Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 10, 1896, Image 5

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Phownki). Homy Slock, u yuiinu;
inuti, drowned in Al)cnit'thy crci'k short
ly before rtoou on July 4th. Ho wan
eiiKNb'eJ in pulliny bodio unwinds he
owned down the stream t Urouuh ton'it
in ill. tliu hue water milking the creek
deep and alinoHt without current, so
that the luj Hindu litilu progress, with
out pnaliiiitc . Stuck uiiiHt h.ivo alien
into the wiiter bo unexpectedly that hu
strangled, for his outcry was feeble,
and he sunk in the perfectly placid
water scarcely four yards from a
grassy, aloping bank, before George
Broughton, alio happened to bo driving
past at the lime, could run 10 rods to
uive assistance, lie was 'IS years oi
a:e. iudustriou. and exemplary. in hit)
habits. His parents live a few miles up
the Abernethy. He held a policy for
2000 in the Woodmen lodtfe. The
coroner's iurv found it to be a ca of
accidental drowning. The funeral
HrvifH were held under auspices of
W. of V. and the Catholic church.
Largest Ins. Business F. E. Donaldson,
Body Found. The body of A. E.
McCaflerty, who drowned in the Clack'
amas river, June 10, was recovered last
Friday morning by Charles Bolds, in
the log boom at the Gladstone mill. A I
the coroner's iniiilest, it was found that
quite a severe wound had been inflict' d
on Mcl'airnriy's head before death,
and it is supposed thai the the home he
was tiding, in fording thd stream, struck
him whilo they were strtwijli.iii in th e
water. Too bily va t:in to La
Cam is, Vah., lor burial. A rj.virl of
$100 was tillered for t;ie recovery of the
body, llj lull u 1 ) I J p li.:y in A. O.
U. V.
Fire Imurancs F. E. Donaldson.
Staii Boutk. The following new star
service schedule in Oregon has been
adopted by the postollice department:
Kaglecreek to Dispell Leaves Eagle
creek Tuesday and Saturday, immediate
ly aiter arrival of mail from Portland,
but not latei than 4 p. m. ; r ive at Tis
e!l in four hours; leave liissell Tuesday
and Saturday at 7:30 a. m.j arrive at
Eaglecreek by II :30 a. m.
Lowest Fire Ins. Rates F. E Donaldson
Jones, 11b Tays tub Fhkihiit. Send
for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with
latest reductions and market reports,
sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point on the
Willamette river reached by Portland
boats. Josks' Cash Stoke, 103 Front
Street, Portland, Or.
13 3i j hi. Cinnnies F. E. Dotuldson
-J)r. W. Wallens is now assistant to
Dr. J. W. Welch, dentist, opposite P. O.
Reliable Insurance F. E Donaldson.
Special Session of June 27th and 30th.
Approval of Bonds of Affairs.
Junk 27th. Petition of ('lni'kin& Me-
Irvin Jiooin w. lor a leani m el hn-k
amas river coiitinueil till luemiiiv Jui'P
30th, after hearing evidence and
arguments in the mutter, the petitioners
appearing by G. C. Brcwnell, attorney,
and the reini-nstrators by II. E. Cross,
Application of Sisters of Good Shep
herd for relief from taxes, for court to
declare the property owned by said cor
poration near Uladstone and iijed for
Alaedlena noma be exempt from tax
ation, continued for term.
