Creek - County Journal. ... r, roKaK.L rraB um Pivusiuia. Yds JdCWfat. la M a tive siissugfla in f4u4 tar InnniMa thirni;h tiM scBACfiipnos Bates. m aarva.-r On .. - f.tMoMH --- Tuu Mninui ... ........ & THCBSDAT. AFR1L IU 1901. A dixriatoa liM Just hen hmded dow by the) Coeaniiastos of the (Kwrtf La&d OflSe which ffeeied a Urge r 1 ur neighboring rointy of Like. It recer all de risions heretofore made in the Wttrocr valley Uad which Intra bees ,d!W to th settlers on tiw socailcd awnanp land. I t bs hoped that the Secre- trj- of th Interior will sustain tliitf Uiio nd that tb la ids will be awarded to the settlers, as tley bare cursed then, and ' be td, the ewmp land act was a frantic swiodle at it best. Land tj filed on in what is row Crook nty durig 1872-3 that on 160 eres tlxsre waa carcely an acre of land that cosild properly be denom laatird swamp land, the larger part of H betas; table Wad covered with dense growth of pine. It eertairdy is the aim f the gnrernaaeat to give the public do tMftim t actual rettlers and not to targe oMrporatiuais, which are main ly soD-neeidejit concerns. " Exhibits at Stmie Feir. Th libenal preanituna offered for county exhibits at the Oregon State Fair' tiu year will afford every ounty ta that Ute an opportunity to exhibit her resources. There is gu question about the treat number of htuneeeefcers ooming to the state this vcax, and the State Fair will afford tbeaa a excellent op jasrtunitjr t judge far themselves sj our reaowoe. for this reason aloae every county that makes any .-titioe to general agrri culture should wake a goad abowiug. The rexni uto? offered on eon nty exhibits V 1,000, divided into five part, jo1Lswf: First premium. 300; weaod preaaiam, ti50; third pre nimi, $200; fMa-th premium, 150-. fifth premium, 1100. The , , . ..m t J . - . - M exbibite to - jtwd . trom the fair , ; rate is made on all other lines the eastern portion of the state. T Te th Lax. rVreral owoerc of Portland barber bops have tired of Sunday closing and eee or two hare purposely trial tied the law in order to bring the eoctautolktfiality of the act into caturC Employing barbers were not tftnimmis in drmanding the pase ge M the law aad iu coostitutional j'y was questioned on the floor of the house in the debate preceeding the rote ea the bilL This law was a-nawted as a sort of pet measure of posm at the Portland push who were looking for snaps. A sort of peeood edition of the Barber's regis tratioo law, which ia one of the ra-akeat fraud ever perpetrated on a loof coffering people. och roeas tirra aa these are neually enacted Ly legislatures to while away the j Lour not occupied in balloting for U.J?. Senator. All honor is doe Bepresentatiwe Earrett, of Grant Cottnty, who I tattled ao stoutly against the pa-M-e of the Sunday dosing law. It Lt la he devoo Uy hoped the barbers will win out and prove that the law is unconstitutional, and while they are about it why not knock out the registry law air? Therei are plenty of registered barbers in' Ora-goo who coald not arrape a ped- f pig scientifically, let alone have anyone. Out tti that cast immigration that fa sneking the west the country aouth and east of the Blue moun tains' in Oregon is sure to obtain a portion. What portion shall it be -the well to do and independent elase which can at once invest in the lands, livestock or business Hirsutte of the country and assist iu carrying them forward, or shall it he the other class, habitual wan derr, unaccustomed to tlie meth od at aecumalation, dissatisfied villi tit pa-4, indifferent to the pratsfiRt, and careless of the future? Iline ibrt;i"ring the q lestion down tu the point of ear aeat consideration, arid at all hazard means should be adopt! to ata?4i- that class which i prepared to either push or pull iu bvlpiog cs up the hill of pro-fiftn.