, m. I foStUltri , 'W III at H J m, l,m. iw. s. ,,f All"li -H Ma il"p at ,n I UV lllh"rirn.'i I I'm m. i .... ffl IVli) i'iuv.1 i ,1V, ,,i ,hl"" M. minus !l I ,. . ' I "Nil HI,, ,t.,.l 11.. ... , i ''' HW'K WllHIII U IllltWm HV I Hilt !'"'"". M::K;;!;;;;,,y1:::;ii:::''ll,ir"'1'1' I ' I'll 1 1 i m i (liimY, hKii-i:.Miii.n r,, imui """"I I"' Hun I',,,,,,!..,,. .u i , ; " "I't'llliiKM, milii'llnniKl ,y luiul llltl..,,,,,,, l, ,.,.. ........ '. .1fit.K, H.i,H ljiir.ruiL r.-iit(irf '" im.i. Ti,,.i. "i h,J! i Tv:r,,,M" "H"""' "Ii""IiI,,h r,,,""1"" i i ihiiiii n,.,.i Hi.. M....I I 1 "lll,"',i't iiaimiH, whIiin ruin MHIMIl Mill II . rMEDULUS OF TIMK . I,u.. -H1MHIN TAI inr HH, AV ir HH'illl six -.M-U ,.tll B"l N II l '"' ii'""'"''1 ...nil .. nii, K.,.. SlSll"H.) i,..h '";. , 0la !" i"i'"l' """""" 0 V. T CO K NTKAMMIN uim TL..... .. i.l. i.i . --.-. i" in. hi ? .1 . . ! "'irnnr itlnmi iiB,,. , i,: I,, i... ' """" , i'U killml .,.. us I,,.,,,,, ,,11,,, , .nii,v w 'I'h.ii ir.irn h,( .'1HI1, ni-xl NlKuiniir m li . n u, ' l . in "I Cliiiu. y liiflilniiiK , ,1 "'"" !- Iliu i i" a m wa m. Hi l.H f.iHTHNU ' a in. Hi (l a m 'VI lai i in M III, 0 KJ . ui a.4." T riif I'urllaaJ 'lr. THK MM HI'llooi, mtk. I"'-. H.I (.,H.717,.t(ll,, t9 I'N'Imt l.omlloi,. tu v,,,,, ,,, , ,;uulilo iiri(((iriy in " ' """" ,Un "Ht.,fyUI,in 7 "'"""" "i. Uf .,, a,y,M ll.l.) wlt:Hi;iH7.) u,. wlil, (, ,,( llllllll Will v,H h hi IiimiI making h:',i7 r tiiiiiunl, whii li nllllll l Mlltf HI Ml, rni.,.1.. I ' u....v. Mv.. ...I , v,.r to .!, ,,nir ,1 lr 1 1 W inl. 'iillliill Tlrkrla J'rrr, lf"'U lh (Miiutiy itn'tmaiiu until "I k'ikla limn lint inniiiiU link "I trliMl, 'liamciii.U an. I WW la us ..... I.. I. .i -fi.w.iv i.ir inn "'uf liiuili llill 1 Nllii for n h'-uw, tl,. otliir tmiihinlN tlm nr.li.iaiy uli,,,,! M'lUHll 1'iirltii' ilir- IH'W ni limil Ih'Iiik (or tH M'iinaa (or tin. MlH-B tlm ill,,,.!,;,, ,,f gvll-tH ,i .1 I'll. In Mf Ji-.rv Htorn t j , ' '""'"i l-Woti) Dm ralalitHil, will I gUrl, jl, km. tu ' Uml Ikaly , ii, ,. li.rii.lKJiKaitu.nri,.,, cnjli'iitioi. .,iWi. 0 im.tuu, ......i. I "'""K uinonnm Nul iintin.l wurulhi. I"ll"iii(: Km Alkiliaon l.tuk Ih,iii,s i"' Tvlr mi, IWg ! alrm'ta fur i':.iai . l..i .. , i . ... . . i i 1 . . , , , , ,, ,,n oouiini'd ' ", hv lour! i p'.HI. JflliiiiMin m Ma,. j"iii.r.ju1 llu.. Ihi.h.,1,.,1 ,y ,.M,lli. Ill I'AI Tim t'n.ia , ni tlm Mtu VN. I.oula J ),., n , iliii r"MiiUiiiliij Hitiinna a J .iimiia'liin. , . HI. lay. I lil a tlm li I til -ml "" Ililfil t .til I. I..(r. .1 a ,. , i ..ii. -'"' lUlnUII h hn'k on N'H'Ml i J ,., of IVIk (or Itikn. ,, , ; ,f.,k north ..(.U ,-it, U-.i,,,. ,,H,v,r, ,., U,J.i.,IM oW ',:io,,,, -.i ... WWI ,l'- 11." MIIIHII ailll N:,Illk ',tt,l,l I... ll . t , . i1""' hv tlm ritv mn Nitimtin ' li l ilt In, idol' an, I ran a.i.l ., , ,. , ' , 'Uin in Ntvrnth (IrcKt l.iti.i Ilurrl- tU .,,,, I r.i.minlHK L,,, m, ,.lk tMv (of (jr. i lillliii tiiI ilhl nut lorfiiiHjialK .,i,i.. i i... . .i... j . i. ,,. . . ... - ""n mm ii i i live I lie illalrlit h fh.iiw n .urt-liNiiif out nitht iii'l at Inn ini Iiiiih give Un l iitgi.iu Unilon. MiiK-toiitliN, more or lwt, of tlm prop eitV onini of tlmvnilrr fity nigiii.J t rliii.in to the ally rmuifil irylig lor mi imlrr vi-ling Hie ,.i.i yaj h-vt of till, lillhlii' a, ilium III ,m...li.... I'.,. I... 1 "", l",ll- !ih ...... ii,. v.,.t..,i ,;., .,i,i .ntin I.. Hi JO 1 uMjwlU,k ,,!,, ,v, , , iro. .4 1 tLnr . lint f.VA l !