VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1922. NUMBER 14 St, Johns Community Club The meeting of (ho St. Johns Community Club nt tho Portland Woolen Mills club rooms Tuesday evening was an interesting and entertaining affair. A. fine din ner was served by the culinary department and thoroughly en joyed. Pleasing music was rcn dercd by tho Club orchestra Lieut. Crane rendered several fine vocal solos, and Miss Lola Mur phy also delighted the audience with a couple of beautifully ren dered vocal selections. Miss Al ma Russell gave a reading that was highly entertaining and re- cited in inimieablo manner. Ham ilton Johnstone of Portland gavo a very interesting talk on Com munity Chest anil community af fairs in general, lie paid high tribute to the local community club and said that other clubs of the city were drawing inspiration from this club. He also took oc casion to tell of the attention St. Johns is attracting in Portland and elsewhere on account of its peculiar adaptabiliy for industri al plants as well as a fine res idential locality. Mr. John stone also gave another reason for having a high regard for St. Johns the fact that he secured his wife here. The minutes of tho previous meeting were read by the secre tary, Mrs. 15. A. Mlew, and duly approved. President Monahan told of the great work accu ... cd for tho club and commtiiiij by II. W. Hoiiliain, who has not yet fully recovered from his re cent illness, and a rising vote of thanks was tendered him in rec ognition of .the same. His ab sence from the club meetings is keenly felt. A letter of appreciation for (lowers presented In tho name of the club was received from Mrs. J. M. Shaw, another active mem ber whose absence at tho elub meetings is a source of much re gret. It was pleasing to all to learn that she had returned homo MACK'S Second hand Furniture Store 117 Philadelphia Street BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED Will Pay Cash for all Used Furniture, Stoves, Etc. Call and lot mo give you a price GENERAL Peninsula Hospital J 312 Trumbull St., cor. Willamette blvd. The Hospital for St. Johns Under New Management Phone Columbia 1-192 jjj Qatton Ranch Qairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City Health Department and the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six months. Phone Col. 321 for orders South PortCoal$12.75 CLEAN, HOLDS FIRE OVER NIGHT BROADWAY 70 Government tests show our Utah and Wyoming Coals excel in heat. Price $14 and $15. Buy Wood Now! Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St. Johns Lumber Co. from the hspital where Bhe hat' undergone nn oporatfon and waa steadily recovering. It was decided to launch n do termined drive for larger mem bership, and the newly appointed chairman of the membership com mittee, Lieut. Crane, made a few remarks m the way of sug gestions tending to reach this do sired result. President Monahan pointed out the desirability of a community house, and a committee consist ing of C. 13. Russell, chairman, J 0. Bailey, Lieut. Crane and C. J Muck was appointed to work out ways and means for the construc tion of such an edifice. The matter of single car street railway service was broached by the president and it was decided that a committee be appointed to take up the matter with tho street car officials. After the meeting adjourned a social time was had. Tho next meeting wil be held in tho Y. W. C. A. build ing two weeks later. Community Ciub Membership Watch (lie hand each week 100 200 aoo too 500 CO 800 ooo 1000 Arc you a member? If not, why not? -Do you licllcvc in boosting for your community? Then join the St. Johns Community Chit). Have exceptional lot of good buys in St. Johns homes. Call at my new office, 211 J-2 S. Jersey street. A. V. Davis. Abraham Lincoln It's a big subject to attempt, with limited space. Mr. Lincoln needs no enconium, I lis life from humble birth to trajxie death, had a pathetic charm dis similar to that of any other distin guished man in history. His tran scendent usefulness, unselfish ser vice to his