Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 04, 1891, Image 8

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    II I II II I t 1
and so the weeks that they had fancied
would K Njvnt iu a soil of perpetual
picnic W'spm. So tlii i'.wiiiw of happy
Icimiiv hours, lon j invs up the river,
K'lii; lolls in tlio h.minnx-k ended, hut
(.;'!ik was heart mid soul with lior
fr.cud. and the fiir that she was mis
taken in Carlo gradually dhsl ay.iy.
She heard how IVlle's father, a rich
man at the time, had dismissed the
ynunjc Spanish artist how h had led
him to believe her betrothed to auothor.
She heard the whole lov story now
uch a pitiful thing mid she was a
daily witness of her friend's fruitless
eiforts to wove those in power. She
went to the governor herself to bog a
pardon or even a reprieve, but he had
proclaimed pardons too carelessly, hud
been blamct for it, and desired to re
trieve his errors. Perhaps he honestly
believed Curios a vile brute whom it
was best to banish from the earth. .
IsaWlle. meanwhile, went to the prison
every day. None knewuif her visits
save Fenn aial his wife and Gtsiie Mono.
Before hmg Genie was as thoroughly
convinced that the young artist was in
nocent as was her friend.
There, within the prison walls, the
two once more betrothed themselves,
and one day a new surprise awaited
trenie More. On their arrival at the
prison they found awaiting them a mild '
old priest,- evidently of Spanish birth. .
"V are to be married. Genie," Isj?
belle said, "Carlos and I. However this
may end 1 am his, and his only. I wish
to lie so in tbe sight of God. Besides, it
will be better, for many reasons."
They entered the cell together, Fenn
and his wife accompanying them. The
ceremony was performed.
"Adieu, my son," said the old priest
when he had nttered his blessing. "If
yon die. men murder an innocent man.
and a pure soul takes its flight to heaven.
Let this uphold you and your wife in the
great trial you may have to endure."
It was on that dav that Genie learned
that a plan had been devised for the
psi'.-itw nf C.nrlim from thp nris,in Ir u-h
carefullv arranced, but the verv night I
that it was to be carried into effect a
tru nnt n.vnn flu. nrnur Ir t
was phkin that the man was snspicious
of the sheriff, whose horror of officiating
at the execution he openly ridiculed.
The plan could not be carried opt in eon
sequence of his presence. The doom of
Carlos de la Roesa was sealed. But
suddenly a strange light began to glow
in Isa belle's eye. It almost seemed aai
though hope had returned to her heart 1
One day she went down into the village !
and returned with yards of dark red j
silesia, with which she veiled every win- j
dow of the great empty work room. he
saw to the fastenings of its doors. She i
went to the city and came borne laden
with parcels, which she set carefullv
aside. She had long conversations with '
the unhappy sheriff. Carlos she could
no longer see. For some reason it was
forbidden. The watcher sat at the door
of the prison and warned every one away, i
Genie could not guess what hope was in
Isabella's mind. At last one day this;
latter said to her: '
"Genie, you have been a true friend :
to me. I shall soon ask yon to do more ,
than yon have yet done. Yon and I are
not like girls who have been'guarded
from all unpleasant things; we are
women, but we are two young medical .
students all the same. We should have !
the nerves of mea. We have endured ;
tha triAl nf tbA rliaAAnting' rnnm aa wall i
asmalestudents. For good object you I
, j i , ' r i
can be strong and brave, I know. Yon
will do as I tell yon and will neither
scream nor swoon. Yon ars Or. More,
remember, as I am Dr. Yolande." Genie
simply gave her her hand, and so they
stood together, hand in hand, and heard
the prison bell begin to toll, and knew,
as well as all the place for miles about
knew at the same moment, that Sheriff
Fenn was about to do his duty, that j
Carlos de la Rosa was about to die upon '
the scaffold. But Isabelle Yolande ut-'
tered no cry, shed no tear. With slow ;
deliberation she removed the dress she 1
wore and substituted her short sleeved '
rowing costume. Genie did the same,
mid followed Isabella into the boat.
