St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 14, 1911, Image 2

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Published Eiery Friday
At 117 Wflit Burlington Stroot.
Tun Rkvikw
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mall matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879
Offlelal Hrvrpsptr ef ta OUT of BL Jehns.
Adtirllilnc rates, 11.00 ptr Inch pr month
Subscription prloa $1.00 par year.
To our mind one of the best nets
ever executed by our city fathers
was the adoption of the resolution
presented by Mayor Couch deeming
it nn unfriendly net to the city when
contractors hired Asiatic or South
crn Kuropcan laborers mid failed to
give local labor the preference on
all public work. In Spokane this
method has been in vogue for some
time, with most pleasing results:
Outside Inbor is employed only
when local lubor cannot be secured
and men with families nrc given
the preference. Acts like those do
more toward huildingtip ncity than
any others. When n city shows n
disposition to aid aud succor its lo-
eal laborers it becomes more attrac
tive to the laboring class, and is a
greater inducement for them to en
deavor to secure homes for them
selves in a city where- it is not nec
essary to comtrctc with foreign la
bor. The objection iins been raised
that other cities might adopt the
same method. It is right that they
should. All public work which lo
cal laborers help to pay for should
be done by local laborers whenever
possible, I'cw, indeed, arc the bt.
Johns laborers employed 011 Port-
laud street work. Foreign labor
predominates there a condition we
want to prevent here.
We inadvertently gave the ma
jority vote 011 ntiucxation in last
week's issue as 32. It should have
been 62, of course. Several
complain that n communication last
week mndc it appear that few
projicrly owners voted for annexa
tion. This is nhio erroneous, we be
lieve. It is safe to say that at least
half of those who voted for annex
ation were procrty owners. The
annexation issue is dormant for the
present and should not be agitated
further. Therefore, wc will refuse
to publish any more communica
tions 011 the subject until it hns
!ccu passed upon by the supreme
court. The time for discussion hat:
passed, and 110 good can come of
further continuing it. The men
who voted on the measure knew
why they voted as they did eithei
for or against. .As to their motives
that is their own private business,
is it not? As to the exaggerated
statements, they were made. Wi
made one or two ourselves, but
wc did so unwittingly, we arc
Stories of Success
There li noth
In so rare an
real human con
tent and noth
ing lends rrioro
to It's attain
ment than In
dustry and thrift.
A truly happy,
contented man Is
Jneob Gould
Hchurman, pres
ident of Cornell
University, and
to all young man
anplrlng to rlso
his llfo Is over
a source of kindling Inspiration. At
thirteen ho was a clerk In a country
store, earning thirty dollars a year:
nt eighteen a college student, work
ing evenings as a bookkcijMjri at
thirty-eight preslJent of ono of tho
world's great Institutions of learn
ing. From one hundred and fifty,
dollars, being tho total amount ro
eclved for threo years' work, he had
unveil eighty dollars; n. sum to htm
then almost a fortune Tho habit
of raving, formed early In life, Is
the foundation of many a success.
Open n savings account with this
bank: It will help you to becomo
thrifty. It will fortify you against
misfortune. It gives a feeling of
nccurlty and sntlsfactlon that noth
ing elso can. A dollar will start an
account, tho rest Will ho easy.,
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
I. P. Dkinkkk, Cashier
C. H. Kusskll, Ass't Cashier
011 both sidos. The engineer aud
contractor resented the charge that
they were not acting in good faith,
and the properly owners looked up
on their silence witii suspicion and
mistrust. It Is said that some of
the reports concerning the poor
sewer were circulated by individu
als who had been discharged by
Mr. Seybold for incomjctciicy and
slipshod work. The report has
been circulated that the contractor
has cleared as high as 17,000 on
the Maple street sewer. We have
also heard that if he will clear mote
than $1000 on the job he can con
sider himself lucky, and that he
lost Miotic
sewer, llie great
that very few of our citizens know
anything about a sewer, nud
as the trenches were so deep thai
they did not care to go down and
nvestlgale closely, they relied too
much upon hearsay. Then the ir
regular manner of awarding the
contract offered grounds of discon
tent. Since a partial explanation
has been made aud the con
tractor proves that he is willing to
bank on his work, matters nrc as
suming 11 brighter hue, nud ills-
satisfaction is rapidly abating. Nev
er for an instant have we believed
the property owners were trying to
icy 011 the Hiirliugton street
'1 he great trouble has been
cut to raise money
This Week's Specials
Regular $.1.00 values for . .$2. 40
3 25 " " 1.95
2.50 " " .. 1.50
2.25 " " . 1.35
2.00 " " . 1.20
" .75 " " .45
Quartered Oak Dining Table nud
6 Solid Oak, Genuine feather Scat,
Dining Chairs worth
Regular $40.00 sale price. . $27.50 1
St. Johns Furniture
"Cash or Credit"
Free Bible Lectures
Leading Ladies' and Gents' Furnisher
Better Goods for Less Money
There will be interesting services
each Sunday evening at ltlckncr's
hall, St. Johns, for the next several
weeks. The International Iiiblc
Student's Association has made ar
rangements with Mr. Wm. A. Ha
ker, the well known Iiiblc scholar
Kit i
WM. A.
