TIlli ENTERPRISE. 411 s, ttl l U I'.. atntl lrirl-tor. KKIUAY, SKITKMI'KU 4, ISKl. Armiuiiniiii r to ovor. Thaitv sitrntMaptii,tM Santiago without troul.li. No sooner had thr onpttnl aurrtmtt ml than j a nio'i hurtiiKl lite hou-m of Kalii-amda ami ! I1"' ""MdiMirfa of hi minister".. I'rvsiiUuit Hnlmaa.ia surrrtnttrvtl llr holdlint i iMiineil ofar with Ida Inferior oftlcvra, am nioii(!iily r-anainiith situation. Tim j litis ended a revolution that Ims Uh'H our i of Hit1 niot liiifortanl In ilia l,i,t.,fv i South America., and attracted the liitcrasUHl Tliv I people of Iitiltii reevivtd (lie news of the o ... i,.. ih ii Hie immtrv is richer " . ..... ... .1 v iii.i. in is. XV Al that '" of tutiiw civilised world III iMVIf ' ' . :.. ...... f.irtih iti- hXlTln 'ihe i!. h"W..(!l..l ! '''f veri,,.,,t with a-re ..,.I,U,. , i ,,: iv -im! in ISsUoV.'-UO. nl"1"' Aiinougn HMnwmn was uttetpertr ihut the cnMit ft.r all ' "ntiiin, il Is stated that ,h. ,l i ... ni.ii ran a, in lustra- ' - " "ic, t.,.., ... to no.HM.i.timt tl,- tav t ! 1 "-cnm..m at ahi..Kton Is an . . ! lilllKlt- M'filtlM. t. It.. Ik..... l' tlm i ;evelat.l tour vcar term Iclt no mark i " " .... i ...I;.,. ..r ilu r-oniitiv. Hiss ... . iin inmi.pii mm rv this. tiol Oil two prmcipal measures, 'he repeat "'' silver coinaise ' " "'" "f tan't for reveniHOiily proved a laiture. The allowing ia ftood on for republic s, who, after : years t.ftrinl. tin.) f-'t I"1 " h slll,r of each inhabitant of the United Stales of Ihe money, in circulation, apiin.st ISM whan Jaire Buchanan turned the office over t Abraham Lincoln. Tln five kimls of rur rvm in the Vnited Siat- an- eoh as (pxi a koKI. At tlif Toor flai cold may be ha.1 for ailvrr ilollars, for gfrenW-k, tn-;iorv notes and coin certificates. Willi tlii hoing it will be loi'S'time U-fore the eoiie will ad.l nu Lew kii.d if iiioney of ficUin.u a'.-le. Cim roiiiiiy receive reminders on all siileof the cry bad ivndition of lier roads. In that )art of Claokamaa county idjoining the Multiiomah county line the ditterenw is plainly discernible. Judj. Moreiand and County Clerk Powell, of Mult nomah county, recently made a trip out on the section line rod, with a view of examin ing the thoroughfare through that (mil of the county. Their report published in the Oregonisn shows the mads of that section to be in splendid condition. While on their journey they crossed over the line into Clackamas on the same road, and their published remarks are anythinK but com pUiuenUry to the thoroughfare of this county. The mads of Clackamaa county must be improved, or the people of the northern part of the county w ill ask to be included in the territory of Multnomah, where they can hae sood roads to drive over. low n, which is taken aa an einlaitaiion of his silence. The tr.Knv or the insurants were t.w much for Halmaceda. 