Oregon City Enterprise. Fimur, iter, :w, ihiu. Society Directory. tii(K..oN mv iiiMiiD or i kauk"" Mela at Cullll II Him ,, ml Mumiay In I'll tlitililli, Vlaltort weltuim. 1'UNAI.HmiN. J, T. AI'I'XIImiiN. .H""."'I,7 ,. President, tr a n it v no a ut or tkaiik. . M".L1' K"lll' HsIM'enbv, mi dr. I mi, I third Kflilay Ml mi'li iimiiili, Vlaltora welonm. Jl-L",,"ll""';,'0.,w" " "'"Mf; Vm Mt'l.TNtlktAll Uiiuk"n(. 1, A. fa' A. M. Molds In regular cninmunlcallnna n Ural end mini Haliinlayanf each iihiuiIi al 1 ao. m. Hreihren lngoHlataii,llii ere Invited i atieud. W, i CAItl.L, W. M, m T. f. H V A N. Koreiery. (il(KUl)N I.OIHIK, No. a, ) 0. r, Meele every Thursday ivrn ,.a it 7 80 o'elnrk m In Ida 11,1,1 rellnwa' 11.11, Main aireel. Members ul Ilia Ord.rara Invited to eitaud. Ily Older ul W A . Mnllcton, N. 0. m Thoe, Secretary. rAI.I.K KNCAMI'MKNT, No. 4. I. 0 O r. Meele Ural anil third Tiieadaysnf each month, at iiiM Kullowa lull. Meiulmr ami vlalllug patriarchs, cnllallj Influx! to attend at. H. Jaaaiv, t W . U'Chnriil. .l,,,',, I'lilel I'alriarrh. ohwk'hi lmi.uk. no w, i, o, o. r " Meat a (Mil rallow'a hall, Oewegn, every Salutday welling Vlalllug urethral! mail Welcome. II u J. r. Hlai av, Hue. . titlis, N (I. MKAI'K I'OMT.N" I II A It., DKI'AMMKNT or uitr.ooN. Maola Oral Mixitay ul each mnnlli, at K nl P Hall, oroguu I lly. Vlalllug couuedea niad welctne. !!! A. lUHDINii. Commander UtN. CROOK I'D"!. Ni. IN (I AH, Imparl- lliatlt III tltegntl. Meets In school hoiiae al Nae1y nil Ural Hat lit, lay III each naalilh al 1 -!-h p In. All comrades uiaila welcome , II HVI.AM1. V m. 1 MiiMnuiK. AMJi. "iiiinaii li-r TKMfi.K No I, OltfUiiN CITY rATUIArT CIIAI. I I MCI. It M-ia second ami fourth Tuesday evenings tlx) al kullli ul l',tlilai hall J rim lira, la T pamtaa. Hwrriarjr. ANDRK HuKKK llilm. No. t. MIlN or IIKHMANN. Meets every etiuday at I o'clock p n al Truleth Hall, raeo UtKanauaa, Pres. ai aaar HR11.1.1N0, Hrr t 1TALITIN liKANtIK, No III, I. ol II. " Htm aat Saturday ol aach mouth al tlialr hall In Wileoiivlll. II. U. Hsuav. Mtaa Nana Hmar, Kw'ji. Maatar, VYAHNKK IIMANilK. No. 117. f ol II. Uaot fourth Haiiu.laj ol aarli mnnlli. al thalr hall IU c Kra. 1. t'aat i. Maalar r. t:. Ma.l., ll. Wa. Hl'TI'R ntKHi IIKANtIK, No. al, I', ol It. Uhii at thalr hall In Uarniiam, iMHtni) Hal in, I. if In aarh utKiiih al IV a. m. Vlallliif ntrml'oraalwava nalmime. i, K JAl K. J. H. WHITE. Harralara Maalar. MOI.AI.I.A UKANl.K. NO. 40, f ol II MH-ia al llirlr hall al Wrlrhl'a Hrlilia on lha inrnul Haiui.lay ,, aarh mouth at 10 a. hi follow uroioara ma, la aalruma. Hai aiH amllt. Naalar. N II I'aamiL. . OAVKI. HIHIK. NO. 44, A O. V. W Maotaavaijr Thurla cvoiilnt at Knlaht'a ball, taiiby. Vlalilua brnthrra matte walrmua. W M. HMAaa. W. al. W II (laianii. hvir,rr. t'LAt'K AMAH Lol'i.K. Na A 0. V W. Mivia Drat and thlnl at,,n,1r In aarh month, al niraiihra Hall VUlUm brrilicru aalimaia. II. . UiaaoN, U V. Juaaa. ha. M. W kalmVity iliixitt or a o I1. w Mawia avarr awiiuit ami li.tirtb rrlilar aran Ina ul awh m,inili In ixlil Krllnwa' biillillm. All aiijmirmui brailiran rnu,lia)lr Inrlinl to al tn,l. IA. WIl.klNNON. M W. AC'IIII.I.Ka l.'ilH.K. NO. 1M. K or I. Maria rrarr Milar nthl at tha X. ol f. hall. Vlalilua Klillil iiivIIihI. K. M. KNPa, C. C. J K HMin.aa, K. ol It ami H. HT JulIN g HIUNt'll. Ni). 7, I'. K ol A Mrata rvary luraitay rvrniuf at thalr hall ouriirr Main ami Ti'iilh Hiriwta. orrimi I'Iit K J Mi Kman t.Har'y. T. W. Ht'LUt . Vma NKW KMA W. C T. V. Mrata Aral HatiiMay In rarh month at tlialr hall III Now bra. fllrmla ul thrranao art lu vl i-l to ha iimt'iit Una Ca JoHNauN, Maa Kawtman, I'rralilrnl. CANIIY Lol'ilK, NO Col. I O. O. T. Mrrtarrrry HaltinlayrvruliiK al Knlfht'a hall Canity Ylalllni miMiilwra alwaya nia,l wi'l noma. tt Miil BMANK, W, C. T. li J Cm Hw MKAUK KKI.IKr COKPH, No, la, HKI'AKT- UK NT Of OKKtiON. Mra M. A. Hiuart, I'mahlrnt Mra. r. I. CiK-hrana, - Troaanrrr. Mra J. II. Ilar,llli, - llMrrlary. Mma on Drat anil third rrlilaya ol rai'h month In t'oiiiiull ( liamhrr. Mrmlirra ol oir,a Irom ahriiail. oonllally wrlromril. COM'MIIIA lliitlK AND l.AIUIKK CO. Mrrla flrat Krl.tay of taih month at fountain ruaMiia bmiaa. Ciua. Atihv, I'ri'a, V H. I'N.uiw, Ititc'r. CMA HiT. F'rnt POI'NTAIN 1IOHK CO No 1 Krrular nirellnt, arcotid Wrdnraday In aarh Bioiilh al rinilne hnuar, raal alda Main Iraal, brlwrru Hv-vrnih ami Klithth 1 A kkkm ah, Hrn'y. I.ani (UaiiHIia, I'rea Kn. NTiiH. Korrman. CATAHACT HOMK CO. No. I Mri'ta aiHiiind Tumlay ol rach monlh at Cat ran Kmlna honat. W II. Iluwai.i., I'rra. U. II. IHaTiiw, Hrc'y J. W. O'1'uHHli.b, r'rn. HUNS Or VKTKKANH. K.D. ltakrr Camp, No. I. ninrU r'.ry flrat ml tnlrd Thiirailay evrnlni of rarh month K. K. WiLl.iAHa, l apt. Kom.a Wihiu lal l.lrut C, A. II x an an, Jr. MMut r COMPANY, riKHT KKUIMKNT.O.N. 0. Armory, Third and Main. Kngnlar drill nlelit, Monday. Hi'iiular luialucaa mcrllug, Aral Monday ol aacs month. urru aa. K 1 Warran, - Captain J. W.