ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1922. NUMBER 39 Three Children Drown A 'most distressing accident oc curred on Sunday evening when Frnnk 'Alnx aged 9, Ted Alax 8, and I'cter Alax 5, all sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alax of Russell street were drowned wlien their father's car backed oil the St. Johns ferry. Paul Mcsiri. a To Boost tho 1925 Fair Ladies' Aid Had Charge I A Pleasing Program The Atlantic-Pacific Highway and Hydro-Electric Exposition positively will be held in Port land in 1925. This unqualified statement was made by Mayor linker, vice chairman of tho man aging committee, in announcing plans for an auto caravan which The Community Sunday school had an unusual attendance last On Saturday evening a number of tho piano pupils of Lola Mur phy appeared in an excellent pro- SrUml5J'rAin W1.C Ilcnstl. gram at her home studio. Those friend of the family, was driving will leave Portland August 14 for ine car since Alax nimsolt was I a tour of the state in the interest not familiar with the gear shift.! of the fair. Franklin T. Grif Alax had just purchased the car fitli, chairman of the managing They were returning from a trip .committee, lias asked Mayor link to Scappoose and were last on er to take full charge of the cam- tho ferry at Wlntwood Court, 'paign to be waged in Portland When they started to leave tho and throughout the state in the Mr. McMahon, tho superintend cut, back. Ho has had his vaca tion so is ready to take up, tin work again. Mr. Stadclman gave a splendid talk at church service. There was a good attendance. The Ladies' Aid had charge of the evening service. The entire service was conducted by them, even to passing the collection box. Rev. Mrs. Jno. Handsakcr r . . . . icrrj.- Aicsgi apparently inrcw me car into reverse instead of for ward and it leaped back, crossed tho guard chain and somersault ed into the water. Mr. and Mrs. Alax and Mcsgi camo clear of tho car and were rescued through the heroic efforts of Benj. liurtull with tho assistance of others. Bodies of two of the children wcro recovered two hours later by City Qrappler Brady. The third body was found the follow ing morning by Brady. Tho for ry did not leave the slip after the accident. The bargo Joseph II. Thatcher helped raino tho auto mobile and tho ilrcmeu of Engine company 32, tho St. Johns police, the ferry s crew and Patrolman Ahern of tho harbor patrol par ticipatcd in the search'' for the bodies. The Alax family had five children. Stella 12, and John 11, had stayed at homo with their grandmother. Frank 9, who was drowned witli the oth ers, had lost his leg last year un dcr a switch cngino at tho foot of Itusscll strcot. Alax is an cm ployo in the Albcrs llouring mills. The occupants of the railway saloon car were startled by the entrance of two masked men, one Jnrgo.tho other small, armed with useful looking revolvers. "Throw up your hands," said tho big out law; "wo'ro going to rob all the gents and kiss all tho gals." "No, pardncr," said tho smaller man, gallantly, "we'll rob the gents, but leave tho ladies alone." "Mind your own business young follow," snapped u woman pas senger of uncertain age; "the big man is robbing tho train, not you I" who took part were Helen Peter son, Frieda Rahn, Anna tluerra, Bernard Murphy, Orpha apd Merle Fundcrburk, Eleanor ink, Lillian Foster, Mary Aiihoury, Marguerite Aiihoury and Alma Markwart. An interesting feat ure to the parents was the dem onstration of what can be taught a child of five in but three weeks. f iMl.t f ti virilitiif it A llliiitim mi. gave a splendid sermon which n!liweml n ,,U(..sti0ns perfectly For Sale Two quart Fruit Jars Cheap, Mrs. Bertha Mont gomcry, Empire 0897. interest of the Exposition and the mayor has accepted the charge. As the opening gun of the cam paign he lias arranged for consist of liO cars, carrying approximate ly 150 persons, representing all the civic orgauiations of the city. The route will tako the I' air boos ters through to tho central and eastern parts of the state, return ing along the Columbia river highway. Included in tho cities to be visited are Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene,' Roscburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland, Klamath