Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 21, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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AND Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Eiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Only transcontinental line '
passing directly through
SJt Lata City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair 'Cars. ,
The most, magnificent scenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates and descriptive literature
. . J. D. riAl SFJELQ,
Ueneral Agent.
24 Third fetrttt, Portfnd, Oietton
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrovv, the paper
ihanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
"J. MURROW, Oregon (City
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and ujvto-clate
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for weat
quality or style, and ou
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of cantor
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros,
akes short roads.
'ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Had by STANDARD Oil. CO.
Amu rikUMn
JL XX nd light loads.
Source of Information of Which
the Alert and Quick Witted Corre.
pondent I Alnnji Ready to Take
, Legitimate Advantage,
"Every once la awhile one reads in
the newspapers of the determiuatioq
of some one of the high government
officials to discover the source of 'the
leak' of n pce of news which it was,
not desired should be given out at that
particular time," remarked an old
Washington, correspondent, "and with
out giving the solution to the secret
escapes of public information, as they
vary, I will tell you of one instance
which serves to show how news ap
pears in print in what is considered by
ull concerned to be a very mysterious
manner. Like all mysteries, when un
raveled it is wondered that it was not
thought ef before. My story is en
tirely a part of the secret sources of
information which all correspondents
have more or less at their disposal
and which often comes frbm the out
side and not from the Inside of the
"Some time ago the precise time is
not essential to the story a very im
portant public matter was up for de
termination by the president. All of
the larger metropolitan dailies were
particularly Interested, as it did not
have to do especially with Washing
ton, and the entire correspondents'
world at the capital was on the qui
vive to 'get it,' Including myself. All
channels which were usually tapped
by the initiate'd were found to be as
barren as a desert stream in midsum
mer. Telegrams from the home offices
poured Into our various bureaus here
couched in Imperative language that
the news 'must' be obtained, evidently
in the belief that all correspondents
have to do Is to go out, ask officials
for the desired information and re
ceive it, coupled with a good cigar and
a bottle of wine. As a matter of fact,
when officials wish to keep secret a
piece of information, all possible loop
holes of escape are securely padlocked,
and it is the exception that it gels out.
"I 'had about given up hope of secur
ing a 'beat' in this particular instance,
though I was, of course, as vigilant as
ever. The time for the maturing of the
project was close at hand, and any day
it might by official announcement be
come public property. One night as :I
was-sitting Idly in the lobby of an up
town hotel, half dozing in my chair,
waiting for the appearance of a senator
with whom I had an appointment en an
inconsequential matter. 1 overheard one
of two gentlemen who were sitting be
hind me drop the words "the president.'
The high backs of our chairs nearly
touched, and by Instinct my drowsy
senses became clear and i woke up.
" "The president, remar k ed one of the
gentlemen, 'said that it wis his inten
tion to adopt that course irrespective
of the consequences either to Mmself or
the party.'
" 'But you pointed out to him what it
ineuntto us that he was clearly In-er
ror?' replied the other gentleman.
" 'Elaborately,' responded the first
speaker, 'but the president eaid that he
was convinced that accruing results
would prove that we, and not he, were
In error.'
" 'Then we may as well go back te
New York tomorrow,' was the answer,
and both gentlemen arose and walked
toward the cafe, apparently in a very
despondent frame of mind.
"I was an involuntary listener to this
scrap of conversation, in which, It will
be observed, not a single word was
dropped as to the subject matter there
of. I at once jumped to the conclusion
that the government, through the presi
dent's action, intended to take the af
firmative of the proposition, the new
side of whkh the correspondents had
so long and .earnestly endeavored to
ascertain. With a straight tip as to the
course of the government the corre
spondent could do the rest, while with
the wrong tip the could not only make
ibis paper ridiculous, but would in all
probability lose ,h is position; hence the
care In making a scare bead, page wide
"In the furtherance of my conclusion
nay paper bad the 'beat' of the season
the following morning, as I stated the
facto as though they came from official
sourees, as, Indeed, such I considered,
them. To my mind, as a correspondent,
it was as clear as If the president him
self had given me the Information. Two
days after a member of the cabinet
gave out officially what I had wired
over and with it the announcement that
the leak' had occasioned much 'annoy
ance, and its source would be investi
gated thoroughly.' It is here given cor
rectly for the first time." Washington
..rjeua, 1VJOU1.. U b -t,
i C. A. Perrin, Helena, Moot.
I wiph to thank you for my re
ef . I was suffering agonies fron
'ilesand was taking morphia t
-elieve me, when, on the advice o
i friend, I procurred a bottle o
vonr Perrin Pile Specific and too
i table.-poohful at night and an
it her in the morning. At hall pas-
welve, nor.n, my wife gave m
"Pother tablespoonful, when m
rain all stopped. In two days
was able to attend my regulu
liiisil ess er,linly relieved. It as simply
wonderful. Jmrs JUthofikb,
- . .