- y Mlllm ll,. .., ..,.. 'iWm lial ni-tually U-on ruh- (,i,i ti.i. 'hi . .. , I--' "i nuuiii inn me Hi. t.m..ny to tl.. d-c...... j j,,!,!,,,, o( ,1 gmluu ,0 ,e ,. ( tl. ll..gml ml-lKir.! t.r-jH..ml..ionMM.l.o.rm Uvor ofniv. kl rlMf, JllMim J'OIIU ain-! ,ll.,ll,. .l.n.J .li.l,l... I. . j " ' ..u... .IH CtHila j u,r ,,e ,ilute (ll iiinuKht o( tlm ilillii'iilty, tt M nI iifovml tint tlm Ji f,.i,ln,i u ll.it n. i-ti.il.l iiot hmn txnn - in any Mhlwry aa lie oaatoo . iii.I llirm waa fatnnim ilmilit I'u.inlinjliaiii'a having hmri It; anylKhly. Jl,i rcirltril Ma; tin1 railmay c iini'iny that i!r, ' III- I J.jliaa mi. latr.l the m io .u again.! I unnln j Umnl ,,..Har to have i,Ui .,lin li,r aa i-tliii( a portion ol that p.ihlic liaik Hill lliM mf.alil.illi.nulil ..f II.a Hitmu Tiia CmmiinriUcHooli. I , , , n. .... 1,. M . a, i. H,in o j m ,0 (M, j(l ot((ir lhg( .... iiirinr rvrn.ng , roi! nu'mia iur tv 1'evHig; tlm ; lemi.lition i,( hn ,-ity a hila j ' a tri'k ( (ha trin ha. I pnannl ! Uall...,.l - I . . . , ..,.iim in'iiaii iii m m rir i ti.- ,i : .1 ..i 1 .it... .... I , ... . . iiwinn-i mijniiuu lli(.-.i ,.- ,...,. ,, ,n ,,rlw- jnj( h( )M)1(, r m li(M)t . u "Y ""-' "-;tmt th dty Iink no right to vamlo iiMrllv a...., il n U ,,,,,,, ,rllst ,,, . ....irimuio... to '-'y)MlM,i)(tl),)l(lli(,illBa1It(, ,,,. "Hail ili.tiiitiiiniii. I iiil.-r tlm . . . ... . ..n... . , . . . i,.. i. i uarv iHnmuwiMniiiiig. jih'ihi'ihiiih ii atfvatnig hi-n- th eight t.-i ll-1 ,:,., .j( .n- I .U..I.I.. tl,.,,l,.Mr,ll,,rnmi,lN,rithlln( , d, IUH(lH Or wi ,wl) l' of natinfai iion. I-rim ipal ; , .... ,.... lf . HV H.vll.ll.. .... Vlll' -.lm.lu Mm a V may ho m'itU',1 In ita prnH.r 1 1 ma Jil.ll.'lal opinlnn will lir ao.iglit on lliin jHiint iM-iore th it ia con al.l. rv.l ili'ltititi-lv loittli'.l. agulimt ua- o NilviHul,!,, Biiiiinpt lj proilu.'e lllilfoiinlly. 1 Whni iii'liiilrn ia iiirnrml linlwiien two or inu. , mi,,,,,, (r il,,,;,,,,,,, r l'-lity, all mii,:Ihm,., ,y lonil nNiigo. Hmt hii u mml H,)ri)priiiio utl, tMiiluiiilima nIioiiIiI bis mlopitul. . Tint ioni,HNivii form nIhioIiI Iio avo....J wluiiiovi'i it chii bo iJoiid with out .liiatroyliiK tint cupliony of the name or changing Ita iliiM.riptivu appliimtion. U In all iiaiiitm unding In "buruli" tliellnal h alioiihl , .Iroi.niMl. 7. In ull iinmna ending In "borough" tliia titriniimlion uliould be abbrMVlnlod lo"boro." H. Tim wonl "wnior" aa a part of the name ahoulij ho aplM "centor" and not "(I'lllMI." U. The iia nf hyplmna In connecting mrl.a of coiiihiiiii1 iiumm alionhl lie ilia- I'ntllill.K'il. Kl. The lutti-ra C. II. (court houae) aa part of the iiumna of county anala ahouhl bn oinittcit. 11. In the cane of couiioiini iianina i-oiiaiHting of more than one wor4 it ia drairaiileUj aimplify tliimi by uniting the i.-ouiKiuiid prta. 12. It ia ilimirnhle to avoid the uoe of (lUciitii'Kl idiarai liira Hi. ll ia donirulilo to avoid tint une of tlm wunla city and town, aa a part of naiiiKN, Tint monotony of routine work til it y Ijb alleviati'il, ami nnicli good done by having a l,ort duily talk on words. The mi'imirig ol prvflxra and aulllxi'a and how word a a.v built ahuuld bu luuglit alrio. The following worda am givi-n aa mi I'lampln of the in.'tliod purmi,.,!. Curfew, I'roiu the FmncJi meaning to cover tip jour fire. A boll wan rung at