Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    SATURDAY. MARCH 6, 192&
MALHEIH COUNTY. Municipal Corpora
tion, Plcintiif.
Ed.rd L. Biclmsn. Jar R Bsrnss. B. M.
penon, A. W. r.aTcn. H. P. Pullrn. Mrs.
.1. 8. Piiturr. A. O. Rsum. W. I. Bennett;
Osrar B. BerRiren. O. R. Brown, .lames I,.
Bartnn, Bnhert F. Bsker. Dr. J. F. Crttrh
low, Ot.y E. frn-k A Bueklnnd,
W. y.. Ca"ell, l.eo Coulter. Ermine Csrden,
H. M. Clemrru, C. A. Banner, William
Pevaney, Jm F. T), Arlle J. Crant,
W. H. Doencher, F. J. Evans. J. M. Enns.
Fred F. Fillion. P. Finney. Ben
Fiedler, C. R. Fuller. N. W. Fletcher, A. H.
Clllenpie. V. S. Griffith, rxlw. Gibson. Harry
C. GifT, M. C. Gillette. John M Henness,
Oeor A. Hill, .lame, F. Unpens, R. B.
Hinds. B. A. Heater, Erwln E. Hoehel,
Peter R. Jurirles, Jones A Hewett, Carrie
Jaohs, Dr. John R. l, Arthur T. Losey,
J. R. Lowe. N. S. Myers. C. W. Moritsn.
Edwin Vsyhie. R. J. .Martin & J. H. Bord
ers. Frank J. McN'alr. Will W. McBrlde, A.
S. McBeth. J. M. McNelley. Martin NeiUon.
Ervlnn Newhy. Tena R. Nelr. Lucy K.
Nelson, Oeorite A. Otis. Brock Oman. Mrs.
Nettle Pelta, Theodore E. Phillips. Reed 4
Hlppert. Frank Reynolds. W. F. Rood. Ixiuta
P Smithhi.ler, Frank M. Simonds. Harry J.
Smith, F. Schlelniti. Harry W. E. Schar
naann, Anna C. Troutmnn, J. H Terrltt.
Jacob Wyler, P. B. Woods. O. W. Williams,
A. H. Workman. D. R. Vantls. "Unknown
Owner", T. W. Bnckstee. Mra. A. Dean. W.
W. Stubblefleld. E. M. Flynn. J. C. Humph,
hey. C. O. Johnson. A. S. McKee. I net R.
Stewart, W R. Stewart, W. G. TerwIlliKer.
H W. Vawter, Mrs. MsRKle Wrluht, E. P.
Hall. BIotkI, Richards ft Adair, Blood,
Richards ft I-amb, Thos. Crotley Coulter ft
Brad-haw. Stella Clark, E. L. Grady. Pet
Cononelos, Mrs. A C. Carpenter. Asa Carry,
Pit Faulkner. Heirs of Pat Faulkner, Dc
ceased, n. I. Hnmhly, Frank M. Hosklns,
C. C. Hargrove. Thns. Jones, L. M. Jackson.
Rmma Ma Jones, Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, A. n.
Km E. J. Spencer, Oust Klpos. Ray W.
I, wsn. Ada B I'hv. A. C. Ikett, A. J.
Mead. HtiKh O'Donnell. William O Robin
son. J. A. Randolph. Emma G. Robinson,
Charles U. Seuine, ). R. ninckahy, Trustee,
Mrs. Ruth Share. F. M. Sheffield. Zeda 0.
Fields. Thomas Francis, F. J. Thomas J.
W. Burdlck. Interstate Land ft I-oon Com
pany, a corporation. C. H. ft 0. A. John-
ion, Edwards. O. W. Lawhorn. E.
H. Smith, Oreuon ft Western Oolonlration
Company. corporation, .Oreon Valley
Land Company, a corporation. Myrtle m.
Stout. M. E. Looney. P. W. P"t".tn. Wil
liam E. Lees. OnUrio Advancement
Company. a Corporation, 8r"n. .
CairC Robert Coulter. R. U. Bradshaw.
Josephine Bohrer. John Bohrer. Reiser Ind
Company, a corporation. .1. w. Gallowey.
aad all persons known or unknown claim-In-
any rlirht. title or Interest In "n th
property d.crihe,l heroin, and all persons
whom It may concern. n,f.nd,ta.
Fdward I.. Bielman. Jar R. Barnes. BM
Penson A W. Cinrren. H. B. Bullen. Mrs.
.1 H Hutner. A. (. Bsum. W. I.. Bennett,
Oscar R. Heriruren. O. R. Brown, -'ames
Barton. Robert F. Baker Dr. J. F. Criteh
low Guy E. Cheetnut, Creek A Auckland,
W E Cas.ell, lo CoulU-r, Ermine Cnnjeri.
H. M. Clemens. C. A. Danner. William
Devaney. James F. Downs. Arlle J. Grant,
W. H. Do.-scher, F. .1. Kans, J. M. fcnna
Fred F. Fillion. Rusel P. F PnK' T
Vl-dler C. R. Full-r. W. W. Fletcher. A. H.
G lllspie V. S. Griffith. Edw. Gllison Harry
C Golf M. C. Gillette. John M. Henness,
Georne 'A. Hill. James V. Hopkins, R. B
hTiuIs B. A. Heater. Erwln K. Hm-bel,
Peter R. JunKles. Jones ft Hewett arne
Jacobs. Dr. John R. I owe, Arthur T Losey.
J R. Lowe. N. S. Myers. C W. M.inran.
F-dwln Mnybie. R. J. Mnrtin A J. II . Bord
er. Frank .1. McNalr. Will W. McBride, A.
S McBe?h. J M. McNclley. Martin Nellson.
Ervlnx Newby. Tena R. Nelr 'uc'
NelJon fieorKe A. Otis. Erock Oman. Mrs.
N Pelta Theodore E Phillip-, Keed ft
Hlppert. Frank Reynolds. W. F. Roo-1. Iuls
V SmUhhisler. Fri.nk M. Harrv J.
Smhh'F ' ScbleinJU. Harry
jTcX WAvl."" P.' Bln0?W wK
A . Workman. D. R. Yantl. ''Un
Owner" T W. Ilockstee, Mrs. A. Dean. W.
W HtubhlefleM. E. M. Flynn J C. Humph,
hev C O. Johnson, A. H McKe Inn
Stewart W K. Stewart. W. Terwinier.
H W VawU,r Mrs. MtiHKie WriKht. E P.
Hall Bl.-.d. Richards A Adair. Wood.
Hlchr.U ft Lamb TlHH. Crotley . ulter
Bradshaw. SU-lln Clark. E. L. f-rady. e
Conone?, Mrs. A. C. ,n'ent-r. As. Carry.
P.? Faulkner. -Heirs of 'at t n"'.
ceaaed, D. D. rianl M. "'"
C C. Hurnrrove, Thoa. Jon, t.. M. Jackson.
w ?irsz ssf Kipw
Mrs. Ruth Share. F. M. ,
Vtebls Thomas Francis. F. J. Thomas, .r.