country form the bases of his high and deserved cxalta tion. "Our children shall behold his fame, The patient, earnest, farseeing man; Sagacious, modest, fearing praise, not blame, New birth of new soil, Tho First American." As Washington was called the Father of his country, so may we hail Lincoln as its Savior. Na ture (lod endowed him with dis tinctive qualities for the perplex ing problems in which was in volved the destiny of his country. Horn into poverty tho most for bidding, spending bis childhood days in eohditions the most ob scure, he early rose to leadership. Nc had hardly reached his "teens' when be gave strong evidence of his rare natural talents, in his eleventh year his mother was stricken with a fatal malady which was afflicting the people of the whole Vegiou. She was bur ied upon a little knoll near their cabin, which spot she had chosen for sepiileher. "Abe," having been taught to write by bis moth er, tho first letter he over at tempted was sent to an itenerant prciudicr whom they had known in Kentucky, beseeching him to come to Indiana to hold religious services over the grave. There be ing no mail service then, the let ter was sent by private baud thru the trackless forest to its destina I You Sh0UldtaK Advan- ROGERS' Clearance Sale shops" M s ... .. 7 . T.T All values xo $.ou gone Men's Work MEN'S DRESS CAPS SHOES $2.95 and $3.15 gg; g& R : Boy's English Dross S H O EE S n 3,1 wo1 and M,x wo1 Slzelltol3'if Sale Price $2.95 UNION SUITS SIzo 1 to 2, Sale Prlco $3.45 fforth $6' SaIe p'Ice . $4.50 Sizo 2i .; to 6, Salo Price $3.75 Worth $3.50, Sale Prlco - $2.75 OVERCOATS $10.50, $12.50, $14.50 Boy's Suits $3.35, $6.50 Boy's Overcoats $4.95 Men's Sport Coats $2.95 Men's Cotton Sweaters ,.95c Fine Assortment Nekties 75c Mon'sWork Shirts 95c up Men's Dress Shirts $1.50 up Men's Wool Socks, 35c, 3 pair.. .$1.00 Men's Fleocoil Nighties 95c Bill Fold Pockctbooks $1.00 Flannel Shirts $1.75 up Rain Hats 50c Shoe Oil 20c, 35c U. S. Army Wool Undershirts or Drawers 75c U. S. Army Officers Dress Shoes, Sale Price $4.95 St. Johns Undertaking Co. . Thomas Grice, Manager Office, Col. 527-PII0NES--Nhjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. i: If Your House is it not reasonable to suppose that a local agent, interested in the community and familiar with local conditions, can give you better adjustment service that an outside agency? Let us go over your insur ance policies to-day and advise you if they are prop erly drawn and give you the maximum coverage. t Peninsula Security Company t tion. Nine months afterwards the preacher came and the obse quies were held in tho presence of about 200 of trappers, hunters and settlers whom "Abe" had summoned. The solemn service which "Abo" had planned and procured undoubtedly made as lasting impression upon the boy as any other event of his whole eventful life. He was conscious of having discharged a sacred duty. It was the first important evidence of Ins devotion to duty nnd from his frequent refcrenco to the event in after life, it is cv ident that no other left a more lasting impression or more effee tually influenced him. Always did lie atribute his success to the influence of; his mother. How well she grounded in him the sterling qualities of honesty and fidelity his life's history demon strates, lie often said, "I re member my mother's prayers; they have followed me all my life" and '.'I owe all to my sainted niothbr." Hvery salient feature of his life seems to have reflected those traits of character which his mother inculcated in him. From his early boyhood to the day of his trngic death no man, not even his bitterest enemy, accused him of dishonesty. When the shot of Wilkes Ilooth, which kill ed the great President, rang out in .Ford's theater it sent a shock around the world, for at that time Mr. Lincoln had become a highly honored and respected world character. In our own country the condi tion of grief beggars description. isevcr neloro nor since in this country has there been such a feeling of solemnity, helplessness and despair over loss