June 30th: Bonds of the following
named otflcarselect were accepted and
aproved :
Elmer Dixon, clerk, for. . . . . . 10 000
G. W. Grace, sheriff, " 10 000
J. Shade, treasurer " 30 000
J. H. Wricht, surveyor, " 5 000
W.N. Godfrey, coroner, " 3 000
The following warrants issued more
than seven years prior to July 1st, 1890,
and taken from clerk's office but not
presented for payment, declared to be
void if not presented within 00 days
from July 1st:
No 3151, J. A. Confer for $3, July 7, 1888
" 3359, P. 8. Noyer " 2, Nov. 9, 1888
" 3742, J. A. Confer " 3, Dec. 5 , 1888
" 4045, Lucien Geer " 2, Feb. 6, 1889
" 431(1, Henry Kerns" 5, Apr. 2, 1889
" 4412, Jacob Kerns " 5, May 1, 1889
" 4657, Jacob Kerns " 5, June 3, 1889
and Liver Complaint yon have a printed
guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer
never fails to cure. For sale G. A. Harding.
tiighssi. Kcatw-s World's fair.
w. . i .. wet s-
if v;
rm,c O y O st-.i c'T. tsm Powder. Fret
I. Jrn A' 'i..iu... tfiiity oiiiiraouicrent
For the Chautauqua Assembly
at Gladstone Park.
Third Annual f ial lu-fln unit
Tlio KUiht'Ht Iiitollfi'liiiil
FV:ikI of All.
A lx'ttcr AsHemlily and a brighter pro
gram is the motto of tho management
ior each succeeding year. Their success
in the past is n guaranty for the future.
The best talent available, eastern and
home, is laid tribute to tlio Assembly;
and the eastern talent engaged now
makes by arrangement the circuit of five
assemblies, three in California mid two
in Oregon.
Mr. Lincoln is reputed to bu the first
truly successful venture in the humorous
line since Artemus Ward. He iseasily first
in this class of work, not only in Amer
ica, but in the world. So successful has
he been that a trip abroad planned for
months was extended for years by the
demand for his services. Hu has ap
peared More nearly all of the monurclis
of the world. High-class humor, the
best of American fun, commanding
mimicry, irresistible story-telling, these
have won plaudits for him from audi
ences tin I preis everywhere. He will
brighten tlio Assembly with two iipjieur
ances. July U and 10, in which ho will
give (lis world-famed monologues, "Is
Music a Failure?" and "The Ludicrous
Side of Life," consisting of original mu
sical travesties ami social satires.
Rev. Anna Shaw of Philadelphia, is
reputed to lie liio most brillian t woman
speaker onjlio platform. She has come
to be not only tlio coaiijutor out the suo
cessor of Susan 11. Anthony its tin advo'
cate of equal suffrage. Susan 11. Anth
ony being unable to till her engagement
hero seiuls in her stead this brilliant
woman of whoso sayings the California
papers just now are full. Her subjects
are: "The Futeof Republic," ami "The
JNew Alan."
Selah Brown, of Los Angeles, lias won
for himself a uniquo place on the Pacific
Coast as an entertainer almost without a
peer on the platform. Ho has come to
tie a leading favorite from Puget Sound
to Los Angeles, but this is his first np
pearance in Northern Oregon. His sub
jects: "from New lork to Jerusalem"
and "Away Down South in Dixie" nre
brimful of humor, good sense and per
sonal observation. Dr. Brown will also
preach the Baccalaureate sermon Suiu'av
afternoon, July 12th: subject: "Ohio
Tymes and New Times, or the World
Growing better."
1111. KI.I1KKT R. DIl.l.K.
Kev. Elbert R. Dille, D. D., of San
Francisco, is one of the busiest and most
popular pastors of the Bay City. Every
year he gives a hundred lectures, the
overflow of his well Btored and imagina
tivo mind. One of his lectures reie,
"American Shrines," is the fruit of
frequent pilgrimages to those spots en
deared to the American heart. Dr.
Dille illustrates with the stereopticon.,
tie also giv8 tlio address: "Hie build
ing of a Man" on Recognition Day to
the Chautauqua graduates, July 1(1.
