CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Brief News Items From mi Fiilcriis Intr i'r" f CorrrsiiimdonlH. j Itlng her pniynts, Mr. and Mm. Waitnees, j Hi lit week. I J, tiroiy Kruse mill his bride were visit j at Joint Kruse' (his nuclei yesterday. The school taught by Pif. KuWi ol" tliis I ilace will close Wednesday after a very sue- Mr. Jack Monk gave the young folks a ' Mr. William Kvans, .if this place-, is grad dance last Saturday evening. The litfht I "ally growing worst with his cancer. It Is fantastic was tripped until twelve o'clock i only mutter of tew inontlis with Mm. and was heartily enjoyed by all. Crops look tine around here and every- Tlie "White Kihbon" party given by the body fels good over it. young laities of the , 0. T. I at the rest- Turner and Know will buv deuce of Mr. J. Zimuierman, was social success. Mrs. Pr. Sullivan entertained few of her young friends last Thursday evening, Rome of Oswego's musical talent helied the evening to pass pleasantly. The school tll close Friday. Quite an extensive program has ben prepared by tlie union of the tliree rooms. The furnace is doing splendid now. Quite a lot of iron has been shipped to va rious states. Home one entered the house of Tommy Wilson last evening wliile he was at work, and took money, wit Mi, etc., amounting to aixty dollars. No clew has been found. There will be an ice cream social at the Congregational church tomorrow evening. Some of the Oswego boys have organised an athletic club, with Charles llortiman as training master. We can boast of Sullivan and Slavins after a while. The Urass Band will go to Oaegon City on the Fourth of July to participate in the patriotic proceedings of that day. Two accidents happened last week. Miss Maud Fox hurnt one of her feet by upset ting a skillet of grease on her foot, and Mrs, Wigand by upsetting a can of boiling water on her foot am! arm, also, Mr. W. Burns, of Albina, called on K. I,. Davidson Sunday. Mr. George Vigand visited his ran -h hist week. - Mrs. John Waters and Mrs. Tom Brown were visiting relatives in Salem last week. The Oswego Third Sine will play the Bridgeport Sine in the near future. Our town was disgraced by a tight and several drunks last week. Mr. James Keiser and family spent Sun day at Mr. John Keiser's. Grandfather Monk returned with them. It is rumored that a wedding took place last week. The contracting parties were Richard O.lilenstalt and Mary Vanduback. Jim didn't stop for the theatre from the last excursion. We have two banjoists. (ieo. Wigand and George Tittin'iT. Charlie was at the dance Saturday even ing. SitvMKotK. June it, I s: l . a steam threshing outfit complete with Unction en gine this season. Married, by Frank M. Kruse, J. I'., at the house of the bride's sister (Mra, John Man ning), in Canny precinct, June SOth, Mr, John Kness to Miss Katie Nagler, both of rurtland. Any one having hacks or buggies to paint give Frank Burger call. He will do it up with neatness and dispatch. His shop is one door south of the German church. II. M. 10 June in, issn. fanny Sunshine once more, and every one happy. Canby in undergoing the ordeal of a genu ine campmeetlng, and consispiently times at present are extremely good. The entertainment given by the I'nited workmen last week was a grand success in every respect. The attendance was very large, and the tables were most bountifully spread All seemed to enjoy themselves and went away well satistled. See here, you fellow of "Oar Nine" out thereat Centra) Toidt! It strikes us you have gone to hat little too previous, but we will gitcyoii your inning lor the pres ent. When we catch you out, however, we shall score you heavy. So far as Canby is concerned we would unite w illingly, as that would give us a privilege on water front. "Shorty, the shoemaker did n't get lost in Canby. Since yon began to manufac ture that article for Tinkertown we have had a surplus, and have lit up accordingly. There was a dam-eat Knight sjhall onSat urdsy evening, June iT. We understand those in attendance had a very enjoyable time. Pr. White, a graduate of the school of Keokuk, Iowa, has located in Canby. Mr. Rodgers has opened a confectionary I stand here. He keeps every thing in that line, and sells at prices as low as