Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 23, 1898, Image 4

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..... Publish
En tered In OregonOity postoffloe as second-class matte
If paldin advance, per year 1 "0
81x month i 75
Three monlhi' trial 26
CVThe date opposite your address on the
paper donotea the time to which you hate paid.
OREGON CITY, SEPT. 23, 1898.
With this issue, the Herald has been
consolidated with the Courier. The
news of this consolidation should be ft
vorably received by subscribers and
advertising patrons alike. "In union
there is strength." This consolidation
will make the Courier-Herald the
strongest and best paper in the country.
It will give us a subscription list more
than double in pi,e that of any other
paper published in Jlackarnas county.
It . will not only be the .county official
paper but will have the exclusive pat
ronage of the sheriff's office. It will
enable us to not only give almost double
the service to cur advertisers heretofore
given hut its splendid support will en
able us to make it one of the largest
and best local and general newspapers
in the state.
Ever Bince the reform forces united
in Oregon the Courier and the Herald
have pursued practically ' the same
course and advocated the same funda
mental principles nf political economy.
On the platform adapted by the union
of forces we are now harmoniously
agreed and on that line will the future
policy of the Courier-Herald be con
In the success of such a political
policy, having for its corner stone direct
legislation a pure democracy lies the
, only hope of the perpetuity of our
republic. On t'ii platform we lost the
last Btale election in Oregon, tbe ab
normal price of wheat and the excite
ment of wur with Spain, having con-
trihuted largely-to the result. Hut
' truth though crushed to earth MihII rise
attain and Oregon cannot bei much
longer despoiled by boss rule and po
litics! corruption. In the coining na
tional campaign there is now no doubt of
the great issue before the American
people it will be the gold standard,
national bank money and a monied
oligarchy against bimeta'tism, govern
ment issue of all monies and direct leg
islation. We believe that in this great
battle it behooves all who are opposed
to the gold standard and the rule cf
orgiini.ed wealth to join hands, 'This
has already been done in California
Washington, Illinois, and many other
states. Believing that the only course
left for a true reformer lies in a union of
forces on practically the same lines
adopted in the last presidential election,
and with a view to forcing direct legis
lation to the front In each state, wo so
licit a respectful hearing and whatever
support our p.ist and future efforts
may merit. Ciias.A. Fitch.
A. W, Chunky.
It U not altogether Improbable that
some of the patrons of the IIkhu and
Courier may not at first approve of the
consolidation of the two papers. In
the language of Capt. Slgsby, we say:
'suspend judgment." To the unpre
judiced reformer the citizen who de
hires' to work and vte to make social
and economic conditions happier and
better, and, insofar as possible, give us
a government of, for and by the people,
be he a democrat, silver republican or
a populist, we shall look and vxpect to
merit approval.
To the mere politician or the party
prejudice, cursed citizen whose only
political aspiration is to see his party
win a partisan vicioiy, the Coukikr
Usrald will doubtless ho a disappoint
ment. Thi Appeal to Kenton, one of the lead
ing reform papers of the United States
lias come out boldly declaring that all
reformers should concentrate their el-
iorta on direct legislation. The editor
takes no stock in a partisan movement
but urges a nonpartisan effort that will
nlist the earnest, active support for this
all-Important reform of the members of
ny or all political organisations who
believe In it or are willing to give the
eubjeot unprejudiced consideration.
Ir Millionaire Corbet, is elected to
the United States Senate it will be a
great victory for sound money, and the
people who vote for him will probably
be "highly piosrouo'' lor a lime at
Harvb Scott deals the administration i
a stinging blow on behalf . of our volun
teers whose lives and comfort have been
made mere merchandise of through job
bery and incompetency in high places in
our government. Mr. Scott in part says :
"Today we need a prophet, but there
is none to cry aloud. A great nation
goes out to fight a battle of the poor
against the oppressor, and its army
comes home sick and dying from need
less hardship, exposure, neglect, starva
tion and miegovernmeut. The reason
why this happens is because the respon
sibility and care of the soldiers have
been turned over to politicians. Because
some man gave $20,000 to the republican
campaign fund, hundreds of troops are
set down in a camp to which his railroad
affords the only access. Because some
gilded youth, without character or brain
had a father or an uncle or a grandfather
in congress or some other place of power
and trust, he is put into a place where
the government will pay him for his
useless services a salary that he may
stand between the starving and their
bread, between the physician and the
fever, between the dead and a place to
rest where homeland breezes blow and
and friends may come to weep.
