St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 22, 1911, Image 3

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50l"03 JERSEY ST.
St, Johns
All sizes made at
reasonable prices
You Must Have Some Of These Goods This Fall
Get them of Us on Easy Terms, and at a Smaller Price
There's a Reason
Emmerich Pillows, Comforts,
and Blankets
that will wear well and
look well
63c to $2 per yard
that is cool, clean and
22 cents to 35 cents
It will pay you to see our
line and get prices
before you buy.
Ask your neighbors, they
Price - - $9.90 are using our goods
livery Emmerich Feather Pillow
liai attached the
Guarantee Certificate
An Irntirnnec policy Riinrnnteclni; thu
pillow to bo llllcl with feathers which
are thoroughly cured, cleansed, odorlcM,
and purified, fnturci the purchaser
cntlru pillow satisfaction, or money re
$1.25 to $6.50 a pair
63 cents to $2.00
per yard
At the NORTH BANK, the store that gave St. Johns
It I'erttua. 69c
$t Pierces Prescription dye
ft Pinkntns Compound 69c
ft Wine Cnrtlui 69c
$1 Swamp Root 69c
50c Moan's Kidney Pills 3'jc
50c Kodul 35C
$t liordcn's Malted Milk Gyc
50c " " " 3JC
50c Syrup of Figs, California 29c
25c Carters Pills 19c
1 pt. Peroxide 25c
1 pt. Witchazcl 25c
1 pt. Lime Water oc
LKT US fill your prescription. A regis
tered Graduate of tlie Department of
Pharnincy at O. A. C. will fill it with the
purest of Drugs that can he bought.
AVH you a card for our free picture?
If not, ask for one.
Found Watch ;cnll at this ofl'tce.
Watch our windows for low pric
es. McCahe & Corhett.
Furnished light housekeeping
rooms for rent. See owner 20.J
West Chicago street. 3(Hf
I,. M. Oihus and family moved
this week to Vancouver, Wash.,
where thev will make their future
The hard surface fever is taking
mid of some of the ptoerly own
ers, iiaiiimntc ami niiiiiuginu
streets are getting in line for hard
sui face paving.
Mrs. Yoik has been tnken to the
uispital sulTcriug ft out a general
breakdown of her system. Her
many ft lends hope for an early and
omplete recovery.
For Kent Ktitlic room
j t. 11 1
louse, iiliumiauee 01 mm, iiieni
utility yatd, good well and ft tilt
house. St 2 per mouth. Address
box 498 St, Johns, Ore.
I'he Hachclor Club nunouuees Us
September ball for Wednesday
evening, September 27, In the skat-
mr rink, with Weluliurger'K orches
tra furnishing the music.
Samuel Swcngcl is spending n
few days in the hot) yards at Chem
nwa. .Mis. joe nine nun MMer,
Mis Kiln Peterson, have also been
spending Severn! days there.
Local News.
Prunes for Sale Main 1306,
South Decatur.
Mrs. Julia M. Parker I
n few days at Hillsboro.
For Insurance see F.W. Valentine1
Agents for Shcrwiii'Willinuis
paints. McCnbu & Corhett,
Cleaning nud pressing at reason
able prices. Clark Furniture Co.
.Furniture just as good as new, at
half price. Clark's Furniture Store.
Mr. nud Mrs. Gnynon and family
are among the hop pickers at Independence.
Subscribe for
ovaulng paper on
Ed Stockton.
thu Telegram host
thu const. Boo
Assistant City Recorder Myrtle
Hrodnbl has returned from her vn
cntlon, which she spent nt Seaside.
Mrs, Paschal Hill has been
spending the past couple of weeks
at I.otig Beach, in company with
her sou Herbert.
Joseph Black, one of Portland's
fittest and most incorruptible po
licemen, is enjoying 0 two weeks'
vacation, which he is spending at
his home iu this city.
M. S. Cobb has disposed of his
residence in this place to n Port
land man. He took nu auto
mobile as part payment, which be
has become quite proficient iu hand
ling. o
Geo. I,. Perriue, the socialist
wing of the city council, returned
home Saturday intending to remain
over and attend the meeting of that
toUy Tuesday night, but was called
back by a phone message early
Monday morning
A. A. Scriiusber completed a fine
two-room school house at Barbattou
last week.
Hxtrn copies of the Review may
! be found at the St. Johns Pharma
cy each week.
