Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 12, 1901, Image 3

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    AfMitinnal 1.0Mk I
aertWinr Aifr-ery, 1,4 unit 05 .Merchants K.
rhniwii, Sun Krandiwa, California, wlwr dm
tnu'l (or lvrllnliix mui he made for It.
Ora Parker returned the Utter pitrt
of InKt week (ruin business trip to
Win, Pinse rntiirnml Friday (rom
limine, trip tn Prineville, says the
Antelope Republican. -
I!. V. Nicliulii, of Prineville, visited
his gruiiil (lmiglitur, Mrs. Fred Wal
Iiico, , during tlio week, -Antelope
A i;irty from I'ortlitnd, consisting
of Muhih, Hnit-ad, Thomas mid Mist
fulmii, hhh1 through Hlimiiko Fri
day, cm roiit! Inr the Ilesflliulca, to en
joy tlKMNW'lvui awhilo in fishing Bud
bunting Slianiko Lender.
. M, Cruitf, formerly o( tliii plc,
came in from Dmwefty lint Friday
mid reports everything in g'nid shape
out Hint way. ll hut been opera Uur'
photocell Kallery at th it place, but
in g'iug to Idaho in tlm near future.
Word whs received here Wednesday
afternoon that Donald (Jarrett, the
13-year old son of j. H.Garrett, (if
CVoi Key, was kicked by a )u,rm and I
liU lea bnikfti. Tlio lry wan driving '
. "I
the in.rto Inline, mid c mie (m clo. i
to Ilia hi'i'l-. Dr. llmUm w i Inm-'
i mmii'd liy plmna. Antnlojio Hitrnlil.
Mm. Dr. M.inil'-n will alitrt next
Moiid iy on a two month' trip for the
piiriioi.!) (if i, 'Jn: iy vimtniif a imrt of ... ' . ' . , . ,.
the Oregon Idik'i'e (! tlie (), fc. S.iHytiroa
From lti-rn h.i will go to I'riimville,
I.akiH'ieiviiinl Wliliiml, llioucc extend
ing Ur trip to Wenlerih Oiegoii,
Iferney County Xcwa. '
Pule L'jiirnmnii, who hm been bhick
Minithing in Prinevillo tlm four
yearx, lua accepted a poniihn in the
bUckamith hop at AiliwiH)d, and will
voter n pmi hia iluti.'it in a few dnya.
He it lit present viiiiting in our city,
Mr. Lehriiunn i a li rut -claim me
chanic and everyone that hue work
dune by him will be nutisllod, Antol
ope Republican.
Uaho Mnya Ima bought of Frank K.
Miller, half of hia undivided one-hiilf
interest in the Keyatoue, Priwperity,
Jdid0'i and White Jacket mining
Alui...M lit tl.A 'l'n.iil l'r..l' ,li. ..W.I
J hoie chu iiih are located up near the I
, , I
Jled Jacket proiK-rty, and are con-
:,l,.r.l nwJ i,r.u.tuvi Hnr,.' l,,,i.i., I
n i i - i -
Ilube that ynit'll atrike it rioli. Au-
tclopo llcruld.
"SomotblDK New iudortba Sun."
All dootora have tried to cure Catarrh
bv the uae of powdera, aotil gxaea, inlial
ra and driiKi m paaie form. Their poar.
tlera dry up the inuuuoua nieiiiliraue caua
I UK tliein to orauk npeu and bleed. Tliu
uowerlul aunla uej m tlie iulinjori have
entirely eaten amiy the aame nieicbra.iea
that tliuir inakura have aimed to cure, I
wkilu piimea uud oliiliiumla citliliut reach
the riiapxan. An ohl and experienced
ractitioner who lin fur many yeari maile
h eloaeatudy and aiieoially of CATARKH
)ita at tnat perlovled a treatment which
f heft falthlllllv uaed, not onlv relievea at
once, bet wnnaueiitly euros CATARKH
by remuviiig the chiisb, topping the dii
charea and curing all iulliiiiiialion. It ia
the only remedy that actually ruacheethe
filleted parta. Thia wonderful remedy
it known aa "SNL'r'KLEH, the GUAR
old at the exlreinuly low prico of one
dollar, eaoh packave containing internal
and external .liediciue auliicieu', for a full
h e Ireatineut, and everything necea
ary to ita perfeot use.
