IHE BANNER-du aLER, OEEGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1922. Page Two We Make Your Glasses to Order The fitting of glasses is no mere side line with us '(Our optical department is in charge of an ex pert optician a man thoroughly familiar with the most advanced optometrical practice. We have in stock a complete line of eyeglasses in all designs and all types of lenses, including the popular tortoise shell style. You will do the wise, the safe thing to come to us. And you will save money too. -00jE'lELERS OREGON CITY FOPTIMW i II I . VI I I rmrr lam II Lyle McCoy, a resident of Sellwood has accepted a position with the J. C. Penny Co. in Oregon City. Mr. Mc Coy for several years a resident of this city, held a similar position in the L. Adams store and for the past few years has been with the Simons Co. in Portland . A little son arrived at the home of Ed Black of Clairmont Tuesday, Jan uary. 3. The young man weighed eight and one-half pounds and has been given the name of James Mau rice. Miss Grace Anderson of Portland visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Judge H. S. Anderson of Ore gon City, a few days this week. Mildred, the little 13-months'-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ott, former residents of Oregon City, was buried at Mountain View cemetery last Tuesday. The little one died at the family home at Sellwood Mon day morning at 4 o'clock of pneumon ia. She was the only daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Knight, residents of Portland, spent the week-end at Parkplace visiting Mrs. Knight's father, Haivey Peckover. Norman, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stone, who has been seriously ill at his home with pneu monia, is improving. Julius Hult, a resident of Hoff, Ore gon, was transacting business in Ore gon City Friday. Mrs. James Hudson, whose home is at Clackamas, was among those to transact business in Oregon City. Marvin Eby has returned to Eugene to resume his studies at the U. of O., after a delightful vacation with his parents in Oregon City. Mrs. Lee Bequeath and children, Lee Junior, and Roberta Clare, of Portland, visited Mrs. .Beueath's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scheubel on Tuesday. Mrs. S. C. Oviatt of Medford, Ore gon, arrived at Oregon City last week where she will visit her sister, Mrs. J. E. Fisher. Mrs. A. L. Armine, who was oper ated on at the St. Vinucent's hos pital several weeks ago, and has been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Arm ine of Oregon City returned to her - home at Clarks last Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Watts whose home is at Molalla, was visitin gfriends in Ore gon City Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. G. Fletcher Mighils cf Maple Lane was transacting business in Ore gon City Tuesday. Edgar Brock who is a student of Willamette University has returned to his studies after spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Brock of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Frost and children, Melville and Dorothy of Cor vallis, spent New Year's day at the home of Mrs Frost's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Andrews of South Oregon City. Donald Ryan and Fred Tooze, Jr., who are law students at Willamette University, have returned to Salem : to resume their studies after a pleas ant vacat-on spent with their par ents and friends. Mrs. Cora Hammond, a resident of SOCIETY Can you find a letter in your cwnfile? How muih time do you waste every day looking for papers you need? Let us explain a system that will hand you in 30 seconds any letter or pa per that you want. No office can afford to do without it. fD DlRECTNAtlE Redland, was an Oregon City visitoi Friday of last week. Beulah Walker and Marian Weid- man of Oswego were Oegon City vis itors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steiner, resi dents of Hoff, Oregon, were trans acting business in Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. Herman Fisher, whose home is at Carus, was an Oregon City vis itor last Friday. Arthur Lindsay,- who is a student at the Oregon Agricultural College has returned to his studies after spending his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lind say of Beaver Creek. Allen Larkins, a resident of Mu- lino,- was an Oregon City visitor on Sunday and Monday. Clinton Griffith, a student at the State Norman has returned to Mon mouth to resume his studies. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. W C. Green of Oregon City,i and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Green of Gladstone, were New Year guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Green at Portland. A seven-pound-son arrived at "the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schatz last Friday,' December 29. The little fellow has been given the name of Richard Myron. Andrew Naterlin, a student of the University of Idaho at Moscow, Ida ho, who has been spending his vaca tion in Oregon City with his parents, Mr. and Mrs .Anton Naterlin, has re turned to Idaho to resume his stu dies. Misses Glyde and Ruth Scheubel, who have been spending the Christ mas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scheubel, have returned to resume their studies at the Uni versity of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Straight spent New Years in Portland visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hendrickson, accompanied by Mrs. Hassell of Ore gon City, made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. Miss Lillian Harris, a student of the Oregon Agicultural College and a former resident of Oregon City, visit ed friends here one day last week. Miss Harris spent most of her vaca tion at Seaside with her mother, Mrs. V. Harris, who is now engaged in business at that placo. "A little daughter arrived at the St. Vincent's Hospital Wednesday, Jan uary 28 for Mr .and Mrs. E. E. May er of Portland. The little lady has been given the name of Mary Mar garet. Mrs. Mayer will be remem bered as Miss Eva McAnulty of this city. Mrs. Susan Linn Smith of Portland, a former resident of Oregon City, was transacting business in Oregon City Tuesday. The funeral of Frank M. Navy was held at the Holman and Pace fun eral chapel Saturday and was under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. The officiating minister was Rev. H. G. Edgar. .The funeral was largely at tended and the floral offerings were beautiful. O. D. Eby, city attorney, went to Molalla on business, one day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartke had as their guests on New Year's day, Mr. If you are not satisfied with your filing system just phone 46 and ask for our office system man. His suggestions are free. Huntley-Draper Drug Co. Office Outfitters t9 and Mrs. William Churchill of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of South Orsgon City. A son arrived at the home of Mf. and Mrs. G. J. Howell of Tenth and Main streets on New Year's day for Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Howell are the grandparents. The little fellow has been given the name of Robert Myrle. He weighed seven and one-half pounds. Mr. James Fullam and little daugh ter, Helen, of Redland, were in this city on Saturday. They were ac companied home by- Mrs. L. E. Senn of Portland, who went out to spend New Year's day with her sister, Mrs. J. Fullam. Mrs. James Smythe and children, Bobby and Bettie, of Tacoma, Wash., were New Year guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Scheubel. Mrs. Smythe is a niece of Mrs. Sjcheubel and a granddaughter of Mrs. Marga ret Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zorn of Sa lem, who spent Christmas vacation with Mrs. Zorn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Alldredge have returned to their home. Mrs. Zorn will be remem bered as Miss Lela Alldredge. Mr. E. L. Struve of Aurora, was a Banner-Courier visitor on Friday and while in Oregon City attended budget meeting. , Mr. W. F. Mueller of Rt. 3, Oregon City, was a caller at the Banner- Courier on Friday. J. M. Caldwell of Portland, trans acted bus'ness in Oregon City on Friday. O. R. Daugherty of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor on Friday. Miss Blanche Jones, a student of the Willamette University at Salem, who has been spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jones of Oregon City, Route 1, has returned to her studies. The Banner-Courier and the Oregon Farmer both for $1.65. Subscribe to day. :r::, Cleo Howell, a student of the Pa cific University, who has been spend ing his vacation in Oregon City with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. How ell, returned to Forest Grove Mondav to resume his studies. Mrs. L. C. Posson and daughter, Le ta of Estacada, who have been the guests for the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Yonce, returned to their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson of Astoria, have returned to their horn after spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Peterson's mother, Mrs. Ro bert Warner of Center street W. W. Everhart and daughter, Reva of Molalla, were Oregon City vis itors last Friday. Miss Everhart is The Girl Reserve Club of Oregon City was-entertained at a Christmas party at the Y. W. C. A. in Portland on Friday of last week. . Mrs. W. AT White of this city chaperoned the club. Those attending were: Dor otry - Blake, Wilma ' Croner; Helen Tooze, Frances Blake, Catherine Croner, Helen Harris, Lois Pagenkoff, Carrie and Jessie Cunningham, Helen Surber. The second number in the Ellison- White course given at the High School auditorium on Monday of this week, was an entertainment of high quality and deserved better patron age on the part of people in Oregon City and vicinity. The next num ber will be a lecture by Herbert Le on Cope on "The Smile That Never Wears Off," on the evening of Feb ruary 23. " Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevens and chil dren, watched the old year out ' and the now year in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fosberg last Satur day night. A delightful time was enjoyed and a helicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Anderson and son, Charles and daughter Glen na, delightfully, enjoyed a watch par ty Saturday, evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Andrews of Portland. Other guests at the An Chester A. Muir, son Glen and