What was to bo done Genie did not
know, but she vowed, amid the wild
throbbing of her heart, to stand by;
lrabelle to tbe end, whatever that
might be. j
Rapidly they rowed down the river, !
on which there were never many oars- j
men, and today none. At last Isabelle
turned the boat and Bent it flying into a
miniature bay formed by a bend of the !
crooked little stream, almost within I
call of the prison grounds. This little
nook was so shaded by great willows
that it was invisible from the river, 1
and near it stood a great, dilapidated
barn, roofless and deserted for years, ;
which sheltered the spot from those;
pon the road. Here for the first time
the broke" silence. "My good, kind
friend," nho said, "the time has comej
when we need all onr courage, and more
than all our physical strength, I fear, j
On the night when onr attempt to effect 1
an escape for my husband failed, 1
formed a plan for the success of which
I have been working ever since. You
remember the lecture we attended on
the subject of 'Death Upon the Gal-'
lows,' and' how we once assisted in the j
restoration of a man who had commit-1
ted suicide by hanging? I have forgot-
ten no particular." j
"Nor I," said Genie.
"I think you guess my pUn," said
I.-.a'jelle. "Unless Abijah Fenn proves
false, I swear, God helping me, that my ,
Carlos shall not die. Fenn has prom-;
ised that life shall not be extinct when
She paused and turned pale.
"I understand," said Genie. "But, my
poor Isabelle, you forget; your hopes
may mislead you. There must be an
examination by a doctor, and the man
who has watched the sheriff so closely
11 VUllUk'i
vcu; .
"All that lifts Iwn thought of," said
isaDcue. "ino hoc tor who u mak
the examination is the one who la
the health of the poorhouso and th
prison. He is an old man of seventy,
deaf, weak of si:;ht and fond ixf drink
Mr. IVnu has disoovoivd that the Imttht
ts also a tcuiptniiou to the man on guard,
fie assuros me that they will both be too
much intoxicated to know what they aw
about by the time that this is necessary,
'Vly busKuul will bo placed inacollin
which the sheriff will Uar in a wagon
to the cemetery, his littlo soh leading
the hors Carlos will be removed from
the cottin during the journey, anl when
they arrive it will have been filled with
stones, hidden in the wagou for the pur
piw, and so buried. The child will lead
the horse away, and once out of sight of
the road Mrs. Fenn will enter the vehicle
and drive to the spot. Everything is
pntared for us in the curtained room at
home, if our strength suffices us to reach
it. Of mine. I am sure, but yours, my
pixw child"
"Mine shall." said Genie: "will tvower
will work miracles sometimes. I givet
mvs-lf to vou and yoir raust; vou shall
not fail through my weakiuws."
"Gml bless yon!" siKhiNl Isabelle.
At this moment wheels were heard
Bpproaohing. A wagou was driven from
behind the old Kirn and backed to the
water's edge. Mrs, Fenn jumped from
it to the ground. She was ashen jv.le to
the very hps. Instantly Isabelle sprang j
to her side. They were Kith strong I
women. Together they liftedsomething j
wrapped iu a blanket from the wagou j
aud placed it in the boat. j
"My God! what a task you have lo-1
fore yon:" panted Mrs. Fenn. "I'd help i
yon if t durst, but I must get away from
here. J thought I seen somebody watcn
iu' me from the hill."
"Go!" said Isabelle almost fiercely.
i Slie tht w a pile of gay wraps over what
lay iu the bottom of the boat.
"Now, pull for your life!" she cried to
Genie. The boat shot out into the river.
Just beyond the shadow of the willows
they came ujnu a rude boat tilled with
nets ami tackle, aud propelled by an old
fisherman whom they knew by sight
"Momin', ladies." he catl?d out,
Isahelle summoned aourage to nod aud
smile and reply "Good morning."
"Reckon that there hangin is about
over," he called over his shoulder as the
distance between them lengthened. "Tlw
uu,re ,Iu'-v DH" of thttt rt the b,t,l'r- 1
" GlXxl nddeHCB tO bad rubbish." A
little farther on two bovs paddled out
from shore and paddled on in an opH
site direction. But after this not an
other living soul was to be seen upon
the river.
At last they came to the foot of their
own steja, ceased rowing and tied their
boat fast.