"SNUFKLFS" ia the only poneot CA
TARRH CURE ever made and ia now
reuoguized aa the only late and poaitive
rare for tlmtiintinymtf and diaiutiug di
aeaae. It, cun a all iiiHai-imalion 'iptickly
Hint permanently and ia aim wonderfully
uick t relieve HAY FEVER or COLD
in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often lenda
will ante you if you uae it at iiee. It ia
o ordinary remedy, but n complete treit
mt nt, which ia guaranteed to cure CA
TARRH in any form or atnpo if mod ac
cording to (lis directiom whieh aecm
pany every tiackagif. Don't delay but
aend for it at once and write full particu
lars aa to your condition, and you will
receive apeciid advice from the diacoverer
nf this wonderful remedy regarding your
me without eot. to von lievond th ree-nl-,r
once of -SNCFKM':S " the GUAR
Sent prepaid to anv artdrru in the
United Statea or Canada on rtefipt. of
ni dollar. A'ldreaa Deet. E 485 ED-!
and 2332 Market St. Philadelphia '
' '! ...! !.. -''ILSLJLl! J.
Perry Maupin went to Antelope last
j Wednesday nd from there went to
I, it Orantle to obtain testimony In the
Indiuii depredation claim of Grandma
Manpin,--Ashwood Prospector. ,
Peter Jlunio, of Brownsville, has
been appointed member of the itiite
board, of 'Immigration, to succeed
Frank I)vey who has resinned, Mr.
Hume U about to make ft trip east
mid will do tome rustling for Oregon.
Albany Democrat. ' ' - -
vou ar Bure to Want a Slylbnh
Full mid Winter suit or overeat, I
tin now allowing the newest of styled
and etothinir and I can make yon a
uit as it should be made," Call and
eiamine my new line of sample.
OouMLtr, The Tailor, :
Lieu land fr aale. A. C. Palmer,
A near lot of ribbon, all colore. See
Bee hive.
Aak fr prices on barbed wire at C. L
Salnman'i. ,
Crepe paper lOc'ntaa roll at It. A
Tye A liro.
Rlotting psper free t all oehool ebib.
dnm at N. A. Tye & Bin.
Come I" llee Hive annex if roil want
bargains in small sundries.
The Bee Hire keens, on hand fresh
frnili and melons in season.
Have yon awn' I hone new Art Squares
and Rum an Ailamann-Winnek Co.
r oiTi? d-.; i. ;.. i: :n
vry dlW4)t Il)(Jir() ( A. C. Ps;,mr
. ' '
lloiwl aior rarina aim reineii( prf
pprty jn prinevillo for aalo. A. C.
.palmer. V t ' I ' . .?
flchnol aMpplica, 'alifi-ta, tierfMa, pi.
Ink. ataiionary of all kinda at N. A. Tyr
it Pro. ', ' (!' '. " .
ti . i .t.- ri--
A new inroioa of ladiea and iranta fin
f'Hitwmr and ueckwear at A. Tye. &
Adamon Wimipk Co.. have redncpH
the pri;n of Furniture fully one half in
Prineville. , . , ... ....
R'ipe, polleya, derrick forka and re
pain fur all kimla of cutting tnavhiuery,
at Elkiiia A King. at'.
Ed Rarhin line jnt received a full line
of hieycle repnir okU aed will fix your
old wheel i i good a iibw. ' ' .
For fine guaranteed jewelry go ro N,
A. TyaABro. (Sold ring free to all
bahit-a tinder one year old.
A very fine line of hmmocka jntt re
ceived at F.lkini and Kiog'i. Pricva to
uit ererrbody. Ibo to (0.
Ademaon Winnok Co., have the larg
eat and nine) eomplete line of Furniture
. , . : ...
ever ahown m Prinevillo.
Elkitia A King have a
few hammock
I lett wincn they rre cloaing out at very
low ngurcs, ion t overlook them.
Adamaon-Winnuk Co. have the Urgent
floor apace of any buainese hnuae in
Priueviile and ita fuil of now gooda.
Hate and cnp for the million; any ante
oolor or alntpe. Alan an advance con
aigument of Stetann hata. See Bee Hire.
A really healthy woman has lit-
!tlo pul n or discomfort at the
menatruul period. No woman
S needs to have any. Vluo of
Cardul will quickly rollove thoso
smarting' moustrual paiin and
Itho drawing head, back and
jsido aches caused by fulling off
i the womb and Irregular monaes. H
lino 1,ro.,,.l,l nn..,.n. . lt- 11
1,000,000 womon who euifercdfl
every month. It makes tho men
strual organs strong and healthy.
It ia tlie provision made by Na
ture to Rive women relief fromS
tho terrible aches and pains which
bliyht so many homes.