Falls, Bend, Princvillc, Pendleton, Echo, Stanficld, Her- niiston, Arlington, Moro, Wasco, Tho Dalles, Moscr, Hood River, and Cascade Locks. Stops will bo made at Crater Lake, the Gorgo hotel and many smaller towns of tin state. Portland will he reach- ed on the return' trip August 28. The state fair board has boon in. vited to join the caravan in tho interest of this year's state fair. Tlie primary purpose of the cara van is to dispell all doubts con cerning the holding of thu.Kxno sition, Mayor Baker said. Re ports from the finance committee show a generous response from Portland capital, insuring abun dant backing for tho enterprise, A I 1 I . .... iiiu mayor declared, tiio cara van will be equipped with a radio outfit and news of progress of the mitoists and tho receptions given them will ho broadcast ov or the state. It also is planned to have an airplane act as advance guard for the caravan. and played and sang a little song from memory. Honiara Murphy sang the "Cookoo Clock," after which Miss Murphy sang a group of German, English and Italian sontrs. enjoyed. She was much pleased with hc number of young people that were there and said it was the largest number she has Keen this summer. Next Sunday Mr. Stadclman will have charge of the morning service and Mr. Gar den will have charge of the even ing service. His talk will be to the young people, and as wo are all young m heart at least, all will be invited. His subject will be, "The Three Rs of Success and Mrs. Louise Bingo of St. Louis, the Three I.s of Failures." Ho is !Mo., is visiting her son, Mr. Geo. making n very careful preparn-1 Binge, at 2JI0I Willamette boule ration for this, and I am sure itivard. Mrs. Lautoino Belt and will be very interesting and trust little daughter, Georgia, of there will be a large number of .Wood River, 111., are also guests young people present. "Blessed at Mr. Binges, Mrs. Belt being are the Happiness Makers: bless-1 his nciee. ed are they who know how to shine on one's gloom with their cheer. Henry Ward Beeeher. Y. W. C. A. Note Mra. J. M. Shaw left Tuesday morning with sixteen girls for Rock Creek camp. Most of the girls will camp for one week, but Mrs. Shaw will have charge of camp for month of August. Any girl wishing to go Tuesday, Aug. 8th, please call Mrs. F. A. Robert son, Kmp. 1440, before that time. The truck will leave Y. W. C.A. building at 8:!!0 a.m. on Tuesday. Thursday evening, July 27, the Ladies' Aid of the Community church held an ice cream social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Green, 810 N. Smith avenue. A good time was enjoyed by all. Wednesday afternoon, August 2, the Aid held their business meet ing at the home of the president, Mrs. H. Campbell. 1215 S.lCollouir street. St. Johns 18 Years Ago The Woman's Homo MiKttittiuirv Society of the .Methodist church win hold their regular monthly lilcctinir at the hump of Mim. H. S. Magone, 2181 Willamette boul evard, Friday, Aug. II, beginning at 2 o'clock. The topic for dis cussion will be "Citv Enterprise and Country Cooperation. A special musical program has been provided, alter winch there will ne a stiver lea. Rogers' Sale Saves You Kale Men's, Women's, Youths', Misses and Children's TENNIS SHOES AT COST 85c, 90c, $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 t I PANAMA HATS Mrs. A. II. Schwartz, and child ren, George and Mildred, return ed to St. Johns Snnrinr evening from n visit with Mrs. Sehwartrs parents, Mr and Mrs. Martin iiontigt on their ranch near Scholls. Oregon. ATTENTION Owing to unsettled situation of COAL MINES we advise all coal users to order their coal at once for future delivery. Prices are Low NOW For Full Information Call ST. JOHNS ICE WORKS Phone Empirc.0084 1339 Lombard Street Regular Values $l.G0, $2.G0, 3 f0 95c, $1.50, $2.50 Jazz Bow Knit Tics GOc Men's and Hoy's Leather Hells GOc Dress Hose lGc, 2 Pair 25c Leather Work Cloves or Mitts GOc Silk Hose GOc, 7fic, $1.00 All Starched Collars, 20c, 2 for HGc, II for . GOc Boy's Suspenders 2Gc Arm Hands 10c, lGc, 25c and GOc Men's Suspenders ,15c to 90c Soft Collar Dress Shirts. $1.25 up Men's Handkerchiefs 10c, ft for 25c up Hoy's Dress Caps U5c, 05c Canvas Gloves 15c, 2 Pair 25c ""Men's Dress Cnps 95e,51.25 up Leather Imicc Gloves, Pair 25c Heavy Leather Leggings $1 85 Dress, Work and Men's and