(laniiii. - - flrat l.liniianant T, P. Kan, lull, Rcoond l.lrntpiiwiit Sunday Services. riH8TC()N(IHK(IATIONAI.Cllt'RUll.-Hv. O W. Liu ab, 1'aalor. Horvlroa at 11 A. u. anil 7.80 r H. Hunilay HcIhmiI attor mornluaj aur Tli', Piayar martlnf Wodnoaday avcninx at 7 -no o.oloi'k. Pmyur iimiitlnit ol Yonnii People.a Hui'loty of Chrlailan Kudeavor every Uuuday ereuiiiK aU;(K)preiiipt. KIHHT BAI'TIHT CHUKCH.-Uict. Gti.M AH Pahkicii Pnalur Morning Hurvloa at ll:Hiiiiilay HobiHil at W-lfij KvoiiIiir Hervloe :iW; Ki'ituUr prayer meallUK Wediicailay evolilnn. Monthly Covenant MretliiK evory YYoilneaday evening proreillng the tlral Miiuilay In the month. A oorulal luvllallon to all. 8T. JOIIN'B CIIIIKCIC, 0ATIIOM0. Rv. A. Hil.l.ltHKANli, Paa'.ur. On HiindnymaaaatHanil 10 HO a. H. Kvory aenuuil and fiiurtli Hiiniluy (lurinan iermon aller the ooliwk miiHa. At all ollmr inanaea Kngllah anrniiina, Hunilay Hi'honl at i:H0 t, M, Veapora, anologetlcal aulijuoti, and Ueneillollon at 7:H0r. H. MKTIIOl'lHT KIMSCOI'AL CIUIHCII.-RKV Knw. Oittknh, I'aator. Morning aorvlee at 11; Hiinday HohnoUt 12:15; Kv -.Ingaorvloe 17;U0. Kpworth l,egiit meettu 'Inudiiy ovenlnir at il:So; Prayer Meellnt I h.ira.lay evunlng l 8:110. trangeri oonllally Invited. FIHHT PHKH1IYTKBIAN CHUUCH.-RiV. O. W. OiBONgv, Paalor, Horvioea at 11 A. M. and 7110 r. H. Habbalh Bidiool al ID A. M. Young People'a Hoololy of Chrlallau Endeavor mueta 1 evory Hunilay evening at 6:80. Wednesday evening prayer moellng at 7:80. Benta Iree. EVANWT.UCALCHHHCIl-Kiivorond AiioniiT EknT, ol the KvaiigelUial Aaaoolatlou, will hold mirvloea at l',ipi,' hall every Hunilay at 11 A. M . Ooriuau Hablmtii aehuul every Buinluy at 10 A.M. IINITKI) llltKTIIRUN CIIUROII.-Kev. R. Mim.kh, pnalur. Horvioca flrat and third Sunday lu eaoh miiiilh at Miiplo Lane, nt 11 o'clock a. m. : aoeoiid Buniliiy at Mountain Homo at 11 o'olock a. m i (mirth Hiinilay at Harmony aclmol hoiiae al 11 a. in. Oilier appolutmouU auuouuced from time to time liDUCATIONA!. Dl.PAKTMKNT. II v (imiiiiiK L, Hthhy. THAI IIINII AH A rilirKHHllN, An eurniMt (iirurt U IwIiik iimilu in many mrU ol tliti county to put toui'liliin Hh) h iru(iianiiiiul IiuhIh. Tlio aulijnct Iiiih I ion n iJIm'iiHHniJ a (jrunt dual in the (mat, bill roiilly curniiHt work will Im nm'OHHary to i'iiuiili'lo nin'cuaa. Tliu quealluii arlana, Wliat am llm niHtmnaiy iiittlllli'alloin u( a tiriili'HHlinial ti'Ui:liur? K iliiloiiialruiii a iiorinat achoot lagnn rally nn'uuulr,ml aa tint IiihIkiiI ol pro (niuiloiml Inlluwalilji, but it la.lianlly tbo ourroi t liaala to Iu'Ik" (rom. A (Miraon may liaye a diploma ami ytit ba a mure tlrunn in tli lliilil of achool work. W'liat tlitt Mtalri iliitiiaiiila tiarnuat. eni rontiu ti'ai'lnTa loai'lnTe who am aiiibUiuiia to ailvanro. ami wbo will never loae an of Mirtunlly to aanint 111 the K"""ru' VMiii'oineiit of wlicxtl work, not only in tlielr own nuiinly ami atale, but In the whole nation if linodlie, The tpieatlon la a national one, and hotild b earn ally aiiilaled throtiKliotit the whole coun try, UHn the thorouKlmuaa o( Uacl inx ili''ii(l tlie chamclur of the nation. Titer li need of carneat work In Una line in Claikiiinaa county. The rlnlit way I to advanrn alep hy alep. The third iirade teacher ulioiild ficl like a bright pupil In the third reader ambi I ion at to he In the next claaa. There have been teacher content to bold a thirl Krade cerlillcate, their hllift am bition U'Iiik to barely pieeae into the rank, and rarely have they ever been known to do any elTectlve flhtiiiK. They alayeil away from teacher' meet i f t Ixi'itiiiM) lliey wore afraid they mi(ht lie called upon to take part In the exer i'iiHa; but tlianki to our leglalatiiie they lima! now put forth an effort to a higher grade of ti'ui'liin or olae drop out of the rank. Such teacher are like a llnu'er IxHtrd at thecroa road pointing tlieir pupil to progTiiiR, but making none themaelvea, Kvery teaclier in Clackamaa couiily abould endeavor to attend evo'y meet ing of the Teacher' aa(M:lation. They ahould h ili'Uiriiiin! to do all In their power to make it a nieana of light to ev ery achool in the county. A feeling of profoaaional pride ebotild iermeale the whole body of teacher. The achool of Clitckamaa county can l placed in the front rank if tlie leacber will only take hold