11 had to give in. CITY LEGISLATURE. Iwiiliir Monthly Sesio t Hold pdnpsily Kveninir. All Twcntjr-Sln f ool Alley Cut Dunn To Tea fwl. Fakwkks, a well a the hh le of Ctacka mas county generally, are dimply interetel in the heat market. There ;s no doubt of an enormous deficit in Kurot-e, which must be almost holly sup lied from the Vnited Mate wheat l.i .mi. ly the shortage in Kurope, the high prices i,l likely cause the ue of cheaper I.mhI auhsUUi'es, and among the jioorer classes deprivation to the starvation bruit. Wheat growers have exiwrienced low and unprofitable prices for a aeries ot years. Now is undoubtedly a turning point in their fortune. It will take time to replenish grain stocks to the point that a aurplus will exist, and until that period it is believed the farmer will secure adequate re turns for his lahor. The mayor and all the member of the council wen- present. Minutes of last regular and special meet ings read and approved. Petition from t. W. Church and others asking that the old plank taken up (Kim the si,!ealkson Seventh atreet, be uacd to extend the sidewalk oil Dirison street east. On motion referred to committee on si reels and public property. Petition read fjom chief of police asking that abuildingon Third afreet near the rail road owned by the Portland Flouring Mills Company, and occupied by Indians and Chinese, be declared a nuisance, and the ow ners be ordered to tear down the same. On motion referred to committee on health and ..ice. Petition from J. C. Robbing ami others asking the privilege of improving Fifteenth street between John Adams and Madison slrefls at their own exiene. On motion the prayer of the petitioners was granted. A petition was read from K. I. Kelly and others, asking that the city vacate a part of the pnlilic square in Central Addition for school purposes. On motion the ietilion was granted, and a motion carried that the recorder be instructed to publish the nee essary notices.. A coinniiiiikation was read from It. Koel.ler, manager of the Southern Pacilic Railroad Company, slating that ther were huililmg another side track at this iilace .,. Vt ft.. I.l,,,l ... .1 .1 I... I ..... While il will take a large amoui.tof. .:,. ,,ie ;,.,.. .',,... I nay of the new side track, and a.ke, thai the city build clevaied stairways over th. railroad tracks. Mr. Koohler "being ,n.s eut, was invited to state what ste ,s he de sired to take in the matter. He then made a few remarks asking permission to set the lower steps of the stairways on Fourth and and Seventh streets to make room for their side track, as work had already com menced on the same, and thev desired It, push the same to early completion, hut would not agree to set the net of the Sixth street stairway back. Mr. I.alourette In. It is slated that the High School of Port land isla-ingits prestige, and does not turn out as many graduates as formerly. This can tie partially accounted Tor from the fait that the bieh schools of the country have included iii their studies too much that is .iii-erMii.iii- that cannot be atmiird tot practical u.