IFIRIBV lXRE, FIEE!- poods will be Fired Out During the Next Thirty Days REGARDLESS OF COST! Grand Annual Clearane Sale! n's pMtlrt art' all in iirht-claxs Ladies will please come during the day, aa we cannot warrant them the same attention during the evening. We are now in our new quarters adjoining the Hank of Oregon City, and even though we have double the room we had in our old quarters, We VIust JVIake Room for Our jNieoi pall and Winter Stoek. WE WILL SELL GOODS LOWER NOW THAN EVER THEY HAVE BEEN SOLI) IN OREGON CITY BEFORE, EVERYBODY" TAKE NOTICE. UdiiV good Dongola Kid Shoe for. Will begin September 1st and close October 1st. $1 60 Regular price, $2 25 iVe have 10 doz. Laditm' Russia leather Oxfords that wo will noil for $1 60 Regular price, $2 50 Misses' and Children's Shoes Cut Proportionately. 50 doz. Men's fine Shoes per pair. Our Men's French Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, every pair warranted Standard, price ; $2 00 Regular price, $2 75 $6 50 We will sell for $5 00 This is One of the Biggest Bargains We Will Make. TIIKSK ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS Oregon City Shoe House, Bank Block, OREGON CITY, OREGON. OKH.OS WE.UHIK KKfOltT. V I'ncnr'i rmp'WwtlhiT BullMlii (..I I he Wi'i-k liiillHK Suluritil), Auital SH. HkMllfK i h iiipcrnluie hit Wctl from 10 to . ,. a hiv above I ln vitMi,''. iej i, , in tungO'i? Irnm !l tuIO0 'I''" mi I in, U'Hii, 2. (Ii mill JjUIi. To h.', t'H'fi wnrm hut i-ooler. Tin i ii ,.( rMiviin' heat lit or "luilll'l be ,i' til nM'i . Nu ruin ii-I iluritii! the 'Dn' v. cither lm been cloudlcsa. I.-2 i. II till' C.lltt 111 lll'TllilW, llll'l . r iii tl.i int. 'i ii. r valleys. i utif" t I t it in nil rut iiii'l much "I il h ! I, I II I'l l I V .-iM ti.'II till' Yield llll ( ,. .Hi. till' l''.'l l,li.ill I'i 0VOII llll' j ...1',,-iiim. I In' w ! il i plump, ' .ml of ex. i II. 'ill ipmlity. I 'lit". i mi. I .ik h i iil' 'in1 ii'W" in y tl : I ;l.' I . I'll ll.jllll.i ii.liily li) i J i i- ..f M.iir.i . , will I." I'i."l I! p .u kin,; !'.:' a ( iir.TiiiH iiimif At Imrnin oho of tin' I"'"! located fruit Urm in Placer count i , California of 4(1 mro. Tii'" just ("iiimi'iii'iiitf to bear, all "tiiiiluiil vmi, tug lino mill' Inmi railroad shippm.' point, (mod Holland pure wnlci. inmi buii.linna, nd in one id the most dosiiahlo luiiuca . Aug. lloriiunii, wellknowo iiintiu-fitoliii-vr o( lij"U nd idioms nt OLW Nolan St., Sun Antonio, Tuxiw, will not noun nrjd't liia ex perio nee ith nn attack of the" cramps which tie relates: ait fol lows: "I wan taken with a violent ciamp in tin' Htoiiuich which 1 believe would have caused mv death, hnJ it in lht ("m-nmii'iitn valli-y, line view of j ,,.n for tle prompt uno oft'ham whirh inn If lui'l bom tin' hini-r ( borluin's I'olie Cholera and Ih'arrhooa Term mi application t 'l'n iw( & ; Ki'mm'.Iv. The first dene did me so Ai.UKSi. I rvj"ii ( u , "i k'"ii- h j iniit'h k'ixhI that 1 followed it up in -0 ' luinulcH ith the Hecond dune, mid he lliii kli u " A t ill a 1 (ore llu. Doetor iDiild itet to where I va The lie-t S.lve ill til" world lor I ill", ' ,U( ut'l'd him. Thin Kemeily HruiMi.. .Sur, I I. vf. -nil hliei ! ,iall iiIwuvm U' one o( the main Htays l eMT Son",, Tettei. ( lnii'l'.'d II iihIi. j ,, lnv iauiily. t'lnll'hiiMK. nn,f, n ill iill l-ni J.nii'-1 Um.iiiii: liiiiiK, and n i.