St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 22, 1909, Image 1

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To aabacrlto for THIS Piper.
AN Mm mwi what H U nnrt b
oar motto. Coll la and enroll
Of adttrtUlnif la THIS Pipit
and you'll ntrer rttrtt It. Dt
j In t ooco and Imp rlaM at It
Davoted (o (ho laterert of ( Peninsula, tlw Manufacturing Center of the Northwett
VOL. 5
NO. 50
From St. Johns is Being
Gar Shops Will be Built
Near St. Johns
TI10 Puclflc Cor & Foundry Co.,
who woro reported by somo of tho
city papers as having secured n lo
cution for their car bIiopb in Van
couver, have closed u deal with the
Union Moat Company for n trrtct of
land 600 feet wido by 600 feet lone,
lying between tho Oregon Slough
nnd Smith's Lake, and west of tho
Monarch Lumber Company's locu
tion. Tho compnny will commence Im
mediately tho construction of u plant
costing not loss than ISO.OjO, oxclu
she of cost of grounds. It Is their
Intention to Instuu n modern car
building nnd car repairing plant thut
will probably Include when completed
a locomotlvo works. If this latter
plan is carried out, tho Cost will be
conHiuorably moro than theso figures,
Thoy will employ from tho beginning
ItOO to IU0 men to be Increased Inter
as tho works dutolop. At this lo
cation they will have splendid rail
nnd eop water facilities, Plans for
thu bullningH arc to bo 11 duplicate
of tho ones now building at Rich
mond, Cal.. which havo n capacity
of 10 freight cars per day nnd ulght
passenger coaches per month. lloth
tho California pluntnnd this ono will
bo so nrrungod that they cun expand
at n minimum cost nnd without hf
torforlng with contrncts under way.
Tho lortlnnd plant Is to bo com
plotod by March 10.
A number of Portland capitalists
hnvo becomo Interested In tho now
. compuny. . Tho field for tho construc
tion of both passenger nnd freight
cars on this Coast is prucwcully un
limited, und tho now company will
havo lltllo competition hero, tho
statement being ninuo that owing to
tho cheapness of material and sav
ing of freight, cars can bo mudo
hero 20 per cent choaper than thoy
can bo made and sent hero from
tho East. Thoy also huvo assur
ances of business enough to keep
tho plunt In constunt operation from
thu momont of lt completion.
Busy All the Time
H. a. Ogdon, tho orstwhllo St.
Johns real estato man, but now u
typical ranchman with hoadquartors
at Dayton, Ore., has a couple of
apples on oxhlbltlon at Ungera cigar
stand that havo no equal. While not
so largo us somo apples, their quality
would tlcklo an Imperial palate. Noth
lag having horotoforo boon producod
that aro oxuetly similar, In lieu of
a worso namo, they aro ttiiod ''Og
den's Best.' R. W. McKcon and
mother havo Just returned from n
week's visit to Ogden's famous
orchard und soy thai 11. O. is as
busy as a bee In pulling stumps,
wiping tho frost off tho pumpkins,
chasing the worms out of tho apples,
making apple butter, churning butter,
making cldor, milking the cows,
teaching tho young chlckons to walk,
digging spuds, and tho thousand and
one things that go to ntuko up the
life of u uisclple of the slmplo lite.
It would not bo surprising when Mr.
Ogden next honors this city with u
visit that there will bo found growlnj
a yollow wisp of whiskers on his
To Stay in Oregon
James J. HM wUl not extend tho
Oregon Trunk beymd th Oregon
Jr.o but will confine bis operations
la couaectlon with that project to
do eloping this state. Stories to
p effect that the ultimate destina
tion of the Oregon Trunk Is San
Francisco were denied by r. Mil
last week, who said: " the build
ing the line will do will be done In
On gon. There Is plenty of room for
new feeders In the state and the
Blle age which we intend to add to
our system will be contlned to Ore
gon. We have no IntenUon of enter
log California."
Mads J. Madison and Miss Esther
Moo were united In marrlago Oct,
lita by Rev. Nelson of the Congre
gational church. Tho newly wedded
pair have decided not to locate la
gt. John, we understand.