-e in every day life. traduced a resolution asking that the rail. road company lie ermilted to move the steps back on 4th, nth and 7th streets, un der direction of the street superintendent, nd the committee on streets and public prorty, also to extend said stairways ele veted over the track, according to plans furnished by the city engineer. O'Connell claimed that tne city bad a right to the streets running from the bluff to the river, as they had lcen dedicated for that pur pose, and that the employes ofthecotn- , . I'ltny were violating an ordinance of Phe vnlu- ; . it y. hy obstructing said streets. Mr. time is waited on ma I lai.icuaes and , Mr. Kochhr then ma-ie a lew remarks, imt r' i-of-tr.dv that are of no practical r'""l'ition did not ai,-ar to he entirely 1 I .JTO-f'M'MrV ta lllTII hilt vvnr,i,.n.l . .l.-.i... . . ... ,1... r.. i. l-.ti. u .,t tl m , vt 1 r i , . . ... ..... , , , 'M.W,.V ... ...v ..... . .... k . The chco! of tlie cotii.'.iy u.ii-t ,i ore practical, l el'ure they can desideratum of elliciency. ,,. ttia!, f..::.l :r .pr'o cnienfs are Is1- in Oremui City than in any other .,. -ta'e i .-e t V-rthind. There is i,,.. ,. . - - - r r , i ..- l-.3 :tn air of solid : , N- v !r;-i! es-i hlocU al'd - are.! ):.-: '-n iu every portion i!y; caI n-!v o plans have been : i n re .';o. ,:'i'v titill.e the a-:-: , !...; of f et of new -i''e- !-, :u" ::iid : ht reet iniTT'iVelneMts a: ra-iL'eut.-uts. ham nil . tit..M-. t.. aii.eiel b tiikitig out the word !..:'. 1!. It. Co.. ii nd substituting street superintendent, ai d that the changes and in. proven, eiits he inn du al the eeii-eol' the S , 1 1 : : n -.-. i l'.eii;, ll.iilroad Coiupanv. I'l'e rc-"hitiiin ii iiuiei'ded earned, (in motion the matter of permanent improve tnei.t of stairways vmi- referred to the cm. ntittet; on streets ami public pmpottv to cooler with Mild radroad ciMipatiy. A petition as j.-...; tr,.i.. .1. M.'an 1 l. I!. Ilarcmy uskiiik' tfinl .e alley t!iroii'li I . I , 1, i'M ' oi't'titd ai.d'olistrurliohs reuuneil, I.atourette ohji cted to opening alleys, and staled tl.nt !:. larger i-,t:t Uia; tin , a- thev re a! vi place FROM BARLOWS. "SAll.OU JIM" NOT SMOdTII KNOICII. Hotel l'poprit'lor on His Tmck. t aptureil Ml Oirgoll ( y Ihpat. ;o m"m:ii.iTi:i.i. Three Mude it I ullages. liiB !. r the llulnits ill' Itusj IVople. "hs, Tit k S.xii.oit, Nor Smooth Ksot'xH " Alhiut four weeks ago a sailor hy the name ol James .Smith, but taller known as "Kid Jim," came to our town and put up at Hotel IV (lordon. He Immediately se cured work, piling wood, digging wells, etc. He worked very laiihluily lor lour e.'ks, and had aivuinulalcd sime little munev. when dually he went to the proprietor ot the hotel and told him he had . h,... m. kliia Job near by, and that he Would eonliuiie to Hoard, All went well until 11,1.111 llml day, and the sailor did not show lip. The, proprietor of the hotel became uneasy and was pretiarina to m alHMrd ilia V "1 r. train 111 seareli of Tilm, when more conclu sure evidence came to his ears that "Jim the kid" had skiel out, and hail made Ilia brags that he was going to do the hotel man. This angered the nroi'rietor when he setont Ui catch his man. taking the tram lie Kent an onen ev ,11. .ilif..n,,,i sin. lions en mule to Oreinin Cltv. and was one ol the first to alight Irom the train, ami to nis liaoiiT stlrorise beeaua lit bl mull when in the act ot Uianling the train for Portland, 1 he kid wasverv uiiicli surprised, and In sisted that lie was nini ni U k il, nail uay, and w ould then pay U. Hut the pro prietor had no cohlldeiice in him, and so made the young man pungle. lie was wen allowed hi. freedom. Dau.tMBraa lliu.niN.ia.