fight o'.lix k, when the Kople were exjiected to rotiie. TanlT. l-'ioui Taiila.a Mooriali lortrWW hoiitbern Spain, wlmre tlm Moora uaed to li vy taxca on punning ahlpa. TaiilulixM. Kioiii Tautulua, who waa loumiMl lo Ik) conlinuallv in night of wator but waa nut allowed to touch It. Iahlia. From Ii.ihl, a Swede who first cultivated thia plant. liMitonan From ttentor a loud voiced Homeric orator. Siiiivre. From ilia Latin, mpuiiing without wax; that ia, furniture whoae do l ta were not concealed by filling with wax. Cornucopia. From the Latin worda cormi, ami copia, meaning a horn of plenty. The emblem of abundance. BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line o' criilidica A Co'", Priig Htoro, at C'hurmauH Tliiu.uiiHiid iiotiona hI bedrock priica at Jli lluiiiy ' Hwond-liHiid atore. III. in Hioim or lilun Vilrol 12 potinda lor lldil ut ( liiiriinin A Co. City J'rug him,' K. L, llolmnn I urn aonie nin'cliil hiugaina in cliuira and bfadNteada; alightly ilum igi'd but good ua now. tf , FANCY GROCER!! EEMILLIHMS Oregon City, Or. For burgiilna In aunh, doora and inoulilluga, go to It. Finlcy, kIkii back of l'opf' A fo'i. hutdware atore We have full line of Mule Km Hclioul Hoiim! alioca which nciiila no lecoinnnd Ing, aa they npcuk for themaelvea, Char iiiuii A Hon . It. L. Ilolmaii, undertaker ami ein balmcr, Oregorl Oily bank building, lion in ut left of head of ataira over atore building, ( You had better call on O'Connell and we hia i liwiiig pricea on iiminer cloth ing an I imdi.rwfHr, aa he is acllli'g at prici'a, that cunnot be tn-at. Call and examine HxrUriari'a fall and wuiler Nlmk of clothing arriving thia wei'k. Yon will get a barguin In uiiu from 7,()0 up. J. W. O't'oniwll the impular clothing irien liant Iihn juat received a large a'.ock of men' youth'n am! Iwiya clothing for the full and winter trade,' which he will mdl at pricia never beard of before in thiacily. II ighent price paid f .r produce at E. M. lliirtniKii'a .Murijuiiin atore, and loweat price for K'xxla of the aame tex ture of any plnce outaide of l'ortland. (ioldcn C B.igiir 2)Hi for $1. K. C. nugar 1HH (or f, tiranultttcd 15 Hi for $1 . Lounge, mult renwii. etc., can lie bought clmuir at lloliiiHii'a than anv place lit the city, liecaime they are manu factured in hia fhop, and he give hia cuHtomcia the comiiiiHHion others in.int pay lo Portland dealer, (( nhiiiitlml Iwo plan of relief. Ho divide the piiiiiary clam into une of which ihiiuld attend Urn n.orniiitf nul iI.m .ilnr in """'"i, lima permitting apart of 'y r-Kini to be uaeil by higher The other wa to employ an "Ikt and utiliia the principal' '"la" room. AfU-r dun con- o( the ijuuMtiun the former plan 'fiiiltiej upon. The primary ft l the leaat crowdml of any, '"Wilar fad, and by thia arrange- llit reliuf can be obtained I "io higher claam.ia w ill recite In room though the pupila are "IN inntudieaat all. Kli ! k,t,,. 