of an indis pensable leader. The people of the southern states were awaken ed to the fact that they had lost' in $1 as ANY FELT HAT $3.35 ! " T" m tno Houso Values to $6.50 inusu ruces Dress Raincoats $6.50, $7.50, $9.50, $12.50 Mon's Pants, $2.50, $3.25, $3.50, $3.85 Men's Dress Hoso - 15c, 2 Pair 25c up Men's and Boys' Belts 35c, 3 pair $1 Children's Stockings, Pair - 30c Men's Houso Slippers, 95c, $1.35,$2.35 Men's Dress Suspenders - 50c Men's Leather Puttees - $4.85 "Boar Cat" Logger Shoos - $15.85 Suit Casos - - $1.95 MEN'S SUITS - $14.50 up mm m a. - Rurns To-night men's uartcrs Carpenters Aprons Men's Insoles Rubber Boot Soles Bachelor Buttons, Box their best friend and whilo it is true there were a few who ex ulted over the appalling catastro phe, it is also true that those peo ple were insignificant in number and negligible in influence. When the people had come to realize the enormity of the crime nnd its np palling effect upon tho world and the irreparable loss to his coun try, the pcoplo of tho South who had maligned, hated nnd abused Mr. Lincoln, began sincerely to deprecate nnd to mourn bis loss. They admitted his mngniminity, they realized his honesty, they they honored bis unselfishness, they commended his manly firm ness, they admired bis transcend ent genius, they wondered ntthc tactful and just manner in which he had met and disposed of every sensitive and vital question; they were free to ncknowledge his common sense, nnd were next to unanimous in tho verdict that his cowardly nssassination -wns most unfortunate for the South. Hundreds of incidents could be recounted of his wonderful char acteristics. They would require a largo volume. I can mention but few here. Thnt ho wns the wittiest man in tho world in tho 19th century there is no ques tion, a protest was mndo to Mr. Lincoln by n committee of minis ters against the appointment of chaplain of a hospital who hap pened to be u Univcrsalist minis ter. The President carefully lis tened to the spokesman and then asked, "Gentlemen, what's the matter witli (Ins manT" The spokesman replied that tho can didate was unsound in his theo logical opinions. "Wherein is he unsound t" said the President. I'he spokesman vehonioiitlv camo back, "Why, Mr. President.don't you know that man believes ev erybody is going to be saved; he lenoves that oven tho Hebclsaro -4 $1.85 $1.45 20c, 35c, 50c 65c 20c 20c 10c "Say it wlti blowers" Cut Flowers, Ferns Flowering Pot Plants, Floral Designs. 3$eciett 's Greenhouses 814 and 816 North Killogg Street Phone Col. 401 CALDWELL & SON LEADING HAKBERS The place where good service anil courteous treatuieut prevail, Chtlilreu't hair cutting receive rerlal attention, 109 BURLINGTON STREET St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose ShiuKle Co. Phone Col. 918 DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jerey Street going to bo fuivcdl" "Well, good henv'cnH, it lie enn save the Kebcls, let him bo appointed," rejoined tho President rand ho wns. There hnd arisen n dispute among several young men as to the proportionate lengths of! a man's body and legs; no decision could be reached and it was agreed to submit the question to Abe Liucnln.Whcn seen "Abo" was asked how long n man's l$gs ought to bo. Tho answer was "I don't know, but I suppdso they should bo long enough.) to reach tho ground." A chcrislVcd officer camo to President Lincoln to discuss his grievances. Mr. Lincoln was overwhelmed with important duties and said to tho discharged officer that, "I cnrl't bo bothered with the details 'of such cases; 1 might as well at tempt to bail out the Potomac with a teaspoon. An old Irish woman had waited three days for an interview wr.h tho President. Her son had been sentenced to bo shot that morn ing at headquarters near Wash ington. She told a very plausi ble and pitiful story. Knowing there wasn't a minute to ho lost, a messenger was dispatched post haste with a card upon which was hastily written this message: "If you haven't shot Harney Ha s:cn, don't. A. Lincoln." To describe all his attributes there