SATURDAY, APRIL 3, lfl&O. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGOK PAGE TWO .A M M H II M M g M 19 M U M M H M n H H M M M U M M H W M M M H H M m M n ii ii hi 1 ff V'. -..- P 2 New Kumsi-Kumsa Imported SILK SKIRTS Special for Easter Also just received full line of All Kinds Skirts from Wash to Silks WAISTS The desire for fresh dain tiness which comas to all shoppers in the spring is fully met by us in the beau tiful fabrics and distinctive hues of our newest models now ready for your selec tion. The drawing shows two of our many attractive designs which include new styles for late spring and early summer retail trade. HATS Easter Hats NEW SHIPMENT DAINT ILY TRIMMED LADIES-CHILDRENS-MISSES Subscription Rates in Advance One Year, $2.00 Six Months, $1.26. Canada and Forelra BubaertntioBfl. PdBtaa Kxtrm. Sworn Circulation, January 1st, 1920 ......... EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES rwrlca.ii pre.. Auoel.tton. 22S West 9th Street. Ntw York ; Peoples Gaa BM. Chlouro Advertblnir Rates 80 Cent per Column Inch for Stereotype Ompoattkm 10 Cents extra Standardized Franklin Printing Price List quoted oa all Job Prlnuna. WARM SPRINGS DRY GOODS STORE BALGEMAN & BURBIDGE. Vale. uregon. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmmmm vmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwi niiiMiiiMiimii.iiimiiiiinimh.mfi. GARDEN TOOLS- We have a complete line of best makes of tools you desire Tools Ttwt Make Gardening Pleasure YOUR WIFE WILL APPRECIATE one of our famous labor-saving Crystal Electric Washers for which we nre exclusive agents Hayes ERBIE HAYES, Prop. Hardware VALE, OREGON. Jflalfjeur : enterprise pi HJBIJSHED BY GEORGE HUNTINGTON CURREY, Publisher and Owner Wm. FRANCIS F. SEEM AN Managing Editor I ', , MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Special Community Correspondents Publishers Autoeaster Illustrated News and Ad Cut Service Member Orw.ii State Editorial AaaeeiatloB PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE. OREGON Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Poet Office as Second Olass Mail Matter Over 2000 VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1920. F3 lIRIIBIlBIBllBIHlllIHIllHHBIBBllllIlllIBlIIBUIIIiaillBll'j Quality, the Best Obtainable That is just what we undertake to deliver at all times. Such a policy, actually lived up to has won us the friendship of our customers. We give our customers at all times the best service possible at the Lowest Possible Price. We carry in stock at all times a full line of Doug las fir and Oregon White Pine Lumber also Red Cedar shingles and Cedar fence posts. Home Lumber & Coal Co. II. N. SIMMONDS, Mgr. Vale, Oregon H H H H M H M M U M U M H H H M M H M U M M ta M H M M H H M M M M IBI JIM'S PLACE TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Always Fresh and at Right Prices BILLIARDS AND POCKET POOL i i) it'f;i:is. Prop. Vale, Oirgun. PHONE 98 NEW VULCANIZING SHOP Send or Bring us your Tires to Repair NEW TIRES 30x3 riain 112.00 Mx3k Non-skid f 17.00 (Tire sent prepaid) PARK F.1CS TIRE SHOP Ontario, Ore. SHOULD A MAN GO IN DEBT? How many times has every man asked himself this question T The answer is bi-phase, there being sometimes when it is necessary to go in bt and there are other times when, to make life more worth the 11 zing, we not only find it absolutely necessary to go into debt, but we r.e very glad to do so. It all depends on what debt in question contracted for. If this did not hold true the vast majority of the people would never have any HOME of their own, for as a rule the undation (at least in Dreams) was laid when young and just married was desired to build the ONE PLACE that is to be so tar removed from the work-a-day world, to build the place that Is in all probability the nearest approach that is ever made on this old Earth, to God's Domain, for when we stop but a moment to consider, we can but agree with one of oir poets, who somewhere and at sometime, in the past, said: "Home's not merely four square walls, With pictures hung and gilded; Home's a place where love abides, In shrines the heart hath builded." To own one's own home involves the principle that Is unquestion ahlv the verv bulwark of our form of government and one of the principles that make this the greatest of nations and the most pros. perous. The homing desire is productive of a more stable and reliable race who become great producers as they strive for "their Dream Palace" nnd the things they produce in exchange for it, ate the selfsame things that make us not only the greatest of nations, but make us one of the proundest, (altho some unfortunate things have taken place in tne past seven years, that have brought tears of shame and mortification to our eyes, still that is just one of the temporary conditions of life as we live it from day to day, and will be rectified in the general summing and ac counting soon coming) and it can be stated here with all truth that a community of homes, be they only tents and the like, is far the happiest place one can visit. Whatever men are prone to congregate today, there is one para mount question almost constantly being discussed, that of our "housing problem" and they are not making more of the problem than it surely is. Still it is just like all other problems, great and small, subject of solution. The trouble in the main, is that nine out of every ten men are sidestepping the issue, either wilfully or unknowingly, for does it not follow that if the country is short of houses HOMES ,why do not the people who so constantly talk of it, get busy, place their theories into practical operation, and BUILD homes, instead of paying the high .and what is in many cases exorbitant rents? Why continue to complain, when we are nearly all inactive, when we are just figuring and talking, while the renting and the "housing-problem" continues to get worse owing to the very un-American laxity and inactivity of the majority of the people who trltho they want the homes, they are still more cr less con fussed over the so called high prices of the various things and materials that go to make up a home, whereas as a matter of fact there can be no substantial reduction in rents nor in the building materials until there is a greater number of homes built, then both rents and materials must necessarily take a tunible. It must be remembered that we are now living in an age immediately following the greatest and most devastat ing war the world ever knew and that