-.irtir Ih. i,.t t.,ti lays there have been several inquiries fur nouses ny parties some 01 wiioin nave nur- chasel properly, and wish to rent a bouse until sucn time as mey can gel the material and build. In view of this a contract has oern let to Mr. n alter Kvans to erect imme diately three miMlern cottages al a cost of about ftto each, by Messrs. rums Jt ilarluw. Moa it llaiRii DtsTaiaiTfu. For the last ten ilavs there has been a busy lot of iwonle in our town. Sacks of grain are coining in daily al the warehouse., and Ilia tanners now are beginning lu sell, and a great deal of money is being paid out. Wheat is coming 111 Irom as lar back aa Maniism, and the farmers are smiting with joy al the good prices they are getting for their wheal this year. Lakuk SinrmsTS or tianig. Twelve large cars o( grain were shiiuwd away Ironi this plain) last week. Closi OHaitsvsa. It is surprising to see the amount of tuisine done in aUdirec lions. To your nusirter Mr. Knell said: "I I hate visiuvl all towns north of Uoselmrg in ! the past two weeks, and tlud thai your low 11 ; ..... I.. ..II... . ..!.. ... . .... . 1 . . - I . ! ii, .or ii.eur.si i'iw-v 1 iia.v ueen III lor me sue of il." Carieuters are busy, painters i on every building, warehouse men crowded : and rushed, and in tact a general good, j tiealtliy oiiIIook. ! l. vaoa Hand or l'ini.i.-A drove of hi head of beef cattle were pastured on the prairie for a couple of days. They had been driven quite a distance from up the valley, and needed acoupie of days rest and good pasture preparatory to reaching the Portland market. lusn PiacNASK. Mr. A. Hope has pur chased of Barlow X Co. thirteen acres of land near the town. He will put it out in prunes. riasoxAU. Kx-Judge W. I.. White, of this county, Is visiting Wm. Harlow and family. The judge reports having had a very pleasant visit at the Sound, where he has been for the past live months. Mr. S. J. Vaughn, of Molalla, a large grain grower, w aa in our town one day last week. He rearts line crops, and the yield better than lor many years. Mr. Chas. llolman, of Hiilnian lints, of Meadow lame, was in our town this week. He came dow n lo measure tlienistance trout Ins place to t'auhy ami Harlow, and limls thai its.iuitc in l.iMirnl Harlow, and also itetlcr muds. He has altotit .".in tons of ,.i , and the siuiugof distaineis ipnte a fealure in tin' marketing of so much hay. F.v-Shrrilt Win. Knight, ol Clnhy. was seen on ,mr streets one day hist week." Mr. Nolilett, of Needy, sis-lit a duvwilh. US this Week. Mr. llowntd. of Canity, w .n. in oiir t.,, lll-t Week With II load of hi, peaches. He lias se'.cral acres in pe.icll 011 h.iia. mid ie port.- .1 line and lasge 1 rop. Mr. Vatilhiieu. of IJ.ulou I'ra i.roo-rlit in .