Howard Happening!. , yiwoi ourrfgiilareorrMooiidMik. Stockmen la Uili section ore gathering thoir cattlo and dispos ing of thrtii Id the buyers. Jim Hawkins and fninily will start this week for Union county whore (hoy will him; 11 (1 u few weeks with relatives. Minn Lucy Cox made a flying trip to l'riiit;villo one day last week. Klfjn Parrot will leave this jiiici) Monday for his Jiotno In (ioldeiidule, Wash. liol). Pemaris in on the sick list this week, Therein quite an excitement in ttiiH country over the Cinnabar mines on Lookout mountain. James Mansflcld, of Mitchell, passed through hero one day last week enroute to your city. A. Hughes and wife will start for their 'home in North Carolina in a hhort time. Ham Nelson passed through here last week with a load of fruit, en route to Prineville, where ho ex pects to dispose of it at reunmera- ive figurei. 8tNFi.owKU. Paulina Pointer. Frran our wpilar ormiionaVnt. This fart of the country wag Agreeably surprised on the evening of the first hy a fine ruin. J. W. Koglu will build a new bourn on bin homestead an iood an ha can get the lumber on the ground. L. U. Claypool and family are nt Suplee warm springs for a few days. Wo aro having cold and cloudy weather with strong indications of snow. "Hill" Stewart la hauling lum bcr to finifih hia house. That looks suspicious, Bill. The cattle ride will aoon 1 over and then the cow boys will be lonesome. Some of them will have light purse instead of heavy ones, On the morning of September fifth everybody got up saying, "how nice the fire is this morning." The ice wag only half an inch thick. The threshing machine will be en Beaver creek r.ext week. Amos Barber has bought the stage line from hero to Prineville Amoa has his eye on something, but its all right. Mrs. Elmer Clark passed through here last week on her way to 8u plce, where she will teach a term of school. She is one of the bent teachers in the county. Roseleaf. Post Items. From our regular orraondent. J. II. Kelly and family left for Scio, Tuesday morning, where they go to visit Mrs. Kelly's mother. Henry Beck and family return ed from Newsom creek Saturday after an absence of several weeks, on the the upper Deschutes. J. II. Gray is hauling the lum ber for his now residence which will be begun at once. J. C. Gillcnwater returned Fri day from a week's stay in your jity. Many emigrants are passing through our settlement now. An untimely frost has wilted the rotato tops, cooked the roasting ears nd "done up" the string Itoans in our gardens. E. J. Wakefield spent several duys in Prineville this week. Mrs. J. F. Wilborn and child ren started Tuesday for a visit to Mr?. Wilborn's mother, at Allmnv. 1. .t- r ,.1 li- ;! Hi ti er ', u- main below this winter for the g'rls to attend school. U. C. Jessie and Frank Post re turned Friday from Wheeler coun ty where they bad been to delive some beef cattle. , 3. W. and I. E. Wimor returned Tuesday from a, sojourn on their ranches on Tumahiw creek ritneud Bros, disposed of several horses in Prineville this week. L. 1). (iillenwater left for Wheel er county, Friday morning, where they will visit friends and lay in a supply of fruit for the winter. The suceesnful school marm should provide ye editor with a chicken dinner when tho contest ends., fciJNNY Hol'th. Lava Lore. From onr regular orreoiidimt. Quite a force of men and teams arcat work for tho Oregon Devel opment Company. Tho 0. 1. Company has about suspended work. A. M. White, one o the bosses, has stopped his gang and is seeking other fields of labor. Dave Wilkins and son went to Prineville this week after supplies. Bogiu and son aro hauling their wool to Bhaniko this week. L C, Perry returned from his sheep camp List Sunday and re ports sheep in fine condition. Forest Ranger Foster came down for his mail one evening this week. The rains are putting out the forest fires. Prineville must have enjoyed a rare treat in the show line, judging ing from the crew that passed through here. ""Austin and D.'ck Sherlock, two bright lads from Ireland, are here with their father and aunt, enroute to their home in Pulsley. While they aro amusing others they seem much amused at the ways of this great country. They carao from Cork, Ireland to Prineville in fif teen days. They expect to' kill somo Buffalo in Lake county. Mrs. W. F. King and several others from Prineville together with some of our residents have gone to the huckleberry patch, while it rains, it rains, in rains. ' ByNL'HGHAHS. For Sale. One registered Poland China boar eluhteen months old. Can be seen nt my much 12 miles southeast of Prineville. K. W. Breehk. POINDEXTER- . Shaving Parlors TICE ADKINH, Proprietor Shaving Halrouttjna ' 8hampoo!nsr , Baths....... A fine bftlhroniD devoted especially to the um uf ladies. Everything up-to-date and strictly 6rlclu. To Cniw CoDatitMulon Forernr. Take Caraints Cundv Cathartic. lOo or Bo. UC.0.0. fall to ouro, drtwif au refund money. This Space is Reserved for Ed Harbin's Vew Bicycle Repairing Shop, 5c2!i M wGoods Our Fall Stock will soon be Complete. Something New to Show You in 'r : TJke $ee Jiive. THE PLAGE TO SAVE MONEY. 4. Watch this Space for GRAND OPENING AND - Dry Goods, Furnishings, Shoes, Hals and Clothing. Simpson, Wilson & Co. Stock boarded by day, week or Hmlfrtfl Cli1ac'1 month. Fine saddle horses and HaiillllOU jluDlCS livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine PpIIiV FPA! Rni ville, and we guarantee that yuor aild "vtiUj itwU VQAil patronage will be appreeialed and deserved. I Jftternmif-al-jCam . PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Jft P. SS.lknap. iPhytician and tStrryecit. Office in rear u( Adamion, Winuek Co PRINEVILLE, OREGON . SSrink jfitoratf mni Counselor ml jCam PRISEVILLE, OREGON. PRINEVILLE,. OREGON. Phone No. 2. Residence back of tbe Photograph Gallery. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. JT. Slofnbtrg, ty. V J Aysicimm and Suryoit Calla answered promptly Qay or nixht Off flea with Dr, V. Gamer. ItesUence Redby Hotel. PRINEVILLE. ORKGON jt C. Palmar, jfttrnty-at-aw. tfotary Puttie All businesa promptly and carefully attended to. Collection a specialty. PRINEV1LLR, OREGON V j