Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 04, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
The way to build up Oregon
Citjr U to fUt OroRou City people jonr
PERSONAL NOTES. I A Danrou. .'reparation.
... ,, , , , I.t Faiday I. I). Surfus who liven on
Miss (.trace Ulhams Sundayed t ,1.. .... ..
I Mia iiuiiti'nc iiiriu BUiiui 01 low H was
preparing a mixture for snra.xtng tlie
Carl WoUhamMi o( Pamaacua was In, orchard, the chief Inimvlicnl of wll..li
was coal oil, when an accident occurred
which resulted In (he svrluiis burning of
County court will convene next Wed
nesday. Remember the special Sunday dinner
at the Livormoru.
Washburn mandolins, guitars and
banjos at BurineNlor A Amiresen'a. x
Genuine Foster Kid gloves $1.35
worth $1.75 to T2.50 at the Boston Store,
1000 pair of shoes at the Red Front.
Beat bargain ever offered in Oregon
Alter trying a Sunday dinner at the
Liverniore the verdict is that they can
not be beat.
Just received a big line of childrens
shoes at the Boston Store, which we will
sell cheap.
Strings and extras for guitars, violins,
mandolins and banjos at Burmeister !fc
Andresen's. . x
Bring voitr produce to the Park Place
store, they pay the highest nrice for same
and sell the lowest.
Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired
promptly at Burmeister & Andrew's.
Trices reasonable and work guaranteed .
Last Friday Herman Mayvold died in
tins city aged 45 years. The burial i-erv
it e was held at the city cemetery Mindav
Lamps, crockery and g'axsware of fac
tory prices. New invoice jut received
from the east. Will not be undersold.
See Bellomy & Bosch. x
Mrs. Sharp and family return their
heaitfelt thanks to their many friends
auJ neighbors for their aid anJ kind
ness shown them during the sickness
and burial of her son, Don.
Hie new school house at Oswego is
enclosed and so far along in construction
that one ran Fee that it is going to 1 a
very neat and ornamental structure
when done, one that our sister town
may well be proud of.
town on Thursday.
Mrs. Thou. Knowlcs was taken very
ick on Wednesday.
Q. J. Trullinger, of Union Mills, was
in the city on Wednesday.
C. G. Miller spent Sunday in Me
Minnvillo visiting friends.
Master Ralph Miller was a guest of
Jaa. W. Chase the past week.
E. Paine, of Mulino, was doing busi
ness on the streeta last Monday.
Miss Ruth Cowing lelt Monday tor a
two weeks outing at Clatsop Beach.
Father Rauw was called to this city
Wednesday evening to visit a aick person.
Win. Sheehan and wife left the first of
the week to visit his wife's people in Salem.
Fattier Ilillebrand is absent at Mt.
Angel this week taking a little needed
Mrs. I. Selling returned from a three
weeks' visit with friends at F.ugene on
Mrs. R. L. Hotmail is intending to
start this Friday for McMinnville to
visit friends.
Misses Metta Brown and Grace Baird
were registered at the World's Fair the
tint of the week.
Miss Vera Pilsbtiry went to Salem the
hrst of the week to visit in the capital
city far a week.
Ci.pt. Thos. F.vans of the tug Osweito
stopped for a short time in the city on
his way up the river.
several members of the family and came
near to burning the house and barn be
sides. He was preparing the mixture by
I heating it on the stove and the fumes had
j filled the room with gas when some of
I the mixture was spilled on the stove
and in an instant the room was tilled
with flumes. Mr. Surfus had hold ot
the dish in w hich the mixture was being
prepared at the time of the accident and
Immediately started to cairylt out of
doors and in spite of the flames which
were burning his hands tenihyhe hung
ou to the dish until he got it out of doors.
Zella the 0-year-old girl was the worst
burned as her clothes all caught fire and
she would have perished hut for the
prompt action of Mrs. Surfus who
seixed the burning girl and carried her
to a tub of water and plunged her in.
In doing this Mrs Surfus' arms were
badly burned. Zclla was so badly
burned about the legs and feet that the
skin came off almost entirely, so that it
was feared that she would not recover
but she seems now to be getting along
all right. Vest, aged 14 had to cross
the loom while it was in flames 'and
was somewhat burned but not seriously
Mr. Surfus is burned mostly about the
hands and arms and has to carry one
arm in a sling.