-lixraer Coanty News l . ..L-r-RSSaiBBW Whatevcsr the motive of the De prtoMi. ,d Ifc InUrrior la barring bep frata Ute forest reserve, there is oeiXhse rwuna nor justice in the IHti'u'.y ud praetiee, Experieme boa iwrry wtu-re proven tfiat shej r p tAiiirm bavaafit ta' the foreet ff-julh bj- t;ljiei,TjaiDir of theri.. 1 o Smith's deception. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. Cs t7 Wx AMI JlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weeds and low scrub browse upon which the fires feed, thus preventing the extensive and destructive forest firos that h:ve destroyed many of the finest timber preserves in the public domain. To deprive the thousands of small range flock o vneis of these runs is a hardship that brings rum to the flockmasters j with no possible corresponding j b snefit to the reserves or the general p iblic. American Sheep-Breeder. H- . A good citizen is he who presses faith iu tl:e future of town he lives in and who is always , talking of its advantages as a place , i. , x i r of residence. Strangers fisht shy of Silurians, and never locate in , . , . . . . . place the inhabitants of which seem to stay there because tbeV can't help themselves, rather than "from choice and a laudable desire of bettering thnr mndiilitn lir Wliiinit tk' crnj- . iot, ...v, .... Alfalfa st-e-l and hrmuiuus iuertuia seed for sale at C. L Salouiou. . SMhitnon'a have just opened a new lot of Kent's fuin shines and suits. j F. M. Crais, formerly of St. A nth- -ny, Idaho, una upened the Pearon photo gallery. Mr. Craig docs gucd work said U worthy of patronage. j The ladies of the United Artisans ! lodge, at their next regular nieelimr. j Xotice tb Creditor. April 15, will serve, ice creum, cole Notice i hereby sim thxt the undripd and coff'-e. All ArtUan fumilies cor- ba hn lr tbe dainty C.urt ofCnH.W C.wn dicllv invited. ' ty' Stt' f lrV, duly a.pHnted adminw- ! trat .i the n.tae of Julia A. C.Jmian, de E. L. Johnson, one of the prosper- ced. and all per.. bavi, claim. aK-ainrt OUs Settlers in the Sisters district, M i said estate are beiN-by R.uired to rant the in town Monday and reports that one of tlw fine-t -We.1- ..!,.).. ;,., west, he cutting two crops of hay from bis laud. He raised 80 busheU of fine ' potatoea from a quarter acre of land, ' and simply plowed them in and did no j other work except harvest them. Chattel ilortijn.jrt iliut corded. Be Chattel mortgaxea are governed Hy a new law, passed by the recent ses- ; .iuu .ie n gii;innc .lis vmy ans I the fees d.fferenlfP.m those imposed1 i hjf . - tu.. .1-. record ol tueiu also is dtferent. They are now treated in the same manner aa reai eniw mortgages. 1 :e new : law was introduced in the hou.-e btf ! Representative Heitkeraper as bouse J bid Xx 183. j flu new law provides that no chat- ! tel mortgages ahnll be filed, but that ! thev must be recorded. In order to be I in legal lorni a cnattei mortgage muot i be signed, witnessed and acknowledged 1 the same as a real estate mortgage. ! Recording coats the same as a real es- tare n o-ticn; e which is 10c t ts a folio' 5 i e its o (c judex and 25 cei.ta for i a certificate of the recorder. This arrangement makes more work j for the recorder and gives an addition al income to tlie county. I 8beriCs Sale on Execution. ' In the County Oairt of the State of Ore- ' spaa for Benuax C".intr. H. PUinutf. ra. WillUin Mackay. defea.Jant. j Notice ia hereby ictven. that aadVr ant by j virtue a aa iaaued not .f the above l eataUed oairt sod cauee, and to me directed aaxt cMiverel, U(-n a j.i-hfmeut rendered an 1 entered ia said court aud canae, on the 1-ith day of June, 1M9S. ia fav.w at B, WoMt, piaintiS, aud ai;irut William Mnc'aav, de- I fnadant, for the sum at 324 !.