W Bur-Tick. IntersUte Land ft lx,an ,
II. Smith, OreKon ft WesU-ri. ( .donlrntion
Company. a corporation. 'MV
Ij.nd Company. corp..rntion ,M"r"w
Stout M E. Looney. P. W. Putnam. Wil-
M pe on. known or unknown clalni
" anv rlKht, title or intereet
pr.pertv deerribed herein, and all peisons
whom it m.v con,-rn, r),,
ORr-nON. You and each of ,ou are herby
no lle.l that Malheur County. is the
and hol.fer of certificate, of delin
qu?ncy for unpal.l t..s.s. dua and payable to
Malhour Caunly. Oregon, for the year 1UU.
h, Xl to l Collector of Malheur Coun
t rl which certificate, of delinauency
r. he reini ft.-r set forth. sbowii.K the numb
tr" t 'r "f. U.etl,er with the tract of lan.l
c"Cer."l "hereby, the amount of taxes. Inter
est ..'nalty a id ndvci lisinx cosb. beii.a- In
cTuded said cerllflcat.-: date ' -Tr"
and rate of Interest on said cert.llcates
wh ch In.oui.ta a.e .. Ilr-l Hen on Oie land
d.,c,ib"l in said certificates of delli..U.ncy.
In which Is Klven the town If town pr.,p.rty.
with lot and block, and the l.val sub-dlvi-.1,1,
Witt" sec.lons. tow. ..hip
If rural property, with the name of the lT
son I who,., assessed, and tha present owner
. 1 lv. wherever Oie pr.s-ent
In" Is n't s .. v XJ?
to who... the p rope, , ;","-,- .,,
sent owl
r i.ier.s., nj. - ; ... ,
roll iit tlx
hunils ot tne sru-ru. o
On-Kon : the d.-scrlpl.oii ot .acn o.
. . ... .. i .r ulven under
rh numbers 1 i':i'... inclusive, herein; that
w hlrh
V.1II1II1 . en Muni, - - ;i Isi-iksI to Malheur I oun-
No. '.'s!'.l.
Ovev-o.l. th- ,1 'lv of August. HMJ
and thai
sl,l c ' lllli il.e ... ' , i i
,,ts .. t .'h li a. t of land therein
. ... ..... ...... ..f ly i-i cent, in!
th. a, no
best" inte
from AMU-t I. I'-'I'J. and that as to tincls of laud hereinafter
, the o .mb. r of the delinquency er
i. Ki, en .tb the date of iasliance
all the
anil II.
nte el interest . that all ot tne la nr.
herein le
(,,1 Is or tne vni tow.
toWII-r ifs
In de,c,
. . I ..II (.. lieC-
ib'.'d " ll. ' llt 'l the Willamette
Meridian : ... ....
(K.V to Abbre l..t.onsl. "Sec. Is StsP-
tlon" In" I- .-I"-
Kaie." "A" for " As-osi-cd." "P for I
ally ' "A ' " f"r "Adv.-tislnic . "
SU A t" l-.dv.nld I
,' r '. t 1 . r-h. 1 i Sec. I 1 I'l
A to .'UV It l '.; ... Uil
Vr Si, Sc. . In .1.. IU.
A to H M Bet i. l'r.went Owner A l-
s,v I'l
I ll.ri
A t
, i; l ' Hull
:,'.v ' , N V. i.,
i, c H.t. I'l
Butner: Hi
:SW', S.e if.'-.
i .i i. i I' llinio' 4 ml.
;, : si.1, Se. :i ., To.
, , ,V I II, . f '.'
I , S V ' , NX '., .. l
41 ,v i o 1 1 - It Itei kvien :
j r " Ki .-, IV ' ,SV , Sec I!'
r i., r. l li,.,..... . 1 1
Tr in. NK'iV"1. S.s- I.
41 : A to .! M'ii,. . . lis. ton : I
Vp :.l.
1 1 :,n
. Tp 91.
To a.'.
II llt.
V K1
I. Til Si",
4'. sw . m: .
.1. Ka 41. A I. F e'.i
1 1.'. S...SF.' ,MW l. Sec III.
40 A to III .1 I' i'l I II""
Tr I t S' ,N' i.NW Sc.- I.l
Tp M.
'.' i'T
Tp l.
llv IU
:n .
41 A l li'.v F lie I. oil - "
Tr II N SI ' . -V. , See I '.. Tp 11
41 V l i i. . i. It H.i. . i ..... I i . ' '
Ir It.. si,N ', S.. :. ip tii. K
A to VX' F I.. el, (IU
Tr 17 NV. i. N'. See 11. Tp SJ.
40 A to I., s. t . ..It. r ; 1 1 U'.
I. IS. NWl, NW, tee. S. TV 82. Kit
41 A I I, I .. .I e, t I 0
'I r It. h N I. ' . H . 'IP :'. Hi 41
A to II
S. ll
. I I':..
Sec I T,
!! ; A l
Tr ;i
4l: A t
N ' , S U
Willi,.!., II
... . fill'.
. Tp i. Hit 4i .
I'l .vent U,. m i Allie
T r SW
A to
J (i
N'K'i NW, K.c in. Tp ll. Rl
41 ; A to V.
II He.,li l I'l
SF'ISF.'. Sc.- I".. I'p 1, R
j r.s... ((
r. .'i. s'
4i . a m r
Tr. 2$. RE'i See. IS. Tp. 85. R. 37
to J. M. Enns; fl4 6!.
Tr. 2. N'iSEi,NWli See. IS, Tp , Be
11!) : A t Frol F. Fillion: $2 27.
Tr. 27. SWfc SWi, Sec. Tp. 3. R.
7: A to B'ifsel P. Finney: (AM.
Tr. 2. SF.'i PE't Sec. 31, Tp. 33, R 4";
A to Bn FMIer: l.or,.
Tr. 29. SWi, NWl, Sec. .1.1. Tp. 83, K.
40: A to C. R. Fuller: 14 OS.
Tr. 30. SW'.i NWl, Sec. h, Tp. 3'.', Rr. 41;
A to N. W. Fletcher; 11.05.
Tr. 31, N'-SW'lNWii Sec. l.i, Tp. 83. Ru.
39; A to A.'H. Gillespie; 12.27.
Tr. .12. SE', NWi; Sec. 2S, Tp. 36. Ru.
37 A to V. S. Griffith ; ll.Or..
Tr. S3, SE'i SWi, Sec. 81, Tp. 32, R. 40;
A to Edw. Gibson ; 84 Oh.
Tr. 84, SW'i SF-H Sec. 1, Tp. 33, Rb. 40;
A to Harry C. G..IT : 84.0S.
Tr. SS. NW'i SW',, Sec. 35. Tp. 81, R
41 : A to M C. Gillette: 84.39.
Tr. 36, NEV, NW', Sec. 2S, Tp. 83, Kg.
39: A to John M. Henness; 84.06.
Tr. 37. SKV, SE' Sec. 29. Tp. 31, Kg. 41
A to Georve A. Hill: 14 3D.
Tr. 3K, S'sSE'NWV, Sec. 16. Tp. 81, Kg.
41 : A to James F. Hopkins: 83.16.
Tr. 3'J, NW', NR., Sec. 7. Tp. 32, Rg.
41: A to R. B. Hinds : 14.06.
Tr. 40, NE',SWVi Sec. 19, Tp. 82, Kg. 41,
SWV, Sec. 11. Tp. 36. Ru. 37; A to B. A.
Heater: 8126.
Tr. 41, SE'-i See. 18, Tp. 38, Rg. 37; A
to Erwln E. Hoebel : 814.6U.
Tr. 42. N"SE',SE'i Sec. 81. Tp. 81, Rg.
41 ; A to Peter R. Junglea ; I3.C6.
Tr. 43, SE',NE'.i Sec. 9. Tp. 33. Rg. 39;
A to Jones A Hewett; 84.05.
Tr. 44, NWV. Sec. 23. Tp. 33, Rg. 7 ; A
to Carria Jacobs: 814.6V.
Tr. 45, Nt,NWV,NWi, Sec. 13, Tp. 83, Rg.
ao- A to Dr John R I .owe : 82.27.
Tr. 46, S',NWi,SE'4 Sec. 27, Tp. 83. Rg.
