COUNTY NEWS HEMS. t , t. ;s ' r ,' atrmtiii Ha-bitr- Vaftiiifd Hj. Active rn f Ht'irnlm' t'n trlbatora. Flrvlw. Sine tny last writing to Oir prs, things have cliatigrd eunsidorsiWe Itrrw. In my other writing I said that 111 grippe didn't stand ny show at all hr. But now tli people don't stand any show, fur they have nearly all got a had cold, but not the grippe. We don't hvt the K' her. Mrs. Mo. Caseda.v, of thta place, ha passed over ts the other shore. Mia had been a fit lot d with tho consumption for eevernl year. f 1 Soma of the young people here celebrated April fools day, and can't somehow (ret out of the fashion. They went to chiirvh the other day and the minister failed to put in an appearance. We hope tliey won't be fooled aain. Henry Hunter and Win. Jones each lost horse this winter. Valuation, seventy- five cents each. Since the trvspssssuit rameolf, the grass has besan to grow in the sacred land. The boys are not loaded down with lawyer's leas if they do win the suits. Mr. Henry Hunter started west the other day, but only got about two miles when he came back home and has had the grippe ret since. The entertainment at Carus school house was flue, but one act was let) out by John ). hiding the boxing gloves. Mr. Taine is putting in oats regardless of the holy Sabbath. Frank Hullsrd has a fine riding pony which he will sell if he ran get enough for it. Mr. Itayward has been slashing some this spring, and Frank Jafger has been having a small piece grunbed. It is mostly hasel. The coyotes still keep up their chin music In the timber not far off Some of the boys want to catch one or two alive, to take dow n below to a chavari. Well as the weather is good and time is precious I will close for this time, SriAsti Viols. Mr. Euitos. I trouble you with a few lines, thinking that the people have to hear from all parts of the country. This is one of the most pleasant places there is, and the people here appreciate your valuable paper and wish it success. Scarlet fever and meascls have made their appearance in the neighborhood. Grandma Kunkle, mother of Mrs. B. C. lewis, is quite sick. Rev. N . W. Glasier, late from Dakota, has charge of the M. E. church at this place. Mr. Wooden, of Union Mills, has rented the farm of D. N. Trullinger for five years, and has moved on the place. The school commenced here last Monday. Miss Helen Tavlor is the teacher. W. H. Mattoon is the happiest looking man in lola. He says it is a boy. The flouring mill is doing a good business. Mr. Miller, the proprietor, is the right man in the right place. Mr. G. A. Zimmer is preparing to put in a large number of hons this sDrinir. The farmers are nearly through with their spring seeding and winter wheat looks well. The prospects look well for a large yieia 01 mat. A real estate agent from Portland was In this section last week looking uo biisiiiMi. There is some cheap places for sale, and people looking for homes would do well by coming to Viola. Born. To the wife of W. H. Mattoon, of Viola, April 10th, 1891, a son. Buceitk. Veadow Brook. Ma. Editor. Everyone apparently are endeavoring to be the first to get in their crops whenever the weather permits. Fall wheat never gave better evidence of full bins next fall than this season. Out range is good and farmers have quit feeding their stock. lit. D. Bobenson has a fine prospect for a big yield of wheat. Our bachelor friend, Johnny Dolan, who has been in the cattle business here for over twenty years and has had all his cleared land in grass, has had teams breaking his meadows preparatory to seeding it in grain. You must get a cook before threshing time, Johnny, or the boys may strike on you, for they are prejudiced in favor of feminine cookery. A gentleman from Arabia only last month, and a native of that country, called on us last Monday. The voung man is traveling for his health and evidently came to the wrong