-nil load- ol wavr a very tine qiia,it . Mi', M. S. Ilal'lou is sojoui 1,111--liaflt i'ark, t'lai-op 1 iit . SIXTH HNNUHL FR WILL UK 11KL1) AT September 23, 24, Sep! 23, 5 M A K QUA M, Undo tho Auspices of tho Butte Creek Fair Associa Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept 23, t LiiHTiil prtMiiiiittin oiTeml fur l-sl ilispUy of all h.liirt nf tlie farm and wurk-thnn Auiplo gnxuiJH and every facilities aiTuriloJ cxIiiUlors to make thoir Pkliihit allraflirf. Hat luailoti frw on aiiplication, J. K. JACK, Sccrttaiy. K. iSKIRVIN, Ym 151 Front Street. HARDWARE I lVnr ATItllVS SAWS Uuee Uirldfiil- ruiilei.,ti Isjiim Uo, '! 1U rVrrf r ' ' f WW WW m aa V vAk i ' ' ' " -. z i ' i aw. v. rosconi cigcs varrantcti.; n iV 1T.miI uumih. Arrmlo YiWa. Kui. Cttm Lopgcrn ami WihxI ChojijM'm fjH'cialtien. "v r 1 s , a uregoncity Ageni, WIUSONI MARKET RETORT P.low Is (Iren th.Orwna Clly M.rkot K .rt eorriK'tiNl wrehlr Irnm qma.tlnus fur ulsheU Tas KsTsar.isa bl Ih local raerchtuu uaaia. Wheat. Valley, f h IU. l)t, per biunel rLoi'a 1 trefoil i lly Mills, I'uiumuu tir.uil t'outitry llr.inl I'nrn .Meal, .... tint Ne.l Viol! hay. sDn.rts brti, I til h rsitt. iiothv tin o er flay. t l MW I '..t,l(,.es. ft fill. I III! IIS f It, .Vl'I'l.'s, ureeli, f tm ,ple. titled, l tl, ll.ltler. t' ti.-. "f'-bu Jloltey, t Hi ., . if. la a o , at I, d - .a: at.y ur h t wide, and mo . tor t:e a;!e s i '. Jor.l. lie, (, la ef, M lit, M .!', I'OI., Poll.. V , al Veal. live 11. of the tir: ..f.l. ,. do: d ,n A C, .tl l!. in ly It) aine ! n ntt. ;!1 1.1-: by ii. : nt : ;:(.i ; i:o aj.;z.viion'. p ti, . .Ires ,-t 11. live f n. Ii. Olessi .1, f ilie. f II. ,re.. ,. f II, i,,e. f Ik p. , ft Ih 'III-.' id. pe I I.IIiV. .! 0. E. A FREYTAG, BEST AND CHEAPEST GROCER VEGETABLES, FRUIT and E I -NfV AM. STAI ! K .,i:,m l.iui-:.- IX bliUT VAlitl Garden Seeds in Bulk. 13th and Main Orenonl Attention, Farmers. 1 1 in it n-- .11 I did not li-ti i. Me ill. d to I' tail lie :l 10 lieiil ill l'..l !li;:: t'l.ry ITS ie Iteli-lifia ol tlio .1 il.lii 1: in 1 ' 1:1 it-1 . V. ,1 ' f ( r;i" i' h 4vU will Mim 1 ,.e,t. ,,-rl Oeitdll aite t.- al its eir- t'.ev I I iniielini,, . er liiii U tT" tr a 1 to i-rtv aliunii to f ell I ill! .t tt.aiM I., -land t!,:,t 1 II I!,- la-!,, till! t.,.i t-.' .ilile .ev id not , m lie )a.'ii it. I, iilni tear la 'fur. lir-t Hi"! ti.'.f.' of t!. ',.'!;ir!:an,,t- imiiiiIv a-sot iatatin l.t-M at the s( lltlll ii'itisf la-t .S.atiin'iiv, .'.:!- a very nuia-es.sful li'.yi'Tiif.' for taa' or-;'fii;:;!iljt. ''ii, 11--0 i.ali'.ii is f-a, aa!" of rloiiv' ti.ueii (food. . me an iietiit! ii. tml.er. '1 lie in-vt meet- i ,!. Ill tl:.-ll--oeil,iio!l V'l! Iield lit Vfidv. d'l.f- nuine .,:' tiiat lo uii'y lir;-!;! ;! .;;, t'lat tl.i- J tropic v-eia. in v,a:.t, 1,'at no miHi ' .e'lilions ofal'liirs exa t, autl toe ti ar In-r.-of the eonirty tain re-t ussure'i of mug l."s letulile treatt tl. Tim 1" I.e t i of at. ate iail. 1 1 u ill Ite -inia ilii:.',' t.l.at v.i:l aj., a' a; ito.tl, at! i-aa- a;,r ii Je;, ii , ' ".il i;tl:at t univr.-i.-al a'tt iiiion, Vt ' ;a karnas cuiuily i tin--reate-t lnot da, a i ifa 1 ea ion in ti,e ale, i.i. e, :'. ,i I , n lo .iiijlisli Unit faet rt the world, and )!-at laniiaiii.