Mark's Prairie.
Levy Erb will start cutting lumber
with his mill at the Corners this week.
-A social party was given at H. Hagey's
Saturday evening. A good time was
enjoyed by those present.
The timber land excitement has struck
this vicinity and several parties will
soon start for Washington to locate
Grandma Hagey has about recovered
from her recent illness.
George Oglesby has been visiting his
brother at Reedville, Washington coun
ty, the past week.
F. O. Seaton was seen in our vicinity
recently. He is selMng agen: for the
Oregon School Supply Company.
Sam Mack paid a visit to Oregon City
one day this' week.
H. Wiegand sold 11 bales of hops for
$518.75. How is .that for four acres ol
Wa learn that Sam Miller, of Needy,
will set out ten acres o! hops next spring.
George W. Taylor has been sick the
past week, 'and is but little better at
Dr. M. Giepy will have a large amount
of lileing done on his f rra here this
H. Wiegand spent several days at Sa
lem last week visiting friends and rela
tives. Beaver Lake.
Once againIIappy Jack comes to the
front to say a few words in behalf of
the welfarejof our little burg and its peo
The rainy season has set in for good,
and the rural Webfoot can put on his
fpectacles and read his weekly paper
from now till the first of next June.
C. A. Ryan, of Stony Point, was seen
passing through this section a few days
F. W. McLearn male a trip to the
metropolis one day laHt week.
That's all light, Clarence. The trail
is a much better route than the road,
besides the smiling face ol Mamie affords
excellent company.
G. T. Slaughter, Wilhoit'B freighter,
was wen pasting through .this section
with his celebrated Irish buggy one day
last week.
-Several new dwelling houses are being
erected in tiiis section.
Miss Francis Groshong made Bert
Wade a pleasant call one day last week
I didn'i know this was leap year, Bert?
There will be a dance at Mrs. E. VIk
bee's on the night of November ' 7.
Boys, bring your best girl, and friends
don't foie. the date. Everbody in-
Eddy eays the roads are too muddy
fjr both to walk under one umbielia.
We wish you a universal success, Mr.
Westover, in your new enterprise, and
extend to you a welcome hand.
C, J. Vorhees is bu ily engaged pre
paring his green hou-e for the winter's
Mrs. E. Vorhees, of R-ck creek, was
visiting Mrs. B. Wade at Pleasant hill
Tutsday test. -
L. J. Nichulson is working in the log
ging camps on Upper Butte creek. We
miss his smiling face.
A.gpod many people from this section
attended the auction sale at Scott's
MU.18 iFida"V last. Happy Jack.,
'lerry Wedding Bells,
Wednesday, Nov. 12, was a day long
to be 'remembered at Marquam, the
wedding bells gave out no uncertain
sound. The most uniqe wedding that
Marquosn has ever witnessed took place
at the M. E. church.
The contracting parties were Miss El
sie J. Taylor and Joseph A. Van Cleaye,
both of this place, Miss Ella Ingram act
ing as bridesmaid and Mr, Lester Van
Cleave groomsman.
Little Orleoe and Mildred Jones were
the dower girls, strewing the path with
flowers. The church was most beauti
tifully and artistically decorated and
brilliantly lighted.
At 5 :30 the guests began to gather and
at 7 the church was crowded to the ut
most, even standing room being at a
premium. At 7 the bell began ringing,
just as the bridal company left the par
sonage. As the company re cbed the
door, Mrs. E. P. Morcom, of Woodburn,
started up the "Mendelssohn Wedding
March." The couple were received at
the altar by Rev. T. C. Butler, of Sa
lem, who performed the ceremony.
Thejbride was dressed in white satin.
After congratulations were extended the
bridal party Btarted for Woodburn,
where they intended to take the train
for Portland, Seattle and other Sound
points, returning home after a week's
trip. Their many friends at Marquam
extend their hearty congratulations to
the happy couple. Witness.
Mural Dell.
The farmers of Rural Dell are praying
for the rain to stop until they can get
their potatoes dug and their seeding
done ; but it seems as yet their prayers
have not been answered.
Philip Ogle has the shingles and lum-
In the
For Men anil Boys'
The variety of styles and materials
we show are all that could be asked.
We want you to come to Portland and
m look over our lines--we will be pleas
ed to show
wish to buy
Men's Business Suits
Men's Topcoats
Men's Raincoats -Men's
Boys' Clothing of Highest Grade
We are, without a doubt, showing more exclusive designs
in Boys' and Youths' High-Grade Clothing tl an any
concern in the Northwest.
Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in
connection with
feer on the ground to put a new roof and
siding on bis house.