destination, as he was under the impression that this was South America. Mr. J. C. Comer took a load of shingles to the metropolis on the 6th inst. Miss Belle Pulley, of Sandy, is on a lengthy visit to her brothers Messrs J. M and W. W. Pullyof this place. The feathered bipeds appear to have been "posting up" on law to judge from an incident related to us by a gentlemen whose word we can not doubt. The other morning just after day break he was in the back yard feeding the chickens when he was nearly paralyzed by beholding several grouse seated appearently passed the night. They soon approached the chicken's breakfast. The farmer bade his frow to hide the shot gun quickly, less it be too great a temptaion for son of Eve.. Then grasping a broom he drove the intruders away to an adjacent grove where they hooted at him in defiance for several hoars. SelahT Mrs. M. E. Robeson started to Woodburn on the 9th inst. to visit her daughter Jessie, who is attending school in that city. A dispatch from Mountain Home Informs tut that a young gentleman there owns a horse that P. T. Barnum should at once negotiate tor. When the owner longs for a eight of his lady love, he hitches bis sorrel nag to a cart and sends the intelligent equine twenty miles with a messenger to the fair damseL We understand the horse is not for sale, still we would like to have him for two or three months. A first-class blacksmith stand near Meadow Brook, would get all the work one man could attend to. We don't believe there is a bettor locality for a good black smith in the county, and we are confident that our worthy postmaster would encour age a good workman to locate there. The health "ot Hie' good people of this vicinity l Improving, and la gripi i loos lug Its grip here. s V. U would require a Western Union mes senger buy to keep pace with the alterations in the plnnsof the Canyon Creek Lyceum; consequently v cannot vouch for the lull- Hllmeiit ofanv programme of said lyeenm we may report tn the columns. The latest telegram from the fountain head says that the royal trio ( gHi-nuhi-r, the aunt and the uncle of the lyceum) has issued a mandate that the Hon. President, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary and the Lyceum's Attorney, shall be arrested and trie. I for treason on the 17 (list, at the Corbet I school house. April is, IWl. Pmomu. Weal Qrsgoa City, Everybody is enjoying the good weather, Those atllictrJ with la grippe are recover ing. The aew sidewalk will soon be completed It will be a great convenience to a large number of people, Mr. J. Humphrey is engaged In fishing, & A. 1). Uttrley and wife spent last Sat urday and Sunday visiting relatives at Canby. There has been quite a number of rases of tueasels in this part of town, but the patients Iikv alout recovered. Messrs Swing and Sprague have been im proving their premises. A large number of people came on this side of the river last (Sunday to try the new sidewalk. Mr. Jonathan Humphrey, one of the efficient directors of the school, informs us that the plans and specifications for the new four-room school house will soon be drawn and contractors invited to bid for construc tion of same. Mr. Humphrey thinks the house will he ready for use in July. Specifications for the new four room school house will soon be drawn, and con tractors invited to bid tor construction of same. Mr. Humphreys thinks the house will tie ready for use tn July. The old school house will be disposed of perhaps converted into a church, Arbor Day, April liHh, was observed by the school, (juite a numbcrof patrons were present Motalta Bubbles, Grippe al la grippe. The epidemic has many of our people in its giant clutches. It is hoped with the return of pleasant weather that the flying microbes will get so severely sunburned that the emigration will cease. Two extremes, the roads are getting dusty and muddy, the means, is