: A terrible moment had arrived. The
body inns t "be lifted from the boat and
borne into the house, and that quickly,
lest they should be observed from the
opposite shore. How thejr accomplished
the task tbsy never quite knew. It
seemed to .Genie More that ; some aid
I more than human must have been ac-
corded her. Isabelle had great strength
for one of her sex, and the power of lor
is mighty, " She was almost desperate,
for she did not yet know whether it was
a living man or a dead body which she
held in her arms whether she were at
the moment wife or widow.
At last their burden was laid upon
the mattress, which bad been spread
upon the old work table.
The blanket was flung back, and the
'' strangely revealed face of Carlos de la
j Boss was revealed. It seemed like the
' face of death to Genie More.
"Oh, Isabelle! It is hopeless! It is
hopeless!" she cried.
"Not so," cried the other. "Bemem-
J1- phyicians-surgeons. What
has been done bv others we can da 1
will open a vein in the neck; yon know
how to elevate the arms and compress
the breast to create artificial breathing.
I will give you the signal." Coolly,
as though she wwe a surgeon who
thought only of her "case," Isabelle
Jolnde set to work. The other girlish
doctor kept herself calm enough to do
what she was bidden to do.
"Look!" said the young wife at last in
a strange, deep voice. "Look! His lips
are growing red; the mnscles of his
cheeks move!"
"He is breathing," replied Genie.
They continued their manipulation with
renewed hope. There was much still to
do. Before nightfall Carlos de la Kosa
slept peacefully upon his pillow, and
Genie, trembling with exhaustion,
sought the repose she so greatly needed,
while Belle watched beside her husband.
Medical student though she was, my
reader must not think that Isabelle did
not long for that "good cry" in which
overwrought women love to indulge.
She was very womanly indeed when
she thought of her rescued Carlos. But
she knew that she had still much to do;
that great caution need still be exercised
in the matter; that some one might have
watched them from the river, or that! Her watch, Genie's, a few pins and
suspicion might still fall upon Abijah rings, the pnrse that lay in her work
Fenn. I basket, were collected. The traveling
Then, too, after the ordeal he had ! bags were sinzed upon, and many things
passed through a serious illness might I thrust into them,
be before her husband. Ho had recog-1 "Turn down them pillers," said the
nized her and had pressed her hand, but i man. "You keep most of your money un
his mind was not unite clear. What; der them if you're like other women
waa to come she knew not.
Meanwhile Genie slept heavily; she
was more exhausted than her friend.
Belle's frame was strong and her arms
powerful, and still the effort of lifting
the inanimate form of Carlos had taxed
her powers to the utmost. Genie felt
that it was by a miracle that she per
formed her part. Every bone ached; her j and at this the girl's courage utterly f or
overstrained inus'des were sore to the ! Book her; flhe uttered a wild Uriek, an-
touch; in fact, the little doctir had al
most killed hers' lf. and no one knew it
better than Isabelle.
When day broke i :ie had two invalids
on her hands. It v:u a v. before
Genie More Was tiblj to sit up again,
and meanwhile Carlo:) Ir: 1 o:.vn taring
in a high fever. Now knowing Isabulle
and speaking collectively for it few mo
ments, now fancying himself in heaven,
now once more believinif himself on the
steps ot too gallows and crying out,
, "Heaven known they aw about to mur-
, uer an Innocent man!
j hen his mind- becamo oloar agaiu
his body was still weak as that of an in
fant IsaWllo could havrt no help, of
course, under the ciivuiustancea, and
had she not lioen of so sound a constitu
tion and o well trained physically ) i
! ms' "' broken down under the stralu
At last, however, Genie was able, to
stand upon her fiet again, and Carlos
showed symptoms of improvement, and
oiu uight she foil that it was sate to al-1
low herself a good night 'a sleep, real
slH'p, such as she had not had sines alien
imrnej that t vomlemuiHl man was
Carhvs de la Rosa, tlenie had promised
to lie awake aud listen for any move
ment In ths roota across the passage,
and Isabelle had slumbsred traiiijuUly
for hours, when a soft touch from ths
mall hand of her friend aroused her,
he rre ths hand was over her
f nionth.