daugh ter Virginia of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Frost and children, Mel ville and Dorothy of Corvallis. Mrs. Willis Yonce entertained a few friends at her home on Fifth and Jackson streets last Saturday after noon. The time was spent in doing needle work and some splendid mu sic was enjoyed. Delicious refresh ments were served by Mrs. Yonce. The gfests were Mrs. James- Shan non, Mrs. Link Waldron, Mrs. Izetta Abright, Mrs. J. K. Morris, Mrs. John Surfus, Mrs. Robert Summons of Ore gon City, and Mrs. L. C. Posson and daughter Leta of Estacada. Needy Boy Killed by Gun One of those deplorable accidents happened at Needy last week, when Oscar Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman, was instantly killed. Young Hoffman, with a friend, were hunting. They were standing on a log talking and his gun, muzzle up, was resting on the log. It slipped the hammer catching, discharging the gun into his head, killing him almost instantly. The boy was a high school student at Woolburn. . REPORT OF THE CONDITION FIRST NATIONAL BANK . Of Oregon City, State of Oregon AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DEC. 31st, 1921 -- Reserve District No. 12 J Charter No. 8556 We do printing of, all kinds at the Banner-Courier the best workman ship at lowest prices. Mr. and Mrs. Judge H. S. Anderson entertained at a dinner on Monday at their home on Seventh and Center streets. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green Mrs .Anderson was as sisted by her neice, Miss Grace An derson of Portand. One of the most delightful evenings of the sor.son was spent last Thurs day night, December 29, at the Odd Fellows' Hall when the Oregon Eodge, No. 3, held open house for all itsl members and their families. After a short business session, the hall was thrown open and a most impressive ceremony was thte first feature of the evening. 2 Lodg jewels were present ed to two of the gentlemen who had been membrs for an unbroken period of 25 years. These men who were honored were Charles Hannaford and T. C. Thomas. Judge F. F. Ryan, had the honor of presenting the jewels to Mr. Thomas and J. V. Swan of Port land, who initiated Chas. Hannaford 25 years ago had the honor of present ing him the jewel. Those jewels which are handsomely designed and changed every five years thereafter are high ly prized by those getting them. Af ter the presentations; a short program was rendered, this being vocal olos by Mrs. Walter Wentworth, Lyman Wamock and Eloise Ely. Dancing was indulged in, after which an oyster sup per was served to nearly 300 people. It was an occasion that will be long remembered. ! y i X X y t I x i x ! ! y X X X y $ Y Y X t X X t Y Y I y X X People Who Are Particular FIND THE UTMOST SATISFACTION IN OUR CAFETERIA SERVICE. Whether you prefer a simple lunch or a com plete dinner you will jtind the best of food at reasonable prices, cook ed and served with that attention to detail Which alone will pro duce "QUALITY EATS" RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . Overdrafts- U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation $196,623.11 845.51 All other United States Government Securities TOTAL U. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. L 12,500.00 208,050.00 Banking House," $14,000.00. fixtures, $6,000.00 Furniture and Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and amount due from national banks. Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in United States Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank . The FALLS 703 Main St. Phone 44 Check3 on banks located outside of city . Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurei- TOTAL . LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits . Circulating notes outstanding Demand deposits subject to Reserve. Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposU due in less than 30 days State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank Time deposits subject to Reserve. Certificates of deposit ; . Other time deposits Postal savings deposits . TOTAL , . 220,550.00 4 188,648,26 1 20,000.00 37,918.89 83,881.45 15,130.69 4,105.35 50.00 . 625.00 $768,378.37 50,000.00 25,000.00 1,511.88 12,500.00 '327,379.98 6,859.35 ' 14,000.00 168,716.53 152,284.42 8,126.21 . $768,378.37 Meyer, Cashier of the State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, (ss) :I, F. J. above named hank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true tj the best of my knowledege and belief. F. J. MEYER, Cashier. Correct Attest: D. C LATOURETTE, " CD. LATOURETTE, M. D. LATOURETTE, . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1922. EARLE C. LATOURETTE,, Notary Public. (SEAL) , My Commission expires July 22nd, 1923 SEE MATTLEY For Heating Stoves, Ranges, Handbags, Suitcases and Trunks Our prices can not be equalled anywhere in town. Investigate before buying elsewhere. Low overhead does it FOR GROCERIES SEE OUR WINDOWS J. H. IVIATTLEY 906 - 7th Street CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements In these columns are inserted at the rate of one cant per word. No advertisement will be charged for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE House and 10 lots in Mt. Scott View, Portland; 7-room mod ern house, orchard, $35007" Inuire at 725 Gasco Bldg., Portland. Chas. Roher. care J. C Penney Co, Ore gon City. Two of the Livest Wires in news paperdom for the small sum of $1.65. The Oregon Farmer and The Banner Courier. Send us your subscription and obtain the latest, livest, best in local news, rural correspondence, farm articles and civic discussions. Mr. Farmer, The Banner-Courier is anxious to do your printing. Look to your subscirption to The Banner-Courier. i Local Man Patents Device M. O. Rose, jeweler of this city, has recently perfected and patented a an O. A. C. student and has returned clock attachmnet called the "ever- Weldon's Watch Shop Is headquarters for railroad men's watch repairing and inspecting. Also every make of bracelet and wrist watch repaired. All work warranted and prices reasonable FRANK NELDON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 425 Main at 5th Street " to Corvallis to resume her studies. Mr. R. E. Cherrick, a resident of Barlow, was an Oregon City visitor last Friday, having come to attend the budget meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lyman of Carus spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Moehnke. Mrs. Moeh nke and Mrs. Lyman are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Meilke were also the guests at the Moehnke home. Day Lyons, who is taking a course in journalism at the University of Oregon, has returned to Eugene to resume his studies after spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lyons of Oregon City. A combination offer The Banner Courier and The Oregon Farmer both for $1.65 for one year. Send in your subscription NOW, "to the Ban ner-Courier office. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, who have returned from their honeymoon have taken up their residence at 8th and Washington streets. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joehnke who spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lawton of Locust Farm, Mt. Pleasant, have returned to their home at Canby. Curtis Martin, who owns a farm near Madras, Oregon, spent the New Year week with his mother, Mrs. Al veretta Martin May of Mt View. W. H. Parry of Hoff, was in Oregon City on business on Tuesday. Harold Kirk of the Banner-Courier staff attended the funeral of his grandmother, tho late Mrs. Mary J Cook. beat." The purpose of thjs device is to automatically adjust the clock to any position thus doing away with the necessity for levelling it. The owner expects to further develop his invention in a commercial way in the near future. FOR SALE Two Jersey Duroc sows and Pigs four weeks old, and one yew lamb Oregon City, Ore., Route 2, Box 1, Dec. 29-3t. CARPENTER Work Dundas, Gladstone, 533W. wanted T. A. Oregon. Phone 3t p. D. FOR SALE 1000 Frlit Trees and Rose Bushes, apples, pears, prunes, plums, and peaches, one and two year olds, 25 cents each, H. J. Big ger, Oregon City Greenhouse. Nov. 17-tr. CONCRETE WORK All kinds includ ing sidewalks and basements. Chim neys repaired. M. Long, Telephone 264-R 4-28 tf STRAYED 10 head cattle, also 1 Brindle cow with chain on horns. Brand P. S. on right-flank. Address J. L. Smithson, Molalla Oregon. Jan. 5-lt. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars . D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 50 empty Bee Hive Honey Extractor and wax press. X. Widmar, 16th and Division Sts, Oi" gon City Jan. 5-3t. P. D. M. O. ROSE JEWELERS Opposite Woolworth Fifteen Cent Store I Y Y y y Y ? Y Y I I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y X X y t f Y I i Y x Y Y Y Y Y X ! i Y t Y t X T Y r Y Y i t X T X Y Y Y Y Y Y ? X X i i Brunswick Superiority The Brunswick brings all the great artists into your home because the Brunswick plays all records. You are not limited in your choice of talent to one, two or three brands of record music and entertainment. And each is played as it should be played. Ask at our store for a demonstration and find out for yourself just why and how this is made possible. JONES DRUGCO. OregonJCity Bridge Corner If you want to boost the paper which boosts your Interests, mention The Banner-Courier to your merchant. DRAFT Hartford Live Stock Insurance Campany no... Form 15805 439 San Francisco, Cal Dec. 15 1921. Payable at WELLS FARGO NEVADA NATIONAL BANK of San Francisco At sight, when properly endorsed, pay to $ 300.00 1 Dollars, being in full settlement, final satisfaction, and compromise of all claims for the death and loss of the cow .named... Golden Lina 2nd .... described in Policy no buua of the HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, which loss occurred on the 5th day of ; .. Dec. 1921, In consideration heretof said policy is hereby cancelled and surrendered. the order D. F. SKENE.. -THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS To Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co. San Francisco, Cal. ROLAND C. DRAKE, Ass't General Agent, The animal insured died Dec. 5th, the Hartford Live Stock Insurer drew the above draft in f avor'of the assured, December 15th. .... SEE ME FOR INSURANCE A. C. HOWLAND Real Estate and Insurance 620 Main Street Oregon City, Oregon t 1 i. j Or' i i Y Y Y Y T Y t Y X Y Y X Y y Y Y Y Y f Y A 1 rig n 4 v1 X