39 ; A to Arthur T I.osey ;
Tr. 47, NEV NEti Sec. 23, Tp. 33, Rg
40: A to J. R. lowe; 84.05.
Tr. 4K. N'iNWViNWV, Sec. 15; Tp. 31,
Kg. 41 : A to N. S. Myers ; 8". 69.
Tr. 49, NEViNWV, Sec. 9, Tp. 37, Rg. 87
A to C. W. Morgan. $4 05.
Tr. 50, SW, SW'i Sec. 11, Tp. 33, Rg
89 ; A to Edwin Maybie; l 05.
T, SI Wl.SWU. SF.'.SWl'. Sac. 8. Tp
33. Rg. 40. Lots 3 and 4. SljUW'.,, SF.'j.
SWVi. Sec. 5. Ip. ill, Kg- isp,,. r.,,
Lots 1 and 2. E'-NW'., Ixrts 3 and 4, E'j.
SWVi S-c. 7. Tp. 31. Kir. 42: A to R. J.
Mortln A J. H Borden. : 8186.65.
Tr. 62. SWV, Sec. 9. Tp. 86. Rg. 37 ; A to
Frank J. McNalr: 814 09.
Tr. 63. SWV, SEV, Sec. 25. Tp. 83, Rg. 89;
A to Will W.. Mertruje: 4.wo.
Tr. 64. NWVi SWV, Sec. 85. Tp. 83, Rg
SO A ,n A K Mcfteth : 84.06.
Tr. 55. SEV, SWV, Sec. 19. Tp. 82. Rg.
41 : A to J. M. McNelley; 14.05.
Tr. 56, SVjNWViSEVi Sec. 9. Tp. 81, Rg.
41 ; A to Martin Neilson ; 82.27.
Tr. 67, NEV, NWVi See. 15. Tp. 32, Rg.
11 A . V.rvlnff Kewbv : : 84.06.
Tr. r.. SEU NEVi Sec. 27. Tp. 83, Rg.
40: A to Tena R Nelr: J4.0S.
Tr. 69. NWV, NW', Sec. 29. Tp. 81, Rg.
41: A to Lurv E. Nelson: $4.39.
Tr. 60, F.'.SW',,KK''i Sec. 19, Tp. 87, Rg.
37: A to George A. Otis: 82.27.
Tr. 61, SEV, Sec. 25. Tp. ar,, Rg. 37 ; A to
Erock Oninn: 814.HO.
Tr. 62. SI..NW' .SE'i Sec. 15. Tp. 81, Rg.
11 : A to Mis. Nettie Pelta: $2.47.
Tr. 6t. SW'.i Sec. 1. Tp. 36,' Rg. 37; A
to Theodore E. Phillips; $14.69.
Tr. 64, S'...NKiiSKV, Sec. 27, Tp. S3, Rg.
39 ; A to Reed A Hippert; $2.27.
Tr. 6. SKV, NEV, Sec. 27, Tp. 81, Rg.
41 : A to F'rank Reynolds : $4.39.
Tr. 67. SKV, Sec. 27, Tp. 35, Fg. 87; A
to W. F. U.s.d: $14.6(1.
Tr. 6K. SEV,NEV, Sec. 11. Tp. 33, Kg. 39;
A to Louis P. Smithhisler; $1.06.
Tr. 611, SEV, NW'i Sec. 11. Tp. 33. Rg.
39; A to Frank M. Simonds ; $4.05.
Tr. 70. SF.V, NEV, Sec. 13. Tp. 32. Rg. 40;
A to Hurry .1. Smith; $4.05.
Tr. 71 ; SWV, HKV, Sec. S3, Tp. 80, Kg.
41 : A to F Schl. inltz; $4.10.
Tr. 72. SEV, Sec. 23. Tp. 36. Rg. 37 ; A to
Harry W. E Schnrmann : $14 69.
Tr. 73. Nl'.V, NK', Sec. 31, Tp. 32, Rg.
40: A. to Anna C. Troutman : $4.05.
Tr 74. SE'.i SEV, Sec. 35, Tp. 81, Kg.
41 : A to .1. II. Terrltt: $4.39.
Tr. 75, S'.SKV.NWy, Sec. 25, Tp. 81, Rg.
41 ; A to Jacob Wyler; $2.44.
Tr. 76. SW',NWVi Sec. 21. Tp. 32. Rg.
40 ; A to P. B. Woods : $4.05.
Tr. 77. NW'i NK', Sec. 33. Tp. 81. Rg.
41 A to O W. Williams; $4.39.
Tr. 7K, NWV, NEV, Sec. 29. Tp. 32, Rg.
11 ; A to A. II. Workman! $4.05.
Tr. 79. S' .NKSK', Sec. 23. Tp. 81. Kg.
41 : A. to li. R. Ynntls. Present Owner
"Unknown Owner": $2.44.
Tr 0. Ixita 10 to 12. Inc. B. 10. Lot 3.
11. I I. Columbine ; A to T. W. Bockstec ;
$ .69.
Tr HI. Lota 3 A 4, B. 66. Columbine: A.
to Mrs. A. Dean, Present Owner W. W.
StnbbleHeld ; J :il.
Tr. XI. Is.ts a and 9, B. 14, Columbine; A
to K. M. I'Tvnn. $ .31.
Tr. H'i. Iit 9. 11. 56, Columbine ; A to J.
I'. Humphrey; $ .15.
Tr. Ml. Is.t 1. II. 3". Columbine; A to C.
O. Johnson : $ .15.
Tr. K5. Is.t 9. B. 45. Columbine; A to A.
S. M.'Kec; $ .15.
Tr. t-fi. Lot 6. H. 9. Isit 13, B. 11, Colum
bine: A to I net It. Stewart: $ .32.
Tr. 7, Lots 3 and 4. HI. 12. Columbine,
A to W. It Stewart. $ .3'J.
Tr. en. Lots 9 to 12, Inc. B. 64. Lots 2
Tin.l 3. H 6, Columbine ; A to W. G. Ter
williKcr : $ .H3.
Tr h'J. Lot 13. H 50, Columbine; A to W.
0. TerwIlliKer ; $ .15.
Tr till, l.ts 2 to 7. Inc. H. 10, Columbine;
A to H W. Vawter ; $ S3
Tr. 91. Lot '.'4. H. 40. Columbine: A. to
Mrs. M.-.KKie Wright : $ .16.
Tr. 92. Lois 2 to 12. Inc. B. 2. Ita 2 to 6.
Inc. B 4, Lots 1 to 12. Inc B. 5. I,Ma 1
to S, Inc. H. 7. Lots I to 12, Inc. II. . Lots
I to 12, Inc. H 11. Lots 13 to 24, Inc. B.
12, Lots 1 and 2. and Lota 4 to 24. In.
II III. l ot 12, It 11. Lots 1 and 2. and Lots
11 to 24. Inc. H 15. Lot 1 to 21, Inc. II.
111. Lob. I to 12. Inc. It 1. Lob. 6 to 24.
Inc. H 20. ls.ta 11 to 17. Inc. B. 21. I.ot
I to 21. Inc. II 22. Lots 16 to 24. Inc. II.
23. I Aits 1 to 10. Inc. and Is.u. 13 to 21. Inc.
H. 21. Is,ta I to II. Inc. and Lot 24. H.
26. Lou. I to 24. Inc. It. 26. Low 1 to 12.
Inc. B 2. Lots 13 to 24. Inc. B. 29, Lots
13 to 24, Inc. II. 30. U.ta 16 to 19. ln
H. 31. Lots 2 to 5. Inc. I-ot 7 and 8. and
16 and HI. and IX to 22. Inc. 11 32. l-ota 7 to
IU. Inc. 15 and 16. and IX to 22, Inc. B 33,
Uiu. 1 to 11. Inc. and 23 and 24. B 34. ls.ta
13 to 24. Inc. II. 35, Lots 1 to 12, Inc. B 311
Lots 1 to 12. Inc B. 37. Lots 13 to 24. Inc.