,,Ibolle1" whispered Genie, "there ti
I om tranger in the house. I heard fot
I "P" the steps that lead to the water,
th,n tm ,,lH ' V 'fW j
Thev may suspect us; they uiav he
searching for Carlos," whispered Belle.
"They may have coin, to murder us
as they did that poor old man, said
Genie, "My blooVl Is "curdling in my
veins! What shall we do?" .. ,
"It may not be 'as jrou think," cried
Isattellc, springing to her feet and has
tily donning a loose wrapper that lay
"across a chair.
"They, are coining this way!" gasped
Genie, Illness had unnerved her, and 1
she cowered down under the counter-;
pane, tryihg to hide herself, utterly des
titute of hojw or courage, lsabells:
looked atamt for some weapon as she ad-!
vauced toward the door. ? '
"II I hi Qhott," he ffroonid
So Bttle thought of fear had she had
when she came to the lonely little house
in Corinua that .he had not ones
dreamed of providing herself with a pis-
ment! A heavy water pitcher was the
only thing that offered itself as an often-
sive weapon, hhe seized it by the han-
fl"; !?d,'!Md ber,lf twee" the door
as-s alV T' '
"If jhey 'hate come" for Carlot they
shall only take him over my dead bodyT
she muttered. But now ths door opened,
and by the pale light of the night lamp
she saw a bulky figure enter. A long
linen ulster was buttoned about it, a
cap was drawn down over its ears, and
its features were covered bya bit of
crape. One fear, her greatest, departed
at the sight The officers of the law
would not present themselves in soch
guise as this.
"Stop!" she cried, grasping the pitcher
more tightly. "Not another step!"
The man nttered a brutish laugh, and
simply grasped her by the wrist and took
the pitcher away from her. Isabella had
been psnud of her strength. Sire now
learned in one instant how utterly help
less the strongest ordinary woman Is in
the grasp of a moderately powerful man.
She ceased to struggle and stood per
fectly stilL In that lonely spot outcry
would not avail. No one could bear the
loudest screams that could be nttered at
the next house, and if some one were ou
the river or the road and came to her as
sistance the presence of Carlos might be
discovered and his rescue revealed.
" What do you want?" she asked. The
man flung the pitcher upon the floor and
took a pistol from his belt. Having cov
ered her with this he released her wrist.
"What I want," he said, in a dull
drawl, "is everything you've got, and
all the other young woman has got, too
your money, your jewelry and uny fal
lalls that'll sell for cash. No screechin1.
and hurry up about it!"
"Help yourself," said Isabelle. "All
we have is in these two rooms."
"Bundlo them up for me," laid the
man; "I'll sort of oversee."
He followed her about covering her
with his pistol as she obeyed him.
Meanwhile she noticed his heavy tread,
his small head, moving from side to side
like that of a tortoise; his rough, red
binds, with stubbed and blunted nails,
striving to remember everything in or-
der to be able to identify him.
Isabelle obeyed, the man pounced upon
a large pocketbook that lay there, and
then tore away the sheets that covered
Genie's face. "Give us your rings,"
said he. "You wear throe or four of
'em here they are." Ho seized the
girl's hand aud began to tear them away,
other and another.
"Will vou?" asked the burirlar. with
an oath; "then pay for U." His fingetj
was on. the trigger of his pistol, when'
suddenly the door flew open. A figure'
draped from head to foot in white stood
there, its hollow eyes fixed upon the '
It was Carlos de la Hosa. Genie's cries.
had reached him, ami wrapped iu a
counterpane he had ma.i.iged to reach
tlio door.
A helpless protector indeed, weakened
as he was, but the effuct of his a:par-
,. j .it f i maf ' i f w f r? i " iT '
.4 a a v r y . r, 1 0 ! I 1 -a I '. 't .- i i M t. ,
r t t m r a a turn r x r i i t t t t ' -. is r
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JJjLi . i i -''i'-Jfll-
f -rt ft
Land ? Company
-AS If
We hitvoji.tn aiix'J) feet, UhK.'iKi f. .U, all I'mnrably U'tl, These
( lots twice the- ordinary size are !tit half the usual .rice of oilier lots sini
, ilarly l.K-utcd. Wf have i.ne-iicre, two acre. live mul ten-acre tracts,
suitable for suburban homes, convenient t t.ovn. sclnn.ls, clnin lies,
etc.. and of very productive s-.il. A law, gn.iv ing "I'rune ( n hard." of
! which we will sell part iu small tracts to suit purchaser . and n ni-y
Iteiuis. . .
