Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 14, 1901, Image 7

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V Additional I.ACak
wilting Akxiiov, Ii4 ami 01 .Menilianl )',.
eliiiKi, Mn KmnnlnM, California, vlime oii.
IiaiiL (or mlmrtliiliiK o mi he iinule or It,
(j L rMlomon in adding a now roof
tit .tore iiml residence,
Plenty of school hooks on hand now
(or vryHnay, hne Ilea Hive.
Ovlil It I ley came in from lien J luat
weok on n brief businea visit. ,
K K Jlolli CHine down from Price
Inst weuk to attend to business liiul
ti'ra. 1) C Jenkins, of liny creek, paid the
county lent a blief yuainea cull lust
K V Nelson rnine clown from Mau
ry the latter part of lust week after
(! II Poster, of the forest runner,
n business vi.iior from Hi.tors
luat wi-ck.
Krimk Klkln & Co have rejuvonat
! Hob Hniilli' woodsuiv and it now
work flue.
W F Kin Im moved In from tti
.audi anil now o:ciiiin the William.
on residence.
Mr May M Wilaon anil daughter,
M it) Aila, were visitor from Hay
luck week.
John Hitcniore wh A pleasant visi.
tor at thia otllee last week. Mr. Hum-
more if one of the pioneer settler of
tiie iienu country.
Kd Merrill anil laniily wore in from
their ranch in Hiiiiiniit prairie last
Week after supplies.
H A Mfciw-irtcnnie down from Up
r Beaver creek last week foi a briof
rent from the bury caret of life.
C M Klkln ia putting a new roof on
liia blackamith aliop, which will make
it comfortuble when the rain decern!.
Miaa Mar Newman, who haa been i
viailing friends at Ik-ud for some time
past, returned to bur home ill I'oi t liuut week.
lieti Bros have tiie conntruction id
John YVigle's rniduuee well under j
way. It will add materially to the -
uppearance of east Fin street.
Kuildiug operations have bten car-.
rictl on li aueh an enleiit this sum-!
liter thiil building material of ull
kiiuia are gelling very scarce.
Pleniy of Winter Underwear. Hoaie-
ry for llig Men, Lillle Men, Big Ladies, i
mid Little Lidies, llovs ana vJuls, and !
ilou t forget the Utile Tots at home.
Ku Bee Hive,
The pontoilice ha granted nil ex
tension of the distil service liom here
to Bend to three times a week. This
will be t great Ncciiiiimodalioii to the
reaidcnla of that section.
Aotoundmg Disoovory
From Cooperavillc, Mich., cornea
word of a wonderful discovery of a
plciuutnt tasting liipiid that when nwil
More wtiiing by a-iy oin troubled
with a bud cough nlway eimuiea a
good night's ret. It will soon cure
the cough too," writes Mrs 8 Hiiiicl
burger, "for three generution ofnur
family have umk! IJr King's New Dis
covery for Consumption and never
found itaeqnal for Coughsaud Colds."
It's an unrivaled life-saver when used
for deniorate lung disease. Guaran
teed bottles fiOo and 1 ,
Trial bottle free at Adanuon &
Wiunek Co.
ThaiikNglvIng Hervlees.
There will bo Union Thanksgiving
Hervioe in the Union church, nt 10;30
a m, Thursday, Nov 28.
Bcv H C Chirk to preside and rend
the Scripture lesson.
r-rufOrtonto read the President';
nnd the Governor's proclamation.
Kov M Bramblet to ijoliver the ad
dress. Bev B F Harper to offer prayer.
Arrangement will be made for
Special Musin, which will be mi-
. , .
l.ounceu niior. 1
B F Harper,
M Bnimblet,
J . . , HCClmk. ,
j r,,iiio1 Book Dopurthient. ftUw
n now iiitiuoo 01 muiir. mm jfifi una
footwear and neckwear at N. A. 'f y &
Ask fur prion on barbed wire at C, L
Crepe paper 10 cent a roll at N. A
Tya ib Pro,'
iilottllitf puper free to all school chil-.
dmi at N, A. Tye A Bro.
Cnma to line Hive annex if you want
bargain in mull sundries.
llaptist Church services at Prineville
every 2nd and 4lli rJuudays in each
ni'iiith, at Culver every 3rd Sunday and
at Howard every lat Sunday,
M. IJraniblt-t. -
Do yo-j want a jrood unit of clothe
made to order. We are sgont for
Sohoenbriin 4 Co, of Chicago, Fit
giiitrnnUMxI. Bee Dee Hive.
For fine guaranteed jewelry iro to N.
A. TyeABrn, Gold ring free to all
babie nnder "in yir old.
AiUmaun Whines' Co,, have (he Inri
eat and must oomplete line of Furniture
ever shown in I'rineville.
Advanced line of French, Gorman
and English Crockery. These goods
I are very selecle See Dee Hive.
Adamin-Winnek Co., hare the largest
floor apace of any business houae io
Prineville and ita fuil of new goods.