Jli's. Marion B. Baxter, of Chicago, is
a nation i'. lecturer and organizer of the
W. C. T V. As the able assistant of
Frae. AVillard she has for several
yearn led the noon-day praver service at
the million-dollar Woman's Temple of
Chicago, Nie brings with her her gated
(laughter, Beatrice, of the Columbian
School of Oratory, Chicago, who will aS'
sist her as teacher of Delsarte at the
School of Methods in the "W. O. T. U
Edwards Davis, of Oakland, Oal.
needs no introduction to Oregon audi
ences. All those who heard the wonder
ful boy orator at the state fair last full
unite in pronouncing him a prodigy of
eloquence, tie gives the principal ad
dress, "New America," on Patriotic
Day, and illustrates in a remarkable
manner "The Science of Art," on the
closing day of the Assembly. Of him
the June Overland Monthly says:
"With all the literati, artists, scien
tists, that the West has given to the
world Harte, Twain, Stoddard, Miller,
Rosenthal, Royce, LeCounte place
some day must lie given to this western
boy, whose sceptre of speech shall sway
the audience of the unnumliored multi
Mr. Alice Hamill-IIamlcock, of Chi
cago, is the famous daughter of a fa
mous father, .Professor S. S. rlamill, one
of the best-known elocutionists in the
Jnited States. As a child Alice Hamill
traveled with her father and assisted in
his platform readings. She brines with
her for use in her class in elocution , copies
of her father's books now in popular use
throughout the East. She will instruct
a Shakespeare class and also give read
ings. 19 pounds dry granulated sugar $1;
flour 7"c sack, 50c tea fr 2oc. Red
Front Trading Co.
$1000 to loan on improved property at
office of Thos. F. Ryan .
Kids Play Ball.
The "Down Town Kids" and the
"Hill Fellow"' played a game of ba e
ball on Monday, in which the Hill
boys won with a score of 47 to 14. Fol
lowing are the members of the nines .
Hill Down Town
J Eaton c C Hut ton
Don Meldrum..p L Ackerman
H Latonrette s s C Arnold
L Chaitnberlainlst b R Farr
D Latonrette 2d b : ...B Barlow
J Lnndy 3d b D Shaw
W Koerner cf S Sha lie
J Jones ,rf W Viea
CGray If W Jeffries
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wwid'i Fair Hlfbcft Medal and CHptvau.
LOCAL N-W3 IfE-ll.
L"lliN Ifuhhs, aged 70, dii'd ut Mll'ino
oi Monday.
A liriinne pieiiie was held at Vrl.' it
piinu'H on Tuesday.
MisM,igrs of Stiytn i vin ng
Mrs. J. M. Lawrence.
I"iei (iadke and w ife of Albi'iy are
vii-hing relaiivts hero.
II. K. Jones slid W. (i. P.irer visit,
ud Corvaliis last week .
1 Meresse and faini'y left hut .week
for i lit i r collage on Nesiiu-ea buiich.
Miss Liara Johnson h eoull tod at
her Iioiiih Ht Clackamas by sicklies.
Ilemy Meldrum and surveying erew
lull no Wednesday for Eastern Oregon.
Miss iU-mah Holland of t'altm visited
her aunt, Mrs. Frank Campbill, last
eek .
Cvery summer hat must go at our
special offer sale. Miss C. Goldsmith,
the milliner.
Miss Marjnrie Caufleld l"ft Moidiy
last for an extended visit with reUtivm
in Pendleton.
Miss Reebe and Miss McCnmrie k of
Alvsrado, Cal , are visiting at Mrs. C.
0. T Williams'.
To-day we will inavg irate our first
special offer sale. Look at our bargains.
Miss C. Goldsmith, the miCin r.
I.i-il.'e 1'cpnlv W. A. Hedges iiixtal
Ud llie ullitois oi Ob ego Lodge ol Odd
Fellows on Monday evening. i
Mrs E. M. Rands nnd children of
V ancouver are visiting friends here and
attending Chautauqua assembly.
Aliss M. Holmes loft IhhI i-ndavlor
St Ma'v's ilnn I, A'aska, to spin I t! e
simmer with her brother and Bister.