&., and interest taersai at 10 per cent per annum, and the faa- bsum of with interest there. ei at 0 per cent per annum, and the further turn of 9-i attorney fees, sud the further sum of f 10 damages and c--ta. Said judtrmenta beins duly aaeixued by IL Woldt, plaintiff, tu J. X. Bran iebefTy, an.1 thereafter duly afcred hy aaid J. N. Urau-ieberry to W. A. Wells, ami whereas, by aad rxucutiei it was ta-dered that at u the Benai J pntjwrty of aaid drfrnxiant William Ma.:kay, I nuke the sum of JMi.&5. aaat iatereat thereon at 10 per cent from lunr 7th. lm. kaa the sum of Si 70. 40. poiVt Nor. 1. IHtsi. an i the sum of f4XM paid June 7. 14; ao i the further aunt (ju.iioentof (C!5.i'. with intereat thereon at 8 a?rceut friau J un 7. lxtlit, and tlie further sum .tf S'JTi attonie) tees, and the further sum of S10 owts anl rmraements .w due m aaid judgment, to getber with accruiiw oiata by levy and salt of such personal pniierty acn-lii:fr t. law, and il sufficient jieraonal prt.pertv cannot b fttnd th-u mil of the real .rojerte behmin-.-t the said defendant. William iliMTkay, in Crook AMinty, .hi or aftsr the said lith day ..' June, 1HUK; snd not havinir found any perat -rial prHerty ia aaid c-umty wiierewith to satis fy said xccutiu, 1 hare levied uin all tlir rnrbt, title and interest nf the defendant, William M aciiay. in and to the fifllowiu de scribe! iri! prieiT y, to. wit: . An Biidivi.1ed 5-:l2 of the aouth half of the south wrat quarter of section 30, and th--ava-th half of the north weat quarter of accti si SI, Townohip 16 -i, R. 12 E., W. M, Alaii au undivided 1-12 .if the eaat half ol the north eaat iiuirter, and the east half th. mth east lu.-trter of 31, au l the west h-Jf M the s.aith west iuarter of section 2U sl the a-ut'i half of the aouth eaat qu.irter of seeti-Mi SO, all in T, lr. S. II, IA K. W, .f, K4id described un-livi ld Intereit in th loads helnajiiv to dd d-fetvl.uit Wm. Mac kay, I will on Ssiturday, the 11th day of M..y. im. at 1 ..'cl.a:k, p, m, of said day, in fio:it iff tie rMirt h'.uae on ti.e at- s ledtnx t ieretit iutls city of Pr.nei ille, Ck c-mnty. Ornjia, aell all tlia aaid rifc-ht, tit!e and in tsrsst the said William M:ky ha.1 iu and to the abovsdesurilatd real proiwrty on or after June 15, WJS, at public auctkai to the hU-heat I bidder for cash iu baud, the proueels t- lie applia-l in aati-t.'set jou of said iud-inent and ail euats. VV. C. CoKou.-ro. Sheriff, t'ra.k c -tititv. O.frfou. Dated thU 2 J ily- ol Aj-ri'!, J001, I Cam 0 o a The Celebrated A. B. 0. Beer Always on Hand. SPrineville, . TWO CENTS Tim Dallrs-Warui Spring Stajra Cm. will carry freight ami xuruss fn.iu The Dalle to Prinerille at threat cents a pounds Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. iut tourist travel between the east and uio 1 auiDc ouiat h.ia rebelled en.iriu.iiia lrn.niuiia in tlie Uat tew yeHra, and aula tor a ipeuial clasl of q iiMurut. Tu meet tin deiuand the Pi. 1 Ci. h... iasued from iia ahoua whi il teci.inualiv enlla the "Pullman Orriir.rv si,iw.r an appear atmilar to the rrirulai j a erper, being huilt .u the aauie plan. dui uoi luruiatied with the aauie eivauue T'"y r q'iiuoeU with ui4ttreuea, blanketa, ahceta, pillows, pillow dtaea. toweia, couitn, Dnmties etc. , reinrinif j 'h mei.f the kiud to be furnuhed t ."IT" T cr "u m """S eoltee and tea and dotna "lixhi houaekeepuii.," and wh aecti.m can b. with an adjuaiahle Ubla. A urn formed porter accnniinea eoh car. hu buaineaa beinst to makeup btrtl... keep the car clean, ana look aftur the comfort- '"iutt !"i'n- . f" V tne truna which are dinpa'ched rtaiK from Portland by the O. R. A N. C i be found ie of these -Pulliuau Or ; dniary Sleepers." The car is attached , , uincago Portland Special," i which g- e throunh to Ohicaim without change, and thd one in the "Ailau'ic Ex Pfesa" runs to Kins-is City without change. Passensvia iu this cr for Chi Cur hange to a si'uilar oar atiiiKer. Much of the first class trari I is hein carried in tese cars, t;ie rutes lieniu !"'