-t! i l.v iiiii - I'll'", or " . ,1 III fll i, i'iiikIi iI -ale hv li 1'or sale hy tleo. A pav r" in i f i tierfi'i't tnli"l'; Price 'Si ceil!' A. Hard. nu ll ii. rd. .n. tin. .i in I" I l.o. Lllill , lifV I ..I' .' Ailmftilstriitor'ii Sle of pMirt)- IN THK JtATlKR OF THE PAKTNKRSHIP i'lnH' ot lli lkunp Kn , H,-Uim)i Knw. & Kvnisly rni.l HolkiriiM Mru't, nil Krmxly Hron. N.'tli'O Ii. In-rel.v xlvcn tlim in .uriinin' mi nrilt'i'i.t Hi ,'iiiuy court f.ir li.in.n fount jr. Smtv of ori'cnn. imule on lh' lllli dny of July, lMil. in Ilic mnlicr ol Ml.t i'Mlf ( llclkuap Hr.iK. coiisinliiB of S. E. HcILiit.,. oIimvhm'.I.) hii.1 M. Ilelkn.ip.rti pHrllnTi. mid Helkimi' Bnw. mi.I KpiiciI). c,msiinit ol 8. K. Hi'lkumi. (,liM'fKi',t,l mill K. M. Iielku.il) null li V Kcu e.lv nr imrtnerH. Itelkuiti' llros. miit KoniMy Hri.. ci.nslslinu ot S. K. ImlkiiMii, dwi'int'il.) K M. Helkiiii, li. W. K'iii'.ly,. uiul K K. KeniHly nn inrliier. Hie iiihIiti.'iiih'.I, ilH'ii.liiilninr.i'or ot i.nt.1 imrtlnTxIuri rMmo, will sell t oulii : Aiitiioii lo viit, higliest l.iil.U'r firi'iu.li, ""lii ci.ii of tlie t'nili'.i siHt. s. mil.jrat In I hp or Br nutiou of Hie iHmri. on suturilny th '.nth ily oi (',t. Mil. m lu o elork u. in. of iiil lUy, 4t. lUe court h..ii J,.r in tlie ciiy of uri'iiiui I'liy. In I'Uck- ' Anno, coiintv, ulc oi ori'ii.'il. nil III rlilil. line I linerct mill vni.iie of iuii-1 paniier'-liit' csime, I lo t nu the ( .' Miin l.' in tui.t ;o U tlt.ii ccrtiiin win ; lot, i,l,ccor iii.r. vl of lun.l lylin: niul In-iiiL' In t : llll" Willi ronuij hi ' i . II'' I..' I.V ll il ill I'.' If." t ilie l olllil V h'i niul in. il.uu.ik'i .lllllV. I ll'' (, it I o Wei U ! h io't Moil.! iy , !,,..,! ! .l.iui,ue ., Inle ill oilier ,,,l aver;!;-" crop, lie' lire lo I oh i,n Keen iloiie. i ll't'lilHc in "il iv no. i " :!. ',.in;il.,eM niul Ciinliioiil"'" oetiev.illv ri.etnii". The hut ilhor hut heen liu'htl,v jiijuM"'!" i nil, i, clover, coin, and to Vounn Ii.ii-Im. Ill 'lit IV ciiinly the cecoii.l p o red clover in hculini!, nd the mil crop o( nlfalin him heeii cut, each . nveiiiKiiitt in Hlalk '.'L' inclicH in till. i ini i'.iis iiiii:ii.i, h i: irill lt. "iiliniied liotweiilhi'l'.nilliiniixiiiiili'l ,,,'liilllren of (l h I" lir' deittveH, ii' 1. 1, vailed No ruin fell. The nky l.e.