II. 3H. Lots 1 to 12, Inc. 11. 39, Is.ts ll. 12, 20.21,
and 23. B. 40. ls.ta 4 to 10. Inc. A lsjls
15 to 22. Inc. B. 41. Is.ts 10 to 14. Inc. and
Is.t 2:1. 11 42. Is.b. 3 to 24, lue B. 43. I-ots
I to 2 4. Inc II. 41. l ob. 18 b. 24. Inc. II.
17. I Aits I to 12, Inc. and 16 U. 21. Inc
II 4s, Lot, 7 to 12. Inc. Lota 23 and 21. B.
19, Lots 1 to H. Inc. and 13 to 21. Inc. B
:.0. Lots I to 11, Inc. H 51. Lob. 13 to 21.
I lie U 52. l ots I b. 24, Inc. II. 63. I.ts
I to 12. Inc II 5!.. Lob. 1 to 24. Inc. II
57. Lots I. 2 and 15. H f.H, Lose 1 b 14.
Inc and Lots 16 to .'4. Inc. II. .9. Iota 3
U. 24. Inc. H. tiO. lots 17 to 21, Inc. B. 61,
Isib. 1 to 111. Inc. II. tl2, lob. 6 to 12, Inc.
11. 63, luts 7 to 12. Inc II 05. Isits 6 and
! and Lots 9 to 12. Inc. H. 66, Lots 1 to 12,
Inc II. 67. I ets I to 12. inc lis. Lots l to
12. lor II 111 Lob. I to 12. Inc. H 71, all
in Columbine: A to F P. Hull; $119 2K.
Tr. t'.l. Wl-.NW.,. SF.'.NW'.,, NK'.SWV,
Sisv II. Tp HI. Hu. 47; A to Blood. Hlchard.
A Adair Present Owner Bl.siJ. Richards A
1. niiib: ;ul7l. IV C. No. 11.13. 1.. per cent
s, I, HI: $14,'.. V5, D. C. No. 130'.', 16 per
cent X. 1. Ill
Tr. 94. L.ts 3:1 to 37. liu- 11. 6. Ilia
I'a.k Add to Ontario: A to T'h.H Crotley;
f5 HO. ll ' No 1317. ". per cent. S, I. 16.
1'r 9. l.,SK'i Sic 11. Tp. 16. Hg 47: A
to Coulter A Bradshaw: $.15 15, L. C. No.
1321. 15 per cent. K. I. 16
Tr. Utl. W'.NW'.SK',. NK'.SWV, Sec. 15.
Tp 17, Ha 46. A to Stella Clark. Present
lluner V. I $7 3tl. U. C. No. 1322.
16 per cent. SI 1 1'.
Tr 97. I oia T.i ami 74. II '.'. Villa Park
V.I.I to Otll.l.i-. V to Tele l'- ...... Lis . $lOl,
II t No 1 l.-.l. I., per cent. I -I
IV. 91. I,,,., 1 uiul ;. II 11. Villa Park
Add to Ki.ti.ilo. A to M.s A. C. Carpenter:
$1 I'.il. II C N l llu, I., per rein 9 1 11,.
Tr 1ml I ils 7 iiii.l s. II III. Weftlall. A
to As Cat.. . f ' . ., I' C No- 1313. 15 per
.rut, K-l-ll.
TV H'I. l ot- I bi J.I. Inc. B 1,1. Ontario
A to Pat I11.1II..1.1 Fmsont Oanci-s Helis of
l at haulkn. i. H. cased 419 s'.. 11 C. No
1 1 p I .. pc. cent. -t 16
I. 101. Vi. SWi.SK', Sec .1. Tp 17. Kg.
17. W'.NWl.NFi, Sec 10. Ti 17. Ux. 17.
A to H H Humbly. $121170. H C No. 17.20.
15 per .rut K-l-lii. $2.' 6 .. H C. No 1353.
15 per cent. H 1 HI
Ir. 10... Lots In to 1H. Inc 11 60, H.een's
Add to Nvssi. , A to F.ank M lloskit.s .
$116.'. H l No Is,..' :, per .'it. H i 10
1'.- Illie K'.SW l,4Vl, See ll. In l. He
17; to C' C Ha, Il.'0 3, II C
No l.i., I . pc. rent. I I 16; $'113.1. D C
No 136 1. I 1 lr cent. K 1-lli
I'. Ins Lot. J.i. and JS, 11 l.V HopcS
A.I.I 1.. Vale A to I I..., ,1,.,,,-s; HI 7:1. II
I .N.i I .1.1'. I per rent, s i 1,.
Ti. Ill'i. Lots . ..lid 6. H s. Villa I'aik
Add to A to I. M .la.kson. t- ').
II C No I I7il, I', H-r cent. K l in
TV III), lot 2. H si. Corfu's A.I.I to
Nvss' : A t.i Fo.ina Ida ; $1 4s. 1 C
Nc '.' I "II. I 5 pe, cent. I. Ill
I 1 III I ..t. I 1,1, I '. It I -.. West fall A
lo M , ,. S.osl, A J . I -i; I ' .' N"
. 1 I . n.-r ceo, 'II
Ir 112. Lot II II '."". He Is. I,
A to A
II Ketl.. 'l.-.",t I lull.'
V J .spencer ;
per cent. US
1 7 .0; ll C S M l
T r. 113 I ot
A.I.I to OuU.i ,
i and y It 11. i!la pKik
A o i:j.t Hhw , 11 4 . D
ner cent. -1 - 1 ti
C. N,. I'll :. 1
lit Nt-.JtKi.NVA.. H 1 Hc- . Tp
IU. Hi IT- TUv W UfiBtV tnvillt
o ne t.u H 91 lo. P. t No u:.
1 S vi 'nt. I 14
: A
Tr. Hi. Lot 2 and SWV.NEV4 See. 4, Tp.
18, Rg. 43: A to A. C. Wkrtt; $60.20, D.
C. No. 1377, IS per cent, 8-1-18.
Tr. 118. NE'iSWVi Se?. 15. Tp. I. K
47 ; A na A . Mead; $240 5. D. C. No.
1612. 18 per tent. 8-1-18; $37.00, D. C. No.
1388, 16 per Cent, 8-1-16.
Te. 119. SWV.NEV.. NEViNEVi See. 35.
Tp. IS, Kg. 42: SW'.SWV, Sec. 23. Tp. 15,
Rg. 42: A to Mugh O'Donnrll: $165.30. D. C.
No. 1401, 15 per cent. 8-1-10.
Tr. 121. It 14 and 15. B. 314. Ontario :
A to William ti. Robinson ; $2.37, D. C. No.
140S, 15 par rant. 8-1-16.
Tr. 182. N', See. 84, Tp. 17. Rg 44: A
to ,f A. Randolph; 819.80, D. C. No. lin,
IS per cant, a-1-16.
Tr. 123, KisiNWH, SEt,NW',, N'-SWt,,
Less 6 29 aerea R. R. Rlcht of Way. Sec.
36. Tp. 17, Rg. 44; A to Kmma G Robinson:
$23 24. D. C. No. 1410. 15 per cent, f-1-16.
Tr. 124. E'nSE' ,SW.,eifci, Mec. o, IP. is.
