1 C't Libra OON CITY COURIER. 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1898. NO. -18 5 AN IRON BED""" The prices at which we are selling iron beds, white enameled fiini h, braes trim- med, ia a. levelation. These are Bate, goods t-btiy. There are no defects in construction or finish. Everything is as it should be. Jf Price $4.00. X BELLOMY & BUSCH 1 The House Furnishers OPPOSITE COl'KT HOUSE ! 4 - 1Q0Q 1 Shb MULINO. Mrs. F. M, Manning is visiting her parents in Columbia county this week. Howards mill lsrunning night and day and the new miller, Mr. Hines, is keep ing up the former reputation rf "How ards Best," James Mulvey is very low with dread ed dibease, consumption. Threshing is about all done in this neighborhood. Over twenty learns loaded with hop pickers passed here today. John Denison lost a very valuable horse a few days ago. Frank manning jr., is now carrying the mail on the Olnrke-Meadowbrook route. Patrons of the offices gay he is always on time. . H. H. Perry and wife and the Misses Katie ami Mary Manning were visiting at Mr, "Ogles lust Sunday, Mrs. Hines, the new miller's wife, ar rived a few days ago, and the miller looks happy. G. W. Force will move into the house he bought from C. A. Carlisle in a few days. Our pc'.iool will commence on October 3rd. The McCord sawmill is at a stand still. The engine is being used to run the flouring mill for 0. T. Howard August 30. Tata. HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS. One of the Wonders or Clackamas County Distlned to Become a Great Sum mer Resort. Must be strictly pure WHITE, lul1 grown, and have painted in neat two inch black letters on either side the following words: "Have your fire insurance written by an agent who has had years ' of experience in writing policies and who represents only the largest and best companies in the world." F. E. DONALDSON Agent OREGON CITY, OREGON .Bicycles With Wings. GARFIELD. John Palmateer has been worse the last few days. Frank Gill met with a serious accident last week. He was cm ting bands for the thresher and Willie Pavis was turn ing bundles and let the pitchfork slip and struck Mr. Gill over the eye. C. Krighaum has come out here to dry his prunes he has a very large fine prune orchard. He has been working in the foundry in Salem for some time past. Mrs. Lemon and Mrs. Irvin.ofGar field, was visiting Mrs. Elsie Williams, of Cnrrinsville, one day last wtek. Mr. Biddle, from Michigan, ia the guest of Gid Krigbaum for a few days. He is well pleased with Oregon so far. There is about 12 more Jobs of thresh ing around here yet. but we think some of the folks at the end of String town will be. caught in the rain with their threshing a usual. Mis. Annie Covey had quite a sick child last Sunday. We htar it is on the mend now. Crops are turning out very poor here on account of the aphis. August 30. JvOxie. The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect ed ami the makers who produced the ' hainless Bicycle are public bene factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel the Columbia Ohainless does the rest " No' an hour of time taken to keep the Chainlews in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Les expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia (hainless stands tonsiyas the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern' and complete biycle factory. "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD OF THE VV0DL3. CuIuiiiIi'h Ciliiinliot Hurt I'd l''U V-ilttt.lttf 'imlu WhewU T;tlitlmn $ 7vnn isi.vim 50.00 $33.00 40.00 .fuo.no . 3a. 50 .1 rk-Men'i .. .Ill I Women Su4'Om.l4)itl Vlll. . ijrao.oo to $.