OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. W. CHENEY Publisher CHAS, A. W. A. FITCH CHENEY Editors Ottered tn OregonOitypoatofflceassdoond-claBRinHttA SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If nald I n vtvance, per year 1 BO Six month ,.r..,., 78 Three monlhi'lrial 28 "The date opposite your address on the taper donotes the time to which you haTe paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, SEPT. 30, 1898. WE'RE FOR CORBETT. If we mutt have a U. S. seuator elected right now J if he mud be a republican and if we can't wait a few days until the time arrives for the regular session but mutt, at a great expense, feed the Salem hog and elect somebody to draw a sena torial salary, then, in the name of the g. o. p. and under the seal of the great state of Oregon give us H. Moneybags Corbett. i He is the logical candidate. The re publican party is old, decrepitate, fos- eilated j so ir Oorbett. He is an ideal republican candidate. He is a goldbug. He is a uationul banker. He has a young .wife, who would really enjoy at tending to senatorial duties at Washing ton. True, he has lost his voice, but lie can have if'extended in the records." He has been stricken with palsy, and shakes like an aspen leaf but he could, in a pinch, wink at the president of the senate, while Joe Simon could dish Out whatever patronage fell into the old foe sirs basket. He is a large taxpayer sold lots on the installment plan and , took them back under the gold standard alter the purchasers had built houses on them. And, above all, he has a sack a long? fat sack the patent factor in republican politics and the joy and pride of the average republican legislator. By all means give us Corbett, the prototype of the Hannaissed republican party the statesman the financier the logical colleague for Hark Hanna and the friend of labor. Corbett wants it, poor old Corbett By all means let the republican, party o: Oregon go down to its grave with senator Corbett at the helm. THE VNIOX MEMBERS. The 24 union members of the present special secsion have started out well. The experience of the last session will be a safe gui le to them. If this "over wbelmingly republican" legislature re fuse to bleed the state unmercifully and give worse than nothing in return for their salaries it will be the first one to lo so for many years. The people have, however, given them one more elm nee. Upon them tests the responsibility; let them bear that re sponsibility. The union members elect have a grand ( pport unity to put them on trial. That the unionists will assist in every good measure and introduce and force to an issue reeded remedial legislation, we do not doubt. In such a course alone lies the future success and influence to the anti goldbug forces ol Oregon. Horace Whitb, editor of the New York Evening Post, in a vain attempt to defend the gold standard at the money conference at Omaha said that the rea on of this plethora of gold was easy to understand . - The large crops of the past two years, coinciding with the partial failuiej abroad, had turned the balance of trade in our faor. Accordingly we luul imported $lll,000,000of gold during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898. Yes, that is vory easy to understand. This is what the silver advocates have txien claiming all the time, and the gold inonometttllists will have to prove that they are responsible for good crops in this country and the famine in India and other foreign countries to substanti ate their claims of being responsible for the dollar a bushel wheat last spring. What is the matter now? Wheat is quoted in the Chicago market at from 60 to 65 cents and in the Portland market from -W to 46 cents. The republicans are siill in power. Give us some more McKinley proaocrity. Th Oregoniau and Telegram are sure that II. V. Corbett will be elected United States senator on the first ballot. Quite likely they are riht, all indica tions pointing to that result. Graham, Glass, the gold democrats who is secre tary of the republican state committee, lias toured tl e state u.id interviewed inomWs of the legislature in a met 1 lie tone of voice that carries conviction with it, so it said. At