L. Cochran quit wi-king ou the teasel
ranch, and has rnu ned home to wo:k
on his own.. '
I.. P. Bigelow had. two carpenters all
of last week working on bis hog and po
tato houses, and they are nearly com
O. Hardesty is digging his potato crop
and reports it extra good.
Ou school is progressing nicely under
the able management of Miss Alice Kil
ter. It looks as if there was going to be a
wedding soon in our peaceful dell. Get
your bells ready, Albert.
For some reason W. HaskinH is mak
ing some very rice improvements around
bis isouse and barn this fall.
A Startling Surprise.
Very few could believe ih looking at
A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black
smith of Tilden, Ind.,that for ten years
he suffered such tortures from Rheu
matism as few could endure and live.
But a wonderful change followed his
taking Electric Bitters, "and I have
not felt a twinge in over a year." They
regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood
and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Nervousness, improve digeslion and give
perfect health. Try them. Only 50cts.
at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
The only remedy fn the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin m
any part of the body that is absolutely
safe and nevef failing,, is 1 loan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G.Huntley's.
Bean the me mhu ion nava Aiway:
Signature " . SV9 ,sz.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hotice Is hereby alveiw that the nnderslirnnd
ham.be ii appointed idmiulatrator in the estate of
Ainen uiosuer, deceased.
All persona having claims agaliiHt the said
estate are hereby notified to present the said
duly verified according to law and accompanied
by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at
Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon, within
six months of the date of this notice.
Dated this 30th day of October, 1D02.
GEO. C. BROWNEIX. Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that the undesigned has
been appointed administrator ol the estate of
Moreen noener .deceased.
All persons having claims nt-nlniUhe nlrt r.
tate are hereby notified to nreaent ihn sarna dulv
verliied according to law and accompanied by the
proper voucners, to Hie mim.TMKn'l at the omco
of J. W.Ijder In Orea-on Cltv. Clackamas Cimrilv.
Oregon, within U months Irom the date ol tliia
Dated thls.31th day of October. 1902.
.. . .. C.A.NASH,
Administrator ol the estate of Uarcell Kueuer,
you through, whether you
or not.
Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and
the boys depaitment.
In the circuit court ol theatre of 0 'gon,fur
the toumy of Olaokainas.
Mary Burton, plaintiff, vs. J. J. Burton, defend
ant. To J. J. Burton, defendant abov named: In
Uienamenf ike state of Oregon ou are hereby
required to appearand answer the complaint filed
against ycu lu the above entitled snlt in the above
named court! on or before Friday, November 28,
1902, the same being seven weeks from the tirbt
publication of this summons, and you will take
notice that if you fail to o appear and answer
Hid conrplaint. the plaintiff will apply to the
ooiirt for the relief demanded in eaid complaint
to wit: That the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved,
Tills summons is published by the order ol the
Hon. Thos. F. Ryau, county judge of Clackamas
county, st-e of Oregon, in the absence of Hon.
Thos. A. McUride, judge of the fifth Judicial dis
trict of the state of Oregon, ill the Oregon City
CourlerrHerald, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation, printed in Clackamas county, for
seven consecutive weeks, commencing Friday,
October 17, lliuj. and continuing to and including
Friday, November 28. 1B02.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
William Crombie, plaintiff, vs. ciara May Cromble
To Clara May Crondiie. he above-named de
fendant 1 In the name of the state of Oreiron. vou
are heteby commanded to appear and answer the
compiaiui nieu against you in ine above entitled
court and cause on or before the 2M day of Decem
ber, 1MI2, being more than six weeks from the date
of first publication of this summons, and the date
prescribed by the order of said court.and if you fail
so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the oourt .for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, to wit; that the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and the
plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for such other
and further relief as to the court may aeem equita
ble. 't his summons Is served unon vou bv order of the
Hon. T. A. JIcHride, dated the 8d day of Novem
ber, 1W2, and the date of the first publication of
this summons Is the 7lb day of November, 11102,
and the last publication the lUth day ol December,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the slate of Oregon, for the
county oi i;iacaamas.
Nancy Bostwick, plalntltr, vs. W. C. Bostwick,
To W. C Bostwick, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby notified that the Plaintiff herein has filed
a complaint against you in the above-entitled
court and cause, and you are hereby required to
appear ana answer saia complaint on or before
the last day of the of the time prescribed in the
order of publication made herein, to wit: on or
before the 2Hth day of December, 1W1; you are
further notified that If you fall to appear and an
swer the said complaint or plead thereto the
Plaintiff will causejour default lobe entered and
v.111 apply to the court for the relief prayed for In
said complaint, to-wit, for a decree forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween Plaintiff and yourself, also for an order re
storing to Hamuli' her maiden name, to wILNancv
Hagar, and for such other and further relief as to
equity may seem Just and proper.
The date of the first publication of this sum
mons ii Friday, November 7th, l'.i02, and the last
publication thereof, Friday, December 2i, l!i(, and
said summons shall he published on Friday of
each week fr a period of six weeks.