Dr. T. L. Ball lateol Louisville. Ky
will hereafter permanently occupy
Welch's dentist odice in Coi'rier
building. '
The 20 anniversary of the marriage
of Mr, and Mrs. Chns. Burns was ceh-
brated last Thursday evening at their
Dr. V. li,. Uarll attended a meetn g
of the slate board of Medical examiners
in Portland this week. The board
consists of five members.
Marion Rand and Catherine Sullivan,
of Milwaukie, were united in marriage
on Monday by Rev. A. J. Montgomery
at Presbyterian parsonage.
F. S. Kelly, Dr. Pickens, J. P. Keat
ing. W. A. Huntley and Leighton Kelly
left on Wednesday for the mountains
wheie they will mstieate for a time
Prof. II. L. Bates of Pacific Universily
will preach next Sunday evening at the
Congregational church and Mrs. Brooks
of Eugene, will sing both morning and
evening. ' r''
Don't forget that our stock of millinery
Is new and of latest styles and investi
gate our special offer. Every hat Is
reduced in price. Miss C. Goldsmith,
the milliner.
License to wed issued on 3d to Emma
Johnson and George Jenson.on the 8th
to Minnie Meddock and Francis Reisdon
on the 6th to Cornelia F. Robinson and
Henry F. Alciatore and to Catherine
Sullivan and Marion Rand.
Fred and Bert Grecman left on Tues
day for the mines. They go by bicycle
en Eugene and from there by stage.
Bert was up there earlier in the season
and look a claim in a good ledge und
now Fred will try his luck.
Three daughters of Hdiiry G ins, of
Oego, ere out. driving oi S i iday
afternoon when the horse became
frightened, and ran away . One yoing
lady had two ribs broken and the other
was bruised about th? head aid rma.
he accident o rcu red m artho Moehnke
property in Weslyn on the west side.
Frank Verhaag, alias Frank Myers,
alias H. Koehler, was arre-ted here by
Chief of Police Burns Wednesday after
noon, on the charge of forging the names
of Portland business men to several
hecks. 'Detective Simmons came uo
Irwm Portland and took the prisoner
back. A forged nnpassed check signed
by H. C. Harding and made payable t
II. Koehler was found on his person.
Three buildings in Milwaukie weie
totally destroyed by fire on the after
noon of the 4th. involving a loss of about
11400. The houses were occupied by J.
Gibson, D. B. McClane and Thorni s
Duffy ; the lower portion of the latter
being used as a butcher shop. The fire
was caused by a defective flue in Good
Templar's hall. The back part of the
hall was occupied by T. M. Lakin,
justice of the peace.
The following officers of Oregon Lodge
So 3, 1. O. O. F., were installed by
Deputy W. A. Hedges on last Thursday
evening: J. C. Bradley S. G., E.A.
Leighton V. G., T. F. Ryan Sec, J. A .
Stuart P. 8, S. S. Walker Trtai, E. W.
Sou W., J. J. Cooke Con., C.H. Dye
Chap. A. W. Cheney 1. G., W H.
Howell R. S. S. G., H. E. Straight L.
S V i .C E. Midlam R. S. V. G.
J. Howell L. S. S., J. W. Mjffatt R.
S. S.
Special lecture on ths "Tabernacle of j
Israel at the gospel tent, corner of i
Seventh and Adams streets, illustrated
by a large oi! painting. The following j
subjects taken np "The Gate," "Tbe ;
Brazen Alar," "The Layer," "Tbe j
Door," "The Boards" and "Bars," i
"Coverings of Badirer Skim," "Ram's,
Skins Dyed Red,""Goats Hair," etc.