Boy's Dross and HIKING PANTS WORK SHIRTS MEN'S SOLID LEATHER jh A C t ii DRESS SHOES $4.95 GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT PRICE R O GE RS THE RAINCOAT MAN SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $3.00 PER YEAR Leave yeur bonds, Jewelry, valuable papers, etc. In our burglar and fireproof vault. The Ideal place for your valuables when you go on your vacation. Peninsula Security Company Choice K St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grice, Manager OfffM, Erpirt 0527 PHONES---Wkt, Empire 0299 208 N. Jersey St. Groceries A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. ! We give 5. & li. Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases ; L. Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers TI I HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jersey Street WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Telephone Empire 1399 H, A. MANNING, Prop. Phone Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand Furniture Store If you can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't got it, I will get it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR PETS, DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, STOVES AND RANGES. Ia fact, anything you wish in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything. 'orst 702 S. Jersey Street PHONE KMPIRK 0860 Beautiful Ferns and Palms Funeral Designs a Specialty St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phoue Col. 918 Repairing Has Dropped I will half sole Shoes at these prices: Men's heavy lialf win fl.2fi Men's light half wles 1.00 Ladies' heavy toll. , 1,00 Ladles' light shoes 75 Hoy's heavy butcu 1.00 Hoys' light solta 75 Girls' boles 75 Patching , 15c up I use the best of leather that money will buy. I have come to stay and believe in living and let you live, C. C. HOPKINS Boot and Shoe Maker 513 Columbia Blvd. Near Filling Station. Phoue Columbia 42 C. R. SEELEY Painter, Paper Hanger and Kalsominer 101 N. Olympia St., Cor. J, Charleston DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jertey Street Dividend No. 2 Another Red Letter Day July 1, 1922 was another Red Letter Day for the owners of our 7 Prior Preference Stock. Checks for thousands of dollars were mailed out by us to our Thrifty Customers and Patrons in payment of the Second Regular Quarterly Dividend on their holdings in this sound and attractive security. Consult our Investment Department at once and get on our Mailing LUt for Hie Neil Dividend on October 1st . This Stock Yields 7.3 Investment Department Portland Railway Light & Power Company Room 6Q5 Electric Bldg. Portland, Oregon "Say ,7 With Ziower." Choice Ferns at Reason able Prices Floral Designs of All Kinds Artistically Arranged SBtetrntt's Grcenhousem 814 and 816 N. Kellogg St. Phone Umpire OI01. Bring in your news items. The following are items of in terest taken from the first issue of the St. Johns Review which be gnu its existence Nov. 11, 1001, J. II. Cromo being publisher. A re view of the first numbers will up pear from time to time: City Olllcinls Mayor, Clins. A Cook; Councilimvi T. J. Mona hnn, Ouy Hcbce, W. II. Hamilton, I has. D. Hughes nnd H. Ii. Hurl- bert: recorder, V. Clark; mar shnl, C. R. Organ. Olllcers St. Johns Improvement League President, Mrs. Ilattlo Hrnseh; vice president, Mrs Hello Smith; secretary. Mrs. L. Johnson ; press correspondent, Mr. Hettie Hlackburu. There were three churches M. Kvangelioal and Seventh Day tiventist. The population was estimated at 1000. There wore eight teachers and one principal of schools. School ing facilities inadequate and it was necessary to alternate a large number of pupils, giving each a half day's time. ( The Portland Woolen Mills just completed and machinery being installed. Among the local business con cerns represented in the Review of that date: West Coast Laun dry, Hlliotfs Pharmacy, W. II. King, really; Ricknor Hros., gen. indsu; Anderson & Allen, bakery I J. Koenier, contractor: A. H. Wilson, jeweler; Mrs. 1 D. Jack son, millinery; Wintllc & W indie, meat market,' KdmondHon Co., plumbing; (leo. W. ('one Lumber Co.; .St. Johns Lumber' Co., A. S. Douglass & .Sons props.; W. J. Peddicord, realty; (I II. Vanllou ten, really; Dr. K, W. Rossiter, Dr. T. T Taggart, Dr. Mary