Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 07, 1902, Image 6

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$20 and $25
Sample Coats for Only
This beautiful $25 sample coat and
several others, including the pop-,
ular Monte Carlo. Made of finest'
quality Kersey and lined with best
satin throughout. Only a few of
them and no two alike, so come early
Monday and get a real $20 to $25
sample coat and pay only $10.29.
Here Is a Case of at Once
If Ever There Was One!
Right at the beginning of the season when everyone is on the lookout for these lines
in view for Winter comfort. Every g rment is reduced. The unexpected generally
happens. Our busy suit room up-stairs told us plainly that we would need double
our last year's stock. This bought, and most all of it is here and unpacked, and
besides all this, our New York buyer has bought $4000 worth of fine sample Coats,
Capes, Furs, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Misses' and Children's Coats, etc., at 40 to
50 per cent saving. This is ail your gain. So the busy store is facing a problem
that must be solved quickly. ,
$4000 WortS of 'Seasonable Goods-Too Much
t :
We have decided to lose profits now when the people are needing' these7 goods in
stead of later, and a careful reading of. the underprices will show our customers the
way to prepare for Winter at less price than ever before. PC regular January Clear
ing sale in the best business month of the year. Every garment will be greatly re
duced. Present sacrifice for future gains and prestige. All our. goods are marked
in plain figures and we simply take off from the already lowest prices 40 to 50 per,
cent. It's a clear case or money in your pocket.
$5.00 Moire Silk
This lot includes all this season's
newest and most fashionable styles;
all colors and all styles, made with
tucks, pleats or Gibson effects and
set off with dainty little buttons and
ties to match. These alone are well
worth your trip to the store.
And that's not all
Without reserve, our entire stock of
waists are radically reduced, from
the best to the poorest, in this way:
75c values .... 52c $3.50 values . . . . $2.10
$1.00 values .... 73c $4.00 values . . . '.$2.50
$1.25 values .... 85c $5.00 values .... $3.10
$1.50 values .... 98c $7.50 values .... $4.85
$2.00 values .... $1.25 $10.00 values .... $6.00
Stock must bo lowered
$7.50 Jackets, $4.98
Only a few left of these splendid
coats, made of good kersey cloth
and nicely tailored. If you come
Monday morning you may get
one, and all the rest get clearance
$4.50 values go for . . $3.48
$7.50 values go for . . $5.65
$8.50 values go for . . $6.50
$10.50 values go for . . $8.00
$12.50 values go for . '. $9.00
$13.50 to $15.00 go for $9.95
$19.50 values go for . $10.29
Ladies' $3.50 Walking Skirts
This is the balance of the splendid
line that caused so much comment
here last week on special sale at
$2.50. We could just as well close
the balance out this week at same
price, but to make it more interest
ing Monday we will sell the twenty
left for only $1.98 apiece. Made of
good heavy gray cloth, latest style;
four rows of cording, two rows of
stitched bands and six rows of stitching around the bottom,
and all others, to get quick-moving prices, this way:
$4.50 values .... $3.48 $7.50 values .... $6.00
$4.95 values . , . . . $3.85 $8.50 values $6.50
$6.50 values .... $4.95 $8.75 values .... $6.59
$6.85 values .... $5.20 $9.50 values .... $7.39
29cj 39c
These; waists are well
worth 65c to 75c. Not a
homely pattern in the lot.
All well-made and neatly
tucked back, and front.
You can't buy the material
for as little. Just the thing
for home wear warm and
I f
$4.25 ' ,
Furs Going for
A special purchase of a
big lot of fine Summer
samples enables us to do
' y ims. i ou wno.are in uic
4 habi: of patronizing the
special fur houses, if you
come to look at our sample
line you'll wonder how
on earth we do business.
All others at same great
savin;;. '
Come Early and
Get the Best
$7.50 Capes for only
This beautiful cape, of f.n: heavy
kersey cloth, beautifully trimmed
with stitched bands and good long
length, ond you can pick among
this peerless stock from the
cheapest to the $25.00 ones and
get, at a great sacrifice:
$4.50 values, $3.48
$5.00 values, $3.95
$8.50 values, $6.50
$12.50 values, $9 00
Reefer Coats
This beautiful little
coat of good, durable
heavy cloth, well
made and braid trim
med. We want you
ro know that for once
and for always the
popular store can
give you the greatest
coat values in city.
1K-.1J.1 Vltlllt's
:i.O vnliiPK
lH.r.0 v nliim
. l.i:
.if;:, id
$1.50 Percale
89 c 1
A beautiful line of all new
goods, well - made, with
deep flounce and braid
trimmed. It's the best
wrapper chance of the year.
All neat, pretty designs, and
you can't buy the material
for the price, and you save
the time and worry of
Taffeta Silk
$1.69 and $2.69
Made of good quality taffctm
silk and good firm lining,
tucked and hsms:i:chings,and
in any wanted color; best
$3.00 ;.nd $1.00 grades. While
they last you get them at
$1.69 and $2.60. The big typs
docs not do justice to the
A sale you'll be sorry
ii you miss, and the
bestgoods all go first.
i '
t 'S-i. v.
$2.25 Petticoats
A beautiful line of
all black or black'
and white; it's a
as cut, looks like silk and wears better.
You can't . make money faster than to lay
in a future supply at this price. If this is
not good enough, pick out the best and get
at a great saving.
ir v ji t- .a-
Ar Jk V f
While they last, all
mail orders will be
filled at sale prices.