-n cloudlesrt, with Miinike iipl'i'i"" ; in the nlliliiciiheie rliiil'.i. . . . flie ivealher Iiiih heeil cliuMtlV Injurl- " to the corn, hill fiivorahli' to mm. '1'iliH, and niiiln hiivcHliim. I'ruil and liniH urn rlpeniiiK radidly and lire very in mil. The wheut i neitrlv nil I'Ul -I "i Ihe Uliie liinlllllaillrt, il"d t'ullHld il'le hat heen IhreHhed. All reporln ' tlml it ia titrninu' on' "''' helh'i' in huh ex peeled. In W nco anil tH lieriimii c.iiinty Hprinu "t'd (all w heal , Koiuew'i.'tt. Hhniiiken. In tiilhnm. ii'iow mid riiiatillitcoiililieH llieiihea' 'I'.m n whole wiib never heller. 1 J "'" 'i'li! in in piotii'i'MH eitht mid miuih ot 'Hhie iiiuiiiilaiiiH; Union eoimlv eHpe- ( i I ' luixii line crop ol ceiealM, hill nil . 'mil lea have c.rnpH nhnve the avernue. "H i ' found in the wheat in neclioim "I ml county. I'rieeM me ahout ili it , 'I. hiidier than IiimI vear with n "I1' i "'I leiiili'iiev. I''iiiniei'rt are happy, l'roK.eiouH tiiiien prevail thniiinlioiil vet v .1 The follo in ll. Mail', "I lie oi mteri'Hl to in ,m little t.oy ii.i-i v uioiitiiK v i : 1 1 d.:ii nil" llic'li. il" . ' 1 1 lit liollilll 'I "He I UKCil I liilllll" ! I i" ii,iirh.i il lo no di ll te relief ami Mm unler ll Ihe het n i'oliM-iciili"U''ly I'' need ll iliitri h.e.i I' or i-ale hy lo o. lull: .1 had "ll lit fmiii will I'.' -Mv I'M- t'' vaii- ... l . . . . T I 1 I Al'OO .lllt.l , ll 'io, ,',i,o , .'- .,,,'.,,, ;. . ,.,,,. Jt,,.w u,,.l HI o,,.f nr.. I I'lolll IIIV HWtl pcrHOIUll knowledge, ;,l ,ul, ml il,,'Uirtieul..rly , U'M-l ibc.i . follows 'can lei eiiiini'ii.l Cliiltnherlilin's, folic, 't.i-w if .NortlmcM nn -irter of welion iv In ii'l,l,i .....I Dim rhnen Kuinedi' far I " ivnslilp lour, fooitti of raiiKi' Hvo eit, Wil , t holel.l ill I. Iioeu MOl m " r ! ,,,, H.rl,u.vll, smuc. p, I'lucknums cminy, ii-rnntp in the Hlonmeh, nlfo lur lUiur-,., (1Itj,lltl K.!. liKt.KNAf. I,..,,, in. I tin v It in the hi'Ht niedi- ! A.tml!il!riili.r of hi,! eim. e 1 liai,- ever m cii u-e.l unit the In'st 1'ate.i akm i line. a it uli ai f. itiveK MttHi.tetioli. : -1 -1 t, H:U il h.r.l We IIM'C , , ;, J hi liv..,Ii.i'l.. , nn any nooil uiilil lie h I 'oiiV, t 'holerii and , w Inch ".I i e iiiinn-di- 1 IIUC. I llilll. I Ci'M- nlu in.- niade and can miuiii.'.I it to all who or colic medicine.' . Ilaniint,', diuniMl. A K f-.;-M,l" -liell I ' V I I 1!. and oO cent holties A. ir; V.oi !k i he Inn., lo iiiovhIc Yourself ai,.! laioi V -i ilii a relial.le leiuedy lor him el I'l'iiiolaiiilH. ll in nlmoHt ceilain lo he iiei .le.l. and no family MM Kxi'i-tiltrix Niilief el- llll': . NOTICE FOR Pl-BUCATION. Lnn.1 Oltice t,Oregon City, Orenon. AUK. 1, 191. Notice In hereby given thnt tti followtng uamril ncttler has Itlea notice of hit Inten tion to make fiieil nof in Mipport of his chum. Hint tlmt smWI nroof will be inmte before the regintcr mni receiver of the l uiteil Sutes l.n,l Dtlii'e hi Orcgou City, Oregon, on Oct. , iwi.viz: Junes Nicholson. iln,u.lAttil jitOrv Ko .r,7.,:l. for the K I J nf nwl .' I and iv't of sv ' of ee. j-I. r 4 s, r 2 e. lie lmmes the following witnesses to prfive his continuous resilience upon and cultiva tion of, Mtiil land, viz: Charles Menu. J. .1 Hiisrit. Robert Ringol.t, Ceo. Hogers.