Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 04, 1891, Image 6

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Icl d frl Satar.
intl t the Knthhiriss
Will Mr. J. C 8toHrt vv call M
the Kntswmm otiict, or mid lusnd
jrpiw. Bhw Stone or Bliw Vitrot 12 -pound
for 11.00 at Cliariimn A Co. l ily Pruj
Rev. I H Jiiimey i imvinn net
ottsgo ewtinl in Central Addition
J4so0, one story in l'ijlit.
Sunt. Thomson left some fine tpm-
tnens of Own ttsl apple t this otl'u-e
that are of Uiy sue ana oi nne navor.
If vou want a good plow, try the Oale.
It is "just what you want to do prod woik
in Orrgon soil." Sold ty Charman A Son.
One ,lv last week the 8 month child
of Mr. and H. T. Swanton, who resides
on !h West side died after a brief ill-
J. W OVonnell, the well-known hat
ter and clothier, is closing oot his sum
mer stock of goods at astonishing low
Mr. O.K. A. Freylag has erected an
awning in front of his store, which will
add much to the comfort o( tins popular
Several errorscrept into Prof. Hurley's
educational column last week, which
misconstrued the meaning in some of
the sentences. It was no fault of his
Capt.S. B. Callff, of the Oregon City
Sash A lVr Kactory, states that
the building trade has improved to a
considerable extent of lat. 'I hey are
now kepi very busy at the factory, and
have completed mm.e elegant stained
glass doors and w idow for lr, Norris'
newuwelung. Ih Hiegon tltv Sash
A lHxr factory anppliea building mater
ials cheaper tlian tliey can lie obtained
iu IVrtUittl.
On last Sundav Senator II. E Cross
received wont thai a bridgw needed re
pairing on the Ml, Hood and Harlow
road, about forty mile distant from
this place. Arriving there he soon had
the hiMge repalieil, ami returned to
this city Tuesday evening. He repoit
that road in much better comlition limit
theave.sge county road leading into
this city.
Miss May Kelly returned from Long
Mr. C. Hoherg'a family are visiting
relative at Astoria.
The Misses Paine have returned from
their extended visit to Washington,
A marriage license, was granted this
week to ilia Osborne, and Cha. A.
Ex-Maishal C. K. Burn ha com
menced the eriviion of a neat cottage tit
(iieen Point addition
If vou want good glove we have just
received tins day an invoice of celebrated
Leak A Co., direct from the factory
which will 1 sold cheap by Thomas
Charman A Son.
Mr. II. B. Kirkpalrick left last Satur
day for Coaad, Nebraska, where he in
tends to reside in the future. He will
associate li-self with his brother in the
feed and produce busmen.
We have just received an invoice of
clothing direct from New York, also a
laige invoice of clothii.g t'roin Chicago.
Genuine gixd goods and will be sold at
bed rock pi ices. t. haruian & Son.
Mrs. William Kudcy has a tine speci
men of broom corn in her yard. The
seed came w ith a sample let of flower seed
and conclusively shows that broom corn
can be successfully grown here.
Old settlers are prophesying another
hard winter, but Por A Co. are prepar
ing for the emergency, as they will
ehortly receive the largest sto-.k of
heating stoves ever brought to Oregon
- City.
Mr. William Eudey, of this city, is
busily engaged building the new light
house near Crescent City, California.
He is assisted bv his son A . P. Kudey
Mr. John Eudev, of Portland is sojourn
ing there for his health.
Itia very likely the Eleventh street
improvement will be killed by remon
strance, as the grade established by
the committee is very unsatisfactory to
property owners. The matter should
be adjusted satisfactorily to all.
J. R. Rhoad-s and Volney M88 spent
several days camping on the Abernethv
during the past week. When ihe gen
tle zephyrs of night floated through the
.canyon, they imagined they could hear
- the roar of the waves at Long Beach.