the lowest. We would predict another wedding, but jwe fear if we did the parties would disap- point us just for spite, as those did last 'winter. (I. j June in, WI. ' Mountain Home. Since our last writing, grim messenger Death has passed through our neighbor hood. The first who yielded to his call was little Dora, oldest daughter ol Mr, and Mra, G. II, Kerns, who died June U, IXi'l. aged live years. She was lollowrd June IS, by her mother, who succumbed to the same disease iliplheria. Medical treatment ar rived too late to save, She leaves a hus band and one child to mourn her loss, w ho art sympathised with by the community. Several others have been III, but are con valescing, and there seems little danger of tlit disease spreading. District school, Sunday school and church hava all been closed for tlie present, Mr. M. ltcckarl has rented his farm and sawiulll to Mr. John l'ark, and has moved to town. Mr. Jesse Cox Is Improving the appear ance of his farm by erecting a nice resi dence, liars ktti. Mink J. 0. dimming is in rurtland having his eye treated which he got hurt by a limb striking it w hile he w as logging. Henry llornshuh Is humeon a visit. He will soon start Fast where he will study lor the ministry. Horn, to the wlteof J, W. Ihitcv, a daugh ter, and to the witeof 1.. W, llornshuh, a son. We are having a run of peddlers to brat h I. In one day we hail four praise up their ware to us. Among them w as a man taking subscriptions for tombstones I Oh, what nex? Miss l.Unie Frye, ot Forest Grow, is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. Weslev Hill. s A ctwtain bridge In niitd district So. tihas !een reported to the County Court as dan gerous, but It seems they are going to w ait until some one Is hurt or killed More repair, ing it. The" prospects re that oat will he.tht best crop this season this section of country ever had. Hay also will be plenty. K, Welsh has sold his interest in the saw mill to J. Martin, w ho will continue sup plving customer with rirst-rlass lumber, of which he has a good supply on hand. Theonlvson of J. Wcidncr was thrown from a horse early Sunday morning and so badly hurt that lie is not inilet to live. He was unconscious w hen found, and w as so up to the lime of writing. Dr. I'owell . was called, but could do nothing for him. Muss;. June'Jy. l.tsi. NOBLETT. I.ivprv, KuhI iuwI SiMo ORECONCITY. V,OI'.Ct'Kl IIKTWRKN Tlltt HltllHiK AND PKPOT IhuiUo niul Sinn Kin, mid etui dlti hornets nlwnytt on hand l Hit' lowotd jirliTK. A uorrntl t'oiiiioctt't) with tin' hunt for Imw Htmk. lnlorniatioii regarding any kind ol stock promptly attended to by person ot letter, horses Oought and Sold. GREAT REDUCTION IN PHOTO G U A PS the uM established and reliable lholuf raphor, ultlnrt llitBru h,4 ierlo. 0. J. LOVBJOY, Plain and Fancy IHMICII IX- Groceries. The loveloc Hotel sets the best table ll the ciiv with the very choicest the market ailords. BEDS AND BEST "WkTP coa in id mil ami M "OH CI' ' Cnrrinsville. Wheat bus lncn badly liiruwn down by wind and rain. Mr. K l Henry closeii term of school last Friday district. Mr. M. lV.erson is breaking several acres of new land. Mr. Surface is pitting up a house on hind he recently purchased. Rev. J. W. I'ulmateer has been to Port land the past w eek on legal business. C. S. I'orter made an assault on W. P. Buyer at Cnrrinsville last Saturday. Judg ing from appearances hecumenut satisfied. It will be remembered that Porter is the justice of the peace of Garfield precinct. It was a genuine picnic for the bystanders. Highland. Haiti has ceased at last in Highland, and I rops look excellent. Farmers are preparing I I to commence hu ing. ! Considerable improvements arc being ! ! made in this community. William May-1 tield has raised a large barn with sheds, j three month's ! James I'urrish has laid the foundations for in the Puuglas j " 1U'W frame barn jilx.'Ui leet. Kellows! ' has erected a new granary. Mr. S-rlhncr is ' making preparation to erect a new-frame ' dwelling house this summer. Kd. Harring- I ton also has a new granary, and can boast of j a new Diirand parlor organ. Who says Highland is not progressive? lurstorr keepcrat Highland -old his stock of goods to Mr. Gcmtre Grace of ('larks. Where will onr post office go to? Where, oh, where? Mr. A. Harrington has purchased a new in.iwer lor $.V. He has clipped a tine th ece of wool, and if putting up a new picket fence around his house. 