any rate Corbett stock is raising, and probably will continue to do so as long as his barrel remains on tap. The state is pretty Bure to be represented hi the highest lawmaking body in the land by an inilrai old fossil with one foot in the grave, who will lend -valuable assistance to an almost helpless invalid who is already there. Or egon is a great state, barring its politics. Senator Hrow wsi.l, of Clackamas, has ! the honor of introducing the first bill in the senate of the 20th legislature. It is a bill to abolish, the railroad commission. Watch it pass into the pigeon-hole. THE BEST OF DRUGS Is the mark of the best store..' Our' Drugs are the best, absolutely jure. and always fresh a sure guarantee of the strength of medicines made from them. Gold Aluminum Table Ware Given Away With every purchase you will receive Coupons to the amount of your purchase, which will be redeemed as follows : Any One of the Following : For $7.50 in C0I1MBS-T.ea 8Poon. Fruit Kulfe. Egg Spoon. 8alt Spoon, Five o'clock Tea Spoon, After Dinner Coffee Spoon, Individ- uu oait or jrepper, xnaivuiuai nutter nate. For $9.00 in COBPOBS 0rne sPn or ot Lemonade Spoon. ' For $15 in C0Iip0nS-Xftble sn. Tb'e Fork. Butter Knife, Dessert Knife, r Oyster Fork, Napkin Ring, Bon Bon or Sugar Tougs, . Soup Sp ion, Dessert Fork, Sugar Spoon, Dinner Knife. For $33 in CODPOnS ?erry Spoou. Oneset(doz.) Nut Picks, One Gravy r Ladle, One Child's 8et. ,' For $65 in C011D0nS8ouPLdle Medium Ladle, Oyster Ladle. Fish Fork, Chlld'a Cup, Crumb Knife. Fish Knife, Pie Knife. G. K. HHRDING The Prt rlptlon Druggist OREGON CITY, ORE Best Meals in m Includino T THE ( Greissen & Hallwyler, Prop'rs MAIN STREET, OREdON CITY ; ' . . . ,t: ' Best Wines, Liquors and Cigarsf- Hebe comes an Astoria paper and ot- Jets to the peace commissioners receiv ing $25,000 a piece while common sold iers receive only $13 a month. Really it would teem as if the peace commis. sioners should be so patriotic in a case like this that they would accept nothing at all but their expenpes. In fact that is ol they should receive in a mission of this chaiacter, one that rises above poli tics and recompense. "Cocvtv warrants are above par in nearlv all the counties nf the stat ;, be- entire they bear eight per cent, interest, which is too much. The rate ought to be reduced to five or at most six per cent., which would save the taxpayers a irood many dollars each year. Inde pendent. Now let come legislator secure the passage of such a bill and his act will be sanctioned bv every citizen of our state A drunken soldier killing a San Fran cisco clerk suggests that soldiers Bhould not be allowed to get drunk. In fact should not he allowed to touch liquor at all. The government should set a strict example in this respect. The policy of allowing volunteers to take their pay ind go out into the streets of a big city. and spend it in dissipation is a very poor one and not at all creditable to any one. Thk war tax has increased the price of our printing paper 20 percent. YVeluve not increased our subscription price, but as we have to pay cash for material and labor, it is necessary for us to a-k our ubscribers who are delinquent to send in what is due. This is not a newspaper dun, but a plain matter of business that anyone can understand. The present ' overwhelmingly repub lican" legislature forgot to "point with pride" to the past "overwhelmingly re publican" legislatures. But why should they j the people of Oregon seem to en joy their biennial steels. The g. o. p. is now committed to gold, ana plenty of it for the push. If the populists middle of-the road 0 nventiou at Cincinnati had nominated S can lidate for the presidency who is even as far advanced in reform questions as W. J. lirynn is there uiittht be some reasonable grounds for asking the sup port of true populists. Ontario News. Ic reformers would agree to make a united stand against the common enemy on the questions on which all are agreed and leave tor future battles the questions on which they are not all agreed the cause of the people would advance with marvelous rapidity. How the republicau party of Oregon do hate little Joe Simon. That's whv they elect him