. and the service tviinii nearly eual t-. that in the palare alerpers. F'r rales and full informio' , in cluding fol.tera. write to A. L. Cra-i, G P. i... O. It. & N. C . Portland. Oru. same auly reriried, to said administrator, at tae ole ot AJ. r IJml m rniui, the oce of M. r. Brink, ia Prinet Ule, Ore gon, six months from the date nf thi a4ice. A. T. Coixha.n Administrator of the estate of Julia A Cole man, deceased. Patrd Marh 13, I'.WI. (Sis OREGON ShoitXiwe AitDUIONPACinC I' 1IBC SCNCDULCS i Psrllsae, Or. Chleace rs.rt.su4 peul 0u a. . ta Uua- Bait take. P-nver. 4 Ma-ss. Kl- morth.fimaha.; KftBHI Cllv. Sl.1 lo ia,CUicaco sad j Lkl. 1 Atlantic Salt taSe, DeBTer.I Kl. oria.Oinaaa,i Kani Cilf, &t.l Ijju is,CaKae aau t fti a. via Huv lc(Ua I sT'nT'TT St. r.wt I -tails Walla l-rwts- turn a. as. twi Mall Un .Hpoksna M la IM 1 m. neaMlis, St. Paul, -a Dululh. Mileao- Spotaae k ra. u b ieao4. ta.L CCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE mux roBTUiu. All valllnt carsa! 4.US a. as. aubjeet to caeugei For San Franele I eatlsvery s la a Dally CilaaiSla Stasr j !.. Es. huuJay Slassms. Ka. kuuday s:a e. m. f Satnrdar Ta Astoria sad Way 1 f. m. Laadluca j ' 00. m Wlrhuasas Sher. j 4:p.m. as. auudaj ka. taaau Ores oa City. Ssw. ta-rs. Sai.ot. luue. peadaiire a ar I JLaitlaga I WRlaaient m4 Tata- rfl0 f. ra. M'm.. W ed. aud fr r. Toes.. Taur. sad Sat. aai alvera. Orevon Cite. TVtt. lun.A way Laod- u(a, S:00 s ra. Tues., Tuur aadSsu 4:90 p. m. Mon.. VV.sJ. auU Vtt. Port land Corral. i way Ltl latrm. I.e. Kit-aria aaka Bivar. i Lt. rwator l'Hy Klparla to Lew I .; ff a. ai. W. L Lawrence, Agentf Elggs, Oregon. COXTK.ST XOTICK. Dkpaktmkxt or Thk Itkkior 1" nited State IanJ Office, Tlie Dalles, Oregon, ?daich , 1001. A tiitfieieut oontett alHdnvit having liee.l tiled In this office hy Hnry T. Jri lies, tn- testant, bitiuwt homestead entry No. 6Ti74, marie A pril 1. 1 for K 8 V. 8W 8E k .SK; 8W Henti.,!, 10, T.mnshfp 14 S, Kniure K, hy Victor H. iavis CotiUistee, In which ft is alleged that said Victor If. DavU has wholly abandoned said tract ami clianefl his resi'lence therefniu for more than ri luontfis since making aaid entry, and tht.t his abandonment Ut u due to his employ ment in the military or naval service of thk Cnited .States in time of war. 14a id parties are heitiby notified to aptM-ar, rMM.nd and offer evidence touching said allptratian at 10 o'clock a. nt. on Apr. 11, llKll, IjefWe A. C. 1'altner, r, S. ConiiuisMioner, it his ttitice at Friueville, Oreg-m, (nnJ thitt filial heartnvT W'1 le htfld at 10 o'clock a. ni. on Msy 8, 1901, before) the lirrKint. r anil Ke oeiverat the United .Status ILand Ottice fit Tlie Ihtiles, Oregon, The said contestant having, in a proper aftitlavik. set forth facta which show that afrer due diligence personal scrvh of thff notio can uot le tua-le, it is hereby ordered and rlfiected that such nntice be iveu hy due and proier publication. J 3 I. Iucas, IfrtflHter. Cdaoats Yoor Rowel YTIfh Casern reta, .Candy rnthnrtte, cu'c count Ipation forever. I SIMMER Wash Goods, New Silks, tin;;linn)st Percales, I npics, (hanibry, New Ribbons, Dress Trimmings. PRINTS: 29 Yards for 4 Full Line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, " Underskirts, " Muslin Underwear. NEW PATTERNS I noes, Enibroidiries, Kmhroidiries. LATEST NOVELTIES In Ladies' BelU, Collars, Ties. ti loves. Best For the Bowels- Xo nintter what ail yo-i, hetidache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASOA11KT8 help nature, cure you without a griie or pain, pnxliicc easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start gotling your health hack. CASOAKETS t'niuly Cathar tic, the genuine, put up i:i metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C stamied on it. llewnrn of iiuitatiour "east Taharrs $rUaad SaaaSs Tear UK laay. To quit tolaMeo eily and forever, be mac Belie, full of lite, nerve am! viiror, take 0 Bae. lite vronkfr-w.ri:.