- liM nailer a li'i'-liel. - t. lay itiait, uf:iiaii toe t 1" l litled f lalt . l iay l:ol liava: it in hi i.ot tea-n have i-r-e'lif lu er-iit ineal oi a tljfc r tajtitu Health as coin iili.d hy the 1 rieil latent etinsuu hulleton. ' f.'r'nr ttjieftin this .arteiil. i eluiineil it was iilmost ini-o-: ; I lie aineiiduient to ,osti.ont j t ordinal n.otion ifruiitin itrayer of pi: iitiotiers wan earrieii. ! 1 '-tifit.it was read for titeniiiti the alleys lhroiie-1. MiM-n.- ln.1, 111, i it 1 1 1 i t;i and , the removal ofleiKaasand ntherolisti an tin, is. ! 'H'oiiik II n a ie a motion that, the u afer ! he referred to the eointiiittee on sireeis a: 'I I r.iihlh- jiro-a-rly. Kan. I. ill moveil tr, amend , .,. -ii lahh. O'.j.a la.i.a were i nin.lt- t hat stone of the i.etitioirrrs were not . t'liieeily inierestetl in the hlnek-s men-.tio.-etl in the I'ftitioii. Altomev I). " ('. I.it'i-ir-lle wit hia ot-iiiiiin that any tax it , i'..; er ha. I ui i,'i.t to j.etiiion for the ii'ienini . olan alley; that every citizen hiol a riirltl to travel through an' alley, an they were "jpiihlie property. The anuindnient to lav I on the table was lost. Noble stated he did 'not lalieve any individual had a ri-ht to , oi en an all. -v. O'Coi.iiell wilhdrew his I iiiotitiu to refer to fnri.iuitteo on stret-is ami ' I ''M- proia-rly. Wilkiifon then nanetl to a 'it to ooititiiitlea- ui, atria-Is ami puhlic ;.i-ii t-r-y. t anitai. i A pel'lioii wtiti rcii'l from I-'icil 1','ihner 1 andntliers renionsiratini.' ni-jiinst opemiif; I ali'-vs 2i, f'ia-1 in width. .- iiioiion Hasniarle ,; to l,,y on the table. .Noble salid the eouii- 1 eil hiel ert ri;:ht to cut down an alley to ten fer-t. Vilkinon was in favor of nutkitii.' " . Iiienl!e;,.s t. n li-t in width. I'mnarks were r ! made by dillerent inemherH of Ihe ciiuneih i 'i he i to 1 1 its ufibe pttilioners were read, and i 0 (,'oiuti II claimed that a laiyc iiumbc rof Ihrou v. ere not tux-payers. I (lunr.ifiiiaii I'.ai'i' ti.'.a,,, ti thaiaajii reuioiistiaiiee eon , 1 lao cr the mimes of nearly nil the property ' ' i-s r a-., il,,, alleys were ,-et in '' wi'iili. tiharii'iin iifr.-erl with him in this - - laleiiient. 'Ihe million to lay (in the ladle , n, 1..-I, followed by considonihle di,.ein "a. I.ahainaic loarle a iiintioii thiil, the piauir ol Uic pet.lioiiti'fi be granleil, (.ur- Uu motion of Noble, council adjourned, Was i I M. t attoil, ,, nary clerk. Tin i ui oi.iecra, and '.v.li I eoiilur mectiuo in it. ial liisjii..s in I In sesHllielll.S ll'llll I X i! was 1 none einoer v. IV that ' .-till. t lean ae'e I as ; no cleelit, ' llllt'l I'll. next , a ml no olli (if eipializiiir lluic I'ill'ercnt IniMitiH were (lisciihsed uh to w hat wouhl lie tin' luast Way of ohlaininjr the V ilut! of properly, lltul it wiih tle cided It, tnku hoiiiii basis from which u correct and eijual iisscHMinent coiihl bit made. CIiiuIch IIioies. of the lirt ilin trict, propoxed tluil a circular bo isnned lu tint county coiiiiiiinsioiiers, city a'lsii'HU ors, and aln) to pioiiiiiiciit eitizetiH throilHli tint Hlale, in which diH'en-nt. (tiestiijiiK woiihl be linked re irdiun Ihe Iiiihmoii which Hit! ililliirent values could be placed, and (rum which an cipml aHuesMineiit, would be itoHHible. The inipoHiiioii met with tho gencial npjtro vul of tho other liieiiibiirs. Tho ijiieKiion of n'juiil aHHCHsinetit of the niiiinproveil railroii l IiiiuIh who also toiielied upon, but nothing delinilely decidcil. The rrioiiiticrH of ti e boanl ate an fol Iowh: (.'liarli'H IIuirlu-H, of Waldo, truin ihe liiKt i list i I'll , ri'pictK'iitiiij.'