president of the senate. Both the Cregun City and Park place terms Monday. schools began their fall terms In the Oiegon City schools 600 Duuils were enrolled the nrsi aav. idz more than on the first day last year. Don't fail to attend the National Drill at the Baptist church Friday evening. Don't fall to see Spalu d-alt with at the National Drill at the Baptist church rnuay evening. At the first Congregational church next babbath the following will be the uoiecu 01 Bermons: At wsso a. m. "What Christ is to Believers and Un believers," t7:30p. m v.ivivio u vil , "The Iniquity the. Children.' oi me rainers upon The public is invited. Rev. Dr. Butler will conduct service in the Parkplace chapel next Sabbath at p.m. For Rent A suit of furnished rooms with fireplace, suitable for either lady or gentleman on upper Seventh street, opposite Marr & Muir's store. Apply to u. Eeoi. STOCK the City... Deer or nine A Dollar Show for 15 Cents. Hamlin's Wizard Oil company will ap pear in the opera house next Monday night, October 3rd, and will, no doubt, have a large andiance. They showed in Portland for 12 weeks and drev large crowds every night. The beet people in the city attenling their performance. Thpy catry nothing but artists of ability and the price of admission is within the reach of all. So if you enjoy good sing ing and want to lHUgh go and see them Monday night, and bring the lades' and children. We carry exclusive stvles at lower prices than anv other hou-e in Oregon Others may complete with us in quality, K... ' - : rt-l: . 1 j . 1 uui in jjiujcn. vena uoiusmitn Shingles, lumber and wood wanted on accounts by the Courier-Herald. Wanted A girl t" work for hoard and go to school. Inquire at Courier-Herald otnee. . ' A five- room house on wpst sidenext to McMillan's store, for rent. Inquire at courier- nerma omce. Wanted A lady wishes a child (under 1" years) to take care of. Prce reason able. For information call on C. A. Willey at harness shop. " ' For Sale A thoroughbred shorthorn bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowry. Currinsville, Oregon. Lost On Sunday at the locks cnnsl a s-.lver mounted cane. Finder please' leave ai unarman s tio.'s ilrug store. We sell millinery good 25 per cent cheaper than any other house, liss Goldsmith. r A HOUSE FOR $10 PER MONTH. Consisting of 4 lots, good (wrdun spot, ruonlnu w.ter the year round, a room twin-, eood wllar, barn bn ennmh for two rows a id 100 chickens. 12 blocks from court house. Price S80O. li per cent Interest. 75 cash down. For particulars inquire at this office. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECTTION In the Circuit !ourt of the State o f Oiegon for the County of Clackamas. Rubbtiit & Son, 1 PWcltlft. I Vfc James Melrou, j Defendant. J State ot Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE Of A JUDGMENT ORDER decree and an execution, dulr issued oui of and under the seal of the above entiilml court. In the above cmitled cium-, to mu duly directed and dated the tii day of beptrmber, lm, upon a Judgment entered in said court on the 21st day of A pi It, 1M8, In favor of Rob bins A Son, plainliiN, and uimllnl .Ihiiim Nelson, defendant, lor the sum of UT.M, with interest at tne rale 01 s per cent, per annum Irom the 17th dav of Anrll. 1U7. and the lurther sum ol 7r eeuts, costs and disbursements, and the costs of ana .ipon una writ, cominnuuing me out of the personal property belonniiiu to said dHiHintin. and if kU relent could not be forml, then out oi the real property belonging to a. II ileieiiUant ou and afier the date of salo judgment Ui saliuty said sum WW and also theeosis upon Uiis sud writ. how then-fore, by virtue ol said xe-.;uiion, Judgment order and decree, and in conipllanoe with the commands o. said writ, being unable to And any personal property of said defendant's, I rttdon the !ii day of beptcntlier, lM, duly levy upon the lollowing dioribed real prooertv of said defendant, sitni-ie and being in the County of Clackamas, aud !la,e ol Oregon, to-wb: itsS'os two 'it and three )( sec at, 1 4 a of r 2 of W.M , containing 'Jn.U acres, also ihm part oi the llu. rison w rigiu a i c no. bu. sec at. 1 4 s of r I a of the w m, and more