Another Plant Secures
Site Near Swifts
Tho Schwtirzchlld & Sulzberger
company, tl.o Llj Independent puck
ers aro going to uulld a modern pack
Ing plunt on ti J peninsula. Tho com
ptctlon una opening of thu Union
Stockyurds on 1. u peninsula mnkes
necessary .diovnl of tho S. & S.
plunt from South I urtlnnd to n loca
tion near tho stackyards,
ioo j weds ago E. A. Lundburg,
attorney fu tho S. ft S. Co., nnd
l..l-.r iu coming to Portland gonornl
attorney for thu company In Chicago,
look title to tt 20-ucro tract Just
oust of tho south end of the viaduct
leading from tho high ground to tho
Swift plant on Oregon slough. This
tract bus n frontngo on Columbia
slough and also on tho Troutdulo
lino of the O, II. ft N. Co., and It
Ideally locnted us n siio for a pack
ing plant. Its location on tho ulourfh,
tho O. It. ft S. and tiio viaduct loan
ing to the stockyards makes It valu
able from every otundpolnt as n silo
for such a plant as tho 8, ft S. Co.
win no doubt build.
Thu establishment of n packing
plnnt on mo peninsula by the
Schwarzschlld ft Sulzberger people
will havo tho effect of creating an
open livestock market In I'ortlnnd
ur.d w.i uo of Inestlmablo benefit to
stock growers throughout thu stuto
who ship to thu Union Stockyurds.
Come in and See Them
Wb extend u cordial Invitation to
tho public to examine 11 collection
of nuwspupers from tho most re
mote parts of tho world now on ox
hlblt ut our office These papers
wero sent to us by the Clmmborliun
Medlcluo Compuny, l)os Moines, Iowa
manufacturers of Chamberlain's
Cough Ilcmedy, unit ono of tho
I t iu lest udvertlsers not only In this
com try but In foroten ltnds. A
copy of ouch Uauu of every news
paper containing t-olr ndvorttsomonts
Is sent to tho offico of the Chumbur
luln Modlclnu Compuny us n proof of
thr Insertion of tho ndvortlsemont.
Tho packego sent to us Is selected
tit in theso voucher copies. Somo of
the papers boar names of places
whlcn roqulro us to rocall forgotten
geography or refer 10 tho atlaB to
litule. Somo of them aro particular
lv curious as they aro published In
tho vernacular or native languages
which might bo likened to tho care
fully wrltton notes of a shorthand
Building Permits
No. 79 To N. A. Goo to altor and
enlarge dwolltng on Myors street, be
tween Thompson and Hartman, ror
Alex Ittensohn; estimated cost f 150.
No. 80 To inkerman Davis to
erect resluenco on Portland boule
vard betweon Chicago and Johns
streets for W. M. Davis j cost $600!
No. 81 To Charley Moy to erect
dwelling In Roberts Adaltion, North
End cost 300.
No. 83 To V. W. Mason to erect
store building on Fesenden street,
betweon New York and Portland
boulevard for J. Scales; cost $2,600.
No. 83 To J. n. Kerr ft Co. to
,:ect dwelling on Kellogg street be-
tween Chicago and new York for A.
W. Davis cost tt..0.
No. 81 To B. U. Dlckford to-erect
brick ofilce building on Jersey street
between Richmond and Charleston
streets for O. P. Wolcott and Lydla
Wyatt; cost 1000.
No. 85 10 Louie Itoder to erect
dwelling on Kellogg street between
Rt. Johns avenue and Catlln street
for Mrs. Emlle Reder; cost o00.
Ono of the absurd things small
tf.wns do is to license honest occu
pations such as draymen. Such monej
received Is always assessed back to
t'-e citizens, as the workers have to
live. A very slight hunch to the as
stisor that the empty lot Is as valu
able as the used lot alongside will
fcwell the city treasury to better ad
vantage than using up time and
money punishing men for being In
dustrious Ex.
Preach tat gopl ot St Joans.
A Clause is Attached, However. Terminating Same Next April
if a Majority Vote of Our Citizens Favors a "Dry"
Town at an Election to be Held Then
Moro than tho usunl amount of
Intorcst was evinced In Tuosday
nlgh"s meeting of tho city council.