1'oWKIt A'OHK ilUuictto Fall Klwtric Light A lny ia exUm.ling Ita break- ''lent a.iuthward from the power 10 Ul lu-rtil of the fall and " 'our feet Ut eight feet taller "icreime the volumeof water in '"Mil for navigation and tower 'I'D Improvement will cot flw company la nlrio aihling to ""'id with the nower Iioiimc ''"''ly recolvml lino IIOd-liorHH "i'maIh cI hi.iI two inure of the "I'wilv will anon iirrivn uml ' "- to mulch w ill iiccniii- m ll'lililiollN, public park, and that for the city to ailrrnndcr any uf It proKrly for tho i hencllt of tlie achool district, the lionn- darie of which are not co incident with llioae of the city, would be an injustice lo (he city. The opiKvlle contention I that the latute give the city council the right to vacate the atpmre and the county com niliHiionera an eijual right to dlNHirw of It; that the ite i. the incut eligihle of them all i and that tho public to be nerved if the property lie taken for achool purxiiica i practically the aame public a) would have It if it ahould be retained a a pnhlio park, and therefore no in jilHtlco would be wrought. And o tho matter rent at preHent. The council will probably act t It next meeting on the petition and the rime will then lie in shape for presentation in court. EDUCATIONAL Dlil'ARTMLNT. IW tiKOiiiix L. Stoiiy. ftn account of the dillicultics oxperen cud in the Hpellingof geographical nameg In the hydr.igmihii'ollice at WiiMhin Von, rn-Nidclit llnrrison Iuih nipointed n board of ten men wit'i l'rnf Mendenlmll . . . . .. i.i . i. .,11 .l,,..l,n'nl UN Cllltinill.il, IO Hlll.n i.i lucxtion conceniiiiK tho spi'llniff of geograpliiciil iiiiiiioh that nmy uriHO in the diil'crent ilcpiirtmi'iitH, nro to 1m sub mitted n h the Ktiindnid uutlmi ity. Tho hoiinl has adopted for its Riiido Hi rue on ' In delonniiiing the nllicml form of words Lust Friday streets went til. in. lliein K,"' ll(.- LUIUTH.. LtmpH on the '"f the Hist 1,1 them. ""'it the intersection of Third, 'Ninth, Klevchih, and '""."'i.i ii t the lop uf the blulf '" l ll'e lop of II"' Mull' "' ' '" I.'l i ;it lit- I put m ' I t...i .... i A uml '; '': ' ii;.' f.- t,..; .ii. !tI tho fnllowiiig rules. win. in Tin: Tluil t.clliiin I'MTI.I) hTATKS. 1 preuiiiici .1 M ! 11)1 ll. II.' ",1 V.'l .'.11,,., 'Hill 'It'll li 1 all. I lil ll.' ('Ill 'Hi' 111 ) of n . i. I I 1 - I'.lil;'' ' ' !' 1 .i.ii,t.tcil, ;iii-l rn. It ' mnliolH llilVO llCC'ilIIC iiil.li.'ilu I . ...i .....,;., ... ll I ... il id ii. t III n'iill ' II. Illll i.'.l HllVHH ..nj;!it lo tut I local ui-.'lit'. . ' , .l.,l,m,. of wild fruits, to attempt to restore tho ornjiuw I a1 ;il'le G. L. Mory will teach thn achool at Utgan beginning the Unit Monday in Oc tolier. Mis Fannie Andrcwi began a term of school in district U3, near Macksbunr. last Monday. Mr. Geo. H. Dunu wa down from I.atourelle Falls Sunday. Miss Juggiir w ill begin a term ol achool ut Wilsonville next Monday. Miss Aggie Thomson one of Clackamas county's most successful te.icl.era baa just returned from an extended visit to Iowa, and will again resume teaching here. School commenced at the Honerici school house, on the 1 Ith hint, witit Miss Mollie Hankins as teacher. The Clackamas public school opened last Mondity with l'rof. Gibson and Mrs. Stort as teachers. The regular monthly meeting of the Teacl.fr' Association will be held at Needy next Saturday. The IViuglaa county Teacher's Associ ation have decided to hold their meet ings quarterly hereafter. At the close of the Grant county institute, a committee of five wan ap pointed to formulute a method for grad ing all tho schools of the county. All of the universities of Canada are now own for the admission of women. There are 5,547 young men attending the university nt ltorlin, Of this number OS are Americans. The number of pupils of school age in Clackamas county is 6,414, and the number of teachors about one hundred. Tho n.imder of teachers in the public schools of the United States is according to the last census. 