-r, llist make-, weak mea utvnc. All lruKirlas. SI. Caracnaru- teed llooklet arc! wimple free. AOdrssS terllas Keiuedjr t'o , Cbu-aso or New Yora OTICE DU I'l nLlCATIUN. Laxn Omn at Tub Hallb. Ous-mx, Vh. its. Itail. f Notice ia hereby pivi-n that the foll.wrinc. aained at-t?ler liaa till n-uie- d hU intent, to uake hrmJ pna4 in aiiMM-t of hi cJaiiu. -and that aaid ro4 wiil la?made bef.oe A. C farmer, t. S. Cnoniaseier at I'rine ville. Ore,-. .e Tbunatay. April. 11. ts)l. Ance lua N. Sites -f Lauewita, twa. H K. No. .1731. for t!.- NKl NKS See N4 XVVJ Sec SSSW SW . -I T. 12 S . R. 14 E , W. t, I He n uuea the f.ll..a inif wiuioaa to prve hia c.xitmu.iua reaideuce UaHl and tti aaid land, vis: J. S. McMern. Jerry Ach-y, J. H. f!ra- t, of lweaita, Wsrrea lirusu. of lrinevillr, trrao.n - - - - esse Jay P. Loess, llej, later NtTicK hk rFBijoTvTfox. Land UlScv St The lfcdlea, ( February So. 190L Notice ia heiel-y tnen that tlie Mh-wins; j aame-t settler baa tilv.1 maice ..f hia iDtnti j to awake fital in aitipart 4 hia claim, and that aaid .n-f will he Uuule la-h,re J. J. fnii'h. t'.uutv !rk. at frilarville. Ore-.-.aa. ' os Friday. Apiil 12 lJul. viz: I John W. Jeaaee, of priiteville, fnxet. H. E. No. .Vii f.u- th- N' v N.S, NK'i t Sec a T. 16 K. la K. V . M. He namea the foll.wiiiK ..eeaea to prove hia coutitiooua rraittVnce Uj and cultiati. i of aaid land, vis: . I Joha J. Johnson. William C. OmtrleVav, j Oacar-Crsin, of I'ruu-t ills, L. 1. tJillenwster, i Pot, Ulv. Jay 1 Iicaa, j Kev-iater. i In the- Circuit Court i r turn f--r the omntv of Cn-.k. tUOet4 Uteon J. M. Mhiklrr, plaint i tT, r. AUcm M inkier, 1 defrntlMt. ! Ta Alice M inkier, tite 'r nanicti tlftytv. ' int. 1 la th n.xxi(4 nf th ? t.f l)rvrm: Vo r befvlT reiuimi U imr mod tUMrer tlie OMiiplaubt tiled aauttttt u in tSe rn ! titled suit wtthiu U-u days fnHn tlte L.te i I the errvioe f thitt ututuotut uMn yu, if ' rrired within thU omniy, or if tter.etl within . any other tuuy of this state, then within twenty day fmui tf.f tlat ti the tterrice tf Uiie tMiuiu.u um. you; and if you fail to ; anarwer fir want therrs.f, the ilaititilf ill - ply to the court for the relief demanded in I ttaid oompiatnt, to it a uecree uiss..ivinp: tue honde of tuatHm.inv heretofore esiitinif lie- j tween the plaint itf and the def-udnnt herein, and that the cutdy of Arthur and Kuhy M tnkler, uiiura, be awarded t plaiu tiff. The tlaU- of the find ptib!cafin of thtsHmn iun in March -I, l'.ll. and in ptthlUhed in the Cn-'k Oninty .lournI hy order d Hou. W. I. UruaUhnw, Jult;t'of the Seeuth Judio i:vl I't-trict of I nn, and dne at The lallee Ore-.o, th)- Kith d- ' M uch, l!HH. A. C. Values, Att-rnvy f.r llalutitf: AD AT 1 BlBkVt kxassi aaalamsv I'ltTsMirTS ... S mild itii.l erfRuitvs ...aiivs Uiejr are si in pi)- won-dt-rrul. il tlausltttir and 1 were rsothered with liuk stunarb and oar hreath was eerc bad. after taklue a lew u.mi .if CMitretse haee Itnptovstf wtHUlerluiiir. TtM-r nr a craat belt lo tbs fun I If.' W M.ii riJMi.t Nn.ti 1137 U.tietiUuuaM Bu. CiiiKintiaU. Cltsfr. Hood, Nev.r Weaken, or Urii... Ha- Jic bUo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SWrla.. u.mrt, r,ar. rklra... m-mtml. 1 ... IQ-TO-BAC !'? .(Pisrantseil hr all Srna- ! S1W i V UMU i,u w tfliatl; lobseeu llaellT I XOTICK Foil ri Hl.lCATl().. I Laml OHioe at The Dallrs. Ore-.n, 1 ( Fvhruary ai, V.XH. i N.rflce U hen-hy (rlvi-n that the fiillna Iiir ' nnnieii settler liaa HI.