I Xocai TJontion Host Popular Teacher. The vote on the most popular teach r up to the present stands a follows: Mis Lilly Read ...W80, Mies Carrie Fee 30- Miw Lilly Knox 15G9. Miss Lulu Luckey 1815 Miss Ada Taylor 150 Warren Brown. 618 John Claypool is again on the streets after a weeks illness. lion A. R. Lyle was up Irom his ranch at Cross keys Saturday. M. H. Bell has finished painting the Union church and has done a good job. Hector McDonald took out about ninety head of cavalry horses last week. fi. S. and J. B. Brown were in from Haystack the first of the week with grain. Mr. T Wide was in from Price the latter part of last week visiting with relatives and friends. A. B. Seales, Emery Seales and Chas. Fowler were in from Haystack Mon day with grain for the mill. R. W. Breese wag down from his ranch on Crooked river last weik and reports things in fine abope up that way. P. G. Milliorn and Alex Hinton were down from Upper Crooked river the first of the week with a bunch of horses. Loren Taylor returned the latter part of last week from an extended business trip to the uorth end of the county. C. J. Cottor was in from Pilot Butte last week and informed our reporter that his son had come to visit him for an indefinite period. Mrs. Lee Caldwell, daughter Dora and Miss Myrtle Jamison arrived home from a visit to Prineville last Tuesday. Burns Herald. . T. N. Balfour and son, I. Q. Taylor and Joseph Street and son were among thosa from File that were registered at the Prineville last Friday. The family of County Clerk Smith 'returned last week from a month's Outing on the Deschutes and now "Richard is himself once more." Married: At the home of the of ficiating clergyman, B F Harper, Ivan Turner and Mine Hattie Gil were united in matrimony September 3. Warren Brown returned last week from a trip to Portland, where he went with the Cox children. He re ports having a very enjoyable time. A. E. Hammond left for Cline Falls Tuesday, to make preparation!) to turn water on a large tract of land owned by his company. Sbaniko Leader. A special dispensation has been grunted thj Artisan lodge at this place and a number of new members will, no doubt, be initiated iu the near future. Hon. J. N. Williamson and family left for The Dalles Tuesday, where Mrs Williamson and daughters will winter, while .1. N. will make a business trip to Portland before returning. Rev. J. A. Morrow, formerly of the Warmxprings Agency, requests us to say that he goes to Vale and vicinity to engage in Home Mission woik for the United Prerbyterian church. . Dean Huston and Stanton Black, were over from Ashaood the first of the week looking after some land mat ters and report things moving along smoothly over that wav at present. Mr and Mrs. Knox Huston return ed from a trip to Eugene last Wednea- dny. They were accompanied' by their non i. Im-ley, who has accepted a position on tho Journal typograph ic! lore. E. Sparks and family returned from their summer outing last week. Hardin and son have got the new brick up to the second story and it begins to assumo the air of a hand some structure. No country under the sun could have any finer weather than we have been blossed with for the past few days. Typical autumn days tuieu with sunshine, cool nights that cause one to reach for an extra blanket. Prof. E. E. Orton arrived from Eu gene last week and has taken hold of the school work in earnest. The fires day of the present term, Mouday, there weie 117 pupils present, which is very good for the beginning of the school. Only two more issues of the Journ al belote the voting contest closes. If you expect your favorite teacher to win the prixe it is time to hustle. We would like to take in twenty new names before the last of the month. A. Hackleman was down from his ranch on Camp creek the first of the week with a lot of cattle which he dis posed of and also a few horses which he is taking to Webfoot. He reports a number of sales of 'cattle in that vicinity this fall. James Fuller had the misfortune to have all the ringers on his. left hand mashed by the 1000 pound hammer of the pile driver while working at the new bridge aero. Trout creek last week. He was brought to town and Dr. Rosenberg amputated bis mangled dingers at the second joint. Sopt. Boegli has sent out to the different school officers throughout the county, a textbook circular, furnished by the state board, which gives all necessary information re garding the new school books; also a synopsis of the courses of study in the public schools, to the teacbert. - Leondor Brothers show bai come and gone. Taken as a whole it was a very fair show, and tbe tumbling was excellent, as was a number of the acts in which scientific training was neces sary. It it a clean show and well worth tbe price of admission. The Prineville hotel was formally opened to the public, nnder the new management, Sunday morning and it has been crowded to its fullest capa city since. As soon as the improve ments are completed it will be one of tlifl best appointed bostelries in tbe interior, Jake Johnson was down from Mill creek Monday and informed our re porter that the grain iu that section of the county was turning ont ex ceptionally well considering, the un usually backward