Every man has a touch of Algerism
in him some blessedly the less, some
lamentably the more. But the desire
to sacrifice- the public weal to private
ends is widespread enouuh tlut the
misery and shame of Algerism, if not
rejoiced in, is condoned.' Erasmuses
everywhere turn their backs on Luther
and the monks and priests of politics
applaud the desertion. Newspapers try
to tell the truth, but soon they hear the
the party lash and become apologists for
this modern sale of indulgences to rob
the treasury and starve the Boldiers
For every Herher Newton who stand
in his place to denounce corruption and
neglect, to chII rubbery and jobbery by
their true names, there will he volumes
of platitudes about "the inevitable,"
and precious caut about "those in
Parties receiving deeils to property
should see that the consideration stated
is a correct one and the war t tamp is in
accordance therewith. It is doubtful
if one will get a good title in a deed
where only a nominal consideration is
staled snd the sum actually paid is not
given in order to avoid Um war tax.
Mauy deeds have been executed for $1,
whereas a much Inrger amount liux
really been paid. Their legality can be
qnetioned nt anv time.
TnR legislature which will meet in
special session next Monday, Is com
posed of 90 members, whose political
complexion is as follows: Republicans
senate 24, house 42 ; total 68. Union
istssenate 3, housH 17 ; total 20 Democrats-
senate 2, home 1 ; total 3. Pop.
ulists senate 1, There is a Uepubllcan
majority of 43.
Governor. elect Makes No Secret of
His Views.
Sunday Oregonlnn.
Govenor-elect Geer, in an interview
yesterday, declared himself as opposed
to the canvass of the vote for governor,
by the special session, deprecated the
calling of a special session at all, and
announced positively that he is not and
will not be a candidate for United States
senator. He said :
"Well, In my opinion, there is hardly
sufficient justification for a session of the
legislature at this time, A year ago the
amount that could have been saved in
interest on wanants and the necessity
for another senator might have justified
such a move; but to wait until we are
in the very shadow of the regular ses
sion to do work that has been pressing
as heavily .'or 18 months as now, strikes
the average mind as well, queer. There
has never been anv doubt that if the
members of the last legislature had been
called together in special session they
would have speedily organized and
gone to work. They were a good lot of
men, but went further in the 'hold-up'
than they inteuded when they began
it. The people uf Oregou weie not half
io ashamed of them as they were
ashamed of themselves, and they are
the men who should have had the op
portunity to do the work that properly
belonged to them.
"The idea that there is sny more
work for the coming regular session on
account of the failure of the last ses
sion to organise is withouv foundation,
largely for the reason that atnit one
half the business of each 't-snion is to
repeal the work of its predecessor. It
is a mistaken idea that one session must
do mora because ita predecessor did less.
They all do too much. But very little
business accumulates because of the
failure of a legislature to do its work.
In many instances such failure is a hap
py escape from an expensive luxury.
We are cursed with too much legislation,
I both state and national. Why. if one-
h" the bills introduced in an ordinary
session of the legislature should become
laws, both the executive an I the ju
diciary (ana me people as well) would
be eternally swamped. It is an encour
aging reflection that our legislatures
have generally had the good sense to
smother three-fourths of their own bills,
and repeal a large per ueut oi those
previously enacted."
Is the mark of. the best store. Our
Drugs are the best, absolutely pure, and
always fresh a sure guarantee bf the
strength of medicines made from them.
Gold Aluminum Table Ware Given Away
With every purchase vou will
your purchase, which will be redeemed as follows :
Any One of
For $7.50 111 C0uP0nS-Tr BP"n. Fruit
ul Salt or Pepper, Individual Butter Plate.