-.I n.itic-e ..f hi. intrntiou I t.. make tinnl pna.f in an. rt nf hia cl.-iim, ! anil that aaiil r..f will le uiuile la-fnre ! A. C. Haltner, I'. S. Couiiiiiaatitiier, at Prine- ville, On-a-'ll, mi Tlmrail.y A.r. 11, 1SI01, vttl ' C" i.ntl V. (f Lam. .11' s Orru'.'n, ; H. K. Ni. (JCl'.i f..r the 8", XV. SWj XKJ N W148KJ Sec. 2C, T.. 13 S.. K. 14 K. W. il. I He nnifea the fllwhitf a-ltle-aas t.i piove ! hia c.ntiiiuina ro.iilenue upeu anil vuitivutiuu of said laii.J, viz: J. S. MoMeen, Jerry Achey, J. If. Crant, j nf Iim..iifjt, Warren Brou'n "f I'n'neville, Ora-ojt. Jiij- p. I.ucua, 1 negialcT Candy l tLJ& cathartic s i SPRING ARRIVALS. Our Spring Stock is now complete MEN'S N2W Styhs . In Collars, Ties, Negligee SliirU. The Famous Clothing Our Shoe Line Is the most complete and up-to-date line of Mens', Ladies' and -Children' Shoes in the market. In addition to the fainour Hamilton-Brown Shoe' we have add- ed the Desnoyer shoe for Men. IN All-Over Fine Value Simpson, Wilson & Co. Fire-proof building, H3x300 feet, is now ready to handle Merchuiulioe, Wool, etc. HAUL YOUH FHESGHT TO SHAKKKQ -PEALEPJi IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention given to wool trade. First-clnss baling and grading facilities. Also stock varus, latest plans. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. FatM-it A- Co., linnkera. Th. . I MmiKt Bk.m., Itauker. M. r XV. Lout., The Dalles. I.B . Lai-i: lis. The IVillee rnOPRrETOKS THR0X THKOXSON. Mines Examined and re;orted on. ORES ASSAYED. All wttrk bivQ pnui,it irnl c-ut.uI ttt:ti Abhitood, - - Oregon. ,JJ NOTiCK FOH 11 ri.KWTlON 1-arul Orfice at The 1.-Jlts Orrttun. Feb 12. V.-01 .ihiw m n-rrty given lint in c-utiiisnce villi tliv imhhhu i4 tlir art of C..-re or June S. 1.N7H. entitle.! .n act fr tlie al of tituher land in the State ot Cifimta, Ore i pm, Nevjula, aud Ws.hiMtn Territs-rr. a eten.ledt.all the Iuhtic Iuid State hy act of Au.m4 4. l:ce, James BitflTS of lW-n.1, cnnt v of Cr-.k State of irnrvsm. has thl tiav tiletl In this office hi I jwin statement Niv 17S. the u-chMe of W'S SWi; of Section 6 and W XV f Section 7 frn U fcrt-hip No IM S Kane No. 12 K W. M. . a titf will offT n to 1h' that the land eoiivht L UHre vaua. for its tiuilter or st4e than fir acritmltur uriae9S and to exttthlidi his claim t ai UukI !( re KeuUter and Receiver of this ott. oe at The Ihtiles, Oren Satunhvy, th 27th day of April, VA. He nsutea w.titetwea: A. M. lrke. (.ny lhm-an1 U. kv. Hi.ward, 1. l Warner iWmt lrvvn. Auy and all p-rsotis cltftniinx; adrerwely the tb. .Urte de-criled lands ire requested . file their clsims tu tbist ottice iu r Ixrfore said 27lh day ol April, iwl. JAY r I.fCAsS, Ile-Uter. Subscribe for Journal. THE PLACE TO G 1 1 JJrass DounJ 2 foot rule. 1 good pair 8 inch scissors X--2 lbs Tin I5ox Klomlike Smoking Tobacco. 4 bars of Lyon Soap, 2 8 quart tin inilk pans. 1 glass syrup pitcher, nickel top. 30 Hoses parlor matches. I The Bee Hive everything. don't in all lines. FURNISHINGS. Golf Shirts, Made by Knh, Nathan it Fischer Co. Noted for its perfect fit and splendid quality. and Latest Styles. IfTIK8 e Thtlles. ru. tw Ttsterr SpU m4 fewk Itmr I.1IV Away. To quit tstsxav-co ei.