Also a gospel address. Meeting at 8 :00 j
o'clock each evening, except Saturday
and Sunday at 3 p. m.
j Twelve Dozen Sailors all
t quality Romr; very cheap. Come early and see for yourselves.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tiik BkstSai.vr in the world (or Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Uleer. halt Rheum,
Fever holes, Telter, Cuaoped II h lids,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and posilively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perleet satisfaction or money refunded
Price 2a cents
Charmiin & Co.
per box For sale h
The July Arena contain a verv strik
inir and sugirestive paper bv the Editor
B. O. I lower, entitled "The Genera
Disi'imtent of American Wealth Creator
as Illu.trated in Current Cartoons
1 Ihihh who wish to make themselves sr.
quainted with the real condition of th
induHtriu! population of this countr
and the causes which have produce
this condition should not miss reaitiu
Mr. Flower's paper It contains man
llliiHtrntlons, which tell their own stoi
in a most convincing way.
iou can get it at Harris' grocery
What? Peacock flour, made of tl
famous blue stem hard wheat. Try
as ack .
m i i
During the Chautauqua assembly
July 7th to 17th, the Electric Hotel will
run a first-class restauiant and lunc
counter on the grounds at Gladston
Park. Meala served at all hours
Those stopping at Electric Hotel i
Oregon City can have their meals served
on grounds or at hotel without extra
charge. . M. Roiii.nson, Proprietor
r Old People. """"r
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys wi
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters
1 his medicine does not stimulate an
contains uo whisky nor other intoxicants
out acts as a tonic and alterative.
acts mildly on the stomach and bowels
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
pertorwance of the functions. Jileetn
Bitters is an excellent auoetizer and aid
digestion. Old People find it just exactly
what they need. Price 50c and $1 pe
bottle at Charman & Co.'s Drug Store
for toe accommodation of his many
customers ou the hill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in Ihe
Shively building on Seventh street
where he keeps a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon
lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give
him a call.
Notice ti Contractors.
Notice i hereby given that the time
for receiving seated bids for the con
struction of a school bnil ling at Willam
ette Falls, "School District No. 105'
will be extended until S.tturdat', July
18th, at 8 p. in. By order of board of di
rectors July 7tli IS Ki. ti. C. Ki.nnbv,
Clerk of District, No. 105
Jacob ICober, the Seven'. h street baker
keeps on hand a large stock of the best
country cider, soda water and other
temperance drinks. All drinks kept on
Karl'slover Rout Tea purities the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
ror sale by O. A. Harding.
bewixo Machines uiikap. Want a
sewing machine? Gel a good one for
$25.00 with five years guarantee; $0.00
down and $5.00 per month until paid.
See Bellorny & Busch about it .
has placed in his store, corner Seventh
and Center Sts., in addition to his fine
line of okoceriks, n.tv, kkeii, etc.,
a full stock of LEAD, PAINTS, OILS
AND VAUNISH. which he will sell as
Belntss. Companies F. E. Donaldson.
Any one wanting either course in
the Holmes Business college of Portland
can secure same at 50 per cent discount
by applying to Coikiek.
That you can get your
printing done at the
Courier office cheaper
than in Portland.
Thousands of samples to
select from. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 6 ft
Jluvfl Your Kycs Tested...
At JJuniilstBr & Aiidieneii'N
Jewelry Store.
They liave one of
the finest eyc-meturs
and will test jour
ecs frceof char;".
Glasses may be re
turned if not suited
to eyes.
A large stock to choose from,
the latest shapes. Leghorn best
18 lbs of dry granulated sugar fi
lled Front
i ed h its, nmv goods, 50 to 75c
at Mrs. Sladen's.
Money to loan on good security by
A. S. I)reser.
Ane.v li'n f Ixiiitiful 1 w,i j ut ar
ri ved at the Kacl;et Store .
Prewriptions carefully compounded a
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Ke .'ive'. at Charman A Son's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest dcsiirns.
Beauiies! those trimmed hub at the
Red Front Store; Ladies' sailor and
Canton flats 10 cents.
Cut prices on straw hats, felt hats etc
Many lints at tlio lied F'ront can save
you one-half tho price.