of the work In real earneat. A de termination to advance, hearty co-operation among teacher, and a feeling of pride in achool work will do much to ward planing teaching uuon a profua aional haaia. ponrrioN IN WHiriNo. "The aupreme rotinael of hygiene of Auatria ha been angaged in iliac uaaing the advantage ot erect a comiiared with alanting writing and tlie olllcial reiort of lira. Von Heuaa, and Loretu point in favor of the former. According to the lomlnn Educational Time, they point out that the direction of the writ ten character ha a marked influence on the position of the body. In atntight writing the acholar face hla work and is pared the twiat of tlie h'nly and neck, which la alwiya. ohmrvahI in thoae who write aluiilaim), and one common cituao of Hniiml curvature la thus obviated. The ert;t method la therefore expressly recommend ml for uno in achool in preforunuo to the ordinary sloping line. TXMI'KHAXCI THAI. HIND IN Til SCIIOOl.1. Thirty-four state have, inco 1K81 en acted law relative to the teaching the tbo effects of alcohol and narcotics on the human system, in their public schools. A national law waa enacted in 1SSU cov ering all the ten territories, tha District of Columbia, and all the naval, military and other schools under federal control. Vermont legislated upon this important subject in IS82, and the following i the order in which the other states have panned inch acta: Michigan and Mew Hampshire in 18H3; New York and lihode Island in IBM; Alabama, Knn sns, Missouri, Nebraska, Oregon, Ne vada, Maine, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts in 1SK5; Iowa, Mary land and Connecticut in 188(1; Went Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, Califor nia and Delaware in 1887; Ohio, and Louisiana In 1888 ; Floilila and Illinois in 1880 ; Washington, Montana, Virginia, North Dakota, Georgia and South Dakota iti 1890; and North Carolina in 181)1. Anti-tobacco law forbidding Its sale or gift to minors have been passed in thirty one states and the District of Columbia. The ago varies from fourteen to twenty one. The cause of temperance will have gained a great advantage when all tbo public schools of the country have been enllBted in It 8 service. NOTKB, Mr. llankins closes, his school on the MohtUa noxt Friday. The entortaininont given by Miss Main power at the close of her school was a decided snccons. She has given such goneral satisfaction, that the directors have continued hor in the school. School officers need no longer complain for want of registers and record books as Superintendent Thomson has just re ceived a large supply from the state printer. Next Saturday the Teachers' associa tion will meet at Canby. Evory teacher in the county should ondoavor to be there. An interesting program lias been prepared, and a gonoral good time ia anticipated. For Women Who tuRnr (mm nnrvciie arm phyalral rtulill Hy ureal Iwlf ) found In takln Aynr't Mar aaiirllla. It proilnee III rapid efliiut of a annuitant, without III lujurloua reaction Unit follow Hie win of Mniulant. The re sult ol Ukln tlila medicine la a permanent Inrreaae of Ireiigtli and vigor, both ol mlud and body, "I fliiii Ayer'HarprlllaJutwht I have needed for a Ioiik tlliw. 1 have tried illtterrjiil tneili:liiea or toulna, but never found a cure until I innil tlila. My trouble haa been a low tale ol tlie blood, raiialug (aim lurna." lii O'Connor, till Vernon at., Boaton, Maa. " I have been a vlelliir lor tha paat two ?'eri ul ni'iirral wraknea with lurna ol alutlng. Have tried varloui remedlea, but with little rellrl till I uaed Ajrer'i Hareapf, rllla. Home alt month alnee I beisn to um tlila remedy, and am greatly liein-nted." Mlai K. K. White, Homenrllle, Maa. "Thla li to certify Uiat I have been ualng Ayer'a Haraaparllla for aome time, and II ba done me a world ol ood. II haa cured my headache, cleared my blood, and helped DM) III (very way, and I am determined to um It II o long aa I need h a medicine." Mr. Tad, IM Flrat alreel, Lowell, Maa. Ayer'sSarsaparilla Or. J. C. AYER It CO., Lowtll, Matt. Held by Pru,lau. l,alitl. Wertataaboul. II I'.ui aitirup frmn anw t. ir,. , ,n calmed by impure blixxl audi a scrofula aau riieiini, eorea, inula, pimpii-a, u t ter, riiivwiirm. take Dr. J. II. McU-an'a Sarsaparilla. If you itiirnr prickiriK pain on moving the eyra, or cannot bear bright liglit and llnd ymr ailit weuk and failing, you should promptly line Dr. Mcln's hlrengthnning Kye Halve. "6 tent a llOX. There are lime alien a feeling of litaHitinlo will overcome the most robust, when the system crave for pure blood, tofurniah the element of health ami Htronxth. The