Rg. 47: A to Charlea R Seguine. Presens
Owner J. R. Blackahy. Trustee; $"2.45, D.
C. No. 1413. 15 per cent, H-l-18.
Tr. 125, Lot 6, H. 1, leutacna Ami. to
Nyssa: A to Mra. Ruth Share; $.35, D. C.
No. 1417, 15 per cent, R-l-16.
Tr. 126. NWV. NWVi Sec. 15. To. 16. Rg.
47 : A to F. M. Sheffield, Present Owner
Zeda O. Fields; $240.62. D. C. No. 1510, 15
per cent 8-1-18 : $46.31, D. C. No. 1419, 15
per cent, 8-1-16.
Tr. 127, SEljNWV, Sec. 6, Tp. 16. Rg.
47 ; A to Thomaa Francis, Present Owner
F. J. Thomas; $13.90. D. C. No. 1421, 15 per
cent. 8-1-16.
Tr. 130. SWViNWVi, NWV.SEti. N'iSWV,
Sec. 14. Tp. 81. Rg. 41 ; A to J. W. Bur
dlck : $12.43, D. C. No. 1601, 15 per cent.
Tr. 131, hot 18, B. 12, Villa Park Add. to
Ontario ; A to Interstate Land ft Loan Com
pany, a corporation ; $1.08, D. C. No. 1602,
15 per cent, 8-1-16.
Tr. 132. NWV,SEH Sec. 3. Tp. 19, Rg.
45 1 A to C. H. and G. A. Johnson, Present
Owner Edwards : $4.27, D. C. No.
1604. 15 per cent. 8-1-16.
Tr. 133. ,SEV;SWVi Sec. 86. Tp. 19.
Rg. 45. A to G. W. Lawborn; 82.41, D. C.
No. 1605. 15 per cent, 8-1-16.
Tr. 134. EViNE'SWVi See. 36. Tp. 19,
Rg. 46; A to E. H. Smith; $2.41, D. C. No.
1607, 16 per cent, 8-1-1.
Tr. 135. WM.-SWV4. NWVi See. 29. Tp. 17,
Rg. 47. All of Section 3, Tp. 18. Rg. 45;
A to Oregon ft Western Colonisation Com
pany, a corporation: $577.66, D. C. No. 14S2
16 per cent. 8-1-16.
Tr. 136, WMNWVi Sec. 25. Tp. 31. Rg.
40: NHSfev,SWVi Sec. 23, Tp. 31, Rg. 41,
SWViSWV, Sec. 29. Tp. 31. Rg. 41, SEV,
SWVi See 33. Tp. 81, Rg. 41, Lots 1 and 2,
Sec. S. Tp. 82. Rg. 41. NVjNWH Sec. 23,
Tp. 80. Rg. 45; SWV.NWVi Sec. 25, Tp. 30,
Rg. 46; A to Oregon Valley Imnd Company,
a corporation; $45.14, D. C. No. 280, 15 per
crnt, 8-1-19.
Tr. 138. NWV,SWVi Sec. 14, Tp. 16, Rg.
47; A to Myrtle M. Stout: $H.35, D. C. No.
1303. 16 per cent. 8-1-16. $190.80. D. C. No.
1614, 15 per rent, 8-1-16.
Tr. 139. WV.SWl.SW-wi Sec. 14. Tp. 16,
Rg. 47 ; A to M. E. Looney : $120.33. D. C.
No. 1616. 16 per cent. 8-1-16.
That .1. R. Blackaby, Truestee, OnUrio
Advancement Company, a corporation, and
Sarah L. Cain, claim some right, title and
Interest In and to the property described in
Tract 124. but that said right, title and in
terest In and to said property Is inferior to
and ubordlnato to the lien of plaintiff.
That P. W. Putman claims some right,
title and Interest In and to the property de
scribed in Tract No. 6, but that said right,
title and interest in and to said property
Is Inferior to and aubordinate to the lien
of plaintiff.
That Wm. K. T.ees, claims some right, title
and Interest in and to the property described
in Tract Nos. 94. 101, 109, 113. 115, and
131, but that said right, title and Interest in
and to aaid properey is inferior to and sub
ordinate to the lien of plaintiff.
That Robert Coulter, R. IT. Bradshaw,
Josephine Bohrer, John Bohrer, Weiser Land
Company, a corporation, and J. W. Galloway,
claim some right, title and interest in ond
to tha property descriled in Tract No. 95.
but that said right, title and interest in
and to said property is taiferior to and sub
ordinate to the lien of plaintiff.
That all of the defendants above name,!,
and all persons intereated. or whom it may
concern, are hereby notified that plaintiff
will apply to the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Malheur County, for a decree
foreclosing tile liens against the property
slum HMcrllMs,! and mentioned In anld certi
ficates and each and all thereof, and you and
each of you are hereby further summoned
to nonenr within sixty days after the first
j publication of this summons, exclusive of the
dale 01 uie nrsi puoncaiioo, i..u oeit-ou
action or pay the amount due as show,
above, together with the Costa ami disburse
ments herein. nd accruing interest and
costs, and in case of your failure to do so,
a decree will be rendered foreclosing the
llena of said certificate., against the several
tracts of land Bbove described.
Dab? of First Publication January 31, 1920.
All processes and papers In this proceed
ing may bo served upon R. W. Swagler at
his office and poatoffice address at Ontario.
H. LEE NOE. Sheriff.
Residing at Vale. Oregon.
R. W. 8WAGLER. District Attorney,
Residing at Ontario, Oregon.
91 Jan. -13 March
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
For Malheur County.
J. A. Kennedy, Plaintiff,
Rrogan Townslte Company, a Cornoration.
Brogan Trust Company, a Corporation. E. I
Brogan and Margaret Brogan. Defendants.
To Brogan T'ownsito Company, a Corpora
tion, Brogan Trust Company, u Corporation,
E. I. Brogan and Margaret Brogan, Defend
OUKOON : You are hereby notitb-d that J.
A. Kennedy, the holder of certificates of d.'l
Inouenoy numbered 1312. 161. 2111, for the
years 1913, 1914 and 1915. respectively, the
first two Issued on the 1st day of August.
1916. and the last, one Issued on the 1st dsy
of May. 1917, by the Sheriff, ex-officio tax
collector of Malheur County. Oregon, and by
said Sheriff and Tax Collector by virtue of
an order af the Coontv Court of the State
of Oregon of date December 22. 1919. as
signed and transferred to the alKive named
plaintiff for the sum of $60 14, $60 21. $92.81,
being the sums due on said certificates res
pectively, for the taxes, Interrttt and penally
for the said years laat named, uion the rea.
property assessed to you of which you are
the owners as appear of record, situate in
said County and State and particularly de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
l-ota, 1. 2. 3, 4. 6 ami 6. In Block 2 ;
U.ts 1, 2. 8 and 4. in Block 3:
Isjt 7. in Block 7 ;
1-otn 1, 2. 3, 4. 6, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10. 11, 12,
13. II. 16. 16. 17 and 18. In Block 9:
Lots I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12.
IS, 14. 15, 16. 17 and IS. In Block 10;
Ixits 1. 2. 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. 19 and 20, In Block Is.
Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 6. 6, 7. K, and 10 in
Block 21 ;
lits 14. 15. 16. 17, 18, 19 and 20, ill Blo.k
21 ;
Isits. 1, 2, 8. 4, 6. 6, 7. 8. 9 and 10 in
Block 28 ;
Lob. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
24. 26. and 20. In Block 2H ;
l.ts 6. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11. 12 and 13. in Block
29 ;
Lots 16, 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22 and 23
lu Block 9 ;
Lots M. 9. 10. II. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17, IS.
