Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 28, 1901, Image 5

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    ' ' I I il I I ( . Ml
'itiilti.t Arf'-ncy, lii ami ICi .MtiKilutnt.
rhinltf, Sun I' (.meWm, Calll'nlliiil, wllt'l'n t)il.
ti'M.i lur a'lvoi liiinfi uiui be made (ur it.
J)n yuii know that A H l,iimntii
cni'iiiw u Iiiih (if ihiiki'C, cook alovc
at IiciiU'w?
'l'ii'i llmt of next month Hie Jotin
v. ill niiivi- iiitu th nlil pliiitonriii'li
pilleiy near iI.i'OcImkhi luiilpi Jluv
inK Imiitht llm nr'iiiiml iind building
tiifo Mr Ki'klmm,
' Why niy freight on plain pimi wood
v limi yuii cm tin y Din miiiih lit lioiiw?
A II Miitiiiuiii iiiniilifiictiircii hi fiirni-
lureatid jrivca ynit the bein'llt' of 1 1 1 n j
liviylit vliurncit, Jloriiij! Ix'cniiiliet' lie
will Inivo mi liiiinl mi-r W) style of
mckinjc clmir. Hlcpiii uml look ovufi
llm flunk of liirnitiini. .
fH) lie mini.
I will pny $10 for information
m to llm wlicriiilioutfl of llio follow
ii!' (lc-i-rilitd horses: Ono lilit
W.y eiddiiiK, 8;1 10 yearn, and
Ijinnilwl I) on ri;ht hIiucWit. Ono
dark buy Hilinu, 8 yearn,
;did branded JT (combined) oil
l?ft ftillu. They were lost and liwt
Huoti on thn head waters of McKay
crock, Aii(,'iwt 15, 15)01.
tf F. M. I'iiim.ii-h, Sinters, Or.
AHtoumlmg Discovery
From Conpwaville, Mich., come
word of a wnndtirftil diacovory of a
pluaaant Uating liquid that when ud
hcfoiii rntiiiniS ty any om troubled
with t had cough always ensures
guod night's rest. I' will loon cur
tho eotigh loo," write Mrs 8 Himol
buiger, "for tlirco geiiunniorn of our
family hiivo uwd Dr King's New Dip
cowry for Consumption and never
found iu equal for Cough and Colda."
Qt's an unrivaled lile-savor whim ul
for VrKto lung dim-awn. Guaiaii
teed bottle 50o and I U
Trial bottle free at Adamson A
Win nek Co.
TlionkMitlwuK hrlce.
There will be Union Thnkgiving
iicrvicct in the Union church, at 10;;tU
a in, Thunday, Nov 28.
Kev II C Chirk to pronide and read
the ricriptuifl lion.
l'rol Orfon to roid thn President's
and the Governor' proclamations.
Itov M Bmmblct to deliver the ad
dress. ltev U F Harper to offer prayer.
Arrangement will be made (oi
' ja-cial Music, which will be an
nounced later. '
D F. Harper,
M Ilmuiblet,
II C Clark.
Kui a lor halo.
170 acre, about six mile from
Vrineville, all fenced, good hotiae and
burn, 25 acre in cultivation; no ir
rigation needed; land productive; fine
pamurnge. Price end tonus reimonn
' Mo. Address or inquire of A. C.
I'ulmer, Prineville, Or. 4t
For buio.
Valuable property, including one
farm, two house and h in town and
an intoniHt in the Prineville Flouring
Jlilla. For particulars, enquire ol
1). F. Stowart, Prineville, Oregon.
Settle Up.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Htewnrt A Co.
will please call and settle as we do
not iubiud doing any credit business.
9 12 Htkwakt & Co.
Rewaiid. Driven away from
my ranch on Squaw Flat, brown
liorno three years old with roach
mane, branded M on left shoulder,
JR on right Htille. Suitable, re
ward for information of thin ani
mal. A O Trahan, Sinters, Or.
Farm for Sam:. 160 acres in
the famous clover and alfalfa belt
on Squaw creek; 25 acres under
cultivation; interest in tbo Squaw
Creek Ditch with land. Prices anh
terms reasonable. Inquire of or
address, A U Palmer, Prineville, Or.
A new inruioeof ladii and yni fine
funiwunr and nuukwuar at N, A, Tye &
Auk fur price nn barbed wire at 0, 1;
, Orcpe paper 10 cunts a roll at N, A
Tyu & liro.
lllutliiitf piiper free t nil school cliil-.
