t Crook County Journal. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Ot the County Clork of Crook County, State- of Oregon, showing the amount nd number of claims allowed by the County Court l said county, for wlmt a!lowod,nniount of warrants drawn, anil amount of wanaiits outstanding mid unpaid, from tho 1st day of April, l'JOl, to the Slat day of Soptiuihyi', 11)01, both inclusive: COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Sfage Urn daily vmm mwmu A-ia swu THURSDAY. NOV. 28, l'JOl, Official directory. STATE OFFICIALS. (Governor T TCEER ON WHAT AUtllNT ALLOWKl) Paupers. Sheriff Clerk ..; Jude . .t, . . , .s, iM'mry.rfS iB F I 1H-NBAK Treasurer C S MOOKK Att. General.... DUN IU.ACKlU.liN w... i.,k .1 II Al'KKii.MAK i... w II I. ).' K11S Treasurer 1 riH'n. . ... . ' - Dairy Fm-l Cm ' W BAILI'.Y j- JOSEPH SIMON Senators ......... I J II MITCHELL fT H TOMJlh l..,t ..nt. Congressmen , Witness fees , . M A MUW'n j C E WOLVF.RTON supreme Judges. . R S BUN ( F A MOORE ASl'T Or 0I-IK Am't Of Ot'TsnNOiSlI 1'lllNI'M'AI. AMI AI.IAHVKII W.U.IIANT.H I'M'.UO INTklUHT J 80W OuW,i,ii,liiiK unpaid County l-'-'0 00 runts on the Slut dy tit Sf pti'iuUu-, WOW llwl. : ti (Ot TO .'lOlHKI Estimated iutcrest acu'utd tliciwui, . V1000 200 IK) 7TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. jnnVe V L Bit A DSH AW IWcuiing Any. .FRANK MEXEFKE COUNTS' OFFICIALS. Joint Senalr. ( R A Emmk Jiini RepresVuve TH MctiBf ( AS RoiiEii' . . J N WILLIAMSON R A Emmkit kkkk Judjte.... Clerk .... Slientf. . . Commissi' mere. I .W 0 Wills J J Smith . . . W C CoXOLKTON D E TeMPLETON Ki'IumI Superintendent 2110 GO : Commissioners (vt 135 w ' Stamps . Mdfl, Courtliouseaiidj.il 83 30' Hi S'j ! WW I Cunst!i nit justice fees 2J 34 ; liomis and briiihus 1070 01 ! J limit fees 5ji m 1 Telephone ami express IWiOo! Mdse and Stationery., ,, , IMKsijt Public pri.it in; M 84 lioard of prisoners , l;Hi 'J5 j Scp bounty warrants SViSOir Assessor MW). Witness and jurors feet justice court 120 mil Court reporter and baiiills 118 ou Miscelianeou Hii 70 Total amount of unpaid County war- Total am't of claims allowed SillSluHT runts (estimated iutmtt added). . .JWill M " 1 II J Healey Treasurer J N PoiNDEXTER Awrnr J D Lafi lt.ette Scli.ml Supt Wm Boeuli Rurvevor C A Chaves Coroner .Wm H Brook Stock Inspector Jon Hinkle Justice. . . , Constable. .W RMcFarlaxd Eu Geuow MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. M.or 1...LNLkvoi f Will Wcrzwkilek F W Wilson j Ed N White . Councilmen j D F Steward A H LiprMAK C M Elkins Red-rder ' H Bku- Traaurur " Marshal w P""115 Society ftfeetinys. RTVF.VILLE LODGE. NO. 76, A V . A. M. Mveu in Msmic Ttin- ..i n Kmrrlic hefnr full moon of each th. T. M. BiittWiK, W. M. M. E. Brisk. Secretary. CAKNATION CHAPTER. NO. 44, 0. E. S.-MeeU SBCond and fourth Thuradav of each month in Masonic Tem ple. Miss Gbck Belknap, W. M. Mr. M. E. Brink, Secretary. CHOCO LODGE, No. 40, t 0. O. F Meets m Odd Fell'iws' llall every secouaaaa iourtu nmuaj M. R. Blocs, N. G. H. P. Bewnap, Secretary. 0" CHOCO LODGE, NO. 101 A. 0. U. W. Meets in Odd Fell"' Hall un the second ud fi.urth Mondays of each month. Dk. E. O. Hyde, M. W. L N. Liggett. Recorder. CNBE AM LODGE, NO. 3i D. of H. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday evening. Mas. Peaul Rowell. Chief of Honor. Miks Ethel J.I'hjett, RocurHer. s PRINEYILLE CAMP. NO. 210, Woodmen of World Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the Hist and third Thursday eveniina of each mnth C. E. McDowell Gmsul Cuuiinander. J. L. McCniioeH, Clirk. JCNIPKK C1RCLK, NO. 37, W0M eu of W .,dcr if t Meets every Friday evening at O'ld Fellows' Hall. Misi Efpa Crooka (iuardiaii Neighbor Miss Iua Ompji. Clerk. LUNA LODGE, NO. ;5 K. P. -Meets iu Odd Fellows' Hall every Wednes day evening All brothers in good stand iiiu invited to attend. W. A. oooth, C. C. . L. McCuiloch K. R. 8. PILOT TENT NO. 93, K. O. T. M. Meets in Odd Fellows' Hall every secimJ and fourth Thursday evenings in each month. P, B. Howard, fi. K. C. J. O. Cros, R. K. PRINEVILLE ASSEMBLY, NO lt;o, U. A.- Meets in Odd Fellos' Hall every first and third Thursday even inj in km.ii month. E. O. Hyde, M. A. Waup.es Prows. Secretary I O0KOUT REBEKAH, NO. 103, L I . O. O. K M Mi Odd Fsllo', Hall every drat and third Saturday even- Mis Grace Bei.ksap, N. 0. LCCERE TEMPLE. NO. 28. RATH hoi Sister -Mts every tirst an" third We.tuwdav nf each month Mux Mary E McDowell, M. E 0 iltsj Errs. Ctoo, M. ot R, and C. Scnii-Annunl Summary Statement Of the Financial Condition of the County of Crook, in the State ot Oregon, oy the 1st day of October, A. D. 1SW1: LlttbllltieH To warrants outntanding and unpaid I'JtOl 70 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon 210 10 Total Liabilities , OMl hO KeNOurves. By funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable in the payment of Co. Warrants f-t:W 44 By estimated nnpaid current Uies applicable to the payment ot Co. Warrants. . . . 7X7 ID SCIIKDIILR. I.rnvc ImnikOj (' p. m. Arrive Prinrvillo, 0 u. in. Louve rriiu'villo 1 p. in. Arrive Slmniko, 1 a. in. 3 First class accommodations for the N traveling public. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. Mamsoii & Winnek Co., Agents. 0. W. Cornctt, rannger. Total Itesources. STATE OF OREGON, Col'STY of Ckook. b: I, J. J. Smith, County Clerk of the County of Crook, Btnta of Oregon, do heieby certify that the foregoing is a true mid correct statement of the mini ber and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of mid County for the six months ending on the 31st day of September, 1001, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and thfi amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon tbo records of my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and the 3eul of the County Couit of said County this 5th day of September, A. D. 1901. (seal) J.J. SMITH, County Clork. Semi-Annual Statement Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of September, l'JOl, A. D: ilONTH April. May June July August Septemiier. An 't Eec'd. ,...im 33 .... 45HCB3 .... 74ii6 4f .... 2K0O79 .... loriSM .... B252 52 Mouth Am't paiii to Tiuuh April 15 May 4580. lit June 74HO 4.1 July .. 2MX)" Aupwt 1053 K3 fceptem.wr J2.'i2 f)2 STATE OF OREGON, County o? Crook. h: I, W.C. Congleton, Sheriff of said County, do hereby certify that the lore- going statement is correct and true. Witness my baud this lnt day of October, 1301, A. D. V. C. CONGLETON, Sheriff of Crook County. Semi-Annual Statement Of the County Treasurer of Crook County, Oregon, for the six months end ne on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1901, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on vihat account paid out: Am'ts Rec'dasd rnox what soubcs school rvso To am't on hand laat reiwrt t 205 Hi " received from Sheriff, Clerk, Taxes and other resources 8180 !K) Total am't School Fund. $MG 54 CKKEHAL FUND To am't on hand from last report....? 