-n41 of i lsrks, t'laekiimiis county, Oregon. . H-;i :lt i'i , J T. APPKlisSOX. Register. NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION, Lsn Orra i at Oseuos Citv, Ok. Aug. 18. Ml. Notice is hereby given that the followitif nameii settler has filcl notice of his inteniiou to make final proof in se.p..rt of his cUim.aml thnt said priMil w ill be mnle hefore the Keitis ter anil Receiver of tlie l'. !. Laud othve at Or egon City. Oregon, on Oct. 6, lsiil.'vi : James M Greene. Homestead entry No 9417, for the e1 of ne',' and lots 1 and I of sec. 9. 1 1 s, r e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of. said lsnd, under section iiul L. E. Moore. C. 1. Moore. M. F. I.ny, allot Hood River, Waseocoiiiity. county. Oreion. and Fred A. Koenkrdii, oi. toiLlftu.i, Mulmomah eonuty, Oregon. -21:9-3& J T Afvr.Bsox, Register, i . NiiTIfE FOR PI lilll AVION, hand oftiee at Oregon City. Oregon. July 2V, l-'Jl. Notice is lierehy given that the follow iug n.mu'.i sctulei' tiHs'iiii-.i notice of IPs inieution in iiinke An il proof in siipcirt of his claim, ami that siu.l pro. illi.t Keeetver NOTICE K'lK Pi ltLlCATI'iN. Lasi Omcc IT I IK! Nonce is lieivl.v n C:tv. oi;K.es. At g. Is. ls'il. irivcn that tne iollowlue- w ill t. m t.le before Ihe Kecisler ! name.! se-.uer ii .s u,i-.i iii e oi lis luienuco ,l,l,.. I h I ,,,,.i i iihi'.' t nr.. j, in I" milk,' hna' proof In support of his claim, and i ny, . iregoll. oil .-.i' lllll'.li I'VCIllc To (inmi Tciiiiluri li.. v.oi l.noiv that Moore's lieinc.lv is Ihe only pulei't medicine in j the world Unit does ii"t of .ileoh.i : that Ihe in"1 it is known only lo is an advance in the wiiho.it n parallel ....nitirv : thai lis the vrn;n Hli.iin sioii .i'k. ileet'iise-i. Nett.i' is neve In niieii llml 1 line I, ecu duly iiiu'"oitf,l j executrix ol the e!.ilc of William Shaiick. I ileeeascl. hy the lion. Couiilv I'mirl ef Clnek- ! ...... I t , ., , ., .,1 1 !'... .,, Ill li.'rsollS Can iilloril i I,.,, luc elni'ms niruliit sai.l esi ito are hereby I mid may he ihe ineiins of khviiik nun n i )t,mB,.lls, Oregon, within nix months from 1 sot!',. i in.' ii not life. 'I'll ere are llianv ' the , laic of this notice or they will be forever I,, iiul l.n' ( haiiilier- I burred. Hated (Ills 2..III nay ol .in iv j "1 .1 1 O lor. I l nii'iil nun i-itiioi,', Itinni'sic ut cull y .N". '. illi.i I.e ., oi nw "f si'. He n.in:. s the f,.:i, v his iMiitiniloiis r,--vl,'l: of. said lali.l. viz: I' II. Williams, Jai.i. ESTATE OK Und Andy V.i,!'.y. a:. ll.iit. II eoilnty. In .''.:i r I is !, viz: tte P. or nn.aniu. . f.ir me mi'i . of no'. i;.t - s, r 1 iv oi.- w itnesses to prove e up,u and ctltlivallou - ii' ..vlwin. 0. K. Tairard ut t.,'HUar.lsvi'.ic.' llasll- I that said pr.avf w ill be made before tlie Kegis ter and Keeeiver. r. S. l.an l ii'live, ut Uregou ' Ciiv. On-.Ti, on Oct. it. ls.l, viii; A.hnini decease "I s 1. lie 21. 