-ily uwl furvrer. Itj uimt ortiC. luil .f life, iitrio ami vitfttr, ttke .No-'I'o-Hoc. lUo wistitis-r w.irKt-r. tbal iuak-- wrak ioen a cruris;. Alt tlruKift'sld, iVj or t. Cure iruaran-ttrt-U tnl sa.fii.le free. Atlxi rests HicrliDt iUzumCg CO.. Chictvyo wr Nat Yortc KrertUidy hmym bo Cacxreta Cndr Cathartic, the most won derfui iiotii4t. .itf. itt of lm Uire. p ettA iuit and refnahinir to the ttvie. m-i retit; mid itoAtUv-fly rut Ki.lnfva. livr mid liovl& rh-aiiaitur to emire ftxnte-m. dlsfx-l i-ri . cum li-uinotio. it v-r. tiuiiituul .;itiiauor anl hi ioiurte-j, Pleaut? tony and try a of i l C. tv-tlar; iu. "-"ilt-nrv suitlant, uarmatd to cur- lv all thm. ista. ft m wit It yon Watcee yoe entitm? it lO-TtKL srtttx cuinsrvnasiuitrcss wiim tine, purifies Uo Uifi, t-rr- to ft ruajiawd. buIOl ommc Ton trwuc sotd. 430.000 s a svi at OXOBACrrvta Tanrh f.r n T L. It as t rv bos i; uaustllv cures; 3 boxes, ft M, asnsksstjCst., iassiss., Mrsmi assj 1 sti' TOTICE FOIl Pl'BLICATIOX. Lam OrriCK at Thk Tai.t.kjs Or. Mar. 37, Notice fc hereby tnven that the .ttiied settler hasfthnl notice of his intention make tmtU pnsif iniupp.rtif his claim, ani hat said proof will he made before I. I. Smith, County CWk, at Prineville, lreron, on Friday, jilay 10, 11J01, viz: William H, Cr'me of Pi in v ille. Oretrm, I. K. X. for the SA NK'V, FJ NV'4 -W , T. IS S., U. IS K. V. .M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his cmitinuous lesiileuoe uku aud cultivation ott ahl ituid. i.t: Jeff O'Kellv, W. H. Kinder, Frank John. s.u, William ATeVev. of Prinrvilie, Ore-ou. JAY" P. LVCAS, Ke-ister. SAVE 2 pa'rs Ladies' fast black hose i Packages sweet chocolate. I big Turkish towel. 1 xvhite Lanstlalecainbricapron. 1 Glass berry set 1 Glass Milk Pitcher. Lacies' long sleex e vests, meil Ladies drawers, medium. r.eep anything; it sells I. MICHELL. RtSST fa rT?i !E R B a?L n WI4L1..HUU --lEC't.-tJ ssaz rill - mj0 fl I a V- X atoue J Mil r 'stfSliJ 00 Oil iET Coru.xrL'bJ.a. Sout2a.exn Cltcetlve U:lll A. !.. 8"Ulcnila.r V, llku. Bonth Donth North North bound Bouud ttouud Buuud HTATIONS. .. Pally Pally L'l'J Pslly Friflght J-aaa. Knight -i ' Arrive Arrirs Leave I-esvs 7:80 s.m 1 :34 p.rn Blgcs ll:' 3:40m S:0U s.m l:.'4lp.iii t'.lbUiiis ll:ini a. id S:-ip.m S::ui s.m; 2:14 p.m Wim-d lo:4A s.iii 2:6 p.m H-.-ii s.mi 'IvJTt p.m Kln'dykelu::i0 a.m. 2:4" p.m S:Si 2:: p.m Ktirumit 10:-jri s.m p.m :(' 2:4". p.m llav C Ji-lll:li. a iu 2:12 p.m 9:12 s m 2:4S p.m Mriio'Mitli:l-2 a. ut1 2:ua p.m V:2S s.mi n:lKI p.m' Jj.Mosi 10:UI a.m 1 :.V2 p.ra 9:ii0 a.mi S:i4 p.m: Moro ll:-'ai 1:4U p.ui ' SMS p.m Erakinvl 9:39 a.m' 10:5U a.m' S:44 p.m' t;'a V'v ' 9:1: 1 :l)0 p.m 4:on p.m ftonrtKin 4:-'6 p. in tiuthrle 4:4il p.m Wilrox nvj) p.mlbatilko S:v. s.m' 8:40 8:3u ... 8:i0 a.m iu. n. Monr.KR. Gvn. Mauaie.r. D. J. IHURI!", .Superintendent. Our Annuals are going like ''hot enkes," and ut the present rnte the supply will soon lie exhausted. If you have a frieml or relation who wants any information about Crook county him a copy. Stock boarded by day, week or Hmlli-A. CtMc' month. Fine saddle "lior?? an 1 lldliillllM OluCIwO ' livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine RpnflV FaAI"! Rrn x-ille, and we guarantee that your and IVVvailfJ 1WWU Mjam. patronage will be appreciate 1 and deserved. B0XXEY City Meat Market, A Complefe ami Choice Line of reef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, ami Country Produce. Main st. Look Out. FOR fAURY Send in your orders at once. We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to rdr. CLEAR LUMBER Call at Mill or Addrefs, 1I41YE1SS EROS. so. Stations. so. Haystack's three great stallions, The Heavy Draft, The Coacher and The Carriage or Saddler, will stand at the ranch until July 1, 1901, "Ui3 Cjdcsdale, Saiant Stam9, 2, s on of Sc0ianof J mry Starr So rfmrJk dappeif 6 ay I utA tvAit poi'mta. Stmmt cmnnot to o-ttoiimd ms sr s'ro of iaryoj smooth, fiat oomoo, safoaofo Aorsos. "UJie Coach or, Cardinal S?cAu; is iacJt-, ttoaAt 700 jeoma'l. jfitAottjJk tttrym as a dmftcr, ts far adovo Mo aoorayo umomj srma1 Aorsos for ooom . ty, styo and sioost. Ss osocia.'y adatod to crosst'ny on smalt, wolt formoa marts. ZjAo carnayo and saddto siro, is maAoyany 6ay, and A to fotr's mill woiyA front SSO to JOO fronds, mod for at Amudsonto otrstnos Aorso Kftlt deAard to ojeootl. for