diltlcult to pull through. Mr. Jacob llarless went to Portland last week to meet his younger son Branche, who has been going to school in Indiana for ten years. Mr. Herman, a master bridge and trestle builder has Just arrived from Tennessee. Mr. H. is a second cousin of the Herman Bros. Mr. A. J. Sawtell's nephew and family, lately from England, are well pleased with Oregon, and will remain Molalla bad a railroad meeting last Sat urday, quite a number being prcse'it. One of the corporation was present with a rough working model of the proposed wooden railroad, and demonstrated the practibility of building and operating the road from Wilhoit to Oregon City this year if the peo- pie would take the required stock, 2S,XX along the line, The surveyors begin today at Salem, the required stock from there to Scott's ndll being taken. Rolling stock will be on that division of the road in two weeks, where all can examine the practical workings of the patent wooden railroad. It is the intention of the company to have the surveyors go on the line from the Springs to Oregon City just as soon as the required stock is taken. A committee of three were appointed by the president of the meeting to solicit stock subscriptions and report Saturday, April 18th, at 2 o'clock p. in., at Adams' hall, at which time and place all interested in bar ing a farmer's railroad, touching the Wil lamette below the falls, are Invited to at tend. At oar last meeting some offered to take five shares of stock at f 100 per share, It is earnestly hoped that the citizens ot Mulino, Beaver Creek and Oregon City, will immediately take action, as there is no time to loose if we get the road for this years freighting. Mo assessments will be made on the stock until five miles of the road has been completed. Citizens, will you lay hold of this opportunity? April 13, 1891. Tick. Xilwaukie- Miss Janie H. Luelling has returned from a six months visit to her sister Mrs. E, E. Givens, at Blackfoot, Idaho. We are sorry to report the Illness of the Rev. John Sellwood, he having caught cold last week while visiting Highland. Doctor and Mrs. Hickman, of Clackamas, were in town this week. A new fence and sidewalk are the latest improvements. Berkemier A Schmale are erecting a house for C. I Kruegerin Robertson's addition Wetzler Bros., the plasterers, have re ceived a load of building sand. All parties in need of the above article would do well to see them. The Oregon Land Company received a large consignment of water pipes for their water works at Minthorn Springs. The Clackamas brass band held a social hop at Miller! hall Friday evening. April 14, 1891. Kink. H. 0. Inskeep sold his place here to W, D. Robertson for 11075. Welcome Mr. Robertson. E. Guenther had what might have been a serious accident at least to one of his horses. While harrowing last week one of them got scared and fell backward on to the harrow, fortunately no damage was done. Boys, go a little slow, or you may tee your names In the paper. If C. D. and M. will kindly tell me where I can leave my items before sending them to the editor, I will do so; they can then fix them so they will be as they would like to see them. Surely the way of the newspaper writer is hard, at least I find it so. Some find fault because their names are men tioned, and others, I think, because I don't give them a pulf. No more of yourshenan agati. M. Moehnkc is building a new granery. Strawberries and cherries are going to be a sure crop for the robins, as the taw makes it a misdemeanor to kill or destroy them. If we don't kill the robins we don't get the strawberries, 0, Inconsistency, thy name Is legislature, We think this plni will have a boom one of these day, as there Is a spring ot water here that tr wears not mistaken will lie a surprise to a great many. Some think It is coaloil while others think that II Is sulphur water running over a bed of coal or a bed of decayed wood. When the a much talked of railroad la built perhaps we ran get a nilueralologlst to come and examine It, un til then we must wait, hope and pray. It Is Kwlble w will have a hair pulling to report, but we hoe not, as some nf the neighbors gel Into a row about tome small fool thing. Martin Welsh are going to pnt two teams on the road to haul lumber to Oregon City. School opened In district No. 00 with fifty scholars which will be Increased to about sixty-five, which Is rather a large school for one teacher. I would say to those who think my Items are offensive, that they are facts as they well know. But if I have erred I must humbly beg their pardon. As Gas Is going beck to farming, perhat you will hear from some one else. Gas, Deesasras. Mr. Wm. Sharrick is very low with the consumption, School is going on at both I'uion and Damascus school houses. John Hillary who Is going to school al McMlnnvlle, made a vist to his parents last week. Moasels and la grip; are raging In this part of the country, Don Sharp has gone down the river to work In the logging camp thia summer. Warm weather has come and every farmer is trying to get his grain In first. The contractor ot this mail route and one of the mail carriers engaged tn a knock down one day last week, which ended in the contractor coming off second best with a pair of black eyes. Cams.. News from Barlow's. Mr. Chas. Meserve, the enterprising pub lisher of Tin KrrtHraisi, paid us a visit last week and was surprised to note our many improvements. Mr. Caldwell, of Oregon City, was a guest of Mr. Win . Burlow for a few days recently. He was much pleased with the rapid pro gress of Barlow's, and contemplates putting in a stock of boots and shoes. The Postal Telegraph Company sent a number of their linemen to remove their poles which they placed on Una with the streets. Mr, W. 8. Tull has recently purchased a tract of land which he and his force of men are busily engaged in planting in hops. Mr. Tull has out plans for a very neat residence which is to be erected Immediately. Misses M. S. Barlow and Veva Tull of Portland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Barlow. Mr. Thos. Grady has received a large stock of wines and liquors for his new cafe. He will give a grand opening on Saturday evening, April 18th, His new cafe has no superior In the Willamette valley'. The steam shovel that left the gravel pit a tew days sgo for reiairs is to return in about three weeks. It will have a year's employment to fill Lake Labish and other trestles. Mr. W. W. Irwin, the enterprising rattle man, is shipping large quantities of dressed meat to Portland daily. He is contemplst ing putting in a butcher shop at this olnt. By his running a delivery wagon, a large business in the tills branch Is assured hi in. Mr. Mencke. Wm. Knight, W. W. Irwin and Wm. Barlow, have viewed out a line route for a road leading from Buttevllle to this place. This will be a great convenience to those living in the south west part of Clackamas county, as it avoids going through Marion county, and shortens the distance five miles to Oregon City. A valuable cow of Mr. W. W. Irwlns was killed last Sunday by the northbound over land. Mr. J. Z. Deas paid Portland a visit during the week, where he purchased a large stock of paper decorations and house furnishings. Mr. Walter Evans, the energetic carpenter. is fast completing his building. His fsuiily is expected to arrive from Washington in about a week. Then Walter will be a happy man. Messrs Wills Bros, are planting out a large hop yard and are erecting a hop house as well as a large barn. We notice a large number of Washing ton ians looking after small acre tracts dally. It seems the Washingtonfans are commenc ing to realize that "there is no place like Oregon." We are glad to have them among us, as they are enthusiastic and wide awake bustlers. Mr. John Zeek has the lumber on his lots and will commence building his blacksmith shop immediately. John's reputation as a first class workman is sure to guarantee him a good business. Mr. John Sims, the genial railroad agent, reports heavy increase of business in his office. With Mr. 8. at the helm the publlo are always sure ot courteous attentiou, CREATING fORTLAND'S ATTEKTtOH. Mr. E. Goldsmith, a real estate broker of Portland, was here last Saturday, for the purpose of locating quite a number of his clients. No better opportunity is offered ia Ore gon for a good merchandise store as the de mand for goods Is daily Increasing and with the great farming country tributary to us a big trade is guaranteed. The merchandise dealer who will take the advantage ottered at this point will find this assertion as represented. A dance will be given in Barlow Co's. new building on Wednesday evening, April 22nd. A cordial Invitation to all. Clackamas Chips. Dr. J. H. Hickman, of this place, and Mrs. Julia Dibble, of Milwaukie, were mar ried at East Portland last Wednesday. They returned to their future home here in the afternoon and In the evening the boys treat ed them to a genuine old fashioned chlva- rai, which caused the neighbors for miles around to lose lots of sleep, J. W. Roots has been engaged during the past week with a force of men Improving the street leading to Clackamas Park. Win. Johnson has let the contract to Clmniimn .t Johnson for aoomidct remod eling ol his house, which will much Improve its appearance, We understand that Portland parui-s made an ofler of m0 per acre for part of the Chapman place. Our harness maker, Mr. Uciurose, reports business qullv dull at preenl, Mrs. S. 11. thlillths. ul this idaee, la visit ing her mother, Mrs, J, 8. Richardson, at Troutdale. T It M eoiiun ss oner passed tlmiugh town on Tuesday, on their way to visit the V. . hatchery. Dr Humphrey ami family, of Portland, sut Sunday with us, lir I'tln.i of tireuon Oil V. was lit UlWtl Sunday, culled to the tiedslde til Solomon Intel, He pronounced a case tn erysipe las. Mrs, Wm. Swain Is lying quite low with an attack of pneumonia, She Is under the care of Dr. Summer, of Oregon City. Urge quantities of Salmon are being hauled by here ruroute to 1'ortland market. Fishing seems to be a good busi ness the present season, Rvrs, shuslla News, The Molalla Grange No. 40 met on April II and decided to have a social basket festi val on May 1 A wmimllte consisting of Messrs. Ruben Wright and Frank dinger and Needamee Goucher, Wade and Logan, baskets will l .old to the highest bid der, and whoever buy's a basket will get the owner to eat supr with, The people of Molalla ami surroundings have been 'uttering with la grippe. Mr. Arnold Kngleand Mr. Nathan Moody, have started a new store In Mrs. Htutass old store. There will lie a railroad meeting at the Molalla eoJiiers on April 18, for the purpose of subscribing money for the construction of a railroad. The dt liens should turn out. iauin:. skeds. Yoti Ca Kind I). M. Fkhhy', K. J. ItowKN'a, STAHMsTl's, L. I.. May's, Onion Skts, Kanly Honk 1'otaioics. BY Tils' l'AI'sK, l'llt'M) OK lit'SIIKL, AT K. K. WILLIAMS'. Til (i ROCKS, FOR- G ABSOLUTELY FORE DRUGS UO TO A. HARDING. NuNK HIT COmpitint PHARMACISTS tMPlOYlO me Permmcrles and Tulle! Articles. I. THIXUATII. II. TMKMRATII. TREMBATH BROS. FISH MARKET. Ail kinds of Frosh and Salt Water Kisli. Oysters, Crabs and Clams. Poultry anJ game of all kind in their season. Orders filled snd de livered to anv part of the city. Sullivan : & Davidson OSWEGO, OKKtlON. Tlie onlr DRUGGISTS tttweea PortUal asl Oreioi Ctlj. Carry a full line of DRl'OS, MKIXt'lNKM, Tull.KT ARTICI SS, NO TIONS AND BASIRALL OOOIIS. PRISCaiPTIONI CAKKPUIXY T OMIMUNDliD oro. o. kit W. J. RAIYH ELY &RAUCH DEALKHS IN Merchandise! Store located at Mountain View, on Molalla road, one mile south east of Oregon City. We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed. (irocoricH of all kinds. Hoota and Shoes dents' Underwear ami other styles of uiouiing, ami numerous other articles suitable for the needs of the farmer and his family. II v prompt and (air dealing we hope to receive in luture, as in the paHt, a lilieral share of patronage. fJlTTlio highest market price paid (or Hotter, Kggn and Fowls. September 11, 18U0. -:- $3,300! -:-BOOTS and SHOES Bankrupt Stock OF BOOTS SHOES To be sold at 50 Cents on the Dollar for 15 dayB only. Call early if you want your pick, and avoid the runh. The Great Eastern Store. Mayer & Ackepan, Props. 0, P. WINKKI1T. '''Hirtt!, CjQinesetSGriptuFr; U NDERTAKERS & EMBALMERQ tHl HtlUTI Large! aim of Otlltm anil Caskida keiit otith til Portland. Alsotdotl, ......... 1 . J II 1. I 1 S ... lllu 1 ami MvIhIII I tisKon inrmstieu in nmor, radius purlwl Hoi, Hums' IliitUI l!oU In slix k, iurg U Also Wrtpninntl Carringo Making, Horno Shooing andi''?" oral liliu'kruiiitiiing on tuiorl notice. lire l. triila K MRS. C.JI L. BURMEISTg f. m, Watohe8, : -Jewel Silverwares Clocks SPEOTAciii toe ( ay, Ww wv l 1 t ll Stent H per I ilvil II. n nut MilItT, KI.M.KV. 1EY-&-SIZ r, ii. tint mim sty Ai Illy vis! a that g divli owtiln In rauo i ;S am W.INI and all ki. ""'u "UAMKS, HOOK KKAMK8, JnLl PouWn in WINDOWS, POOHS ,in a union of WINDOW Fl MOl'l.DINUS. HKACKKTH, ST A 1118 AND HTAIK re is I! MI I(l KWKI. POSTS. Kti. all made iUtH front Thoroughly Sermoned Lumber. Shop on Water Ht. II tract to a m JoUmiik Orders and nil kind of Cabinet Work, Turning ami. n ' Work ttrotttptly attended to. KHlitnalea furnished and sntinfut'tion guaranteed. i, in a m AOJOININO POPI A OO.'t A. fr who MAftowANt rout, UI I iron Uthy n " that I tlal im -Iv, are TMOKIi I IB I HI I than Afdde ! out bj iy go lliandi In I'. IlldiVi ol ht rocerii ty Intlt imparl! t put pare tl if g-io- ifulnei buy j land. rait t an 4 pros vvnini p nnurn" r ?' IP A mum iaiii i 1 ,.. . ..... I BBSS SMSBV S SB fl .aaast. W w si ftt m aV 1 llllsn InmAlAM rV f v-i Tim u nil i u u iu v VAl 1110 1 Ul UQI1U dullulul.lA t " ( Isll'ohTKH I or" j ANI i tiKAl.C.HjiJ' AMI I M Ml? Watches, Jewelry, Clocks and Optf cal Goods. UngUj OMtU lias, ol OHHKH KltoM THE COl'NTKY SOLICITEI) ml IX uyers, Attentioi A FEW BARGAINS FOR YOfi! in". k';ut ci v.,. u r ... I;..-' p.iu.u i'i r. rdiy awiDfc.-n.-v, ...-. linn I imni .4.f.l a .1 . .nvv 1 1 k I. am and 't!on ia onr- Ion of ad to stincd it of lonir Is ilnit . atlon c tht ne lility. plucn earl' """"" am ; )Ono of t!i host dites for fird lu and l(H'k in th city. Has l'v rivor front near business ccntc:' "i Near the Sulphite mill, within CO ft'lifUMU of thtt mnnl ftrwl liwlra 1 f.r.1ftft or.rMi t,,lt . .. .. mart. West Side railng into lou lor manuiacv tw-, i niv4vuvu n inir-iiii jfuijninvn. a ilia Jj first gun for tho Went Side, and will W. of as a whole or in lota to unit. v ... .lev. ol Business Corner. t u,! ;;f the corncr8 on J )A largo list, both improved anr" imroved of dosirahlo residence "' erty, both within city and 8uburrreg0" 9 F C TTinn trnrt turn i Caxttitr nrUK n. i!.-rtti si . 40 Acres river front very excellent for manufactr"' J and very sightly for residenco property. atter, Prnnosanrl) Several of tho bent tracts for Prune Venptahlpa ( Ve?cta'jle Land in tho valley, on the raiy t,i vegeiaoies. ) anj near Clackarna9 Station I omc W i sj in v r A . -s . ttmn ' acrw' ncar uainel(' iutto, una 'Vbe jtiv A Bargain.) Milwaukie. Very sightly, and near, not v.iv- muwi hud. ire la i "We have also , -4 ...-v tv vo uui nivvJC H-r ui wn WlllCh it Will DaV VOU to COriHitW Vnr r.orHnnlnra flnB!tr. Fi ie ollico of the PR0V1 1irl 1 A 1 -r n t . . tf!?ril!tu uiuametto rails investment OREGON CITY, OREGON. until it rmmp side oil ,0t of m loli tireF Ktli of ti Til Ktnout SitoiilrTlieEnterpri J d prom 1 f I 111K8 e5 ill t if i"'U i