Call and see us and get prices at
i Oregon City office . run
jRobert L. Taft at Portland office,
t No. 50, Stark street, Portland.
, !?f7!T
! Cabinet Photographs
167 First Ntrral, Brt. Murrlion and Yamhill.
M. It. Flanagan.
i. V. Ilill
Flanagan & Hill,
ol Wine., Liquor. AI. Hear, Ac, Iu t
fiiuml intha Suit. In Lofiit-KMtuaw Block
Qla mat call.
3sr ID
lesiriuK Wood TiirniiiK,
lems, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will he Suited by Callimion .Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
a-, u
the Conurepitioinil Chinch
F. L. Posson &Son,
General Agts. for D. M. 1'erry & Co's
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
We want You for a customer. Give us
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Or.
luccouom to Miller Bros. Catalogue Pra
, .1 rrr.. .r.n lii. It km prims
HI IKI M'l.'Ml hiiinlfoil diillt i
j,. ,
Truck and Livery
W. H. Cooke. Manatrer.
Comer Fourth ami Main Streets,
ol the City. Klif ol any dracriptlon
(urtualted on short notice.
All kinds ol Truck and IVIivery Huso
tie promptly attended to.
tlorae iioarltl ami re! on reason
s'lln torms
Notice of ADDtlcitlot for Lienor Llctuc.
To AM. WHiiM IT MaV ( nsraan;
'PAk K uollrr Dial lha umlrr.iiinxl wtll a!r
1 Iu lha uiiiity l'mrt l I lari.ma. muuly
M.lr id lur,,,p m H mic.,i, On ;ih rta ui
October, Iwk, for a llranu In aril plrllu, ui,
mall ami vllimit ltiilir. In In. iaalllillaa Ibali
una n.llnn Iu an Or prnrinm, Iu aalil (xuiutr ul
Clarkauiaa, lr Iho frlil ul una yar, ami
harem anni-i hi. priltlnri, whlrh ha will
pmwnt hithaouurl al al, lima.
IIK.NKY kor.ill.KH.
rmiiN rm i.wi'" uumi
To the Hoimralila Cmiuty Cmm uf lha Cunuif
il rlarltama.. Slain ol Orr.ort.
W. the uti'li-rilgiiril ra.l'li-ni. ril ami Irf.l
olr. In l aiil.jr i.rai lui-l. I'oimly ami Slat
alnralil.iti hi-rnlir n--l!iily .rllllun ami
l.ray (hit M court ila ,rnl a ,PhM In
HiMiry K. whirr to ll ,liiiuouj. mall ami
ti" U'l'i"!. In aaul ( aitbr nrreim-i in I-..
otic year.
. than one itallnn, (or lha .tM n(
W W Irvlu,
Win li.rlow.
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C I' llnrlna,
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I KKillliT.
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A Kochi-r.
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M W Will,
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Mm Hum,
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II II Wot,.r.
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Solomon MI1.it,
Duvlil l:lr!l.
Mill -li 1 1 llni-kril,
I A Hoiiilmrliiiol
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II A Vor,..li,
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.lo.l-hh lllVll-fll,
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Will A'lklni.
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John Molli-u.
' M Van HiiriMi.
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K'HI lur llio eoiiuty of Clu, kmiiii-,.
I''. M. MrKei'linin, ilniimll, ,
Lizzie II. M .-K c.-li ,,1, ileli-iiiliml.i
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Hon. I' lank J. Taylor, iinl,.,, ' f , "
! The LMiliun. l,li'i!,ilK.r ,
I'MiiNKU KIUstm r.YluitHii:i:t1l
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(ii. H..rltt ! lliucilnlftf M..i
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Pullmftn Duffet Sleeper
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hki iiruin
Mali Trlu, I 1 1 r iKi.'e. ui, !, i
T i.U M
I'.rili,. r
OnallK It
I ' I
ai A lb. ii r sit.t Curiam. iv,hho,., :u, I
ul iii.gitu r.i'iAti Haili,.!