-.o.oo II CHARMAN & CO , Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. .J A FIRST-CLASS COMPANY lllrll 11 mouth After t!lMt!lj Ultt eXHIIlillti! lull. $2000 00 Policy 6.12 Dividend From Damascus. Fritz H. Heiser, was in from Damas cus Wednesday, and reports that his wheat yielded 22 bushel to the acre and oats 17. tie was accompanied to the city by his brother, Otis. Mr. Heiser gave the Couiuek the following items concerning Damascus people: Henry Troge, who serious cut his n about a week ago wiih an old-fashioned cradle, while reaping grain, U recover ing. Mrs. Career and family are visiting Christian Heiser and family in Port land. Gilbert Jonrud, who recently had his thumb severed in an accident, had the stitches taken out of the same Sunday. John Hi'leary, the newly appointed postmaster, expects soon to take charge of the Damascus olfice. . Grandma Griflin, who has been in poor health for some time, is but ery little improved. Robert Heiser, who joined the las' 12 volunteer recruits who enlisted at Ore gon City for the I'iiillipines, has sent his photograph home from Camp ,ler ritt at Ban Francisco, He has gained 20 pounds in weight since arriving at i he camp. Mrs. Ctindel, of Portland, is visiting Mrs. A.Z.Hall. A. J. Wilson beat the record fur uro Dee Wright, who was accompanied to the sulphur hot springs on the head waters of the Clackamas, about 6r miles east of Oregon City, by a party con sisting of Miss Inez Riggs, Mrs. G. A. Moore, of Oregon City, and Bart Perry and Mike Clifford, of Molalla, returned a few days ago and gives some interest ing facts and figures concerning the springs. These spi ings are about 30 miles from Wilholt, and about 30 -idles above the upper Clackamas hatchery. The nearest and most practicable route there, however, is up the Molalla and over the mountain to the headwaters of the Clackamas. It took this party three clays to go in, as one of 1 heir pack animals met with an accident going o-er the mountain. It slipped and fell over the precipice scattering the icauip equipage in every direction. The last 26 miles to the springs has to be reached by a pack trail, passing over a mountain 4,500 feet above the sea level. The springs are three in number, varying from a temper ature of 134 to 138, and is admirably adopted for medicinal prinking purposes and bathing Two bath tubs ha.e been hewn out of large cedar logs, one for gentlemen and another for ladles. These are enclosed in a privitive way, but an swers the lequired purposes. The principal component parts of the water are magnesia, sulphur and iron, and have proved to be very good for rheum a tism. Fishing, too, is very good there, Dee Wright reports having caught 184 trout in one day varying in length from four to 14 inches, enough to last the party during the greater part of the time that they were camped there. The fir and other trees grow to an immense size there, some of them being eight feet through, without a limb on the trunk for a distance of a hundred Teet. The snow is melted off the mountains, so that visitors to the springs can get in verj easily by June 1st, and it is one of the most delightful camping places to be found in the mountains;anywhere. Hun ing is good, Jo Pasold of Spokane, who was with John Mick, the tninirg expert, killed a large ; . Among those who Juiya springs duiing the latter pari of the sea son were: Fred Wdl, jr., "Aurora; Leonard Heinz, sr., Leonard Heinz, jr , Dee Stehman, Andrew Harney, J. E. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stehman, Fred. Heinz, Louis Heinz, Liberal ; John Bagsby, M. Clifford, Bart Perry, Al Pasold, Molalla; Millard Hiatt, John Confer. I. E. Lawience, Inez Riggs, George Moore, Mrs. George Moore, Sid Moh'er, D. W. Kinnaird, M. M. Schenk John Williams, Niis Thompson, Oregon City ; Fred Will, jr.,Urban VV'ill, Aurora ; John Mack. Joe Pasold, Spokane J Wes Rigt-s, Gene Mitts, Macksburg ; O. F., A. F L J. G.and Mrs. M. M. Blackney and 11 months old child, Mrs. H. Gro shim:, Wjlhoit; W. C. Pairan, Portland ; S. W. Minthorn, Detroit ; F. A . Wheeler, Mulino; H L. Reeve, Salem ; C. W. Hobart, Grant Graves and Lee flobart, Silverton. Messrs. Schenk and Wil Hams, who are employes of the paper mil s, expect to return about September 1st, and James Barlow about 15th. $ito$s EXPOSITION COUPON $i to $5 PAYS YOUR EXPENSES GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 30 For the benefit of visitors to the Exposition. CUT THIS OUT present it to us and we refund $1 on each purchase of $10 in MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHES at our store. One price to all. Gjods marked in plain figures. FAMOUS CLOTHING BOUSE PORTLAND OREGON Cor. Morrison and 2nd Strei t TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Teachers Make Apt and Interesting Pupils. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome end deitclout. miicK, tne minirg fe ijear while there. 10 Juiya visited the I'obsiL, Okeoon, June 2, 18J8 H.G.Colton, Manager Massachusetts Mutual Life 'nsuiancs Co. L'ohTLANI), Cmkuon. Dhau Sir: On July Kith, 181)7. Mr. W. K. Popplewell, of thi place, took out $2000 insurance through special agent H. 'I' Hooih. Mr Poo: lewell die I suddenly of Hiiuendieits, Mid I wish to thank you for company's draft for $'-'0lM 12 the j $20 '0 being the roll amount insur-d tor ami tne p.i j oeing a ; rii!t, t tllt! Oregon State Fair on any of OREGON STATE FAIR. Grandest Exhibition Ever Given In Oregon! September 22 to 30, 1898. And you can go there for one fare for round trip from any point in Oregon on the Southern Pacific lines. Racing every day. Also all kinds rf free attractions. One fare for round trip. Notice to Dog Owners. On and after September 1st, all dogs iniift wear a license tag to ho procure I ductiig oais, his crop having averaged i fl0:n the c'llv treasurer, 11. E Stiiauiut, ' 48 bushel to the acre. (iiauixs lv P.i-iins. 1 Chief of Police, $2000.12 Total paid hi. Have You heard the News? BIDS WANTED. The Southern Pacific will give you a por School 'and Janitor's Supplies. dividend added by the Company in accordance wiih its policy ; their Hll(J, ; 0rmm ,or om, fair for thu I ,in"ie ,H ,,ere7 ma ',ar, ,0 Hharmu its nrolits with all v tifV hrldc-rs. The claim has , ,., , ,. rtl:n directors of tchool district No. 02, of :... !.. f,... tl,.. 1 .. nr,,fi u-r t ,..1 . mid i...:.... .1... -pi... c- iiacKHiiias couiuy, ureuon, win receive ciiuxii i""" . , - , nil y ii ii I c Ulll 11 to lilll . lilt) i?L3ie ..... . en paid your promptness in the matter proves that it is b tl to insure ' pair jj, t,e people's institution and shon d fiealM Bl '"" lM.-,,ii1iii,i,v.,in( 1 sin ne urn Med to ell do SO the 1, ntrn.nz..d ld,..r,.!lv H, mi,. ,.n.l " County Superintendent H. S. Strange convened a very successful county nor mal institute at the Barclay school j building last Monday, and the session will be concluded this afternoon. Over 122 teachers were registered, notwith standing many of them were engaged in j thehop fields, The very capable instruc tion were J, H. Ackerman, state superin tendent elect, and Prof. W. A. Wetsell, of Portland. The teachers were drilled daily in the branches taught in the public schools, and each were required to respond with answers to questions when their numbers were called. Inter esting lectures were delivered during the institute by Profs. Frank Kigler and C. W. Hurette, of Portland. Miss Jennie F.. Rowen was the very efficient sccre tary, and kept the register and records in excellent shape. The ollowing teachers and educators are registered at the institute: Frank Mitts, Needy; Eliza Burns Oanby;Ida Birkemeir, Mary J. Rogers, Ella J. Boehlke, Lawson J. Moore, N, W. Rowland, Mrs. Li'lie M. Rowland, Mary Young, Ada M$Laughin, Mrs. 