Next Sunday is Rally day at the
Christian Sunday school and a big
time is anticipated,
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Mrs. J. J. Hurlbert, 727 N.
Ivauhoe; phone Col, 226. itc
"Most of St. Johns' hop-field tour
ists have returned to the city with
little coin of the realm to show for
tlieir soiourn in the land of hops,
Tlie wet weather stayed too long
ami the hop crop was not as abund
ant as in some former years, now
ever, all report a fine time,
w ,
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street. Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals,
Room for Rent Suitable for cou
ple of gentlemen, first floor, furn
ished Including stove. 502 North
Ivauhoe. 45UC
Board and Rooms Nicely furn
ished front and side rooms with
board; centrally located. Inquire
Review omce. 4&p
Viola C. Campbell of No. 910 S.
Decatur street returned from a
pleasant vacation with friends at
Mohawk and F.tigene.
Dan Williamson took the Pendle
ton show in last week, and was more
than pleased with what he saw. He
says it is the finest show on earth
I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
I have used tt with perfect success
writes Mrs.M.I.Basford.Poolesville,
Md. For sale by all dealers,
Johnnie, the nine-year-old son of
Mrs. Anna Berseh, was badly bit
ten by a neighboring dog about the
legs Sunday, requiring medical at
tendance. The little fellow was
playing about his home when the
canine attacked him without any
provocation whatever, it is said.
Mrs. Bersch intends to prosecute
the owner unless the dog is killed
or removed from the neighborhood
The Boss Says,
"Cut prices below cost, this week." So
here goes.
i wine ot warmu 190 ,250 iNyars Hye Water , 14c
50c isyals unimeut 29c ?i Cooper s Discovery 69c
25c Danderlne 17c 50c Nyal's Rectoue Pile Rem. . .29c
$1 Nyals Catarrh Treatment . . 58c , 25c Chamberlain's Tooth Pow . . 14c
50c Nyals Dyspepsia Remedy . .29c i Nyal's Vegetable Prose 19c
25c Foleys Honey nud Tar. . . .17c 50c Palmolive Cream .29c
$1 Pierces Golden Med. Dls.. . .6901 25c Nyal's Tnlcutu Powder. ... 14c
50c Nyals Iig byrup 29c It Wine Cod Liver Oil, Stearns.Ggc
75c Therox 590 60c Walnutta Hair Stain 11c
25c Nyals Liver Pills 14c $1 Herplcide 19c
50c Kings mcovery lonougii, .29c 25c isyals Dyspepsia Tablets
$1 Nyals Rheumatic Remedy . . 58c $1 Paiue's Celery Compound .
25c Pond's hxt. Tooth Powder, 14c soc Hoff's German Liniment.
50c Nyal's Kidney Pills 29c 25c Nyal's Corn Remover. . . .
35c Rocky Mountain Tea 23c $1 Quaker Herbs
Ti isyars Iron Ionic Bitters. . .58c soc Cudahay's Lxtracl Beef. .
75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 59c 25c Nyal's Kas-etn Foot Pow
50c Nyal's Kczema Ointment. , .2901 25c Nyal's White Pine and Tar, 14c
l wes-ca 49c 51 Sal llepatlca 79c
25c Nyal's Headache wafers. . . 14c, $2 Marters Female Pills ... .-f 1.49
Lowney Candy Co.
Columbia Phonograph Co.
Oregon News and Periodical Co.
American Druggists Syndicate
Clover Leaf Catarrh Remedy Co.
Dr. Hess Stock Food Co.
Hobsous Guaranteed Remedies
Adler-i-ka Medicine Co.
Natures Remedy Co.
Dy-O-La Dye Co.
D. D. D. Kczema Remedy
Hem-Roid Pile Remedy Co.
Diamond Dollar Kye Glass Co.
American School Book Co,
Saturday Kveniug Post
Fancy nud Scenic Post Cards
Confections and Sweets of nil Kinds
Perf tunes We make them n study
Stationery and Blank Books
Fountain Pens variety $1 to -f 10
Kye Glasses fit guaranteed
Phonographs Disc and Cylinder
Umbrellas quality and price right
Magazines cc other reading matter
Fishing Tackle
Cigars the drug store kind
Leather Goods
Harmonicas, Instrument Strings
Ingersoll Watches. Alarm Clocks
Safty Razors Four lines
St. Johns Pharmacy
The Store of Bed Rock Prices
A. B. 1 1 It U STOCK
Full Una of Rob.., Catksta, .to., kapt In .lock
Office Phone WcxxJUwn 1S74 ., v.. ...... 0... .... ... -... ..,- .