11322 23 " received from S.lieriff, Clerk, Taxet and other resources. 24C15 88 Inttitute fund on hand April 1, l'JOl 61 40 " " received tince April 1 41 50 ttoad Fund on hand AprU 1, l'JOl.. 1911 47 ' received ft 54 School Dint 45 on hand April 1 5 10 City ot Prineville on hand April 1. . 21 33 " received D7o40 School Din 12 on hand April 1. 2B " 25 received 102 274 159 01 " 10 on hand April 1 12 00 " 21 " " ...... 3 20 " 21 reneived 115 42 Escheat Fund oa hand April 1 25 35 " " received 17 70 School Dit 1 on hand April 1 140 " 1 received ?52 SO " 32 on hand 10 OS Total General Fund 440254 47 Amolxtm Paid Oct school pcm!) By am't paid out on School Super intendent's Warrants 3 134 40 By bal School Fund on hand 8312 14 Total am't of school fund pd out.$S 1 10 54 eiMllAL PCNO By am't paid out on Co Warrants. . .111701 44 By bal general fund on hand liisy; 07 By am't paid out Inwt fund 2 50 " on hand 100 40 " paid out Koad Fund 301 23 " on hand 2508 78 " paid out Dint 45 610 ' " Prinevill 425 84 " on hand " 180 80 " " Dis 12 102 " " 20 2 74 " " " 2.5 159 01 paid out " 10 12 00 " " "21 WI01 " on hand " 21 22 01 " " Escheat fund 43 OT, " ' Dis 1 354 20 " " " 32 10 0.: " piid nut State Taxes 9012 04 " Interest on State Taxes 52 24 " Bounty Tax 1(1)10 32 Prineville Planing Mill. John B. Shipp, Proprietor. .Manufacturer ami denier in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, shingles, Iruekets, mouldings, turn ing and build sawing, ilouso Finish made to order. Agsut fur Kad)!cr and Utal Cycles 2nd Sundries. Mill opposite Priiuvillo Flour JldL Yard, 2d St., opposite I. O. 0. F. Hull Pri3ville, Oregon. CHAMP SMITH. SBTH'S IrfOM CLKEK. euum Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cifrars. 4 The Celebrated A. B. 0. teer Always on Hand. Two Doom South of First Ntuictml Unnk Proprietors of tlie Priactillo Soda Works. DIT WIT 1 17 (DV iiiiiJij vim Jt. Jf. Xippman. Jfurhiturc and Undertaking... Carpets, Wfatting and Xinolaum, floors, Windows, Slass) !Paints, Oils, XJar, SSuitdiny and Carpet iPaper, Screen 'Doors and Screen Wire. All kinds of Lumber. Remember, S deliver in the city $12.00 Rough jCumlcr, per WOO flooring and Rustic 25. 00 Total am't Ben fund paid out. . .140234 47 STATE OF OREGON, County or Cnooic. bk: I, J. N. Poindexter, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect statement ol the Amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 30th day of September,' A . I). l'JOl. Witness my hand' this 12ili day of November, A. D. 1001. J. N. POINDEXTER, Co. Treasurer. ' By WILL Wl'RZWEILER, Deputy. 1m mm Coast Agency Co. Pacific Coast Agents fur Jewett, Sliol.s Remington and , Oliver Typewriters Expert Repairing. Platens and parts for all machines. Duplicating goods and oflke supplies of every nature. Rubber stamps and seals a specialty. Write us. Long distance phone in the office 2tt 1-2 Stark Sl, opposite Cfcamtcr of Coercc, rortlcud, Oregon.