FOt $9,00 ill C01ip0nSOran8e Spoon, 'or Soda or Lemonade Spoon.
FOI $15 in ConnnilS-Table Spoon, Table Fork. Butter Knife, Dessert Knife,
FW $33 in C0llDOuS-Berry Spoon, One set (doz.) Nut Picks, One Gravy
w r Ladle, One Child's Set.
For W)5 in fnnnniK Snup Ladle, Medium Ladle, Oyster Ladle, Fish Fork,
G. 7.
The BEST Druggist
Best Meals in
Best Wines, Liquors and
ts III I
1 1
f New Time. ' Let me take those loads from
For particulars apply at Courier office, Oregon
CAn A four-room house and lot In Oregon
tPJUUuitv; good location with fine view o
liven young trees and shrubs; place cost over
Onf An elsrht-room house snd two tare
sJOWUiuu in lowur part o( Or.g lU'ily (Oiee
lai), baricgood bearing orchard; or will trad
r am aler pleoe and take dlfferenc., in cash,
41inATwo good houses and lot; house rented
ipllUUnear paper mill - c iregonClly; will trade
or sell on installment plan.
If you have anything to trade or '11 It will
Dav vou to surd licscriutlon to Ills Coukieh. No
charges unless sale or trade Is made.
VHTTD DDTPP -An 80-aore farm, bout
IUUn riUVdl'U miles soulheact of the
niirthonse. at a bargains tltlj perfect ; also two
lota, one In South Oregon City and the other In
OKg n City proper; title perfect. All this
property must besold. Terms easy: hard time
prices. Anyone that wante to buy will find it to
bis Interest to Investigate this.
First publiontinn Sept. 8th, 'OS
he circuit court ui thcS-uIn of Oregon,
ror cue c-mixy oi i ihckhiiih..
E.itahetl) Wilkinson, p -alnlift, 1
William Wilkinson, defendant. I
To William Wllk non. clKfenriant: !n the
name ot the .Inle of Oregon: Von are hcrly
required tu appear HIM answer the complaint
tiled against ou In lite uh.ivs entitled sul ou
or tmfure Monday, the 7th day ot Noveuibii',
1M18, the same le'ng the tlrst day of the next
regular t rin of he court followlna the expir
ation ot the time prmcrllied for t ha pnhl'ca
tlon of this aummniis, and If you fall so to
appear and anwer the plniutlff will apply to
the eon i' I fr the relief d -iimn-lci in the com
plaint, to wit: For the dissolution of the
marrlnge ontntct now existing beiw n th
nlaliititl'and del nil .nt, and for the costs and
dlsb'irsetnenU ot this t.
This unininttK m published against you by
order ot Hon. John H. Cleland, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the Stat-of Oregon for ha
cnuutv of i I tin mall, in the absei ce of the
pre-lding Judge of Clackamas e .tint..
Dated this Bill day or September, ISM
B. V. Wkwh, Attorney or plaintiff,
Portland, Oregon.
Visitors to the Oregon Exposition at
Portland could increase the pleasure of
their trip by extending it to Clatsop
Beach and the Seaside, via the New As
toria and Oolnmbia Railroad, whose
summer schedule of rates remain in
effect during September, good until Oc
tober 10th. The Portland agent is A. D.
Olmrlton, 255 Morrison Street.
Tradi Marks
CoptmoMT Ac
Abtmm tendlnc a sketch and aeaerivtlmi taaf
fnlekly aaeartatn oar oetntoa free whether an
Inventlna la vrobakly patentable, OomnMilea.
tlons euiotly MnBdantfaL Handbook oa Patent
aani arae, viaew amaey ror eeMrtBfpntsnta,
rami imwii ianja atuan el U) 1
. leoatem
ayeaeai aienea, vnioeii
oM ebarte, la the
Scientific Hncricatt
A kandeeeaety llteetrated wwk'r. lAimt etr.
neen w i
any ertentlae (onruaL Tenpa. U a
yeart fnmt
rratne,!. bom kyail Mwsoanlera.
receive Coupons to the amount of
the Following:
Knife, Egg Spoon. Salt Spoon, Five
Soup Spoon.'Dessert Fork, Sugar Spoon, Dinner Knife.
the City...