19, 20. 21, 22, 23 and 24, In Block 30;
IaiU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. V. HI. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 10. 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 and
21. in Block 81 :
UtU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12,
13. 14. 15 ami 16. in Block 32:
lU 1. 2, 3. 4. 6, 6. 7 and a. In Block S3;
alt situate in and being a portion of the
Townsib of Brogan, in said County and
State, according to the plat tl.erfof
oil file in the office of the" County Clerk of
said County.
You are further notified that said J. A.
Kennedy has paid taxes on said premises for
prior or sulsosiuent years, with the rate ot
li.u-rest pi. said amounts, as follous:
Ta Rate
Receipt of
No, Amount Interr-t
line.t .,. . i. i p e
.h0 f I "4 12 p o
Dte Puld
,Un. 0. I'.'i-'O
Jnn :p. Df-'O
1 l.M H
I he
Jan. 5. 1H20
l .',2 $ .2 -1 12 P c
toljtl amount due the plaintiff at the
f hlnw the complaint herein fc the
uni of S;tiji, with cosU. disbursements und
I The said llrogan Tou ruite Company and
I Protxun Trust Company, a the ownere v( the
i b-Mi title of the aliove described .iropei t
the -.nine appeant of record and en, h of
On ui her persoim immed. are hrebv 1 ur lhr
i notitbst that I A hen the pin in t id.
i ill apply to ihe Circuit Com t of the County
land State nfoiesnid ftr a decree forevli-inn
j the lien against the property altovr ihvcribed
anil mentioned in said certificate. A nd you
are hereby Hlnnmoned to appear within nUtj
I dsn after th date of the first
i of tliis ummoim. eivclusUit of the day of Oie
( fli-t publication thereof, ami defend tlm ae
tata or pay the amount due as nhen ln.e,
tnuether with covta, disbursement and Inter
iet. and in raoe of your fadure to do m a
jtulttutent and decree will le rendered l.'ii
closing the llrii of said tae, e.wU. ili'
1 ten U , I lite i e I a nd isr ni It turn n-t t be bnnl
li .1 pieini-e Nlmvr nmiied and dcciile.
i rtut immune. . teiviil on yu bv publi
, C.itloll bv li Hi i of an 01 del made bv the
H n Da I toii Hum. Jude of the Ikh e en
I title) court, War in dale Oie 2?th duv of
! January, IW20. directing the nnt publication
here)f to he made un the KNt day of J.m
, it hi y 1 '.' 'i). and the tat publtcat i.n be'
imi tie 3id dny of April. ):'(). and that the
suii.- I,r- v.ul.:i,brd ill the Malheur Koleipii-e
a Me.-kly new -paper puhlMusI at ale. Oie
All ainl papers in tbin piucs-linn
' mnr be per ted oil the unUrsigiiet renutf n
lat N'ale, OyMou, at the ndJi tv haieinuftei
Atti vm. Va e,
I At'omev frr P'aJnltf
j.lan 11 April 3
Department of the Interior.
V. R. Land Office at Vale, Oregon.
February 6th, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that J. Hender
son Hart, of Harper, Oregon, who. on March
12. 1909, made Doert Land Entry, No. 0366.
for SEV,. EHjSWI,, NW',SW", and SWV,
NW',. Section 25, Township 19 South. Range
41 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of Intention to make Final Proof, to
establish claim to the land above described,
under Section 2 of the Act of March 4,
1915, before Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Vale. Oregon, on the lllh
day of March 1920.
Claimant namea as witnesses :
W. L. Cramer. Henry L. Hart, Howard
Camp, Chas. J. Bush, nil of Harper, Oregon.
7 Feh.-Mar. 6 THOS JONES. Register.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Malheur Countv.
In the Matter of the Estate of J3LIZABETH
C. SCOTT. Deceased
IT MAY CONCERN. That the undersigned
by order of the altovc entitled court bear
ing date the 17th day of February. 1920. waa
appointed Execub.r of the last will and tes
tament of the said deceased in the above
entitled estate.
All persons having claims against said
estate nre hereby notified and required to
present the same, with proper vouchers, to
me at n,y residence, in Vale, Oregon, which
is hereby designated as the place for the
transaction of the business of said eRtete,
within six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated February 21st. 1920.
Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth C. Scott
21 F"eb.-20 Mar. Deceased.
Department of the Interior
17. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon, Feb.
13, 1920.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Larkin A.
Hilyeu of Bonlta, Oregon, who, on October
11, 1918, made Additional Sbick-rnising Home
stead Entry. No. 05(134, for NEVEV,, EVi
NK',. Sec. 31, SEV.SW'i Sec. 35. E'.jSEV,,
S K ' , N E 1 , , Sec. 27, SW',NWV,, Sec: 2b,
Township 15 South, Range 40 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention
b. make Final Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Register
and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Vole,
Oregon, on the 25th day of March 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Georee Devenney, C. W. Lanman and Ed
gar Woods, all of Brogan Oregon, and V.
A. Zehner. of Bonita, Oregon.
21 Feb.-20 Mar. THOS. JONES, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon. Feb.
13. 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that Chesley W.
Lanman. of Brogan, Oregon, who, on May
21. 1916, made Flntry, N'o. 04469.
for SE'4. SK N W t( ,S W t, N K V ana N"J
NWV,, Section 31. Township 14 South.
Range 40 Kast, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described. ' before Register and Re
ceiver. II. K. Land Office, at Vale. Oregon,
on the 25th day of March. 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses :
L. A. Bilyeu of IloniU. Oregon, Geo. I)e
venny and W. Edgar Woods, both of Brogan.
Orrv.m and f). A. Zehner. of Bonita. Oregon.
21 Feb.-20 Mnr. THOS. JONES, Register.
DePRrtmrnt of the Intprior
U. S. Land Office at Vale, OrKon, Feb.
1:1, r.20.
NOTICK is horeliy rivrn that Lena C.
Sprinncr, widow of Arthur O. Sprtnifer, de
cfRed, of HroRnn, OrrKon, who, on June 7,
litir,, made HomertUad Entry, No. 03901, for
North Half St-ction 22, 'wnship IB South.
Rnnjre 41 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Charles H. Mor
fit, V. S. Commissioner, at Malheur, Oregon,
on the 24th dav of Mareh,
Claimant nnme a witnessew :
L. McKinny. Fred Lenter, Ed Bowman
and Andrew White, nil of I.roKan, Oregon.
21 Fcb.-20 Mar. THOS. JONES, Refjister.
Department of the Interior
TJ. S. Land Office nt Vale, Oregon, Feb.
NOTICE . hereby Riven that Andrew J,
White, of Hrojjan, Oreon, who, on March
1'Jlft, made Homestead Entry No. 01723
for the S'-j Sc. 22, anil who on October 10,
1 11 made Additional Homestead Entry No.
0-IM'it for E'.i, Section 27, all in Township
If. S.uth, Itaiure 41 Ent. Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above drseribed, before Charlea
H. Morfitt, IT. S. Commissioner, nt Malheur,
OifKon. on the 21th day w march 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses :
L. McKinney, Fred Lentr, Jr., and Ed.
Howmnn, all of Hrnfan, Oreon and Lena
Snrink'er of Hoyd, Orevron.
21 Fib.-20 Mar. THOS. JONES, Retfiater.
Department of the Interior
TT. S. Land Office nt Vale, Oregon, Feb.
lfi. 1W20.