(lrcn t N. A. Tyu & Urn.
Chiiio tn lieu Jfive iiiiiicx if youVuiit
ImivniiM in mnall iiiiilrinii.
liupt'Kt. Clmrcli acrvlcen at Pritifvillts
(ivory ' imd 4ih Hundnyt in !'h"!i
iiiiinili, at Culver eviiry 3rd Huudny and
nt lluwurd vvtry 1st biiml'iy.
M. llmml.U,
Plenty (if cIiihiI Wik on hand una
fur everybody, bee Bee llin,
IAir line gmraiitni'd jswulry vu ! N.
A, Tj'cA Urn. fluid rni fn;e to all
tiubica imdiir nun year old.
Almiil"ll Wiuiiuk Co., ImVR llm larj;
em and complete line of Furniture
ever hIimwji in l'rineviile.
Adininciii-Wiiiiiiik Cu. have thn luriiiiit
ll'.nr tpn'e of any butliiMM hnuae in
i'riiM'Ville and ill (nil of new giinda,
Kd liarliiu Inn juitt receired a full line
nf bieycle repair trend and wi fix yuur
iild lieel r gnnd at new,
Juat received at Al H, Lipniaii' the
(iii.nt line nf ri'fni'-nit'.iit ever brought to
Prineville, which will be !d at very
reailinble price.
A new lot of ribbon, all color. Bee
line lii vu.
The liee Hive keep on hand froah
fruits and melon iu eaon, tupplie, tablet, pencil, pen,
ink, atationary uf all kind at N. A. Tyt
& liro.
Bcial ala of eaatern made furniture
will be announced in a hurt time by
teri and bill. A. ft. Lippinau,
Plenty of Winter Underwear. Umie
ry for lli Men, Little Men, liig Ladiea,
nid Little Ladiea, Buy ana (iirlv and
ilnn I forget the little Tut at home.
See De Hive.
Adainann-Winnek Co., have reduced
the prise of Furniture fully one half in
(iive ua an offer on our bargain
counter. We have them from our
(aid and end itouk and will let them
go at below coat- N. A. Tye 4 Broil.
If you want bargain, come tn the Der
Hive annex. Price marked iu plain
Hal and cap for the million; any etzr
iinlor or ahape. Alio an advance con
Jigunient of Htetaon hata, Sue liee Hire
Frank Elkim A Co. have received t
large thipnient of Eldorado machine oil
in gallon can, which they are selling al
reatoiiable prices.
a wortqy srjooEsaoa.
"Somethlngr New Under the Sun."
All doctor have tried to cure Catarrh
!V the ue nf powder, acid gaaea, inhal
nr and drugs in paate form. .Their iw
ders dry up the uiucunu membrane caus
ing thriii to crack ihii and bleed. In,
powerful acid uaed in the inhaler have
entirely eaten away the ame irieiiihra.iet
that their maker h;tve aimed tn cure,
wlnlc paaie and oiniinont cannot reach
the diaeaan An old and experienced
rractitioner who ha for many years ipa-'n
a cloaealildy and itiecially ol 0ATA1.RII
ha at Inat perfected a treatment wluuu
lieu falthfllllv used, not nillv rellevea m
once, but peruiaiieuily cure CATAUKB
by reuioyiug the cauau, tiiiing the di
charge and curing all iiillaiiiinalion. It is
the only remedy that actually reache the
afflicted pari. Thia wunderful remedy
it known a "SNl'FKLKS, HioGUAU
old at the extremely low price of one
dollar, each packaire coiiiaining internal
and external medicine aulticient for a full
month's treatment, and everything nece
ary tn it perfeot uae.
"SXUFFLFS" it the only penect (JA
TARKH CURE ever made ind i now
recognized a the only tafe and positive
oure for thatannuviiig and diagiuthiij di
eaao. It oim all inflammation quickly
and permanently and i al wonderfully
quick to relieve HAY FEVER ur COLD
in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often leadv
will aave ynu if you no it at nui;o. It it
o ordinary remedy, hut a coinplele treat
no nt which it Buarantecd tn cure CA
TA RRH in any form or taje if uaed ac
cording U the directinim which aconri
pany every package. Don't delay bu'
end for it at once and write full particu
lar as to your condition, and ynu wil
receive special advice from the diacoverci
of this wonderful remedy regarding' yum
cae without coat to you heynnd the re"
nlr nnce of "SNUFFLES " the GUAR
Sent prenaid tn any address in tli
United State or Canada on rieipt ,.
one dollar. A'ret TVpr, f, 4S5 FD
WIN B. OTI KS OfiMP mv nmr
and 2332 Market 8t. Philadelphia " "
Safe . of.