1 oh Hill. Kme weather airain, and everhody happy, The new cultivator will start through the j spuds at a lively pace bright and curly Mmi- day morning. The increase ! demand for lumber has compelled the Last Chance saw mill to put ina new saw and double its cutting capa city. Suiiie I m I C blowing out of the cylinder head at the Hard t'p saw mill last week caused the mill to suspend operations lor a few day, r'rom the way some ol the men struck out for the wood you would have thought they had U'cn struck by a Kauas cvclone. The new saw mill bringing more road workers In the district, our supervisor has lieen enabled to do a good deal of necessary Mad work. Mr. W. H. Fitzpatrick.tif Nob Hill, has finished painting hi house. He Hud hi commodious new barn a great intprnvemcu. The choir meet every Sunday evening at the M. E. church for practice, and are very much pleased w ith the new organ. Some people are very inui li excited over a prospective railroad through here, as par- Sullivan & : Davidson osWF.tso, tii;i:tioN'. Tbe oalj DRUGGISTS fitlweca Mini and uiwi cur. t'srry a lull line id tiHI'tIS, MKIill'IMfc, Toll KT AKril l SS, NO HONS AMI HVSCIIMI, OooliS, IKKki IIIITIONS CAMkl'l t.l.V l OVIIMIMl,:! JOHN A. BECK, THt RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OHEGON. IS Ml I.I. ON F.un u. Ffir prncrnl r i jx i r i n j Iip Hlnmlx without a ta'tT. For first -olitsH, re liable j;imusi It in (itoi-u is mvml to iiinif. Trv liitn ! DY THE or B. .S Bellomy, '. CIIAIvMAN nios.' lU'll.l'INii. fairies a Full Stink o( HARDWARE, TINWARE, NOTIONS and Household Furnishings. New ami Second-Hand Furniture I'oiiL'lit and Sold. Can give vou a bargain. M. II. Flan ignn. J. I'. Hill iw I a-siltul .... ,.1,1 ....I end is not yet. Mr. A. Harrington may Ik- end l.-r-l j ,,, fr yeiir ,t exorbitant prices. Justice W. J. Currin placed two young ' 'l"1,e a "'" jdgmg from her choice varl- j The Jaww u,y m,rvinK m,r f,lrIU . men under bonds of live hundred dollars i e,"'s of noM'ers. i and has eight Japanese now at work. They ok i,a;r a,...anvnn kf-, i. i M-.i L,,di ro... a1 a u uHim mis is n iiiii- tuiiiiiry mr wnrit jury last week, for the crime uf housebreak ing and larceny. I Mat. Handle trapped to you, Mat. Trap more. I Onr "glorious Fourth" will not be celc- Mr Ed Henry will learn the young idea ' united in the good old w ay in Highland, how to shoot in District So. 7, for a term of i this year, we believe, Some ot the Highlanders will not venture seven months. Mr. Robert Divine will read the declare- out for fear of the dread disease, cliphthe tioti, and Hon. John Myers w ill deliver the ' ria. which has begun destroying its victims oration at the celebration at Currinsville. near here. Mr. Hubert Currin received another band Mr. Kern, who was bereft of his wife and of horses from Castle Itock last week. VlDO. I eldest child by diphtheria, is prostrate and recovery doubtful. Also, another child in the same condition. Fnig Fond. The entertainment given by the Tnala tin .Secular I'nion on the night of June 20, was a success, both financially and enjoya bly. Those Unit took part were Mr. and Mrs. liurger, iknrv lfobb, John Oage, the three Misses Sharp. Miss Anna Booth, Miss I Ella Turner, Chas. Wagner, John Tvler.Os-1 car Larson, Miss Delia Larson and Clyde! Sunday night, June 21st, fi. II. Miller was Evans. They all acquitted themselves in a I relieved of every bit of his bacon. No great Hev. J. J. Moody, of Highland, was bur ied today at the Highland cemetery. He leaves a wife and child somewhere in the Fast. The Highland chnrcb and Sunday school were advised to close by Dr. James, of Hea ver Creek. line manner, and we hope to hear them perform at some future time. The receipts were $10. Miss Anna Booth leaves for her home to morrow, to stay. She has made a host of friends while here, and all wish her much joy and happiness when she enters upon . her new stage of life, which wid be soon. Frog Pond will celebrate the Fourth in a becoming manner. A picnic will be had in Fred Ellingsen's grove during the day. State Master H. E. Hayes will deliver