NOTICK is hereby niven that John C,
Medlin, whose post-office address is West
full. Oregon, did, on the 12th day of May,
lit lit, fi,. in this office Sworn Statement and
application. No. 0(i,i., to purchane tne N'-j
NK1.. SW',NKi, and NWMSEVi, Section
M. Town-hip Hi South, Range 31 East,
Willamette Meriditm, and the timber thereon,
und-T th pi o i-ion.s of the net of June 3,
lsl and ai ts amendutory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such value aa be ti id by appraisement, nnd thai,
pursuant to such application, the land and
timber then-oil have been appraised. $498.00;
tb tinibi-r eM minted at MtiO postrf and pok
at '.. each: an.) the land f 240.00 : that eaid
applicant will otTer final proof in support
of his application and nworn statement on
the 22nd dav of Anvil. li20 before Regtsb-r
and l(iteier, lr- S. Land Office, at Vale,
Anv person is at liberty t protest thb.
purchase before entry, or initiate a rontett
at any time before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
21 Feb.-2l) Mar. THOS. JONES, Register.
CLOSURE, liv irtue of an execution In Foreclosure
duly Issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, dated the 26th day
of Jnnuarv. 1120, in a certain action in the
said Circuit Court for said State and County,
wherein K. L. Bohannon as Plaintiff, re
covered judgment against Peter S. Metx and
I .oram- L. Crocker, as Defendant, for the
sum id Six Hundred and No 000 Doll ant with
interest there. m at the rate of 10 per cent,
per annum ,-ince Dec. 26th. 1114. and Seven-ty-fiw
and No 100 Dollars attorney's fee,
and Forlv and No 100 Dollars costs of nulU
and tuviuiiig costs and the further sums of
17 01. int.M.Kt t'lii.l Aurll 7th. 1916. mil
4r,oo lnur.-t '!, .V:,,,'1 "4 'i i Feb. 20, 1920. $3,300.00.
Inl.-r.vt runt l.c. Mth. l!'17. an.l is.M In- ' , ,
t.-iHst p....! Jim. xth. mm. ami im.60 taxes J. B. Bigelow to Chas. PinkefiU
l-ni.l Orl L''lli. 1'.'17. and 14 "0 taxes paid x.r,. vri, ,na '!' q. on
iuiv it.i7. ..d with inu-rt ii ( p NLVNEV 10.9 acres in NEV. 24-20 on sni.l sums Bnd i-ach th.-rcof from (j ye ig 1920 $9 000 00
th.- i!nt. 'l.i. I payments were ms.le. ' ' , ' ....
iiiKiiKi'tiKK. nutick is hf.reby Tacific Live Stock compauy to W.
tilVt.N Unit I ..ill on the iUh, .lay of March. . . , K . ,
.-.t tiu- Lour ..f 2 p. M.. of said day. at th I H. Cnpe et ux Lot 6 Bl. 7 Harper.
main .-ntiiin..- door ot the Malheur County j,. . ,q irt.jn J-'OO Ofl
lourt Home, ut V..le. Or.-tfon. sell at public fe0- llJ' iy-U-
BU.tion to the hii:h.-t bidder or bidders for Jacob Prinzlng et UX to J. E.
ea-lthe MUin, dcribeU real prop.-rty ly Jg BJ g
The South Half of the Southwest Quarter laiq Sill 00
.Si.SW,l of Section twenty-nine 129) in
iow'nhip imi South of Kanue forty- Duvid MacLafferty et ux to Geo.
.-vi-n 1171. Ku t of the Willamette Meridian.1 , . c c on ni ,n
totelli.r with the tenement, hereditaments C. MacLafferty Lot 5 SeC. 30-20-47.
and appui t.-iu.iu-es thereunto belonglnir or in
au,..i-e appurtainiim.
l:.k..n ii ml evie.l unon as the property
or the said n'Mve nnnu-d defendant. I'eter
S. Mi'U i.n.l I.. Crocker, or an much
thereof it" may he nei-ea.-ary te satisfy salo
ji.ikn.i-nt in lnvor of K. I.. Ilohannon and
s-t.i.t the i.Ui.e named defendant, with in
terest th.-i.-o... tou.-ther with all conts and
di-.l-.ii -i-nii iit.. that have oi may a.-erue.
I)i.hI at Vale. OreKoll. tills 4th day ot
r.-iuuuiy. r.'-'i1
11 I KK. NOR. Sheriff
lly T f. M.-KI.KOV. Deput.
Kir-t pul-liriitli'ti, Kehruary 7th. 1-.C0.
I at pul. I. .-nt.. ., March 6th. r.CO.
SOTIl K KtUt I'l Hl.lfATlON.
Se. inl No. OlW.'.T.
1-ublic l.snd Hslr.
Il.-iu.ilni. -nt of the Interior.
I'. S 1 mid Office at Vale, Oregon.
Kel.rua. y .'.111. lejll.
Ml I U K ih her.-liy gi.en that, as directed
I,V,7r "oV'ren".. T."ndl
hy the l onim .ll
olli.-e. M..ler ir...i.on, of Se. 241.. R 8 .
. . -ll. S. I No 0....7. e ill olTer at
imlilii- nli-. to tin- lH,'ln.t liidder, but at
i,.. :oii p.-.- ace. at ! m
1- M .... Ihe t:ih .lay ol March
1 -.0 nr.. nt llit- olti.'e. the loUoivlns- Ua.-t
i f lui. l Ntt ,: ',. Sec 17. K',SK, and
"ii.neiie voiJiw. i.oi 'acre..! ' " .
. ''.hliV.:-',,,:;, 'ihlr-rerr' ..rS1
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..-:.., i e ...e.i i.h. ii,..., ,.r,..',it .t th,
hell' n.oii'.l ..i.e c. i-e-l tii.lill.itf 1'h, v-.-r.on
In, vK-r.on
niMkirw l
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de c..ld
oh-.. .1.-1 ..
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..I ...11 I... -euu.rej to1
t.. ll- the amount' th, aU.vs
Tiioa jovf,. w.
M N KK.IILV. Kecn.r
7 K I
located In Mather Ceanty, State at Origan.
Until two o'clock P. M. April . 1920, the
Board of Directors of Payette-Oregon Slope
Irrigation District will receive sealed pro
posals at their office In Malheur County,
State of Oregon, said office being, located in
the one story frame dwelling house of the
said District, more particularly described as
being located In the Southeast Quarter of
the Northwast Quarter of Section Tsro, Town
ship 17 South. Range 47, E. W., M. In
Mslhenr County. Oregon, for the purchase
of the ls per cent negotiable bonds of
the District In the amount of $10.(XW.00. said
bonds being signed and dated January .
1919: said bonds naving neen aiunor.r.eo
for the purpose of mectinoT the deficit In
maintenance for the year 1918. meeting the
cost of enlarging the ditches and dredging
the intake canal, and to provide funds for
the purpose of purchasing a new pumping
unit to supplement the existing pumping
svstom of the District : Interest on said
bonds payable semi-annually, to-wlt : on the
first day of January and July of each year.
$5000.00 of said bonds being due and pay
able January 1, 1936, and $5000.00 thereof
being due and payable January 1, 1937.
Board of Directors of Payette-Oregon Slope
Irrigation District.
P. M. BOAIaj.
Secretory of the Board of Directors of Payette-Oregon
Slope Irrigation District.
28 Feb.-S April
To the Stockholders af Orchards Water
Company I
NOTICE Is hereby given that an assess,
tnent of one dollar a share has been
levies) by the directors of Orchards Water
Company upon all outstanding stock of said
company which has been applied and made
appurtenant to land excepting, hosrever,
stock appurtenant to land as to which said
company has been notified in writing that
no water is desired for the year 1920.
Said assessment is due and payable at the
office of the company in Jamfeson, Oregon
on April 1, 1920.
CHAS. V. HINMAN. Secretary.