Tho chamber was well filled with
citizens, most of whom wero curious
to lonrn tho nldcrmcn's attitude con
ccrnlnc tho liquor question, lvov. C.
P. Gates, as spokesman of it com
mlttco of flvo sent by the tintl-su-loon
lcaguo to tho council chamber,
requested that no moro licenses bo
granted by council until tho rumpus
stirred up by tho attorney general
(so-culled) hud been sullied nnd thd
legality of the recent decision wub
fully established. While admitting
that it would glvo u monopoly of thu
business to Sam Cochran, ho con
tended thut ono saloon was far
boiler than four. Ah tho result
proved, tho cotincllmeu could not seo
It that way, and the request was dis
regarded. Thu room wus brilliantly lighted by
new arc lights Just placed by tho gun
company as pur thu provisions of
their franchise nnd tho effect pro
duced wus very ugreoublo to all con
Roll call showed all present with
tho mayor presiding, and tho minutes
of tho provlotiB meeting were rend
and approvod.
Petitions for arc llghta at tho
cornors of Uucutur and Louvltt street
and Stownrt and St. Johns uveuuo
wero accepted und ordered placed on
tho long file of uppllcntlons of a like
A romonstrnnco signed by 87 per
cent of tho property owners against
Wants to Locate Here
Tho following communication was
received by tho council lust week.
Mediums, mutrlmonlul conjurors, for
tune tollers nnd kindred fakirs aro
bolng driven from tho city of Port
land und nro Booking nearby locu
tions until tho "storm" abates. Ab
u result St. Johns Is threatened with
a portion of theso undesirables. No
uctlon was taken by council. Tho
communication sponks for Itsolf nnd
Is qulto un Intelligent and edifying
"Am 05 yoars of ago ulono. I
know how lonely old people nro, I
wunt a club whore all good, sober
peoplo can got acquainted. Would
tuko namos under 30 years, as thoy
don't do it horo at present. In caso
thoso papers would carry thu ads,
could I locato in St. Johns? Havo
friends there; havo many friends
horo. Can kIvo good roforonceB. 'lo
be posted I will ask do they allow
readings of any naturo In 8t. JohnsT
PleaBo Inform mo qulto soon nnd
obllgo, v
Mrs. II, C. Wilbur,
116V4 First street, Portland.
To Erect Monument
A movemont has beon started to
eiect at Salem a suitable monument
to tho inoraory of Samuel L. Simp
son, the well known Oregon poet,
who wrote "Doautlful Wlllamotte.'
Mi. Simpson was an alumnus of
Willamette University and It was
thoueht fitting that tho movemont to
procuro the momorlal to tho poet
should havo its start at tho unl-v.-islty
and that the monument
should stand near It, An association
for the purpose has been formeu
among tho alumni of the university.
I. Is Intended to Interest the entire
Northwest In the movement.
Erecting a Store Room
T. Scales, an East St. Johns groc
ery man, Is building a concrete block
store building In Ceuar Park, to be
28x10 feet in dimensions. For tho
present the structure will bo ono
story with a full basement, but an
other will be added in a Bhorttlmo.
Work Is being done by tho day. Thu
tore will be occupied by December
I. Mr. Scales will build a residence
this winter.
Subscribe for ta. JUvlsw. and be
tho Improvement of Crawford strcot
wus read and accepted. This will
obstruct any Improvement of this
street for somo time to coino, and
tho riverside people, will bo coin
polled to continue to ( mount tho hill
sldo as best thoy may.
A report of the local representative
of thu gas company showed that 211,-
fiCO feet of plpo had nlready been
luld 111 tho city. As tho company hin
progressed much moro rnpldly than
tho provisions of their frnuclilsa
cnlicd for, Councilman Johnson mndo
11 motion thut their chock or $5,000
given as a guarantee of good faith
bo returned to them. Upon recom
mendation of their representative tno
matter was held over for one week
In order to gut. an authentic state
ment from tho compuny showing thut
all tho requirements nnd been com
piled with.
Dills to tho amount of wero
On motion of Councilman Cook
tho rqcordur was Instructed to notify
tho viewers on FcsBondon street to
get busy and finish thulr work and
report by next Tucsduy night.
On motion of Councilman A. W.