Ed Harbin haa juat received a foil line
of bicycle repair goods and will tlx your
old wheel c good aa new. - '
Just received at A: H. Lipman'i the
finest line of refrigerator ever brought to
Unnjei nich jt be e!d at very
reasonable price.
A new lot of ribbon, all colors.
Hue hive.
The Dee Hire keep on hand fresh
fruit and melons in season.
Kchool supplies, tablets, pencils, pfin,
ink, stationary of ail kinds at N. A. Tye
A Uro. '
Special sale of eaatern made famiture
will be announced in a abort time by
V1" "d bill- A- H- Lippman,
Adamson-Winnek Co., hare reduced
the price of Furniture fully one half in
I'rineville. . .
Give us an nflcr on our bargain
counter. We have them from our
odd and end stock and will let them
go at below cost- N. A. Tye it Bros,
If you want bari;aina, come to the Bee
Hive annex. I'ticee marked in plain
Frank Elkina & Co. have re.-eived a
Urge shipment of E.dorado machine oil
in gallon oans, which they are Belling at
reaaoiiable pricea,
d for e miin. , I1M
color or sliie. Alio an advance con
signment of titetson hats. See Bee Hive
Farm Air Kale,
ncrea, about six mile from
I'rineville, nil fenced, good house unci
burn, 2i acre in cultivation; no ir
rigation needed; lund productive; line
piintuiiigft. Price and terms reasona
ble. Address or inquire of A. C.
Palmer, Priueville, Or. 4t
l'or Kule.
Ynlunble property, including one
farm, two houses and lots 411 town and
an interest in the I'rineville Flouring
Mills. For particulars, e 11411 ire of
U. F. Stewart, I'rineville, Oregou.
Settle Up.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to t he firm of Stewart fc Co.
will please call and settle 11s we do
not intend doing any credit business.
9 12 Stewaut & Co.
Rewarb. Driven away from
my ranch on Squaw Flat, brown
horse three years old with roach
mane, branded M on left choulder,
JR on right stifle. Suitable re-
ward f0r information of this nni-
mai x U Trahan, Sisters, Or.
Fanm fou Sale. HiO acres in
the famous clover and alfalfa belt
, on Squaw creek; 25 acres under
: cultivation; interest in the Squaw
! Creek Ditch with land. Prices anh
'terms reasonable. Inquire of or
address, A U Palmer, Prineville, Or.
fio iterd
I I will pay 10 for information
I - .
ft to tno wiicrctiumiw ot uic ioilow
ing doHcrihiid liofgoH: One liht
buy folding, ngwl 10 yuan-, und
brandod D on right Khouldcr. One
durk Imy gelding, agd 8 years,
and brandod JT (combinwJ) on
loft Htille. Tlioy wore lout aid lant
Been on the bead water of McKay
creek, Augiwt 15, 1'JOl
tf F. M. Pifii.i,iPH, Bistern, Or.
Those wishing novelties
in fine millinery should go
to Mrs. Slayton'g. Also
Ladies' and Children's
wrapper? of all kinds'
jackets, collaretts, auto
mobile long coals, y skirts,
waists, cUj. Children's
' fine head-gear a specialty.
Prices very reasonable.
Everything New and Up-To-Bate.
PIan3 an ! Specifica
tions Drawn. All
kinds of wood nork,
Shop at Harbin'a Planing M'll
This will save your Life.
By Inducing: you to use
Dr. King's New Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
The only Guaranteed Cure.
NO Cure. NO Pay. Your Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
Affection of the Throat and Lungs.
Regular Size DO cents and $1.00,
Snd roar builnoM direct to Wuhlnn-ton,
mmwom uma, com lew, Dur Hnico,
MfoftMiloMtoV. I. ratmtOflM. rRtlvnUmlB
art tsftsmlsullona miis). Atlr'i f sat dtu uUl pttnt
lutsjcmrad. PS&ilON AL ATTQfTIOIf QIVEM It YLAiB
AOTOALEXfUCKNOE. lUok "How to oWIb PkUqU.1
U., mbI ttm. fiktesti srooart4 Utrovh . O. Hn
molrt ipttiftl aotfc, without cter 1m tka
Uiiilnl MtUr-Slmnh yr-rm, SI. . rw.,wA
A GalUm of PrRB LTNREKD OIL sized
wiu a gauua oi
sulu. gallon, of ti text BUT Pilar
;f yonrjolnt WtL Is Tkn MORI bitubi.I th
Pi ns Whits LtADimd I. absoidtrlv ot Pol
soxons. Havuah Paint I. mtdeot th. bkst 01
Paint hatimials tuch u.llsuud MlntemuL
and it (round thick, vsar thick. Notroublolo
tuli, nr U)r can do It. It It th oohiioh stum
or Houhi Paint, No BITTUpauUaubsaud
at ami outt, and is
HOT to CtAca, BLimxa, PriL or Chit.
jr. BAUM AR PAJKTCO., St. Louis, Xo.
Sold and guaranteed by
Elkins k King.
Prineville, Oregon.
