To make room for my own manufactured goods, I will sell during the month of r 1 DECEMBER at astonishingly low prices all Furniture and kindred goods on hand. I Have the Largest, Cleanest and Most Complete Stock to Select From. Mnely per nut of my iitm.U now on hand wan made East, of quarter Hawed Oak and polished In the beautiful shade of golden, flood from the World Known Factories nuU as ISelsou. Hatter, He j wood 15ros., Kctehuni, Rothchild, and others, arc Iik hided In uhovc Kiiie. All good marked In plain figures. I also carry a lino of Stoves, Ranges, and Hoators, which I also am Boiling very reasonably. Also all kinds of House Furnishings. ' ' nim'iinn i vtv rtmiTnn imnnrTT nni rn i nni.Ti'nxTrnn TT iattm POtl TT i TTT7rmr 11 n u3 ifcfcm A. H. Litroman. i3 Htorkini'n Klmulil Come In Oregon. Strong effort will be made to have tlic National Livestock Asso ciation of Annrica hold its next annual convention in Portland, The 0. R. & N. Co lias sent a rep resentative to tl;C convention to go in setsion in Cliirago on December '), lor the purpose of urging ibis mutter, and all the leading com mercial bodies here hiivo empower ed repiesentatives to extend invi tations on their Mialf for the as sociation to hold its convention in Portland in 18!)2. Seneca Smith, president of the Oregon and Columbia Hiver liasin Hoard of Trade, last week forward- ' ed the following invitation on be liulf o! that organization, liopitig to receive a favorable reply: "The Oregiin and Colutiiliia River liasin Hoard of Trade, desires to j extend to your association a cordial t invitation to hold its next annual . .1.:.. ..:. "Portland, Or., in situated at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia river, is the metropolis, and the chief railroad and commer cial center of the great Pacific Northwest. "The rivers which center hero drain a territory cf 2 15,000 square miles in extent, containing almost every variety of soil, scenery and climate, though thero are no ex treme of cold or heat, "This vast territory is probably not excelled in a similar urea, for everything that contributes to the livestock industry in all its branches. . ''Livestock of this territory is now valued at $."0,000,000. The sales of livestock and wool in Ore- The Tailor. gon alone in 1900 brought a total of 113,000,000. This included 20, 000,000 pounds of wool. "'1 he mild and moist climate of Western Oregon makes it an ideal region for dairying industry, and the production of butter and cheese is assuming large proportions. All stockmen should see this country. "You will find in this city ev erything to delight the eye and to please the taste. Ample hotel ac commodations, the most magnifi cent scenery, mountains, rivers and valleys, from the heights within the city limits, including five mountain peak covered with ever lasting snow, and the great Colum bia, estimated to pour a greater volume of water into the Pacific than does the Mississippi into the Gulf. "At our docks you will see load ing and unloading ships from every port of the earth. You will re galed with ubundance d the finest of fruit, and fish from the great Columbia river salmon canneries. A few hours' run by boat dr rail takes you to the surf of the Pa cific or into the heart oi the grand est mountains. "If you can come in the summer you will find the days delightfully cool, a'id you will need a blanket at night; if in winter, two blankets will suHico to keep you warm. "We want you to see this coun try, and know that when you leave, many oi you will come to dwell in it." last Arrived A Fresh Importation of Shirts of all Kinds and Styles. Silk Shirts and Latest Fancies in Negligees and Dress Shirts. We also have a full line of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes of all the .Standard St vies and Makes. For the Holidays We will have on Immense Stock of the Latest Notions, such as are usually carried by a any First Class House.. All kinds of Underwear for Ladies and Gentle-, men in Woolens and Mixed Goods. Boys' Underwear und Sweaters. The Red Front Bazaar, N. A. TYE & BROS., Propfs. Reliable Merchants. Theme at the Union church' Sun day, Dec. 8, at 11 a. m., will be "Saved by the Washing of Regen eration and Renewing of the Holy Spirit." ..At 7:.'i0 p. m. will bo "(i Tilings that the Lord Loves, und 6 Tilings that tne Lord Hates." M. BitAUBUT, Pastor. G. Springer, BUKEDSli Or 2W?, Coach aitd Carrcrgre Jtorjea Young stallions and mares, . also u few young teams for sale. Haystack Blood -Sleek Ranch. Haystack, Oregon.- POIND EXTEH Shaving: Parlors, TICE AUKINS, I'roprlt tor Shaving kaircuttmsr Bhampooinir Baths...ti A fine hutliroom Cevolvd erfcivlly tir tliu use (if Indies. I Evi'rv'lmig up to-ilate anil strictly firalcls.