Davis tho recorder was Instructed to
notify u. E. Knight to mnko ar
rangements for laying a sldcwulk In
front of his property 011 East Hurl
lugton ntrout.
An ordinance defining tho flio
limits In tho city und prohibiting
tho erection or wooden strticlureu
thorolu Was passed. 't '
An amendment to the numborlng
Better Support Needed
It Is strungo how somo business
men fool that thoy nro doing their
whole duty toward their home paper
when thoy havo their numo oiiroi.ed
4s it subscriber. Any patriotic clil
1011 Is wining to do that much fur
tho homo paper. It Is to tho bust
man thut thu uowsliupur mun must
look to keep tho wolf from tho door,
nnd when they full to aid In any
manner outsldo .of subscribing It Is
discouraging to say tho least. It has
beon our purpose throughout not to
tuko advertising from Portland thut
confllctu with locnl mcrchnnts. Wo
havo doctded to' changa this coursj
a little, howovor, and tako any ad
vertising wo can get whoro It doos
not conflict with our ndvcrllsors In
stead of our merchants. Wo ahull
not only advortUo outsldo business
In theso linos, but advocuto patron
izing them until such tltno comoH
when live and public spirited business
men tnko up tho sumo business hero.
Spaco Is all wo havo to sell, and If
It is not In domnnd horo wo shall
havo to offer it to out of town
buyers. Wo mako this sintoment in
order that wo shall not bo Judged In
consistent whon tho Portland nds, ap
pear. Big. Apple Show
Oregon apple growers aro assembl
ing exhibits for tho National Applu
Show at Spokuuo November 1G-20.
Tho stajo will participate to a
greater extent man over before und
some magnificent displays will be
sent. Hood River, tho Roguo River
Vnlloy and tho Willamotto Vnlloy an-
pie-growing districts will make strong
bids for many of the prizes. Car
load lots will bo sent by some ex
hibitors nnd in all departments, Ore
gon's showing will bo a strong ono.
Entrlra cIjihj November 13.
Vacant Houses Scarce
Real estate men claim that tt Is
very difficult theso days to supply
the demand for vacant houses, Ono
dealer tells us that he has from two
to half a dozen applications for
empty dwellings every day, and he is
unable to supply any. When the
fact Is taken Into consiuoratlon that
over lvO now residences havo been
erected during tho past year, our
population must bo growing at an
amazing rate,
ordinance, making Charleston nnd
Jersey tho key directs, passed un
animously. An ordinance nsncsslng tho rest
of improving Portland boulevard,
from KcsBcndcn to Thompson, also
Resolutions appointing viewers on
tho widening and opening up of
of Charleston strcot wero adopted.
Upon motion of Councilman Hitler,
chairman of tho license committee,
council acted us a commlttoa of tho
whoio und met In private conclave In
a downstairs room where a some
what lengthy session wan hold In re
viewing tho ulttmllou nnd declulng
upon some action In regard lo tno
license applications. When this was
concluded they again assembled In
tho council chamber und their ropori
was read. It recommended that throe
additional licenses bo grunted, mak
ing four In nil, with 11 clause at
tached that If thu people at tho elec
tion In April decided by majority
vote that tho town bo dry, till li
censes wero then to terminate. Upoi
motion of Councilman joliuson tho
report wus accepted.
On motion of Councilman A. W.
Uuv:s the street committee wus In
structed to provide wuys und meuiiH
for tho construction of a muowulk
from tho French block to Jersey
street before wet weather Hots In.
The police department was to bo
Instructed by thu recorder to Inves
tigate thu sanitary condition ot thu
city on motion of A. W. Davis,
Death of Marvin Johns
Marvin Jolinu died lit his homo In
ibis city Thursday, Oct. 11th nt -1:30
a. m. Ho was born In Miibiotou,
lowu, 27 years ugo und cumo to Ore
gon In IS'JI mid hns resided In St.
Johns the gruutur pari of tho tlmo
slnco thut date. A lltllo over kuvoii
years ago ho contracted a severe
ease of blood poisoning, ami It wuh
uecesBiiry to umputuiu ouu of his
legs In order to huvo his lire. Ever
since tho operation his health has
been poor und hu full un uusy victim
to typhoid fover, which together with
ucuto Ilrlght's dlsouHo, cutised ills
douth at tho tlmo stnted. Marvin
possessed n bright and cheerful dis
position and made frlonds readily,,
and his early douth Ih sincerely re
gretted. Ho wus a barber by pro
fession nnd wus a skilled workmun
Ills fathor, R. W. JoIiiib, mother and
three brothors survive. Ilurlul took
placo In tho Rosa City cemotory Oc
Iclor 15th.