1 ; oiilain ii iii o nle of ilViarlllI il ilncover ; Unit ll ai ience of uii'ihcitu' . , 1 1. 1 111 Hie llllieieeioo iiioniieti'is oiler to lille . I:. ill's 1 Keuiedy is iindouhteilly the hest. t!o ami oii cent unities lor sale uy it. ,i . Ilai-diiij.', Prnnyjist. i Executrix of deceased. Cl.OlilNPA A. til l: Ihe estate of llliaiu A. I'., Eli. hanck. case of dyspepsia. nppli- w n, mints Inlerest foi ieit I .( i for liny it will nut cine'.' Tn,iiii''i'r' Nnlhe. I !....- t,,,w iii mv cahletothe payment of a i....u.l i.iior lo Ice. -I, !"" will cease from date oi this uolice. s. H.r.ii.ii-i' Ti-e.isiirri- Clackamas count.)-. ... t 1 kill ,n Citv. Iheeoii, M'pi. i:pei leuci' In it I ' 'in II HUM'. Mr and Mrs, l.o.en T'rescoU arc i. i aiitfh let. I""1 '"'" M,,.inu f, i ,as. alien dowii w. M j h. loweil wiHi ' ,"", ,, , . t home Wilx Wnttlod For lloml Work In ciiii'plinnce with an order of the court niade tit the Auoust term of the eouiitv court, lor Cluckaiiius county, hids are heivhv asked lor. lor tlie nmvolinjt Kst my .N'oth't'. Stinved from Barlows Station on or fthout .Inly 10, 18!U. one lilley, ahoul two and one-lialf yearn old, hay color, hlack mane and tiiii, no nuirns, and one light hav horse (Hilt . one and one-half years old with two white feet mid star in fore 7 III: 11 -I APPEESON. Ui'Bisier. N'lTti'E Koi: tTHI ICATION. Laud itllii'e al liregoli citv. Or.. .Inly .a. Is'.U .Notice is hereby given that the foUowlne named settler has til.-d uolice oi his intention to make thial proof in su'.ipott of his ciaitn.,iuid that said iroel will lie made before tlie register and reieiverol the I . s. land office at o'regoll City, Oregon, ou September -22. lsyl, vii: josepn Miinner, Ilomestead entry No. sec 24, t :i s. r Hp n oii' lb liis continuous r of. said laud, vi;:: U. Oan'ilnSeili. F Meinig. a:1, oi gon. s-2i: y- r. Hat hi: oi the iiesie .' . I1 I e. i--ia:e .. eut:,' N. .loseph Weber. 27'.. ior liie u e f . ' 1 ' ou w itut -st's to prore si.icnee up, it and euUivatiou, T H. 1.. Mavl.,1, S. C. Colmiiu. Sfiu.i;. . C! u !v i uois ooimty, Oi-e- J. T. Al'i'KKsox, Register. . .... p. . - - - - w, , I ,.i the new vrade on the Oaklev hill road head : no other mnrks in iiot'oul aitee with enlioim now on file ,,ili... Said hids opened on the lOVli ilny of Septmiiher, at 1 o'clock p m. H. II. Johnson, (.louiily Clerk. Olel'i A I.IMle l'lh i neiui no uuier iiiiiiisn.. .i iii'r.iii .t. plans and spccill- ward will he paid for the recovery of the in tlie county cleik s ! ahove descrihed nnimnls, anil their ite- fo lie received imu I ivnrv to ( iinhv. llreuon. Hkxky Kniuiit, Cunt)', Oregon, ll. If you feel ' peevish take iiiiny Vof- I he f:ii nii,i''s friend has fid' man. ii.' la-en lie. .1 11 McLean's '"c nil Liniment, for horses, cultle, -s und sheep. It. has proved fx "Hi in thousands of cases. inn veins old own wilh lh a dreai . . . I.'