an understand ing by which the former will extend her teritory south from Vladivoetock, so as to have a harbor open all the year round. This has been an acquisition Russia has long sought, as it gives an eastern outlet to the great Siberian rail road. I Holguin says that the insurgents, under Masso Miro Manana,are approaching the I nlace. The forcn is 300 atrnnir and wU armed. FE POUTED ISSCROENl VICTORY. Tajii'a, Fla , March 25. Letters re ceived by steamer I ant night state that Insurgent bandi are aciive in the vicinity of Santa Svirite. The government ramor that Guillernio is dead is untrue. Quintin Bandert, with 150 insurgents, met 300 Spaninh troops between Tiariba and El Cobra, killing 25 .Spaniards at the first volley. The Spaniards fled in dis may, the insurgents continuing their march unmolested Letters estimate that in two months there will be 2500 insurgents fighting. The Spanixh warship Alfonso XIII haa arrived at Havana with 15 X) men. The tioops were received with great enthus iasm. t Baperiori Madt Equals. New York, March 25. Hamilton Wil cox, the well-known woman suffragist, has received a cable dispatch from the agent-general of South Austrulia, at Lon don, announcing that Queen Victoria has given her consent to the bill passed by the parliament of South Australia, reliev ing women entirely from disfranchise ment and securing I hem the same suf frage and on the same terms with their brothers, and that this bill is now a law . This act, Mr. Wilcox Btates, commits to full woman suffrage the government of a territory much larger than the United States from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi nver and from the Canada frontier to the Horida keys. Cheered the Bull. Dorasgo, Mex., March 25. The lead ing event of (he bull righting now in progress here, was the killing of Timotes Rodreguex, one of the best known mata dorts of Mexico, in the arena by a fero cious bull. The animal got the mata dore down and gored him to death be fore the banderilleros could come to his assistance. The larire crowd of specta tors cheered the bull . LI'S WOUND. Hii Many Dliordera Hay Make It Serious-Eu ropean rowers May Interfere. Washington, March 25. Information coming to the Cninese legation is to the effect that Li Hung Chang's wound is not dangerous, except as complications may develop. It is in the fleshy part of the face, but fortunately no part of the skull has been fractured or any vital organs touched. Prince Li's advanced age and several constitutional disordors which make him almost an invalid, may aggrivate an otherwise harmless wound. On his arrival at Simonosaki, he was to sick to leave the ship which brought him. He had to be carried about, this being a necessity in his case as well as an honor due his rank. The Japanese legation say the offender will be charged with treason, as the assault is not only against the person of Li Hung Chang, but agaiiibt the Chinese government, It is probable also that the trial will be by court-martial, and conviction by court martial would mean that the offender would be shot. London, March 25 A dispatch to the Westminister Gazette says the Japanese parliament has passed a. resolution de- Armi For Iniurgenti. Key West, March 23. An official of the Cuban government who has arrived here, says exact and detailed information is in the hands of Spanish officials as to places throughout the United States where arms and ammunition are being collected and shipped to Cuban insur gents. The important rendezvous are statod to be Philadelphia, Perth Amboy, K. J., Savannah, Fernandia and other points south, concerning which infor mation Is being laid before the Spanish minister at Washington, which is likely to form the basis for a request for the issuance of orders by the attorney-general to district attorneys to apprehend parties alleged to be engaged in the sys tematic forwarding of revolutionary sup plies, Tmpa, March 24. The steamship Oli vette, which arrived from Havana today, brings the latest advices concerning the Cuban insurrection, which, from ac counts given, is growing every day. Henry Brooks hnB 600 rebels at Guanta- namo. It is intended that the town of Puerto Principe intended to rise. On March 15 the rebels under Pallicio attacked 450 Spanish troops at Elcobre, and defeated them with great loss. Guil Iermon has a band of neatly 100 insur gents at Christo, and 6,000 men and arms at Santiago. On March 16, Guerra, with 500 insur gent cavalry, ransacked the village of Champuagla and captured the Spanish garrison of 50 soldiers Stone towers have been erected in many towns to protect property. A force of rebels nearly exterminated 200 Spanish soldiers under Colonel Santocilda at Manzillo, March 18. Uprlilng Prevented. Key West, Fla., March 25. A pas senger from Havana, just arrived, says that only by prompt action Captain-General Callejo averted an uprising in Hav ana. After the imprisonment of Gomez, the negro leader, his sympathizers worked up a scheme to attack the palace Friday night. The government learned of the plot, the guards were quadrupled and 100 Boldiers were stationed inside the palace. The city patrol was also heavily increased. The negroes learning of these precautions gave up the scheme. Fifteen Bebeli Killed. IIavasa, March 25. Colonel Santos- cildes, who commands the government Satiooal Bimetallic Leagns. London, March 26.-4 A. M. A dis patch from Paris savs that the National Bimetallic League held its first meeting on Monday. The league has 3000 mem bers already. ' M. Loubet is president, and the vice presidents include M. Mag nin, governor of the bank of France ; Mm. de Normandee, Gernuschi and M. Meline, Senator Berenger and M. Gui chard. president of the Suez canal com pany. Army Officer! to Retire. Washington, March 24. With the close of official working hours on Wed nesday Brigadier-General Smith, who has been serving as paymaster-general, goes upon the retired list. He is the first of the four officers holding high rank, in the army to be retired this year, on account of age or length of service . The others in rotation are Major-General Mc Cook, Brigadier-General Thomas X. Casey, at present serving as chief of en gineers, and General Schofield. The last named goes into private life the last day of September Free Pills. Send your address to E. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of its merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver trouble they have been proved In valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system . Regular size 25 cents, per box. Sold by Charman A Co,, druggist, Charman Bros. Block. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh'sVitalizer 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." Fpr Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. For Saleby G. A. Harding. Highest cash price paid for second hand goods of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the I.- i . . .i ... IjI I KK1 HIKE BIIU gffc U1B 1110 Ueilttllb OL the reduction in price. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Enterprise office.