The house would have tcen burned
down hut for the (net thut it was lathed
and plastcied so that there was not
miirh ii tlainahle malarial for the llames
The Most Complete MARR
and only first impi-trM 1 Mn In
oroTbrv M Family ft"
Selected Toas.l'uro Coffcoa & Splcea.
Qua.ity consider- uttcr & CllCCSC frOtll bcSt tlaififS
ed, our prices are
always the lowest. Fruit mill Vtffl'talllt'S "1
Business Conducted
On Business PrlncipleJ
One Trice to AH
Positively no con.
noctlon with any
advertising schemi
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shivoly Building, Oregon City
even-roomed house and lij acres of im
proved land on Clackamas Heights, near
graded School and rUoflice. Worth
$1260 will sell for $850. Offer to hold
good till August 1st. Call at Park
Place store fir particulars.
Mrs. M. K. Case was the lucky pur
chaser of several of the finest lots in
Falls View the past week, thos. which
she secured being among a number
which C. O. T. William bad reserved
from the original plat for himself.
Sunday Mrs. H. S. Strange was called
to Corvallis by the severe illness of her
mother, Mrs. Caleb Davis, who died the
following day. Mr. Strange left Mon
day night to attend the funeral which
was held on Tuesday.
rtothing pleases a person so well
when away from home as to get a well
cooked meal served in a clean and appe
tizing manner. The Portland restaurant
by the excellence of-ita meals and table
service can please the most fastidious
person. Give it a trial. tf.
For severl years many of the good citi
tens of Canemab have desired to replace
their old school building with a large and
more pretentious buildiug, but have un
til now been unable to do so, but this
year the pecple have decided to build
and are now waiting for plans for a neat,
commodious, and airy building which
they expect to have under way in a few
At a recent meeting of the state hor
ticultural society at Salem it was pro
pofed that a state fruit show be held.
The secretary read a paper on the sub
ject and said : Roughly estimated there
are at the present time 100,000 acres
planted to fruit in Oregon, the largest
portion of which is in young orchards.
An estimate of $ 100 per acre net when
the trees are six years old means an an
nual income of $10,000,000.
The case of E. T. Jennings vs. Addie
C. Jennins, which involved the title to
certain property which had been deeded
to the defendant f her father before his
death, was decided in ihe Supreme court
the past week in favor oi Miss Addie
Jennings, the verdict of the lower court
having been affirmed. The verdict will
render general satisfaction hereabouts
where the case is generally understood.
C. D. Latourette was associated with
Judge lionham of Salem in the defense.
to WOlk UlMill. mill 111 RliitM nf tlitt itiinri.a
t: ... 1 ii.;.. .it. 1
.u, cum unman wno nas wen w, the neiiilra of the family had
visiting friends in Yamhill county, re-, sustained tl.ey immediately began to
turne.1 last Saturday. i,hrow ,pr inl(, , rt),11 ul) hu yM
iMiss .Neita Harlow has gone to Gear- out the tire. The room was much
hart Park to visit her friend, Miss Watt, ! blackened and sionhttl but otherwise
aside from the fuiiiiture not much
When the ai-cideut hupnened the dog
wus in the room and he too caught tire
w hereupon he rushed out and run toward
the barn and lying doa-n w hen within
about fifteen feel nf it rolled over and
over and put out the flames but in doing
this he set the grass atiie and it had to
be hurriedly put out to save the barn.
Altogether it was setose call all around
and considering the nature of the ac
cident it was a fortunate escape for all
concerned .
The plan for the road between the
west end of the bridge and the tower
Tualatin bridge has been changed so
that instead of going up over the hill and
following the line of the electric line it
will take pretty much the course of the
present county road till it reaches the
old wood yard and from there it wilt
keep to the left of the present road,
which will give a thoroughfare more
nearly straight and on better grade,
It is the intention of the company to im
prove this road so that it will be an ex
cellent driveway from the bridge to the
Tualatin. The reason that this change
was made In the location of the road was
and to enjoy the ocean breezes
A. W. Cheney and wife have gone to
the mountains at the east end of the
Oregon Pacific for a week's outing.
Misses Amy and Cor Martin are
guests of Mrs. C. Strong this week while
attending the teacher's institute.
M. Deviney returned from up the val
ley last Sunday afternoon and his famil
iar face is again met upon the street.