is but one English word to encom pass them, and that is " Unique. " "Ho was, ho is tho gentlest memo ry of tho world." J. H. Hunting ton. Owaissa Camp Eire Girls en tertained at a costume party Fri day ovcuiiig,Ech. it, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Stearns, lOO.'l S. Decatur. They delightfully sur prised their former guardian, Miss Gretehen Cormany, who has recently returned from Califor nia. The rooms were decortaed in red and white and the time passed quickly with dancing and games. Dainty refreshments were served.Thoso present were: Elizabeth Schultze, Alary Har ney, Ivathriue Uonliani, Helen Mc Millan, Dorothy Editor, Marga ret Wiggins, Eua Pulliu, Marga ret Moss, Helen Webster, tlanico Gould, Mildred Erlokson, Doro thea Pulliu, Edna Kudu and guar dian, Mrs. Gabriel Pulliu. Other guests wero:,Mra. A. M. Stearns Mrs. J. N. Harney, Mra. H. W. Honham and Mr. and Mrs. Hyder Cormany. A 500 card party will be Riven by Neighbors of Woodcraft oil Wednesday evening, February 15th at Ulckner's lull. Three prizes will he given and refreshments served. Admission 'Jfi eeits. Pound Mon's Klng.-HOGHHS. St. Johns Christian CHURCH Oswego and Contra! Bible School 9:45 A. M. Conntfolofl and Sermon 11:00 A, M. C, E, 6:30 P. M. Strion 7:30 P, M, Midweek Service Thursday 8 P. M, DEVOTED T liit pmiimitleR ( the Goipjl T rcttrli prlmllhri Chrlillinllv Tt nttht Jejuni Itfuli 1 To billdiij CtuutUn character. DR. JONES, Minister IctUucc f ho Col. MO Ofntjt Col. 7 A Suit Pressed 35c Why pay more? Why not bring those suits here now and let Joy put them into con dition? You would bo sur prised how much longer clothes wear when we keep them in shape for you. A Suit French Dry Cleaned $1.25 Store No. 4 217 N. Jersey Street 6 Stores MULTNOMAH Tl-IEATKE Thurs. nnd Fridny, Feb. 9 nnd 10 D. W. GrilMh'a "THE LOVE FLOWER" A United Artists Special Saturday, Feb. 11 Shirley Mason in "THE LAMPLIGHTER" Fox Sunday, Feb. 12 TOM MIX in "THE ROAD DEMON" Fox. (Considered his best.) Mon. and Ttics., Feb. 13-M. -Earl Williams in "IT CAN BE DONE" Also "Whito Eaglo No .0" Wednesday, Feb. 15 William Riusoll in "CHEATER REFORMED" Fox Thurs. nnd Fri., Feb. 1(5 nnd 17 ' STRONQHE ART ' ' Tho Biff Wolf-Doff in "THE SILENT CALL" From the Saturday Kveninif Pont story "The Cross Pull." Don't let the youngsters miss (his great doit picture. Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware I'ltone Col. 1)2 207 8. Jemey SI. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Pilled X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Illdg. St. Johns. K. G. Muck A. A. Muck riiouco Col. Vm Phone Col. UN l!t 8KII Mnlu llHi'i 007 l'cMcmlcu Street Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Member of (lie IUiIIiIltm ItxclMiige 8 Davis Barber Shop mid DA Til DOOMS HALL & Dull, Proprietors 108 Philadelphia St. Datlm 35c Office-Col. OJ5 Kwldenre- C..I. 177 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIQT I'tiiiiles extraction of teeth iiiuUr nltri oxide t;ivt '' IVuliuulii IIaiiK IIIiIk. St. Julius, l'urtluuil, Omnon LORENZEN'S CABINET SHOP 418 North Jersey Street Furniture Making and Job Work a Specialty. IUTiiiIsIiIiik and Kc- pairing neatly done, THE TIN HOUSE DYE WORKS Suits Pressed 50e Best work in the city. No Charge for Calling for and Delivering. Phone Columbia 1289 PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT & REALTf CO H. HENDERSON, Managor 402 N, Jary Stract Abstract of Title Prewired Titles HxHIIlilltHl l'lioue Columbia 2C5 PORTRAIT of yourself or any member ol your iamily FREE Call at the address below for par ticulars, sample on exhibition at Philadelphia Shoe Shop CAUL, JVHNKK, Prop. 301 N. Jersey Street. PENINSULA WASHERY 1032 N. Syracuse St. Patronize Your Local Laundry Html I'lntsh Work a Scialty family Worthing Solicited Humlles Called for and Delivered Satisfaction Guaranteed I ho no Cohinl)tn 1AG7 St. Joluu, Oregoil Phone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS Chimney Drlck, Cesspool Drick. also Contracts taken for QiKglug Cesspools, digger, John Morgtiu. 502 N. Hdiion Street