beat ietne.lv for purfying the blood it Dr. J. 11. Mclan'a Sar Raparilla. Cauho Mills, Texas, June IS, 181)1. Kroin niv own eroiial knowledge. I can recommend C'hamlierlain' Colic, ( holer and Diarrhoea Kemedy for i rainpa in the alomach, also lor tliarr In, and flux It i the best medi cine I have ever seen una, I and tlie liest wdling, aa it alnygivea satixfaction. A. K Skerrill. Vt and &0 cent bottle for sale bv U A. Harding. For diarrhoea or sum mtr complaint in any form, there i nothing lie iter than Chamtierluin' Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Kemedy, Mr. Nancy Kerry, of Adams, Lawrence county, Kentucky, any one done of it cured her of an at tack of dimrhoea. Two or three tloec will cure any ordinary case. When re duced with water it la tileaeant to take. 25 and 60 cent bottle for tale by Ueo. A. Hurtling. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a reliable remedy for bowel complaint. It la almoat certain to le needed, and no family can afford to tie without it. It coal but a trifle and nmy lie the mean of saving .much sorTcring, if nut life. There are many tlilleret'l reiimlire In ue, hut t liainlH-r-I sin's Coli'j, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy is undoubtedly the U-st. "5 and Mi cent bottle for sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. The following trunk statement lrom J. K. Hare, of Trenton, Texas, will le of interest to many of our ciitsens. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhira. We used vari ous medicine, also called in two doctors, I ut nullum: done him any good until we tixed Cliamlierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diurrhiea Kemedy, which gave immedi ate relief ami soon cured him. 1 con sider it the heat medicine made and can conscientiously recomiiied it to all who need a tliitrrlni'a or colic medicine.' Kor sale by (ieo. A. Harding, druggist. A Wiseman's Advice. Wisdom cries alonp and savs, "How long, oh ye sons ol toil, will ve neglect to visit the Second-hand and Notion store where you can get more good for a dol lar t liuit anywhere else in town?" Tins, 2 paiiers, 5c. ; needles. 2 paiers, 5c. ; sMKns. per sot, 5c. ; 10 quart dish pans, 20. Opposite postoflice. Hucklen's Arnica Salve. The Heat Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hundu, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sutislaction, or money relunUeu. Price 25 cents er box. For sale by G A. Harding. A Successful Worker. Work cannot be successfully con tinned unless there is an active mental IntnruMt in it If the mind is not cleur. brigiit and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Revealed Renioilv will tint tllA hmlv nml llitnil ill such harmony that tlie hardest tasks will seem play. Mr n n tied take' QUARTER ker county, ore-n n gon, nr what VJ I it la now Baker City, ' PFNTHRV a man who haa aince VsLJ 1 I U 11 1 become identified with the reaourcea and n " A develonment ofthat country. Thla man AVjVJ la no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wcalthieat and moat iutluenllal ctliaena in ine county. In a recent letter he aaya ! " I had been aiiflprlnr from naina In mv back and general kid ney complaint for aome time, and had uaed many remedlea witheut any but temporary relief. The pnlna In my back had become ao severe t hat I waa prevented from attending to my work and could not more about without the uae of a cane. Ilear tno throuirh a friend, of the wonderful cure ef fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I waa induced to try a box, and Irom that very nrat aoae 1 rouno. innani relief, and befoae ualng half the contcnta of the box the palm in niyback entirely diaappearea. i hive ererv fnlth in the virtue ef the Oregon KWne Tea. and can conscientiously recommend It to my frieuda. I would not be without it for anything," Ortiroa Kidney Tea cure backache, tncontw nence of urine, brick dust aediment, burning or painful sensation while urinating, and all affee- Uous ot tne amucyor uiMiBiyuinnuiw, FOR SALS BY CHARMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. A l.ltlle (ilrl Kperleitrc III n Liglit- II Oil HI', Mr. and Mr. I.nn.n TpMH'i.if art. kwpnrs of the Gov. Lighthouse at lleai'll. Mich., uiul are hlt-iunil with a dittiiihhir, four year old. l.ut April alie wa liikeii down with Meaales, fol lowed with a dreadful Comih and turning Into a Fever. Ilnclitra at luima mid al Detroit lrent. ,1 l.r Imt I she grew worm- rapidly, until she wa a mere "handful of bone." Then he tried Dr. King' New Discovery and after the the iiiw of two and a hull lw,l- lln, waa complelely cured They say l)r. King't ew llnicovery