Pr. H. W. Ross, who was very sick
in the spring was in Oregon City on
Monday looking as well as of old.
Mrs. J. B. Robinson touk the Thurs
day evening overland for California after
a four week's pleasant visit with relatives
Douglas Thorne w ho has been in the
mines in Eastern Washington, returned
the first of the week on account of many
mines closing down.,
Harry Aune and w ife accompanied by
Miss Metta Fintey started for Nealucca
on Wednesday via Grande Ronde reser
vation intending to be gone several
II. L. Kelly reports a very pleasant
visit to California. He returned on
Monday and was with the San Francisco
excursmniHtg coming up from the
Golden Gate.
Robert Collier, chief mail clerk, who
has charge of all the routes running out
of Portland, was in the city on Wednes
day looking after the postal interests of
the government.
Frank Kruse was in the city on Tues
day. He reports the prospect for wheat
extra good in his neck of the woods.
Frank was able to go and start the
binder for the boys before leaving borne.
Miss Myrtle Taylor of Elwood, re
turned Saturday from a visit with friends
at Monmouth and will spend a cou'de of
weeks with her sister, Mrs. C. D. Strong
while attending the teacher's institute in
this city.
Mrs. Findley and her daughter Metta
left Saturday for Nestucca Bay for sev
eral week's outing and Wednesday Miss
Gertrude went to join them. Mr. Findlev
intends to leave the last of the week to
join the family in camp.
Mack Howell, who is running as con
ductor on the Gladstone Park car says
that when ths sun is just right the buggy
belonging to M. P. Bradley, which went
over the bluff on the Fourth can be seen
in the eddy just below the scene of the
Visible Writing,
Permanent Alignment,
Automatic Ribbon Re
Automatic Line Space,
Interchangeable Platen
Most Rapidly Adjusted
Margin Stop.
r v il'!' -1-
LJ,. ...... .,.
OreKon City Users.
II. J. Tli.irne, AMnirts.
Wiule II. s'tii'r, Abstracts,
(i. K. Haves, Attorney,
(ieo. C. Hrowiirll, Attorney.
Cowing Cowing, Attorneys.
K. M. Haiiils, KxTr:iiriiiK ollice
Dovico for Writing on
Rulod Linos,
Extromo Manifold
Typo Cloanod in Five
Most Noisoloss,
All Wear Absolutclt
SCOTT & BANNAN, Gonoral Agents,
h called the "Father of Pisriwes."
It is caused by a Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
Kmmet Means Drowned.
A letter from Mrs. Means, who last
spring went to Los Gato, Cal., stales
to friends in this city that again she has
been called to pass though great sorrow
In the death of her son, Emmet, who
was drowned on the 5th of July at Hon
ner, Montana. Only a very few months
since Henry died and now Kiiimet, w ho
was tier nmiii supiort, is taken. He wan
22 years and 0 months old and was
drowned while at work in Montana and
buried there. Mrs, Means will have
the deep sympathy of those who knew
her so well here, in this her double af
fliction. The members of the Baptist
church of which she wa a worthy mem
ber will remember her most kindly in
her sorrow.
Yours most fruly,
Gilmas Parkkk, Pastor.
Oregon City, August 1, 181IU.
Millions of Logs Coining.
The snagboat Corvallis, which has
been actively engaged in building wing
dams at the mouth of the Luckiamute
for the past week, has been compiled
to suspend oerationi for three days to
allow a drive of 1,5000,000 feet of logs to
pass. This drive is steadilo increased as
it floats down, and by the time Salem is
reached it will contain several million
feet. When the drive gets below Salem
the steamboats will have to be very
cautious in their trips, as they are
likely to run foul of the logs, some of
which are large enough to cause damage.
In Munioriuni.
Died, at his mother's residence in
Mount Tahor, Don Sharp, on Tuesday,
! 8 o'clock a. m. July 25, lHU'J, of diptheria
and was buried at the Pamasciis grave says I was laid up with a severe attiick
I of inflammatory rheumatism in a most
World's Fair Trairlrra Mill Mate It.
The puhlic demand through service
when traveling. It Isold (uhioifd to
ilmiiKi) csrs. On the through ilid
Vrstihuled trains of Ihe ChiriifO, t'liion
?llr Ii hfrl,, (Wen. thai llio vu-lrn ft.