That well-known and successful news
paper manager, John J. Burnett, has
purchased the Sunday Welcome at
Portland. Mr. Burnett wag lormerly
one of the proprietors of that journal,
and its success is assured under his
Messrs. Boyer A Lacy, of the Moun
tain View meat market, have erected a
large slaughter house east of the city.
They will now do their own slaughter
ing, and are better than ever prepared
to furntsl. their customers with the
best meats.
A horse belonging to Robert Thompson
at Marquam, was shot in the shoulder
last Saturday evening by some one. The
animal was so badly injured, that it
was found necessary to kill him. Tim
shooting is probably the result of ihe
dithYully growing out of the recent dog
poisoning .'. If the shootii-t i ever
lound out it m ill likely go hard with him.
For nearly twenty yearn Mr. C. N.
Greenman, of this city, ha carried on
an express, drayage and transfer busi
ness. By honest and fair dealing, he
ha built up an immense business, and
has the entire confidence of the public.
It is a pleasure, to deal with such men
as Mr. Greenman, aa one can rely on
their business being properly attended
Of the assessment for the improve
ment of Seventh street, which amounts
to a little over 110,000, only about half
has been paid. A few claim that they
will not pay their pro-rata of the
assessment, but it is very probable that
within three months afier the improve
ment is completed, every property
owner along that thoroughfare wrtl be
delighted with the change.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hatton, while out
driving the other div near the Clacka
mas hatclieiv. met with an accident that
resulted in a broken arm for Mrs Hat
ton A team ran into their wagon which
frightened the horse who started to run
away, and Mrs. Hatton in jumping from
the wagon to save herself, met with the
accident above mentioned.
The Pacific Piattal Telegraphic Co.
have removed their otllce to Caulleld
A Hunt lev 'a drug store.
Mr. H. C. Stevens i putting down a
new six-toot sidewalk on Sixth street,
adjoining the Oriental Hotel.
Mr. O. P. Mason has sold the Parltlo
Farmer at Portland, and with the next
issue retire from it control,
Capt M. G Butterlleld, of Com
pany C, First regiment, ha tendered
liia resignation to Colonel Boebe.
IVpnty Assessor Witherell'a family
are camping ti(ur New F.ra, Mr.
Witherill is still in very poor health.
street Commissioner Hoberg state
that there ha len 6,800 lineal feel of
new sidewalk built on the hill this season.
Wilson A Co .ke have sold
ton of binding twine this
and vet harvest is not halt
Mr W W me well known
merchant at New F.ra, lias completed his j ",n"
over 4
Read tt C. Caslor' new advertise
ment in this issue of Tiik Fntkhi'kihk,
He carries the best stock in hi line in
the city.
Road Master Waite. and Bridge
Superintendent I. O. Johnson, of the
Southern I'acilic tailroad, were In the
city during the week.
City Sexton J. A. Slover ha re
moved his reideno to MolaPa avenue,
Mountain View, immediately oppoaite
the residence of J. W, Grout.
Mr. J. W. Treinbath, jr., returned
Sa'urdav from a ten days' trip to the
Sound and British Columbia He re
ports having had a very enjoyable)
The reason Oregon City people do
not go go to Portland to buy their jew
elry, .Mrs. Burrneister keeps her store
aupplied with the best ot goods and
latest styles. She is constantly re
ceiving new goods, and is now getting
ready for the fall trade .
Hon F. A. Moore, says the St. Helens
Mist, has been appointed by the Astoria
railroad company to secure the right of
way for that company between Goble
and Astoria. The Judge held a similar
position on the extension of the Lnion
Pacific to the Sound, which he
satisfactorily to the company as well as
the people.
elegant new store building at Barlows,
ami will open out with a largj stuck of'
g.KHls Saturday. Mr. Jose is a wide-a-wakejmsiness
man, and This F.nt:h
caiss takes pleasure in recommending
him to the ieople of Barlows and vicinity-
Musical and social entertainment at
the Congregational church, Friday even
ing. September 4th A g'unl programme
has been prepared after which refresh
ments will be served m the yard, weather
premitting. Exercises will commence
at 8 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. Ice
cream 19 cents.