Beer or Wine
& Hallwyler, Prop'rs
Cigars fr
editors tt B. 0. Tlowir
Trcdcrick Upham Adam
Monthly, 100 large pages,
illustrated, not a dull fine in
it. It is fighting your fight;
it deserves your support.
One dollar a year, rocents
a copy; sample number mailed
your backs' '
lor six cents.
Fifth Ave., CHICAGO
Sandwliich Irlund brown sugar O. K.
1 to 5c. White metal spoon with
pound good roast coffee 12c or 9 lhg $1.
Red Front, Oregon City.
The Southern Pacific have decided to
make the extremely low rate of one lare
for i he round trip to the Oregon Stale
Fair Septetnhrr 22 to 30, 1898, Iroin any
point in Oregon on their lines. There
were hundreds of camnerg last year.
Take .vour summer vacation and camp at
the fair and see a grand exhibit of what
Oregon can raise. One fare going and
returning home.
In the Circuit fonrt of the State of Oregon, for
i ne i;ouuiy o. viacaauias.
Daniel Herlihy, )
vs. 1
Daniel Herlihy and Ellen f
Herllny, his wife,
Defendants, J
To Daniel Herl'hy and KUen Herlihy, his wile,
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed aglnm yon In the above
entitled suit on or before Moiidav, the 7ili dav of
November A. D., lsna. The same being the first
day of ihe next raaiilar term of the said court.
And If yon fall so loanswer, for want thereof, ihe
plaintiff will lake judgment against vou, Ihe
said defendants, for the sum of Souu.UO and Inter,
est thereon ai the rale of S per cent per annum
rroin the 6th day uf May, IKU'i, and for I0 74 with
Interest thereun from April 2tith, 1S!W, at 8 per
omit per annum anil (we'll 20 with interest then.
on from April 2tith, lsttS, at 8 per oent per annum,
and for t-0 alpn ney fees, and lor costs and dis.
bursements of this suit.
And you are hereby further notlfled that on
ynnr failure to appear and answer the said com
plaint at the time aforesaid, the said plaintiff
will tae a futlwr decree against you for the
foreclosure of the mortgagu mentioned in snid
complaint which was made to secure the pay
ment of said note and Interest aud attorney fees,
and other sums herein named, eaiii mortgnt-e
l e ngrXiH iited by ymi ou May 6.h, 18!li coveriui!
the following described land. In--. It: The e )i of
of the ne f-i and ne of the se W of section 8, 1 1
of Me. . M .said a k containing- m cn
more or less: executing the reservation mrfa in
favor of the O. (J. R. K Co. in its deed to
Daniel Herlihy made the fth dav of February.
Pursuant to an order of the Hon. M.C. Dmnra.
Judge of the Oi-enit Court of the State of Oregon,
lor ...tiiiiHuiiBu vomit;, 111 uie aosence ot Hon, T.
A. McBriile. Circuit Judira for :lnpka.n.
county, said order bearing date September 21st,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, for
Annie Wagner, 1
Charles Wagner. 1
Defendant. J
To Charles W. Wagner, the above named defen
You are t ereby mini red to appear and an
swer the complaint Died against you In theabove
nri led suit, on or before the first day of the
uext regular tirm of the above entitled court,
to-wit, the 7th day of November, Itse, and It you
fall to ao answer the laid complaint, in default
thereof Ihe plaintiff will take a decree against
you for the relief prayed for tn aaid complaint,
U -wit: To dissolve the bonds ef matrimonv now
existing between you and the plaintiff, and for
such further and other relief as to this honorable
court may seem Just and equitable.
This summons Is published In pursuance of an
order made in the above entitled suit, for the
aeryir of the same by publication bv Hon. Tlioa.
A McBride, judge of the shore entitled court, on
111 21t day of September. IS'.w.