etAar of mar is A no ion to erms; to escape on tAo ranje. mi icar-tni for- rAejr. mm jmm str, mt 50 ?mt jamr wit, due MArtw rv9Hrt; arcf J m not mw rvsoisi mi me Smnts Smmitp statttmttm trrttt uttwrm mf mmmmw mrmmmsm mism m . cAotcv jfattfy f&cTtvwso mM At.M tV, Stwtr, G. SPRINGER, Haystack, Crotk Co., Oregon ()TICE FOK FT BLlCATiON. l)ti:rtnitnt uf the Interior. Isanti OlHuv ut The Dull en, Oreipin, April :n I. 1101. Jfntiire it hereby Kvm th;tt the Mlmvin-aj-nainevl Mettler hiws K1mI imtictj of her iitteiition to make Huh I iMf in mi. port ot hr claim, ami that pnvf will le made Iwfore l. 1. Smith County Cl- rk at Pi hie ille, Oregon. n Thurai.ay. M.y Hi, 1101, viz: Ueoiy J. McCity, of H.ty Creek, Oregon, H. K Xo. TMMor theW , SK'-,', a.-V .Sec lOaii.l NKi N'4 St-o. T. 11 tS , K. Hi K W. M. He ii.-tmen the fnllowinx wit.ieMe to ptttve her onttiiiiioiiH residence ujkju tuut cultiva tion of Haiti Iitinl. viz: C. S. McCiH-kle, iff .-V.ihwixMl, Oretn, Alex Frieml, U. V. McCoy, H, i, iVe le, nil ..t Hay Crctrk, Ovey in. Jay V. Lucas, Koint r CONTEST NOTICE. PtPARTMKVT Of-THK INTKKIOS, Vnited States Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, Mar. 0, 1001. A sufficient oonteat atfidavit liaviuit la-en filed In this office by Emma E. Pike oonteatant, against hotuestead slitry No. 72n1, made April 7. 1K!K, f..r SKj 9W see lr., and NKJ4 NXX'X and Ni SKX f Sectl.m 22, Township 12,S, Kani-e 13, lr Joaeph If. Johnson Contmtee, In which it Is alleged that said J.awph B. Johnson has wle.lly abaudoneil said trout ami -changed his real, dence therefrom for more thansix months sloes making said cntrv, sud that uch alleireft ahandoincnt ta not due to his employmtnt ia the militar or naval service of the I'nlted States. Said parties are herehy notified t aipear, respond and offer evidence tonohinif said alleiition at 10o'cs?k a. to. im Apr ST 11101 before A. C. Palmer, V. H. Coevaiis. sinner, at his ofiice at Prineville, Orefos. (and that tinul hearinv will he held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Ma y 7, 1H01 before) the Iteifister and Reeiter at the Vaited SUtes Laud OHioe In The Dallas, OreRao. The said oontf-stAtit hsvini;. in a proper affidavit, tiled Jan. Tl. l'JOO. set forth faeU which show that after due diligence par. sonul service of tii;s notice can not he I made. It is hereby ordered and ilirrcted thst : such n.itioB be given hy due and pmar pub lication. Jay P. Lucaa, Register. Otia Patterson. Receiver. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that all Crook count v warrants registered after Apiil 23, 1900, to and includin)? yr- . rant no. Gill, class 14, registered Oct. 10, 1900will be paid 'on presentation to the treasurer of said county. Interest ...:li f i. . .1 - t . : win vinse iiuiu me uittiT ui tins iititiew,. J. X. POISDKXTKB, County Treasurer. Prineville, March 12, 1901. & C0HRS, Proprietors. Foster & Lehican Proprietors. ora. 'Pbone 31. THE gAWMILL Planed to ORDER. PRICE, OUEUl.f. tAes Aorsss, SO, duo whn tA 60 us St A oat, disposed, or attoiwd A1 OT1CK JKOlt PCBLICATIOS. UttPAKTSiitxT or This I.-mtuioic, Laud UHicc at The Dallra Orefr.-n, iMaicfa 4, l'.lOf. Xtitice ia herslty irivm that ths falUwroi; usuietl settler baa tiled notioe irf hia lutenti a to make filial maif iu arrpfHVt nf Ilia claim, snl that aaid inaf will la tuailtf brfwre A. C Palmer, V. S. CiaiiniUaiiner at Pi-ineJUr, Oreunn, on Thtiraday, Aiil IS, 1901, viV Th.nnas K. Curl, iifPrinevflls, Oiwa,' H. K. Xo. 7V.4 for the SWV.' XW',', W.'j SW(, and KH SV-i Sec. 14. Tji. 16 S., K. IS R. W, Sf. lie uaiusa the following witnesses t provs hia oHitiiiiioira rraltivnce upon and oultivatian of aaiil land, visi S. J. N.n.iu, J. If. (Jray, R. K.Tlivrscr , W". C, Cinih'letou, all uf Prineville, ' Jay 1. Lucas, !;-, iatrr.