Big Money in Hops
Hop growers nro having tholr in
iiir.g, with tho prevailing quotutloii
for 1I1-J Oregon crop ut 20 cents per
pO'iiiu. Tho averago prlco last year
wa 7 cents, in 1007 7 cents und In
K'r. Ji cents, Tho lust high priced
year was 1001,-when tho Oregon hop
went to 45 cents uund awuy back In
1882 thoro wore suleu nu high as
H-25 per pound. Iu somo respecta
th murttet this year resembles that
o' 1882. Ught crops all over tho
win Id nro responsible for tho prevail
ing high prices. Tho Oregon crop Is
thu lightest slnco 1800. Tho es.ll.
in-fii ot 70.000 bulos for tho year's
'ylild In this state Is considered
uVoi . right. It Is expected una year
will n.nrk tho first ot a series of
hl?h priced crops. This year, tho
next nud possibly ono or two more,
will mean largo profits to growers.
At'ci that, becauso of hlgli prices
buvlng stimulated production, moro
hops will bo grown than aro neodod
aui' the prlco will drop again.
two young men hold a third up In
Portland last week .as a practical
Joko. Tho victim failed to seo whoro
tho Joko camo iu, and tho two Jokers
aro having an uneasy tlmo of t.
Jokes of this naturo cannot be too
severely condemned. Tho victim
would havo been Justified In shoot
ing thorn down. When ono- plays
with flro ho Is llublo to go his
fingers burnod.
Strongly Advocated
Duslncss men nnd residents of tho
Peninsula hopo to secure tho con
Btructlpn of two miles of track bo
tween Kenton nnd tho South Depot
Iu East St. JuIiub In order to com
ploto another lino down tho Penin
sula. Tho Portland Railway, Light
ft Power Company has completed f to
lino between Kllllngsworth nvciiuo
and Kenton nud enrs nro now Iu op
eration, Tho citizens havo taken up
tho mutter of extending this brunch,
which serves tho north sldo of tho
Ponlnstiln, two miles to n connection
with tho north loop of thu present
St. Johns electric lino.
W, J. Pedalcord, chairman of tho
committee, which has- thu mutter In
hand, was detailed to place before
President Josselyn thu merits of this
cr.rllno extension. Ho has gono over
tho mutter and thu electrlu company
now has It under consideration,
Mr. Pcddlcord calls attention to thu
extension and says: ' Such oxluiillon
will, wo frnnkly believe, not only
greatly coiuriuiitu to tho rapid de
velopment of tho section traversed,
hut will scrvu tu requirements of
tho two depots un route, Mnegley, or
East St. Johns, nud McKunnii Junc
tion, nnd us a further sourcu of rev
oiiuu to tho company, would put tho
laboring class and local business
mun along tho outlru route In touch
with thu rising Industries 011 the Col
umbia waterfront,
"St. Johns and tho Iowcr Penin
sula could thus supply cheap homes
to resident laborers and others whom
work nt nil times will bo Iu demand
In connection with tho grout Indus'
trios springing up thu north or
our city. This short haul, shorter
than from Hi. Johns lo Portland, or
front Portland (o Kenton, will prove
.40 favorable us not lo bo despised,
hut rather to be sought from thu
Iwwer Peninsula. As conditions are
ut present tho laborer from thu
Lower Peninsula must go to theso
Industries und return by way of Pled
mont, nu Inconvenience lo him and
much lessened profit to tho company.
"With tho lltllo gup bulween Ken
ton and tho South Depot bridge
closed by roll, nnd curs running ouch
wuy, hundreds now, und thousands
In thu nour future, along thl" now
routu from St. joIiiib to Kenton,
would find constant employment ut
tho grout Swift plant, tho lurgo Mon
urch mills, tho wooden plpo plant,
soon to bo orected, nnd tho many
othor Industries."