I worth it weight in gold, yet you may get a trial holtle Iree at U.A. Harding' drug store. NOTICE FOlt PUMUCATIOH. Laud Office al Oregon City, Oregon. NiKlc li hereby (Ivan that the lulliiwlng namil aeiiler baa Sled notice f hla Intention to make dual rr,K,f In aii,,ri of hla claim, and that aalil tirnof will he made before the Kegla ter and Kacelver of the 1). H. Uud Ollice. at Oregon City. Oregon, on l),'nilr S, 1W1, vie: Charles T. Htokes, llomeatead Entry. No. iTfl. lor Ihe w of sec 1 1 r l II names the following wltneaaea to prove hla eoiitliiiioua reaiileuca unou and cultivation of. eald laud, vis: K S Hraiiih.ll, Una Klanner and W. A. Johuaton. ol Amea Y o . and Charlea ( haaa, of Sandy O., all of clarkamaa eouuty, uregoi.. t. I. Arriaeo. Hegiater. 10 ) 13-4 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION Land Office at Oregon City Oregon, Oct. X, 1a1 Nitlre la hereby given that the following uauied seller has Sled notice of hla intention to make Anal proof In auptHirtof hla ciaim, and tbalaaid proof Kill lie made before th Kegla ter and Receiver of tha I' H. Itnd Othce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Decembor t, VM, via: Atiguat Unge, Pre D. 8. No. 7a for th n 4 of see J 1 2 a rtta He names th (ollowlug wltnaeaes to prove his ouiitlnuoua realdence upon and eultlvation of. said laud, vis Martin Dyer, James Klll patrlrk and Joseph W. Keuna, of Handy. C'lark amaa county. Oregon, and Jorgen II. Peters, of Kaat Portland. Multnomah county, Oregon. JtiW.Lts J. T. ArraaaoK, Keglaier. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION Land Office at Oregon City, Ceton. OcL'JO, lwl. Notice Is hereby given that the following Damed settler has filed notice ol his Inteutlon to make final nronf In support ot hla claim, and that aald priMif will lie made before the Regis ter and Kecelver of the I'. B Land Omce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Iieeember . lS'il, vis: Martin Dyer, Pre. I. 8. No 7f7ft for th n M of sec S, 1 2 a. r;. He namea the following witnesses to prove hie continuous resldeuee upon and eultlvation ol, said land, vU: Jatnea Viupatrlek. August Lanxe and Joseph W. Kenna, ol Sandy, dack ainea county. Oregon, and Jurgen II. Pelera, of Kaat Pcrilaud, Mullu,,mah eouuty. Oregon. Ill 90 l: 4 J. T. ArrKKaoM, keg later. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Laud 091c at Oregon City, Oregon. Oct at, i wi. Nolle la hereby given that the following named aelller haa filed notice of hla intention to make final proof In eupportot his claim, and that said prim) will be made beforethe Keglater and Kecelver of ihe U. 8. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on December It, Mil, via: Lewis A. Freeman. Pre. D. 8 No TJS7, (or th a X ol see 14. 1 1 1 rue. He name th (ollowlug wltneaaea to prove hia eoutlnuous residence upon and cultivation of.aald land, vis: ueorge W Dukes, Yancr Dilkea. rred Rlechel and D. W. Parker, nil of Cherryviiie, Clackamas county. Oregon. 10SO.n l J. T. ArraaaoM, Keglster. NOTICE FOR PCBUCAT10N. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon, Oct S3, IM1. Notice Is hereby given that Ihe following named aelller has filed notice ol his intention to make final print In support o( hia claim, and that aaid proof will lie made belore the Keif la ter and Kecelver ol thai' 8. Laud Office, at Ore gon City, Oregon, on December Ut, via: James A. Bhtbley, llomeatead Entry, No 5910 (or the w S o(n w and u i, ot s w i-.. of sec , U s, t 4 e. He names Ihe (ollowlug witnes es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: 8 11. Kaney. Kdwin Bates, William Kandie and James Monury, all ol sprliiawater. Clackamas county. Oregon. 10-). 12 J. T. AregaoN, Keglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Uud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 23, lieJl. Notice la hereby given that the (ollowlng nsmed aelller ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prool will be made belore the Regis ter aad Receiver of the II. 8. Land office at Ore gou City, Oregon, on December 17, ldDl, vis: John T. Evans, Homestead Entry, Na (WJ, (or thee!o(nw aud n S of n e '4 of sea 10, 1 4 s, r 2 e He names the (ollowlug wltneaaea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: J K Lewis aud R. W. Grif fiths, ot Mulluo. J. Green, ol Oregou City and H, Huckner, of Mink, all of Clackimaa county, Oregon. J. T. ArrsRMis, Register. 10-90:12-4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon, Oct. 23, im. Notlc la hereby given that the (ollowlng named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in i upport of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the Regis ter and Receiver ol the V. 8. Land Office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on December 16. 