28 Feb.-20 Mar.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. I-and Office at Vale, Oregon, Feb.
j25. 1920. '
NOTICE V hereby given mat jonn c,
Bennett of Jamieson, Oregon, who. on June
12. 1915. made Homestead Entry. Mo. 03922
fo NW'sNEH, NEIiNWV,, Sec. 7 SEt
SW.;, SWIhSEV4. Section . Township 1
South. Range 43 East. Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to moke Final
Three Year Proof, to eeUhllsh claim to the
land above described, before Register ano
Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Ore
gon, on the 2nd day of April, XWQ.
Claimant nwn wrtrnwt.
J. L. Tope. A. B. Cox. T. Charl Pritch
ard and Liiale Turner, all of Jamleaot..
0rn' THOS. JONES. Bebtr.
2fl Fk.-27 Mar
Deeds, CompIainU, Etc, Filed by
County Clerk During
Past Week.
Alva S. Gulley et ux to E. N.
Hanson-NEV NWVi -30-30-45, Jan.
91 1920. S16.000.00.
S. S. McDonald et ux to Lelia V.
McDonald-Lots 7-8 Bl. 254 Ontario
April 10. 1907. $1.00.
Thos. H. Kohout et ux to Thos.
N. Nelson-V4 int.W Ms SEV4 -6-18-47.
October 21, 1919. $2.00.
16, 1920.
United States to Wm. McKennie-SVfeSEH-24;
M NWVi -NEVi SWVi -25-21 37. Jan.
16, 1920.
Robert Erickson et ux to Joseph
Hodgson-SV4SWVi-17; NVJNWV4-20-15-46.
Feb. 17, 1920. $2,000.
Jacob Russell et ux to K. E.
Nervall EV4SEy. -14-19-44. Feb. 20,
1920. $9,000.00.
Nellie E. Whedon to W. F. Mc
Naught Lots 6-7-8 Bl. 30 Ontario.
October 28, 1919.9 $1,000.00.
United Staes to George E. Hudson
Lot 8 Sec. 30-21-46. Feb. 2, 1920
C. E. S. Wood et ux to Jesse W.
Milligan NEViSEVi 19-18-47. Feb.
12, 1920. $9,000.00.
Zoe Hamstrect et vir to Mildred
Tschirgi Lot 1 Bl. 43 Brogan. Jan.
2, 1920. $1,800.00.
Wm. S. Rees et ux to Themis W.
renn ct ux NWV.SWy Lots 4-5
Fart of Lot 6 Sec. 28-18147. Feb.
13, 1920. $6,500.00.
Ada M. Sheffield to B. F. Smith
SVi NEVi NEVi 30-19-47. Jan. 16,
1920. $1.00.
B. F. Smith et ux to John Nedrow
SViSEViNEVi 30-19-47. November
26. 1919. $3,500.00.
B. F. Smith et ux to Lee R.
Shaffer NEViNEVi 30-19-47. Nov.
26, 1919. $6,500.00.
Mary L. McLafferty et vir to C.
L. Cook E 6 acres of NVJNViSWVi
NWVi 31-19-47. Feb. 20.1920. $2,
400.00. A. B. Mcintosh & J. L. Moore to
t t- - ' 1 ft m r,rt a n
N. u.tfeiuw i i 1-t.v-...
t- l , qoji ai nn
I f eD u'
Minnie T. Allstrora to Moline
Farms Co. N N NSWV.SWi 22
10-43. Nov. 1, 1919. $1.00.
Minnie T. Allstrom, Trustee to
Moline Farms Co. SViNNHSW
SWh 22-16-45. Nov. 1, 1919. $1.00.
Minnie T. Alstrom to Moline
Farms Co. SWNE.i 30-15-43.
Nov. 1, 1919. $1.00.
United States to Burt L. Ingham
NWNE4 27-20-43. Oct. 6, 1919.
Peter Colister et ux to Ella N.
Haley SW4SEV.NWV4 35-33-39.
July 26, 1919. $100.00.
John W. Holmes et ux to Peter
Colister et UX S W SE H N W Vi 36-
3.1-39. $10.00.
, , r . .11 SI -.
l.ulu O. Carpenter to Henry Mil-
er ot U outh TlftCtH. AllRU-st
lti, 1 1 1 1. $700.00.
U'onmd Cole ct ux to Anne Meed.s
Gertrude A. WalU-r Lot. 28 to
33 HI. 8 Hadley'ii 3rd Adn. Vale.
. , .-..xv
rt'ti. 12, 1920. $10.00.
i.... VI.. I ......v.l: n.
" -"K"i"i " u lu
Mi'I.UUrhlin Vj int. NEV 7-19-44.
' Fl'k. 2S. 1920. $1.00.
tLuh"" H " SWV. 7-19-44. t eb
(2i. illV fl.tV.
Complaints in the Circuit Court
J. B. White vs. Thos. C'loAnan pt
al. Quieting title. Feb. 2."., 1920.
Wm. E. Les vs Mary G. Noc &
Wm. D. Allen. Foreclosure tax lien
Feb. 27, 1920. j
Aaron M. Giover vn Herriet L. !
Grover. Divorce. Feb. 2. 1920.
Marriage- Lirenae Ipaued ,
Wm F. Ooan aii'l Alice V
Davis Feb. 23, 1920.
Roy Bee Maris ami Fannie May
Haw" Feb. 27, 1920."nrTT'
Red Front Blacksmith Shop
. , - 1 mm
Blacksmith and Wagon Work.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
ah rv miavnni-ppd Prompt Attention.
s-ill VI UJI n. j, ,
J r
in Photography is an Art
Picture Taking is our Business; we are Artists.
Satisfied customers i the medium through which we hope to
buiid up our Clientellc.
They will be finished by a Professional.
Photos that are different.
Let us do that and you can then enjoy
snowy white linens without thot of hours spent
over steaming tubs and hot irons.
Craig & Long, Props. Phone 224-W
Vale. Orecon.
This Medicine Recommended by a Doctor
C -t" a he ntUiit know that it has merit.
2 jZte k 3 Tllia is what Dr' J- H- Waener a Prom"
f jg lnelU pUyriieiun of Skate, Kentucky, hat
Jt it -C 1 tn env nliniit Dr. Hartman's well-known
lV fj 2-y f well of I'K-KL'-NA. It is tho best of all
tF&J?f"t ! tonics."
r. ' '.a .
isfy hcyond a doubt that PE-RIT-NA is what you need.
TE-RU-NA may bo purchased anywhere iu tablet or liquid form.
W the swec tor all
kCgj ages af work or J
Ww hen yourc M
mW ft.rvous or re- iB :
Br see;how It
I W refreshes! i
iT The Flavor A&i
11 II I I I
- . . . .
Oroo - on.
When a doctor uses a medicine him
self besides prescribing it to his patients.
' ,.,u. i'H.Hi'.XA: "I have used PB-
ItU-XA myself for catarrh and hare
pi veil it to others for catarrh, bloating
after eating and other nilmcts. it has
proved a success lu all cases with old
nnd vnunir men nnd. women. All speak
ur, ,:ut-i , ... ...o iuiiui.oa "
own personal experience, for the good of
all nick and suffering, recommends a
medicine which ho knows to be good,
r...... 1..1 ut.rn n rlnr-tor would not en-
danger his profpssional reputation by
CnttOl KlIlK I j"lU."...A uu.cna
yond a doubt of its value. ,-
Whether your trouble be a cough or a
cold, or a more subtle catarrhal effcctlon.
of the stomach, bowels or other organs,
give PE-Itl'-NA a trial. The Immediate
imtirnvpnu-iit which vou will see will sat