Shark, the barber, don't swim but
he's in the swim when it comes to
Shaving and hair cutting.
For your strings and extras for all
musical instruments go to Burmeister
& Andresen's, who keep full supply.
Blank note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.,
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Couitmu office.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets. a .
Louis Fred rich, the fashionable tailor
hits moved his shop to the building
formerly occupied by Mrs. Dutch er's
millinery store. Nothing but tirst-elass
work done and satisfac tion guaranteed.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, will be
in Oregon City office Thursd iv of euch
week ; remainder of each week in
Portland office, room 77 Dekumbuilding.
Mrs. M L Moore Ims signed a con
liBct with the Viavi Co. to uiaimire
Clackamas county for the next three
yearn, w ith headquarters corner Seventh
and Adams streets, Oregon City. Mrs.
Moore is much please I with Oregon
City and expects to make her home
among us and work the county from
C. A. Willoy ha (added to his harness
and repair shop second door west of
depot, next to Couhikk office, a full
stock of shoes, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-nude
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all
kinds of harness and b-iot anjl shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid Up Capital, $50,000.
Surplus, $20,850.
Thomas Chaimah
Oio. A. Habdimo
E. G. Cauiijllb
Chablei H.CAUnSLD
Vice Preaident.
k General Banking Buaineai Transacted.
Deposit! Received Subject to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrants Bou;ht.
Loans Made on Available Secnrilv
Exchange Bought and 4ld.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of th.
Telegraphic Exchange Sld on Portland. Sao
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Office in WliUmette Block.
ORKO" Citv, .... OacoON.
Opposite P. 0-. Otivn Crrr. Ore.
Job Printing at the
Courier Office
Is entirely done away
with by our shoes. ( In
fact, they are a regular
"Society for ihe Preven
tion of Cruelty to Feet."
What are their methods?
Perfect fit, piompted by
respect to the shape of
the human foot. A sim
ple creed, but doesn't it
cover tho whole field?
Then a shoe may treat
foot "shabliily" without
being exatlly cruel to it.
That Is to say, the shoe
may lack style and wear
ing capacily. But ours
have the wearing capacity
and style alonir with the
lit, and that should be
enough to make you buy
Next Door to Burmebtcr A
Notary Public and Real Estate Broke i-
Mouey l' Loan. Alwtmi'tn of Title Made.
PruwIiiK of U-gal liiieiiini'MiK a Special'
Oltiee mi emit niilc of Sin 111 Htrvel
llotwvcu Glh ami 7m.
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate a'...
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Commercial Bank Bulldl ,
Office : Two Dootb South of Courthm ,
Geo. (!. Bbownill. J. U. Campbii..
Caifl ild Building Oiegon City ,0 i
(Established 1805.)
Parcels delivered lo all parts of the city
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stall-
On the Street between the Bridge and i
Double ami single rigs and saddle hoise
ways on baud at the lowest rates. nd .no '
alao oonnected with the barn for loos ''
Any Information regarding any kind of
promptly attended to by letter or person.
The Commercial Dan.
CAPITAL f 100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Buslru "
Loans made. Bills discounted. Make- .
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all .
In the United Htates and Europe and on 1
Reng. Deposits received subject to chec).
Bankopon from DA. M. lo4P. M.
President, Cut ,
...Corner Grocery...
Keeps a full line of STAPLE m v
Lowest Prices-
lien tint.
Booms M, TI, 7, I ekur..
Building. .
Portland, Ob
Will be In Oregon
Cllv office. Courier
Many of any friend. I at.
building, every Hat- trusbla to Sod us;
urday. this card.
u I in .
New Fish Market.
E. Richards, Prop.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watt.
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Turkeys, Geese and Chickens for Thankkglvln,
Two Doori South of Armtn
Free Delivery.
Standard Pat. Medicine:
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
Pre$eHpliom Accurately Compound! h
i i i