(lasanwooD, La., Oct M,
I euro own very tick for aomo tiiua.
I wan UL-on wilh a aovere pnin la ir-v
"Ida and conM not e.t a:iv relief ui.ui 13
I Iricil a bo! i lu ct Wine o( Oardul. He- U
InpA I K.,l Iu1-..h i . i i fl
I UMl it r.,y duty to uy tliat oa hvo a
I wouCartui QiixUcino.
Mpji. M. A. YoDirr.
C PoradTlMnillltrnilii.,iMrMa,alTlniirimi- 3
tomi, "1 he ljMil,-B' Ailvuory OriwoUH'M'Tn S
Stage tine.
Ieave 8hanikof 6 p. m. ?
Leave Trineville 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling; public.
idamson & Wihnck Col, Agents. ',' ' '
! ! ' G.UCornett, Manager.
' i -it r -1
City ffiafber. Shop.
UPowo t Cyrut, (Proprietors. '
Stot and Cold IBaths,
. fiiwcial aale of eaateru made farniture
will he announced in a ahort time by
posters and bills. A. II. Lippmau.
Juat received at A: H. Lipman'a the
tineat line of refrtgeratora ever brought to
Prineville, which will be auld at very
rrosouable priera.. '
' . Frank Klkina A Co. have rer-eivgd a
large ahipnient of E.riorado machine oil
in gallon caua, which they are aelliug at
reaaonable prices, " '
,. '''
Don't pnrchaae a mowing macnine un
til you have aeen the Buckeye at Frank
Elkiue Co. Tliey are perfect machines
and the best in tlie world fur wear and
The dental work of Dr.C. A. Cline ia
too well known in thia country to need
any praiae. He can always lie found at
the old aland, next door to the First
National Bank. Give him a call,
Hptit Church services at Prineville
every 2nd and 4lll Sunday, in each
month, at Culver every 3rd Suuday and
at Howard every 1st Sunday.
, , M. Bramblet.
Stage Line
J80N ELB Proprietor.,
Stages leave Prinevillo for
Sisters and way points on
Monuiivs. Wednesdays and
Fridays. Passengers car
ried at reasonable rates .
Office at TeinpluUm & Son's
drug store, Prineville, Ore.
IOK. General Land Ollice, Waeli
iujtoii, 0. C, July 15, 100L. Kotice is
hereby given of the billowing Executive
Order, restoring certain tracts in Hie
decade ltange Forest Reserve, Oregon,
to the publiu domain: "Executive Man
sion, June 20, 1!K"1. Tn accordance 'with
the proviaious of tlie Act of Conijiess np
pnnid Juno4, 1807,(30 Stat , 31-3li)
nod by virtue of the authority t lu re ny
given, anl on recomendation of the Sec
retary of the Interior, it ia hereliy or
dered that Township twenty two (U'J)
Souih, Hiuigo nine(!) Eiist; and Town
ship twenty three South, Itange
nine ,t Enat, Willniiu tte Meriden, Ore
"on, Kit'1'11 'he limits of the Cascade
Ran ..oreat Reserve, he restorei'to
the pttV c domain offer aixty days notice
here f. by publication ns reiuired hy
!nw, these t roots having been found bet
ter adapted tn agricnltnril lhan for.-st
purposi-a. Wlll.lAM Mi Kinlsv." The
ahove described lands w ill be ietnr"H to
the public domain September 30, 1901.
then becoming subject to settlement and
entry at the United S'atea Laml . ftiea,
Likeview, Oregon. BINGER HER
MANN, Comu.iuiuuer.
Arrive Prineville, 0 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m.
; JPhmvUU, Or.
t T. F. McPal iater will
trips to Prineville with fresh Des
cliuta fruit on Tuesdays end 'Satur
days. Parties wanting fruit can leave
orders at the Beehive. , tfAl.
.All persons owing me on' sahscriptiim
for the Crook County Joubxai, are here
hy requested to ll at my office and set
tle up. I need the money due me and
expect to get it soon. A. C. PalMER.
100 years U alonft tima to Jive,
but not to lung if you are haupy and cou-
Unted and your clothes if they fit you
will make you pleased wito all the
world. tiunnley makes that kind of
clothing to your measure,
GoKMLity, The Tailor.
For a ahort time only we will cluh with
the Northwestern Live-aloek and Wool
Growur'a Journal, of Pendleton, t the
refniirkahly low price of fj for both pa
pers. This o8er will soon be withdrawn
ao'all thoae desirous of taking advantage
of it had better sail at once.
. Cattle for Sale. ' ' '!