Tho nrgumont for this electric
lino 1b followed out nt considerable
length, calling nttuiitlou to tho lurgu
Investments that huvo been mudo on
tho Lower PonliiBiila. Tho matter
bus been submitted to thu president
of tho Portland Railway, Light ft
Power Company, but ho fur no uctlon
bus boon tukon, tiu committee
does not oxpoct ourly uctlon, but
hopes for tho construction of tho two
miles botwo.n Ronton and tho South
Depot next your, thus providing two
olectrlu railways on tho 1 enlnsulu,
Oregoulau, Very Much Alive
Thu W, C. T. U. of St. Johns la
not dead, but very much allvo. They
hod a good meeting October 10th,
which wus held at tho Congrega
tional church, A good report of tho
statu convention, which wus held In
Hood River tho first week Iu Oc
tober, wub roud by MIsb llrown. Their
next regular business meeting will
bo hold Nov. 15 ot tho .Methodist
church ut 2:30 p. in. Tho mothers'
meeting will be held tho first Moiidaj
In November. Notlco of meeting
placo will bo announced later, Mrs.
Shepard'u tolk on tho tompernnco
cause given ut tho Evangelical
church Oct. 12 was full of good cheer
und encourngomeut. A good collec
tion was taken for Oregon dry iu
1010. Press Correspondent.
' Real CBtuto Is onco moro on tho
move. J. 8. McKlnnoy Informs us
thut ho bus done moro business Iu a
reulty wuy during tho past two
mouths than ho over did In six
months before, tho palmy days of
1001-1007 not excluded.
Promises to Become Im
portant Industry
Tho Pacific Stovo nnd Rnngo Man
ufncturlng Co. aro now busily en
gaged In turning out tholr product iu
n rapid manner. Sixteen skilled
workmen nro now employed, and
1110.-U will bo added right along. All
but ono of tho employes resldo In St.
JoIiiih and spend a greater part of
I holt money hero. Orders nro com
ing In thick nnd fust nnd it will bo
somo tlmo before thu company will
ho nblu to keep up with tho demand.
Thu raw material can bo noctirod
hero as chonply uh In tho East, tnu
greater part of It coming from Eng
land In ocean liners and buiiiu ot It
is used us htillust 011 the way over.
The freight on nn ordinary sized
rtovo in car load lots from tho East
Is Iu the neighborhood of 15.00,
which In llse.f permits of a nlco
irglu In tho way of profit to man
uractururs 011 thu roast. This plant
piomlscH to becomo a loading onu
hero nud St. Johns cnu congratulate
Itself upon securing It.
Fine Entertainers
Tho Clehruted McCnlley enter
tnlnurs nro (uleutud musicians, reuderi
unl violinists, I'ho eiiterlulumeut
(hey glvo Iu of it high ordi r, und up
1k.i!h t'lreetly to all tho finer sensi
tivities or tho peoplu who hiur them.
II Is useless to speuk of CIiuh. Itiloy
McCulloy uh n reader of Jauios Whit-
comb Rlloy's poems. Ono moment
hu convulses tho and lento with
laughter und tho nuxt they mult Iu
tonrs. Who doo not llko to sit and -think
with Jnmes Whltcouiu Riluy
by (ho hour when IiIh poumu aro
road with Hfo und "ginger In 'smj"
"I'nrmor Whlpplo." "My Philosophy,"
"A Now Year's Time ut WillHrds',
"Old Sweetheart ot Mlno," "When
tho Frost Is on tho Pumpkin and
tho Com Is Iu tho tfho k ' "I's
Qwlno to Marry Jim," ' Tiu- Minis
tor's Wife" U liukner's Hall to
morrow ulght, under the auspices ot
tho Evuugulluul church. If you llkit
to seo good oiiturtalumtuU, m this
Judging from tho umount of broad
and pastry thut la dully bolng da.
Ihorcd horo to tho varlouB stores by
Portland parties thoro Is a splondld
field awaiting somo good bokor. Our
luoplc would sooner patroulzo homo
Institutions, thnu out of town con
cerns providod tho quality and prlco
aro similar.
Work for a Orcatcr St. Johns,
bbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbW v,3Lammml
a?"1 Lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml
sbbbbbbB 11