The, Southern Pacific railroad com
pany are putting in a new side track
next to the bluff 1500 feet in length
Street Commissioner Hoberg received
a telegram from Mr. Koeblor yesterday
morning te set back the Seventh street
steps at the expense of the railroad
One of the most delightful suburbs of
Oregon Citv is Danton on the west side
of the river about one mile below the
suspension bridge. Mr. J. Tompkins
is proprietor of this tract, and no place
affords a better opportunity to secure
a splendid home for a small outlay of
Mrs A. M. Linville, recently of Kan
sas, has purchased Mrs. Dr. l'aine's
dry goods and variety store, and will
carry an exclusive stock of ladies fur
nishing giods, underw ear, etc, all of the
best quality and in great variety .
Rev, O. W. Lucas returns from liear
hart Park at the seaside this week, and
will till hi own pulpit at the Congre
gational church next Sunday morning
and evening.
Mrs. D. P
Oregon City,
mother, Mrs.
Thompson, of Portland,
by her daughter, was in
last Sunday, visiting her
Meldriim. They will soon
The Great Eastern base ba 11 club of
this city will play the Gervals club
next Sunday for $ii a side It will be
a closely contested and interesting
game. The game will take place at the
grounds in this city.'
The Increase of business at Mrs.
Burmeister'g jewelry store made it nec
essary to secure the services of another
jeweler, and Mr. Nash, of Portland, has
accepted a position in that vicinity establishment.
There is considerable complaint in the
city about the ill natured dogs that are
permitted to tun at large to the immi
nent danger of pedestrians. It would be
a good thir.g if the dogs of the city were
New sidewalks have been extended
to the basin on both sides of Main
street, and the Oregon City manufac-
filled i ' -' erecieu a railing
leave for Kuro.
Mr. and Mrs. liePareo,, of Portland,
have been in the city several days the
guests of Capt. and "Mrs. Cowing, Mr.
lel'arcq' parents. Mr. IVPsrcq' ha
a position with the Western Union Tel
egraph company at Portland.
Mr. Burdette Thayer, of Minnesota,
has been appointed special land agent
for this district, and will make his
home in Oregon City. He has tented
Ihe rectory ot the Episcopal church,
where he will reside with his family.
An Interestlnf MwUt Held.
Sew Officer Klwteil For the
Ensuing lour.
The Oregon editor had a verv Inler-
Wting session, ami
i handsome geld headed cane
h the members o the ,,";
and secretary F.. C. VutUnd was
presented with n legwH ol
'Caption censured thi .,,rln
tomlont of tlu Portland exposition r
, r,'at.ne..l at his hand and "
"olio., all members agreed to
vmplimeiitarv tlckota tbov t.-l
i ceivd. The urn-tien ol freight rate n
. .. i i v...ii..,rn Paci ic rail-
lie v mini aim i" invM, -real
was discussed, a also v other
mutter ol Importance.
A. Nottner, the veteran journalist,
was placed In nomiimtbm lor president
ami reeeivixl the unanimous vote ol
the convention. ,
The liresidetit appointed the usual
ouiiimitliee necessary for the work ol
the ensuing vear
I' pun motion the MUming ollleer
ere Chosen : i iciviremein-, ;
Ed.lv, F. S. Harding, Ira t ampiH'ii,
! t .1 11' l'l ...til, II, '
J Mi.Htguiss aim .urn n. ... i i).
Secretary K. C. IVntlaiidl Trvasmer, O.
l. .... . ,J......l.ul...rttiri Altit.rt
I , .liaBOII i .-I'lH.-nnv-M, n. ...o
Farmers Alliance l So Urntlng
i un n nmn from Eastern Washington
was in the city today and "poke In strong
term ol the wheat prospvt in that
section The lartlier south a rni
goes, generally the better crop are seen.