I have for aaln 901 F .i.l, ,
tie. About 75 head of cows with calves,
balance young cattle. Address or call
ou me at Prineville, Oregon, , ' t
', ' '". 8. R. Sum.
For Eale.
All for $2000; lfiO actea of bind
situated in l.hcolif County, Oregon,
with h ciod out. range, JO bend ol cat
tle, 20 bend of sheerVlO stenda ol
bees, 20 ton of buy, 2 wugon, 1 span
of horses. For further particulars in
quire of s B. F. Wii.hoit,
'' " ' Prineville. Or
Try Cur Job OfSca Fcr Letterheads
G. Springer,
Coach and
CarriacfQ JfccrjL
Young stallions and mares,
al.-o a few young learns for
Haystaci Blcsd Stock Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon.
Subscribe for Journal
RecttT 12:01 A. U.. Beptem bar , 19W).
a. ml
IrMp.aii Rlgaa pl:2t
:ltt p.m OlblKint 11 :iai
2:14.rai Wawo 1IM6
!t:2J p.m KWrtvkelO:)
2:l p.m' Summit ll:'4i
2:4.'ip.m lUv 0 JelO:lS
2:4a p.mMriM'liliJli:l2
:m p.m. IicMom 10:00
:e p.Qi Mnro tja
3:19 p.mEriliinvli ::
M p mi Ij'l V'r I 9:15
a.m' I:
a.nt a
vi p.m
; :S
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a.m 2
a.m 2
a.m, 2
a m 2
a.mj 2
:n6 p.m
:a p.m
:w p.m
:V2 p.m
.mt 1
a.mi 1,
00 p.m
I W:S a.m
.: p.m jjooroon
4:26 p.m. finthrie
4:4Up.m Wilcox
8 :V,
S:00 a.mi..
0. H. MOHLER, ,
Geo. Maoaiter,
u '
And union Pacjhc
Chioairo Salt Lake, Denver, 4:3tf.m. .
Portland Ft. W oftti.Omaha,
Special Kama. VMj, St.
I:0i a. aa. LouiitChicajoaiul
via Hunt- Eut. ,
llgloii. '
Atlantle Salt take, Denver, :40a,m.
Exprew Ft. Worth.Omaha,
tuu p. ia. Kansas City, St.
via Hctit- Louit,Caiixoaad
. lngtoa tot.
SLP.fil Walla Walla bewls- TrOO a. sa.
Fan Mail ton.Spokaiie.Nin
Coal p. m. neapolia, St. Paul,
via Diilutli, ttllwan-
Ipokane kee,Cbica(oKast
fJQ p.wu All snfling dttm 4.U0 y. m.
ubjeei to change
For Pn Frmcfwo
Sail tTery & day.
. . . '' : " ' i
Dully CtnrWi Rlitf 4 00 p.m.
Xx. Sunday kttaiMrt. Kx. u inlay
8:00 D.m.
Saturday To A it or! a and Way
Ui:tiU i. m. .. LandiDga. .
' :0ua.m. Wlllanatta llvtr. 4:n.m.
fcz. ttunday fcx. bunaiy
Oron t'ity, New
' berx, Snlein, Iiute
peiitifoce A Way
7:tO i. m. . Willamc'lt M Yam- p. m.
Tuet., Thur. hill alvtrs. Mtm., WeX
aiidSul aud Fri.
Oregon rity, Pby
lon, A Way Lautl
ug. :l.m. WIMamctt River. 4:30p.m.
Tuei ThHf Nun., Wil.
aud fcaL Portland to Corral- aua 'ri.
A Way Ltuid-
i i 'i -. ;
Lt. Rlparia Snikt Blm. ' ilT.Twiaton
K:. a. m. y.u
Daily K.paria to Uuriatnn V a. hi.
W. I. Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
y aVaw fea
"A tape worm elcliteen feet lone at
leass euuie oa the sceno atler my luUniK tiro
CASl'A It K'l'S. This 1 am sure has aansetl nor
hail health tor the piisl tln-eo years. 1 am mil
biking Ciiaeurets, the only cathaitie worthy of
uotioa hv sensible people."
Gxo. W. I10WLI8, Jialrd, Uisa.
Pleamnt, Palatable. Potent. Ta.te 0fS. Da
6ou4. ferer Hicken. Weaken, or Gri. 10c. Zje.fiue.
tikt aHr cnMr. "if.., aft. aiiwk. nt
bo-TO-bao SSSLuSsf
i jiffiSt&l i CANDY
' 3 Oe.rfv' CATHARTIC