.... , m. miuijr I mm uf i ifiu I
iHiillilf III 111 !! Hi lrruu. t.I ii.l.u
uiiiii.iraiof "I lh taif ,. ( arl II. im l
mi mi r-.. ha Itif rlalnu ai.luta,
rxaia a' r.ult. I.. preiii Ui Mm tea,
tar farm al lumiiru. I .. .. 1 1 . I
Pai illc and Northaestcrn linn from or to 1 1 r...r ..u-i,rr. aniiin tu aiuaibt lna
!.!. - . . Ii... I I .. . .. i , I . . ' "I Oi'lll
v hub-" i tiimiia aim uiu'rnii-Mimi1 tiiiii.
there is no change. Thin is the lliicst
land fastest road.
iimistuk ii nr:ri
A'lm'r nl Iha cauia oi i art IUimi aart
K A . Meu.lallhall. All j. f.unui.
Jul )l. lava Ml Ml
It is a mild laxative and a tonio to
the digftive organs. By taking
Biramons Liver Hegulutor you
promote digestion, Iriug ou a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
MMf wlf wat aorrkr riUrrratrd with Comtltav
lion and coiighiag , followed with Hlimding FiUa.
After four month, uaa of Simreona Liver KrguUlof
Ihe It almoil entirely relieved, gaining ttreiigtb.
ami Beak." W. fi. Luraa, Lulaware, Onto.
Has oar Z Stamp In red on wrapper.
J. II. ZKIUH 4 tO., fulLvialpl.la, l a.
The People's Verdict.
Pesides curing the worst case of rheu
matism in Clackamas county, the fol
lowing cases spesk :
Mrs. Charles, of Seventh street says:
"My boy's right leg was paralyzed from
his hip down, so that he was unable to
put his foot to the ground for over twelve
months. After using three bottles of
Mr. Hargreave's famous Seaweed Rem
edy. He cn now run around without
his sticks."
Mr. Michael Quinn of Oregon City.
yard in the evening of the same day.
S. II . Robbof Prairie du Chien was
in the city on Wednesday visiting with
old time friends with whom he was ac
quainted in the East. Among these
were James K. Binuman and Joseph
Hedges. He also knew T. W. Fouts's
father well.
The deceased wss the eldest son of
the Hon. It. J. Sharp and the widow,
Mrs. K. J. Sharp of Damascus, Or., his
age being 21 years, 11 months,
Mrs. Sharp and family have the sym
pathy of their many friends and neigh
bors in their sad sfllictions.
Mr P. F. Morev, president of the
Portland General Electric company
went east to New York and Massachu
setts the first of this week look after bus
iness for his company. Mr. Geo. C.
Brownell, attorney of the company will
leave here on the tenth and meet Mr.
Morey in New York. Mr. Brownell
does not expect to be able to get back
before the first of September.
A Jacksonville dispatch to the Ore
gonian says, W. L. Miller left for Oregon
City this evening to take a position by
appointment of his brother, Col. R. A.
Miller, in the land office at that place.
The young gentleman was born in Jack
sonville, has received a fine edncation in
literature and taw, is a polished writer
on account of the rock croppings which
interfered with grading and made it and fine speaker, and is thought to have
very expensive . a bright future before him .
Hoard of Equalization.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Board of Equalization will meet at the
assessor's oflice in the court house at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday the
28th day of August 18!)3, the same being
the fourth Monday in August, and con
tinue in session from day to day during
the week for the purpose of adiustinir
any assessment which may be brought
before it. J. C. Bhadi.ey,
County Assessor.
Oregon Uity, Oregon August 1, 1803. 4t
Wood Hawing.
The Babcock woodsaw. Work quickly
and cheaply done. Leave orders at Grout
& Confer's office or address me at Ely.
Elmkr Dixon.
As an after-dinner pill to strengthen
the stomach, assist digestion, and correct
any bilious tendencies, Ayer's Pills are
considered the best. Being sugar-coated
they are as agreeable as any confection,
and may be taken by the most delicate.
acute form. Three applications of the
famous Seaweed Remedy entirely cured
Mrs. Geo. lieddaway says, "It is
worth its weight in gold for rheumatism."
Solil hy (Jko. K. Hahoiikavks, South
Madison Street, or at Thayer A Alden's
ollice, Oregon City.
P. O. Box 288.
Farm For Sale.