'osephine S. Bradley, Mi'lwaukie; Clara Demmer, Portland; Hannah K.Peters, Aurora; William Hayhurst, 0. H. By land, Carus; Howard Eccles, Canby; Mary Frances Huerth, Park place;1 Blanche Dyer, Osie Baker, Crace Ed wards, Agnes Nelson, U. F. Evans, Os wego ; Eetolla B. Pai ker, Needy ; Charles Rutherford, Highland; Alice M. Spauld- ing, Marmot; Ida Francis, Tualatin; Eva Moehnko, Shubel; Eula Stiange, Damascus; Shirley Buck, A. R. Dimick, Hubbard; J. Kate Oasto, Portland; Zehna S. Shaver, Molalla ; Cecil Cosper, Charles P. Tallinan, Clarkes; Martin Masftinger, Shuebel ; A. C. Strange, Orient; Elsie J. Tayler, Marquam; Louise Maxwell, Grace MarKerron, Orient; Leonard II. Vincent, Kelso; W.E. Voting, Macksburg Anna Mum piwcr. Stone ; Gilbert II. Pierce, Univcr sity Park, Willard W. Austin, Logan; I.I) lia White, Tacoma; Alex Tiiomson, L. T. Anderson, Clackamas; Mahala Gill, Logan ; II. A. Hull, Hillsb.iro; Aura D. rtiompson, Stafford J M ittio TjIIjEs iii, Logan; D. A. Miller, Highland ; J. G. Noe, Needy ; J. A. Jennings, Manpi.un j Lizzie McDonell. Jennie E. Rowen, Marjorie Cuuliell, Gortru lo Nutzor, Sado H. Chase, J. C. Zinser, T, J. Gary 11. F. 0 M. Cramer, Kate I. Port-r, Florence E. Patty. Laura E. Pioattio, Edna Rugg, Rev. M. L. Rung. Ella Lavenson, Ada Moehnke, May Kelly,,! W.Giay, Jlrs. Norma F. Haines, Ger trude Fin ley, Margaret Williams, Harriet Case, II. S. Gibson, M ill i Wilson, Huldah Holden, Millar 1 Hiatt, Clara Ho'.strom, Florence E. Patty, L. W. Mn Adams, Oregon City;('. E.Cone, Mrs. Ifa Auson, Portland; Aletlia M. Pludpi Canby; Estelle Bracken, Parkplace; Sus e Miironey, Sandy; Mrs. L. M. Hedge, Sycamore; Emma and Martha Struckler, Clackamas; George T. Mc. Arthur, Cuirimiville ; O. ). Eby, Molal la; Sotiriand Zone! Miiylleld, Highliind; Cliar!es L. Dyer, 0. II. Balem',n, Lucy Wiliauis, Portia id; Mabel Thayer, Minnie and Iva Ha rington, Oregon City ; II. M. Stone, Sunnyi-ide; II. M.Kial naker, Sunnyside ; Alaze C atkins, Port- i laud ; Annie J. Young, Vlilwimkie; J. R. j Nolile, Pe'iba M Sumner. Woodbiirn; Tennie Muylield, Highland ; Lorena M. Shuck, C. M. Crittenden, Monit u ; Cl aries llonsi-n, Wi'sonville J G. 0 Ilolman, Erniniie Griubcl, Portland; Nettie Walilen, Olive A. Eliciting, Mamie Adams, Minnie Myers, Oregon Ciiy. FQVDEtl Absolutcl Puro ROYAL BAKINO POWDFI PP., NFWVOFtX. ' REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. J B Beck to E L Miller, sw ofswj ami nw sw), sec 3, 5 s, 1 e; $1. Glad R E Bsn to H L Ward, blk 104, Gladstone ; tl. J H Grosbong to A M Groshong, ii of v;li of se1', sec 17, 0 s, 2 e; $4t!0. C Livesay to T Rue, 2! acres in Abernethy elm : $251 S W Hardest;; to V E Cot k, 1 acre, sec 5,5 s, I e; $1. O D Nihw ander (by slie.i) to Win Scott, :J0 acres, iwH-1 580 8 s. 1 w; $11.37. U S to Win E Welch, cj of nej. H'O 8, bwJ4 nw4 of sw!4, sec 5, 3s,7e; patent. S We'rh to Wm E Welch, wli of sec 4. i.. 3 s, i of llW J4 1 e; $1 and sec 0, E Chase to ,1 Ciisle, s'a' of sw i of nw M, see 13 2 , 4 e; $2"0. J Crisle t R Joim nd, s of sn of ny, sec 13, 2 s, 4 e; I5. W H Davidson to J K Daviilsn, nw of sec 10, (is, 2 e; $2n0. M E Vi!loti.di' y to T F Kvnp, lots 5 Hiid 7, Ink 13;l O.eguii ( i'y;$10. fi. G G Kruse 10 F E Knise, ;2 acre in C Brown elm, 2 , 1 e; $1. F E KriiHe to O W Kiuse, 5(1 net, sic tt.2s,le;$l. F E KruH to C W IC'iise, 13 n) rds, I II, 2 fl, I e; $'.', P ii I) S Mome 1 1 M L& A O Hay wood, 00 a, I Karr elm ; $50 . A Sur Tli 1 a w for Vim. A t'HTJHCti"ll in which you canno' Ins) isH sure thing. Hilimisiiess. sick beinl scbe, Inrii'd long'ie, It vt r, ih s Hilda ll.oiMiiiid other ilin are canai'd by coc silpaiion and sli'irgi-b livi-r C:ncarets C.indy Cailiartic, thu w oudei lul new iiver etimiilant i",,l inlc'iniil t nic are liv all ilrugiiists guar inii-ed In euro or money refunded .'