In order to reduce rny stock
bnforo moving I will sell all
millinery at reduced prices.
A line of fine corscta will be
tlorfd out at cont in order to
iiinke room for lute ar.i vuIh
iu oilier linen.
Will not be iindercold 'n all
li ni:8 of wraps.
LiidioH1 and children's un
derwear and hosiery. In fact
all kinds of Indies' und tliild
rcn's wear.
. nZS. L'SI2 5LAYT0N,
getz mimz
riansjaixl Specifica
tions Drawn. 1 All
kintls of wood work.
;Shop at Harbin's Planing MillJCU
This will eavspu? L-fe.
By iaducing you to ute
Dr, King's few Dscxvsry,
Consumption, Coughs snd Colds.
The only Guaranteed Cure.
NO Cure. NO I'ey. Your Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grip, lnrtuen7A, Afthma, Uroncnitia,
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
Affection ot the Throat and Lungs.
lingular Size SO cenU and $1.00.
(rnnr own flection) to ever? tub
RcriUfj1. On It Iti centi year.
uik : hnulrhnld hmtl : tirtiuii. etc. fcdt
tcribtotUv, ur, en4 for Ult tQuf
ImIv xuit vntd. btna lor lnn.
HtrliH, Kf lift bio, Simple, tlrvtiv
dais, Ecmlnmicitl irnl Absnlutly
I'eriMi-FUtititf l'Aper Pattvrns.
All Jtrviw AStw BNiV'orirtto.'Tsitow
1M 6tki wi Vfng Uu.
Ontf io tnii ij centi rich none liinhrf
AK (or llmm. Kill J (n nciuly every uif
bt4 'own, or bv mm I Irutu
113-115-117 Wr(t Jltt St. SfW tOBX.
A Gallon of PTD8 WY.r.d OIL nlnd
witn 4 tliua ot
rf ymrlnt Mil. Is Fab morv DrrBABr.i thnn
Vvut Wmrs LiADnnd is aiiholittki.v not Poi
sonous. HxyuAR Faint U of tht urn
J'AiNT MATEiUALSaufh m all cootipftlntri
and It ground thick, veky tk jc No tmnbte to
nli, iiy bty cm do It. It Uihe commok Jr.Nsi
orHoiiSBl'AihT. Kafixn-upiunktvuxbtiUM
ator to Obaci, Bi.ibtir, Phil or oa.
If. KAMMAU PA1KTCO., St Louta,Mo,
Sold and guaranteed by
& Kine.
Prineville, Oregon.
-wBAZAR. ffOT j
uka 2 (aUoet of tlia ttbt BUT PAUIT
iu Ui wuuu
4 mm
...ii.a ui n.'.)u!tti.Sli: t
Vb offer for the Ir'i uon of
1001 Several Hundred lieud
of yearling and tv,-o-yc;tr-oid
ruins, TlicfC raioi can, he
m-m nt the Home Kanch on
McKay creek, ten miic north
of J'rii.'cvill'i.'
" We have' hem hrcmling for
many yctm to the ranis of the
leading flocka of the 'wt, there
fore we can snpjdy as good
t-.iock an any from imjiortcd
CVll and examine oor stock
before j.nrt hasing eltwliere.
Prineville, - - - Oregon
- . - . j..- -: a-x.,-.. ....
age Line.
1 1 AIDS BARBER, Prop'r. ; d
i vm
Fttigo leaves PrinevilleS
Mondays and Tliurwlaya,
returning on Wednesdays
atid riaturdayB. Connects
at Paulina with Canyon
City stage. Panuengers
and express carried at
reasonable rates. Ofilce
at ,Temiilcton & Son's
drug store
Subscribe for Journal
(Time Card
and Way Toints
1to Portland, Tuesdays. Thnrsdsys
anil Aaturaaya at 7 a m. Arrive at The
Dalia, game days at 5 p. ni,
Leavn Tho Dalle, Sun'lays, Wednes
day and Friday at 7 a. m. Arrive al
Portland, same days at 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best
fSTThit R-niti! haa the firandoat Scenic At
tradioua ou Karth. J
P02TLAUD-STOalA 20722
Daily Tiound Trip Except Sunday
Time Card
Iave Portland " a. m.