1MH, vis: Edward D. McUee, Pre . D. S. No. 7441, (or the n w i; of sec S4, 1 5 a, rSe. Ho names th (ollowlug witnesses to prove hla oontlnuoua residence upon aud cultivation of, aald land, vis: Martin Shulsled, Andrew Samlngaeu. Albert Engl and Frant Erikseu, all ol Molalla, Clackamas county, Oregon. Jacob G. Bchrodt, who made homestead entry No. W.S7 Is especially requested to appear and offer whatever objection he may have to said proof, J. P, ArpiRsoK, Register. 10-30:12-4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 28, 1S81. Notice ta hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her internum to make final proof In support of her claim, and that aaid proot will be made belore th Regis tor and Receiver o( the V. 8, Land Office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on December 23, 1SS1 via: Elv Coppock, sole heir of Hannah Coppock, deceased, Home stead Entry No, 6288, (or the n H of s a of seo 94, to a, r'ie. She names the (ollowlug witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, via: Martin Bnylesaud Nellie Boylcs, ol Soda Sprluss, Scott Carter and Pelrce Miller, of Molalla, all of Clackamas county, Oregon. J. T. Aitsrson, Register. 10-90:12-4 NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Oflloe at Oregon City Oregon, Oct 2t, 1S91. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hla claim, and that said prool will be made belore the Regis ter aud Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on December 22, 1S91, via: E. Bradford, Pre. I). 8. No. 6095, (or tha e M of sec 34, 1 1 a, r6e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of. said land, via: Samuel Painter, o( Brower P. O. Multnomah county, Oregon, Wm. II. Gard ner, of Latourell Falls, Multnomah county, Oregon, Vi m. F. Grayham and Wm. A. Johusou, ol Ames, Clackamas eountv, Oregon. 10-90:12-4 J. T. ArrtsoN, Register. Nio JVIore NO MOKE USE We have now on band a complete line of Children', Youths', Koyi' and Misses' floe Calf Unlined Shoe that we guarantee In every particular, Th shoes are made very neat and are perfect fitters. The children's and misses' are in spring heel, the youtht' and boy' in heel, Children can wear these shoe all winter long WITHOUT Rubbers, and yet have DRY Feet, These shoes are entirely ont of the regular line of school shoe. Parent f buy these shoes for your children, and tave doctor bill. We will have, in about ten day, a full tine of the above shoe in ladies' sizes in button. OREGON CITY SHOE HOUSE, Hawk Illx-k, Oregon Oily, Oregon. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special sizes of Doors and Windows Estimates for Stair Furnished on application. Builders, is not of the best, and our prices as on application. Factory, Cor. Main and CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice la hereby given, that by virtue ol a warrant iaaued oy the recorder ol the city of Mellwood, torn directed, dated the 16th day of September A. D , lnvl, and against Mra, I. N. Gilbert, commanding me to levy upon lot 12 A la, block 4.1. Meuwooa, in i:irsmaa county. Oregon, and collect the aaaeaameut due thereen amounting to the aum of one dollar and twenty cents lor the gentral and special tax, 1 bare this day levied upon said above de scribed property, and on Nov. Uth at o'clock p m. of aaid day. In front of me City Hall, In aald city ofaellwood, county ol Mult nomah and state ol Oregon, will sell aaid pro perty to the highest bidder therefor, to pay aaid aaaeaameut. together with costs and expenses of sale. bald sale to be (or U. 8. gold and stiver coin. A. Degendorfer. City Marshal Sell wood, Oregon. October 10 161. ( ITT MAR8HAL SALE. Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of warrant issued by the recorder ot the elty of Sellwood. to me directed, dated the 16th day of September, A. D. 1m)1. and against O. L. Read, commanding me to levy a poo Iota 12 A 13, block 4.1, Sellwood. in Clackamas county. Oregon, and collect the aaaeaament due thereon, amounting to the aum of on dollar, lor the general and special tax. I have this day levied open aaid above de scribed property, and on Nov. Uth, liDL at 2 o'clock p m. o( said day. in front of the City Hall, in said city ol Sellwood,ounty ol Mult nomah aud state of Oregon, will sell aaid pro perty to highest bidder therefor, to pay aaid aaaeaamen, together with costs and expenses of Bale. Said sale to be (or U. 8. gold and silver coin. A Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 18U1. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtu of Warrant Issued by tlie Recorder o( the City ot Sellwood, to me directed, dated the 16th day of September, A D. 191. and against J. E Hays, commanding me to levy upon lot 8, block 40, Sellwood. in ( lackamss county, Oregon, and collect the aaaeaameut due thereon, amounting lo the aum of sixty cents (or the general and special tax, I have this day levied upon aaid above de scribed property, aud on November 11th. 1W)1, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, in from of the Cltv Hall, in aaid City of Sellwood, County of Multnomah and 8tate of Oregon, will sell said property to highest bidder therelor, to pay said assessment, together, with cost and expenses of sale. Said sale to be (or U. S. gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood. Oregon, October 10, 1D1. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue o( Warrant Issued bv the Recorder o( the City of Sellwood. to me directed, dated the 16th dc.y ol September. A. D. 1M1, and against Stella H. Woods, oommaudiug me to levy upon lot 6, block 42, Sellwood, in Clackamas county, Ore gou. and collect tne assessment due thereon, amounting to the sum of sixty cents, lor the general aud special tax, 1 have this day levied upon said above de scribed property, and on November Uth, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. ni. ol said day, in Iront ol the City Hall, in aaid City o( Sellwood, County o( Multnomah aud Stale ol Oregon, will sell said property to highest bidder therelor, to pay said assessment, together with costs aud expense of sale. Said sal to be for U 8 gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal, Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 18S1. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notlo la hereby given, that by virtue ol Warrant issued by the Recorder o( the City ot Sellwood. to me directed, dated the 16th day of September. A.D. 1SD1, aud against Mra. I. N. Gil bert, commanding me to levy upon lots 10 and II, block 84, Sellwood, in Clackamas county, Oregou, and collect the assessment due thereon, amounting to the sum ol one dollar (or the gen eral and special tax, I have this day levied upon aald above de scribed property, aud on November Uth. 1891, at 2 o'clock p m. of said day in Iront of the City Hall, In said City of Sellwood, County ol Multnomah and State of Oregon, will sell said property to highest bidder therelor, to pay aaid assessment, together wilh costs and expenses Said sale to be for II. 8. gold and silver ooln. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon, October 10. 1891. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue ol t warreut issued by the recorder o( the city ol Sellwood, to me directed, dated the 16th day of September A, D. 181, and against Mra. I.N Gilbert commanding me to levy upn lot 17 A 18, block 81, Sellwood, Clackamas county Ore gon, and oollect the assessment due thereon, ainouutiug to the sum ol one dollar, tor the general aud special tax, I have this day levied upon said abov de scribed property, and on Nov. Uth, 1891, at 9 o'clock p. in. of said day, in (rout ol the City Hall, iu said city of 8ellwood, oounty o( Mult nomah aud state of Oregon, will sell said pro perty to highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, together with costs and expenses of sale. Said sail to be (or U. 8. gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon, Ootobdr 10, 1891. Unsuspected disorders of the kidneys are responsible for many of the ordinary ailments of humanity which neglected, develop into a serious and perhaps fatal malady . Ex peri nee would suggest the nse of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Fldney Balm. Wet Feet I FOK M15BERS. made to order. Turning of all kinds Work and Store Fronts give us a call, and see if our work low as the lowest. Price List sent Uth Sts., Oregon City. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of s Warrant issued by the Recorder o( the City of Sellwood. to me directed, dated the Uth day of September, A D. 11, and against J. Grenzer, commanding me to levy upon lot 17, block 61. Sellwood. in Clackamas county, Oregon, and collect the aaaeaament due thereon, amounting to the sum ol Ally cents, lor th general and special tax. I have this day levied upon aaid above de scribed property, and on November Uth, 1KV1. at 2 o'clock p. m ol said day, in Iront ol th City Hall, In said City of 8 11 wood. County of Multnomah and Slate of Oregon, will aeU said property to highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, together with cost and expense of sale. Said sale to be for U. 8 gold and silver eoln. A. DioisDoarxa. City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon. October lu, 18S1. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notic la hereby given. .that by TlrtM of Warrant Issued by the Recorder ol the City of Sellwood, to me directed, dated th 16th day of September, A D. 1891, and against Andrew An derson, commanding me to levy upon lota 1 and block 4Z Sellwood, in Clackamas county, Ore gon, and collect the assessment due thereon, amounting to the sum of one dollar and twenty cents (or the general and special tax. I hav this day levied upon aaid above de scribed property, and on November Uth, 1891. at 2 o'clock p. m. ol said day, in (ront of lha City Hall, in aaid City of Sellwood. County of Multnomah and State of Oregon, will sell aald property to highest bidder therefor, to pay aaid assessment, together with costs and expense of sale Said sale to be (or U. 8. gold and silver coin. A. uegenaorier. city jtarsnaL Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 191, CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue o( Warrant issued bv tne Recorder ol the City of Sellwood, to me ('irected, dated the 16th day ot September. A.D. 191, and against John Parrot, commanding me to levy upon lot IS In block 62, Sellwood, in Clackamas county, Oregon, and collect the assessment due Uiereon, amounting to the sum ol fifty cents lor the general and special tax, I have this day levied upon said above de scribed property, and on November Uth, 1891. at 1 o'clock p. a. of said day. in (rout of the City Hall, in said City of Sellwood, County of Multnomah and State ol Oregon, will sell said property lo highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, together with costs and expense of sale. Said sale to be lor U, 8 gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon. October 10, 1691. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice is hereby liven, that bv virtue of Warrant, issued by she Recorder ol the City of Sellwood, to me directed, dated the 16th day of September, A.D. 1891, and against Louis T rum mer, commanding me to levy upon lota IS and li block 42. Sellwood. In Clackamas county. Oregon, and collect the assessment due thereon amounting to the sum ol two dollars and sev enty cents, lor the general and special tax, i nave tnis a ay levieu noon saia aoow oe acrlhed TiroDertv. and on November Uth. 189L at 2 o'clock p. m. ol aald day, in Iront ol the city nan, in saia my oi aeiiwooa, vouuiy ok Multnomah aad State ol Oregon, will sell said property to highest bidder therefor, to pay aaid assessment, together with costa and expense ol ssle. Said sale to be lor u. 8. gold ana silver coin, A. Degendorfer, City Marshal Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 1891. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that bv virtue ot a Warrant Issued by the Kecorder of the City of Sellwood, to me directed, dated the 16th day of September, A.D. 1891, and against Thomas Will son, commanding me to levy upon lot 8, block 42, Sellwood, in Clackamas county, Oregon, and collect th assestment due thereon, amounting to the sum ol sixty cents, for the general and special tax, I have this day levied upon said above de scribed property, and on November ll'.h, 1891. at 1 o'clock p. m. ol said day, In Iront ol the Cltv Hall. In said City o( Sellwood, County of Multnomah and State of Oregon, will sell said property to highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, together with costs and expense ot saie. Said sale to be for U 8. gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 1801. CITY MARSHAL SALE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue ot Va.w,l laaMoit Ktr lha RMVinlftr nl tha City of Sellwood, to me directed, dated the ...rl j j? c... i A n torn lotll unv Ul oepieiuucr, .a. a'., ioi, aim against "Mary Hampton, commanding me to lew upon lot 9, block 45, Sellwood, in UiacKanias uo., uregon, nnu cuiieci me assessment due thereon, amounting to the sum of fifty cents for the general and special It ax, I have this day levied upon said above described property, and on Nov. 11th, 1891, ailSO ClOCK p. m. Ol saiu uay, in iruub ui the City Hall, m said City of Sellwood, Countv of Multnomah and State of Qre gon, will sell said property to highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, together with costs and expenses of gale. Said sale to be for U. 8. gold and silver coin. A. Degendorfer, City Marshal. Sellwood, Oregon, October 10, 1891. If you feel "out of sorts" cross and peevish take Dr, McLean's Sarsapa rilla; cheerfulness will return and Ufa will acquire new xest.