......,- turnini: n'" .' ' , i,,,, ; vain. 111 i , ul I umvlh k Hl'"K' 'Miami I T1'"" Nl,V ,,,, liiu lliiM" liiseevery mid lli,"t "'', ,K",mr,l ' and a half hol- "I'". ."''""I1'':"; ,.. ',','vis worth Hm lh', K nur h ;c ' ., trial woiulit in k!"'''. bolt le free id hlore. 'out of Boris" cross and Di', Mcl.euu's Sursapn- iilln; flieeiluliiesa will retillll nmi nie Will ne.iiiie new .est. If vou Kuil'er, from any nil'ection .uiiseil hv impure blood such us scrofula salt, rheum,' sores, hoils, pimples, tet ter, riiitiwoi'iii, take Pr. J..1I. McLean a' Sai'Siiptli ilhi. l'or ilini'rhoeii or Bumint'r complaint in any form, there is nothing heller than Ch'iiinhei Iain's Colic, Cholera mid IMurr 'hoiu KeiiiiMy, Mis. Nuney Ileii-y, of Adams, Lawronee couiilv, Kentucky, says one dose of it cured her of tin at tack of diiiirhoea. Two or three doses will cure iinv ordinary case. When ro- . , - , .. :. ..I I I,. f.,'n iii-eil Willi wilier n is iinasiiii', . Ii'iiii I and in) cent bullion lor sale by Cieo. A. Hiir-ding. TIM HER LAND ACT, JUNE 8, 1878. Vnlted States Land Office, Oregou City, Oregon, July 111, IH'.U. N.Ulcc is herebv given that In compliance with Hie provision's of the net of Congress: of .lime 11, ls7s. entitled "All act for the sale oi timber lauds tu the Stales nf California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Thomas 11. Moore, of Currlnsville, county ot Clackamas, shite of Oregon, has this day rued in tins inure nis sworn slHleiuetit No 2IMI, for Ihe purchase of the s i.j oi ne ' und n 's of s u '4 nf section No. 20, in town slop No, 4 sou lh, riiuno No. i, east, and will oit'er proof lo show that the land sought is .more valuable for Its linibt r or stone than foritsiirurieulliiriil nod-to establish his claim to said bind U'ioie lUo Register and Receiver of this ollice at Oregon cliv, Oregou on W edtiesduy, tlie 2.,ih ilavot November, i.yil. Me names as witnesses: Pavld Ilnteh, of Portland, Oregon, and Hirillll Ovorlon. tie.,rge l.oekerby, and Wiley lloyer, all oi Cm riiisi ilk:, Oregon. ... . , Any a ml nil persons claiming ndversely the llliovii-ili'seribed lands are n .iieste.Uo tile their claluis in Ibis otbee on or before said 2.li any ol November, ItWl. J- T. Ai'persou, a-2S;10-ai) Register. He names the followlllff witnesses to pnive his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said iand. viz: William Harris. Panic! Clifford, Pavld Callt hau.aud Louis CaUihaii, all of Molalla, Clack amas county, Oregon. 7-.il;-y-l ,1 1. AI'I'KKSo.n, ju'Kisier, NOTICE KOH l'flll.Il-A 1ION. Land Ollice at Oregon City. Or.. July 24. Is'Jl Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has llled notice of his intention (o make final proof in support 'of his claim, and ths', said proof will be made before the regis ter and receiver of the V. s. land otilco at Ore gou City, Oregon, on September li',, 1S;I1, vis: James I. Minor, Pre-emption P. S. No 7;iuti. for the s'j of se and s'., of