all things must be high for years to come; that they are not due to come to any appreciable extent, while nil the rest of the world that suffered ever so much more than we, is very naturally making bids for some of oar products. While building costs are high and wages are high in direct proportion thereto, it is no harder to builda home today than it was to build ten years ago, for the camparative and relative values are approximately the same, for every one is or should be getting that same proportion more in their daily income anil it therefore follows that as all things are equal comparatively, then there is no longer any excuse to desist or delay the erection of your home, even tho you are compelled to go into debt more than you ever did before. Sit down and figure it out for yourself, there is no trick in it, nor does it take any great amount of mathematics to demonstrate that the conditions and relative values are equal, altho at first glance and consideration they seem to have been changed. The best thing in the world for the head of a family, be he a wage-earner or a salaried man is to get "in debt" just as surely as he is healthy and build that Dream Palace, be it large or small, for it is the panacea for the present tendency toward dissatisfaction and any hectic condition of mind that is presumed to obtain among the general public today, which seems to dictate that all earnings be spent in a wild delirium of pleasure and pleasure chasing, instead of putting their earnings into a home, as our forfathers did, they are buying all manner of luxuries which they think are necessary toward happiness and which they try to make themselves think are necessities. Did not our forefathers win against the great odds in numbers and in wealth in the early conflict with the tyrant of the world of their time, Their responsibilities were what made them strong and what held true then must hold just as true today, for life is always the same, even tho it would seem to be different at times in the various evolutions of life. This is not a lecture, it is merely a request that all may get to gether nnd build houses and also fix up the many delapidated shacks and abandonded houses, so that there will be more houses in which to reside, for both the home-owner and the renter. There are three million homes short in the United States today and this sum will continue to grow as we all gade about and just employ useless words in an effort to justify laying down on the job, which latter no true American ever does when he is made to realize that that is exactly what he has been doing. Do not continue to mortgage your salary for a few fleeting and idle comforts nd diversions, and then complain to others because you have not employed that same amount in the form of a mortgage on a HUMt lor your iiumiy, a HOME that will contain all the thousand and one little things that you and friend wife dreamed or putting into 11, ana wiierem have to get anyone's premission to make a garden, to tint the walls, to plant a tree or any of the many other things the average man likes to do, in an effort to assist the woman in her desire to mane minB im.. like Many permanent improvements are made in one's own home and the Kiounds that would not be made if the property is just rented, for we will all do things for ourselves that we will not do for others, especially does this hold true when we are just sojourning temporarily wierein. Take n LOOK AT THE SHACKS on perfectly good and centrally Unrated lots IN VALE and then get busy In a concerted and determined effort to erase those eyesores or at least repair or make them over into decent and respectable habitation,, fit for someone to live in, or see that a new home is put up on the lot. for by so doing the city is mada better and the "housing problem" is at the same time hit in the solar plexus. There never was any problem plueed before the American people, no matter how great nor what its import, but that they have proven equal to the issue and it U certain that when they have passed judgment and made their .terisio.. in this problem, it will be like all those Delore. K win vanisn ... m. it M-..r.. mist, ami many men. women and ,.i,;i.ii.. will l, nuulM hnnnier. and we will fulfill the destiny courageous forefather. The Apache Indian has five words for war and not a single term or word equivelant for "love", but he certainly does at all times hava a home, nfier his kind and his desires, while we, with our language 0f a 'multitudinous maze of words and words, have a number of words that are ! adaptable to "war" and "love", and to home, nevertheless there is only "ONE HOME" that is or is to be. for us. Does it not mean enough to you to think it over and then get busy? By doing to we will forever bj rule of this co called "housing-problem." To Help You Win PirhM oower happiness. The average S placSTSse asPhis goal. He dreams about having them. Buttheaverageman isElowiotakeaprac. Kstep towards that goal, lie is cc intent todream about it-and never gets there. The most practical start Is to start i.MvinP Character Earns Credit Saving men not only have capital for their efforts. Inaaving. they establish a reputationwh.chwdl make It easy to secure additional capital when necessary. A farmer has frequent need for "pits!" he Is arriving continually to improve h.s property. How Important it is then that lie bui.d up his credit- establisn ms om-acter. The easiest and Kk f quickest way is to f Z (? 1 1 ff9 start a savings ac- jjkJ R Jnf v..Mv-nj.!ftff( ffirn i j 3TAVIQ . To Saw amdl Make ANK. WITH US Capital and Surplus $105,000.00 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON NATATORIUM VxLE'S PRIDE is open Saturday Evenings UNTIL 10 P. M. and every day is a DAY OF FROLIC AND FUN when spent in the plunge filled with natures hot water flowing from Vale Butte. t , - - 1 i VALE NATATORIUM "Natures Health Giving Hot Springs" LARGE PLUNGE VALE, . OREGON Modern Residence For Sale Fine six-room house, ce ment cellar; hot and cold water plumbing; good barn, and 12 choice lots. Price for short time only, - $3750 INQUIRE OF C. C. MUELLER First National Bank Bldg. of the little of our Vale Wall Paper LATEST DESIGNS in all colors Everything for the home Inspection Invited T. T. N ELS EN The Furniture Man. Oregon. IWYork Hat Co. Manufacturing and Cleaning IEN'S FINE HATS A SPECIALITY Blocking, Finishing and Retrimming Send Your Stetson to us by Parcel Post 355 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon i