Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1891, Image 2

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Fllilt-r muA .rrlttr.
It is of th utmost Importune to the
fhtur ntrrity of On'pw t'tty that it lit
limit uliould l cstahlishcd, mid thit t
once. Tlio defeat nf tho rvnt ordinance
would ho Mii.idtil to the Hwsiliililios oft hi
municipality a a oily: il will retard th )ro
rti. of Hie oily li the roust ruct ion ol mtb
trtantlal and ornamental hiiildtnjr a not li
ng '1m' can. About ci:hteiu months sine
Ot city of Hillshoro, containing no more
than .u-hatf the population of Oregon
Oily, established a lire limit, ami within
tliat time no less than a doion brick miild
inpi have hen orctod within that limit, a
nnmhfr of them two anil thtv stories high.
If thf rtty of Hillshoro ran accomplish all
this w ith none of the wealth attendant on
tht stahlishm ot of xt-nsi e manufactory
ies, what is it not possible for Oregon City
4odoT Vancouver was principally compos
ed of dilapidated wooden buildinp-auil tire-
traps until the great tire ol two years ago,
when a Ore limit was established, and now
hercttiicns point with pride to her suhntan
tiat brick buildings, and visitors from every
part of the country are attracted by her
olid prosperity. Visitors to the city, who
iave capital to invest, are disgusted with
the unimproved condition of Main street,
ud the wooden shacks that adorn this
thoroughfare, and leave Oregon City with
aot a favorable impression, which in pub
lished abroad to our discredit. The con
atruciion of a new water pump, and more
perfect equipment ol the tire department,
it no just excuse for opposing a lire limit
It is a shame and a disgrace if Oregon City
cannot atford to have a tire limit, when less
pretentious towns have prosered under
roch regulations. Is it possible the microbes
of ransslMckism re permeating the at
mosphere when such bitter opposition is be
ing airitated airaiust a lire limit?
PtorLc living in the Butte creek and Mo
lalla country have unliuited faith in the
possible and rery probable construction of
the Butte Creek & Oregon City railroad.
Hon. E. M. Hartmau, of Marjuam, states
that Mr. Scott, one of the original project
ors of the road is a gentleman of means
and is possessed of indomnitable energy,
which is a much nee-le 1 quality in railroad
building. Oregon City a an important
terminus of this roa I must aid in pushing
this road to an early completion, as a Mad
from this city to Salem, tapping the rich
sections of Molalla, W.ilhoit, Butte creek,
etc., would le an institution ol great im
portance to this entire section of Clackamas
The time is rapidly approaching when
the stiervisors of the various road districts
will begin their animal quota of work on the
thoroughfares. The most of the road work
ia usually hurried through in the spring,
and the majority of the roads receive little
or no repairs until the next season arrives.
Good roads are a matter of economy to the
public, as they enable the farmer to haul
much heavier loads to market, with a cor
respondingly less wear and tear of horse
flesh and vehicles. The road siierviors
should levy repeated assessments until the
roads are in fine condition, as the additional
outlay would be returned to those who use
the roads with compound interest.
The city council is awakening to the re
alization of the facts suggested by The Kh
TEBraisE, that soinething should lie done
towanls cleaniT:g up the back vard and ul-
leys. The council Wednesday niu'lit in-1
structe l the committee on health and -
lice to take active measures in notifving the
resiJents and occupants of business houses I
to rectify the condition of their b. k VMr,,J
and alleys. This action is timely, and it is
hoped that all good citizens will aid them in
every ossible way with their good work.
TTn!p roritff l iniF iu a,...,,,, U..A. I., i
; . " ""i"","'' """" ui
xnis qirecuon, uregoii city will lose lierjlerrmg to the slaughter of the ghourka
presuge as a neamiy locality. i
A Correspondent from Wilhoit last week j
justly makes complaint of the way in which
some commm.ities are having trouble
among themselves, and to settle these etty
disturbances invariably resort to the courts
as a means of redress, and always at the ex
pense of of the county. Innumerable wit
nesses are subpoened, who are ever anxious
to draw mileage and fees as a means of
making a "stake." The Court should very
proierly shut down on such cases, and dis
pense with the witnesses as quickly as pos
sible. A Chicaoo doctor has been investigating
the la grippe, and secured seven microbes of
that disease which were floating through
the air awaiting an opportunity to crawl
down the throat of some unfortunate victim.
If the doctor would bring his nii.jiobe in
strument to Oregon City, he would have no
difficulty in securing a varied supply from
the effluvia arising from the back cards ami
alleys. j
I) c kino the past week Oregon City lias I
,si iwo o, oer mos! esumame citizens, uotn ;,, an,, exaIlim(;il tho f,)Vvin), li(.(,nli.
pioneers, representative men, and promi-1 atea : Rev. T. . Yost, Rev. I). 8. I'ol
nently identified with the growth of Oregon j ing, Rnv. O. S. Haines, Kdwin C'urrin
iuy. cum nave neiu important positions
of trust, and it can be said to their credit
that neither ever betrayed the trust of his
constituents. Their familiar countenances
and kind counsel will be sadly missed.
"Sandy" Olds says that hereafter he is a
democrat, as he gives Judge Thayer the
credit for saving him from the gallows. The
democrats are welcome to "Sandy," as the
republican party has no use for such mate
rial, and the Portland Telegram, democratic,
jn commenting on this new addition to their
ranks, says that they do not want him.
Jodok Taylor sentenced "Sandy" Olds,
the murderer, to one year in the peniten
tiajy, but when he convenes the next term
of circuit court in Clackamas county, he
will likely send up the petty thieves now
confined in the county jail lor three or four
It has been hinted that hereafter when
Portland murderers desire to have their
necks saved from the gallows, lliey will be
sent into Judge Taylor's circuit for trial.
Tarn Italy war scare will have a tendency
to make more stringent enactments of laws i
regulating the admission of foreigners and
the qualUcationa necessary to obtain citii
enslilp. No foreigner should te admited
to citiienship wliocannol read or write, or
who has not been a resident of this country
for a period of less than two or three years.
The dreaded Malta threaten and warn
civil authorities to a great extent in
Italy, and it is stated that (he recent demon
strations of the ministry, was to satisfy the
demands of the Malta. Italy sends these
umlesiivuble, criminally inclined citjsens to
this country, and they are compiled
through the influence of the Matia to make
a feint of protecting them, Italy proper,
wants no war with the United. State. The
Malt sees in possible hostilities golden
ehance for pillage and plunder, Maine's
letter to the Italian government Is a states
manlike document, which intelligently and
pointedly stales the condition oli the exist
ing troubles.
It is very probable that a war with sonic
foreign nation would not be without ilsdls
advantages to the I' niled Slates, It would
spur up the nation to construct naval de
fences and gnu boats, and give some of the
ambitious youths of the country an oppor
tunity to test their braery. It would also
test the quality ol our citUenship, A well
known writer says: "In a jus! and inspir
ing cause, if we were prepared for it,
would te a blessing to th Vnited States, in
furnishing the people. North and South,
with patriotic memories in whose full cup
there would be no drop of bitterness or re
gret to either section; no fly in our oint
ment; no Haw in our diamond; nosadtiess
or bitterness in oar hearts."
Cheap Magyar.
Xiw Yom, March 31. The Mail and
Kxpresaaays: Western railroad otlx iaU
are gathering in the Kast, and their tiist
business seems to be to give tie to
Weg'ern dispatches. General Manager
Clark o( the Missouri Pacific sav there
is not word of truth in the yarn aiKiut
the cut rate on sugar, and every one of
them sav matters are moving along more
peacefully than ever before.
Chicaoo, March 31 It is eatimated
there are more than 100,000 barrels of su
gar in bond in this city awaiting the op
eration of the McKmley law, which will
remove the government tax from il at
midnight tonight. The custom house
will remain opn all night in order that
rmits may be issued promptly, and by
tomorrow morning mot ol this sugar
w ill b on the way to retailers.
New York, March 31. The duty on
sugar comes off at 12 o'clock tonight,
and the wholesale stores will open then
to meet the dcmuid from the retailers.
The difference of 2 cents per pound will,
it is anticipated, result in enormous sales,
as the retail market is prectically bare of
Deadly l.a (irlppe.
Chicaoo, March 31. The deaths re
ported at the health office today num
bered 105, a larger portion of which were
caused by pulmonary troubles induced
or uirirrtii-utu.l hu l tvr!i,u V... Kn A.t
..p. - . ' l' ,w i if i ui uir Mini
three davs of this week 4!H) certitieates
wtre turned in. A remarkable fact is
that the citv was was never more free
from contagious levers, diphtheria, etc.,
and the terrible mortality seems charge-
an:e uirectiy to the prevailing influenza
Dks Moinks. Ia., March 31.- La grippe
epidemic has stun k ltes Muines and doc
tors report hundreds are affected In
many cases it is proving fatal. Iieports
from surrounding tow ns show the disease
is general throughout Cential Iowa
Weainer, in opinion of physicians, con
tinues favorable for spread.
NEW vobk kscapes lkshtlv.
j New Yohk, Match 31 The record of
deaths since noon yesterday up to noon
to"a-v ,s 14,1 KV'11 of Ibese are reported
'.'"ve been frotn la grippe complicated
with other diseases. There are 1! olice-
men on me sick list today
The right at .Vlmiipiir.
T I , ... m i
io.mjo.n, .iiarcn ai ineMar, in re-
iroops in Asia, says me isntlsli cuminis-
"vijtia uavr- iiitrilinci en OUIV tO Oiaille
,'1'3 'eiloruble catastrophe They
should not have meddled with the qnes
uon or itie (Kqiosition ol the rajan of
Manipur, which was the result of a quar
rel between tribal chiefs. Bv needlessly
interfering in the private affairs of the
country they brought down upon them
the hostility and vengeance of ail the
tri hes.
(ol. John P.Nolan, M. P. for North
Oalway, was set upon by a crowd of
women at SJ'go today, and very roughly
handled. The women surrounded him,
hooting at him, pelting him with stones,
mud, etc. They tore tiis clothing, and
finally crowned iiiin with an old iron pot.
i.ati: iti: :un.
K V A X (i K I.IC a I. ( : o N K F. li K N f K .
Lafavktte, Or., April 1 The eighth
annual session of the Oregon Kvangel
ical conference will convene in this city
tomorrow The board of examiners,
consisting of W. L. I'.eaiitnont, J. M.
Dick, A. R. Johnson, M. J. Unllantvne,
J lJewersox. . C. Kantner, C. C.
l'oling, J. M. ISeauehauip, K. H. Iiell-
aim r. vv . raraer. iliev passed very
creditable examinations and will be ad
vanced to their respective classes.
Marhiifikmi, April 1 The Coos Bay
board of Trade last night passed a reso
lution calling on the State Board of Com
merce to take immediate steps to help
raise $100,000 to secure a proper repre
sentation of Oregon at the world's fair,
and rescue the state from its unenviable
and ridiculous position. Coos county
through the board of trade, proposes to
have an exhibition worthy of Oregon if
possible and will do its share to secure
the same.
Marshpield, Or., April 1. Forty
drivers of the Oregon and Coal and Nav
agation company quit work today. The
company this morning reduced the
wages from two dollars and seventy-five
Mints to two dollars and fifty cents.
About two hundred and fifty men are
affected by the strike.
Portland Or , April 1. The effect of
taking off the duty on sugar here wag
felt by dei llnh of three fourth of
cent on the granulated article ami live
eight on powdered sugar. The prices
on yellow sugars advanced about one
fourth of a cent. No further decline l
exocted soon.
Portland! April I Cant Miles Hell.
of the steamer "Champion," has IiIh-M
the steamer "l.urlma, to recover f'xXH)
damage. Cupl Hell alleges that in the
leecnt collision between the two steam
er he was thrown from his (eel bv the
force of the shock ai.d his leg was broken,
San Fkaniikco. April 1 The I'll roni
cle says the combination between Snreck-
els and the lluvemcyvra is completed
The new organisation' is know n as the
West Coast Sugar Kclineiy company.
hum ami. April 1. O. II ( Wv was
tonight appointed police judgu hv the
city council, vice A, U. Tauiuu, resigned.
Simkank Kalis, April I. Word has
been received of the death of Tomosket.
chief ol the Colville Indiana.
Truttsrers ef Ki-ally,
OAC K U tuKlijah Carter; v "of
the n of sec 3, t 0 s, r 2 e; 2".W.tW.
OAC K K toK 8 MotVv, the i,
ol the nwi4 of sec 31, 12 s, r3"e; 63.
W 0 Sew comb and wife to K A
McCoy ; l4 of swt' of sec 34, t 1 , r 3
e; 80 acres; fltiOO
Henry C Allen and wife to J A Logan
50 acre in section 30, 1 1 s, r 2 e, being
a pari ot me ueorge ills l I, U; f I.
Lucret Carman to Mary 1, Wilmot ; 30
ai re in waters Carman U I. C ; (1
K K Chariuan et al to J 11 liengler ;
Iota 10. II and 12 in blk K, Clackamas
tieigtits; J.l M.
K K Chartnnn et al to l'eter Uengler;
ma -w ana tots w, is and M In blk K
Clackamas Heights; ,VX).
A l-ourteor and wife to Minnesota
llireslier Mfg. Co., 4 seres: 517.
Joseph Knight and wife to Mar A
Knight; 77 acres in I) I. ' of'L A
Seeley; 1(W.
A M Condit and wife to Samuel llrown
2.90 acre in t 4 s, r 1 e ; :'50.
Joseph Casio and wife to J C New
burv; lot 1, 2, and s in blk 7, New Kr,
Albert Tucker to Mary K Tucker; lot
o in ins r., siipplenientary addition to
I lackama Heights, also lot 15, blk II,
1'ark l'Uce ; f.m.
N S to Tliomas KoU'rtson ; se o( sec
9, 1 2 s, r 2 e, UK) acres.
Marion l'liillips to Polv Karr. 2
acres in t 1 s, r 2 e ; M0.
Martin Nolan to E S Mott, 2 tracts of
51 20 and 3.75 acres in 1) I, (', No 37,
O I A SCo to Sarah II Ingle, blk 2l ad
to Oswego; 1S0.
( II Thompson and w ife to Krek iKirn,
ne'4 of sec 7, t 1 s, r 3 e; IlliOil.
O I. Co to J M tirogan ; lot 22, blk 70
Minthorn ; 15t).
A II Hesseltin to l'eirv Vorhes; lease
of farm in sw' o( ne1 of sec 8, t 0 s, r
'"n ' li H Atkinson to Mav a id W
! ' 'iniali ; lot 8, l.lk 17, l'aik ad to
lOiegou Pity; elt.l4.rV
j O I. Co to
Kva Hunter ami Mullie
I Johnson ; lots
-Hi, 2ti and 28 in blk
44, Minthorn: I450,
Mary L Wilmot and yer husband to li
! Kruse ; 5 acres in 1) L C of C llrown ;
Win S Kellogg and wife to Wm liar
low ; lots il, 10, 11 and 12, blk 2, C'anbv
K I. Sihin. truslee to (i W Buchanan
lots 17 and IS, blk IS, Windsor; IJoO.
(! F Almert and Louis Snoboda ; ne'4
of nw-.K ami nn '4' of tie'4' ol sec 1H, t 3
s, r 5 e, 811 acres; $:;")).
Louis Snolsida to (i K Aimert; ne1.,
of ne1 of sec lti, t 3 s, r 5 e ; $L'0 ).
L Shank et al to Clnratiladstein, ne'j
of nwVi and niv,1., of nw' of sec 10, I 3 s
r 5 e, fiOO. " '
L Shank et al to J Cartiiuin ; 2'i acres
in 1) L C, of W II Fordvce's I) L C;
L Shank et al to J Cartman ; 2"i acres
in l L C of W 11 Fordu es; 1400.25.
J S Kincaid to E A Swope, s'j ol ne'4'
of ne'4' of sec 33, t 1 s, r 3 e, 20 acres
James H Garret and wife lo (ieoW
Killin, w.ij- of I) L V of J and F Killin,
350 acres; $70.
eoktahi.es Wanted. Farmers wish
ing to make contracts for raising Cn
cumlsjrs, Tomatoes, Onions and Cauli
flower will find it to he to their interest
to call on or correspond with tho Port
land Preserving Co., Portland, Oregon,
Corner (Jth and I) St.
Need Potatoes!
A well selected stivk of Early Rose,
Burbanks and (iarriachillies for sain at
Reil Fiont Grocery and Crockery House
Oiegon City, I re-h Gaiden Seeds inxi
ariived. 2-"7-tf
For Sale.
One ten hotse power traction thresh
ing engine, C. & (i. Cooper manufacture;
also, one Simmons drair saw. with cur.
riage and hulls all complete, and in good
riinningordcr; nearly new. Will he sold
at a great bargain if cold soon.
Impure of C II. HyK,
tf Over Oregon City Hank.
Is catarrh, and there is but one pa-para'
tion mat does cure that disease, and
mat is trie California Positive and Neg.
ative Electric Liniment. Sold hv r r
Clark. It also cures neuralgia, rheutna-
usm, ne niacne, sprains, burns, and ali
pain. Try it, and tell your neighbor
nuoiciu gel it. noiu Dy
E. G. Caofield, Druggist.
Persons troubled with rheumatism
should read the following from Mrs N
M Peters, of F;ast Des Moines, Iowa
She says : I had suffered with rheuma
tism the greater part of the time for
nearly seven years. I doctored a great
deal for it with physicians and tried
electric belts, patent medicines and al
most everything that was recommend,..!
for rheumatism. Finally a neighbor nd
visiid me t.j tiy Chamberlain's I'll in
nam ami was so sure that it would help
me that I procured a bottle. Jt did help
me, right from flic start; hut it took five
i.wim-n iu cure me, so you
now uau i waH as two bottles
cure any ordinary case " l'or
Geo. A. Harding, druggist.
sale hy
Northwixora At-nti (
p,lr numoml. Un Meeliloni- Tulllllh lei-r jtm'-
(Wont WVtlos (warranted.) 1. A S Proof CliAins. A remit' ImIcm.
Lowers anil Wood Choppers Spociultit'H.
t)regon City Agent, ......
B. .3 Bellomy,
Ol'P. Cll.VKMAN HKtS.' IU'lM'tN'tS.
Cani-'K n Full Stock of
Household Furnishings.
New ami Second Hand Furniture.
Poilidit and Sold.
Can give voti a bargain.
Absolute Purity. Careful Iiansiug.
Prescriptions Filled by Competent
Toilet Articles. Perfumery. Fine Cigars.
0. j. LOYBJOY,
IXAl tR IS -
Plain and Fancy Groceries.
The Lovcjov Hotel wt tin
the city it!i the very i lioin
Uit table in
.t the tnarkel
ii'KM'tt mi urn ash m ms uiitoos i irv.
For bnlildog from the
leading varieties, the
Imu'est and finest breed
ing nb-ek on tho Pacitlc
coast. Viitors Welcome
ii. 1. 1 writ iTi-.iH'vr ti.tix.i i:
t t'lti.i: i
i i
Christian Kocher
WO 3E2 Tm 3E33l?r7
l.ivcrv. Km- ami S:,,. stable
Ihnililt- mill Single Kis, ami sail
illf Imwi-s ulwavs up haiiii at the
lowest prices. A corral conmclcil
Willi tilt! biirtl for limse ,-t.ick.
Information reitrdiin: unv kind ol
stock prompt I.- attended to lv person or
horses Bought and Sold.
fmr- left the ll, I.K MI'I.K V IIAKItoW
AM HKf.lKHK The,- III l..bl,,".
third lo iIijiii tin. price I n l-uri--land
to i,'l"e tliem nut,
il Cull t ui i oiii'c
'-r fur lurtlier
urlieulnr int. I r.--t
L. P. WILLIAMS, Box 280, Oregon City
Vmi SA I.K. -Tin- tlmrnnt.,bred ,,e,li-
tfrt-e Durham, 'Six-niiot," sired hv
t'unhy l'rini c.
vvenowliavo a Full Line of
Hardware and Stoves. Solo Agent
for Superior Stoves and Ranges,
The Oliver Chilled Plows at $ 1 an in.
We have connected with the house
a Firtit Class Plumher and Tinner
and work in this line will he as
Promptly done and us Cheap as any
could desire.
pT'Ht" ' r
Wilson & Cook.
Opposite Post Office.
"-Pff itjkmm .ys-.l1 i IWWu,a
" m Front street: I HARDWARE I
.aV s . -v.
CW11 : & : SOU
The iit kiiou Icilttol leading diulora In
Direct Spring Importations From
First Hands.
W ro showing in litro vitrietr rhoico new ntyl.-a aiul lud. novdlica.
Wo will iinitrKtilee the iunlity mnl iiuikn of these giMsU in all rr
srls. Wt will sell tin-in, ..'ne nml nil, as low as any living nmn
tl.irtt sell hniH'St gissls.
Best (Bill!.
(Hir sritINC DII1CSS (JikiDs
Cuiuiot In' stirjiassfd
Cuinjilftf linos tf Smith Sc
Ani l's husit-ry anl I iv it
Corst't liavt- lift-n j
rct'i-ivi'il. i
Our annual direct importation of
Teas have arrived and defy
competion in prices.
rare aifimcAii
Tlios, Gliarinan & Son
Shoes. Shoes, Shoes,
F,XB r
i ( A US10 .pf flJH'V' J
We will have some of tho most
ahotit the firHt of March. Thcs.
Look out for our windows nhout that
We will carry this summer as line
,.: .1 .... 1 1 . . .
sine oi mo Missouri river. Call and
thi ngtho latest style.
Next Door to IWOIlico,
.lA.llMKOAKH&O), I'r ie01s.
at c . . .. .
laiiuiaciiin-rs, an.l Ih-alors
CAhTINf.'S fiii-nislied and
Pinthind, Oregon,
Silver meals Haws
lioM. (Vsri'ilt (,.,-1,
Lowest Pros.
A full nsstntuifiit aiitl coin
jilftf Vtyh-s of tlu Ki-d
Sli m 1 lltmso now
Tin' niilv Imusti hniitli of Ttirtr
!;unl t arryinj; a full lino
l iVniian ami Knolish
( iriH'orii'H.
egant goods the world
ever saw
111 o gods
' mill hi will lm ii f...iUi r...
a line of
(noils IIH 1111V lliinun Ihia
see if
we are lying to you. Kvcry-
Oregon City, Oreg,
in all
linls of Machinery.
promptly inn