sw-i.. of see 22, t 4 s, r 4 e. N0T.CE FOR VCIILIC AT10S. I.ANO Office -it Okkoox Citv, Obc, Aug. US, lssl Notice is hereby given t!iat the follewi'.g named settler has' filed notice of his ililentiou to make final nroof iii suenoi t of his claim and fol lots 1 and 2 of I that said proof wit! be made before llie Register ' and Receiver of the I S. land orhee at Oregou City, Oregon, on Oct. , Is'.U, vim Thus. II. Moore, Pre. 1). I.. No. 7H2S. for the u's of nw1 4 of se'4' of nvv'4 and ne1. of su'i of see" 21.. tls.ro e. He names tlie foil.i.vitig witnesses to prove his continu.nis residence upon niul cultivation of. said land, viz: .1. W. Palimiteer. Wiley Buyer. Hi ram Overlou allot CurrinsviP.e. Clackamas ,'ouuEy, Oregolu and David Hatch, of l'oislaud, Jinliuomali co.intv, Oregon. 8 21 :' SKiS J.T. Ari-f.itv.s, Register.' NOTICE FOR Pl llLWATlON, Lsn OrFH't at Okeijon Citv, 0k. Aug. ls,lil. Notice ts hereby given that the following. He names tlie following witnesses to prove j named settler ha.s filed notice of his iiucntion his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said liiil.l, vi.: .loiin cage, s,r., 11. 'j. Myers. I.e. Lucy, and K. l.ocy, all ol Spring water. Clackamas county, Oregon. 7 :U; H 1 J.T- AiTKissos, Register. to make hna! proof in suppo thai said proof will be made Administrator's Notice. Notice Is herebv given, that the undersigned has been, by order oi the Comity Court ol Clack amas leuiutty, Oregon, duly appointed admin istrator of tlie estaie of Henry Miller, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, with proper vouchers attached at the ollice ol 0 P and 1). n Laionreite, Ui Oregou City, within six mouths from the date of this notice Pated August 12, lSi'l J, K. .MORRIS, Administrator. If you stiller pi icUiii'.' pains 011 moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright lioht and tind'yui' sight, weak and failine;, you should promptly use lh'. McLean's Sti-etioilieniug- Lye Salve. 25 cents u box. , on 01 bis cia'.nl .nut before the lies'is- ter und Receiver of the C. s. land ottiee at Ore gon L'uy, Oregon, ou Oct. -J, li. 1, vu: Charles N. Ulioads, Pre. P I.. No. 7i-.27,forthi'M'i , of see. JVt 1 s, r."e. He names the following w itnesses to provo his continuous residence upon nud cultivation of. said land, viz: L. A. P. t'uter, Pavld Hatch, Mr.- Stewart, Mr. lloyer, nil of Curinsville, Clackamas ouutity, Oregon. S 21: si-2' J. T. Ai'r-KKsox, Register. 0i!C lO TllAl,HJt.',.'. Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of K..piali.ation for Clackamas county, w'li meet al the court house In Oregon City, ou Men. lay, September -js, ,nd remain in session one week. All pni'Oes desiring 10 examine their assess ment before the meeting of thu i.oiid of K.iialiation enn dose by calling at my oilieej in the court house on Saturday of each week. 10-25 J. W, NollLK, Assessor, r. ! f 1 '. 1 t V w,t"'vl '-- ' ' - (- . v. J7 'IWAW,tf