This summons la published by order of Hon.
Thos. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the aljoie entitled
court, duly made November :), w2.
CIIAH- J. hi;hnaiii:i,.
Attorney for PI "itlff.
Estate of Elizabeth Hhamly, d' censi'd.
Notice Is hereby given that the unilersl. iu-d has
been duly appointed by the county r rt of
Clackamas county, Oregon, as aduiinin
the estate of Elizabeth Hhamly, decee
persons having claims against said
hereby notified to present the same, pr i -1
fled an by law required, to ine at YYilhol
t r of
. All
e are
e., or
my attorneys at Oregon City, Ore., vith.n six
mouins irom mis aate.
Dated this 17th day of OcMr, 1002.
O. H. BOYU8, AdmiH. Mint.
Attorneys (or Adiulm. iator.
$10 to $35
10 to 30
12 to 30
10 to 55
Prince Albert
In the Circuit Court of the Slate ol Oreg-n fur
county of Clarknmac.
Nellie Field, Plrintift', vs. Arlhur Field, Pe
feudant. To Arthur Field, defendant! above named :
In the name of the State of Oiegou you are here
by required to nppear and autwer the complaint
filed agninsl you in the nbova entitled suit in llx-
aiaive nameo cuurt, on ..r Oerore the time set out
in the or ler for the publication of the summortt..
to wit: On or hefo e six weeks alter the lirst pn
llcation thereof, being November 7th, 1IK12, and U"
you fail eo to appear or answer within said tiiif,.
the plaintiff above named will, for want thereof,,
apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her
compl .Int. and for a decree dissolving the bonis
of matrimony existing between the plaintiff aisi.
Defendant; that Plaintiff be allowed to rosuiw
her maiden name and for costs and ilisbnrsemet,a
of t.ie suit. '
The date of the first publication of this nolicC
November 7th, 1!KM, and the last date is Decem
ber luth, 1IK)2. and this summons 's nubllsbed
suant to an order made an entered by lloii.T'liomaa
A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the. above entitled Coutl
ou the 3rd day of November, ltioa.
A. K. MfcNIlrLNUAI.l,,
Attorney for rlnlntifi.
In the Clrcull Court of the 8'ate of Oregon for
tho Cnuntv ot tllMOkamuK.
Agnes Leland, Plaintiff, vs. John Leland, E
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In the above entitled sub
In the above named oourt ou or before Frldny
December 12, 1IHW, the same being seven weeK
from the first nublleatlon of this summonsi u.
you will take notioe that if you fall so to appeu-v
and answer said complaint, that the l'lalutill wilt,
apply to the court for the relief demanded hasuul.
complaint, to-wlti That the bonds of matriaMujr
now BAisuug ueiween you auu riainun paih
Th s summons Is nuhlished hv ordr of rrnn
Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the 6th Judicial
instriot or me state ol Oregon, in tho Oregon
City Courier.Herald for seven consecutive we. k
oommonclng Friday, November 7th, 1H02, and con
tinuing tor eacn week tticrcatt-r to and including
Friday, December W, 1U02. ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that W. E. Grantham,
Administrator of the estate of Malachl Grantham,
deceased, has (lied in the County Court of Cluckay.
mas County, Oregon, his final account as suOi
Administrator, and the Court has llxed Tuesday,
the Uth day of Deoomber, 11KB. at the hour ol JO
o'clock A.M. of said day at the County Court in
aid County as the time and place for hearing ol"
Jcctlons. If any, to said final account.
All persons are heicby notified to appear
aid time and place and show cause, If any eii
why said final account should not be allowed anir
said estate llnally settled and said Administrator
Administrator of the estate ol Malachl Gran
tham, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
First publication November 7th, l'.m2.
Last publication December 6th, 1 '.!.'.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tb
county of Clackamas.
Clara E. Carpenter, plalntlir.vs. George Carpentw,
To George Carpenter, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon you aia
nereuy roqiiireu to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled C'irt
and cause, on or before the '1M day of lweuil
19 2, being six weeks from the first publication off
this summon., siid the date prescribed by thu
order of said court, ami If you tail so to answer,
for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to ltn
court for the relief prayed for lu the complnhw,
tu-wit: That the bonds of matrliuvoy heretolorv
and now existing between ymu and the I'laiittifT
be forever dixHnlved.aiid (hat the custody of mi!u.r
child, Kdward Carpeuier, be award.! to fho l'la
till, and for such other and further relief an ua
the court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you by order of
the Hon.T. A. Mclirhle. Dated the third dny ot
November, 1'. tri and theflateof the first pnht'w a.
tiou of this summon Is the 7th day of KuVHir.ht-r,
1ISI2, and the last publication the l'Jlh day ot l
ceinber. 1902.
Attorney f. r f. 'Btit.