In the northern part It ha Uen a Utile
too drv A singular fact i also noted
that often one part of Held will he dead
riie, while twenty rd away it will la'
decidedly green. ' Wureh uise are heiti!
erected by the farmers' alliance, especi
ally in Whitman county. Last year one
was built bv Senator McCrosky at Gar
Held. A dividend ot. Mi per lent on Its
cost was declared. This, "t course, nip
.Notrvii',.,1 tlm fanners. MatlV of them
i have already sold their erups at V'i and
j Til cent per" bushel. Much disatis(acl.
ion is tell with the grain rate. !ut u
jean hardly be belvd tnis scanm. Tcl
! egram.
i . .
.viler l lt.
T!ie following is the l.i-t of l.elter re
mauling in the I'O-I otllce l Oregon t'lty,
iiregoii, SeplemluT 4. 1":
Iti.ttini, It Murton, Hrrlmrt
Buhner, Jacob-'i Ss t rry, IV S
t illiiiif;, Mn Virginia Nu.e, Mrs Waiwu II
.antm. Mm Marx u'. Mr H
The best place to buy GooJa the cheapest,--,
tlettr in niiml I jmy the highest inurkft jrio for I'KnDi'fj
-xclmnuo f.irfiOtHH
AllSuuitiicrfi.HsU Soil nt Coat for CASH, m I Imve to itmkf.
for ttiv itiiiiiciice FalUn.i Winter Stmk.
PkAlltM H
Mr. L. II. Cowing has gone to the
mountains for a few dav hunting and
recreation. He will lie joined at F.ugene
by Kansom Morriwon.au old schoolmate,
now residing in San Francisco. During
his absence, Mr. Rlmea K Paeon will
have charge of the .Vestern Union
telegrah otlice.
A communication was received from
Park Place, which arrived too late for
this issue. The Hutchinson family will
give a concert at that place, Saturday
evening, Sept. 6. Mrs. J. A. Chase is
an old friend ot thin family, anil through
her efforts they kindly offered a little
assistance in raising a library fund.
Mr O. B. Whitmore, grand official in
structor of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen tor Oregon and Washington,
will give a tree lecture at Pope' Hall on
Friday, Sept. 4, 18111, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mr. Whitmore is an interesting and able
lecturer, and represents one ofjthe lead
ing and popular orders of the world
No admission will be charged, and all
should bear this lecture. Ladies Free.
Unm, (ieorge Price. Mr t rank .1
Himl. Mrs Maty Sterntssk, Mrs Jo
Itaillev. K I. " ehim
Kurmelv, John, Spiirgeou. Mr F.
Me lane". Mike Smith, Mrs I, I.
Miller. Fred a age, Mrs Irene
If called tor, plrn v when a.tvertiwl.
K. M; It AMS. P. M.
Doors, Windows, Moulding
Cabinet Work, Kitting" up Store ami Hi pairinn of all kiml.
WApm mnl JltiKgie a Sinn-mlty,
Jol.biiiK Oiler rroniptlv Ktsctv
lHI I'.M I lit: l.dtfl.M I',
Shop coiner r'oiirth and Water street, bai k at Vtm A Co', Orngutf,
Oregon City Sash and Door Ct
Carry th" Large! Sta k of
Sash, )o,rs, Hlintls, Mouldings, Etc.
lit Oregon City.
S t-ial sues of iKmrs iin.l Win. lows itiade to nr.ler. Turning of a!il
Estlmatofi for Stair Work and Storo Fronts
Kurtiislip.l mi appliciition. HuiMi-ra, give us a call, and ifoim
is not of the hot, mnl our jirtce as low a the lowest. Trie
on tipliriiti.ut.
Factory, Cor. Main and llth Sts., Oregon City.
Several anonymous communications ' Three big hop contracts are reported
have been received at this office of late
It is a strict rule of the office not to
publish any article unless the name is
accompanied by the author's name. Reg
ular correspondents of The Entebi'kisk
ahould bear in mind the importance of
ending in their names with each communication.