I'll'"" Train Pally iKi. .!,(,,
. tur a i riMlut1 Ar
-r . r a, iniiiTiMf .r Is.,,
Tu ,tl I. I'n I N Ts
For llrtett aii-i lull ltitirn,u..ti trgf
rai mmym, wr . rail on Uitt) , t,t
it. iki.riu.ni.
A..1 u r an.) I' jp l
Trains lur the Kaat Inavn Iwtidui
A M and tw f. M.
TiriffTQ " ' frlnrlaal w
ivi.a. . w a lb. I hllr-1 Walaa. (u
B4 Mru,
l$g$ntNt mi f ft,:, a (tt
FiiMan I'aUco Mreprrm,
run Throiih on KiprouTrar
t St. LOt'i
wiTiioit rtt.mai.
I'Ium (aaula al rorlUu-1 tm Sal M
claw tail f-ii"! aViunJ lai4
tat Inrtkar rartiiUra Imiuira ul ia) t
oi tna ,omauf or
T. w l.i:t:.
... I. A T. A
Part land, OrrH
o. n. Tt:i.i.r.T.
Ja naaMf.
Northern Pacific RJ
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all Bolliti Kaat, ria
ST I'At l. ANI ItlNNIAfOlJa.
The nrtlirn 1'arlllc It. B.
I. Ih. on If Una rumili.l
I'asst'niter Trains,
Hecolid-t 'lsaa Sh.eS'r (fri'f ol d""
l.iuiiriuiu lny ('.mehea,
I'll) in it ti I'ltlmc Slcciiilii) ('if.
; I iilu. e )I t ilia (mean '
j From I'urtltuiil to the Fad
1 Sec that Voiir tickcls read 1
J Notthern I'll, till- It . li nml
avoid i lino,'.' of curs.
j 1 liro.iBh rulimaii Taiai a siwiiliif l'
, K.nl il.v rtiac-lir., Snr-.t pala.-a iflnlnf
jl.-,-n rorilaml, la.'oina ami siailll ;
i,.ii. .... ....
1 4.I,HHI
I l.4Jfii'l 1'naa. turn I, IHIFM
I (.. I'oriluml.Or.
j f flii H,t, eorm'r flr.t atnl HtrwW.
Oregon Pacific Kailroa
T. K. HOIIU, Heceiver.
) U K I ( i I IT A N I ) V A II US TI I K LO)U
'Iniln No. II will rim 'l'ufniliiyi 111
ilayrt nml huturiliiys, nud on luterm"1
illiva when lie. -aa'nrv I , ,
Train No t will run Monday",
.luyn ami Kriiluy, unil on lntoi iu''liat "
w hen nei tiH.ttrv :
ail u..lll.,tf lloliiH.
t-,n-.in,i-i rMiiiiin .
t.K vkk Vul!lHA-:Wlllalili'lt VallT'
, la. ill, ,
I.KAvsa HANrANcii:o WlllsmrtW
July ill, Aim. , is, M , .
'llwiiiiiiiaiiny ruaiirvs till) rluhl 10 "
nllliiv rtmiia wilhiiut nutliw.
Train, eoiiiiiint with tlm O. 4 C. ""
lloiilk at l'olilll. .iwl Alluuiy.
'IM... t it.. ..in.. ,l mm on i
i un wit-gun 1 m;iiiu nil '"" , I
Willamett.i river division wi
roitlimd, soiit-houiid, Mummy i "T'
duv, and Friday at II A. M. Arri
CoiviillisTiies.liiv, ThursiUy B" ,
dav nt I'.' M, l.tiivn r'" ,
nortli-hoiin.l, Monday, Wiiln"w. i
imuyiii, n v. iu. ai." " ' ,i
'iiemluy, Tliursduy itn.l Saturday '
'. M. on Mondav. Wotlnrsdiiy W '
iu :iv ii . K A m. Arrive i -.
"Hi V, oolli north anil soiuii-''"
he oyer nlijl.t at Sitloiu, leiiviim
I A, M. ,
Fre!Klit slid Ticket Oltlce, Dalmnn
r.irllaiul. .a,
i . - . .1 l. ...,. A"