301,273, and the num ber of pupils 12,5t)5,8l4. Tho United States expends annually fl!W,000,000 for schools, or about f 10 for every person of school age, and 47,000 000 for its army, whilo Kurope expends only $l:'5,400,00O for schools, and the extraviigont sum of 81!),(XK),000 for armies. Among the important mutations dis- ensued by the International congress of geographer recently held at Home, Switzerland, were, tho primo meridian, a umvcrsui Hour, ami ruies tor mo spoil ing of geographical mimes. The party experienced great dilllculty and dancer iu crossing tho steep icy mountains, swift streams, uiul marshes on their journey.' The interior of Alaska which is sur romiiu'i! by nt.wd snoweappeil iinmiit ;:im;i':i :,U : i !',;, has I'eceni'y l.'i ol. c. ).!,. ,1 1 ' it. Clave, wl'o rei'dl -i a ...... su, . v. '.:'. ..Ih-y. of v.x.l Oxlcui j ,., IV m ,:: I;,.' ...ant. t' -uvUtttim. he (mtnil cnuiy deup, swiil Hotting Mmm, os well Miitplied will, dsn, iukI u Hep Men Take Notice. 25 pound of Brimstone for one dollar at Charmaii A Co.' City Drug Store. The Lust Call. All parties' Indebted to Matoon A Story, will save tbelnselvc further troul.lt' by calling and settling their ai counts. Must have the money, it is honestly due and we have waited long and patiently. Specialties. VEGETABLES. GREEN FRUITS. DRIED FRUITS. SALT FISH. TEA. COFFEE FLOUR. FEED. ' CANDIES. NUTS. ETC. ETC. ACENCY IMPERIAL EGG FQOD. Faney Groceries CANNED CHICKEN. LOBSTER. SHRIMP. CLAMS. CRABS. SOUP. OLIVE OIL. OLIVES A CAPERS CURRIE POWDER. ETC, ETC. MASON FRUIT JARS eXnteedtofitr" EXTRA CAPS AND RUBBERS. eneral lUlerciiandise ! HAMILTON & WASHBURN, Park Place, Oregon, Paper Mill Station. Groceries Boots Dry Goods A AND Cheap Shoes Hardware Cheapest. Specialty. Drugs. I'ubllc Auction at Harlow. I will sell at public auction. October 10, lB'.U, on one year's credit, with good approved security (except purchase amounting to lets than $10 00, for which cash mint be paid) the following des cribed properly i 1 J.I. Case Agitator Threshing Ma chine, with Woodberry mounted 10 horse power. 1 10-foot I lane Header. 1 Giant Chopper. 1 17-inch Straw Cutter. All the above nearly as good aa new. Also a large lot of agricultural imple ments, including slVef beam plows, wag ons, carriage and harnesses. Also,' four or five horses, one fine brood mare and colt, forty or fifty bead of cows, calves and steers, a Shorthorn bull, and other articles too numerous to mention. ' Wm. Barlow. w4t AT Ciilflllejs All Goods Best Quality, at Bed Rock Prices.- Before building your house get our price on NAILS, Locks, Window, Doors, Paints and Wall J'aper. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. ADDIT TO OREGON CITY. LOTS AND TRACTS On the west side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road, and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the uuspension bridge. Affords a splendid view of the river, Portland and the East side. This tract has been slashed and sown in grass. WD1 be sold cheap on easy terms. Apply to . J. TOMPKINS, OREGON CITY. PHARMACY. Squibbs & Merk's Chemicals, FOB I'KESCRII'TION WOKK, Superior In every way to tbe commercial Drugs commonly used. PATENT MEDICINES WE HAVE A