the oration, and Henry Robb will read the De claration of Indetiendence. All kinds of games will be the order of the day, and in the evening there will be a grand ball given in Sharp's large new barn. Good music and a basket Bupiier will be furnished for the occasion. Everybody cordially Invited to attend. Homer House was brought home last Friday from Salem after a four week's siege of typhoid fever. He looks lank and lean, but has a ravenous appetite. He is doing welL Thos. Buckman, from Coos Bay, gave Frog Pond a call today, visiting friends and relatives. Tom looks well and hearty. He weighs 190 pounds more than he has ever weighed. He says whenever the tide is out the table is spread. But he thinks there is no place like Frog Pond after all. Miss Katie Kehm will lecture in Tualatin Orange hall the second Saturday evening and Sunday of July. Come, everybody, for she is a fine speaker, and we want to give her a good crowd. Don't fail to hear her. Miss Louisa Eilers, from Portland, is vis-. loss without a small gain. It saves them the trouble of chewing bacon. Our enterprising saw mill man, Frank Welsh, sold his interest to Ins former part ner, Mr. James Martin, for $1700. The mill will henceforth be run and managed by Mr. Martin and his two sous. COKKKSPONUENT. June 29, 1801. A bear has been giving the neighbors much trouble and alarm. He has taken a hog from Card's, Miller's, ami Bradley's. Mrs. I urd, hearing a rumpus among the hogs, went out gun in hiinit. FimHugthe bear la-fore she was (piiie ready she stood I. K.king at it, and linaUy walked oil, con cluding that the bear tied the licstol it. Mr. W. II. Faubion w as fortunate enoinrh to kill a brown cinnamon l;ir last Thurs day. Last Cn amck. Flanagan & Hill, WIIOI.F.S.U K. AND K FT AIL LI0U0R STORE. fT'Kf.Psl ON HANK THK IIKST SV t.K.i TIOS IV ol whip". I.liiilurs. Ale.llrer, Ac . In trt futon! hi the suin. Give me s end. Ill LllgilM -hHithftin tliiHi HALF AND HALF ON DU.U'OIIT. Central Point The remains of Mr. Ievi Leland, were In tered in the Canby cemetery, June 20th. H. P. Eastman is spending his vacation at home with his family. Mr. Eastman is engineer on the railroad between Portland and The Dalles. School district, No. C,bas a new flag pole which is about ninety feet long. Charley Brown and his brother has taken a job of slashing ot Robert Brown. Mr. Adam Webber is about to loose the farm he rented, the owner is trying to crowd him out, John Haley sold his farm consisting of siity acres, last week, for $2,400. He in tends moving to Portland, and is going to work at bis trade as fouudryman. It is surprising at the empty cigarette boxes one can see along the highway near here. Mr. Daniel McArthur had the misfortune tt lose a valuable horse last week. He died with symptoms' of poison, but commenced by swelling in the legs. Our basebidl club met Sunday and gave a practice game. Burt Adams made an ex cellent hit. lie knocked the ball through ieorge McArthnr's eight-dollar hat that he had laid down for a l)ae. Oke or tub Nine. Meadow Bnmk The writer on Tuesday visited the saw mill in course of construction at Wright's bridge on the Molnlla by Messrs. Ilussell A Steward, and found Mr. Itussell, who is su perintending the erection, to lie exceedingly courteous The frame work is upand they expect to have the mill ready for work lv July 10. It w ill have a sawing and planing ihir.ii, ,..,., -ri , .i,ii ,,i .v.,",) ii-, i m.iiiv, i in y inivc 2.'iO,nliO feet of the finest lugs we have evci seen in one collection. They will ship the lumber to Barlows, Wood burn and Salem, besides supplying the extensive local demand. Orange hall at Mnlino has a new coat of pamt, and a new liberty mlo, seventy-live feet in height, handsomely decorated.' l'mr.Nix. CLIFF : HOUSE, J. Bitner, Proprietor. Tho only first-cl:i Hotel in ( Ircpm City. I BEST ROOMS. COOb BOARD (1KO. V. KI.V W, J. HATCH IXnbllNhetl 1MI3. C. N. GREENMAN, Drayage & Expressing Freight and parcel delivered to all part of the city. THE Mountain Bluff Meat Market ' ' OREGON CITY, Is the place where you can always And the choicest of all kinds of fresh menu, Alio the choicest brands of Hsms, Haesn, hsrd, nutter, Eggs, Cheese, Etc., Hh Corned beef THAT HAS NO RIVAL, J. P. CROCKER, - Proprietor FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Repairs on ail kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to anv lock manufactured. Hhop in Wineset fc Scripture's black smith shop. F. F. WHITE, W. A. WHITE. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects Builders. Will prepare plans, elevatlonH, working de tails, and specification lor all kinds of build Iiiks. Special attc'itlnn given to modern cot tages. Estimates furnished on application Call on or address WHITE tlltOH., Oregon City, Ogn ELY & RAUCH I'KAI.MUS IS Merchandise. Store loeatml nt Mountain Y'ew,n Miilullti riiinl. niie mill; hihiIIi ciiHt f Orcein City. 00 Wo deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed. Groceries of all kinds, Boots and Shoes. (ifentH1 Underwear ami other styles of Clothing, niul iiiiinnroiiH olluir articles suitable for tho needs of the limner and his family. Hv prompt and fair dealing we hope, to receive in luttire, as in the paat, a lilieral share of jiatronnge. "Tlie highest market prico paid for Butter, Kggn and Fowls. September 11, 18SM). tied Id Bs- I Thereset. niinDTCD uunnit.ii kercoonty, Ore-p n !;ob, near whit UT II a bow Baker City, PC WTt IDV a man who has since ULI I I (Jit I become Identified with the resources and 11 f development of that country. This man IV3VJ is no other than Mr, John fnrwsrt, one of the wealthiest and most Influential citiieus lu the county. In a recent letter he says: "Ihndtwen suOerlnf ftcm pains In tny back and nnerst kid ney complaint for some time, and hid used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The palm In my back had become so severe t hit I was prevented from sttendtnif to my work and could not move about without the use oft cane. Hear ing, throuf a a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Orego Kidney Tea, I wan Induced to try a box, and from that very first done I found Instant relief, sad before using half the contents of the boa the pains In my back entirely disappeared. have every latin in the virtues ot the Oreo-on Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend It to my friends. I would not he without it for anything." Oregon Kidney Tea cures hnrkuche. inconti nence of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or painful sensation while urinating, and all affec tions of the kidney or urinary orpins of either sex. Foil sai.k ST CIIARMAN & CO., UKUlKilSTH. OafT SSBK I 1 . at tits burs Tie SUMMHR KHSORTon the coast Tito Su..ts...o.tV ltru.liH.-;n" (Sato City of ('k8 Ctmiiti.' niul tho hmiuiiH t -nuiH alWy, p Tho Most Promising Locality on the Oregon Her HdVmlil lUrU.r; tnxhuuill TimW m,,,,, Ci'nl Ki.'hk ''I'll XilvT.trn n.l (.i.j.r mines, tm en hirii sm unriu'iiii"ii i.ii' ic "r- , . I.. fci,- Oner h ,tno a, ni Investment In t' I'liilm! 8UU Scenery ami Town shown by Thoto i.tilv .'.' for f- ilava nntro. fall t-nrly nif;Sj ilioi.c I'roiH'ilv'ini'l '' t1"' riiidu,ri!is, i tiu " lo lir.iniisin!! Imam. "'" 1 hv'" 'T 'vp tu'plirt linn .jHrttttiity to (! t )'"i wtw ly thu 4 l.n ,nii A. J. HACKET' AT i;'"t UK 1.1 Vt'liMi llolH. Mgr. Bandon li an II eh I' e, W M si I CjUinesetSGripta U j8r. ' - K n r, hts Jul It ollcs lmti iVll ll to NDERTAKERS & EMBALMERff VfHuo l.ante-t -lis k o( t 'oltin. ami t'aUt. keid South o( I'tirtlntiil, ASsuri) ''"" ml Metallic t'si-knta biniislied lo older. J.adma lUliial HnU r I"0'! ticiits' Itillial li.iUn III alia k. 1 Also Wulm.ii uikI Carriap' Mukini;, IIoI'mo SluM-inj; oral ril:ii'k(-iiiitliiii on hhurl imtioo. id hi . .... o fall MRS. C. H. L BURMEISI (th II a, a, si I WATCHES, ! UEWL" ' (tain K'SilverwareC; Clocks, Specta:. f eci inny AXjXj KUPAIIIINO WARTlAJif"! 0d T ib Fill Jeweler. ; I M ni Kir H I or" AMi i I it U Ml IN . y i nav K Ni Watches, Jewelry, (locks ami ( cal (ioods. ni mt Km Firnt St n ot, Ne:ir Morrinnn St. l.nltV I'rivntc Kntraiiccr It lllllll lm l lml 'I Ilk' inl'ttiii' uM,'in'i, I"' I - i i i i n, ii.i , i , r. i. The acknol.(lKcl leading dealur to i!i! ftlu V GENERAL MERCHANDISE" irtici vet pn ,tw tr A GREAT SLAUGHTER IN OUR IiiirSnaniSiH iiJ 1 1 Never beftire were hucIj bargains oflt-rt'd in Oregon City. Portland Prices arc NOlVHl THOS. CHARMAN & SOI rnpt I an kUr ow IttllH ala lot low Vio iinl 'Hit. hen y f rn linn t 7 viiisi.if . i tv