Kn-eclerH of Tin c EreI
Ih'luliia mid ICnmixiiiiilct
AVe offer for the Beacon of
1901 Several Hundred Head
of yearling and two-year-old
nim.' TIicho rams can lie
ecm at tho Home Ranch on
McKay creek, ten mile north
of Prineville.
We have hecn breeding for
many years to the ram of the
leading llockn of the east, there
fore we can atijiply as good
Ktock an any from imported
Call and examine our tock
hefore purchacing elsewhere.
Prineville, - - - Oregon.
Stage line
AliOS BARBER, Prop'r.
ftage leaves Prineville
Mondays and Thursdays, '
. returning on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Connects
at Paulina with Canyon
City stage. Passengers
and express carried at
reasonable rates. Office
at Tenipleton & Son's
drug store...
Subscribe for Journal
Timo Crl
Between Prllanl, The Dalles
and Way l'oiuts.
I-ave Portland, Tuesdays. Thursdays
nnlt Sainnlays at 7 a m. Arrive at Tiie
Dalles, same dvs at 5 p. m.
Lev The Dalle, Sundays, W'ednea
ilays and Fridays at 7 a. in. Arrive at
Portland, same days at 4 p. m.
Monlrt the Very Best
Thl R"nt h th Grandest Soenic At
tntctiuna uu Earth.
Str. "TAH02IA" :
Daily P.inmd Tri Kxcept Sunday
, Time t'anl
Ijfv Portland , ,J m.
Le Antoria 7 p. ni.
Lndln: Foot of Aider 8trut.
John M. Filloon, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. Taylor, Agt., Astoria
f. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
PratherA Barnes Asjt. Hood River
Wolford & Wvers, Agt., W. Salmon
E. W. Crichton. Agt., Portland
"7 Witnn TM1
rMcOonnlck, and
f other millionaire
nnvwitorj kgun Hie ,
rpoor. Si
f "V.'y.y Fortancs awaK
other tnv.ntere.
A proveOKnlt eo aSHCtoa
In common e f
!; Whiky.W.T.fAhrs
r aiay pettnt year liku.
fn9 f.M luri .u A., uh!.- .
.",r:v. a"" .r.v,' i
. AiiiMalinciitL MfnNHtr'f 1
r Hii start " MM in eon rvyu&L i
l A M. m.mmr f (leVIVl V
Stage Line........
!N lllll, Proprietor.
Stages leave Prineville for
(isters and way points on
Mondays, W'edncedays and
Fridays. Passengers car
ried at reasonable rates
Office at Templeton & Son's .
drug store, Prineville, Ore. j
aho union Pacific
Daws l CHEIIULE ,,.
Clilcars Salt Uke, Denver, .:..
Pi.1ii4 FU,
fpell K.n.M Clljr, St.
M a. m. Loul,CblcgoMul
via Nuat- Kui.
Atlantie Salt Uke, Denver, tAD a. a.
Kxpreu Pt. Worth.Omaha,
l0p.a. K.nsa. City. at.
VI. Hunt- Looii.Caicafosnd
lD(tOU Cut.
St Walls Walla Iwls- T:M a. M.
Pat Mall
t:Mtp.m. nearalis,Ht. Paul,
ra Duliilh. Mllw.n-
poliaiw kee,Clucoiliit
iWp.a. All lllnf date. 100 p.m.
subject hi eliaiige
For a.n FrsneLeo
Sail every 6 days.
D.HT tehrniliU Slier 4 TO p.m.
Ji.euaday tkiMn. Ex. buud.r
Mtnrd.y T. Astoria id Way
Hi:0V p. m. lAOdlnst.
:Wa.m. WiltarMtte Wter. 4:Sn.m.
Kx.auuday Ka.BuBd.r
Oregon City, Kew.
bers. Dalain,
rendence A Vl.j
7:00 Am. Vllltsmelle and Tan-
Inn., Thur. kill Blnrs. Mini., Vted.
and Sat. j t ri.
Orffon City, ny.
ion, A Way Laud-
:d0a.m. MlUim.tlt liver. :0p.m.
roe.., Thar u0n., Wed.
and 8.L Portland lo Corral- uid Frl.
lit A Way Luid-
Lt. Riparta insks Rlw. Lv.Iwl.toa
:Sn.. is, niw
JJally Biperl. to Lewitton t a. lit.
W' I. Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
yi-V - . '"I,1 1
11 r a. irr
Coluzn'bla S outworn
Sdecttve 12:01 A. M., Si-po mlr , ljo.
i j
South Sonth North North
bound Bound j Bound
Dally Dally fj"F niir
freight Pue. Pm Fteisn
Arrive Arrive tears Lex.
S4 p.m
to.iF. iis
a, i
I :.-.
1 :10 i
1 :ii i
irRilUint ll:(Ki
:14 p.m
summit lor.'fi
. ni,
:w p.m
a ra:
a. at.'
:l.i ,,
:l p. tn
HI rim i (I--,
V"y i 9:15
u p.m
Jl ti.iii
8: A
n. pi1..
i J p. ni(
M. Ill
80. H. MOIIt.RR. .
utn. il.u-.Ker.
0. J. Il l It Ull.
tfuiwriht Ihli-i (.