Mr. E. M. Atkinson has prepared a
map showing Portland and Oregon City,
and all the country tributary thereto,
All the wagon roads, railroads, motor
lines and proposed lines are distinctly
..shown. Section lines are distinctly
marked. The map is an invaluable one
and is printed on paper manufactured
from wood in Oregon City.
Mr. E. E., Williams, the live grocer,
has perfected plans for putting up a
branch store on Seventh street, when
the improvements on that thoroughfare
are completed. Mr. Williams has
built up a large busineHS by conducting
an exclusive grocery businsss, and a
branch store in that part of the city
would be duly appreciated by the peo
ple living there.
The tioard ef trade holds its reguler
monthly meeting next Tuesday evening.
The committee appointed, will at that
time make their report as to the advis
. ability ot having a write-up and pub
lishing views in the pamphlet Intitled
"Oregon." This is a matter in which
all are deeply interested even outside of
the board of trade membership. A full
attendance of all the members is very
juuch cleired.
from Portland : One is for 10,000 pounds
at lti cents per pound, and two for
6000 pounds each, for 15 cents per pound.
They are all to be delivered iu October,
Messrs Welch & Hamilton, who have
the contract for building the Latourettc
llaiding block have 28 men employed
and execl to have the building en
closed within three weeks.
Mr. Hatfield, a thorough horseman
from 8t. Louis, Mo., where he had
charge of homes, wishes to get a few
good horses to train, Address care O.
C. Mfg. Co., Oregon City.
Sturgeon fishing has actively begun
on the lower Columbia, and gome of
the fisherman have ulready made con
tracts for this season's catch at a cent
cent and a half a pound.
Messrs. Maver & Ackerman have just
received a new line of ready made cloth
ingdirect from the east, which is now in
stock and open to inspection. Drop in
and see the new styles.
An Important Sewerage Outlet.
Now that Seventh street is lieing im
proved, it is very important that it
should have a good sewerage outlet.
And the only practical outlet is tnrough
Singer crecli. A sewer should be built
through the depression caused by the
heavy flow of water in winter, that would
be sufficiently large to carry off the
sewerage from several adjacent streets,
and shot'Id be constructed with a view
toils more urgent need in the future.
Seventh street should by all means
have a good ami sufficient sewer drain
age, and it will be but a short time be
fore other streets would need the Singer
creek main as an nutlet for numerous
branch sewers. The attention of the
city council is called to this very im
portant matter, and it h expected that
they will takeprojier action.
A Pleasant Party.
K A very pieaiuni surprise parry was
Itiven at the residence of Mr. and ,Mr.
It. H, Walker, on Tuesday evening, in
honor ot Miss. I.ela Mi Ate, by her
many friend she has gained during her
stay in this city. At t! o'clock the doors
were thrown 0Hn and in a short time
the parlors were crowded to their utmost
capacity. The furniture was removed
from the back parlor for the purMjae of
Music nd dancing were the chief en
joyment of the evening. Some excellent
music was rendered by Misses MeAtee,
Clara Hall ami Untie Walker, Messrs.
Lankina, itruce, Ward, and Picket, with
an occasional song by Messrs C. Kinney,
and F. I) Itruce. At II o'clock the
guests adjourned to the dining room,
where ice cream and cake were served
by Misses liirdie Walker and Mary
Duffy Dancing whs then continued un
til a late hour w hen they departed, hav
ing spent a must enjoyable evening.
Those present were: Misses. MeAtee.
Duffy, Walker, 11. Walker, Mills, I.ics.
Hall, Steiner, Williams, Mosherger,
Adams, lierry, Maud and Myrtle Weath
erall, Duffy. Messrs. Morris. Duncan,
Harjier, Itruco, Carlson, Cunningham,
Moor, llrannun, Spencer, Picket, Kenny,
Peas, Thorn, Molfct, Wilsm, lms,
Duffy, llrennan, Adams, I.ankins, War d
and Erickson.
a iff no ffff tTM$m
-v . ewe BCST.
A petition is being extensively cir
culated and signed asking that a bridge
be built across the Tualitan river near
where it empties into the Willamette
Mr. D, C. Latourette has com
menced the erection of a f'JSOO cottage
on his property at the corner of 10th
and Madison streets.