Leave Aitoria. 7 p. iu.
Landing: Foot of Alitor Street.
John 51. Filloon, Apt., JTlie Dalles
A. J. laylor, Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt Vancouver.
Pralher & arnes Agt, Hood River
Wolford & Wyers, Agt., W. Salmon
E. V, Crichton, Agt., Portland
4! A
Partans await
oth?r lnvntori.
Caa ou Cis lm-
ft' Tin common mop
WnwU Whil.,.dcla,,oth
'yklr-'ir "y Pttnt your M,u.
V?w e miarantoc aaainit tot
f.i'of (its li,t u. (.r IKTTloW.
i iT Fm m..!M...t. n.,.( n- .1 1- i
I' t .9' -f ; Sintialweri. "fnvcater't
aXVf'nPD 0 Pfl ratt.Httmw,
iiitjf w O t' r ' ' L :.. .ilajtta. S. S.
JjtlN ELLi:!!, I'rvpri'.xf.
f;t!'.-cs l.'five Prineville for and nay jiointit on
JJulidaVrl, M'fcdnt-iidayg and
Fri'Ify.". I'a.enge'rtf car
ried at rensomiliie rat-f . . . .
Ofilce ut Ti-mt.le'.on -; Siii'h
drug store, Prineville, Ore.
Ana unson Pacific
iilllWtUi'v ww'.V-J jiatt 1kt, Denrer, 4:l. n.
Pr.rtlaii.1 Ft. V.orth,Omli,
flpocial KaPtat Cliy, Si.
ttOO a. ". Iiua.caicaioauil
Tia Hrnat-
tliftuu. .
Atluitio 'fait Lake, Denrer, 1:40 a.m.
Kipreu Ft. Worth.Omaba,
:(W p. m. Kana City, St.
VI finas. Looit,Calcsoaaa
inUil iuilL Walla w.'ia Irta- 7:01 a. m.
Fat Mall ton.Hpclcane.Mia.
:W p. m. neapi!i, St. Paul,
T'a Diihr.h. Milaian
aVaane kee,ebictoAEt;ut
iMf.m. All ulllor dtw 1.00 p.m.
labjecl to shange
For Ran Frandwo I
dallavery i da;a j
. 1
DattT Colnmk4a tirar t dftp.m.
Ix.Sunilay Sltaaiar. Ea-HuDday
:0u o. m.
fainrday Te Attorla an Way
KM p. n. Land;oia.
:00a.m. WMaiMtM llvw. 4:80p.m.
la. Sunday Ex. auaday
Orriron Olty, New.
brra, Ralem, Inile-
r.eti(1elu.e at Hay
T:00a.m. Wllliai'tt an Yaan :S0p.m.
Taea., Thnr. hMSixr. I.m.. Hti
aoidSu. I and fri.
Orea City, TlaT
"iii. di Way Laud
ioa. :00a. m. Wltlaixn llnr. SO p.m.
Voea , Ttiur Hon., . wl.
Ail in. Portland to Corral, and Frl.
lit & nay Lau4
inct. Lt. Rlparia Sail Rim. Lr. !w!ton
:a. m. rtally
Daily Rlparla to UiUm t a. in.
W' L Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
Coinxn.'bi Soutliem
SSecllVB U'.Ol i. U.. 3upmber a, ISVi.
North North
bound : Bouoit
South j
Bovul .
a. ml
1:; 9 p.u:0'!H' a.m 5:i:;..n
it:i'7 ii Hi K!o rt kp:f:.Xt v '.' 4.. u rn
a. in!
a di'
-:-4j i' V .'(i0:!i a -n i'.!'.'. :a
iA p.ti)Mfi)..1lr:V; j i iM .tn
:ik:: i-.ti)Mi lu:i" .m l.fp.ia
p.ii; Vain P ';..'... I x
8:44 p i.i ( V'y :J: . l.Ui i..rn
4; 6 tt.iii. d'lrhiift .,i .
4rlu p .it ' '('x .-.
Sill i."vlm''lt:o ! : . ''
D. I. I!
.a mlent.