Mac Lachlan; Crook & Walton, con tractors; Goodrich & Goodrich. architects; Smith & Donally, meat market; I). C. Rogers, real estate; Couch & Co., gen. indue; . i). Moo A: bon, painters; IV. tih-son & .Smith, flour and feed; W. A. Kdgcrton, grocer. Mr. .Scott, manauei' of Iliu .St. Johns Water and Light. Co., states that the company propones erecting a larger reservoir next Spring. Wednesday evening the organ iation of tho .St. Johns Commer cial Association was effected. The ollicers elected were II. King, president : R. .Sliemml. viee nresi. dent, and T. J. Mou'iliau, treas. Hid lino three story block, cor- ner Jersey and Hroadwav. is ran. idly nearing completion. The ground floor, consisting of fdiir excellent store rooms, has Itoit lci.sed, and will be occupied nu follows: W. A. I'iderton, tho gro cer; Mr. Muck tho corner with clothing' and furnishing good,lhe middle store on Rroadway by Rhepard & Tufts, real etato,nd the postollice. Mr. Muck will put in a stock of hardware in tiio next Ntore on Droadway (now Philadelphia street). The awmul and third Honrs will be occupied and fitted up in elegant style by the Hotel Rich and conducted by Mrs. Rich of the St. Johns Hotel. The building cost about $7t"00 and will be known as t lib Coch ran liluilc. Kd. L. Stockton has accepted u position in W. II. King's ronl os-' tate ofllce. S. I. Ogden of North St. Johns states that work continues boring r -l ior on nun prospecis aro eiieour- , aging. C. W. Potter, formerly ono of the owners of the Linntou mill, )a building a line residence on his lots in SI. Johns Park. MULTNOMAH Tl I I3AT.H13 Thursday and Friday, Aug. 51-1 ANITA STEWART in "A QIMCSTION OV HONOR" First National. .Saturday, August flh-- DOROTHY DALTON in "TDK CRIMSON CIIAL LUNCH" Paramount. One of her good ones. Sunday and Monday, Aug. (i-7 Paramount presents "The Green Temptation" Featuring Hetty Conipaon, Theo. ICosInf and Hamilton. We believe you will suy thitf was one of the best pictures you've seen. Tuesday and Wednes., Aug, b'-U LLOYD HUGHES In "HO.MKSIM'N FOLKS" First National. A six ruul comedy drama by Tho. II. I lice; a good one, AImi . "Leather Pushers" No. 4. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 10-1. I , HOPE HAMPTON In "STAR Dl'ST" Filial Nh-tioiial. WHEN YOUR NERVES GET ON THE OUTSIDE Uncle Ben Says: "Any healthy in tellect, Nevvy, can see that beauty which was once skin deep, today is only knee high." Health Talks by-DR. II. 0. BROWN, I). C. When your nerves gel on the ooUidu of of your clothe!, as Klbtrt Hubbard tm to say, you arc a nuisance to yourself ami your friends. The victim of a uurvouti breakdown usually complaints of weikuu( In every organ of his body, but the weak ness invariably includes the Moiunch and usually .seems centered there. The chiropractor make his muilysU of the spine and taking u typical cau here Ik what he usually finds, though no two en are exactiy alike. There is nerve prewir on the spinal nerves to liver and kiduuys, to the lungs quite often, and almost always to tho Htomaeh and stomach re gion, affecting what w known as tho solar plexus. Ry ebiroprac tic spinal adjustments these nerves are frowl and tho atlVctcd organs begin to function normal ly. The body is rebuilt , the nei v ousucsH disappears. In tho Midst of a Second Breakdown "When I turned to chiroprac tic I was in the midst' of my sec ond nervous breakdown. I was much reduced in Hcah, despond ent and my digestion was very had. Under tho chiropractic spi nal adjustments Nature began to restoro order. Today I am feol ing fine and heavier than ever be fore. I have great faith in chin practic." Rov. Omor Porter, Williams, Indiana. YOUR IIKALTII CAN'T START before you telephone for an ap pointment and make it today. HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES Of THE FOLLOWING OROANS: urin mm THROAT A ARMi I iwcn AV STOMACH W SPLEEN Y KIDNEYS DOWELS X APPENDIX V BLADDER Splru1cfflumL0h'lRUMS$ The lower nerve underthe magnify ino glass is pinched 0y a misaligned joint, pinched nerves cannot transmit healthful impulses. chiroprac' ticadjustino re moves the pressure, the upper nerve is FREEASNATUREIhTENDS. H. O. BROWN, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Cor. Dwlght and Lombard Sts. Phone Umpire 0278 Hours: t 5 P. M. or by Appointment