Attorney for Plaintiff
U hid
In the rtlroult Court o( the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
The Alliance Trust Company,
vs. '
J.A.Chase, Annie A. Chase,
his wife. Willamette Land Com-
Eany, a corporation, Charles E,
add Ladd, his wife,
Helen E. Yates, Snphronia V.
Lewelling, l'be Security Savings
& Trust ;ompany, a corporation,
J. A.Uox. Charlotte A. Rockwell,
Lewis Rogers. CUra E Morey,
George A. Harding, N. O. Walden,
H. H. Johnson, George 8. Batty,
James Hodges. Mary Mcfirath,
I. Mathews, W. W.Irwin, A. N.
Wright. W. H. Mandevllle.V.O.
Harding, Annie R. McOlynn,
MoUiynn, Myra r.
Eastham, ........ Eastham,
Eli Lewelling, John Y. Both,
Roth, Prank A. Sleight,
. . . . .-Sleight, LuclusD.Kock-
well, Rockwell,
Amanda M. Newell
To J. A, Chase. Annie A. Chase, Helen E. Yates,
Charlotte A. Rockwell, James Hodges, V.O.
Harding, Annie B. McOlynn, McOlynn,
I yra K, Eastham, Eastham, Lucius D.
Bockwell Rnckwell, Amanda M.
Newell, of the defendants above named.
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint led against you in the above
entitled cause by the first day of the next regular
term of court after the expiration of due publica
tion of this summons to-wlt, by Monday, Novem
ber 7, 1898, and if you fall to appear aim answer
for want thereof, the Dlaintltf will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In the complaint.
to-wlt: mat piainun nave anu recover o, mm
from defendants, J. A Chase, Annie A. Chase,
George H. Batty, George A.Harding, N.O.Wa'den
and Willamette U..d Company the sum of $4,1100
with Intnicst thereon from AllBUSl 1. 18V8. at 10
wr cent per annum, and the Hither sum nf
S2W..U7 with Interest thereon fromSepteniberJWlli,
189s, at the rate of 10 per cell 1 per annum, ana
interest ou li.00 from February 1. 18118, at 10,
per cent per annum, and interest on JluB.UO from
August 1, 1898, at 10 per cent annum, and 500 at
torn, vs lees, all in l!.s gom coin togetner wun
the costs and disbursements of this suit and a
deereu foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage u pon that
paroei of real property situated in, the
.n'c.'.a?,".'"a' st"le 01 in,oa' ,kBCrlbed ;
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the
northwei-t quarter (n e ) of the northwest quar
ter (n w l4) of section twenty-eight '2) In town
ship three (3 south of range one (1) east of the
Willamette Me-ldian thence south seventy-two
(72) chains and hity (50) links to a stme; thence
north sevontv-eicht (781 dec rites tltleeii (15) links
east, fmty two (42) chains and fifty (50) links to a
stake in' the middle line of the east half 0Ai of
section twenty-eight (28); thence north alonii the ;
ssld middle line seventy (70) ohnlni and thirty !
CM) links; thenco wesi twenty (20) chains; thence
llience soutn six (b) cnattis to tne se. uon una .
between seetions twenty-one (21 jand twenty eight j
t2i: thence west twenty (20) chains to the place i
of beginning containing two hundred and eightv
live (25) acres. Excepting therefrom lots 211, 3.1,
SO, 54, 55, 56, Pruneland, And that said premises
be sold and that nut of the proceeds plainiiif be
paid the suid sums above specified and for a
decree that the defendants In said snit, and each,
be barred and toreclosed of al 1 right, claim or
(equity of redemption In said premises and every
part ineieof anil lor soon other ami rnrtner reuei
as to Ihe court ma - seem and equitable.
l'bls publication Is made by ordur of Hon.
John B clelaud, judge of Ihe Circuit Court ot the
Slate of Oregon for the county of Multnomah,
acting In the absence from Ctiiokmnas County of
Hon. I honias A, Mcllrlde. Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for suid County of
clHckttmis, whicn order was duly maue beblem
ber 21, 1sj8.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit C inrt of the State i f Oregoi . for
the County of Cla -hamas.