Kctldcncc I'bone WoodUwn jie UNIVKRSITV PARK, ORRGOy
1'llONli COU'MMA
For Sale Small ntnount of furn
iture cheap. Apply 204 Jersey, it
R. & S. corsets arc the best. You
will find them at the Toggery 75c
to $10 the pair.
Sec Mrs. Hyde and Mrs. Mistier,
508 Thompson street. Ladies
suits, 58,00. .t8p
As usually treated n sprained nu-
kle will disable n man for three or
four weeks, but by npplylug Chum-
erlain s liniment freely as soon as
the iniuty isteceived, and observ
ing the directions with each bottle,
n cure can be effected in from two
to four days, For -s'de by nil deal
F. P. Drinker has been rather
'under the weather" for the tmst
week or so. owing to his digestive
annamttts icfusiiiir to work with
. . . .
its nceuslomcd activity aim vigor.
Wanted Voting girl of good
lareutime. for Unlit work tu small
faniilv. Can attend school if de
sired. Call nt this ofhee or nddress
"K." enre of the St. Johns Review
A bouncing 8 if -pound boy nr
rived nt the home of C. B. Russell,
of the First National Bank, bright
and earlv Tuesday morning, nud
theiiouinl and obliging assistant
cashier is feeling duly proud am
lappy iu coiiKcqttuucc.
Check a cough or cold iu the
tings before it develops n serious
case. JAW.AKIJ uurtiuiuurtu
SYRUP is nu effective ruiuedy for
nil soreness or congestion iu the
tings or air passages. Price 25c
50c and if 1 per bottle. Sold by St
Johns Pharmacy.
A party of Bachelor Boys consist-
iil' of Harrv Fassett, Geo. V
Kiggsjess Collaniore, Kay wrigui,
returned from a pleasant trip at
Seaside. The boys had n cottage
and they had a great time bathing
and enjoyed the sea breezes 1111
Notice The young man who re
ccived a black suit of clothes whicl
he hail pressed at Alberge's tailor
shop Saturday is hereby notified
that lie not the wrong suit, and is
reouestcd to return same at once
and save further trouble and ex
peuse. 1 tp
For bowel complaints iu children
always give Chamberlain's Colic, j
Cholera and Diarrluua remedy and
castor oil. It is certain to elTect a
cure and when reduced with water
and sweetened is pleasant to take,
No'physlciati can prescribe a better
remedy. For sale by all druggists
October 1 has been set finally as
the date for the opening of the
new Southern Pacific line to
Tillamook and adjoining sections
of the coast country. A portion of
the new road is already iu opera
tion but 011 that date trains will be
run from one end of the line to the
other, and the tugular service will
be established.
It looks like Maine
is 'alf and
For Rent S-rooiu furnished
house corner Charleston audOrettli
nm. Inquire of F.W.Vnleutinc. it
M. C. Sonic wishes to announce
that he has taken over the renl c
tutu business of Melnlire & Solitc
with headquarters at 507 North
Jersey, nud offers a line of mro Imr
gnins for those desirous of uiAkinn
teal estnte Investments. Cull in
nud let him show you.
Notice To people who wnut
home on easy terms: I can bulUl
you a house worth from $1000 to
f 1 600 for $50 down and -ft 5 jwr
month, 7 percent Interest. Or nn
high as you want to pay. say f 2500
with 5250 cash, balance on wuuc
terms. For further imrticulnrs see
J F. Gillmore 113'. N. Jcraey. St.
Johns, Or 4f,- 7-"
I " "Tj
Kayser Gloves
R and G Corsets
for Women
Stetson Hats
Pey Hats
for Men
Us Supply Your
Our ladies' and men's furnish
ings have a great reputation for
their reliable quality and moderate
prices and we always try to main
tain this reputation in every arti
cle we sell.
You'll find you can fill your
wants at this store with the great
est satisfaction and economy.
Shoes Shoes Shoes
shoes for
White House
shoes for
Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes
(Guaranteed to Wear)
for Boys and for Girls
Enough Said-
Go SOUTH to 311 S. Jersey St.
Leading Furnishers
This is Hie season of the
year to paint your house.
Wc carry a complete line
of high grade paints, oils,
varnishes and Stains.
Agents for the