willing to concede thot other evade payment or throw part of the and lecturer, to conduct a summer
statements were likewise made un
wittingly. The other side had a
chance to refute them if wrong
The die is cast, whether for weal
or for woe, and there is 110 undoing
it. It is wiser to make the best ol
It. If the supreme court decide)"
that the election was legal, nud ill
Diinien upon others. There is 110
chance for this even if the system
had to he relafil: they would have
to pay for it and their share of the
relaying. When they jeopardize
their opportunity ol taking advan
tage of the Bancroft bonding act by
a move to tie up the payment In
JJible course for ndtilts. The object
of these scries of lectures is not to
establish nuy denomination or sect,
but to stimulate Christians and
others to n study of the Iiiblc and
to gain it clearer insight into God's
holy word.
1 he Association has arranged for
befalls the city nfter nniiexntlon has the courts, possibly couiellliig tliem similar lecture courses
been consummated, those who are
responsible for it will feel the blight
most keenly because they will hnvt
none to blame but themselves. On
the other hand, it conditions art
lettered, we can nil rejoice together
With charity to nil nud malice to
ward none, let us then cease hick
criug aud unite forces in making
the best of our lot, whether it shall
be in plain St, Johns, or St. Johns,
to pay casn lor their sewer assess
ment and attorney fees proves Hint
it is a matter ol n good sewer rath
cr than the cost that has guided
their actions, while it is dcplora
hie that the difiictilty has arisen.
yet the ticople in general have
learned more about sewers than
they otherwise might have done in
a lifetime. It is the same in this
particular 011 the paving question.
Most people know the difference
between Westruniite, Hitulithic and
iiassaiu pavement now. A muss
meeting of the citizens interested
in the sewer will pe held in the city
hall tonight to decide definitely
whether or not it snail le taken in
to court,
There Is now n probability that
the vexing sewer question will bt
amicably adjusted nud settled. The
contractor has irceiy tendered u
contract nud bond in the sum of for care nud maintenance
of the sewer for two years, which
looks like a very fair proiiositiou,
since it goes limber than the origi
nal contract called tor. The ma
jority of the council, nfter furthei
investigation, are tinner than ever
iu their conviction that the sewei
is u good one, It has been contend
txi mat ute iiuriiugtou street sewer
sewer is in n worse condition than
the Maple street sewer.yet after sev
cral months' use by a number who
have connected with it, 110 com
plaint has been made that it does
not serve the offices for which it was
intended, If the Maple street sewet
docs as well there will be little cause
to complain. It is reasonable to
presume that I. Seybold, who has
done local contracting for a number
of years, would not attempt to give
us a sewer that might prove n men
ace to thu health of the community.
The stigma to his name would not
be oltset by what he could hope to
realize by placing in a dangerous
icwcr Instead of a good one. Nor
could the engineer or Mr. llrown,
the inspector, afford to jerniit such
t ining, Reputation is ever more
I A I t S - f WK
KirZ'ZZM r...r. l. or Sale House, furniture and
.7.;r.; .' I . , ot oox i so, nil improved; terms to
IT..: , .... "V,.. . W-C. Wnlker, 633 North
:a 1 .1 i7 K Portland bou evard. 36tf
and (Ipntli in tint: rnmtniin It nlirl
they have many friends. It seems
to us that there has been a misun
derstanding all the way through.
We believe if the contractor, en
gluecr and property owners had
gotten together hud reasoned the
thing out, little difficulty would
have been experienced. An expla
nation of the points the proper
ty owners misunderstood nud mis
trusted would have set matters
aright. It was a lack of confidence
For runt- Three unfurnished
rooms with bath, first floor. 20S
So. Jersey street. it
The Williams-Taylor Co. has
purchased the 10c store recently es
tablished by Arthur Withers.