120 acres of good, level land, half open,
half good timber, small creek running
through the place, $100 worth of I in
provements public school on one corner,
located In section 20, t5Js, r3e; six miles
from Union Mills, six miles east of
Molalla Corners. Price I'.MH). For more
Information address, Auoiist Hoi.dkn,
Oregon City, Or.
Vnr ale or Itrnt.
The Seventh slirct livery stable and
feed store hiiildittk'S on lils-ral term
Itest arrangxit barn in the rity and well
locatitl. Enquire on irtmiM-a, or at
Krieman's Colh-e limine, 2;0 Washing
ton street, Portland. if
A Itargaln.
For sale, 8 acies of land, In a high
stale of cultivation, H, milt's from court
house, adjoining South Oregon City,
TM .. . I ! II .
i no 11101 tit-niranie piece ol proHrty ever
olfared in this city. Prices to suit the
times. Address, A. W. Schwa.
Out or Mght.
The traveling public are now fully
alive to the fact that the Chicago,
Union P.tillc and Northwestern Line
oilers the very best accoiimiilalo to
the public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and intermediate points, not only during
the World's Fair hut all the yt-ar around
llncklen'a arnka Salve.
The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts
Rruises, Sores, Ulcers, halt Khmim'
rever Sores, 'fetter. Clitii..l II....I-
Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay reiinired. It
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price 25 cents cr box. For sale by U
A. Harding.
Karl's Clover Hoot, the new Illo.!
Puriller, gives freshness and clearness to
tlie Complexion and cures Constipation.
25c, .Wc. .,,,1 n.oo. Sol.l ,y c.(i
Huntley. '
('all and see the lounges at R. L.
Hohnan ami you will see some tf,si
ones winch they ate selling
manufacturer's prices
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entkiickisk of
fice. Portland prices.
Blacksmithing and Repair
llnilnu una i,( ,a auri In
lain In niy emiplny, 1 iii.kf
hokmsiioixv; a sraiuiT
All wripr irrrwnrn Tfi pp"Tt
..mw wua a. .billfeu U IfttAiii.
Miop opKsitp corner from Top
hardware store.
photo'? at a Bargain
On account of removal to 3d
ami Morrison street on or
alstut July lo-th,
1st ami Taylor street, will ttub
Pit r is panels M.00.
All work first class. A trill
almost at
oregon city.
Masonic Building.
The latest in visiting cards at the En-
tkbpkisb Okpigi. Prices to suit you.
Kbaubb'b Hkaoachk Cahsulks-Wah-
University of Oregon,
Open Monday, September 18.
Just closed the ,,mt j.roHtMTot.H
"ud.eH. Thorough instruct!!,,
uhhichh course added. Tuition
ireo. Kntnuwi. tt.n in t.
anil lotunnir nl r...,u. Ii . .
n- .....n.iiiHDItJ ntU'H 1(1
:;; Tnew, uh'j n.i
....... ,mu Ul(i Ci
niuu. i,u, win receive immortal hud
erviHinn. T,.le i r
NONB lll'T
Flie Permmerles nd Toilet Artttt
Alao a full ilork nl
at. ' J 1
... W
JIN W. Joiinho.V.
The tinittiMlriieft will ;,.. ., ,,, ,.
on the 24 ilay ,,( ' r. ' t',1 ''"f nl.,n
leerllHt l-ri.nMl ei't. i ' v '." '"""'
Pinker, 1 .iLl.ly du.fcrTA'rJL I nlD.":,,1"'
Miujr , limn. , . , . . . " 7". i rai
.mall belU. .bout w e, f',, " r.l
hy the im, ' n i.l P"'nl. oncu ,(...
h'Hl.ly ..111 In Mil "...J ,"ke J!"" t the
l altiiKluil a.,H ,7.llee .w.,"r the unman.
trm oft chattel mVirt.... """nt to the
Heraon to J.HS',I! ,?f"''!l7 Hmue"
. j. IK IHK It l u
Itd July r, law. Ji.rtff(r. 1
Three Dohcb of
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will Make You Fd M
Does your back acho?
every step seem a burden" '
loo hillious.
Moore's Rp.vc.ilnd Remedy
Will give von ml icf. Trv it. '
I Ml
j Ilia
1 1,1
fy ai(
h :
'H dm
ill f
ia it
't oi
it rin,.
'"ii I,
'"K p
'I'dll I
in of
d liis
Bale by all druggists.