spring. Oats aver age about 35 bushels and wheat about 25 bushels per acre. Mrs. John Ritter died at hei home on McKay creek Monday, She suffered a paralytic stroke last Thursday and never regained con sciousness. A husband and a large family of children survive her, who have the sympathy of the community in their sad affliction. Last week we faijed to report a very pleasant little party at the home of Miss Alice Cary which was given ber by a few of her friends as a farewell party. A! united in wishing her un bound! happinets in her new home. She will be sadlv missed by a large eircle of young people. Isaac Troth is suffering from a severe attack of heart trouble. He has been on the Deschutes for some time for his health, hut had to be brought in from (here Monday as he was getting worse. Lstcr. As we go to press we learn Mr. Troth died Tuesday evening, and Mrs. Troth is seriously ill. J. G. Julian was over from his stock ranch on Squaw flat last week and re ports stock looking well over that wny. Mr. Julian says that, that part part of the county is one of the finest stock range he has seen for a lone O. G. Ci liver, the Cjlver merchant, time. Water is scarce in that coon was in U.n tue first of the try and for that reason if has not week, and reports that J. P. Hahn had i been eaten out. He also reports, begun the erection of a new building : what is something of a freak of nature, to take the place of the one lately that he has cut the second crop of i wheat this year on his farm. f WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON Announce tho arrival of some very choice things in ladies' jackets, nilk and flan nel waists. Eiderdown dressing jackets, rainy day skirts, percale, flannolletto and ,calico wrappers. Our line of French waistinja; flannels and wrapper goods should not be over looked. Wo do not blow about prices being lower than over, but tho following will convince any economical buyer that wo are the leaders of low prices: Ladies' calico wrappers, good line of color $ 75 Eidordown dressing saequca, very lady should have one. . . 1 25 Good grade fast color prints, ' stocks to choose from. 22 yds 1 00 Apron ghinghams In checks and plaids. 16 yds 1 00 Outing flannels in daik and ' light colors. 11 yds.... Men's fine laundried shirt. 1 00 50 Ladies' fast black hose. 3 pah 25 Ladies' heavy fleeced lined vesta, Secial at 85 Children' school handkerchiefs, colored borders, assorted. 2c ' each, 3 for,..., 05 Ladies' black mercerised sateen waist. Regular S3 line for. . 1 50 Pontiuc Scotch plaids, just the ' thing for children' school dress. Special at 20 30 inch white sheeting at 07 jtfeadquarterd for ffloyal Worcester Corsets, mm WURZWELLER & THOMSON EE II Msfjr Jones Lever Binder MADE ONLY BV The Piano Manufacturing; Co. The simplest, strongest, most efficient and lightest running binder built. . It nas the simplest, surest knottcr yet invented holds the world's record for accuracy in bindini. ly 9 'amoU8 kevcr Device increases powor just when us." needed most. Its Patent fly Wheel stores up surplus power and freely pays it out when needed. Built of the finest steel and iron, a triumph of mechan ical perfection, you'll find it just the sort of money-saving implcmcn you need. Coots more to make than others, but it's steeped with hon est value. Drop in and look it ovor. ELKLNS & KING Prineville, Oregon. U State Treasurer Fifth Not 03. State of Oregon, Treasury Department Salem, Kept. 12, l'JOl Notice 1 hereby given that thrre are fuuds in the Treasury with which to re deem all outstanding state warrant! drawn on the state soalp bounty fund and endorsed "Presented and nut paid for went of funds ' prior to January 1, 1901. All such warrants, properly en dowed, will be paid I'pcii presentation at this '.Dice, interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. Chas. 8. Moore, State Treasurer. ' Settle Up. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Stewart & Co. will please call and settle as we do not intend doing any credit business. 9 12 Stewart & Co. jidamson dc Winnok Co, A cosy home helps to make contentment burned down. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha , Ixen by the county court nf Crook county, state of Oregon, duly app ilnt e4 Executrix of the estate and last will and testament of Medford A. Moore, deceased, and all pnrsons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same duly verified to the executrix at the office of M. K. Brink, In Prineville, Oregon, within aix monthi from the date nf toe flr.t judica tion of tliU notice. Dated July 30, 1001. Hahah K. Moork, Executrix of estate of Medford A: Moore, deceased. M. K. brink, Attorney for executrix. Call and examine the new line of Swiss, scrim lacs and chimin portier curtains in the latest designs and colorings; add to theru a nice easy chair or two, a few choice hooks, a piano in the comer, and you have a place tit for the gods. We have tbe all and at Moderate Prices. When yon are sick and feel weak and the cold chills are playing havoo with you, there is nothing that will make you mure comfortable than a Hot Water Bag We ha Rubber qualities. ss a large, fresh stuck of Goods, all kinds and Prescriptions Carefully Ccmponsdci jidamson Winnok Co,