COMPLETE UNE. PERFUME. WE KEEP AM. THE LEADING ODORS. I INQFFn fill NOW IS THE TIME TO uiroccu uil. buy on The lce considerably lower than usual. CAUFIEI.l) & HUNTLEY, Successors to E. Q. Csiiflctil. Sorenseii t & t Young ! o MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN- PLAIN and FINISHING LUMBER bir, Spruce and Cedar; also Laths, Pickets. Shin gles, fctc. Shipped to all points on the river or bv rail. T Mill situswd on Willamette river at mm Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong. Frio. Branch School : Capital Bus. Oollikik, Salera, Oregon. Sain. oourMa of stady, saw. raua of UiiUon. Business. Shorthand, 7ytwitiHf,Prnmami,mnd Engiisk Dtfnrtmemts A-!n amilon tnrourhout the Year. Student, admit. tod at any lima. C'ataioiru. from .liner school, frw. There set tled in Ha- A. L. CORNWALL'S NEW DRUG - STORE. Molalla, Oregon. 1)1' ltd;. 'V Ullt 1UW luil!lH. A LEU IX DRUGS, MEDICINES, NOTIONS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., ETC. Full Stock of Patent Medicines. '.'A'.i'ipHons iiii', 'fully cimiiouiul cil. Sloro in Poeitollice Huild ing. Agent for all lend ing newspapers. QUARTER ker county, Ore- nn n (ron, near what J I i I is now Bnker City, pCNTMDV a man who has since wdil 1 Uil I become identified with the resources aud TF f development of that country. Thia man AVlU is no other tlmu Mr. John Stewnrt, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in the county. In a recent letter he says : " I had been sutTering from pains in my back and general kid uey complaint for some time, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pains in my back hr.d become so severe that I was prevented from attending to my work And could not move about without the use of a cane. Hear ing, through n friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try a bor, and from that very tirt dose I found instant relief, and before using half the contents of the box the pains in my back entirely disappeared. I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon I Ki-itte.y Tt a, and eau conscientiously recommend j it tti v- fiieiuU, I v,oui l r.ot be without it for MWX : I. . -'.-. Aimiri.t, Inn rent I- voa sai.i; n v C1IA1UIAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. Friend of Woman. The very rrmnrkahle and certain relief given womankind by "Moore's Kevealed Kemeiiv' has won for it the name of Woman's Friend It is uniformly successful iu relieving their delicate ailments. Stands peerless as the natural remedy peenlarlv adapted to the wants of womankind. WHAT ONE LADY SAYS: ' Seattle, Jan. 20. lsyi. "I want you to publish my testimonial fur Moore's Revealed Kkmkdy, for it has beeu a grand thin for me, for it has cured me of head aches, from which I hive suffered whenever I bc'iimo chilled, for the hist Hitoen years; I have bu tiered perfect torture foi iwenty-'fonr hours at a time, sometimes rerehing for three hours with out any rest and unable toet help from any of the nnmtveiless remedies tried. S's' 1 ftsn free from ihiii si!i;i"rt!)i.'. ior at t ho lirt svn:i(,m of i-e ni iIp-,,. I :, n . ,.f '' o-.reV i-tc '.i.'MH'l t: u i-: the oi it ll il :rs ;t S .-.'. t".;vd ti" si i y: ; ,' Mi. y hllv fidiltii S:.V i.ll'J our friends to u u we MKS. JAM ICS GLKASON. Cor. Uth and Jackson Sis., SoatUe, W.ish. MT-For sale by all druggists. 11 ; I S. 11 f Is -v. 7 1 mf"XxftTM'r- imftt