F. II. Hrodahl leaves today for
Glcudale, Washington, havini: ac
cepted n lucrative position iu n box
tactory there.
New fruit nud vegetable market.
Fresh stock everyday. I.ow rent, low
prices. 120 No. Jeisey. 36-400
Nettletou Morsheiui Chesterfield
shoes and oxfords. Snappy nud
up to date. Wear Guaranteed. At
the loggery,
lor Rent Four-room cottage,
corner of Crawford and Charleston
streets. Imiuite Pacific Stove nud
Range Manufacturing Co.
the country nud has enlisted for
these services the best talent pro
curable, bents nre tree and no col
lections arc lifted. The first Ice
ture will be on "Jehovnh, The
Supreme Architect. Iins lie n
Plan ?"
Mr. Baker claims that when
rightly understood the Iiiblc con
tains sufficient internal evidence to
prove it's own inspiration. He
says: "In order to appreciate the
beautv nud harmony of the Scr i
lures it is necessary for us to ob
serve Heaven s first law ot order
and apply texts where they belong.
li we keen iu mind Uod s purpose
In dealing dlllerently with the world
ot mankind in the inherent ages or
dispensations, we have no difficulty
iu harmonizing such apparently
contradictory doctrines as those of
election and Free Grace, In fact,
we can readilv see how the Uible is
consistent with itself from Genesis
to Revelation aud proves that "God
is love."
Written questions 011 bible doc
trine are invited and will be con
sidered during these lectures.
Small Deposits Wanted
Wc encourage them because many large accounts
began in a small way.
The small depositor of today becomes the large
one of the future. More people would be bank depos
itors if they realized how it would help iu building
their credit aud their success.
Opening a checking or savings account here is the
first step towards financial growth.
Start now and follow iu the footsteps of the suc
cessful people who do business at
The Peninsula Bank
Capital and Surplus - $57,000.00
Resources over - - $225,000.00
PRF.I) C. KNAPP, Vice President
STANTON L. DOM It, Assistant Cashier
Phtkk Autzhn, President Portland Mfg. Co., Director of First
National Hank, lloqtilatn, Washington.
M. I. Hot.iiKOOK, Vice President Merchants National Dank.
lf. C. Knati', Secretary Peninsula Lumber Company.
R. T. Pi.att, Piatt Si Plntt Attorneys, Diiector Lumbermen's
National Dank.
J. N, Kdi.i'.skn, Cashier.
During the Inst six mouths n number of factories have discard
cd the use of steam for electric power. They no longer
have to worry over engineers' faults, or the repair bills of the
boiler nud engine room. Coal bills arc eliminated. The blaming
of n poor quality of fuel for luck of power does not now enter in
to their daily troubles. All because our electric power service
has been established it requires little attention. It is efficient,
economical nud sensible. Why not call for one of our experts to
explain its installation iu your plant? It will make n difference
iu your pay roll. Phone or letter will receive prompt attention.
Phone Main 6688, A 6131.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7th and Alder Street
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Phone Columbia 26)
East Burlington Stseet, St. Johns, Oregon
(Dffirialo of jSt. 3Jidiio, (Drryuit
M)or K. C. Couch
Krvoulcr I'raul. A. Met
Ticuicr W. Scull KcIIoki:
AlWtrncy ,, M. Iixm
llniilurer C 1. Andrew
I'liitlcUnA. W. Vincent
CliU-l ol PulU'cK. McKliiury
Pay raltccKobcit Juliutou
V w
We make your dollars go a long
ways. Frame picture given with
each $5 cash order; n $3 rug with u
$25 cash order. Clark's Furniture
For summer dlarrha-a iu children
ulwnys give Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
castor oil and n speedy cure is cer
tain, lor sale by all dealers.
CtHiiiciliurn at Large:
Valentine Clia. limit. on
II. I'laiik llurmau
Cauucilmeu l'irt Ward
A. A. Muck J.W. IUW.
Ctnineilmetl Second Ward
o. i.. rctiiuc r. iiiii
StieeUaiut IVvwa-J. W. Davis, V. W.
Valentine. A. A. Muck
Mctum--!1. Stilt. A. A. Muck. Chaa.