. ('. are a miith ibintr'. Tiy Uu to.d,,v; 10c, 2V, .'i0 Sample and booklet free, Ail , . , For Over fifty Yeirs An Oi. i) and Whi.i, Tisiko Hkmuov ilrs, V inflow's S"0'hing tyrup has l een nfi for f'Vft tiftv years bj' mit hi iim of mother for Hii'ir children while teething, with perfect siicci-ks. It soiii((,.n tin,, child, Milieus the guina allays nil pain cmes wind colic, and is the best remedy (or Diarrlioi'M. 1 pleasant to the tasle. Sold by Dmgists in every pint of 1 Iim Woihi. Twenty five renin a boiile. lis value is in CHlcuhiblo. Be sure and ask fur Mrs. Wiiisow'h Sootliiiij; Syrup, and lake no oilier kind. Ti Cur CoiintliKtloii Fiiri'Vi'i-. T ike CHrraieH I andv Cnthariei 10c or 2"ic. If C. C. C. f .il toi ure, di uygisls refund money. in a iii'Kt Ma sacliuselts Mutual whi'iiev. r opioi lunity offers Yours very truly, V. W. Hoovkr. ExiC itor of the ei-tate of W. R. Popplewell. I w hat irsources ! for round trip.. Oregon has. One fine .1XSUKI: IN'L Your H.i w l Wltli tti,iriit' THS M1SSAC373UTT3 MJ rOALLIFZ COMPANY (!i:cui pniaiti! lo'ji) . H. C. COLTON,' R.va-..s. 312-31.? Cba:nSrr nl Ciinintrce ' i' ) ,' 1 i I ' ) '. EGUN Kill I Cae'ty I'llbiirlic. ciiih li.ru. r' 10 '.2 ),! If C.C gists tebiud ni'ni .-y. oili o'clock bepteiiiber I dh. IH'.'H, for! school supplies for 'he e suing yi r A list of the same may le eecii on tile; w ith the sell lot clerk j Almi at. iIih h:iiiih liniii mid ritacri will' ,0 lull diiu rec.ive sealed bl Is for janitor s supplies.1 iMHiivm reserves .lie rii 01 10 rejeci, : ,H Mti. cleil, y 111 Iiivh a i , . . ... t , . 1 : , t . 1 . any or all ta is. 1 '"ecuie - oeaiin aim yu win sn-eiy : ' liy order of lioar 1 of Direct.t s. ! have g ,d look- Klectrie Bitteis" i. I . r, in good Alternative and Ionic. Acts j o. M. .kw.n, ,im.tv , lt, ht,,inach, liver and Dislr.ct Uk. Pirilb ihn hlood, Muw to Look Good. G'io,l Ink 1 lire really more than "kin deep, depending tll'be'v on a lieiil hv eiiniliiiiiii of ail the vili.l oruaim. If the liver be i iaetive, you have a b Ibous I. mk : if vmi Bioui ch be disordered, you have a ilvsiientic I uk ; If vmir kidneys 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and ret 11 11 via SmiUiern Pacillc trains. One way rate 2") cents. Tickets now on Kale a' railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City ut 8:4) a. m., and ii:') p. 111 , and arrives from Port land al 0:23 a. m. anil l:.ri2 p. 111. Save time by using the quicker route, It ivh a pinched look. Tw MilUmi4 h Vrar. . I Wbrii p pie oin, liv.iud liny unain, . itllii'"'- 1 t,i i - :4;-"ij f- T'"' pe 1, i. 1 I 1 lie' t";.i e l S h'm Hfe in w linyj ij ( a iM'i-'f Cm ,l.v O 0 hi r ir at 1, e r oe ill imii mill uii ti. . x -- 11 t ;i r :i 11. 1 it will le tire mi'lii'ii b-i.'re N, w Yea. Jl menus M erit (ir iVi'il, ;lin I 'aeiiri-i are jthe inii-i ili-liiriiilul li'il regulHtnr fr , 1 VI 1 vIkmII' '!:e jenr r.illll'l. Alldllllf jrisii- 1 25, '"Uc a box, cum giiaia iiecl. direetlv k nlli-Vi', Date 1 .it Oregon Cit , Si-ptcmlier 1, 1803. i npies H t'lMld c NO 'JJ 1J PAY. 'In' Ul'l- ir Hit l'iUt . O.IOV'KM ,iA-l'KI,.. C'll' X roM : lor Mid.irin, C'lillld , I I'tr,"'". H in nimiilv I r ut iiiid iilidi' 111 Hf T,, i i' fm 111. lolifren Kivf It, i.Hii iri.fer nl bi ler. 11 i.i-.iiumi f mi . Vtiei K. j S'.. i A i.iUcy. , &;t. ,1. Hi t"e(l ' 1 1 .le. Pirilii ion Id 1... I. ruie , bli t.'bes ii'nl boils, ir.id uiyeii nupii xii"'", Every bottle gu'ir S. .1.1 at ("harinuti A Co 'a drug r"r per bn'tle. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim I'f.i-t SALVKin the world for Cuts, Uplines, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kbeiim, Fever Sores, 'letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblcins, (.'orns, and all Sldu KrupiioiiH, am! positively enrea Piles, or no pay required. It is guaianteed to give perfect satmfai lioii or money re nrv'rd. Price '.'") rents per bo. For ale bv Chai oi 111 it Co. Experience Teaches the value of Hood's S irsaparilla. Ii is constantly ac- comilishing wonderful cures and people Gentlemen and boys underwear, nice " a1' etlions take it, knowing it will do line at the Kuckct Store themgooj.