particularly described as ioIIowh. lo wit: beginning at a point in tile et lineof said claim S8 s 17 degrees Mnilmilss e 27.72 chain. from the northeast comer thereof, aud on the Dam oi tne noiaiia river running thence 17 de grees 48 minutes e,'2C.21 chains tracing said e line of said claim Unto the east bank of said Molalla river, inMiononneaver'y ai'C uortheaslerly with tli nieanueri of said Molalla river to place of b. ginning, containing 8.wf acres, more r less, also all that Dart of the Harrison Wrhlud I o N'u tin, described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the most eas.erly cor nf said d I 33 lu 1 4 rf r 2 e of W m, running thence 44 degrees US minutes Iran nig the ae bounuary of ald claim 18.17 chutnsTo to the ne cor of a tract of land heretoiore aoldto Krank Jottes, thence n 46 degree ill) mlnutea w along n line of said Jones tract lg.41 chains to southei n corner of a tract of laad heretofore sold to hliiaheth Coals, thence along e line of latter i ran sud a tract ol rand heretofore sold to Reu born right a 84 degrees a 20.66 chains, thenoe n 23 degrees 46 to Molalla river, thence witlt the meanders ot said Molalla river souihsterly to Its intersection with line of aforesaid d I n thence a 17 degrees 66 mimie.s e to p'aca of be ginning eoulainig Su acres, more or less, all tne above described land Is sUiiata In Clackamas county, uregou, ana i win, on SATURDAY OCTORER 29th, 189S, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of tne county court noitse. tu tne city ui Oregon city in said eouuly and stale, sell at uublic auction subject to redemption, to the highest bidder.for United State gold com, cash In hand, all the right, Utle and interest which the within named defendant had on the date ol the Judgment or since had la or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to sail ly said execution, Judginoni order, decree interest, eons sud all accruing cuts. J. J. COOKK. Shertfl of Clackamas county. Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 2.41, 18. 1 Shoe We desire to announce to the public of Oregon City and Clackam county that we have received a complete stock for Fall and Winter, consisting of Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises and Blankets. . We want you to come to our Store and examine our goods and get our prices. We will gladly purchasing or not, as we intend to make this Pall one in the Shoe and Clothing line At Prices Never Before . We are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their PAli AND WINTER WEARING APPAREL at prices never before heard of in the history of Clackamas County. And bear in mind, we will sell you hon est Goods at Low Prices, as we feel assured that by so doing we will double our sales and SAVE YOU 25 to 35 PER CENT. HOW CAN WE DO IT ? Because we buy for cash and sell only for cash. Our motto is : Not how much the article will bring, but how cheap can we sell it. With this object in view, we are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their Fall and Winter Wearing Apparel at prices never before heard of in the history of Clackamas County. And bear in mind, we will sell you honest goods at low prices, as we feel assured that by so doing we will double our sales and SKIZE YOU 25 TO 35 PER CENT, Hosiery Men's Heavy Socks, 8 pair... . ..... . 25 Men's Fast Black Hose, 3 pair 25 Men's All-Wool Socks, pr psir . 15 Lailiew' Fust Black Hose, 3 pair..... 25 Children's Fast Black Hose, 4 paiK . 25 Underwear Men's gray random 6nirts and Drawer) 20 Men's fl. ei-e-lined KhlrtM & Drawn 40 Men's all-wool vicuna, " " 75 Ltt'lies' Jersey ribbed Vests, long sleeves ' 20 rfcndies' Jersey ribbed. Vests, Inn if . .. Hlet-vea, in natural ai d gray, all fizea.:. 25 Lames' Camel's hair Vests 40 Cent's Furnishincrs Men's Kunpenilers 08 Meu ! uiicy v eh bttfrpeutiel's. , . . 10 Men's Fiin y Silk rtusp.-udeis 2- Men's H'aek Baleen htiirts 2o Meu's Madras Wliirts 35 Men's colored bosom Shirts, with detachable, cuff, in striiet or plsids 45 Men's coloretl bosom (Shirts, sttai h- able collar antl curl, (7 dillereut patterns to rick f rtiru ) 40 Men's Red Flan uels 85 All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Trnacts a General Rankin Business L"n iivi-ia. tllli lisnoitntnil. Mo r. 1 ietlonn. Buys and Hells exchange on all point In the United states and Europe and on Hon B.onx. ueposus nsneiven uoiecltncheck. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 ft M. FRED J. MEYER, Ctuhltr D.O.LATOURKTTK, Pruntdeiit Davidson's Gallery Up-to-Date Picturs Notice. The mnrchandice businoi8 nf Thomas Cbarman & Son having; been sold, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to the old firm, or Thomas Char man personally, will call at the old place of business and settle or make satisfactory arrangements for same, After 30 days Irom this date all accounts will be 'tf i ven our attorney for collection. Jamks P. Lovbtt, for Thomas Charman. Oregon City, Sept. 30, 1898. . Orange Notice. The regular meeting of the Clackamas District Pomona Grange will be held on Wednesday, October 12, at 10 a. m., with Oswego grange. Annual election of officers ; full attendance requested. Mat A. Waldkn, Sec. makes photo but tons and photo jewelry of everv description. Call and see samples and get prices before trusting your photo graphs with agents. There is just as much difference in Photo Butons as there is in photographs. Call and be convinced. and Clothing House, J. SCHWARTZ PROPRIETOR show you through bur Clothing Men's CaNgirnere. Hu-ltuss Knits.. .$3 50 Men's Cheviot, Buitieix (Suits in f-aekd or stiusre cut only.. 5 (K) MenV all-wtn.1 (Jy Worsted Hatk worth $12. iily 8 00 Men's Fine Imported silk-mixed Worsted 10 00 Men's Fine Imported Worsted, tHilor-iuaile g.riiienr. trliunnd iin-to- 'a e only -. ....1250 'mue In at d M-eriMf 13 $3 60, 4. $5 a i" I H I'a-tiM Meu's iuikih Overalls, 85 Men's Working PnN fif) Men's extra heavy Working PantS 95 Rubbers MicseV ami Cbiltlren's Kubbers, all hi,es, rt'ily 20 Ladies' Federal Hubbers, low cut, all sizes 20 Ladles' W?i1iIhi;i..ii liulibers, square tn', nil size 23 25 Ladies' ( 'him lee RuMier, toe, all sizes hquate Ladies' Fetlnral Btortu Rubbers. an sizes 35 Meu's Fedorai Rubbers, aii sizes.. 45 Farm Implements of All Kinds AT LOW PRICES EDWARD HUGHES, FIRST AND TAYLOR STS., PORTLAND, ORE New Furniture AT YOUNG'S I have just received a fine lot of new furniture, which I am offering at surpris ingly low figures. 1 got it at a bargain that's how I can sell it at these prices. In Second-Hand Goods I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets, betiding, furniture in fact any and ev erything you want for housekeeping. I will Buy Anything ou have to sell and pay you the high est price. Call and see me. Q. H. YOUNG, Maw Strict - - Omoos City Trimmed hata, the. latest Paris and few York styles, at the lowest prices. Miss Goldsmith's. Oregon Citjr OREGON, MMMMMMMMMMMHf place, whether you intend and Winter a memorable Heard Of. Shoes Ladles' Dontrola Kid, pat. leather tip, cloth top button shoe, only 90 Ladies' Donirola Kid, pat. leather tip, lace Khtie, only 1 25 Latliet' Vici Kid, pat. leather tip,, laee Hhoe, only. . 1 65 Lanles' Vloi Kid. pat. leather tip lace Hhoe, fl xi hie sole 1 75 Child's srrtlu spriuir heel, button, 8 to 12 75 Child's Dongola, sprinx heel but ton, 8 to 12 75 Men's Hatiu Calf lat e Shoe, otilv.. 1 00 Men's Hatin Calf lace, coin toe..'... 1 25 Men's Chicago Calf lace, bull dog toe l 65 Men's Russian Calf lace, bull dog te i 75 Men's heavy Workintr buckle Hhoe 1 15 W men's calfskin 8hoe, all sizes. 1 25 Bovs' Hatin Calf Lace, coin toe, 11 to 2 as Miscellaneous Muslin, per yard fi Calico, per yard 8 Outing Flannel, per yard 6 Meu 's Fedora Hats in brwn or hi k fi.i . . n And Bargains in all other Goods WAGONS, BUGGIES, ENGINES, P.QWS, SEEDERS, ETC., ETC. BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITT PAID OP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS ftO&0.00 President, Vlce-preildent Cashier, Cbab. H. CauHJKD Gio. a. HABDiae K. O. CAvniLD A General Banking Bnalneia Traniacted Deposit! Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Securltv , Exchange Bought and Vild. Collections Hade Promptly. World?" 80ld ATwUW A" Pn of the Telegraphte Exchange Sold on Portland, 8a a Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Patd on Time Deposits. , Job Printing at tne Courier Office.