Water ami I.iglit-Chaa. BieJoou. J.W
IUW, . Hill
l'iuaucc--A. A. Muck, J. W. Davit, O. I,
HulMlui; and OroumU O. I.. lVrtiue.
Cuj. Htedeaon, I), frank llomuan
l,l;uor MceiiMf I'. W. Valentine. O. I,
IVniuc. D. I'rank lloruiutr
Health and IVlice D. I'rank Horsiuan.
V. W. Valentine. P. Hill
Delightful Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilcox were
given the surprise of their lives last
1 litirsuny, when Mr. Wilcox s par
ents, Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Wilcox of
Heatrice Nebraska, walked in on
them unannounced. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilcox, Sr. were here on a visit to
their children six years ago and
have not forgotten the delightful
climate they enjoyed so much when
here, hence when the Nebraska
weather sent the thermometer soar
ing above the century mark "J.
W." said: "The West for me" ana
without further ado, the grip was
packed and they were on their way.
Mrs. Wilcox is a sister of Mrs.
Kate Faulkner of St. Johns, whom
she had not seen since they were
children 45 years ago. It is need
less to say the reunion of the sisters
was a joyous oue. r,. !. Wilcox
of Vancouver, is also a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilcox who have planned
a three-mouths' visit with their rel
atives here, but the relatives are
planning to keep them here perma
nently if possible.
In St, Johns for the money.
A 3 room house nud lot 40xH0
feet on graded street for $900, $200
cash, bal. f0 a month.
A fine 1-2 ncre on Thompson
street five blocks from post office,
streets graded and cement side
walks nil paid for 1250: 1-2 cash,
bal, two years.
Where car stops. 113 Jersey St.
Phone Columbia 8i
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, peases.
All these blanks at the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
Dates of Sale:
June 16. 17. 21, 22.28, 29, 30, July I to 6, 19. 20. 26, 27 28;
August 3.4.5, 14 lo 17,21 lo 23,28 to 30. September 1,2.4 lo 7.
St. Paul. Minneapolis, KanaasGty, Omaha, Dululh. Winne.
P 60.00
Chicago and Milwaukee , 7Z50
St. Louis,, 70.00
Denver, Colorado Springs..... 55.00 New York and Philadelphia I08J0
Washington and Daltimore 107.50 Boston, 11000
tY:::n&ti"ti'niu,lt'u ,orM,,,o' ' vy..t.
CLATSOP BEACH on the Pacific, $4.60 round Inn daily. Good all summer with
stopover at A.loria. ASTORIA CENTENNIAL, Astoria, Or. Aug. 10 lo Sept. 9
All summer to Portland and Astoria; with stopovers. Schedules and details on appli.
Wired train service.
W. L Coman, G. F. & f. A.
0. M. CORNELL, Agent.
Mrs. W. T. Harris died at her
home iu this city Saturday, July 8,
at i o'clock a. in. one was agetl
33 years ami leaves a husbaud.
Funeral was held at Ulackburu s
chapel Monday morning at io
o'clock, under the auspices of the
W. R. C. The services were con
ducted by Rev. Saudifer; interment
iu Columbia cemetery. More, ex
tended uotice uext week.
In order to Insure a changa of ad
vertlsement tho copy for such chango
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleas
remember this and save tha printar
A bad taste in the mouth comes
from a disordered stomach, aud
back of that is usually a torpid liv
er: A condition which invites dis
ease. lU'.KlllNl', is the remedy
needed. It corrects the stomach
and makes the liver active and reg
ular. Price soc. Sold by St. Johns
Ior Hale Cheap 2-norse power
gasoline engines, tiew, never been
run. as i nave no use tor mem
I will take any reasonable offer. Call
and see them at 440 Kast Chicago
street. 36tfc
Subscribe for thu St. Johua Review
and keep posted oa the doldfi of
the cttr.
St. Clements Catholic church.
1 Portland boulevard between Burr
and Newton streets. Masses on
, Sundays at 8 aud 10:30 a. m. and
ouuuay evenings sermon aim bene
diction at 8 o'clock.
F. J, Ketteuhofeu, Pastor.
Furnished rooms for rent, includ
ing board. 116 Kellogg street, cor
ner of Chicago. 3435P
Brinr In your Job printing while
you think of 1L Don't wait until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or less.
H. HENDERSON nZJerseySt. :
Real Estate. Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. J
Bring in your printing NOW
Keep your business before the public
advertise in the Review.