Anna W. Mathews:
dnnrati D riariinitn pnit Vara
S. Dedman, his wife, Kmil I', f
Johnson.... Jnhton, his i
wife, and Angelina Brry, I
Defendants. J
To Emll Johnson and Johnson, Defend
tn the name of the 8TATE of orkoon:
-a. You are ncreoy reuulrea to appear anil an-
ewer the ..in ..Hi,,r. lilen . filial, vol i In th-ahov
entitled c oie hv the tlrst dov of Ihe next term of
O-nirt after ihe expiration of ihe publication of
mis ummon. to wr, ny kmiiuhv. Nuvemoar
7 h,18iW; and If you fad to s i answer for want
thereof, the plalmilt will apply to the court for
tbe tellef demanded ill the coiiiDlaint, to-wlt. for
judgment again -t ijeoti! K. lie man and Clara
s Dcdinan lorimaun), wun interest rroni Decern
ber 27th, 1895, at th- rate of 10 per cent per
annum; and 40 5. with interest from May 14th,
18U7. at 10 per cent per annum: and I75 00 as
attnrue:.s' fees; all In Cuited -tates gold coin
together with the costs and disbursements of this
uit, and for a di cre foreclosing plaintiffs
mortgage upon the following rieseelbi-d property
In Cla -kamiis C unity. Stale of Oregon, to-wfl:
allot tiaot "11" Clackamas Riversl le, according
t ithedu'y recorded man and plat thereof on
tile or re-ord.-d in the olHoo ot the Recorder of
Conveyances of Claokan ai County, Stat" of Ore
gon; and for the ssle of suid property to satisfy
said iudirment and barrimr and foreclosing vou.
and each of you, of all right, claim or equi'y of
redemption in saia premu
t lereof i-n I for inch other and further relief as to
the conn may seem, meet aud equitable. I rst day 01 the term Of said Court to
This publication is made by order of Hon. John' be begun and held next after the ex
B. Cleland. Judge of the circuit Court of the i..(i i ,. . , .
8tateof Oregon, for the County of Multnomah,
acting In the absence from Claokamas County of
Hon. Thos. a. McBride. judge of the circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for said County of
Clackamas, which order was duly made Septcin-
per win,
Attorneys for flalntlir.
In the Clrenit Court of the State of Orcson. for
the County of Clackamas.
Emma Caroline Opdyckc, 1 ,
vs.- V
Henry Eugene Opdycke, I
Defendant, J
To Henry Eugene Opdycke, Defendant,
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled: against you In the above en
titled suit on or Deiore Mnnilsy, Miveuibur 7th,
A. P., IRtW, that b lug the first diy of the first
term ol said omirt following six weeks publica
tion of this summons, and you will take notice
that If you fall so to appear and answer said com
plaint, for want the! cut, plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief prayed for in said com
plaiut. to wit; for a decree dissolving the bonds nf
mat'imony now existing between plaintiff and
defendant and for the care and custody nf the
minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for
such niher relief as may be equitable and for the
costs and disbursements of this suit.
Published by order of Hon. M. C. George, Jadge
of the circuit cnu-t for Multnomah couiitv , bear
big date September 22. ls'.w. In the alivuceof
Hon. T. A McBride, judge of said clrenit Court
for Clackamas county.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Crrcult Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Charles K. West,
Annie West,
To Annie West, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer the complaint filed against vou In the
above entitled suit, by the first day of the regular
term of this court next succeeding theexpiration
of the lime prescribed for the publication of this
summons, to-wit, November 7th, and if you
fall so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief demanded in
the complaint, to-wit: t'or a decree dissolving
theboiids of matrimony existing between you
and the plaintiff and for the coate and di.hnrse
roemsot this suit and lor such oil aid further
relief as to equity seameth just.
Published pursuant to an order signed by the
Hon. John B. Cleland. judge of t.ie circuit court
lor county of Miltnomh, State of Oregon, in fe
auaeuce of ihe Hn. T. A. McRrtib , ludge ol the
above named court, from said Clec.amas county,
said order being dstei ihe list day of Sep tmbtr,
B.P. 4 0. W. 8WOPE,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Sarah A. Watklns, plaintiff, vs.