A full line of crutches
& Co's. Drug Store.
at Charmann
Itase Hull Next Siiiiiiujr.
The Great Eastern base ball club has
been completely re-organized with Isaac
Ackerman, as manager, and if they do
not meet with success it will lie no fault
of the management. Following is the
personell of the reorganized club:
Keckner, pitcher; Wells, catcher; F'en
nimore. short stop; Fields, 1st. base;
Ktirch, 2nd base; May, Ilrd base; Jones,
right field: Fielding Kelly, umpire.
They will play the Oervaia club at the
grounds in this city next Sunday at 3 :30
p. M., for $5 aside. This will be the
game of the season for Oregon Citv, and
there will be some fine playinj.
Heath at Clackamas.
Muta, infant daughter of L. D. and
Emma Jones, died near Clackamas
station, August 30th, 1801, aged 20 days.
The following was handed in by a cor
respondent :J
Thin lovely bud no young, no (air,
Called hence by early doom.
Just come to show bow sweeter flowers,
In paradise would bloom.
Kre sin would harm, no sorrow hide,
Jieith came with friendly care,
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,
And bade It blossom there.
Mure Singing Minis.
The society for Ihe introduction of
(iermaii singing birds has bad prepared
beautifully mounted Hecimeris of each
variety of birds imported by them,
which are now on exhibition at the olllce
of the secretary, ('. P. P(lmer, ,m Sec
ond street, near Morrison. I!y ex amiuing
them, persons will lie able to tell the
binh when they see them in the Melds
or woods. The case includes specimens
of the male anil female of the nightin
gale, bullfinch, goldllnch, greenfinch,
chaffinch, singing ipiail, black thrush,
song thrush, starling, linnet, skylark,
cardinal crossbill, etc. The society has
ordered a lot more of birds to the value
of fr)00, principally song and black
thrushes, European robins ami bull
finches, which will arrive here about the
middle of October. Mr Frank Dektim,
president of the society, is having a large
aviary built on his grounds for thfdr re
ception, where they will Ire kept during
the winter, and when the spring is suffi
ciently advanced they will be turned
loose With these birds will also arrive
a lot of skylarks, starlings, linnets, gold
finches, mocking buds, bullfinches and
bobolinks, ordered by Mr. W. H. I,add,
to the value of $200, and a lot of larks,
thrushes, robing, linnets, bullfinches,
etc., for Mrs. J. H. Smith, of MountTa
bor. Mr. Ladd and Mrs. Smith are
having quarters prepared for these birds
and will turn them loose in the spring.
It is expected that the birds will be in
better condition after being kept through
the winter than if they had made the
long journey in the spring and were then
sot at large. The result of the first im
portation of birds has been very satisfac
tory, many of the species having in
creased wonderfully and spread over a
large extent of territory. If the new
plan of importing proves a success the
society will again import a lot of night
ingales and endeavor to establish those
beautiful singers here. Oregonian.
Hop Men Take Notice.
25 pounds) of Brimstone for one dollar
at Cbftrman & Co. City Drug Btore.
I have on hand an assortment of Kemnai
Mattings that I will sell Mow Cost.
Furniture, Hahy Iteies, Hammocks. Col
Camp-Stools and Chairs, Tables etc, at For
land prices.
A full supply of Undertaker
uoods always on hand.
chnicrrn fT " iQ 1,0 H'' of KrtaU. firm. H'
UH fl ca1 " '" l""lH'y. t iirri'MiKiiKlenro nolii'it'-ci.
(Ill TO
Flue Pcrruraeries and Toilet Articles.
AIko n lull niocu i,l
ft Si
Hot Meals at allHo
I.iuu liim hIho Rorvl . A ftilHI'
eiKiirs, fiui'licH, Nuts
mnl CaniM'tl Fr
livo iihiv trial unci rutiiotiilifsr tliei1'
in uihoii A Louis' old stmiii.