.losi.piiini', j j Lake, Klamath and .lurk Hon ciuiiilieH ; I I,, llilyou, i,f J.Jhsjcih; (lily, ftoni the ! t-ecoinl district, rcpieMeiitii. I)i,ii!u, j l,un ami Uciiton couuticH; ,1, I', liob-j ; uHhoii, of Salem, fioin the third riisti iel. I ' roprcHi'iiliiiK Marion. I. inn, I'olk and j j Tillauiiiok ctiiinfie.H;('liarlcs (. Schintiini (if r,,ithiiui, from Uih fouilli distiict, ! representing Mnltnoimib coiinly ; II. la . j , lluyi'H, nl" llsiii-p), from Hie hub diHtrict, j iepies;eiitiiiK ( 'liickainiiH, Yamhill, Col- ! iiiinbiii ninl ClntHiip ciniiilioH: ,1, W. - Shollon, nf I'liinti, (niiii tlie fcixlli din-I I 'i'M, ri'p'xoiif.iii Union, Umatilla, Wal-1 j lowii, llakiT, (iiiiiil, Mullieiir, mid nr-' J ney coiinticr-1 ami W. J I tl jhi-n, of llcpii-. , r tl , I. at , ' I , iiinii i no revtmui (llinci,. r!ireHi)tinK Morrow,' Wanco, (lilliam V l no lae lieriir. II hi I:1, III.. ,e 1.1 . - an. I j . r i it'. mil t llt-l'at . If . a t ' t j n y l.,i 1 ft t i vr MACHINER ' t ' I . s r-J i-JLVD. ,i ,,n.., of Inly. I .1 n-t i It.-t-.i, t.t tin. I -.ti.i i t .11 lew .1 'I' .-.'..II. tut, I .. ial i.-l llel lit Oi ,,. lo sal. I ,1, ,-,, I aail ...,,..ii ,i , on I .li.l ,,ii ih,- jiu, It I lie nail tio.i,... , . "'iii'mii'K to sill'! .teoaniioii ,ti. in- hiuu ,tf ?ina ;n, tilel llilere-l Hi ten .er eelil ..-r let sun e ll..- (.lit .In) ol Maicli is.-ii, itii.i ii,,. f.,r,, , Ulliiot il :ia iicerue.l con, tin. I l,,r fl n. n'lol'liej- lees ItiKel her w il II lllletesl t li.-r ,-. lure September an, Is--!., .Nnw, I uiu, ,,,, S itunlity. sehleiiiher I'.i, s.i, in o,,. t,,,.,, ,.,,. 'lit I se. III stilil ceim v ;, Bo.,,, .,, ill -I. .!sf litomj't.) ml U-lilia, "Ii .Mid Machinery s I'm iiist.,l il. mo I Mnt'r 1' -'Pt on Unnd. Al't iits I'nr War.l ,V llrmly'N VM' "" f ."' If l.tiltririitinir I'nrkiug. ..I Ihe the hour nl llloel imltlle uiif tinii, iioeee.l t lieht, tiiie iiii.i ii i i-r.'s r in di -i ril,i t riail properlv t of sou! h 1 ., of snillli easi ' , shin soiltll, ruIlKti 2 east. Orison. v Slierlll ill (a tek in . of -lie I ty, a fell i, ,,.(,-ii,t lllltl III ilie (..lit, u III, o 1 1 -lit,. ..,t,l, I of eell'l., ja. I.ov h III I l.e-kiiin I- . .. illuy W. II.HAMslO.S, iiillltt , t II IA3IKS KOAKKiVCO., I'ropriolor MOp, bill and Water N'-'.'tr l...,.-ii,-. ,'; a: Oregon City.C IiI'h I'liiclu'r Simp. Ilnteil ItreKitli t.'lly, Iikoii, Ann Is, Is. WILSON l.tslillilUheil I". Ho.. Coo C. II. Enm Drayage & Exp essing Utcilit ami puicijln deliveiial to pai tn of I Im cilv. ;k!'AT Ri-ntrnox i I'HOTOGRAI'II i.i i;s ix SUPERIO TPt 5 T!:Jl" a r t. if M . IK lr I " . ?! STOVES, HARDW -'"i.r. Atkin roi: Tin: Otl A I. , si i and Crook counties. R. Prier the nlil t'slidillBlietl inn reliable tillot(ifriiiher, 4'uliiK't I'liotKrliN,! itrriloz. HAnno' Oliver Plo DRILL? f-'-'t-TIVATOnS, 3 '.' lll.-ll iiitv lllll'. ;ic I iivc U"J gt't I'oi'llainl prices. 1 I I ' -Wi- .i.lip,.p-f'