James P. Watklns, defendant
To James P. Watklns, defendant.
In the name ot the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
Monday, the 7th day of November,
1898, the same being the first day of
the next regular term of said court.
And If you fall to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree
against you for the dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and yourself, the
said defendant
This summons is published by order
of Hon. M. C. George, judge of said
court for the fourth juucial district.
Dated September 23, 1898.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Elizabeth A. Brown, plaintiff, vs.
Homer C. Brown, defendant
To Homer C. Brown, the above
namea defendant. In the name of the
state of Oregon: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit, on or before the first day
of the next regular term of the above
entitled court, to-wlt, the 7th day of
November, 1898; and if you fail to so
answer the said complaint, in default
thereof the plaintiff will take a decree
against you for the relief prayed for
in said complaint, to-wit, to dissolve
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff, and for
such further and other relief as to this
honorable court may seem Just ana
This summons Is published in pur
suance of an order made in the above
entitled suit, for the service of the
same by publication by Hon. Thomas
A. McBride, judge oi the above-entltlsd
HOna '
the 21st day of September,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Daniel Grim, plaintiff, vs. Mary P..
Grim, defendant.
To Mary R. Grim, said defendant
In the name of the state of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear la
the above-entitled court on the first
day of a term of said court to be begun
and held next after the expiration ot
six weeks from the date of the publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in th above-entitled suit on or
before the first day of the said term of
said court, then the plaintiff herein
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In the complaint herein,
which is for the dissolution of the
marriage contract existing between
i you and this plaintiff.
This summons is published in pur
suance of an order of court made by
M. C. George, judge of the circuit court
of the state of Oregon for Multnomah
! county, dated September 21, 18!)8, T.
I A. McBride, judge of the above-entitled
i,i tii,,
." ""6 "' lav-immuo
; COUnty.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court for the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
John Duffy, plaintiff, vs. James Shaw,
Betty Shaw, Charles Stratton and R.
C. Craven, assignee of James Shaw, an
insolvent debtor; Henry Gans. L. E.
Shultz. Sidney Smyth and T. R. Ran
dall, defendants.
To James Shaw, one of said defend
ants. In the name of the state of Ore
eon: Ynn are horphv remiirori tilm.
,n the above-entitled court on the
fk" .Z ,a lne Qale 01
lne PUDllcation Of this summons, and
you will take notice that if you fall to
nnnear and nnowor too mmlii
P, , a a.n8w" ttle comP'aint filed
, sium juu m mo ttuove-enuuea StUt
on or before the first dav of said term
nf RBrt rnrf tha th iit, v .
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in the complaint In this suit,
which is for the reforming of a deed
made by you to this plaintiff on the
10th day of March, 1805, so as to make
the description therein read: The
south 1-3 of the east '2, or husband's
half, etc., as described therein instead
the south 1-3 of the east y. of the hus
band's half, etc., as described therein.
This summons is published by order
of M. C. George, judge of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, Oregon,
made September 21. 1808. T. A. Mc
Bride, judge of the above-entitled
court being absent from Clackamas
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
r ? 5,.B1ck- DlalnUff. vs. David A.
Black, defendant. .
To David A. Black, defendant In
the name of the state ot Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you
herein on or before the seventh day
of November, 1898, that being the first
day of the next term of said court fol
.SShS e exPjratln ot the time pre
scribed for the publication of thia
summons, and if you fail to so appear
win St B1.Ld con,PlaInt. Plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
pra!?dJ.,or' t0-wlt: A- decree of thli
court dissolving the bonds of matr 1-
?amo5 Dd defendant- and plaintiff
nth! dy ,?,.nilnOT and for such
other relief as to the court may seem
Just and equitable.
hJ,!llKi.,ummons ls 8erved uPn you
by publication by virtue of an ordef of
the Hon. Arthur U Frazer, Judge of the
circuit court of the state ot Oregon for
Multnomah county, duly made and en-
n theT?tr 1ay of Pber,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.